Timestamps for this stream: *_[Bosses]_* 43:23 - vs. Grafter Scion 57:10 - vs. Soldier of Godrick 1:29:55 - vs. Bloodbound Knight Darriwil 2:05:52 - vs. Tree Sentinel 3:34:32 - vs. Margit, the Fell Omen *_[Highlights]_* 4:25 - This is a DECORATIVE house! 9:11 - Ceci's prepped for a single spell! It's a printout! 13:23 - Wanting to hire a speedrunner to play for Ceci and gasllighting the otomos, paying off an investigation... 20:09 - Ceci's less pale than Justice 20:41 - CCCCCCCCCCC returns! 21:18 - Talking about the Frenzy spell 28:04 - I SEE YOUUUUUUUU! 29:03 - Eye time! HiRyS, it's IRyS! 40:40 - It may be time to clean up OBS... 40:57 - Raora's christmas gift! 53:26 - OPES! 1:01:58 - MAIDENLESS! 01:10:15 - Ceci smug laughing at her spellcasting 1:19:56 - Finger Maiden? ...Don't say anything! 1:24:01 - Attempting to drive-by 1:48:46 - BAU BAU! 1:54:24 - "This is a mess! Just like me..." - Ceci 1:57:39 - Hmmm, yes, no shoes... 2:26:51 - Ceci keeps getting the spinning cat on her feed 2:37:48 - Ceci staring at the doll-lady... 2:38:47 - Which finger is her ring on...? 2:59:57 - Naming the dogs...? Justice - Ceci + Exotic name. 3:04:11 - Here, fingers! 3:06:59 - Ceci laughing at bloodstains walking off 3:08:24 - BAU BAU? More like BYE BYE! 3:20:24 - Ceci gets attacked while bowing 3:46:17 - One liners are cool... till you die! *_[Pre-Game Talk]_* 3:03 - Ceci Intro 3:47 - Ceci's here! 4:25 - This is a DECORATIVE house! 4:52 - ER today! 5:51 - Ceci's wanted to do ER for a while, waited for the right time. 6:21 - ER speedrunning 7:24 - Ceci's 1st build of ER; Talking about expecting DS4 and control confusion 8:44 - Ceci was a spellcaster without spells... 9:11 - Ceci's prepped for a single spell! It's a printout! 9:49 - Ceci WILL use her printertomo. 11:03 - The areas/bosses Ceci's seen already 12:04 - 1st pics of immercup, get! 13:23 - Wanting to hire a speedrunner to play for Ceci and gasllighting the otomos, paying off an investigation... 14:22 - *_[Elden Ring]_* 15:59 - Class picking! 16:35 - Ceci's choosing to use magic! No melee! 18:15 - Star magic? Very cool. 18:29 - Ceci asking about respec-ing / Backseat book on! 19:30 - Character creation 20:09 - Ceci's less pale than Justice 20:41 - CCCCCCCCCCC returns! 21:18 - Talking about the Frenzy spell 23:02 - Searching for Ceci's hairstyle... 23:28 - Do people in ER have a good time? 23:53 - -10 Crit hit type hair 25:07 - What's luster? 26:04 - Making hair green 26:45 - It's literally Ceci! 28:04 - I SEE YOUUUUUUUU! 29:03 - Eye time! HiRyS, it's IRyS! 30:06 - Face is so over... Helmet anyway! 30:47 - SMILE! SMILE! 31:36 - She's 2D! No need to be perfect in all planes! 32:59 - Molding... 34:24 - Taking Golden Seed! 34:50 - Elden Ring begins! 35:03 - Intro Cutscene 38:08 - This is NOT DS. 38:51 - Elden Lord? Why not lady? 40:40 - It may be time to clean up OBS... 40:57 - Raora's christmas gift! 42:05 - Fort Nite! 43:23 - *_[vs. Grafter Scion]_* 44:03 - Death 1; Kinda scripted 45:08 - Enter the lady with horse 46:12 - WAKE UP 47:18 - WEEEEEEEEE! Legs broken! 48:53 - 1st enemies killed! 51:19 - SPEEEN 2 WIN! 52:12 - Spell delay! 53:02 - Hi Newissa, Liz! 53:26 - OPES! 54:27 - Stance breaking! 55:13 - Totally could go through... 55:36 - How to have HUD on always? 56:50 - SPELL SPAM! 57:10 - *_[vs. Soldier of Godrick]_* 57:29 - FIRST TRY! 58:35 - Lost Grace! 59:08 - Dangerous elevator... 1:00:23 - Out into Limgrave! Guidance, get! 1:01:37 - Marking spell location to go 1:01:58 - MAIDENLESS! 1:02:34 - No NPC killing! 1:03:04 - Horse doko? 1:03:24 - HAI! HAI HAI! 1:04:27 - Full stealth, btw. 1:05:50 - Is that... Santa? 1:07:58 - Sheep! 01:10:15 - Ceci smug laughing at her spellcasting 1:12:08 - Death 2... Jump misjudged! 1:13:25 - That's... death. 1:14:24 - Once Ceci gets her spell, expect first try wins! 1:16:33 - Testing spell range... + Checking map to spell 1:18:37 - Grace spotted! 