I see a guy that is pretty much husband material doing all these things and it’s very impressive and attractive to me. But we ain’t even good friends that talk often. He’s very focused on serving God🔥 I feel like I don’t want to disturb him😅 I can see it’s not the time for a relationship to blossom but a time of focus. God will give us the man he knows is right for us. But remember women of God, God doesn’t depend on one man. He doesn’t NEED us WE need HIM. People are very replaceable. God replaced Moses with Joshua, he replaced King Saul with David, when they failed to do what God desired. He replaced Ruth’s late husband with Boaz. So know that there is more than one guy that is “the one”. This gives me peace of mind. Songs of Solomon 8:4 says “O Daughters of Jerusalem, I urge you do not awaken love before it’s time.” It’s a season of focusing on the Kingdom of God, and everything else shall be added onto us. (Matthew 6:33). Amen. Thank you for the great video!!
Tell It Straight sis what you wrote is exactly my current situation. The Songs of Solomon verse is exactly what came to my heart a few months ago about it. Thanks for your words and the verses. It’s confirmation for me.
@@BluDrop5 While that may be true. It does take time to build a foundation such as friendship and pray about it. In reality God is the best matchmaker if you ask, believe and receive. If it's not then at least you met a MOG that you can know that there is someone who is designed for you.
Right that's my 1st one CONSISTENCY ,one man that said he wanted me to be his wife recently , but his actions show me different he's NOT consistent at all he told me he's not gonna chase after me he's to old 4 that I then said the man that God has 4 me will chase after me I want a kingdom man with a kingdom purpose 🙇🏿♀️💍💕#God #send #us #kingdommen
@@deetaylor9794I can relate. I hate wasting time more than anything. There are some excellent actors out there. Thank God for discernment. Eliminate the counterfeits early on.
Lol yesterday I was just having an in-depth talk about Adam first having a job before Eve his wife. Did I mention my in-depth discussion was with my 10 yr old son and 11 year old twin girls?
These men out here today...they don't even give you butterflies no more....they be giving you mosquitoes. Lol🤣😂🤣👍Jerry Flowers...your messages keep in tears laughing while collecting relationship gems from a spiritual perspective at the same time. And that's why I love you man! 👍🤗💙🙏
Frustrations are very draining when someone has never been consistent. And that someone is not a washer. I have felt that to a man that is a Christian but never have these qualities. I thanked God for always protecting my heart. Even if it hurts, His words lead me to love.
Pastor Jerry... the last one should be the first one. Jesus first! A man can have all the qualities you mentioned and get to the end and he tells you he's spiritual, but he believes in the "Universe and the forces of nature". PLOT TWIST..... PULL OVER!!! 🤦
@@Beredefined Yes, to be fair you did say that! It's a hard draw though because they can pull you in by doing all the right things, but when it comes down to it if they ain't right with Jesus you got to get out the car!🛑🚘🏃
@@spiritandtruth194 I liked your comment. This where discernment comes in (He mentioned that in this video). Discernment will reveal what is under the mask.
I chose the wrong man, I married him despite the signs. The one thing he would never do, was protect me. God showed me that I had a man in my past that did everything to protect me but I was too young, and immature for the relationship. He wasn’t Christian and my friends discouraged the relationship, I eventually ended it. I’m glad that I now know what to look for in a partner going forward. It’s only because I had those bad experiences that Im able to realize what to check for.
Can you please do a video/teaching about a man washing away a woman’s blemishes/spots etc. with scripture supporting it? I’m curious when and what is appropriate for the man to wash away the woman’s blemishes? How do we know which spots and wrinkles are for God to wash away vs the ones left for the man/husband? So I guess I’m trying to understand the difference between blemishes/spots & wrinkles and serious issues/baggage in relationships.
Ok ok ok!!! I have seen them ALL 3X- just love the clarity! I am writing this in my bathroom mirror! I never saw so clear that he has to be IN HIS GARDEN! I knew that something was wrong- but THIS IS IT!! Thank you again, Pastor!!!
I park my car away from everyone else too for that resson but ppl still come and park by me even though it's all the way near the end of the parking lot ha
1. Consistency 2. He has a relationship with the Lord 3. He knows his assignment 4. He is a protector 5. He is a servant 6. He is a washer 7. He is a student...he studies you 8. He loves Jesus
Thank you, Sir. I’ve gotten tired of all the fixHER dialogues, I don’t even pay attention anymore. Where is the balance? We need trainHIM leadership programs for kingdom building. I need my pilot to be skilled and ready to fly our plane of purpose into our destiny. Thank you for sharing.
