She has to use the lifeboats to get to the other side which would never have been done when the steamers were regular. It has been said that it is to do with low water and lack of dredging but I have just seen her arrive in Ayr on Monday 6th of August and there was no trouble going a stern straight up the river.
And when she arrived on the 6th of August was it low or high water? How deep is that harbour at low tide?
She has to use the lifeboats to get to the other side which would never have been done when the steamers were regular. It has been said that it is to do with low water and lack of dredging but I have just seen her arrive in Ayr on Monday 6th of August and there was no trouble going a stern straight up the river.
Where abouts does she get into trouble? I can't see her in trouble at any point in your video?
it was low water but I don't know how deep the water is but it is obviously deep enough for her to travel up the river passed her berth.
This manoeuvre in the harbour was always a great embarrassment to many Waverley supporters and used by a certain captain !