2023 checking in. This AC was one of the more amazing spectacles I've ever seen on tv, to this day. But for 37, PLEASE call it the "American boat," not "The Americans." By this race Rome Kirby was the single American aboard OTUSA.
Amazing to see the two big beasts come together at the start. A little dramatic arm waving too, for added effect! Great coverage, as ever. Thanks guys.
2023 checking in. This AC was one of the more amazing spectacles I've ever seen on tv, to this day. But for 37, PLEASE call it the "American boat," not "The Americans." By this race Rome Kirby was the single American aboard OTUSA.
Amazing to see the two big beasts come together at the start. A little dramatic arm waving too, for added effect!
Great coverage, as ever. Thanks guys.
does saying the same thing over and over count as a commentary in USA?
dont forget they have to dumb it down for a non-sailing audience.