I am trying to improve my self esteem. I realize I have issues with love. I feel that there's a problem with someone who loves me so I try to find faults in the relationship. Can you do a video for women with low self esteem? I know it's not healthy to even be dating when I think this way but I've been in a committed relationship for years and don't want to end it.
Love this. I thought I found an amazing man until I ignored a red flag and then found out he was inconsistant. I need to learn how to not ignore the red flags. I feel like I ignore them because I always give a man the benefit of the doubt. I need to learn to just cut it off at that red flag and keep it pushing.
Thank you Pastor Flowers. I enjoyed the video. I’m a single man and I desire to get married one day. Your messages always cause for self-examination. I pray the Lord bless you, the ministry, and online church family.
Nope not husband material with that check list right now.. I accept it & release. If he is ment to be a blessing for someone else as of this a.m I let him go not that I don't love him but God sees & knows... I don't know what to say to the children when they wake up God give me the right wards to speak I pray I don't know if it just hasn't hit me yet properly but keep my head straight dont let me buckle help me be strong for the children comfort & reassure them. Healing. help him to get better heal him in Jesus name amen
Pastor Jerry's point on #consistency was right on. I briefly dated a guy a few years ago, and the number 1 thing that frustrated & confused me was his flip flop behavior. He was indeed a man of God who loved God and was anointed. But he needed to deal with some issues in his soul. Consistency should be visible AND attractive in a man! Wishy washy behavior and not knowing what he wants are not good signs! Pray pray pray continuously about whoever you are considering dating/marrying to determine if it's TRULY God's will for you. The Lord showed me this guy WAS a candidate for marriage, but you can't change a person or force them to be with you!
Maybe he was losing interest in you and didn't know how to try to end it without sounding like jerk. Perhaps he saw a deal-breaker in you along the way.
How great it is to have advices as excellent as these before making big decisions. Thank you Jesus. Bless this couple Oh Lord cover them with Your Favor in Jesus name !!
Ima paraphrase -“those times he shows you glimpses he could do better” causing you to have Bi Polar anxiety ! Like I know I wasn’t crazy !! Pastor said a mouth full !
Patrice Antoinette Barrett That’s why people stay in unhealthy abusive relationships he hits you in the head on Monday ,curses you on Tuesday ,and then buys you a brand new house and a Mercedes-Benz on Wednesday. People get confused that’s why they stay
My Spiritual Dad taught me that it takes six months to a year to really get to know someone (watch as well as pray) Juanita Bynum said it like this every actor has to lay their part down sometime/at some point. Madea (Maya Angelou) said it like this when people show you who they are believe them. People in general Man/Woman can not give what they don't have.
I'm a finisher! 22, was a quitter my first 2 years in high school. Became a great accomplisher by year 3 in high school. Then finished many things in college including college and finished my other goals.
This is a great message! Nothing like a sometimey man who you know is capable of doing better but just won't! I wish more time would have been given to he studies you.
I needed this so badly and been waiting for it. The interesting fact is that it came unexpectedly but at the right moment. PRAISE the Lord for He know what He does! ❤
So many other people on here give realtionship advice that doesn't speak to me or feed my soul/spirit. Your knowledge and wisdom is so uplifting and empowering. You actually make me really think about and seriously analyze the males that I've been involved with. Everyone else seem to provide common,practical content that doesn't teach me anything I dont already know. Maybe this is why I am over 31 and still single, unfortunately. 😥😥😥
So Many People looking for Relationships and haven't gone thru Healing and Deliverance. The Children's Bread. You have to Break all of the Curses off of your life knowingly and unknowingly. Including Generational Curses from Ancestors. You have to have a Pure Heart and allow the Mind that's in Christ Jesus to be in You. Be Obedient to his Word and keep all of his Commandments. "Be Holy" a Pure Heart, A Pure Soul, A Pure Mind, A Pure Body!!! Use Your Spiritual Gifts. Renew your mind. Study to show yourselves approved. Ask the Holy Spirit to teach and lead you. You're definitely going to need to know Spiritual Warfare. You will know them by their Fruits. Be Encouraged everyone. Matthew 6:33.
🔥♥️🔥♥️🔥♥️🇨🇦 A Man’s Heart After The Lord ! Puts God # 1 Born again of the Holy Spirit! His Glory! His Story! His Timing! His Praise! His Hallelujah! God bless you all !
