When my wife and I were much younger we would would put our 3 kids to sleep every night with this piece of music. 25 years later they are putting there kids to sleep with it. Some day in the future my adult kids with play this song for me when I lay my head down to sleep for the last time.
The circle of life..... My friend... You are telling us there!!! 😇🙏And the love of life.... One love💞and namaste 🥺🙏💫from me to you... And your family..... Greetings from Norway.
Once when I was just married and it was Christmas time, I waited for my husband in the dark, only our Nativity set with light in our living room, and when he turned the key to enter, I played this symphony…. he remained there, watching, in silence, praying, I guess…
Ах,- если бы слушающие это Божественное произведение могли побороть человеческую гордыню, безумные амбиции и враждебность правящего класса, то можно было бы жить в мире, в гармонии Божественного пространства.
I can’t believe the guy is playing this from memory. When you are in a church with a big pipe organ and your clothing starts vibrating from the low notes there is no other feeling equal to this.
@@Itsallgood842 Today I played at a wedding on a small but nice local organ. It is still a wonderful feeling and a big honor to play the "Queen of instruments". But I always want to play for honor to my Lord.
I revere and respect Handel, Mozart, and Beethoven, but no composer "gets into" my heart like the great master, J.S. Bach. When Bach is played so beautifully and sensitively by an organist of this caliber, it's a moving musical experience.
When Bach 1st played this to himself, he must have had a tear in his eye, knowing that it's going to be played forever. Such a beautiful, timeless, emotional piece of music.
A sad way to think about it is that he didn't think of it being played in late future, as of any of his other works, for he wasn't that much known for a long time, and his music was even forgotten by time for centuries. It's only later that his music was found and became popular as great pieces of fine musical art and genius. If not for certain individuals, his music might've gotten lost forever, which is a horrible thought. He probably wanted to ensure a place for his indisputable genius works as he had pieces compiling his best musical moments together, in a great work that he would've liked the world to remember, but it was by a thin margin that it was found.
@@fatitankeris6327 J.S. Bach devoted nearly his entire life to composing music for the Lutheran church. It was never "forgotten by time for centuries" and has been included in the Lutheran Hymnals since their compositions.
When the Voyager space probes was being prepared, someone suggested filling up the golden discs the probes will carry with Bach's repertoire. Someone responded, "Now, that's not giving a sample of humanity's music, that's boasting." So they put in music from various composers in those discs instead, with some Bach examples.
@Oliver Viehland It has occurred throughout human history, and it will occur again. Geneticists recently discovered a "bottleneck" in the human genome that was traced back to approximately 40,000 years ago. Our species was nearly obliterated by something, causing the worldwide population of humans to decrease to fewer than 100,000. The Black Death of Europe killed between one third and one half of the population. The Flu pandemic of 1918 World War I World War II Many times, the fate of humanity has hung in the balance, yet, thus far, we've been able to muddle through.
Сложный и огромный инструмент, но какое на выходе звучание!!! Без слёз слушать невозможно. Орган - любимый инструмент. Благодарность талантливому исполнителю, БРАВО!!!
It was played on my dad's funeral four years ago. I couldn't find this masterpiece, but now I'm feeling peaceful because of this song. Thank you so much...
Now I came back here some time after my fiancée left me, probably forever. She was very similar to my dad. Firstly I lost him, even though most of my life we haven't been contating each other, now I lost her... I lost a part of myself, I doubt I'll ever find it. My heart is shattered into pieces, there's not enough words to express my feelings...
As I listen carefully I try to imagine what Bach was thinking when he wrote this magnificent piece. I feel a great sadness over something, anyone else feel this. I want to be next to someone I care for, hold their hand and let the tears flow.
Patrick this piece as well as "sheep may safely graze" were played at my father's service. The memories of he and I listening to this piece cause such a unbelievable rush of emotion to completely take me to those days. Please go to Doug Marshall plays "Air to the G string" on the St Matthews episcopal church pipe organ...I think you will be most Impressed. Also please give "Sheep may safely graze" By Virgil Fox a listen. The cover picture will show sheep and hay stacks in a meadow. Please reply...I hope you will enjoy them.
I love playing this piece. I too want it at my parents funerals. I won't be the organist, but I hope my friend David is still around to honor them with this reflective piece.
The most important composer in human history. There wasn't anyone greater before Bach and there will never be anyone who even comes close - till the end of time. Especially "Air.." = so sad and so beautiful at the same time - Melancholie der Engel!!
This is the sound of the Universe. The voice of God. I played it for my father last year, it was played at his funeral this year. To me, it is the most beautiful piece ever written. And the funny thing is that it is hardly even a steady melody. It changes all the time, yet it feels constant and eternal. And then the heart beat in the bass.
the fact that he is playing it from memory and/or ear is insane. I also am a church organist, even at a young age (14). I have a Wicks Organ- 40 Ranks, 50 stops, 5,500 pipes. I love it so much. Thanks for playing! It sounds great.
