End Of Times Prophecy | Hamza Yusuf | AMAZING

  • Опубліковано 3 жов 2024
  • Hamza Yusuf narrates a hadith of knowledge in the latter times
  • Розваги


  • @ccccapone
    @ccccapone 3 роки тому +51

    The sheikh melts my heart with his speaking tone.. so inviting so gentle, so welcoming.

  • @rafayshakeel4812
    @rafayshakeel4812 3 роки тому +86

    Mr. Hamza Yousuf is one of the best scholars 🙂

    • @azizanabagil4016
      @azizanabagil4016 3 роки тому +4

      Yes we understand worst reply

    • @syedalipeeran1761
      @syedalipeeran1761 2 роки тому


    • @ahmd-mi9964
      @ahmd-mi9964 2 роки тому +4

      He has errors and flaws in his understandings but yes he was for many years also he was my favourite da'yee,
      Many other equivalent da'yee like Dr Zakir Naik, Dr Sheik Haitham, Dr Bilal Philips, Shaik Usthman, Numan Ali Khan,
      Dr Taqi Usmani and others from of Deobandi madrasas, and many others from around the world, all have good knowledge in many areas and errors and problems in some areas, "hero worship" even in halal a manner leads to problems of tribalism and arrogance where true knowledge some times get denied or misunderstandings
      takes place,
      we must always have 1st our intentions for Allah's pleasure and then efforts , actions to try and aligned accordingly, insh'allah
      But alhumdulillah may Allah SWT preserve, protect, and increase exponentially blessings upon our scholarship, students of knowledge and our so called leadership as well as our ummah ameen.

    • @Baron8199
      @Baron8199 2 роки тому +1

      @@ahmd-mi9964 Why are you comparing this scholar who learned the religion on its foundations with these Salafist Da'ees? this man from Ahl al-Sunnah wal-Jama`ah, and they are ignorant Salafis

    • @ajax1472
      @ajax1472 2 роки тому

      @@Baron8199 what is salafi?

  • @milenkapitanov8464
    @milenkapitanov8464 2 роки тому +7

    Saykh Hamza Yusuf one of the biggest blessings that Allah S.W.T gave to the Ummah today !

  • @SharonPiano8
    @SharonPiano8 3 роки тому +27

    When Hamza Yusuf said that we have a crisis of knowledge, when good becomes scarce and the creeping villainy until villainy becomes a norm, it reminded me of this verse from the Bible:
    2 Timothy 3:
    3 But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: 2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, 4 traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away! 6 For of this sort are those who creep into households and make captives of gullible women loaded down with sins, led away by various lusts, 7 always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

  • @salim1ali847
    @salim1ali847 3 роки тому +7

    بارك الله فيكم يا الشيخ حمزة و أجركم الله

  • @ray620
    @ray620 3 роки тому +40

    Keep this up brother, more of these 👍

  • @davidcopperfield2278
    @davidcopperfield2278 2 роки тому +6

    I m not muslim, but this one here hits hard.

  • @sherifftouray8470
    @sherifftouray8470 3 роки тому +23

    May Allah(s.w.t) bless all those that contribute for this amazing work we the ummah really benefitin from it MasaAllah

  • @NatureVibesExplorer120
    @NatureVibesExplorer120 2 роки тому +2

    Dream to see my teacher infront🤗🤗🤗
    ❤️ From indian occupied Kashmir

  • @negan-saviors92
    @negan-saviors92 3 роки тому +4

    After long time again listened to Sh. Hamza Yusuf. This was great!

  • @ashfaqgazala
    @ashfaqgazala 2 роки тому +3

    May Allah protect our scholars so the Ummah can benefit from their sacred knowledge. Aameen

  • @Eleidig007
    @Eleidig007 3 роки тому +6

    Mash Allah one of my favorite sheikhs

  • @islas104
    @islas104 3 роки тому +10

    Jazakhallah khayrun very beneficial for all of us! May Allah swt bless you!