"Bipolar leadership heightens anxiety" that's a word right there! Its funny that you spoke on Adam and Eve. God lead me to pick up the Bible this morning and start reading from the very beginning. This was right on time.
You gon catch these hands." 🙏🏾 for saying this. Sometimes it's gets to that point. "When you are alone you have mastered playing solo." Self change. "When a man see's your spots, blemishes, and wrinkles, he will help mold you into what you you could not unravel.
Lord you dropping wisdom! I gotta watch this again and write this down lol. He needs to be in his assignment before I ever arrive....God change people not you!!!!!
Omgoodness you met him too?!? 😂🙌🏻 #nailedit. I feel like he's speakin my experience & my thoughts now lol!! Just. Be. Consistent- even if you're a douche, just be. C.o.n.s.i.s.t.a.n.t. Those breakthrough moments showing you CAN be better tripped me up for sure!! So, I'm not crazy for that what a relief!!
My God. He’s preaching. After 30yrs of marriage this is true. I celebrate my husband and no one else exist when he’s in my presence But that’s just me)
Consistency is a very key characteristic of a Kingdom Man ... bipolar leadership is frustrating!! Niceeeee ... real talk though is CONFIRMATION from the divine and INTIMACY with God are seriously critical for the rest of the journey. Love the HELL NO update!!!
LOL!!!!!!!!!@ “if another Man breaks my heart, he is going to catch these hands!” I looooooove this Couple!!!!! These messages are truly BLESSING Me!!!!
I love this. But what is it with our community that we are so obsessed with not trying to get our heart broken? Heartbreak is apart of life. If people don't break your heart, situations do. Plus there are some things that ought to break your heart. Having a broken and contrite heart are things that helps to bring us back to the Father.
“UNMOWED GARDENS HOUSE SNAKES !!!” 🐍🐍🐍🐍 AMEN 🙏🏾 TO THAT BRUH !!! And this is why we keep getting BIT whenever we TRY to sow seeds of Love ❤️, Support, Faithfulness, and Loyalty in order to groom THEIR garden to produce fruit.... THAT’S GOD’S JOB, NOT OURS !!! AND THOSE ARE HIS SONS, NOT OURS !!! These “seeds” NEVER take root (no reciprocity, continuity, or longevity). WHY ???!!! Because you’re in the wrong garden !!! These “seeds” end up falling to “the wayside, upon stony places, and among thorns” - MATTHEW 13. We are missing ribs that belong to a SPECIFIC GARDEN where our very own “Adam” exists. In order to be lead to his garden of “GOOD GROUND” where your “seeds” will actually take root, germinate, grow, and produce BLESSED FRUIT (MATTHEW 13), you have to “seek ye FIRST the Kingdom of GOD, and HIS Righteousness; and ALL of these things shall be added unto you” - MATTHEW 6:33. Whatever you desire in a husband, be ABSOLUTELY SPECIFIC in your Prayers 🙏🏾 when asking YESHUA JESUS CHRIST to send your Soulmate King 👑 !!! And remember: It is “through FAITH and PATIENCE (we) INHERIT the PROMISES (of GOD) - HEBREWS 6:12. JESUS WILL FIX IT (the gardens: his and ours too 😉😉) before HE presents us as a GOD-given Bride to our GOD-given Husbands. Just make sure (by Praying 🙏🏾 and seeking The LORD - fasting would be great too) you’re in the RIGHT garden BEFORE you make a move.... GOD didn’t put Eve in just any garden. She was PERFECTLY PLACED into the garden where she, the missing rib of Adam, belonged !!! GOD has also helped me to UPDATE my “HELL NO” LIST too 😂😂😂 through the last relationship I allowed myself to get caught up in.... It was a very hurtful experience, BUT I HAD TO GO THROUGH IT IN ORDER TO BE DELIVERED FROM IT (bad choices and bad situation-ships). More than anything, I was ANGRY 😡 with myself because I KNEW BETTER, but it HAD TO HAPPEN !!! GOD helped me to FORGIVE MYSELF, and HE REPAIRED ALL of the BREACHES in my Spiritual wall (just like how Nehemiah repaired the Wall of Jerusalem) so that the devil CANNOT send anymore of his dusty children into my life in order to wreak havoc !!! NOW I AM FREE and in an AWESOME place where if GOD sends me my Soulmate I’m good, and if HE NEVER sends him then I’m still good !!! Not that I was ever PRESSED to that extent, but just saying.... PEACE + BLESSINGS !!! ✝️✝️✝️🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾😘😘😘🌺🌼🌸🌺🌼🌸🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
Wwowww Thank You Lord for this message, for discernment!!!!!. This is soooooo timely! I had been so anxious about understanding the wrong thing from another timely message I received from God through TV and this man who wants""" to marry"" me. Wish I sought for such Discernment in 1996-1997. Thank You Lord, Dear Holy Spirit for leading me to the Right husband. "" Unmowned gardens house snakes "' "Hell NO list" I am praying for a Godly Kingdom , Wise ( because I NEED A LOT of Wisdom/Discernment !!!!) , industrious and loving husband. Question : how to discern thoughts that exalt themselves against The Knowledge of God EVERY TIME ???