1:19:28 - Are the ladies related? 1:19:56 - Finger Maiden? ...Don't say anything! 1:21:00 - Horse get! 1:21:41 - Levelling up! 1:23:22 - Testing horse! Good horse! 1:24:01 - Attempting to drive-by 1:24:20 - Death 3 1:26:19 - Nice parry! 1:27:19 - Levelling up at the Grace 1:28:28 - Immergreen at evergaol? Immergold! + Off for water! 1:29:55 - *_[vs. Bloodbound Knight Darriwil]_* 1:30:12 - Death 4; Long death to respawn... 1:31:20 - Game's being nice! 1:31:37 - Attempt 2 1:31:58 - Death 5 1:32:48 - Attempt 3; Trying to spam preemptively 1:33:52 - Boss' invisibility is neat! 1:34:20 - Death 6; Got to half! 1:35:11 - Attempt 4 1:36:27 - Death 7; So close... 1:37:24 - Attempt 5 1:37:35 - Death 8 1:38:14 - Attempt 6 1:38:38 - Death 9 1:39:20 - Attempt 7 1:40:08 - Death 10; Not even greedy... 1:40:47 - Attempt 8 1:41:45 - Boss beaten! 1:42:41 - Levelling time! 1:43:30 - Switching sword for shield! 1:45:30 - Ceci Horn 1:46:15 - Death 11; Menu... 1:46:44 - Just ignore Ceci... 1:48:46 - BAU BAU! 1:49:50 - Starlight Shards 1:50:54 - Is that Yggdrasil? 1:52:13 - Yump. 1:52:39 - vs. Mad Pumpkin Head 1:53:36 - Boss beaten! Grace get!
1:54:24 - "This is a mess! Just like me..." - Ceci 1:54:48 - Learning sorcery! 1:55:25 - Less a sales pitch, more an honest warning. 1:55:54 - This might not be the right place... 1:56:25 - Getting Glintstone Pebble 1:57:39 - Hmmm, yes, no shoes... 1:59:46 - Silly scream 2:00:43 - Scroll get! 2:02:07 - Using runes... Time to grind! 2:02:50 - "What is THAT spell?!" 2:04:11 - Learning Carian Slicer! Da slicer! 2:04:51 - Das good. 2:05:52 - *_[vs. Tree Sentinel]_* 2:06:18 - Death 12; He can do magic too... 2:06:58 - Can't reflect what he can't see! 2:07:15 - Attempt 2 2:07:53 - Death 13 2:08:51 - Attempt 3 2:08:59 - Death 14 2:09:40 - Attempt 4 2:10:16 - Death 15 2:10:57 - Attempt 5 2:11:24 - Death 16; May have found cheese... 2:12:05 - Attempt 6 2:12:29 - Death 17; Don't say anything! 2:13:11 - Attempt 7 / Ceci whispers 2:13:32 - Giggling at the cheese 2:14:36 - Death 18; Downed by AoE... 2:15:25 - Hi Shiori, Novellites! 2:15:41 - Attempt 8 2:16:27 - Death 19; Wide range is larger than expected. 2:17:15 - Attempt 9 2:17:41 - Death 20 2:18:10 - Attempt 10; Circling! 2:18:40 - Death 21 2:19:17 - Attempt 11 2:19:40 - Death 22; Time for a quick break! 2:23:11 - Back! Rebinding. 2:24:06 - Seen? No... 2:24:35 - Attempt 12 2:25:35 - Death 23; Rebinding helped! 2:26:27 - Attempt 13 2:26:35 - Death 24 2:26:51 - Ceci keeps getting the spinning cat on her feed 2:27:22 - Attempt 14 2:28:19 - Death 25; Do not see it... 2:28:58 - Attempt 15 2:30:15 - Boss beaten! Who's horsing around now?! 2:30:50 - "Good one, Ceci." 2:31:44 - What scales with spellcasting? 2:34:23 - Earth in DE 2:35:32 - Great posture! 2:36:52 - Why have similar names if they're not related? 2:37:48 - Ceci staring at the doll-lady... 2:38:47 - Which finger is her ring on...? 2:40:05 - Summons! 2:40:48 - There's too much art of this lady for her to only show up once... 2:42:20 - Shush about the sword... 2:43:49 - Is inventory infinite? 2:45:08 - Melee magic is good! 2:45:46 - Come, dog! 2:46:33 - Skills! 2:48:40 - Ceci panic 2:50:01 - "No wonder game was crunchy..." 2:51:32 - How to switch targets? 2:52:50 - Attempting to kill the titan 2:53:30 - Felled! 2:54:18 - Map expanded! 2:55:37 - Lotsa runes... 2:57:12 - Sitting sideways... so, often here? 2:58:23 - Jellyfish! + Ceci's story of too many jellyfish at once 2:59:57 - Naming the dogs...? Justice - Ceci + Exotic name 3:00:59 - Helpful dot is very helpful! 3:02:54 - Around the world! 3:03:50 - That sure is a posture... 3:04:11 - Here, fingers! 3:04:43 - How questgiving SHOULD work. No riddles! 3:06:18 - Through secret path... Lots of blood! 