Why would we listen to a caustic negative troll who just watches for wonderful, talented young people on You-Tube whom he delights to tear down. As the brother of an deceased church organist whom I dearly loved, I CARE!
For me it is amazing and admirable how Karl Richter plays the fugue in D minor with his memory and hearing. All the coordination that he must have to play with hands and feet 😳
Wow, probably the best I’ve ever heard. A wonderful instrument played by someone who really knows how to make it sing. Hairs on the back of my neck and all that. ❤👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
Wait.... you mean "Wet Ass Pussy" doesn't bring you peace like JS Bach or Handel? J/k I'm just showing that the modern era is soon over for good reason
Can you imagine hearing that swell in person? Music such as this is what tells me--proves to me--that we are more than flesh and bone. We are spiritual beings in a material world. but, as you said, we can ascend toward heaven on occasion.
@Craig Johnson -- That is sadly a relic from a bygone era when real music was not so rare. When people forget the God who created music in the first place, too much is lost.
@@willys6529 -- Music existed before humans. It is made by many animals, and it even happens by "accident" when the elements collide with geologic formations or with each other. I think I can safely say humans did not create those. I am not going to get into an argument about whether or not God exists, but truly you must believe He does not in order to believe that humans created music. Also you must believe humans antedated all other components of nature. I just don't see how that works out.
Bach, the most spiritual of all composers. You have captured the inner serenity and wisdom of this piece.. Bach always brings me calm when I am upset. Lovely playing.
Bach was a wonder, and the most incredible thing about his music is that it can be enjoyed on so many levels. Most of you won’t give a damn about the genius of the rich harmonies, and the clever way he uses them to build and release tension to underpin the aching beauty of the melody … but then, you also don’t need to. Instead, you can be swept away by the soaring, heavenly music, and nothing will be lost to you. The music will be just as perfect, just as touching, and just as glorious. I love you, Bach.
Ich kann es nicht zählen, wie oft ich bereits dieses Werk von Johann Sebastian Bach gehört und erlebt habe. Immer wieder gibt es mir Kraft und Hoffnung und Lebensfreude. Es rührt mich zu Tränen und es berührt meine Seele. Johann Sebastian Bach ist schon allein durch dieses Werk unsterblich geworden. Und wenn es eines Gottesbeweises bedurft hätte: dieses Werk ist ein Beweis für die Existenz Gottes.
Danke Sie sprechen mir aus der Seele. Tiefes Erleben Die Seele ist zutiefst berührt. Sollte für einen Menschen wohl auch so sein. Wer Zugang zu dieser herrlichen Musik haben kann ist im Leben reich beschenkt Bleiben Sie behütet
I grew up, even as a little baby listening to this played by my dear old dad on the Wurlitzer at home. Now I listen to my son playing it on the piano. I am also a pianist - how music bonds us together. This is a beautiful arrangement, performance, recording and production. Thank you many times from Sydney, Aust - Dave. (I'll send this to my dad who is 80 and still plays the organ/piano for congregations in many churches, weddings, funerals and particularly for nursing homes with an astonishing repertoire! Bless you dad. :-)
Cette musique ne me fait pas pleurer. Elle me calme, elle rassure, elle me réconforte. Je me sens enveloppée d'une infinie douceur. C'est une douceur qui transcende la douceur que l'on puisse rencontrer dans ce monde (si tant est qu'on puisse rencontrer de la douceur dans ce monde.). C'est quelque chose de puissant mais plein d'amour. Merci JS Bach et merci à Jonathan Scott.
Monique y Pascal, no hablo francés, pero comprendo lo que han escrito y estoy de acuerdo con ustedes, esta pieza nos eleva el alma en estos difíciles tiempos, solo nos queda la esperanza que pronto todo pase y que la luz del sol vuelva a brillar para todos.
oui c'est vraie c'est une magnifique musiue qui veut dire beaucoup de choses, elle calame et rassure et enveloppe de douceur, mais en meme temps elle me fais pensée au passé quand jétais petit e mont pére et mon grand pére ausssi et quand va mourir et que ce monde viendra un jour ou il va avoir fin et de ce fait la elle me fait pleurer.
Великолепная музыка Й.С.Баха наводит на глубокие размышления о существовании Человека ... Органная музыка особенно способна воздействовать на душевный мир... И особенно, это произведение! Спасибо огромное!
This is the earliest piece of music I remember hearing from my childhood. And hopefully it shall be last, when I part from this life. Bach is the beginning and the end, and everything in between.