  • @jamaalhussein9938
    @jamaalhussein9938 2 роки тому +1

    can feel a sent of despair in him may Allah make easy for Hamza Yusuf AMEEN

  • @ilyesibrahim787
    @ilyesibrahim787 3 роки тому +3


  • @alRuh-005
    @alRuh-005 3 роки тому +6

    It is true what Hamza Yusuf
    Is saying
    And it shall come again,, as something New,,, That is what they will say and Hate.
    All Praise and Thanks Belongs to Allah Rob-UL-Alamin.

  • @AK47NoFFicial
    @AK47NoFFicial 3 роки тому +5

    Alhamdolilah ☝🏽

  • @jwood5321
    @jwood5321 3 роки тому +3

    Hamza Yusuf,a tower of light in a time when we are surrounded by a sea of ignorance and darkness!

  • @NasirAhmedApu
    @NasirAhmedApu Рік тому

    Good Khutbah. It is so much needed at this present time .

  • @wondervideosudheenv5792
    @wondervideosudheenv5792 3 роки тому +5

    What a beautiful scholar!! May allah bless him with longevity..

  • @marwahparuk3823
    @marwahparuk3823 3 роки тому +6

    Salaam sheikh ALLAH UAKBAR bless u always.

  • @addeymir
    @addeymir 3 роки тому +18

    Such a beautiful piece of knowledge. God Bless your work. Love from Kashmir.

  • @ninjaslayer7462
    @ninjaslayer7462 3 роки тому +8

    May Allah guide us and have patience and remember Your lord is not ONE EYED and to read surah kahf every friday
    Lailahaillallah MuhammadaRrasulullah

  • @tariqcader822
    @tariqcader822 3 роки тому +6

    This is the time for action.
    Wake up ummah.

  • @usamakhan7935
    @usamakhan7935 5 місяців тому

    Jaza kaAllah

  • @LAGHRISSIAdnane
    @LAGHRISSIAdnane 10 місяців тому

    Chaykh youssef helps you deep think about faith

  • @nahidnoor6421
    @nahidnoor6421 2 роки тому +2

    May Allah swt preserve and protect him .Ameen

  • @erwinsmith5381
    @erwinsmith5381 3 роки тому +3

    اللهم صل وسلم على سيدنا ومولانا محمد عبدك ورسولك النبي الأمي وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم

  • @faisalzaman6685
    @faisalzaman6685 3 роки тому +2

    May Allah bless you

  • @tariqaslam1853
    @tariqaslam1853 2 роки тому +2

    Shukr Alhumdulillah, thank you Sheikh for sharing knowledge very few address. He expects great things from his students. It is good to know the Zaytuna College exists.

  • @asefaboda
    @asefaboda 3 роки тому +5

    It's heartbreaking whts happening right now 💔💔😭😭

  • @funzuno8639
    @funzuno8639 3 роки тому +6

    Great speech..I love it

  • @alphawhisky5171
    @alphawhisky5171 3 роки тому +5

    Patience is general of its army. Reminded me this: Prophet David pbuh faces off Goliath and asks Allah swt to shower him with patience. SubhanAllah

