A brief aside about Phil's consumption of popular culture

  • Опубліковано 13 вер 2024
  • Phil doesn't really consume or engage with popular culture, and that's actually kind of a bad thing, psychologically speaking...
    Establish a social connection with me by talking about the House of the Dead on Twitter: / ohdoshutupsteve


  • @chipchilinkachip910
    @chipchilinkachip910 2 роки тому +18

    I thought I was a cold-blooded jerk, until I was introduced into the tractor community.
    I give DSP five years. Shinko thinks he'll manage to live till 50s, somehow. Then, delusions, Alzheimer's and/or Dementia will party hard in his gin-fuelled brain.
    What's your bet?

    • @2br0ke4soap
      @2br0ke4soap 2 роки тому +1

      Never really thought about it before but now that I have, I also gotta say 5 years. At least. Dude's already looking pretty rough, it's only a matter of time before all that booze, lack of exercise and trash food catch up to him on top of all the mental shit you mentioned. It does not look good for DSP.

    • @ArchangelSteve
      @ArchangelSteve  2 роки тому +12

      I think he'll make it to his mid-sixties, but his diet and lifestyle IS going to catch up with him, so he'll probably have a health-related issue in his mid-fifties that will force him out of streaming against his will, and he'll have to move back in with his parents because there'll be no other money for them to pay for his expenses and Kat will suddenly realise "I did not sign up to wipe this man's arse and change his adult nappy for the rest of my life, I'm out" and bail.

    • @chipchilinkachip910
      @chipchilinkachip910 2 роки тому +2

      @@2br0ke4soap physical deformities are just a bonus, main show is the mental arena of DSP.

    • @emmapeel4299
      @emmapeel4299 2 роки тому +2

      He seems to be mentally spiraling faster and faster. I have no idea how long but this can only get stranger and stranger. He's on his way to a Netflix Original Series for all the very WRONG reasons imho

    • @joegarcia9951
      @joegarcia9951 2 роки тому +1

      He need some sunlight he's starting to blend in with the wall

  • @MrPopularity100
    @MrPopularity100 2 роки тому +30

    I just love that Steve's idea of a UA-cam short is 36 minutes long.

  • @SixDeadMice
    @SixDeadMice 2 роки тому +51

    Also to your point about DSP not understanding friendship, I feel he sees social relationships in a transactional manner. He only seems to care what he gains from it or how it can benefit HIM. It's very strange to me the way he can function this way but I guess we all work differently.

    • @ArchangelSteve
      @ArchangelSteve  2 роки тому +17

      This is his narcissism on display, and while I don't think he's always conscious of what he's doing, he definitely isn't aware that it's not something most other people do, because he's never considered that social relationships are supposed to be for reasons other than his immediate benefit.

    • @SixDeadMice
      @SixDeadMice 2 роки тому +7

      ​@@ArchangelSteve honestly the peak of your channel (IMO of any detractor channel) would be if you ever had the chance to give a 1 on 1 interview/stream with DSP and just talk with him. I'm not holding my breath haha.

    • @Nathan_Coley
      @Nathan_Coley 2 роки тому

      Does DSP understand anything other than "guys I need money to pay my bills!"?

    • @emmapeel4299
      @emmapeel4299 2 роки тому +3

      @@ArchangelSteve And this is why I like to consume your content. Knowing something is wrong but having it explained helps tremendously. Cheers

  • @vintagegoy
    @vintagegoy 2 роки тому +18

    Loving your take on #shorts, Steve.
    Keep 'em coming.

    • @ArchangelSteve
      @ArchangelSteve  2 роки тому +7

      I genuinely find it harder to fill sixty seconds than to fill five hours.

    • @incorrectbeans
      @incorrectbeans 2 роки тому +1


  • @marishiten5944
    @marishiten5944 2 роки тому +31

    I have a level of Empathy for Phil in this regard. His life must be so incredibly lonely. He has no one to talk to. No one to bond with. No one to share anything with. It's actually little wonder why he perceives that the world revolves around him. He lives in an isolated bubble. By choice. This is really bad for the psyche. It warps your view on the world and how he sees people. he can no longer connect and have a shared world view so he just assumes that everyone is just like him because he no longer has a baseline outside of himself. So when he looks at PKA and Wings, he thinks there's an angle. Because why would friends banter with eachother? It must be for monetary value. There's an angle to it. They're trying to pull one over on him just like he thinks Rambo and Howard did. He can't see past himself because he doesn't interact with anyone that gives him perspective. That's an incredibly sad and lonely existence that is self reinforcing and very difficult to overcome.
    I don't think Khet loves him. I don't think he's capable of loving anyone outside of himself. I think Khet was in a really bad way in Michigan and she needed out. Phail was lonely and desperate because he needs to have this display that he's a desirable man and successful. Khet has had a pretty rough life and she saw this as a way to have a consistent "nice" (it's not really a nice condo) home with a level of stability. She would have a place to stay, get to play Skyrim, and put in the minimal effort to exist. In her broken mind, this is a good deal. She finally has a "provider". That's not love. Perhaps Phail is so focused on paying all the bills and not losing the "house" is because he knows if he doesn't, she's gone. I think they use eachother. In an unhealthy way. So of course they wouldn't be able to connect on any non surface level. She treats him like a roommate and he treats her like a maid and trophy. I wouldn't be shocked if he knew very little about her. What she likes, what she listens to, what her aspirations were, what she dreams about. Because he doesn't really love her and he literally cannot see past himself to connect, really connect to another human being. She's a prop. A foundation to his ego. She's the only thing he has that he thinks he can lord over the "trolls" and act superior to. Because in his mind, trolls can't get girls. They can't have wives. But he can. So he's better automatically.
    What a profoundly lonely and miserable existence he must live and endure. And it's all by choice. That's the worst part. He is his own warden. He inflicts pain upon himself. But his ego is large and he is so introverted that he convinced himself that it's not him, it's everyone else. He has so little in his life. And no amount of money will ever fill the void that is his basic needs. Hence the WWE gacha addiction and alcohol issues.

    • @quotedotes
      @quotedotes 2 роки тому +2

      I think this is one of the best explanations I've ever heard of modern DSP, and his soulmaid. I don't have anything to add or subtract, and I honestly think that he built and maintains his own little personal hell, as well. His sociopathy and narcissism (possibly malignant narcissism) are the reason that he's here, and he will be the reason that he breaks out, and starts to change and get help...if he ever does. At this rate the gout will take him long before he starts to improve 🤣🐷

    • @michaelkitchin9665
      @michaelkitchin9665 2 роки тому +4

      It's incredibly hard to manage, too. Human contact and conversation is unavoidable. All birds leave the nest.

    • @pawcanada
      @pawcanada 2 роки тому +1

      Phil's marriage reminds me a lot of Spoony (for anyone who used to follow him) and his relationship with April. I can only really speak as someone who used to frequent the Spoony subreddit, but around 2018 when Spoony all but stopped making videos, it became clear (at least based on the second hand experience) that she only stuck with him for the half decent house. Eventually she did the right move and left him once it was evident he'd never make the money necessary to keep their home. I could easily see Khet doing that at some point in the future.

    • @BoondockBrony
      @BoondockBrony 2 роки тому +4

      The fact that Phil sees Japanese culture the way he sees it as "messed up" with hostess clubs and such and not seeing that he clearly would fit right at home in that environment by his own words is a massive red flag of cognitive dissonance. He can't not only realize that but he clearly is trying in his head to separate him from the "messed up" Japanese men. I think it's passive aggressive racism mixed with a lack of empathy plus a heavy dose of narcissism.

  • @Stilran
    @Stilran 2 роки тому +19

    His hobby isn't games... It's to consume, he just lives his life as seen in "They Live".