Уперше я почув звучання органу цього літа в Польщі в ґданському костелі. Одна із композицій, що грала на тому концерті - ця, що грає у відео. Я закохався в орган саме тоді, коли почув її. Зараз я її згадав, коли читав "Тіні забутих предків" Михайла Коцюбинського. Художня книжка про культуру гуцулів. У ній вирує душа цієї композиції. Excellent performance. Thank you. Greetings from Ukraine:)
Though it can work for a wedding, surely. However, it's more of a piece I'd want for my funeral. Either way, you'll cry. If at the wedding, especially if were my daughters, I'd cry more than a baby. On the other hand, at my funeral, photos of me about, young and vigorous, as well as I am now, 70. I have tried very hard, and I believe succeeded, in showing people respect, kindness, gratitude, wit, and often funny. But I would want them to, at the moment, to remember me as I was to them personally. Then cry a little bit. Sounds narcissistic, but I'm not. But sentimental I am. Beautiful, heart warming piece. BRAVO, BRAVO.
Zeitlos schön. Einfach zur Besinnung hören. In einer Kirche hallt dieses nach. Wie als wenn Gott diese Töne abholt, und sich wie ein Engel verwandelt und sie mitnimmt. So einfach ist das Leben manchmal. Ein Weg der sich lohnt zu gehen, wie wir es hier hören. Herzlich B.M.
Für mich ist Bach - neben Mozart - einer der größten Komponisten aller Zeiten. Und rein musikalisch hast du in meinen Augen vollkommen recht. Ich liebe das Air aus der Orchestersuite Nr. 3 seit ich nur denken kann. Allerdings muss ich, und bitte vergib mir, bei deinen Worten an Verfilmungen von Rosamunde-Pilcher-Schnulzen denken. Ich weiß nicht warum ich immer so zynisch reagiere. Es muss wohl mit meiner gespaltener Natur aus Schöngeist und arrogantem Barbar zusammenhängen ...
Bach is my favourite of all the composers and Bach is my happy place. When I’m having a bad day or just need a time out Bach is where I go. I put his music on and I go into my own space and for a while everything is right with the world. (My favourites are his harpsichord concertos and the amazing Brandenburg concertos).
This has got to be the most beautiful version that I have ever heard of this piece played on the organ! I could listen to this over and over again, thank you!
First time, I've heard this piece played on the organ, was in 1990-s and it was played by Maestro Edgar Krapp. At that time, I was a young student and this was one of the first organ concerts I attended. But this piece was so beautiful that I remember it until now. And it opened for me the world of German Baroque music.
J S Bach's music is so close to the divine ! One got to prepare to listen to his numbers. Calm down for a while and listen; experience the meditation !
I,heard this music when i was still a child, lets say 3 decades ago, in a Tv commercial, the scene was a wedding and was played on a wedding march, my innocence in classical music was awakened. Years have passed and heard more classical music of diff genrè, and a friend of mine gave me these two sets of music sheets. Air on G string and whiter shade of pale. He said the second one was derived from the first one, while reading carefully the notes and i replied, this is the music íve been longing to hear!! Thanks to my italian friend who gave me the music sheets, and i started to play JSBś immortal sound. Easing my soul, lifting me up, calming my chaotic mind, Thank you Jonathan for rendering us the most beautiful music ever played, From choices of instruments to the drama you put on it. Yoo are an angel! More power and more music❤️
This piece is so deep, on so many levels. I really really would love to know where his inspiration came from or what was he feeling and what about made him write a song from his soul.
When my wife and I were much younger we would would put our 3 kids to sleep every night with this piece of music. 25 years later they are putting there kids to sleep with it. Some day in the future my adult kids with play this song for me when I lay my head down to sleep for the last time.
Heard my Berlin organ in 1980
Never looked back.
Lift my spirits during this demonic time 🥺
The circle of life..... My friend... You are telling us there!!! 😇🙏And the love of life.... One love💞and namaste 🥺🙏💫from me to you... And your family..... Greetings from Norway.
Hopefully not for a long while yet.
Живите долго и счастливо.
Once when I was just married and it was Christmas time, I waited for my husband in the dark, only our Nativity set with light in our living room, and when he turned the key to enter, I played this symphony…. he remained there, watching, in silence, praying, I guess…
All of us commenting, wherever we are, united by the beauty of this music! Let’s embrace it.
Here here!
Ах,- если бы слушающие это Божественное произведение могли побороть человеческую гордыню, безумные амбиции и враждебность правящего класса, то можно было бы жить в мире, в гармонии Божественного пространства.
Вы очень хорошо выразили свою мысль! Спасибо вам.
👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻💯x 💯
I can’t believe the guy is playing this from memory. When you are in a church with a big pipe organ and your clothing starts vibrating from the low notes there is no other feeling equal to this.
That´s no Problem. You don´t have to memorize the plan of the notes but only the elements of the piece.
@@matthiasengert5537...I suppose...
Iv never experienced a live pipe organ playing but I intend to as soon as possible. I can’t wait.
@@Itsallgood842 Today I played at a wedding on a small but nice local organ. It is still a wonderful feeling and a big honor to play the "Queen of instruments".
But I always want to play for honor to my Lord.
The must beautiful music of the world.
Ir al encuentro de Dios con esta música seria alcanzar lo sublime.
Feeds the soul ❤
I revere and respect Handel, Mozart, and Beethoven, but no composer "gets into" my heart like the great master, J.S. Bach. When Bach is played so beautifully and sensitively by an organist of this caliber, it's a moving musical experience.
You can say that again as Bach is the greatest classical composer of Western music for all time 🎶🎹
Even the Pipe organs used commands great respect as it blends with Bach's unbeatable music!!
The grandfather of Western music. From hymns to rap. It all comes back to him
@Artur Humans come back to dust, Music come back to the brook that fed the ocean.
("bach" is also German word for "brook")
@@maxalain9948 Which bit of Bach do you consider to be rap? The earliest example I have come across is from 1936, by Auden/Britten.
This music makes me cry every time I hear it. Air in G string was played for my mum in church. She loved Bach.
I still miss her so much.
I Know The Pain. Im fairly A Recent Victim Of Loss Of 'mom & dad- They Both Loved This one as well... :(
Me as well. It is perfection.
Not my mother but this played for my grandmother, man I really miss her.
it makes cry because it make me feel to the past when i was young and this world one will end
Bach was undoubtedly sent here to show us what Heaven sounds like.
the trouble is... he was such a real human as well!!!! ;0) He was no way ever... a "Saint", and yet: what he wrote: is untter magic.
@@walkeriana01 what kind of bad boy things did he do? I'm curious
@@DavidSmith-ki2we I’m thinking sexual debauchery.
Speaking metaphorically one presumes.
The worst music is played by narcissists who do not give their talent to God. Bach was a sinner like the rest of us but he gave his best to the Lord.
JS Bach was a truly gift from God to mankind. ♥️♥️♥️
Und er war Deutsch
Exacto, un regalo a la humanidad.
So it was, and so it is and so it will be
When Bach 1st played this to himself, he must have had a tear in his eye, knowing that it's going to be played forever.
Such a beautiful, timeless, emotional piece of music.
He must have cried a lot - much will be remembered (also, thanks are due to Felix Mendelssohn for saving Bach for us all!)
so true man i was there when he cried
@@arun-fy2sy 😂
A sad way to think about it is that he didn't think of it being played in late future, as of any of his other works, for he wasn't that much known for a long time, and his music was even forgotten by time for centuries. It's only later that his music was found and became popular as great pieces of fine musical art and genius. If not for certain individuals, his music might've gotten lost forever, which is a horrible thought. He probably wanted to ensure a place for his indisputable genius works as he had pieces compiling his best musical moments together, in a great work that he would've liked the world to remember, but it was by a thin margin that it was found.
@@fatitankeris6327 J.S. Bach devoted nearly his entire life to composing music for the Lutheran church. It was never "forgotten by time for centuries" and has been included in the Lutheran Hymnals since their compositions.
My father was buried yesterday with this piece of Bachs music in Hanover.
I am so pleased to here it. ❤
My condolences to you on your loss. God be with you
Sorry for your loss. But with this piece of art you are always connected to him❤
May the god always be with you and your family❤
Condolences..... may The Creator flood you with peace that passes all understanding...
My condolences to you. Let your father rest in peace. ❤
The great Bach will heal people's hearts at any time. And this organist also heals us. Thank you.
You told it!!
@Luigi Raimondo Pomo Grazie Luigi in Palermo, i'm also a Fan of Puccini, liszt and strawinski.
Ciao a prossima volto
because his music is dedicated to God's glory, not his own 🎶 God's own healing comes through it
This should be sent into space. This is the best image of what human beings really are In the deepest of their soul.
When the Voyager space probes was being prepared, someone suggested filling up the golden discs the probes will carry with Bach's repertoire. Someone responded, "Now, that's not giving a sample of humanity's music, that's boasting."
So they put in music from various composers in those discs instead, with some Bach examples.
@@PanduPoluan Bach is the only one who has 3 pieces in that LP Disc.
@Oliver Viehland It has occurred throughout human history, and it will occur again. Geneticists recently discovered a "bottleneck" in the human genome that was traced back to approximately 40,000 years ago. Our species was nearly obliterated by something, causing the worldwide population of humans to decrease to fewer than 100,000.