    • @ulysseamer2942
      @ulysseamer2942 2 роки тому

      whisky???? The best typical muslim name ever!!! lol

  • @reshiowais4728
    @reshiowais4728 3 роки тому +3

    Luv u Hamza from kashmir

  • @ninjaslayer7462
    @ninjaslayer7462 3 роки тому +4

    Here are some sunnah of the prophet(SAW)
    #...When ever the prophet is mentioned say (sallallahu alaihi wasallam)
    #...Dikir after every prayer/you can also add (wa bihamdi) and reciting *Alatul Kursi after every fard salah
    *SubahanAllah 33 times
    *AllahuAkbar 34 times
    *Amhamdulillah 33time
    #...While entering home syaing this supplication (Allahumma inni as'aluka khairal mawliji wa khairul makhraji bismillahi wajlana wa bismillahi kjarajna waaalla rabbina tawakkalna)
    #... While going outside of home saying this supplication (Bismillah tawakkaltu aaalallah wala hawla wala quwwata illa billah)
    #...When entering your home give salam even if there is no one give salam to your self
    #...Entering the bathroom with left foot and exiting with right
    *and covering the head and while relieving yourself sitting is wajib
    *and when relieving yourself don't face the qibla or your back behind it
    #...Entering the masjid with right foot and exiting with left and performing wudu at home
    #...Every muslim you cross by give salam
    #...Using meswak
    #...Using fragrence
    #...Reading Surah Khaf every Friday
    #...Dusting the bed with an edge of an cloth or bromm
    #...Eat with your right hand and share your food with the nearest person
    #... if any food drops of the plate pick it up remove the dust and eat it
    *after finish eating lick the plate with your fingers and lick your fingers
    #...Before eating and drinking saying bismillah and after finishing eating and drinking saying Allhamdulillah
    *if one forgots to say bismillah before eating or drinking say this (bismillahi fi awwalihi wa akhirihi)
    #... After finish eating sya this supplication (Allhamdulillah hil ladhi at amani hadha wa razaqanihi min ghayri hawlin minnee wa la quwwatin)
    #...Before staring any work or going to do something saying bismillah
    #...After doing wudu saying (La illah illallah wadahu la sarikala)
    #...While drinking or eating sitting is recommended and it is an sunnah
    #...Sleeping on the right shoulder
    #...Not sleeping on your stomach or chest
    #...Before going to sleep
    *sleep in the state of wudu
    *Surah ikhlas 3 times
    *Surah Nas 3 times
    *Surah Falak 3 times
    *Ayatul Kursi 3 times
    *And saying (Lailahaillallah MuhammadaRrasulullah)
    *And reciting Surah Mulk
    #...When going to sleep saying this supplication
    (Bismika rabbi wada tu janbi wa bika arfahu in amskata nafsi
    fagfir laha wa in arsaltaha fahfazha bima tahfaz bihi ibadaka-s-salihin)or
    (Allahuma bismika amutoo wa ahyaa)
    #...After waking up saying this supplication (Allhamdulillah hil-lathee ahyana baaada ma amatana wa ilayhin nushoor)
    #...After waking up doing wudu and put water inside the nose and blow it
    #... when wering cloths syaing this supplication (Allhamdulillah hil lathee kasanee hatha aththawab warazaqaneehi min ghayri hawlin minnee wala quwwah)
    *While wearing entire the right hand first and when taking of start with left hand same with the shoes
    Sahih Al Bukhari:
    Sahih Muslim:
    Jami Al Tirmidi:
    Abu Dawood: 5212
    Ibn Majah:
    An nasai:
    Credits goes to
    Ismalic knowledge official
    Ranga nature English
    May Allah guide us and have patience and remember Your lord is not ONE EYED and to read surah kahf every friday
    Plz pray for palistine
    Lailahaillallah MuhammadaRrasulullah

  • @salmanjets718
    @salmanjets718 Рік тому

    Amazing lecturer

  • @kryzhamid2810
    @kryzhamid2810 3 роки тому +2

    Beautiful human being

  • @quantumo2099
    @quantumo2099 3 роки тому +2


  • @nabilshaikh2525
    @nabilshaikh2525 Рік тому


  • @norama3998
    @norama3998 3 роки тому +6

    اللّهم إنّك عَفُوّ تُحِبٌ العَفو فاعفُ عنّي ..
    دعاء أوصى به الحبيب محمّد صلّى اللّه عليه و سلّم الحُمَيْراء عائشة في شهر رمضان رضي اللّه عنها ..

  • @lallakhan7695
    @lallakhan7695 2 роки тому +1

    Mr. Yousef its encouraging that you are looking the Hadith of the Prophet saws. As you seek knowledge and its benefits, kindly apply to your own life so as to follow true islam with the example of our most venerable Prophet saws.Have a nice day. Lalla Khan Esq.