Up this dawn from 3am till now 18-05-20..... Having several thoughts running through my mind... So convinced to pass through redefined TV for a word to solve my maze.... You did Sir... Thanks Jesus
Here's a plot twist.... Pull Over! 😂😂🤣🤣🤣 Thank you so much for this, it is a much needed message! I pray The Father bless and keep you and your Beautiful wife always in His perfect love. For His glory in Jesus name!
1. Consistency
2. Relationship with the Lord
3. He is a protector
4. He is a servant
5. He's a washer
6. He's a student
7. He loves Jesus
“I want a relationship that heaven endorses and hell fears” Mmm now that is relationship goals!
Amen! I love your name ❤
“Him not being ready is NOT your problem to fix... only God can fix him” The truest facts spoken 🙌🏾 Learned this the hard way, so I know it’s 💯
DRideaux87 me too pain caused me to do better, Because I wanted something better
It couldn’t get anymore realer.
Servant and not always a recipient of service.
“these dudes out here , they don’t even give you butterflies no more.... they more like mosquitoes,they suck the life out of you”😂
I felt that!
So true unfortunately but that's a great way to put it
Words of hope.Whoever is reading this know that everything is going to be fine. Its coming to an end dont lose hope you are so close to victory
In Jesus name Amen. I claim it, I believe it, and I receive it in the mighty name of Jesus.
Thanks good brother
I needed this.. thank you.
Amen Grace Morgan
Their inconsistency is a big time red flag 🚩 RUN
Discernment+communication+consistency= avoidance of heart break.
Real husband material, he doesn’t pursue to catch, pursuing is his character. That hit me!! Thank you
So many facts. It's embedded in his character.
I don’t understand this ? Can you pls explain
Ohhhh my God: “ How your gonna protect my spirit, when your entertaining other spirits.” Wow, that one !☝🏾
“You gon catch these hands” I felt that spiritually, such a good video
I felt it deep down in my soul!
"Bipolar leadership leads to anxiety!"
Doesn't help if they are literally bipolar...🤦♀️
And here I am wondering why I'm stressed.
LOLOL!!!! 😂😣
"Real husband material doesn't pursue to catch, pursuing is apart of his character" wooooo I loved that one!
I want a relationship that heaven endorses and hell fears.
“God changes people , NOT YOU”..... update you’re “HELL NO LIST” I felt allll of this 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾I needed this. Thank you!
I second that!!!!!!!
I see a guy that is pretty much husband material doing all these things and it’s very impressive and attractive to me. But we ain’t even good friends that talk often. He’s very focused on serving God🔥 I feel like I don’t want to disturb him😅 I can see it’s not the time for a relationship to blossom but a time of focus. God will give us the man he knows is right for us. But remember women of God, God doesn’t depend on one man. He doesn’t NEED us WE need HIM. People are very replaceable. God replaced Moses with Joshua, he replaced King Saul with David, when they failed to do what God desired. He replaced Ruth’s late husband with Boaz. So know that there is more than one guy that is “the one”. This gives me peace of mind. Songs of Solomon 8:4 says “O Daughters of Jerusalem, I urge you do not awaken love before it’s time.” It’s a season of focusing on the Kingdom of God, and everything else shall be added onto us. (Matthew 6:33). Amen. Thank you for the great video!!
Tell It Straight sis what you wrote is exactly my current situation. The Songs of Solomon verse is exactly what came to my heart a few months ago about it. Thanks for your words and the verses. It’s confirmation for me.
Some guys are shy too... Say Hi, Have a bless day:) Let the Lord lead ....Amen.
@@Queenbelieveit True. But, if he won the lottery he would not be shy to claim his prize.
@@BluDrop5 While that may be true. It does take time to build a foundation such as friendship and pray about it. In reality God is the best matchmaker if you ask, believe and receive.