    • @ArchangelSteve
      @ArchangelSteve  2 роки тому +9

      Except you didn't need to pay Roddy Piper fifty dollars to put the glasses on.

    • @Stilran
      @Stilran 2 роки тому +3

      @@ArchangelSteve the worst part is that even with the glasses he doesn't get that something is wrong with rampant consumerism. As always his best memories, or at least the moment he sounds more knowledgeable is when talking about Sears Catalog, malls and what food he wants to consume on a holiday that he doesn't know what people are commemorating.

    • @michaelkitchin9665
      @michaelkitchin9665 2 роки тому +3

      @@ArchangelSteve But now he has a $50 Roddy Piper jpeg.

    • @thatpart
      @thatpart 2 роки тому +1

      @@michaelkitchin9665 Well played 🙏

  • @jackcristo1628
    @jackcristo1628 2 роки тому +11

    Phil's concept of friendship is making money off of people until they "betray" him.

  • @BoondockBrony
    @BoondockBrony 2 роки тому +5

    Phil actually does consume pop culture, just not modern pop culture. Everything he references is from *his* childhood, *his* adolescence and *his* young adulthood. That's why he's so immature at his core. He imprinted his life and how reality is from TV shows he grew up. That's why he's bent on being seen as a family man now. Dads are respected on TV right (they're not in fact they're borderline demonized now but I digress)? Phil genuinely believes TV was a guide to life. I mean his Christmas story was basically The Santa Clause and a Christmas Story combined. It's surreal.

  • @jackcristo1628
    @jackcristo1628 2 роки тому +11

    I believe that I was (or am) on the spectrum for narcissism. Unlike Phil, I've done a lot of things to address it: therapy, psychiatry, making myself vulnerable and forming more genuine bonds as a result. But maybe I can give some insight on mechanics of narcissism, and more specifically covert narcissism (the kind that Phil has.) It's something that starts as a defense mechanism sometime while your personality is still developing, probably close to puberty as that's a highly vulnerable time period. Somehow you get the signal that something about you is shameful and the defense mechanism is to hide it, lie about it, avoid presenting it.
    In my case, it was my parents' attitude toward video games in particular, and anything nerd culture in general. As an example, I had to fill in a logsheet of start/end times for playing video games to show I wasn't playing more than 1 hour per day. They were also very Christian, so there was the whole animus toward anything demonic, sexual, etc. Naturally, I would falsify the logsheet as much as I could get away with, I would go to friends' houses as much as I could, etc. But here we have the beginnings of just being dishonest about myself to others. It becomes a practiced behavior of running everything through a rigorous filter of "how is this gonna look?" before you do something, say something, wear something, express something.
    But what really forms the narcissism that we see in someone like Phil and other fully adult narcissists is the devastating impact of having heavily used this defense mechanism for years and years and years. Not only can you not develop deep relationships with others due to being so closed off, but you don't even develop as a person yourself. "What's your favorite color?" A narcissist doesn't have a favorite color. They have a thought process on what answer is the least likely to evoke a negative response, or they give two answers, or they try to avoid answering at all.
    All of this compounds on itself. You recognize that you aren't like your peers, you aren't normal, you can't seem to have the passionate opinions that they have or the mutually vulnerable bonds that they have. That you haven't grown. This intensifies the shame, and increases the narcissist's reliance on the defense mechanism that caused these problems in the first place. In the worst possible scenario, you wind up with a 40yo man who stopped developing emotionally and socially as a preteen, and have that level of maturity. They desperately need to be socialized, but a 40yo man who is 12yo inside has no peer group. They can't be organically socialized anymore. They need help, and Phil desperately needs help. But seeking help is too shameful. So he sits on his couch on his phone, eats, drinks, and rots. I'm truly glad I never let things get so far.

    • @Slatersan42
      @Slatersan42 2 роки тому +3

      First off, Kudos to you for getting the help you needed. I was also raised in a Christian household, my parents wouldn't even let me own video games. (I also sneaked playing at friends houses.)
      Second, your point about a narcissist not having a favorite color makes so much sense in the context of Phil. He rarely takes a firm stance on an issue, he will always try to play both sides and end up neutral in the end. I never thought about that linking back to his narcissism, but its so obvious in hindsight.
      Thank you very much for sharing your story and your insights.

    • @sharkspectre
      @sharkspectre 2 роки тому +1

      Thank you for this

    • @BoondockBrony
      @BoondockBrony 2 роки тому +1

      I honestly could've been like Phil. Had a lot of chips on my shoulder that I can see with Phil when I was younger. That's one reason why I don't think he's autistic, I'm not autistic and I still have some quirks I share with Phil. I'm just far more extroverted than him so I need to check myself and learned social cues on that alone. I will say I am both bipolar and ADD/ADHD and those can be misdiagnosed as autism and some people will even argue ADD/ADHD *is* part of the spectrum (which I do not agree with at all). I do see Phil as clearly ADD/ADHD and narcissistic and comorbidly a sociopath (it's very much the recessive personality disorder but it's very clearly there).

  • @ribowright
    @ribowright 2 роки тому +17

    If Kat and Phil co-oped a game, Phil would oscillate between using Kat as a crutch to get through things and being rude to her when she does/suggests things he doesn't like. It'd be similar to how he treats the chat on-stream. A mixture of dependent hand-holding and insults.

    • @lilypacastsupper8922
      @lilypacastsupper8922 2 роки тому +5

      and if you notice if Kelly (wings' wife) gets more attention on stream than him he goes baby mode. same kind of thing

    • @ArchangelSteve
      @ArchangelSteve  2 роки тому +9

      I wonder how he'd interact with her knowing that chat were also a factor though, like maybe if he insulted her about something and chat called him out on it, how would he react to that knowing that he needs to reverse course ASAP or chat will get worse and she might become emboldened to take shots back, and how would she react to seeing chat being on her side? All these interesting little micro-interactions that I'll never get to talk for seven hours about...

  • @suprcrzy
    @suprcrzy 2 роки тому +4

    Good to see you uploading my friend 🙏

  • @MsGhoulz
    @MsGhoulz 2 роки тому +34

    He's a Twitter check mark. He forms his opinions based on what he sees on social media. Then he retreats back to his hole in the ground after he's done. He can't even relate with other people. He honestly views the rest of the world how he views himself. Who knows. Maybe he likes isolation, or maybe not. He sure acts more miserable and unhinged now.
    He's probably lying about watching Master Chef or w/e it was. He just says so to appease Derich and keep him around.

    • @ArchangelSteve
      @ArchangelSteve  2 роки тому +14

      I honestly think Twitter is the majority of his interaction with the world in general, it's probably the closest he comes to switching on a news channel or opening a paper in his life, and then once he's done skimming the headlines for the day he closes the app and goes back to Champions. His stream chat is the closest he comes to actual socialising, and we all know just how bad that is...

    • @michaelkitchin9665
      @michaelkitchin9665 2 роки тому +2

      @@ArchangelSteve On today's stream he called his favourite Pink Floyd song 'The Wall'. He's seen that on twitter, connected the dots and gone no further. He has no idea what an album is, who Pink Floyd are or their body of work. He just knows 'The Wall' from some feed.

    • @BoondockBrony
      @BoondockBrony 2 роки тому +2

      @@ArchangelSteve His stream chat clearly is far more than just socializing to him. It's self-medicated therapy. Why else would he complain about literally everything to randos online? It's how he vents and therefore it's "therapy" to him.