  • @ssa3101
    @ssa3101 3 роки тому

    Shafeeq Sheikh. Masha Allah

  • @westlisbon6307
    @westlisbon6307 3 роки тому +4

    There is One God: (YHVH E'CHAD/ALLAHU AKHBAR)

  • @AdamEuroS
    @AdamEuroS 3 роки тому +1

    I follow the straight path allahs guidance 3 times is 1 jaar

  • @muhammadrazahayder7264
    @muhammadrazahayder7264 3 роки тому +8

    A very beautiful video ! compiled many important points in just one speech. can someone please add urdu captions or at-least allow to add by a subscriber. i believe there is a-lot of audience who would want to hear.

    • @alhaqiquhOfficial
      @alhaqiquhOfficial  3 роки тому +4

      lol my brother i literally just opened a AL HAQIQUH URDU channel today, Alhamdulillah!

    • @alhaqiquhOfficial
      @alhaqiquhOfficial  3 роки тому +5

      i will be translating all my videos to urdu in sha Allah, please spread if you can, jazakAllahu khair

  • @Sweeti924
    @Sweeti924 3 роки тому +2


  • @harisa781
    @harisa781 3 роки тому +1

    Thank you

  • @jaffarsamoon6711
    @jaffarsamoon6711 3 роки тому +2

    Assalamu alaikum wa Rahmatullah wa barakaatuho ❤️🌹👌☑️

  • @NatureVibesExplorer120
    @NatureVibesExplorer120 2 роки тому +1


  • @fahziahameed3612
    @fahziahameed3612 3 місяці тому

    By the way I don’t have channel I just follow what I think is best for me in knowledge

  • @tehelilsaiyed602
    @tehelilsaiyed602 3 роки тому

    Not believing the truth doesn't change the reality.

  • @fahziahameed3612
    @fahziahameed3612 3 місяці тому

    Mashallah ❤ I hope you find it useful of the opinion of course people take there own journey to get to know the most wise but this culture and traditions really stain the word of the most wise what do you say??? Anything will be something to someone who cares and takes heed

  • @ahmad.t.habibi7259
    @ahmad.t.habibi7259 3 роки тому +1

    Please send me the complete lecture link 🙏

  • @TetyanaRehman
    @TetyanaRehman 3 роки тому +7

    How about remembering Muhammad wa ale Muhammad, prophet has left us two weighty things. Quran and lhlulbait, one is inseparable from the other and together represent the rope of Allah swt, those who hold on to it will not be misguided inshaallah

    • @abbasabdeali3239
      @abbasabdeali3239 3 роки тому +1

      Absolutely fatema sister....im a shiaa and i follow My Maula Ali Amirul mumineen(s.a) and the succeeding Aimmat Tahereen(s.a)....our faith is of the victorious Alhamdulillah ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆♡♡♡♡

  • @bismillah4377
    @bismillah4377 2 роки тому

    Great ways to earn good deeds :
    1. Give somebody a copy of the Quran (you are rewarded each time they read from it)
    2. Participate in building a masjid (physically or financially, both are rewarded)
    3. Plant a tree(you are rewarded for every person/animal who sits in its shade)
    4. Donate a wheelchair or equipment to a hospital(you are rewarded each time it is used)
    5. Sharing and passing this message on is the easiest of all these good deeds(you are rewarded for every person who acts upon any of the above)
    May Allah guide us all, inshallah.

  • @libansheikh7067
    @libansheikh7067 2 роки тому +1

    The universities who’s curriculum was based around allah, has always been the most influential universities, and have produced of the most influential people.

  • @samiware1704
    @samiware1704 8 місяців тому

    Our great prophet Muhammad says "The last Islam is in Al Sham (Damascus)" Not in the west not in the east, not in Morocco nor in Algeria. Not in the United States nor in Russia. Not in Saudi Arabia nor in Jordan, not in Japan nor in Europe. He assured us that it is in Al Sham in a city named Damascus.

  • @faizanyaqoob1994
    @faizanyaqoob1994 2 роки тому

    Full lecture plz

  • @zakme5638
    @zakme5638 3 роки тому +1

    What's the tilte of the full lecture,?