If it's not then at least you met a MOG that you can know that there is someone who is designed for you.
That “HELL NO” list 😂💀, I had to go back and listen to that #Amen
These dudes out here don't give you butterflies anymore - they act like mosquitoes. 🤣😂😂
YES. I'm so glad that you brought up verbal abuse. Because it is real. God bless you. Blessings to you and yours in Jesus name.
Ladenna Young ......YES! “Sticks & stones may break my bones, but WORDS HURT EVEN MORE!!!”
Often more real than physical.. 💯
So very real!
Emotional abuse too,oh my!
Right that's my 1st one CONSISTENCY ,one man that said he wanted me to be his wife recently , but his actions show me different he's NOT consistent at all he told me he's not gonna chase after me he's to old 4 that I then said the man that God has 4 me will chase after me I want a kingdom man with a kingdom purpose 🙇🏿♀️💍💕#God #send #us #kingdommen
I hate when they say they won't chase. It's called being consistent. How can a man want a wife when he acts like he doesn't care?
@@MJ-vt4nb exactly a counterfeit that's all or time waster
@@MJ-vt4nb and I dont have time to waste time be safe and blessed
Wow I can so relate 🙏🙌💯
@@deetaylor9794I can relate. I hate wasting time more than anything. There are some excellent actors out there. Thank God for discernment. Eliminate the counterfeits early on.
So much wisdom from this channel ! Thank you LORD for guiding me here ! 🙏❤️
"Plot twist....Pull Over"🤣
Lol yesterday I was just having an in-depth talk about Adam first having a job before Eve his wife. Did I mention my in-depth discussion was with my 10 yr old son and 11 year old twin girls?
Also, Isaac before Rebekah, Jacob and Rachel, Moses and Zipporah,...and the list goes on and on.
@@BluDrop5 true. My son was talking about What it's gonna be like when hg e gets a wife. He was sure to let me know be won't ever forget about me
" A relationship Heaven endorses and hell fears "
Maybe he never changed but the mask fell off🔥🔥. You preaching
"Him not being ready, is not your problem to fix." I so receive that sentence in my spirit, Brother Flowers. Amen🙏🙏🙏
These men out here today...they don't even give you butterflies no more....they be giving you mosquitoes. Lol🤣😂🤣👍Jerry Flowers...your messages keep in tears laughing while collecting relationship gems from a spiritual perspective at the same time. And that's why I love you man! 👍🤗💙🙏
Frustrations are very draining when someone has never been consistent. And that someone is not a washer. I have felt that to a man that is a Christian but never have these qualities. I thanked God for always protecting my heart. Even if it hurts, His words lead me to love.
That's good sir!! The spirit of discernment is soo important, God will reveal those hidden agendas..
Pastor Jerry... the last one should be the first one. Jesus first! A man can have all the qualities you mentioned and get to the end and he tells you he's spiritual, but he believes in the "Universe and the forces of nature". PLOT TWIST..... PULL OVER!!! 🤦
Lol I love it, that’s why I said let’s start practical then go spiritual
@@Beredefined Yes, to be fair you did say that! It's a hard draw though because they can pull you in by doing all the right things, but when it comes down to it if they ain't right with Jesus you got to get out the car!🛑🚘🏃
@@spiritandtruth194 I liked your comment. This where discernment comes in (He mentioned that in this video). Discernment will reveal what is under the mask.
Pretty Girl Rocks exactly! That’s how i got bamboozled by a “good man!” Spirit was on weak, not fleek!
I chose the wrong man, I married him despite the signs. The one thing he would never do, was protect me. God showed me that I had a man in my past that did everything to protect me but I was too young, and immature for the relationship. He wasn’t Christian and my friends discouraged the relationship, I eventually ended it. I’m glad that I now know what to look for in a partner going forward. It’s only because I had those bad experiences that Im able to realize what to check for.
Can you please do a video/teaching about a man washing away a woman’s blemishes/spots etc. with scripture supporting it? I’m curious when and what is appropriate for the man to wash away the woman’s blemishes? How do we know which spots and wrinkles are for God to wash away vs the ones left for the man/husband? So I guess I’m trying to understand the difference between blemishes/spots & wrinkles and serious issues/baggage in relationships.
Ok ok ok!!! I have seen them ALL 3X- just love the clarity! I am writing this in my bathroom mirror! I never saw so clear that he has to be IN HIS GARDEN! I knew that something was wrong- but THIS IS IT!! Thank you again, Pastor!!!