    • @rokit430
      @rokit430 Рік тому

      ​@@ArchangelSteve D.S.P reminds me of a Mole trying to build a Mountain..and just keeps sinking further down a Hole.He isn't Real...😖

  • @thegrimner
    @thegrimner 2 роки тому +6

    "I was gonna do this on shorts"
    *after 15 minutes* "I might make this one under 20 minutes"
    Total running time 40 minutes.
    You do have the brevity of Symphonic black metal bands writing closing tracks, bless your heart.

    • @daveb947
      @daveb947 2 роки тому +1

      Whenever he says a time hes aiming for he doubles it by mistake. LOL. I think he literally did it in almost every video. lol.

    • @thegrimner
      @thegrimner 2 роки тому +1

      @@daveb947 I'm thinking I might need to take days off when his reaction to the DTRH comes out.

    • @ArchangelSteve
      @ArchangelSteve  2 роки тому +2

      "You do have the brevity of Symphonic black metal bands writing closing tracks, bless your heart."
      I love you for this.

    • @ArchangelSteve
      @ArchangelSteve  2 роки тому +2

      @@daveb947 I'm honestly starting to think I'm cursed.

    • @thegrimner
      @thegrimner 2 роки тому +1

      @@ArchangelSteve We're all cursed, we're aware of DSP.

  • @Askharr
    @Askharr 2 роки тому +9

    Phil is the living embodiment of that Steve Buscemi 'How do you do, fellow kids' line from 30 Rock. He tries to act cool, using certain buzzwords and his limited knowledge of what's popular so he'll remain relevant. Sadly, it makes him look like a tool, just like Steve Buscemi's character kind of did. It's all in hopes that his supporters will be suckered into giving him more money, which seems to not be working much anymore.
    And I never thought of it, but yeah, it is a bit strange how they don't play games together. I couldn't imagine not playing games with my husband. We don't get to do it often, due to his working/living out of state , but it's so nice to have that kind of connection with him.
    (omg, your cat is so adorable and I love listening to you interact with the kitty)

    • @BoondockBrony
      @BoondockBrony 2 роки тому +2

      Exactly what I said responding to another comment on here which compared him to Patrick Bateman wanting to "fit in." I can see that but he's clearly more Steve Buscemi 30 Rock meme more.

    • @Askharr
      @Askharr 2 роки тому +2

      @@BoondockBrony I can see Patrick Bateman, especially considering he feels everyone is so beneath him and he doesn't even try to conceal the fact that he does. That is 110% DSP.

    • @BoondockBrony
      @BoondockBrony 2 роки тому +1

      @@Askharr Totally, if Phil wasn't so lazy and cowardly, I guarentee you Phil would legitimately be a serial killer.

  • @bobhoskins-kl6ue
    @bobhoskins-kl6ue 2 роки тому +13

    It is absolutely bizarre that they are both gamers and yet they don't play anything together, but think about it, his whole life is his stream, and he's happy to tell us she has zero interest in it. Their relationship is inexplicable, unless it's purely one of convenience for her, and status for him.

    • @ArchangelSteve
      @ArchangelSteve  2 роки тому +6

      It has to be for convenience and status, I'm fucking convinced. There is NOTHING about the way he paints his relationship that indicates it's in any way, shape, or form healthy and happy. Her fucking Christmas present didn't arrive on time, he spent most of her birthday bitching about a chicken sandwich, and his chat had to remind them both it was their anniversary, and they're only THREE YEARS IN. I'm not buying they're happy and love each other, he needs to play grown up and she needs a place to lay low, that's it.

    • @lawlessx9
      @lawlessx9 2 роки тому +2

      @@ArchangelSteve he's only comfortable talking about kat when it's about what's for dinner. Anything else about her is met with such anger and disgust that anyone would dare ask him how she's doing or what are her hobbies.
      I think he rushed to get with kat to replace panda and isn't happy he ended with someone so passive and possibly more socially awkward than he is.
      As far as them not playing games together I'm willing to bet this is partly on him and his need to monetize everything with games. He doesn't view games as something to do to relax anymore..and that's just sad

  • @jakeybwoi
    @jakeybwoi 2 роки тому +8

    it’s absolutely absurd the way he responds when asks what shows kat watches, he’s so defensive ‘i dont know what shows she watches she can watch whatever she wants’. he must have an insecurity about controlling her because why would he mention that she’s free to do what she wants, i think that’s a given no? anyway great video steve.
    imagine if he bothered to pay attention to his chat and get to know them he could even ask them questions, like i’m pretty sure people have mentioned they are sitting exams and dave will never just check up on them next time he sees them in chat to ask how they went, he’s so socially inept that the concept of him asking his chat anything other than how to play a game or when they’re going to tip is alien to him

    • @jazzygeofferz
      @jazzygeofferz 2 роки тому +2

      I think they married for tax breaks and it's entirely a marriage of convenience for both of them. They go out for meals etc to try and present the illusion of being this happily married loving couple, but it's weird how he always calles her "My -mom- wife" whereas most "normal" people would just address their spouse by their actual name. It's a business transaction, as is everything he does. Look at the amount of times he'll stop playing a game on stream that he claims to be enjoying because of low tips.
      I don't think he has any real interests anymore, unless he can work out a way to grift support off the back of them. If he was really enjoying the game, and not just trying to grift, hence his constantly referring to how much he's making in tips on the stream maybe people would be more inclined to donate, but it has to be so draining to be sat watching his stream when all he's doing is bitching about how bad the game is while he plays it badly, or bitching about how "slow support" is and banging on about other ways to "support" his channel with the superchats and thanks etc.

  • @Proxycon
    @Proxycon 2 роки тому +10

    Whenever I think of DSP and popular culture, I have to think of the one scene in American Psycho, where Patrick Bateman sits in his car together with his fiancé while she talks about them getting married and Patrick is just sitting there, listening to the newest pop album (Robert Palmer). He has a monologue about how annoying his fiancé is with her constant talking and he just wants to listen to the music. Absent-mindedly, she tells him "I don't understand why you just don't quit [your job]." And Patrick just answers: "Because I want to fit in."
    This answer can both relate to him wanting to appear as normal as possible but could also be related to him merely listening to pop albums because he doesn't actually *like* the music and simply wants to show others that he cares about socially-desirable/acceptable things. Now given that Patrick displays the typical psychopath and narcissism is on the dark triad with that trait, I'd argue that there's clearly overlap here. Narcissists "wear" opinions, they don't actually have or defend them. Together with their discontinued sense of guilt (i.e. they feel that they can't be responsible for things they did in the past because they were a different person back then) it absolves them of any responsibility.
    The same thing goes for DSP I feel. He does the videogame thing because "he wants to fit in". He doesn't do things passionate hobbyists do because they enjoy it, he does it to appear "conform" with social norms. It improves his chances to be liked by others and he isn't wrong - conformity is part of the process... but what's missing is the heart - the PASSION. He has no passion drive, no curiosity, no need to try new things. Part of that is because he's overly comfortable where he is and part of that is his laziness. And that metastasizes into every aspect of his life eventually. So think of the most vanilla-milquetoast thing you can think of and DSP will like it. He likes Skyrim. He likes Fallout 4 (awful game). He essentially waits for the opinion of others and fencesits games until some kind of consensus has formed and then just goes with what the majority says.

    • @AbsolsDarkClaw
      @AbsolsDarkClaw 2 роки тому +4

      Or, in some cases, goes precisely against what everyone says in the hopes of the contrarian opinion earning him some attention.

    • @BoondockBrony
      @BoondockBrony 2 роки тому +2

      I can get what you mean, but I think a closer comparison is "How ya doin' fellow kids?" 30 Rock meme. He clearly wants to be seen as hip, cool and still relevant due his "legacy" and therefore he can keep up with the times, despite all the evidence to the contrary. I also think Phil is a true believer in that he is "just an average guy" again despite the contrary. That is why he is a lost cause, he truly believes everybody is like him and those to the contrary are clearly warped in some capacity in his head.

