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I once visited a friend in this exact place (Ottery). They quickly pulled me into their home and told me to not even stand at the gate cause it was dangerous in broad daylight!! This place is too scary
That’s dangerous light compared to the rest of cpt but his right you don’t stand outside there. My aunt lives in the middle of the gang land in ottery and I won’t even move out side with her to the shop.
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Racist and/or homophobic comments will not be tolerated and users will be banned immediately.
1. Hate speech, defamation & hostility inciting comments.
2. Harassing (incl. sexual), threatening, embarrassing, swearing at, or abusing of another participant.
3. Acting as employees of Carte Blanche.4. Spam links or comments.
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I once visited a friend in this exact place (Ottery). They quickly pulled me into their home and told me to not even stand at the gate cause it was dangerous in broad daylight!! This place is too scary
That’s dangerous light compared to the rest of cpt but his right you don’t stand outside there. My aunt lives in the middle of the gang land in ottery and I won’t even move out side with her to the shop.
What to do when police has your firearms for 2.5 years after they were recovered by the police after being stolen?
In Kzn mostly its whoonga or nyaope that is causing so much shootings, police are not doing anything in townships.