  • @kendarwitz5071
    @kendarwitz5071 3 роки тому +4

    Prophet Mohammad (may the blessing and the salutation of peace continue to shadow over him and over his honorable house) says [that which is closely translated and means]:
    إني لأرجو إن طال بي عمر أن ألقى عيسى بن مريم فإن عجل بي موت فمن لقيه منكم فليقرئه مني السلام.
    Prepare for Prophet عEsa’s (may the blessing and the salutation of peace continue to shadow over him and over his honorable mother, Mariam) upon his return pen and blank page to write down every word that comes out of his mouth, for he will speak nothing but TRUTH-he will read to you from Al-Ke.taab (the Divine Writ), including Al-Qur’an and Al-Enjil and At-Towrah, and, withal , he will make clear for all where people now hold divergent views.

    • @abbasabdeali3239
      @abbasabdeali3239 3 роки тому +1

      Prophet Esaa(s.a) will speak of Imam Mahdi(s.a) and His kingdom of justice and prosperity soon insha Allah aameen

  • @illymo001
    @illymo001 3 роки тому +6

    how do i become a student of islam please someone take me away from this state of the world. i ask my creator before death just please please please take me to his path and guidence

    • @alhaqiquhOfficial
      @alhaqiquhOfficial  3 роки тому +4

      make dua, this is your weapon, and have hope in your dua to be answered, be sure of it, May Allah grant you ease and guidance, Ameen

    • @illymo001
      @illymo001 3 роки тому +2

      @@alhaqiquhOfficial thank you and ameeen.x

    • @sincerity3699
      @sincerity3699 3 роки тому

      Join International Open University

    • @illymo001
      @illymo001 3 роки тому +1

      @@sincerity3699 haha u such a funny twwat

    • @slaveofallah3747
      @slaveofallah3747 2 роки тому

      Yes fake Pseudo University lol

  • @veetNAM
    @veetNAM 3 роки тому +3

    Why this idiotic background humming...please tell me whats the purpose of adding that to an islamic talk

  • @islamic_eschatology01
    @islamic_eschatology01 2 роки тому

    Silent killer:silent scholar= S. Hamza Yusuf

  • @muslimwoolfy-winterequestr4344
    @muslimwoolfy-winterequestr4344 3 роки тому

    So The hadith is “ضعيف “ but I don’t think that doesn’t mean that its necessarily wrong and anyone correct me if I am wrong about this

    • @slaveofallah3747
      @slaveofallah3747 2 роки тому

      Zaef hadiths are also hadiths akhi
      Dont fall for the wahhabi traps
      It's only disputed on Chain of Narrators, not the Hadith text itself. If there was any doubt about the Text of Hadith, it is classified MOUZU, Fabricated.
      So Zaeef Hadith are written by Muhadiseen for a reason. It's just the Masail for a'maaal can't be taken from them. Even that Usool is from Ahlus Sunnah not Wahhabiya.

  • @shaiksharfi589
    @shaiksharfi589 3 роки тому +1


  • @navedian739
    @navedian739 2 роки тому

    You look like a an amazing elegant fancy Turkish king Yusuf😅🙏🏻

  • @westlisbon6307
    @westlisbon6307 3 роки тому +3

    The Prophets, Messengers and even Angel's are nothing compared to GOD YHVH ALLAH.

    • @AmirKhan_KnowTech
      @AmirKhan_KnowTech 2 роки тому

      This is not a comparison to be made. You are comparing Khaliq with Makhlooq. Could you please tell the source of your comment? Any scholar made such a comment?

    • @westlisbon6307
      @westlisbon6307 2 роки тому

      @@AmirKhan_KnowTech La Ilaha Il Allah

  • @DaNyAaLcEc
    @DaNyAaLcEc 3 роки тому +1

    why are there people sitting behind the Sheikh on a stage??? Seriously, what's up with that?!

  • @utubebeena
    @utubebeena 3 роки тому

    When was this lecture?

  • @westlisbon6307
    @westlisbon6307 6 місяців тому

    He spoke against freemasons.