3:06:59 - Ceci laughing at bloodstains walking off 3:08:24 - BAU BAU? More like BYE BYE! 3:08:54 - Death 26 3:10:55 - Death 27; Fell to death... That was just an ancient ritual. 3:13:35 - Been tested on... Castle skipped! 3:14:24 - To the Roundtable Hold... Handholding! 3:15:07 - Wand doko? 3:15:32 - Roderika? She's red! 3:15:53 - What accents do the characters have? 3:16:20 - He... may need the chair 3:16:44 - Roundtable-senpai! 3:17:59 - Heal learning? No faith. 3:18:34 - Meeting Diallos... want his drip. 3:19:06 - Tomboy... 3:20:24 - Ceci gets attacked while bowing 3:20:57 - Death 28; He's flexing all the magic... 3:21:49 - Spamming spells in PvP 3:22:46 - Death 29; Outmatched by his spam... 3:23:19 - Spell spam and sword slashing... 3:23:51 - Death 30; Very close... 3:24:43 - Death 31; Blood thing is cool, is it a spell? 3:26:19 - Beat Mad Tongue Alberich! 3:27:13 - Cipher Pata, get! 3:28:41 - Edge. Lord! 3:29:44 - Memory slots... expensive! 3:31:15 - "I am but a traveler!" 3:32:01 - At the castle 3:33:38 - Ceci's played this game a bit, killed this boss. 3:34:12 - Imagine boss dying to fall damage. 3:34:32 - *_[vs. Margit, the Fell Omen]_* 3:35:50 - Death 32; Put those foolish ambitions to rest! 3:36:20 - Attempt 2 3:36:59 - Death 33; Scared of the corner... 3:37:46 - Attempt 3 3:38:58 - Death 34; Dodged too early... 3:39:41 - Attempt 4; Going in half-half! 3:40:46 - Death 35; Jump is delayed. 3:41:10 - Attempt 5 3:42:29 - Death 36; Close... doable! 3:42:52 - Attempt 6 3:43:55 - Death 37; Attack delay is hard... + Arrow key rebinds are rough. 3:44:20 - Attempt 7 3:44:48 - Death 38 3:45:35 - Attempt 8 3:46:10 - Death 39 3:46:17 - One liners are cool... till you die! 3:46:35 - Attempt 9 3:47:27 - Death 40; Panic rolled... 3:47:50 - Attempt 10 3:49:24 - Boss beaten! GREAT ENEMY FELLED! 3:49:56 - Is the old EN hard for EN speakers? 3:50:39 - Ceci's glad she got the spell 3:52:03 - Next stream is Raviolin 3PM CET, tomorrow! 3:52:39 - Is it possible to toss boss off? 3:52:51 - Calling it here 3:53:09 - Rest of week plans; Zeta collab also at 3PM CET; CCGG karaoke! 3:53:48 - Schedule soon! Thanks for coming for the 1st ER stream! 3:54:04 - Magic is OP... 3:54:21 - Bye!
VOD GANG! Thanks in advance for the stream Cecilia! You playing Elden is a very welcome new adventure and I all for more if you want. Seeyou next time!
You were gaming so hard today Ceci! Thanks for the fun stream! Also minor request to keep calling your building the electrician build lol! See you next time Ceci!
Love how fun and engaging magic build are, and all those spell are really satisfying if you can defeat some bosses And ofc in 1st try, as expected from Ceci Thanks for the stream!! Will look forward for the next stream
"She must be related. They can't have similar names and not be related." Miyazaki Hidetaka glances over at Miyazaki Hayao... looks back at CC... squints.
Another vod gang here, thank you for the stream Ceci Near the end make me realize how fast carian blade can melt things in the hand of a good spellblade wish you fun on the next episode to
thank you for the fun stream Ceci, it's amazing how you first try and one shot every boss in the game! looking forward to the rest of the week have a nice sleep
I gave up the after second boss because I suffered a lot when playing it as melee class now I witnessed the power of magic.... *installing elden ring* Thank you for the stream! You , once again, encourged me to get back to soul game and I will go it!!!
woah very well played against uncle margit also at 3:45:29 he doesnt land hits due to the slope in the arena sometimes, they tend to go over you. There are also some attack that make your character kinda duck and it results in the same thing.
You got a pretty nice handle on going from melee to ranged magic, was fun to see in the Margit fight. Elden Ring runs are always fun, thanks for the stream!