  • @MariaIsabellaZNN
    @MariaIsabellaZNN 2 роки тому +12

    Haha nice one.. When people ask me why I STILL follow DSP trash, I always stop and think because I'm not sure either but I do believe it's because of the intriguing psychological aspect.
    I didn't have any kind of study but my nurse training was with a focus on psychiatry and I worked mostly mental wards of all kinds, so analyzing people on a "first glance" level still runs in my blood. With DSP I just can't stop because there's so many layers and he descends ever deeper into his madness.

    • @ArchangelSteve
      @ArchangelSteve  2 роки тому +8

      It's the layers that keep me coming back; every time I think "that's it, that's the most ridiculous thing he's ever said/done" he says or does something more ridiculous and I end up desperately fumbling through textbooks and half-remembered lectures to try to find an explanation, before concluding that no, really, this time it's the most ridiculous thing he's ever said/done, and right as I'm done recording that video I'll get a message from someone about something he's said/done that's even more ridiculous and I'll go back to the textbooks and lecture notes.

  • @ShinkoFleur
    @ShinkoFleur 2 роки тому +10

    Steve really said "Y'ALL ACCUSE ME OF LONG STROKING" and cut this to 36 mins.
    Bout to turn my screen upside down and play it over for more Steve.

    • @d_shuffles
      @d_shuffles 2 роки тому +1

      Play it in .5 playback speed and you can get about an hour out of this video.

    • @ArchangelSteve
      @ArchangelSteve  2 роки тому +2

      "Brevity is the soul of nothing, talk, talk for as long as you can about any shit you can think of so you end up going on about absolutely bugger all for like five hours and then show them your cat, it'll be fine"
      - Shakespeare, probably.

  • @Stilran
    @Stilran 2 роки тому +7

    a video from steve that isn't more than 4 hours long. But great that it's something more recent! Great!

    • @ArchangelSteve
      @ArchangelSteve  2 роки тому +4

      Ha ha ha, yeah, we like to mix it up on this channel every now and then...

  • @RickardLejonhjarta
    @RickardLejonhjarta 2 роки тому +7

    Throne of Blood for the thumbnail?
    Excellent choice, japanese MacBeth, a man who steals his way to the top only to find he has no real power
    sounds like something we know

    • @ArchangelSteve
      @ArchangelSteve  2 роки тому +7

      "When I said tips help immediately, I didn't mean the tips of your arrows, you guys..."

  • @killergrooves2438
    @killergrooves2438 2 роки тому +2

    He was so convinced that PKA’s primary motive in getting Wings involved in activities was for monetary reasons. It never seemed to occur to him that PKA thought it would have been more fun if Wings was there. He couldn’t understand that maybe they wanted to help Wings lose weight out of concern for his health and because they thought Wings would feel better about himself if he lost weight and accomplished such a feat.
    It’s also wild to me that DSP said he has no idea what Kat likes. My gf and I have been together for a little over a year and we know so much about each other. I know her favorite TV show. I know what kind of movies she likes to the point that I can recommend movies to her that she would like. I know her favorite actor. I know what kind of music she likes, what kind of books she reads, what kind of dishes she likes. I know her favorite sport. This is all stuff that people in relationships learn about each other and Phil has no idea. It’s crazy how little he understands about his wife whom he has been married to for 3 years. Oh, and my gf have very different tastes in most media. Yet, we still know what the other is into and share stuff all the time.

  • @SixDeadMice
    @SixDeadMice 2 роки тому +11

    I feel like Kat and Phil are an odd pairing. Like Phil and Rambo seemed to have more chemistry judging by the way he talked about him back in the day or their appearances in his videos.

    • @ArchangelSteve
      @ArchangelSteve  2 роки тому +8

      Oh, absolutely; on the stream where Phil introduces Kat it's painfully obvious they have no chemistry and she does not want to be near him, and he's sort of commanding and constantly making her speak and answer questions from the chat, it's more like he's showing her off than he is introducing her.
      And then you watch a video of him and Rambo doing co-op, and while it's not quite like he's a different person (because there's still enough of the obnoxious Phil in there to remind you that this is still DSP), there is an astonishing difference in the interpersonal chemistry there compared to when he's on stream with the woman he alleges he loves.

    • @SixDeadMice
      @SixDeadMice 2 роки тому +7

      @@ArchangelSteve i've seen how he acted with panda lee and kat but with rambo it just seemed like he connected better. i'm not a psychologist but it just seems like that was his true best friend and he fucked it up by, well... being DSP.

    • @BoondockBrony
      @BoondockBrony 2 роки тому +3

      Honestly, Phil is an odd bf for anybody. Especially more recent Phil. He really has nothing that can really attract all but the most desperate like Kat (I have far more sympathy for Kat than most detractors since I've dated many women coming from backgrounds like her) or the most naïve like Leanna. I can go on about why Phil targets these but it all boils down to control.

  • @stonecoldhooligani3862
    @stonecoldhooligani3862 2 роки тому +4

    Just as I was about to sleep I just had to check youtube. Big ups steve!

    • @ArchangelSteve
      @ArchangelSteve  2 роки тому +2

      Timing this good is why I was a drummer...

  • @quotedotes
    @quotedotes 2 роки тому +2

    Thank you for these videos, I've been looking forward to then ever since I found your channel! Your take of DSP, and the underlying reasons why he acts the way that he acts, is highly useful to me, both in understanding Pigroach, and as well as navigating our increasingly narcissistic culture as a whole. Never stop moving, never stop growing!

  • @ConspiracyPundit
    @ConspiracyPundit 2 роки тому +8

    Sporting a rather nasty hangover here, but did you say DSP wondered why Vader never took his suit off? 1977 and a ten year old boy his father and a friend are sitting in a Cinema in Leighton Buzzard or was it Bletchley... Star Wars was the name of the film. Now Queen got it half right, to this day I adore Jaws, but I don't like Star Wars. Just imagine the agony I have had to endure over the decades. Back in 1999 I think it was a friend twisted my arm to watch the first of the prequels Phantom Menace. I went out 10 times to smoke, believe me I counted them. Anyway even I understand DV suit is there to keep him alive! I was going to make it my life's work to never watch or read anything Harry Potter, but ironically I have to read them along with my students, cruel cruel world. The point being culture rubs off on you like it or not. DSP basically entered his bubble of ignorance during the 1990s. He is clinging on to being a child, arrested development.

    • @ArchangelSteve
      @ArchangelSteve  2 роки тому +4

      He is absolutely clinging on to being a child, everything he does is framed around avoiding or escaping responsibility, despite his protestations of maturity. "Nothing I could do", "I did nothing wrong", "fucking online lag pattern bullshit", all the way up to marrying someone so they'll cook for him and do his washing up because he doesn't want to do it.
      Also bonus points for the Bicycle reference, nicely done man.

  • @jeffk3801
    @jeffk3801 7 місяців тому

    The thumbnail for this video has made us best friends for life. One of my favorite movies and my absolute favorite film
    deaths of all time.

  • @foofeMobile
    @foofeMobile 2 роки тому +4

    Great but clearly too short.... I couldn't even make a pizza from scratch and enjoy it like normal :)

    • @ArchangelSteve
      @ArchangelSteve  2 роки тому +3

      That's a fair point, this video isn't even long enough for Phil to make pasta to...