The Black Death of Europe killed between one third and one half of the population.
The Flu pandemic of 1918
World War I
World War II
Many times, the fate of humanity has hung in the balance, yet, thus far, we've been able to muddle through.
@@PanduPoluan If that would have been done: we... as a Species.... would not be represented.
Bach.... was not human. ;0)
Sadly I'd say no, the representation of humans' minds globally is probably closer to Everywhere at the End of Tim Post-Awareness Stage 5 in music.
I want to live in this song. It captures the beauty and sadness of life exactly the way I feel it.
If there is a musical miracle in human history, it is this masterpiece of Bach.
Ahhhh the mighty ORGAN......and music from heaven......it transports me in another world.....
Grand merci monsieur Bach pour tout le bonheur ressenti en écoutant vos oeuvres !
Сложный и огромный инструмент, но какое на выходе звучание!!! Без слёз слушать невозможно. Орган - любимый инструмент. Благодарность талантливому исполнителю, БРАВО!!!
I agree! There is nothing that compares ❤
Bravo, wonderful.
It was played on my dad's funeral four years ago. I couldn't find this masterpiece, but now I'm feeling peaceful because of this song. Thank you so much...
(Songs have words. This is a _piece_ .) Yes, it is one of the most restful/peaceful pieces there is.
Now I came back here some time after my fiancée left me, probably forever. She was very similar to my dad. Firstly I lost him, even though most of my life we haven't been contating each other, now I lost her... I lost a part of myself, I doubt I'll ever find it. My heart is shattered into pieces, there's not enough words to express my feelings...
There is something special about pipe organ music. Nothing can compare.
You can say that again
@@paulohsgoes1959 the Queen of Instruments !!
@@ortwinstecher224...yes, I've heard that before...
This touches my heart. This was the song playing when I entered the sanctuary when I married my late husband fifty years ago.
Sorry for your loss 😢😢 truly a beautiful song to commemorate your beautiful relationship ❤️❤️
Jesus Christ! 50 years ago?
This the MOST beautiful piece of music I have ever experienced. Use this when meditating. It’s so powerful
As I listen carefully I try to imagine what Bach was thinking when he wrote this magnificent
piece. I feel a great sadness over something, anyone else feel this. I want to be next to someone I care for, hold their hand and let the tears flow.
A bit melancholic, yet hopeful
Maybe he was thinking hey this sounds pretty good.
@@kevinkevin4985 "This One's Going to Chart!"
It is God bidding you come near, He longs to hold you close.
Nothing. Music is closer than images. A musician doesn't think about words or images while creating he simply feels the music
This was played when my father was carried out of the Church on his funeral. Thank you, I wanted to hear an organ play it again.
Patrick r i p
Thank you Giovanni
Patrick this piece as well as "sheep may safely graze" were played at my father's service.
The memories of he and I listening to this piece cause such a unbelievable rush of emotion to completely take me to those days. Please go to Doug Marshall plays "Air to the G string" on the St Matthews episcopal church pipe organ...I think you will be most Impressed.
Also please give "Sheep may safely graze" By Virgil Fox a listen. The cover picture will show sheep and hay stacks in a meadow. Please reply...I hope you will enjoy them.
This is a tune I will go out with...
I love playing this piece. I too want it at my parents funerals. I won't be the organist, but I hope my friend David is still around to honor them with this reflective piece.
JS Bach, himself, was a instrument of God on Earth. All mankind will never thanks him enough for his wonderful workpieces.❤
The Original Hit Maker
Oh gym
Yoko ?
Since there is no God.....this is a slight exaggeration......
One day He may surprise you and say: "Bert, I am here!"
Thank you Mr. Jonathan Scott for sharing your talent with us. God bless you ❤❤
Not sad, nor happy. Just purely beautiful and moving.
Que serions nous sans Bach? Ce génie qui élève notre âme à chaque note merci monsieur Bach
The most important composer in human history. There wasn't anyone greater before Bach and there will never be anyone who even comes close - till the end of time. Especially "Air.." = so sad and so beautiful at the same time - Melancholie der Engel!!
Too true. He is in a league of his own.
Bach Mozart Beethoven the Trinity 🥰
Selbst der große Beethoven hat über ihn gesagt,-„nicht Bach,- Meer sollt´er heissen !“
To me, this is one of the most beautiful pieces ever written. Great job playing it!
To you and for great part of the world. This is a masterpeace.
This is the sound of the Universe. The voice of God. I played it for my father last year, it was played at his funeral this year. To me, it is the most beautiful piece ever written. And the funny thing is that it is hardly even a steady melody. It changes all the time, yet it feels constant and eternal. And then the heart beat in the bass.