The magitek automaton is smooth sailing through Elden Ring so far. I'm glad you've found a build that makes you happy to continue, I really enjoy this game so whatever helps you get through and enjoy it at your own pace is worth it
I recommend "T" for consumables switch and "TAB" for spells switch. I also play on keyboard and i found it the most optimal for me. Great stream CC, as always
i know you were kinda worried about going out of your way to get carrian slicer, but in my opinion i think it's fine! as long as you're having fun with the spell we're all having fun and that's really what matters! thank you for the stream!!!!!
Welcome surprise to see you pick up Elden Ring so soon! Excited to see you play through and I think getting some spells early was a good ideaI can't believe you managed to one shot all those bosses and not die yet...
Dang CC, I didn't know you were cracked like that In all seriousness, don't feel bad or that you need to explain yourself for playing the game in one way or another. There is no "right" way to play the game, so play however you want!
Promising start of CC's new journey into Elden Ring, zero deaths, all Bosses first tried, finding a spell right away and ofc living her culture in stream of dog kill, jump cliff.........wait what?
thanks for the stream! glad you had a fun time it was a good idea to have that goal at the start to set you off. Looking forward to more! I think you'll enjoy it
She spun and won ! Grats on the felling the Tree Sentinel, the first ritual of passage from this game. I will be looking forward to your adventures in the lands between, Tarnished! Thanks for the stream CC and take care
Thank you for the great stream, CC!!! Magic is a lot of fun in ER, but getting spells really is a puzzle most of the times. You did good preparing beforehand ww
And thus begins CCCCCCCCC's journey through The Lands Between... Amazing job today, Ceci! You should label this a challenge run because playing on keyboard and mouse is no small feat, the dexterity required to move your mouse hand to the arrow keys is not something controller players have to deal with. Watching you get all excited discovering new things in Elden Ring is so wholesome, I'm tempted to start a run alongside you with faith spells.. maybe if I have time I can.. Good job on all the bosses today, lots of progress made! Don't worry about having looked up where to get cooler spells in the beginning, the starting area is so big, especially if going through blind. And having a more enjoyable starting spell kit makes the rest of the game exciting too. See you tomorrow for Raviolin, byebyeeee ~ Thank you for the stream!
Timestamps for this stream:
43:23 - vs. Grafter Scion
57:10 - vs. Soldier of Godrick
1:29:55 - vs. Bloodbound Knight Darriwil
2:05:52 - vs. Tree Sentinel
3:34:32 - vs. Margit, the Fell Omen
4:25 - This is a DECORATIVE house!
9:11 - Ceci's prepped for a single spell! It's a printout!
13:23 - Wanting to hire a speedrunner to play for Ceci and gasllighting the otomos, paying off an investigation...
20:09 - Ceci's less pale than Justice
20:41 - CCCCCCCCCCC returns!
21:18 - Talking about the Frenzy spell
29:03 - Eye time! HiRyS, it's IRyS!
40:40 - It may be time to clean up OBS...
40:57 - Raora's christmas gift!
53:26 - OPES!
1:01:58 - MAIDENLESS!
01:10:15 - Ceci smug laughing at her spellcasting
1:19:56 - Finger Maiden? ...Don't say anything!
1:24:01 - Attempting to drive-by
1:48:46 - BAU BAU!
1:54:24 - "This is a mess! Just like me..." - Ceci
1:57:39 - Hmmm, yes, no shoes...
2:26:51 - Ceci keeps getting the spinning cat on her feed
2:37:48 - Ceci staring at the doll-lady...
2:38:47 - Which finger is her ring on...?
2:59:57 - Naming the dogs...? Justice - Ceci + Exotic name.
3:04:11 - Here, fingers!
3:06:59 - Ceci laughing at bloodstains walking off
3:08:24 - BAU BAU? More like BYE BYE!
3:20:24 - Ceci gets attacked while bowing
3:46:17 - One liners are cool... till you die!
*_[Pre-Game Talk]_*
3:03 - Ceci Intro
3:47 - Ceci's here!
4:25 - This is a DECORATIVE house!
4:52 - ER today!
5:51 - Ceci's wanted to do ER for a while, waited for the right time.
6:21 - ER speedrunning
7:24 - Ceci's 1st build of ER; Talking about expecting DS4 and control confusion
8:44 - Ceci was a spellcaster without spells...
9:11 - Ceci's prepped for a single spell! It's a printout!
9:49 - Ceci WILL use her printertomo.
11:03 - The areas/bosses Ceci's seen already
12:04 - 1st pics of immercup, get!
13:23 - Wanting to hire a speedrunner to play for Ceci and gasllighting the otomos, paying off an investigation...
14:22 - *_[Elden Ring]_*
15:59 - Class picking!
16:35 - Ceci's choosing to use magic! No melee!
18:15 - Star magic? Very cool.
18:29 - Ceci asking about respec-ing / Backseat book on!
19:30 - Character creation
20:09 - Ceci's less pale than Justice
20:41 - CCCCCCCCCCC returns!