  • @jazzygeofferz
    @jazzygeofferz 2 роки тому +2

    I'm on the autistic spectrum, and during my assessment I was asked "What does it mean to be friends with somebody" and "What does being in a relationship feel like" and I struggled so much to answer the questions, I have friends, and I live with my fiancee, but there's no way I could explain how if "feels"
    Is it really "enduring" CvS2? It's such a good fighting game. My work schedule doesn't allow me much of a social life unfortunately, but I'd love to have some people to play fighting games with.

  • @jeffk3801
    @jeffk3801 Рік тому

    Fantastic choice for thumbnail. One of my all time favorite scenes.

  • @michaelkitchin9665
    @michaelkitchin9665 2 роки тому +2

    It's kind of mad that he spent so much time in a scene like the FGC, worked for years, streamed for over a decade and got no opinions by osmosis. Nothing connects with him. He didn't come from a vault, wasn't locked up by his parents for his entire childhood, but it feels like it.

  • @YandereMaiden
    @YandereMaiden 2 роки тому +4

    It's such a strange thing about him, that I can't really gather what he actually likes or enjoys and what identity he has. You brought up how chat will ask him about something and if it's outside of his scope he simply says he doesn't know what you're talking about and doesn't try to further enlighten himself or try to learn something about it. I can say I know he enjoys wrestling, food, movies, and video games as an example. The problem is, if you listen to him talk about these things, he doesn't really seem to be that passionate about it. He claims to not watch wrestling anymore so that's out of the window. Is he passionate about food? Yes, but it's at such a base level it doesn't go beyond "Food tastes good, I like that." During his feasting with the king he's so misinformed about what he's eating, how it's prepared, etc... He'll say it's flavorful and robust but never goes into any sort of detail, there is nothing that says to me that he is very passionate and informed about it.
    He calls himself a movie buff but again, you ask him about movies, he makes you think he hasn't watched any movie that's released in the past 10 years, and it's hard to get a straight answer out of him if questioned about something. I'm not saying you have to be an expert to like something but I figured it would be common to know a little more than a casual participant.
    As for gaming, this is the one thing I can pin down he forces his identity to be. I had a big problem with his streaming layout/art style. There is no consistency or any type of brand associated with it outside of he is video game man. Random art of Sega, Nintendo, Sony, etc.. is plastered during his art slideshows to emphasize he likes video games as a whole. He may have actually really enjoyed video games and that was his passion but money and greed has overshadowed any of that and I question how much does he actually enjoy video games. I could say his enjoyment of WWE Champions doesn't count, it's not the game itself he enjoys but rather the enjoyment he gets out of winning which is through spending money. He's so unwilling to play these games he claims to love past the set time he sets for them no matter how much he is having fun or rather says he has fun. The idea of fun and what enjoyment video games have given him have been replaced by money.
    I don't think that consuming a lot of something, means you are passionate about it, or can attach that to your identity. Are you pulling anything worthwhile or "meaningful" from it? At the end of the day I think this just solidifies that Phil is the epitome of a consumer. Just consumes and consumes and makes waste. The majority of his thoughts and opinions are going to come from and be influenced by other people.

  • @GalathNox
    @GalathNox 2 роки тому +1

    33:41 Exchange between Phil and Khet discussing their charade of a marriage.

  • @Swedish_Drummer
    @Swedish_Drummer 2 роки тому +5

    Finally got the first comment!
    Been waiting for a new video for a while now. ❤️❤️

    • @ArchangelSteve
      @ArchangelSteve  2 роки тому +1

      Ha ha ha, congratulations, I'm sorry I don't have anything to award you...

    • @Swedish_Drummer
      @Swedish_Drummer 2 роки тому +1

      @@ArchangelSteve: Confirmation of my mere existence is well enough.

  • @RetroWrathX13B
    @RetroWrathX13B 2 роки тому +2

    Did you hear Cinco de Mayo sounds too similar to Independence Day, conceptually, so that’s not what it’s for? It’s just a TGIF holiday with no meaning. Ope, no, it’s about remembering the dead. Or is that it’s own thing? Eh, they’re both in Spanish, they’re interchangeable

  • @platty9237
    @platty9237 2 роки тому +2

    This is an interesting SOTD short. 😇
    Fwiw I enjoyed it.

  • @indridcold_
    @indridcold_ 2 роки тому +2

    who doesn't talk to their significant other about what shows they're watching? i mean, that in itself is so weird.

  • @matthias8368
    @matthias8368 2 роки тому +1

    Always good day when Steve post a video and also hell yeah for Iron Maiden!

  • @drawslashplay7384
    @drawslashplay7384 2 роки тому +1

    I would say that their marriage is more like roommates but roommates have tighter relationships.

  • @ProfessorxVile
    @ProfessorxVile Рік тому

    Phil doesn't just comsume pop culture (of the 80s and 90s, at least)... he DEVOURS!
    "Do what gives you pleasure, and f-ck everyone else"
    - DSP

  • @tomg5187
    @tomg5187 2 роки тому +1

    Awesome! Can't wait to dig in!

  • @jgwinnel
    @jgwinnel 2 роки тому +4

    It’s not 7 hours long? 👀

    • @ArchangelSteve
      @ArchangelSteve  2 роки тому +6

      He didn't say "groupthink".

    • @sunnyhvar1992
      @sunnyhvar1992 2 роки тому +2

      This is as close as Steve can get to a youtube short

  • @TheNecroswanson
    @TheNecroswanson 2 роки тому +1

    In the Nightside Eclipse is obviously the beat Emperor album.
    Also watching Lordi DECIMATE Eurovision '06 was glorious.

    • @ArchangelSteve
      @ArchangelSteve  2 роки тому

      Eurovision 06 was a glorious time, getting slowly more wrecked and going "I told you" with every twelve points.
      Also I wanted to shitpost and say that the best Emperor album is Prometheus but I'm wearing a Prometheus shirt in this video and between "Empty", "In the Wordless Chamber", "Grey", and "Thorns on my Grave" I can't bring myself to write it off to the point where it's shitpost-worthy, it's too good to deserve that. Cheers for ruining that for me Ihsahn, you talented turtleneck model...

  • @daveb947
    @daveb947 2 роки тому +3

    Hope Phil reacts to the John and Howard video. Would love to see your video of that. Hes already set up excuses to say its edited and hes contradicted his stance on needing to ask the creator/s for permission to use the video or its illegal.

    • @ArchangelSteve
      @ArchangelSteve  2 роки тому +3

      Oh god, mate, the amount of illegal substances I'd need to get through that...

  • @Filip_Agrippa
    @Filip_Agrippa 2 роки тому +1

    Jasper Kitty, get down!

  • @LouisianaGirly
    @LouisianaGirly 2 роки тому +1

    Daddy Steve video this morning hell yea brother. Good to see a new video

    • @ArchangelSteve
      @ArchangelSteve  2 роки тому +2

      Never thought I'd be called Daddy Steve without having to pay for dinner first...

  • @emmapeel4299
    @emmapeel4299 2 роки тому

    The most relaxed, open and possibly honest I have ever heard DSP speak was about FOOD. Period. He does have a reaction to $$ of course but FOOD is some type of magnet for him. I am truly confused about that aspect.

  • @pvblivscornelivsscipio
    @pvblivscornelivsscipio 2 роки тому

    Another banger analysis, Stevie.
    Also In the Nightside Eclipse is obviously the best, kamahn dood.

    • @ArchangelSteve
      @ArchangelSteve  2 роки тому

      I could legit argue for all of them, even Prometheus...

  • @dabbyissues
    @dabbyissues 2 роки тому +1

    Haha I love the cat segment

    • @ArchangelSteve
      @ArchangelSteve  2 роки тому

      She's the real draw on this channel, I just edit for her at this point...

  • @dabbyissues
    @dabbyissues 2 роки тому

    Also, can relate on the torn up metal shirt bit haha that stuff is priceless.