Air is, for me, THE greatest and most beautiful piece ever written
the fact that he is playing it from memory and/or ear is insane. I also am a church organist, even at a young age (14). I have a Wicks Organ- 40 Ranks, 50 stops, 5,500 pipes. I love it so much. Thanks for playing! It sounds great.
why would you think for a second that someone actually cares how old are you and what organ do you have?
Why would we listen to a caustic negative troll who just watches for wonderful, talented young people on You-Tube whom he delights to tear down. As the brother of an deceased church organist whom I dearly loved, I CARE!
@@alexelfather Well, I care. Just because you're abnormal, doesn't mean we all are...
For me it is amazing and admirable how Karl Richter plays the fugue in D minor with his memory and hearing. All the coordination that he must have to play with hands and feet 😳
@@alexelfather Go rain on your own parade. You're a pathetic troll.
Wow, probably the best I’ve ever heard. A wonderful instrument played by someone who really knows how to make it sing. Hairs on the back of my neck and all that. ❤👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
We need music... Now more than ever...
I think so too.
Yes, and Master like here. So calming. I am so thankful for God showing us our easiest way to be heal through music. Thank You
Yes good music instead of modern music
@@sunaccent255 -Very true! Well said!
Wait.... you mean "Wet Ass Pussy" doesn't bring you peace like JS Bach or Handel?
J/k I'm just showing that the modern era is soon over for good reason
1:05 that transition was sheer perfection!
This should be mandatory listening in every hall of power every morning before starting the day.
One of the must stunning pieces ever written in my opinion. Beautifully played Mr. Scott. Music can heal the wounds that medicine cannot touch.
Произведение не имеет времени и границ!
Медицина лечит тело. Музыка Баха лечит душу❤
Słuchając tego muzycznego dzieła człowiek przechodzi do innego, lepszego życia.
Вечная музыка ! Не надо говорить- просто слушайте и душа поет !
Через Баха поёт вселенная
@@capricorn13666 "Открылась бездна звёзд полна,
Звездам нет счета,
Бездне - дна!"
1:03 This peak is truly not of this world. When I hear it, I become a spirit ascending towards heaven in my mind’s eye. Truly heavenly.
Can you imagine hearing that swell in person? Music such as this is what tells me--proves to me--that we are more than flesh and bone. We are spiritual beings in a material world. but, as you said, we can ascend toward heaven on occasion.
Self True I couldn’t agree more!
@Craig Johnson -- That is sadly a relic from a bygone era when real music was not so rare. When people forget the God who created music in the first place, too much is lost.
@@bobski8203 I think it were humans who created music.
@@willys6529 --
Music existed before humans. It is made by many animals, and it even happens by "accident" when the elements collide with geologic formations or with each other.
I think I can safely say humans did not create those.
I am not going to get into an argument about whether or not God exists, but truly you must believe He does not in order to believe that humans created music. Also you must believe humans antedated all other components of nature. I just don't see how that works out.
Music of the angels. Thank you to both JS Bach and Johnathan for blessing me with their talents.
I feel like I'm in heaven
Einfach zuhören! Danke, merci 10.12.2022
You can nearly see angels while listening to this music. Wonderful!
Bach, the most spiritual of all composers. You have captured the inner serenity and wisdom of this piece.. Bach always brings me calm when I am upset. Lovely playing.
His music could be almost described as heavenly...
@@MarkoMakela-mv8dt...THAT'S THE TRUTH-(!)
Bach was a wonder, and the most incredible thing about his music is that it can be enjoyed on so many levels. Most of you won’t give a damn about the genius of the rich harmonies, and the clever way he uses them to build and release tension to underpin the aching beauty of the melody … but then, you also don’t need to. Instead, you can be swept away by the soaring, heavenly music, and nothing will be lost to you. The music will be just as perfect, just as touching, and just as glorious. I love you, Bach.
who do you think was the single greatest composer of all time? the contest for that position is almost invariably either Bach, Mozart, or Beethoven
I don't think there's a nicer way to put it!
Ich kann es nicht zählen, wie oft ich bereits dieses Werk von Johann Sebastian Bach gehört und erlebt habe. Immer wieder gibt es mir Kraft und Hoffnung und Lebensfreude. Es rührt mich zu Tränen und es berührt meine Seele.
Johann Sebastian Bach ist schon allein durch dieses Werk unsterblich geworden. Und wenn es eines Gottesbeweises bedurft hätte: dieses Werk ist ein Beweis für die Existenz Gottes.
Sehr schön formuliert und so geht es auch mir. Das Finale der Mattäuspassion ist für mich auch sehr emotional . Grüße aus Sachsen
Danke Sie sprechen mir aus der Seele. Tiefes Erleben Die Seele ist zutiefst berührt. Sollte für einen Menschen wohl auch so sein. Wer Zugang zu dieser herrlichen Musik haben kann ist im Leben reich beschenkt Bleiben Sie behütet
(r) corprights secure .