  • @TwahaMukammel
    @TwahaMukammel 3 роки тому

    Can someone help me with finding the reference of the last hasan hadith he mentioned?

  • @releasereality64
    @releasereality64 3 роки тому

    What is the Hadith, he mentions at the beginning?

  • @haroonlegends567
    @haroonlegends567 2 роки тому

    To be honest, Nobody knows the future except Allah. This is what the Quran says (as a Criterion). Can someone educate me, if my understanding is wrong from what I learned from the Quran?

  • @muslimwoolfy-winterequestr4344
    @muslimwoolfy-winterequestr4344 3 роки тому

    What is the source of the hadith 0:42

  • @diazahmd4996
    @diazahmd4996 3 роки тому

    What is the title of full speech?

  • @quickfixengineeringltd8035
    @quickfixengineeringltd8035 3 роки тому +2

    He said boko haram? That's my country Nigeria

  • @Gain_Knowledge7
    @Gain_Knowledge7 Рік тому

    Abu Darda reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said:
    Verily, the angels lower their wings for the seeker of knowledge. The inhabitants of the heavens and earth, even the fish in the depths of the water, seek forgiveness for the scholar. The virtue of the scholar over the worshiper is like the superiority of the moon over the stars. The scholars are the inheritors of the Prophets. They do not leave behind gold or silver coins, but rather they leave behind knowledge. Whoever has taken hold of it has been given an abundant share.
    Source: Sunan Abī Dāwūd 3641 Grade: Sahih

  • @sadakabdullah6461
    @sadakabdullah6461 3 роки тому +2


  • @urubanasir9878
    @urubanasir9878 3 роки тому +1

    Hadith is always amazing...why write "amazing hadith"?
    It sure sounds like, some hadiths are not amazing.

  • @قناةالسيدإسماعيلعبدالكريم

    Few are those who touch a string in our souls ... play it with an eternal melody ....
    These remain as a postage ... on an old letter ... they drown in our details and we drown in their love ... and these we love them. ......) 😍 Until the last pulse
    O God, bless our master Muhammad and the family of Muhammad as he blessed and prayed on Abraham and the family of Abraham in the worlds. A word or action, and I seek refuge in you from the fire and what is close to it in terms of words or deeds, and I ask you to make every case for me good.
    Oh God, forgive me for my sins, and open the doors of Your mercy for me. To them, forgive us for our living and our dead, our witness and our absentee, our young and old, our male and our female, whoever you have revived from us, so I revive him on Islam, and whoever you passed away from us, his fatwa on faith. Ramadan Kareem
    may God reward you with much goodness
    Brother from Sudan, Ismail Abdul Karim

  • @user-et1vz2ru6l
    @user-et1vz2ru6l 3 роки тому +1

    From 3:57 to 4:04... I don't believe this

  • @adesai5901
    @adesai5901 3 роки тому

    That superhero resembling cape is ridiculous, looks like mutation from "xaviers school" to the "Nation of Islam" 😹.

  • @snowmoon7385
    @snowmoon7385 2 роки тому

    Islamic prophecies came true all.

  • @ahmedfaraz9840
    @ahmedfaraz9840 3 роки тому +1

    Why he doesn’t have sunnah beard

    • @shafiqromaino5855
      @shafiqromaino5855 3 роки тому

      Tell me more about this idea of sunnah beard you may have.

    • @logicalthinker483
      @logicalthinker483 3 роки тому +1

      Even i had the same thought. But remember not all will have full beard due to genetics

    • @ahmedfaraz9840
      @ahmedfaraz9840 3 роки тому

      @@logicalthinker483 right

    • @zafir7007
      @zafir7007 3 роки тому +2

      Of all the things that he spoke and the knowledge and wisdom that he shared....
      .... You are more concerned about his beard.
      This totally proves the Hadith that he shared.