  • @muddleddjinn
    @muddleddjinn 2 роки тому +3

    Thumbs up for the cat content 🖤

  • @DSPHistoricalSociety
    @DSPHistoricalSociety 2 роки тому +5

    Bro when I was a child I always thought it sounded cool dying of consumption- tho I had no idea what one _consumed_ to die of consumption. However I grew up to be a substance abuser + an anti-consumer... life, right?

    • @ArchangelSteve
      @ArchangelSteve  2 роки тому +3

      I always thought it was like a hacking wheezy coughing sort of death, y'know? Like, you'd cough into your hanky and then you'd look at it and see blood and be all "oh no, it's consumption..." and then the next scene would be the doctor standing by your bed telling your loved ones "I'm sorry, there's nothing more we can do for him"...

    • @DSPHistoricalSociety
      @DSPHistoricalSociety 2 роки тому

      @@ArchangelSteve Really? To me, it always seemed wonderful, like the death you'd get once you lived life to the fullest possible extent.

    • @DSPHistoricalSociety
      @DSPHistoricalSociety 2 роки тому

      @@ArchangelSteve or the final level you cleared once you suffered all you possibly can in a single lifetime

    • @DSPHistoricalSociety
      @DSPHistoricalSociety 2 роки тому

      @@ArchangelSteve i mean, it at least sounds like the opposite of an empty death

  • @critical488
    @critical488 2 роки тому +2

    It's not 6 hours long, that's a step forward...

  • @humanstickbug5216
    @humanstickbug5216 2 роки тому +2

    I've wondered about this stuff with Phil a few times, it's neat to see such a great video being made on the topic. I think with Phil, he doesn't WANT socialize, or form connections with other people. As such, I think Phil views media a little differently. I have an idea that Phil was raised by media, more than he was raised by his parents; I imagine they just plopped him down in front of the TV and just let him do his thing, be that video games, TV, or wrestling. Whenever you hear Phil talk about the media he really likes, it's always stuff from his childhood; Ghostbusters, Groundhog Day, old retro games, all good examples. I wonder if Phil views that stuff as a sort of familiar comfort; if that's the case, gotta wonder if that's why he rarely exposes himself to something new. It might be THAT uncomfortable for him to step outside of his meticulously constructed bubble.

    • @spottyhead
      @spottyhead 2 роки тому +2

      I could see him looking back fondly on those pieces of media, maybe as an escape to when he didn't carry the weights of adulthood. Like yes, we all have bills whether it's rent/mortgage, groceries, utilities etc but I wonder if Phil just sees it as "a simpler time" when he didn't have to worry about these grown-up stresses. Now I'm not saying he got a dollar from his parents or kin any time he asked but I do think he was spoiled in many ways. I assume he might've had some young friends who maybe got the new, fancy things to play with and shared it with other kids but as soon as Phil got something similar he likely kept it to himself and played solo with it.

    • @humanstickbug5216
      @humanstickbug5216 2 роки тому +1

      @@spottyhead I think you're probably right about him viewing that stuff as from a 'simpler time.' Same with the part about being spoiled, too. I feel like Phil has painted himself into a corner and now, he's just trucking along, towing his own little line, just making ends meet. And I wonder if bills/working/adult life is just something he views as having to "get through" so he can get back to being an overgrown kid again. That's a big reach right there, but I've known a few people who do that. Phil kinda strikes me as being one of those guys.

    • @spottyhead
      @spottyhead 2 роки тому +2

      @@humanstickbug5216 If he is viewing adult responsibility as something as a phase that'll pass I think he's in for a rude awakening, you can't turn the clock back. He can't expect someone to take care of him again once he feels he's "retirement-ready" because the only person he has directly in his life is aging with him. There's no way someone would wanna shoulder the burden of caring for him in the capacity I assume he feels entitled to in his old age. Not when Kat'll also have to take care of herself as well due to her own immediate family being, let's say, not ideal.

    • @humanstickbug5216
      @humanstickbug5216 2 роки тому +1

      @@spottyhead Yeah, I really wonder how he's going to handle aging. I can't help but think his years of denying everything is going to catch up to him in a big way. I didn't really think about Kat but yeah, you're right; her family isn't going to be helping either of them out. What a sad position to be in. Or, to have PUT yourself in, in this case.

  • @Slatersan42
    @Slatersan42 2 роки тому +1

    LOL, For Steve this IS a UA-cam Short.
    EDIT: 8:24 The irony of Steve saying he's fussy about what he'll sit still for 2 and A half hours to do.
    EDIT 2: 26:10 The more and more I think about it, the more convinced I am of your car crash hypothesis to explain Phil's.... personality? Disorders? It's stuck out so much more to me since you mentioned it in one of your previous videos. His total lack of understanding social interactions alongside his compulsive/impulsive tendencies is so severe and detrimental(especially the former,) that it really feels like some type of head trauma is a serious possibility. It has really made certain things stand out for me when watching DSP. Admittedly, this is my (Amateur) opinion, would love to hear you revisit the topic at some point.
    EDIT 3: [After Finishing] Absolutely nothing is wrong with you, you beautiful human being, lol. I love your videos. As a fan of psychology(Feels weird to phrase it that way...) I absolutely adore your videos, keep them coming. As for this one in particular, I think if you can manage to hold yourself to 30-45 minutes on a topic then these really do feel like shorts of your content. I for one really enjoyed this vid. Also, CAN'T WAIT for your vid on the Wings React stream. I was wondering about your thoughts on the PKA section. It will be even more telling I think if/when he does a React to the infamous Rambo and Howard podcast, as he has teased as a sub goal. Your video reacting to THAT is the one I'm absolutely dying to see!!!

    • @ArchangelSteve
      @ArchangelSteve  2 роки тому +1

      Ha ha ha, yeah, the irony wasn't lost on me either, it's like RAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNN ON YOUR WEDDING DAY!!!
      But yeah, it's not entirely unknown for serious personality changes to occur following traumatic brain injuries, and they don't have to be severe traumas either, like you don't need to be in a major accident or in a coma for months or anything, just a bump in the wrong place can spark something off. I said in a previous video I'd kill to be at his autopsy, but honestly at this point I would settle for paying for an MRI of his brain, I'm desperate to know what's going on neurologically, because the escalation of his behaviour over the last year suggests to me that whatever's not right in there is getting worse.

    • @Slatersan42
      @Slatersan42 2 роки тому

      @@ArchangelSteve I don't know if it's apocryphal or not, but I've heard that Sam Kinnison had some kind of accident, either a car crash or was hit by a car as a pedestrian. he suffered something of a bump on his head and not long after left the church, (he was following in his father's footsteps of becoming Southern Baptist preacher,) and went into comedy and started partying, etc. It sounds like it might be a celebrity fairy tale that springs from a kernel of truth, but it certainly illustrates the point here.
      Hahaha, I just imagined starting a collection to try to bribe DSP to sit for an MRI!!! I agree that brain scan would be worth it's weight in gold.

  • @jumbee9
    @jumbee9 Рік тому

    This a great analysis of DSP. Very educational.

  • @Mdoherty1687
    @Mdoherty1687 2 роки тому

    When you finally decide to branch off from DSP content, I’d love to hear your views on film. Your referencing of Kurosawa has me interested. For me, Rashomon and Seven Samurai are the best though I do have a fondness for Yojimbo, Throne of Blood, and Drunken Angle (this one felt very personal from Kurosawa).

  • @therabidscorpion
    @therabidscorpion 2 роки тому

    Howdy Steve! Just catching up and seeing how everything's going! Hope you're well!

  • @yuriyuki0
    @yuriyuki0 2 роки тому +1

    You haven't lived until you watch Seven Samurai, best 4 hours you'll ever spend.