To be honest, this is by far my most favorite clip on this UA-cam.
Прекрасная,завораживающая музыка! Вечная любимая классика! Бах - любимый, гениальный композитор! Исполнителю - спасибо!
We used this piece as the processional for our wedding. This version is gorgeous, Jonathan Scott is a wonderful musician and organist.
We are using it as a prelude piece for our wedding.
I grew up, even as a little baby listening to this played by my dear old dad on the Wurlitzer at home. Now I listen to my son playing it on the piano. I am also a pianist - how music bonds us together. This is a beautiful arrangement, performance, recording and production. Thank you many times from Sydney, Aust - Dave. (I'll send this to my dad who is 80 and still plays the organ/piano for congregations in many churches, weddings, funerals and particularly for nursing homes with an astonishing repertoire! Bless you dad. :-)
Outstanding performance!
Here from Salvador Bahia Brazil!!! That's what I call music!
Орган и Бах - неразлучное единство. Сила органной музыки вдохновляет на хорошие дела ! Это Божественно!
Прекрасная музыка!!! Спасибо исполнителю и гениальному Баху!
Cette musique ne me fait pas pleurer. Elle me calme, elle rassure, elle me réconforte. Je me sens enveloppée d'une infinie douceur. C'est une douceur qui transcende la douceur que l'on puisse rencontrer dans ce monde (si tant est qu'on puisse rencontrer de la douceur dans ce monde.). C'est quelque chose de puissant mais plein d'amour. Merci JS Bach et merci à Jonathan Scott.
avec cette pandémie mondiale , on re-découvre ces grands classiques , mais malgré tout , avec une mélancolie et une certaine tristesse ...
Monique y Pascal, no hablo francés, pero comprendo lo que han escrito y estoy de acuerdo con ustedes, esta pieza nos eleva el alma en estos difíciles tiempos, solo nos queda la esperanza que pronto todo pase y que la luz del sol vuelva a brillar para todos.
oui c'est vraie c'est une magnifique musiue qui veut dire beaucoup de choses, elle calame et rassure et enveloppe de douceur, mais en meme temps elle me fais pensée au passé quand jétais petit e mont pére et mon grand pére ausssi et quand va mourir et que ce monde viendra un jour ou il va avoir fin et de ce fait la elle me fait pleurer.
J Sébastien bach a le don de nous emmener au ciel !😍
huge respect for people who play such a magical instrument. Divine instrument ❤
We carried our beloved grandfather to his last journey while this beautiful song was playing in the church. Still brings a tear to my eye.
Великолепная музыка Й.С.Баха наводит на глубокие размышления о существовании Человека ... Органная музыка особенно способна воздействовать на душевный мир... И особенно, это произведение! Спасибо огромное!
в Вєтхом Завєтє тіж прославля БОГА на органє !!!
та йон орган для цего і прідуман був ...
шо б Хваліті БОГА !!!
This is the sound of our life I wish you all a good life and safe !!!
In my opinion, this piece is the simbol of the Classic Music. Johann Sebastian Bach forever!!!
This is the earliest piece of music I remember hearing from my childhood. And hopefully it shall be last, when I part from this life.
Bach is the beginning and the end, and everything in between.
Thank you, God, from the bottom of my heart for giving Bach the creativity and magic to create this magnificent piece.
Sehr schöne und ruhige Musik, die einem so richtig ums Herz geht. Wunderbar gespielt.
5:26 is truly the icing on the cake for this piece
It literally melts my heart and soul whenever its abt to end🫠🫠
Aquí se muestra por qué Bach es considerado un excelso. El padre de la música!! Saludos desde México.
As a British woman, of a certain age, I fully appreciate this musician’s command of the musical score and appreciation of a yesteryear art lost.
CONGRATULATIONS! 5,000,000 views, how wonderful! (and counting!) XX
Love this 💕💕❤💖 from Ghana 🇧🇴🇧🇴
what a satisfying and soulful rendition! may music enlighten our darkened days!
Quando tudo é majestoso, a emoção explode dentro da gente!
Уперше я почув звучання органу цього літа в Польщі в ґданському костелі. Одна із композицій, що грала на тому концерті - ця, що грає у відео. Я закохався в орган саме тоді, коли почув її. Зараз я її згадав, коли читав "Тіні забутих предків" Михайла Коцюбинського. Художня книжка про культуру гуцулів. У ній вирує душа цієї композиції. Excellent performance. Thank you. Greetings from Ukraine:)
Frighteningly beautiful and impressive.