Bipolar leadership heightens anxiety
Plot twist pull over! Let me out 😂
I should have gotten out 10 years ago
“Un-mowed garden, house snakes”#🙌🏾🙌🏾
I park my car away from everyone else too for that resson but ppl still come and park by me even though it's all the way near the end of the parking lot ha
1. Consistency
2. He has a relationship with the Lord
3. He knows his assignment
4. He is a protector
5. He is a servant
6. He is a washer
7. He is a student...he studies you
8. He loves Jesus
Thank you, Sir. I’ve gotten tired of all the fixHER dialogues, I don’t even pay attention anymore. Where is the balance? We need trainHIM leadership programs for kingdom building. I need my pilot to be skilled and ready to fly our plane of purpose into our destiny. Thank you for sharing.
I am trying to improve my self esteem. I realize I have issues with love. I feel that there's a problem with someone who loves me so I try to find faults in the relationship. Can you do a video for women with low self esteem? I know it's not healthy to even be dating when I think this way but I've been in a committed relationship for years and don't want to end it.
Love this. I thought I found an amazing man until I ignored a red flag and then found out he was inconsistant. I need to learn how to not ignore the red flags. I feel like I ignore them because I always give a man the benefit of the doubt. I need to learn to just cut it off at that red flag and keep it pushing.
Right! Attraction happens by chance chance, choosing is intentional
‘’ He doesn’t pursue to catch, pursuing is his character” deeeaaannnggg
That clap at the beginning. I FELT THAT with my soul cause I am tired of the wife school trainings and videos. LOL
Thank you Pastor Flowers. I enjoyed the video. I’m a single man and I desire to get married one day. Your messages always cause for self-examination. I pray the Lord bless you, the ministry, and online church family.
Nope not husband material with that check list right now.. I accept it & release. If he is ment to be a blessing for someone else as of this a.m I let him go not that I don't love him but God sees & knows... I don't know what to say to the children when they wake up God give me the right wards to speak I pray I don't know if it just hasn't hit me yet properly but keep my head straight dont let me buckle help me be strong for the children comfort & reassure them. Healing. help him to get better heal him in Jesus name amen
Pastor Jerry's point on #consistency was right on. I briefly dated a guy a few years ago, and the number 1 thing that frustrated & confused me was his flip flop behavior. He was indeed a man of God who loved God and was anointed. But he needed to deal with some issues in his soul. Consistency should be visible AND attractive in a man! Wishy washy behavior and not knowing what he wants are not good signs! Pray pray pray continuously about whoever you are considering dating/marrying to determine if it's TRULY God's will for you. The Lord showed me this guy WAS a candidate for marriage, but you can't change a person or force them to be with you!
Maybe he was losing interest in you and didn't know how to try to end it without sounding like jerk. Perhaps he saw a deal-breaker in you along the way.
You said plot twist, let me out lol
Yess His assignment
Relationship with the Lord
You can t see me, but I am doing the " running man" in my living room! That truth pours out like fire, and burns up the ridiculous!!!
If he can’t be solo he just wanna ... “duet” 😝🔥🔥🔥😂😂😂🙏
How great it is to have advices as excellent as these before making big decisions. Thank you Jesus. Bless this couple Oh Lord cover them with Your Favor in Jesus name !!
Ima paraphrase -“those times he shows you glimpses he could do better” causing you to have Bi Polar anxiety ! Like I know I wasn’t crazy !! Pastor said a mouth full !
Patrice Antoinette Barrett That’s why people stay in unhealthy abusive relationships he hits you in the head on Monday ,curses you on Tuesday ,and then buys you a brand new house and a Mercedes-Benz on Wednesday. People get confused that’s why they stay
My Spiritual Dad taught me that it takes six months to a year to really get to know someone (watch as well as pray) Juanita Bynum said it like this every actor has to lay their part down sometime/at some point. Madea (Maya Angelou) said it like this when people show you who they are believe them. People in general Man/Woman can not give what they don't have.
"Pull over brother let me out" lol 💯🙏🙌 great video!
🤣🤣😂😂 consistency!!! I love it!!! A legal job. He has his own garden.
I'm a finisher! 22, was a quitter my first 2 years in high school. Became a great accomplisher by year 3 in high school. Then finished many things in college including college and finished my other goals.
Discernment! 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼
LOVE the part about the man being a servant!
And that goes for women too!