21:18 - Talking about the Frenzy spell
23:02 - Searching for Ceci's hairstyle...
23:28 - Do people in ER have a good time?
23:53 - -10 Crit hit type hair
25:07 - What's luster?
26:04 - Making hair green
26:45 - It's literally Ceci!
29:03 - Eye time! HiRyS, it's IRyS!
30:06 - Face is so over... Helmet anyway!
30:47 - SMILE! SMILE!
31:36 - She's 2D! No need to be perfect in all planes!
32:59 - Molding...
34:24 - Taking Golden Seed!
34:50 - Elden Ring begins!
35:03 - Intro Cutscene
38:08 - This is NOT DS.
38:51 - Elden Lord? Why not lady?
40:40 - It may be time to clean up OBS...
40:57 - Raora's christmas gift!
42:05 - Fort Nite!
43:23 - *_[vs. Grafter Scion]_*
44:03 - Death 1; Kinda scripted
45:08 - Enter the lady with horse
46:12 - WAKE UP
47:18 - WEEEEEEEEE! Legs broken!
48:53 - 1st enemies killed!
51:19 - SPEEEN 2 WIN!
52:12 - Spell delay!
53:02 - Hi Newissa, Liz!
53:26 - OPES!
54:27 - Stance breaking!
55:13 - Totally could go through...
55:36 - How to have HUD on always?
56:50 - SPELL SPAM!
57:10 - *_[vs. Soldier of Godrick]_*
57:29 - FIRST TRY!
58:35 - Lost Grace!
59:08 - Dangerous elevator...
1:00:23 - Out into Limgrave! Guidance, get!
1:01:37 - Marking spell location to go
1:01:58 - MAIDENLESS!
1:02:34 - No NPC killing!
1:03:04 - Horse doko?
1:03:24 - HAI! HAI HAI!
1:04:27 - Full stealth, btw.
1:05:50 - Is that... Santa?
1:07:58 - Sheep!
01:10:15 - Ceci smug laughing at her spellcasting
1:12:08 - Death 2... Jump misjudged!
1:13:25 - That's... death.
1:14:24 - Once Ceci gets her spell, expect first try wins!
1:16:33 - Testing spell range... + Checking map to spell
1:18:37 - Grace spotted!
1:19:28 - Are the ladies related?
1:19:56 - Finger Maiden? ...Don't say anything!
1:21:00 - Horse get!
1:21:41 - Levelling up!
1:23:22 - Testing horse! Good horse!
1:24:01 - Attempting to drive-by
1:24:20 - Death 3
1:26:19 - Nice parry!
1:27:19 - Levelling up at the Grace
1:28:28 - Immergreen at evergaol? Immergold! + Off for water!
1:29:55 - *_[vs. Bloodbound Knight Darriwil]_*
1:30:12 - Death 4; Long death to respawn...
1:31:20 - Game's being nice!
1:31:37 - Attempt 2
1:31:58 - Death 5
1:32:48 - Attempt 3; Trying to spam preemptively
1:33:52 - Boss' invisibility is neat!
1:34:20 - Death 6; Got to half!
1:35:11 - Attempt 4
1:36:27 - Death 7; So close...
1:37:24 - Attempt 5
1:37:35 - Death 8
1:38:14 - Attempt 6
1:38:38 - Death 9
1:39:20 - Attempt 7
1:40:08 - Death 10; Not even greedy...
1:40:47 - Attempt 8
1:41:45 - Boss beaten!
1:42:41 - Levelling time!
1:43:30 - Switching sword for shield!
1:45:30 - Ceci Horn
1:46:15 - Death 11; Menu...
1:46:44 - Just ignore Ceci...
1:48:46 - BAU BAU!
1:49:50 - Starlight Shards
1:50:54 - Is that Yggdrasil?
1:52:13 - Yump.
1:52:39 - vs. Mad Pumpkin Head
1:53:36 - Boss beaten! Grace get!
1:54:24 - "This is a mess! Just like me..." - Ceci
1:54:48 - Learning sorcery!
1:55:25 - Less a sales pitch, more an honest warning.
1:55:54 - This might not be the right place...
1:56:25 - Getting Glintstone Pebble
1:57:39 - Hmmm, yes, no shoes...
1:59:46 - Silly scream
2:00:43 - Scroll get!
2:02:07 - Using runes... Time to grind!
2:02:50 - "What is THAT spell?!"
2:04:11 - Learning Carian Slicer! Da slicer!
2:04:51 - Das good.
2:05:52 - *_[vs. Tree Sentinel]_*
2:06:18 - Death 12; He can do magic too...
2:06:58 - Can't reflect what he can't see!
2:07:15 - Attempt 2
2:07:53 - Death 13
2:08:51 - Attempt 3
2:08:59 - Death 14
2:09:40 - Attempt 4
2:10:16 - Death 15
2:10:57 - Attempt 5
2:11:24 - Death 16; May have found cheese...