Tout à fait majestueux ! Ça se fait tellement bien sur l'orgue.
Though it can work for a wedding, surely. However, it's more of a piece I'd want for my funeral. Either way, you'll cry. If at the wedding, especially if were my daughters, I'd cry more than a baby. On the other hand, at my funeral, photos of me about, young and vigorous, as well as I am now, 70. I have tried very hard, and I believe succeeded, in showing people respect, kindness, gratitude, wit, and often funny. But I would want them to, at the moment, to remember me as I was to them personally. Then cry a little bit. Sounds narcissistic, but I'm not. But sentimental I am. Beautiful, heart warming piece. BRAVO, BRAVO.
Id rather they played the song "please dont talk about me when im gone" But this piece is nice too.
Perhaps you could take some comfort in the thought that you probably won't cry at your funeral.
You remind me of my grandfather. I miss him.
Congratulations wonderfuullllllll versión !!!!!!!! Thanks You For hice us that .....
Awesomeness at it's best, Respect from USA and Ghana🫶
Zeitlos schön. Einfach zur Besinnung hören.
In einer Kirche hallt dieses nach. Wie als
wenn Gott diese Töne abholt, und sich wie
ein Engel verwandelt und sie mitnimmt.
So einfach ist das Leben manchmal. Ein
Weg der sich lohnt zu gehen, wie wir es
hier hören. Herzlich B.M.
Für mich ist Bach - neben Mozart - einer der größten Komponisten aller Zeiten.
Und rein musikalisch hast du in meinen Augen vollkommen recht.
Ich liebe das Air aus der Orchestersuite Nr. 3 seit ich nur denken kann.
Allerdings muss ich, und bitte vergib mir, bei deinen Worten an Verfilmungen von Rosamunde-Pilcher-Schnulzen denken.
Ich weiß nicht warum ich immer so zynisch reagiere.
Es muss wohl mit meiner gespaltener Natur aus Schöngeist und arrogantem Barbar zusammenhängen ...
Ottima esecuzione dell' organista (da brividi), mi da una pace interiore e una felicità.
Grazie Maestro.
Bach is my favourite of all the composers and Bach is my happy place. When I’m having a bad day or just need a time out Bach is where I go. I put his music on and I go into my own space and for a while everything is right with the world. (My favourites are his harpsichord concertos and the amazing Brandenburg concertos).
Creio que é impossível entender a magnitude sonora de um órgão desses a não ser pessoalmente
Majestic organ, and a talented organist to play it
Soaring so beautifully, takes you to a higher place.
This has got to be the most beautiful version that I have ever heard of this piece played on the organ! I could listen to this over and over again, thank you!
First time, I've heard this piece played on the organ, was in 1990-s and it was played by Maestro Edgar Krapp. At that time, I was a young student and this was one of the first organ concerts I attended. But this piece was so beautiful that I remember it until now. And it opened for me the world of German Baroque music.
I agree!!!!!
this is a particularly calming piece of music for these times. Thank you Jonathan Scott - Beautiful rendition!
Wspaniały utwór można słuchać bez końca , dzieło mistrza
Bach first popstar in the classic music. Father of all Baroque era.
Father? Hmm, what about Vivaldi & Buxtehude both of whom inspired Bach?
The complexity of these instruments thoroughly astound me. It blows my mind
Thanks JONATHAN SCOTT and teachers who gave you such skills.💗💗🧡💗💙
Great musician in charge of a very powerful instrument. Excellent.
This is what we call enlightning people. Salvation at its purest❤.
J S Bach's music is so close to the divine ! One got to prepare to listen to his numbers. Calm down for a while and listen; experience the meditation !
One of the finest renderings of this piece that I have ever heard . Organ and organist -- Spectacular !
I,heard this music when i was still a child, lets say 3 decades ago, in a Tv commercial, the scene was a wedding and was played on a wedding march, my innocence in classical music was awakened.
Years have passed and heard more classical music of diff genrè, and a friend of mine gave me these two sets of music sheets. Air on G string and whiter shade of pale. He said the second one was derived from the first one, while reading carefully the notes and i replied, this is the music íve been longing to hear!! Thanks to my italian friend who gave me the music sheets, and i started to play JSBś immortal sound.
Easing my soul, lifting me up, calming my chaotic mind,
Thank you Jonathan for rendering us the most beautiful music ever played,
From choices of instruments to the drama you put on it. Yoo are an angel! More power and more music❤️
These organs are fantastic instruments lord knows how they play them.
This piece is so deep, on so many levels. I really really would love to know where his inspiration came from or what was he feeling and what about made him write a song from his soul.
Bravo. What a perfect way to praise God. Many thanks from the U.S. 🇺🇸🇺🇸