    • @ChangedNames
      @ChangedNames 2 роки тому

      He talked about it before. He cant grow it

  • @reecek1369
    @reecek1369 3 роки тому +1

    Is saying you follow quran and sunnah
    Trying to follow Islam with your personal views
    They interpret the quran themselves no madhab

  • @Adil1amin
    @Adil1amin 3 роки тому +1

    Strange mix of salafi and Sunni scholars on this channel. Considering one considers the other mushrikeen and especially the talk given by Shaykh Humza Yusuf on the centrality of knowledge.

    • @aliragheb3577
      @aliragheb3577 3 роки тому

      We’re all one umma. That believes in la illah il Allah Muhammadur rasoolallah... we need unity

    • @Adil1amin
      @Adil1amin 3 роки тому +1

      @@aliragheb3577 I agree but it doesn't change the fact that salafi/wahabism genuinely believes the vast majority of Sunni Muslims have become mushriks. Resulting in the likes of Isis killing Muslims en masse. This very talk of Shaykh Humza who funnily enough is considered a mushrik and has a price/fatwa on his head from Isis that he is a sufi mushrik, is implying that people go back to orthodox Islam. This channel is a genuine insult to that message, and that's a simple fact.

  • @GhaliSooki
    @GhaliSooki 3 роки тому +1

    Not much magnetism in his speech at all. He needs to do Zikir of ALLAH-SWT a lot to activate the Heart-Qalib. Just Namaz-Salaat is compulsory, so is Zikir. Hence please do remembrance at all times, no matter where one may be.

    • @mohammedmuddassir7335
      @mohammedmuddassir7335 3 роки тому +3

      Assalaamualaikum. Didn't feel the magnestism? Reminds me of a Man who thought that the view outside his window was not a pleasant one, until he cleaned his window. The goodness that you see in others is a reflection of the goodness in you. As for the zikr of Allah, the ones who did it the most, started to get closer to Allah and once that happened, they started to believe that everyone is obeying Allah and they were the most disobedient. No wonder they were always humble. May Allah guide us all.

  • @Zaddy1000
    @Zaddy1000 3 роки тому


  • @kevinguan1907
    @kevinguan1907 3 роки тому

    Does anyone knows what is the source of the Hadith? Thanks :D

  • @mohamedissa8834
    @mohamedissa8834 2 роки тому

    Jesus Christ only preached three years cut short now is time for the Christ to lead

  • @shehlak
    @shehlak 3 роки тому

    I'm not part of the problem or am I as being a Muslim. The problem today is that Muslims don't stand up against the oppression when it's Saudi Kingdom but the outsiders whom oppress.... Also if you have a problem in your home you solve that first before solving outsider problems..... The traitors in our Muslims prosper and kill innocent but not a question is raised... Not that it justifies the killing of any innocent Palestinian....please think about this.... Why when the traitors were seen who caused problems in history of uthman empire or the prophet Mohammad they would kill the traitors first before sorting outside problems..... MUSLIMS TODAY HATE THE ZAIOO MORE THEN THEY LOVE THEIR OWN MUSLIMS THIS IS WHY THEY WILL NOT UNDERSTAND TRUE ISLAM.... AND UNTIL THEY DON'T THEY WILL BE PUNISHED BY AHLLAH SO NO ONE CAN REALY HELP THEM. Remember all form of oppression is wrong whether they are from Muslims or non....

  • @Rapture_Ready_Rabbit
    @Rapture_Ready_Rabbit Рік тому

    %% TIME HAS RUN OUT !! John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Don't ignore this message !! REPENT NOW !! God the Son - JESUS came in the flesh to die for sinners. TRUST that God raised JESUS from the dead !! By FAITH accept JESUS's blood alone as payment for your sins unto Salvation, to escape what's about to happen !! Don't say you were not warned !! ONLY true believers in JESUS will be suddenly taken. THEN comes 7 horrific years of God's JUDGEMENT, poured out on the world. I pray that the LORD will open your eyes and heart to the GOSPEL.

  • @MA-jc6ms
    @MA-jc6ms 3 роки тому +1

    Steve jobs but different version

  • @westlisbon6307
    @westlisbon6307 3 роки тому

    Islam will come back sounding strange:
    There is one God of all Creation, and we can seek Gods Forgiveness, Guidance and Protection.