2:12:05 - Attempt 6
2:12:29 - Death 17; Don't say anything!
2:13:11 - Attempt 7 / Ceci whispers
2:13:32 - Giggling at the cheese
2:14:36 - Death 18; Downed by AoE...
2:15:25 - Hi Shiori, Novellites!
2:15:41 - Attempt 8
2:16:27 - Death 19; Wide range is larger than expected.
2:17:15 - Attempt 9
2:17:41 - Death 20
2:18:10 - Attempt 10; Circling!
2:18:40 - Death 21
2:19:17 - Attempt 11
2:19:40 - Death 22; Time for a quick break!
2:23:11 - Back! Rebinding.
2:24:06 - Seen? No...
2:24:35 - Attempt 12
2:25:35 - Death 23; Rebinding helped!
2:26:27 - Attempt 13
2:26:35 - Death 24
2:26:51 - Ceci keeps getting the spinning cat on her feed
2:27:22 - Attempt 14
2:28:19 - Death 25; Do not see it...
2:28:58 - Attempt 15
2:30:15 - Boss beaten! Who's horsing around now?!
2:30:50 - "Good one, Ceci."
2:31:44 - What scales with spellcasting?
2:34:23 - Earth in DE
2:35:32 - Great posture!
2:36:52 - Why have similar names if they're not related?
2:37:48 - Ceci staring at the doll-lady...
2:38:47 - Which finger is her ring on...?
2:40:05 - Summons!
2:40:48 - There's too much art of this lady for her to only show up once...
2:42:20 - Shush about the sword...
2:43:49 - Is inventory infinite?
2:45:08 - Melee magic is good!
2:45:46 - Come, dog!
2:46:33 - Skills!
2:48:40 - Ceci panic
2:50:01 - "No wonder game was crunchy..."
2:51:32 - How to switch targets?
2:52:50 - Attempting to kill the titan
2:53:30 - Felled!
2:54:18 - Map expanded!
2:55:37 - Lotsa runes...
2:57:12 - Sitting sideways... so, often here?
2:58:23 - Jellyfish! + Ceci's story of too many jellyfish at once
2:59:57 - Naming the dogs...? Justice - Ceci + Exotic name
3:00:59 - Helpful dot is very helpful!
3:02:54 - Around the world!
3:03:50 - That sure is a posture...
3:04:11 - Here, fingers!
3:04:43 - How questgiving SHOULD work. No riddles!
3:06:18 - Through secret path... Lots of blood!
3:06:59 - Ceci laughing at bloodstains walking off
3:08:24 - BAU BAU? More like BYE BYE!
3:08:54 - Death 26
3:10:55 - Death 27; Fell to death... That was just an ancient ritual.
3:13:35 - Been tested on... Castle skipped!
3:14:24 - To the Roundtable Hold... Handholding!
3:15:07 - Wand doko?
3:15:32 - Roderika? She's red!
3:15:53 - What accents do the characters have?
3:16:20 - He... may need the chair
3:16:44 - Roundtable-senpai!
3:17:59 - Heal learning? No faith.
3:18:34 - Meeting Diallos... want his drip.
3:19:06 - Tomboy...
3:20:24 - Ceci gets attacked while bowing
3:20:57 - Death 28; He's flexing all the magic...
3:21:49 - Spamming spells in PvP
3:22:46 - Death 29; Outmatched by his spam...
3:23:19 - Spell spam and sword slashing...
3:23:51 - Death 30; Very close...
3:24:43 - Death 31; Blood thing is cool, is it a spell?
3:26:19 - Beat Mad Tongue Alberich!
3:27:13 - Cipher Pata, get!
3:28:41 - Edge. Lord!
3:29:44 - Memory slots... expensive!
3:31:15 - "I am but a traveler!"
3:32:01 - At the castle
3:33:38 - Ceci's played this game a bit, killed this boss.
3:34:12 - Imagine boss dying to fall damage.
3:34:32 - *_[vs. Margit, the Fell Omen]_*
3:35:50 - Death 32; Put those foolish ambitions to rest!
3:36:20 - Attempt 2
3:36:59 - Death 33; Scared of the corner...
3:37:46 - Attempt 3
3:38:58 - Death 34; Dodged too early...
3:39:41 - Attempt 4; Going in half-half!
3:40:46 - Death 35; Jump is delayed.
3:41:10 - Attempt 5
3:42:29 - Death 36; Close... doable!
3:42:52 - Attempt 6
3:43:55 - Death 37; Attack delay is hard... + Arrow key rebinds are rough.
3:44:20 - Attempt 7
3:44:48 - Death 38
3:45:35 - Attempt 8
3:46:10 - Death 39
3:46:17 - One liners are cool... till you die!
3:46:35 - Attempt 9
3:47:27 - Death 40; Panic rolled...
3:47:50 - Attempt 10
3:49:24 - Boss beaten! GREAT ENEMY FELLED!
