Here's a summary of the video! 5. They do know the real value of an idea = nothing. zero. The value depends on the execution. not on the idea itself. We invest (NOT) in idea. We invest in the execution of the idea. PLUS The team is the most important thing. 4. They hate. 3. They shout their existence to the world 2. They are paranoid. They focus on weaknesses. Not on the things they do good. 1. They look at the social impact and money at the same time. HOPE THAT HELPS! HAVE A GREAT DAY!
Gives great insight on hard-nose choosing of projects for profits! Solving problems for profits and nonprofits. Great 5 keys social entrepreneurs. Believes the real value of an idea is "nothing" because the value depends on execution of the idea.
Very interesting insights, your talk has me thinking about a social project I want to develop out of my own youtube channel. Even though I don't think I need money to get it going your insights will help me a lot to question my own attitude to the project, so thanks for that Lluis. Johnnie Lawson
It’s not an advantage when you need things but it’s where you have the determination Always content with just that some jobs aren’t for everyone others are able but it’s still not for them.
Here's a summary of the video!
5. They do know the real value of an idea = nothing. zero.
The value depends on the execution. not on the idea itself.
We invest (NOT) in idea. We invest in the execution of the idea.
PLUS The team is the most important thing.
4. They hate.
3. They shout their existence to the world
2. They are paranoid. They focus on weaknesses. Not on the things they do good.
1. They look at the social impact and money at the same time.
thank you, had to write an assignment on this.
He is so passionate, so real and on point. Funny too.
I don't think he is a bad guy at all...👍
Would love to have a coffee with this man. ☕
Gives great insight on hard-nose choosing of projects for profits! Solving problems for profits and nonprofits. Great 5 keys social entrepreneurs. Believes the real value of an idea is "nothing" because the value depends on execution of the idea.
Very interesting insights, your talk has me thinking about a social project I want to develop out of my own youtube channel.
Even though I don't think I need money to get it going your insights will help me a lot to question my own attitude to the project, so thanks for that Lluis.
Johnnie Lawson
as I can see it seemed to work out :)
As someone who is starting a social enterprise, I ticked all these boxes and that really scared me.
It’s not an advantage when you need things but it’s where you have the determination
Always content with just that some jobs aren’t for everyone others are able but it’s still not for them.
Great talk, love the blood on the shirt line.
That said, totally agree in regards to the dual vision of impact and money.
Can't entirely agree on all points. But great content still with a cause :)
Watching this today, I'm immediately thinking of Billie Eilish.
M thinking to sing it now 😌
Am inspired
What is the song song in the beginning? It's beautiful.
There's blood in my shirt and its not my blood 😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹
I think people see this as some kind of insight into investing but its really a self promotion.
It's both and there's nothing wrong with that
as the other person said, it's both but it's still great knowledge
wowo !! great