    • @ArchangelSteve
      @ArchangelSteve  2 роки тому

      Totally worth it, a legitimately emotional story. That shot of the swords in the mounds at the end is incredibly powerful.

    • @yuriyuki0
      @yuriyuki0 2 роки тому

      @@ArchangelSteve Indeed, it's a flawless work of art that's never been surpassed since.
      You probably know this already I'm sure, the first Star Wars film is a rip off of Hidden Fortress.
      Also, Try to see Sword of Doom if you get the chance.

  • @l34CoNCreepy
    @l34CoNCreepy Рік тому

    that kurosawa thumbnail, love it!

    • @ArchangelSteve
      @ArchangelSteve  Рік тому +1

      My thumbnail game isn't the strongest, but I'm still quite proud of that one.

    • @l34CoNCreepy
      @l34CoNCreepy Рік тому

      @@ArchangelSteve you've got a few ive noticed, the meme of the guy looking at the other girl and its dsp and peoples social security gave me a good laugh also.

  • @billbrasky1318
    @billbrasky1318 2 роки тому +1

    Like I mentioned in Shinko's stream, Phil's opinions are like watching the news with someone and all they do is reiterate what the TV just said a few seconds ago.
    He thinks that by parroting points that makes him seem sophisticated or introspective. But all he does is parrot, he has no opinion so he defaults to fence sitting.
    It's like he's a crappy version of a daytime talkshow host.

    • @spottyhead
      @spottyhead 2 роки тому

      I've also described his commentary as described audio for the visually impaired. When he's playing games there's no talking about stories or idioms, it's just "this happened on screen, did you see that?! Did you see how the game screwed me over? Did you see how I did one thing but the game did another thing?"
      Almost like he has no purview outside what's right in front of his nose. Like a horse with blinders on. His thinking when trying to be entertaining is Occum's razor, just keep it simple and straight to the point, little deviation or spontaneity but you ask him about this thing that he said that he's changing a story and it becomes a trip down the Yellow Brick Road with all kinds of twists and turns and villains around every corner.

  • @secretspicesecretspice4440
    @secretspicesecretspice4440 2 роки тому

    "Rock World" My God Steve that brought back a blast from the past 🎵🎶🎵 Was not my taste in Music at all but I have fond memories of the scene as I worked the all nighter's upstairs. Big ups 😁

  • @davidriley8316
    @davidriley8316 2 роки тому +1

    A metal and black metal fan? I knew you were a top bloke. Yeah, not talking with Kat about...life. I don't get their relationship. I also don't get him admitting it. He's a very strange dude. I cannot wait for your 7 hour DSP Reacts video. And Lordi is awesome...and weird. Horns up!

  • @diegopinon5275
    @diegopinon5275 2 роки тому

    A brief aside
    Checks time, 36 minutes.

  • @HollyGameShow
    @HollyGameShow 2 роки тому

    Lovely cat!

  • @d_shuffles
    @d_shuffles 2 роки тому +1

    Are there any recorded conversations with him and a friend? Obviously past tense and not an interview like with the quartering. Im actually curious what a dialogue with him and another human sounds like.

    • @ArchangelSteve
      @ArchangelSteve  2 роки тому +3

      Sort of, he used to do co-op with John Rambo every now and then, so you might find their banter back and forth as they play rather revealing. He also used to vlog a lot when he'd be at conventions or on holiday, so you can get some glimpses of his interactions with his friends and Leanna through them. Obviously they're not 100% natural social interactions, the presence of a camera precludes that, but off the top of my head those are the closest examples I can think of. The majority of his content is just him on his own though, so it makes it difficult to see how he'd actually interact with others naturally.

    • @d_shuffles
      @d_shuffles 2 роки тому

      @@ArchangelSteve Good point about having a camera on changes it abit. I found him after his peak of creative content and have to look back in time haha.

  • @Darksy_DePhil
    @Darksy_DePhil 2 роки тому

    Putting DSP's face onto Mifune's body.... you maniacal bastard!

    • @ArchangelSteve
      @ArchangelSteve  2 роки тому

      Fair, but that specific scene came up in the conversation I was having, so it was a little nod to them.

  • @spitfireohone
    @spitfireohone 2 роки тому +1

    I think the video is glitched. it only says 36 minutes in the thumbnail.

    • @ArchangelSteve
      @ArchangelSteve  2 роки тому +1

      For God's sake Susan, put down your ham sandwich and fix your website!

  • @SlowDay1651
    @SlowDay1651 2 роки тому +1

    He is so devoid of culture, thus, its robust.

    • @BoondockBrony
      @BoondockBrony 2 роки тому

      He knows about culture, it's just very shallow and outdated. Again the dude used clips from Jingle All the Way for Christmas and made up his Christmas to make it sound like the ending from a Christmas Story. Most of his fans never seen either I would bank money on that

  • @TiTrac460
    @TiTrac460 2 роки тому +1

    >"A brief aside"
    >26 minutes
    Brief for you I guess?

  • @ConspiracyPundit
    @ConspiracyPundit 2 роки тому

    I do not understand, well I do, but Kat should take over some of his streams as a way of ringing in the changes. I bet she would pull in more tips.

    • @ArchangelSteve
      @ArchangelSteve  2 роки тому

      Genuinely think Kat being on stream is one of the last few potential surprises DSP still has; if she suddenly appeared on stream one day out of nowhere the entire detractor community would lose their shit and I'd probably get like seven hours out of the stream, but DSP being DSP he would announce it ahead of time and try to hype it up that way, and massively deflate interest instead.

    • @ArchangelSteve
      @ArchangelSteve  2 роки тому

      @CriticalErr0r Yeah, Phil's not likely to give up that level of attentional bias to her, he wants the chat on him all the time and he knows if she's ever on stream again she's all that chat will talk about. Never mind that people would be emptying their wallets at him to get their questions answered by her, the point is they're not focused on him and the chill relaxing fun entertaining interactive gameplay he's providing, and he can't be having that.
      Also Equality = Communism fucking rules, they're a great commenter.

  • @onlyoldfashioned2751
    @onlyoldfashioned2751 2 роки тому

    Rockworld? That brings back a few memories 🥲

    • @ArchangelSteve
      @ArchangelSteve  2 роки тому +1

      I'm glad someone remembers, I was usually three sheets by the time we got to Piccadilly...

    • @onlyoldfashioned2751
      @onlyoldfashioned2751 2 роки тому

      @@ArchangelSteve mind you, I was 20 when it shut so I didn't get to go as much as I wanted to. One night that sticks out to me is when we went during Download (we were all too skint to go) and it was pretty much empty. It was never usually like that any other week.

  • @DSPHistoricalSociety
    @DSPHistoricalSociety 2 роки тому +2

    Metalhead nerd? Okay, I'm a puck rocker in touch with his emotions, who loves writing & has read Bukowski, Kerouac, & Fante- all the lethal romantics.

  • @Daikkenaurora
    @Daikkenaurora 2 роки тому

    What's the cats favorite metal band?
    You should look into DSP being confused why Tony Stark, was upset that Winter Solider, killed his parents.

    • @spottyhead
      @spottyhead 2 роки тому

      Noooo, he wasn't actually confused over something like that, was he?
      But if Bucky had burned down Tony's favorite Italian restaurant Phil would still be crying to this day

  • @GalathNox
    @GalathNox 2 роки тому

    Bring up T. Rex with Phil and he would go on a hour-long spiel about how a group of t-rexes couldn’t have a band because their arms are too short to play an instrument. Oblivious to pop culture and childish in his understanding of it.