3:49:56 - Is the old EN hard for EN speakers?
3:50:39 - Ceci's glad she got the spell
3:52:03 - Next stream is Raviolin 3PM CET, tomorrow!
3:52:39 - Is it possible to toss boss off?
3:52:51 - Calling it here
3:53:09 - Rest of week plans; Zeta collab also at 3PM CET; CCGG karaoke!
3:53:48 - Schedule soon! Thanks for coming for the 1st ER stream!
3:54:04 - Magic is OP...
3:54:21 - Bye!
@@DLan8hell yeah!
10q for the timestamps!
um akshully it's grafte*d* scion
this vod will be my first experience watching anything elden ring related, so excited
Not even a single death, she'll probably beat it next time. Thanks for the stream, CC!
3:20:56 um?????????
52:57 I don't have the words to describe how cute this was.
We need a modern-day poet to come up with a new word.
She's an INT user AND a Mouse & Keyboard player. She's just like me fr fr
Cc is going to love the int builds she can go for in elden ring compared to ds3
@russellhan3534 CC is playing elden ring part 2 today
My kin!!
@@vkarvanzer4243 l don't know what you mean by my king
Ikr! Literally us!
Thank you for the stream, Cecilia Immergamer! It's insane how you defeated every boss on the first try, truly the speedrun of all time!
the dark souls 3 skill transfer is crazy, she learns the bosses really quickly, very fun to watch
CC truly a professional gamer, everything first try and no deaths! Thank you for streaming, magic run is actually so much fun!!
VOD GANG! Thanks in advance for the stream Cecilia! You playing Elden is a very welcome new adventure and I all for more if you want. Seeyou next time!
thank you for the fun tarnished stream CChope you have a good eep~
Magic isn't OP, Ceci is OP!
CC you are cracked at this game!! That sentinel win was awesome!
Ranni is basically four-armed blue Cecilia
You were gaming so hard today Ceci! Thanks for the fun stream! Also minor request to keep calling your building the electrician build lol! See you next time Ceci!
i haven't touched elden ring since release and have forgotten a lot of it, so very excited to see CC first try everything!
Thank you for the stream!
Missed Margit live but I'm glad ER finally clicked for you in the end! And damn you gamed the horse and Margit
Love how fun and engaging magic build are, and all those spell are really satisfying if you can defeat some bosses
And ofc in 1st try, as expected from Ceci Thanks for the stream!! Will look forward for the next stream
Magic Automaton is . CC so strong, all were first tries . Thank you for the Stream .
Also can't wait to see some Raviolin & Nyantomaton soon~
"She must be related. They can't have similar names and not be related."
Miyazaki Hidetaka glances over at Miyazaki Hayao... looks back at CC... squints.
Another vod gang here, thank you for the stream Ceci
Near the end make me realize how fast carian blade can melt things in the hand of a good spellblade wish you fun on the next episode to
This stream made me realize just how hard Carian Slicer hits. I've never actually seen it in practice before
Thanks for the stream CC! Can't believe you beat every boss first try with magical skills
thank you for the fun stream Ceci, it's amazing how you first try and one shot every boss in the game! looking forward to the rest of the week have a nice sleep
I love how this is basically Calli's least favorite archetype come to life: dex-fiend spellcaster
I gave up the after second boss because I suffered a lot when playing it as melee class
now I witnessed the power of magic....
*installing elden ring*
Thank you for the stream! You , once again, encourged me to get back to soul game and I will go it!!!
Thank you for the stream, Lady Immergreen!
woah very well played against uncle margit
also at 3:45:29 he doesnt land hits due to the slope in the arena sometimes, they tend to go over you. There are also some attack that make your character kinda duck and it results in the same thing.
You got a pretty nice handle on going from melee to ranged magic, was fun to see in the Margit fight. Elden Ring runs are always fun, thanks for the stream!
oh my god i've been waiting so long for cc to play this!!
The tree sentinel couldn't see when the spell was going to start behind that big shield 🤣
The magitek automaton is smooth sailing through Elden Ring so far. I'm glad you've found a build that makes you happy to continue, I really enjoy this game so whatever helps you get through and enjoy it at your own pace is worth it
I recommend "T" for consumables switch and "TAB" for spells switch. I also play on keyboard and i found it the most optimal for me. Great stream CC, as always
i know you were kinda worried about going out of your way to get carrian slicer, but in my opinion i think it's fine!
as long as you're having fun with the spell we're all having fun and that's really what matters! thank you for the stream!!!!!
Thank you cici for great stream
Thanks for the stream
Welcome surprise to see you pick up Elden Ring so soon! Excited to see you play through and I think getting some spells early was a good ideaI can't believe you managed to one shot all those bosses and not die yet...
Dang CC, I didn't know you were cracked like that
In all seriousness, don't feel bad or that you need to explain yourself for playing the game in one way or another. There is no "right" way to play the game, so play however you want!