This is a great message! Nothing like a sometimey man who you know is capable of doing better but just won't! I wish more time would have been given to he studies you.
Is he an Enterprise = means business or Recreation = for play and enjoyment. Amen!! ✅ 🙌🏾
I needed this so badly and been waiting for it. The interesting fact is that it came unexpectedly but at the right moment. PRAISE the Lord for He know what He does! ❤
So many other people on here give realtionship advice that doesn't speak to me or feed my soul/spirit. Your knowledge and wisdom is so uplifting and empowering. You actually make me really think about and seriously analyze the males that I've been involved with. Everyone else seem to provide common,practical content that doesn't teach me anything I dont already know. Maybe this is why I am over 31 and still single, unfortunately. 😥😥😥
So Many People looking for Relationships and haven't gone thru Healing and Deliverance. The Children's Bread. You have to Break all of the Curses off of your life knowingly and unknowingly. Including Generational Curses from Ancestors. You have to have a Pure Heart and allow the Mind that's in Christ Jesus to be in You. Be Obedient to his Word and keep all of his Commandments. "Be Holy" a Pure Heart, A Pure Soul, A Pure Mind, A Pure Body!!! Use Your Spiritual Gifts. Renew your mind. Study to show yourselves approved. Ask the Holy Spirit to teach and lead you. You're definitely going to need to know Spiritual Warfare. You will know them by their Fruits. Be Encouraged everyone. Matthew 6:33.
A Man’s Heart After The Lord ! Puts God # 1 Born again of the Holy Spirit!
His Glory!
His Story!
His Timing!
His Praise!
His Hallelujah!
God bless you all !
90% of what he said is correct and on point and I won't stop shooting for the Stars and serving our heavenly father
"Bipolar leadership heightens anxiety" that's a word right there! Its funny that you spoke on Adam and Eve. God lead me to pick up the Bible this morning and start reading from the very beginning. This was right on time.
Thank you for relevant life applicable ministry. That's what's important right now. How to live life according to HIS WILL, WORD, AND WAY!
You gon catch these hands." 🙏🏾 for saying this. Sometimes it's gets to that point.
"When you are alone you have mastered playing solo." Self change.
"When a man see's your spots, blemishes, and wrinkles, he will help mold you into what you you could not unravel.
Update your "Hell No" list!
I believe if # 1, 4, & 7 are in place, everything else will fall in place... Having that said all of those are also deal breakers.
"I want a relationship that Heaven endorses and hell fears" 👏👏👏👏🙌
This is confirmation that God set me up with the right man. All glory belongs to Him!
“Unmowed gardens house snakes.” I ooop! My God!
Updating my Hell No List
Plot twist: Pull over. LET ME OUT! 😂😂
Lord you dropping wisdom! I gotta watch this again and write this down lol.
He needs to be in his assignment before I ever arrive....God change people not you!!!!!
Omgoodness you met him too?!? 😂🙌🏻 #nailedit. I feel like he's speakin my experience & my thoughts now lol!! Just. Be. Consistent- even if you're a douche, just be. C.o.n.s.i.s.t.a.n.t. Those breakthrough moments showing you CAN be better tripped me up for sure!! So, I'm not crazy for that what a relief!!
My God. He’s preaching. After 30yrs of marriage this is true. I celebrate my husband and no one else exist when he’s in my presence But that’s just me)
Consistency is a very key characteristic of a Kingdom Man ... bipolar leadership is frustrating!! Niceeeee ... real talk though is CONFIRMATION from the divine and INTIMACY with God are seriously critical for the rest of the journey.
Love the HELL NO update!!!
This is true. No one talks about if he is right husband for you. Thank you!!!
LOL!!!!!!!!!@ “if another Man breaks my heart, he is going to catch these hands!” I looooooove this Couple!!!!! These messages are truly BLESSING Me!!!!
Consistency & Discipline
I love this. But what is it with our community that we are so obsessed with not trying to get our heart broken? Heartbreak is apart of life. If people don't break your heart, situations do. Plus there are some things that ought to break your heart. Having a broken and contrite heart are things that helps to bring us back to the Father.
A relationship that endorses Heaven and Love that Hell fears🙏💪😍
Always a good word, Pastor! Where are these godly men?! Praying for my BOAZ
It's hits differently when a man says it. Thank you for sharing this.
Jesus!!!!! Lord Jesus knows you are teaching bro!!!! God bless your ministry in Jesus name!