  • @marishiten5944
    @marishiten5944 2 роки тому

    The whole Wings thing really highlights that Phail is a profoundly broken man. Unable to form connections with others and is unable to grasp the concept of friendship or companions. I say can't at this point, not won't. I don't think he's able to at this point. I don't think he has a desire to and I think his own mental defects will always prevent him. This is the best he will ever be able to offer to anyone.

  • @miknud
    @miknud 2 роки тому

    sums up DSP, loves food, he just can't stop talking about food. dosen't cook!!!

  • @tomg5187
    @tomg5187 2 роки тому


  • @FashKhet
    @FashKhet 2 роки тому

    Steve whos side are you on? Euronymous or Varg Vikernes? I'm a punk/hardcore kid but love metal. Mostly listen to older metal, black metal, death metal. Pretty much any band on Metal Blade is legit. Cattle Decapitation is my fav.

    • @ArchangelSteve
      @ArchangelSteve  2 роки тому +1

      I'm with Euronymous, Varg was a prick and De Mysteriis Dom Satanas shits all over Filosofem. Also, Metal Blade is up there with Earache in terms of "you will not believe the immensity of the back catalogue we have", especially because they have GWAR who I'm going to see later this year.

    • @FashKhet
      @FashKhet 2 роки тому

      @@ArchangelSteve wird. Yeah those gwar concerts are messy fun! Big ups metal detractor! 🤘🏻

  • @MatureAdultWithBusinessDegree
    @MatureAdultWithBusinessDegree 2 роки тому

    Which Emperor albums is th best? All of them.

  • @mcdoogle_robotman
    @mcdoogle_robotman 2 роки тому

    Getting a detailed discription of relationships & all that im kinda interested in learning more about it if you know cany books would you mind telling me?? only knew about if I had a hobbies & met someone who had the same we'd get along better n' all that on a different note, My problem is why did Phil got so pissed about wings friends they tried helping him and yet Wings was unwilling that's what I found so frustrating with the Phil reacts. Another thing Phil keeps saying he's a big fan of X when he talking about SWs he didn't even know the basic lore or what happened in the movies there is nothing wrong by saying "I haven't been really into such and such" or just come out and say that you don't know much about it.
    Also I think the reason why Phil doesn't want to talk about what his hobbies or what he truly enjoy is his form of Sacred Space and he doesn't want it to be invaded.

    • @Slatersan42
      @Slatersan42 2 роки тому

      What Steve was talking about is Social Identity Theory. I'm not an expert, but looking that up on google should give you plenty of reading to start you out.

    @HWJASURY 2 роки тому

    Phil and Kat should buy Tiny Tina. Local co-op and single player. He can play co-op with Kat off stream on her console and then he can play is own single player campaign for his streams. But you Tiny Tina is new but it's not going to get "butts in seats" as he loves to rip off Tony Schiavone. I mean, maybe Kat's not an FPS person, but still maybe it'd be worth a try.

  • @deadheadcomics1051
    @deadheadcomics1051 2 роки тому

    Jings watched sotd in one sitting yippee! Give an achievement puleeeze!

  • @germanpereira9544
    @germanpereira9544 2 роки тому

    Bugged friendship mechanics dood....

  • @methbear2450
    @methbear2450 2 роки тому

    Kitty go meow.

    • @ArchangelSteve
      @ArchangelSteve  2 роки тому

      Yeah, usually when I'm trying to have a shit...

  • @Baronvonkame
    @Baronvonkame Рік тому

    36 minutes and still less bloviating than someone I know

  • @SuperChatsRNotTips
    @SuperChatsRNotTips 2 роки тому

    Phils is a man with no ambition no hobbies no muscle no sex no knowledge buuuuut he does have a "business degree"

  • @lilypacastsupper8922
    @lilypacastsupper8922 2 роки тому

    i don't think you have to engage with popular culture to socialize well with people if you have a developed sense of humor. Like if u are good at finding humor in irony (gallows humor even), that's an instant connection. Phail occasionally makes a proper funny, but he usually just goes into clown scat humor mode, which is dumb.
    i would say he mostly has an juvenile undeveloped sense of humor. I think I heard that laughter releases the same kind of brain waves (gamma waves?) that meditation does, so there's that.

    • @ArchangelSteve
      @ArchangelSteve  2 роки тому +1

      I absolutely agree, humour is one of the fundamental ways we relate to others, laughter is literally contagious and social bonds can be formed through a shared laugh at absurdity or farce. With Phil's level of humour, I think there are multiple factors involved, such as his own individual tastes, his sense of humour stagnating over the years that have been absent actual socialisation, his opinions of his audience's level of intelligence and how he adjusts his humour based on whether they'll get the joke or not, how much effort he's willing to put into making a joke, and doubtless more that I'm forgetting. They'll all go into informing the humour in his content as a whole, so you could really dive into this and spend hours speculating over each joke, which I'm very liable to do...
      But yeah, definitely underdeveloped. He has not emotionally matured at all, and his sense of humour definitely reflects that.
      Also, yes, laughter and meditation both involve similar regions of the brain (the hippocampus and the amygdala) so it wouldn't surprise me to find both produced similar electrical impulses through the brain. I'll have to look into that now, you've piqued my curiosity!

    • @lilypacastsupper8922
      @lilypacastsupper8922 2 роки тому

      Interesting, thanks for the response. Looking forward to upcoming content.

  • @NTSTS0
    @NTSTS0 Рік тому

    aw kitty :o

    • @NTSTS0
      @NTSTS0 Рік тому

      she wants the meat stick :3

  • @ErinRSU
    @ErinRSU 2 роки тому

    Cody's lab? Is that you?

    • @ArchangelSteve
      @ArchangelSteve  2 роки тому +1

      I'll take it, it's better than "you look like DSP"

  • @jstratton1981
    @jstratton1981 2 роки тому

    How could you do Mifune dirty like that!?!?!? :p

    • @ArchangelSteve
      @ArchangelSteve  2 роки тому +2

      Ha ha ha, sorry, but during the conversation the other person specifically mentioned the arrows scene, so it's a little easter egg for them.

    • @jstratton1981
      @jstratton1981 2 роки тому

      @@ArchangelSteve I'm just teasing lol. I love that movie. My uncle had to watch me once as a kid and he threw this gem on. Its where I got my love of reading from ironically enough.

  • @sachikozeingor1077
    @sachikozeingor1077 2 роки тому +1

    This all reminds me of the biggest german lolcow, the Drachenlord (dragonlord in english). He too often says he doesn't like X, only to show later on that he indeed loves X. I feel like people say that to appear more interesting. I mean if someone says they don't enjoy a popular thing other people get curious as to why. I for example really dislike Marvel and people often look at me funny when I mention that. The difference is that I truly dislike Marvel and don't like it secretly to appear more interesting.
    It also would give DSP the opportunity to once again antagonize someone because he disagreed with him as he always does. "WHat? FUck you, if I dislike it then that is my own god-damn business! How dare you come here and tell me that I must enjoy this?" Followed by the message in chat:'You brought it up in the first place' followed by DSP going "You know what? FUck you and your dishonest bullshit, you're banned!" followed by a rant from him about how shitty certain people are and how he can only bear them if he gets more money. I can see the scenario already in my head

  • @Morra5472
    @Morra5472 2 роки тому +1

    Imagine making a channel to devote it to some guy that plays video games on the internet. Are you in love with him or what?.. Did he turn you down and now you are butthurt?.. Is that what it is?..

    • @ArchangelSteve
      @ArchangelSteve  2 роки тому

      Imagine making multiple accounts to leave shitty comments on detractor videos... Are you in love with Phil, or me?

  • @bernadetterose4054
    @bernadetterose4054 2 роки тому

    💐 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘮𝘰𝘴𝘮