Thanks for the fun stream CC
cute CC. i love ur wake up voice at the beningging so much. it's so cute 😊
thank you for the stream, this was a lot of fun
That was a good start to the game. There's a bunch of good spells, INT and Faith to check out for a playthrough. Lots to tweak.
Promising start of CC's new journey into Elden Ring, zero deaths, all Bosses first tried, finding a spell right away and ofc living her culture in stream of dog kill, jump cliff.........wait what?
Thanks for the Elden Ring stream Ceci
Thanks for the stream cc, it was an awesome start!
that is some *impressive* progress for one stream. Haven't tried the sorcery build myself yet, but it looks fun
Arise! Ye Tarnished! Ye death! Yet ye still live! And brandish the Elden Ring to become the Elden Lord
This is gonna be a good playthrough if she keeps the Immermage build. thank you for the stream!!
Wow this game is just like Elden Ring!
You've beat Minish Cap so you've basically got this game in the bag already. Sorcerer build is really fun!
Thanks for today's stream and congrats on beating Margit in few tries!.
1:36:23 First time hear Ceci's frustrating scream
CC is a cute magical girl. Nice dodges on that last boss.
Thanks for the fun stream Ceci! It's really fun to see your early game approach and see you slay all these crazy bosses so quickly!
Can you be maidenless if you're a maiden yourself? The answer remains unknown
Thank you for the fun Elden Wing stream! Happy we get to see you play magic !!!
Backseating book is a genius idea
thanks for the stream! glad you had a fun time it was a good idea to have that goal at the start to set you off. Looking forward to more! I think you'll enjoy it
Ayy.. fellow KB&M tarnished!🙌🏻 *Represent!!*
The real enemy is the map itself 👌
"Clip falls into the abyss " ahhh moment
3:10:48 3:10:50
That was super super fun stream!
Magic stronk! We do like wielding our magic sword!
And we ended in a very hype note
See you tomorrow with Raviolin!!
She spun and won ! Grats on the felling the Tree Sentinel, the first ritual of passage from this game. I will be looking forward to your adventures in the lands between, Tarnished!
Thanks for the stream CC and take care
Happy to see you play and enjoy ER!
Thank you for the great stream, CC!!!
Magic is a lot of fun in ER, but getting spells really is a puzzle most of the times. You did good preparing beforehand ww
Thanks for the Elden Ring stream CC! Game seems a bit to easy for you See you!
Thanks for the stream, Ceci! It was a fun stream!
Thank you for the stream, CC! You did really well and slicers are cool.
And thus begins CCCCCCCCC's journey through The Lands Between...
Amazing job today, Ceci! You should label this a challenge run because playing on keyboard and mouse is no small feat, the dexterity required to move your mouse hand to the arrow keys is not something controller players have to deal with.
Watching you get all excited discovering new things in Elden Ring is so wholesome, I'm tempted to start a run alongside you with faith spells.. maybe if I have time I can..
Good job on all the bosses today, lots of progress made! Don't worry about having looked up where to get cooler spells in the beginning, the starting area is so big, especially if going through blind. And having a more enjoyable starting spell kit makes the rest of the game exciting too.
See you tomorrow for Raviolin, byebyeeee ~ Thank you for the stream!
Chat I'm not sure if we can call this a no death run... she's killing SOOOO many enemies....
cant wait for her to reach the DLC
Oh yes. We have such currencies as blood souls, rune souls and of course shinobi souls 🤣
It's simply a magic stick shaped like a sword. Totally full magic and no melee at all
Good job gamer Automaton!
Unless they patched it out at some point, you actually CAN knock Margit off the cliff using the shockwave from the Rejection incantation.
Watch out! The magic automaton appear! Thanks for the stream
Thanks for the stream CC! it was fun to see a magic build and don't worry it totally not cheating.
Thank you for the stream!
Thanks for the stream!
Huzzah! What a pro! Thanks for the stream! Hope you enjoy the journey through Dark Souls 4!
Was fun to watch thank you ! Magic IS very overpowerd ! 👹💚
INT means how many INTEGER numbers I can count
Hah, i always love to watch how begginers play this beatiful game.
P.S. wth she killed everyone on the path to the storm castle
Thanks CC!
Gaming hard Ceci
awesome gameplay Cecillia!
Thanks for the fun stream CC💚
I ❤ elden ring so I am excited to watch you play more and I hope you do the DLC
Dang I missed the stream. VOD time I guess
3:20:06 LOL
cool CC stream
Thank you for the fun stream!
Great stream today CC 💚💚, you fight great ✨
Her character's back looks like Griffith 😅
3:20:24 lol
I really wants to invade or Play with you but on what platform do you play
wow margit was nerfed by 80% from original
Not a fan of the game, but I watched because you played. My priestess is the only other one that I watched. ❤
OMG she does look just like CC
Da Gamer!!!
Elden Ring, yay!
Hello CC thanks for the very fun stream tonight and I enjoyed it very much and see you around then
based mouse and keyboard user