  • @eumaster8153
    @eumaster8153 3 роки тому

    Where is Hamza Yusuf in this Gaza Crisis. The black and white of the people of Imaan is now clear.

    • @alhaqiquhOfficial
      @alhaqiquhOfficial  3 роки тому +7

      He’s been speaking about it for 20 years, you’ve probably woken up 20 days ago and your asking where he is? Where have you been??

  • @mishmishzorba5001
    @mishmishzorba5001 3 роки тому +1


    • @rayhaanshaikh6730
      @rayhaanshaikh6730 3 роки тому

      what are you on about ? are you saying this in reference to hamza yusuf's speech ?

    • @mishmishzorba5001
      @mishmishzorba5001 3 роки тому +3

      @@rayhaanshaikh6730 i am an American....born a Muslim....unfortunately a good number of people who decide to take up Islam think they're joining a new health club or a social club and when they try to sound knowledgeable they stick out real quick.

    • @rayhaanshaikh6730
      @rayhaanshaikh6730 3 роки тому

      @@mishmishzorba5001 I understand what you are saying. But do you think Hamza Yusuf is also such a person ?

    • @mishmishzorba5001
      @mishmishzorba5001 3 роки тому +3

      @@rayhaanshaikh6730 to be fair...this video was probably taped at the end of his speech....i am 100% sure that this gentleman speaks from the heart and wants the western world to know true Islam...the religion of peace ...the religion of all of God's prophets may the peace be upon all of them .....my issue is that he needs to speak the language of the regular average person...average Joe if you will ....if i were him I would use different words to present the same message he's trying to present....his intended audiences are not necessarily scholars of theology .....but i do appreciate him .....in addition to this gentleman the world needs more born Muslims to join him to deliver the Islamic message of peace and to tell the people of the book that Muslims love them and respect them and wishes them well and that Allah ( God) will judge all of earth's inhabitants wether no affiliation or the people of the book or their brothers the muslims ....God will judge everyone of them on the day of judgment. human beings must always choose peace because peace is the main reason for humanity's existence.....may god bless humanity and human beings and may he guide them to the righteous path.

    • @rayhaanshaikh6730
      @rayhaanshaikh6730 3 роки тому +3

      @@mishmishzorba5001 ameen . This specific speech is taking place in an academic place , so he used the academic english language to relate with the academic audience in front of him. Sheikh Hamza Yusuf is probably one of the best scholars to exist in this era .. check out his videos , They are very very very good. Read up on his biography as well , amazing.

  • @Hornscope
    @Hornscope 3 роки тому

    Am always worried when I heard Hamza quoting from Imam Ghazali and other Sufi scholars, instead of concentrating what's authentic and important.
    There's plenty of knowledge to talk about that can be found in the Qur'an and authentic Sunnah of prophet Mohamed. Everything else or saying of muslim philosopher is unimportant

    • @musamusashi
      @musamusashi 3 роки тому

      And who decide what is important from what is not?

    • @Hornscope
      @Hornscope 3 роки тому

      @@musamusashi The Qur'an and Sunnah

    • @Adil1amin
      @Adil1amin 3 роки тому +5

      @@Hornscope what are on earth are you talking about Imam Ghazali alayhi rahma, hujjat ul Islam was a Shafi jurist of the highest calibre. His books become the backbone of the school. What have you done compared to him? You've been brainwashed by disgusting salafi/najadi ideology, that Islam died for 700 years and Muhammad Abdul Ibn Wahab brought it back. Hasha Allah! Where in any hadith does it say that prophet may peace and blessings be upon him feared shirk for this ummah or that Islam will die for centuries? Yet he said kill the Khawarij where you see them, the very Isis we have today. Just to end a large majority of scholars were sufi. Even your master Ibn Taymiyyah was a sufi.

    • @zafir7007
      @zafir7007 3 роки тому

      So, you can interpret the Quran better than Imam Ghazali?

  • @methadonekillmeslowly5937
    @methadonekillmeslowly5937 3 роки тому +1

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