“UNMOWED GARDENS HOUSE SNAKES !!!” 🐍🐍🐍🐍 AMEN 🙏🏾 TO THAT BRUH !!! And this is why we keep getting BIT whenever we TRY to sow seeds of Love ❤️, Support, Faithfulness, and Loyalty in order to groom THEIR garden to produce fruit.... THAT’S GOD’S JOB, NOT OURS !!! AND THOSE ARE HIS SONS, NOT OURS !!!
These “seeds” NEVER take root (no reciprocity, continuity, or longevity). WHY ???!!! Because you’re in the wrong garden !!! These “seeds” end up falling to “the wayside, upon stony places, and among thorns” - MATTHEW 13. We are missing ribs that belong to a SPECIFIC GARDEN where our very own “Adam” exists. In order to be lead to his garden of “GOOD GROUND” where your “seeds” will actually take root, germinate, grow, and produce BLESSED FRUIT (MATTHEW 13), you have to “seek ye FIRST the Kingdom of GOD, and HIS Righteousness; and ALL of these things shall be added unto you” - MATTHEW 6:33. Whatever you desire in a husband, be ABSOLUTELY SPECIFIC in your Prayers 🙏🏾 when asking YESHUA JESUS CHRIST to send your Soulmate King 👑 !!! And remember: It is “through FAITH and PATIENCE (we) INHERIT the PROMISES (of GOD) - HEBREWS 6:12.
JESUS WILL FIX IT (the gardens: his and ours too 😉😉) before HE presents us as a GOD-given Bride to our GOD-given Husbands. Just make sure (by Praying 🙏🏾 and seeking The LORD - fasting would be great too) you’re in the RIGHT garden BEFORE you make a move.... GOD didn’t put Eve in just any garden. She was PERFECTLY PLACED into the garden where she, the missing rib of Adam, belonged !!!
GOD has also helped me to UPDATE my “HELL NO” LIST too 😂😂😂 through the last relationship I allowed myself to get caught up in.... It was a very hurtful experience, BUT I HAD TO GO THROUGH IT IN ORDER TO BE DELIVERED FROM IT (bad choices and bad situation-ships). More than anything, I was ANGRY 😡 with myself because I KNEW BETTER, but it HAD TO HAPPEN !!! GOD helped me to FORGIVE MYSELF, and HE REPAIRED ALL of the BREACHES in my Spiritual wall (just like how Nehemiah repaired the Wall of Jerusalem) so that the devil CANNOT send anymore of his dusty children into my life in order to wreak havoc !!! NOW I AM FREE and in an AWESOME place where if GOD sends me my Soulmate I’m good, and if HE NEVER sends him then I’m still good !!! Not that I was ever PRESSED to that extent, but just saying.... PEACE + BLESSINGS !!! ✝️✝️✝️🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾😘😘😘🌺🌼🌸🌺🌼🌸🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
Wow Brother is Talking Real !!!!
Bipolar leadership heightens anxiety! Priceless!
God material, men of God.
Hebrews 12:2
Wwowww Thank You Lord for this message, for discernment!!!!!. This is soooooo timely! I had been so anxious about understanding the wrong thing from another timely message I received from God through TV and this man who
wants""" to marry"" me. Wish I sought for such Discernment in 1996-1997. Thank You Lord, Dear Holy Spirit for leading me to the Right husband.
"" Unmowned gardens house snakes "' "Hell NO list"
I am praying for a Godly Kingdom , Wise ( because I NEED A LOT of Wisdom/Discernment !!!!) , industrious and loving husband.
Question : how to discern thoughts that exalt themselves against The Knowledge of God EVERY TIME ???
I need to be more of a servant. I could also learn from the washer quality.
Up this dawn from 3am till now 18-05-20..... Having several thoughts running through my mind... So convinced to pass through redefined TV for a word to solve my maze.... You did Sir... Thanks Jesus
Don't just ride. Ride and ask questions! And look at the state of the garden. My my my!
Bipolar leadership heightens anxiety! Say that! Be consistent!
You said it Sir Bipolar anxiety frusts you
This is good !! Confirmation about some things for me! This video just kept popping up in my feed until I watched it 🤦🏽♀️🧏🏽♀️ #OkayGodIHearYou
That last one was the sweetest one. It was the cherry on top. Without it, the rest would be useless. Thank you for not leaving it out brother.
Here's a plot twist.... Pull Over! 😂😂🤣🤣🤣 Thank you so much for this, it is a much needed message! I pray The Father bless and keep you and your Beautiful wife always in His perfect love. For His glory in Jesus name!