Do Jews Believe in a Santa Claus Messiah?- Interview with Rabbi David Bar-Hayim

  • Опубліковано 4 лют 2025
  • Interview with Machon Shilo's Rabbi David Bar-Hayim
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  • @TagMahirTzedek
    @TagMahirTzedek 11 років тому +2

    Amen, that is why we all should post it in different places throughout.

  • @TheEliSko
    @TheEliSko 11 років тому +2

    In fact, the "Mashiach" rubric is even slippier, because ANY Jewish king who is properly anointed with the Torah-commanded Oil of Anointing is in literal act "masgiach" the moment "shemen hamishchah" is poured on his head. The question the RaMBa"M is addressing is whether that particular "Melech HaMashiach" is the one foretold by Prophecy and Rabbinic teaching. And the answer is that the King is "the Promised One" only if he also gathers in the exiles, wins the commanded wars ("Milchemet Mitzv

  • @sirdelrio
    @sirdelrio 7 років тому +2

    The criteria of Maimonides, implies that the Messiah will begin his work way before he is RECOGNIZED as such. It's probable that he will be regarded as messiah by many, but not by everyone. Only when he has finished his task, will he be accepted.

  • @davidfuld752
    @davidfuld752 11 років тому +3

    may many Jews see this video

  • @mikeklein9923
    @mikeklein9923 Рік тому +1

    How could RAMBAM know all about Mashiach, and speak of it like he speaks of the laws of Yom Tov for example

  • @davidfuld752
    @davidfuld752 11 років тому +4

    Nobody else speaks the truth like Rabbi David Bar-Hayim

  • @davidfuld752
    @davidfuld752 11 років тому +3

    we need a change of gvt. big time

  • @TagMahirTzedek
    @TagMahirTzedek 11 років тому

    Israeli gov. (+ "courts", media etc.) are the biggest obstacles.

  • @pamtnman1515
    @pamtnman1515 3 роки тому

    Fabulous drash. Right. On. The. Money

  • @natepancer9970
    @natepancer9970 3 роки тому +1

    hard to listen long winded speech. shout follow rumbam's advice to teach in fewest words

  • @TakeAStandForTruth
    @TakeAStandForTruth 9 років тому +2

    Is Messiah a divine being? Does not the Torah say as it is written concerning Moshiach "Shall you rule over us if reigning you will reign in us" The Torah indeed says Messiah is divine for he is to reign in us as it is written by the words of Shlomo in the Tanakh, "what is the name of his son when will you know" Indeed Messiah is the word of God. As it is also written concerning the Messiah that he will be betrayed by his own brothers as Moshe said

    • @HaDaR59IL
      @HaDaR59IL 8 років тому +7

      NOWHERE does the Torah say anything like that.
      What you say is Xtian BALONEY, as in NON KOSHER meat.

    • @TakeAStandForTruth
      @TakeAStandForTruth 8 років тому

      HaDaR Israel בראשית לז ה המלך תמלך עלינו אם משול תמשול בנו

    • @TakeAStandForTruth
      @TakeAStandForTruth 8 років тому

      HaDaR Israel משלי ל ד מה שמו ומה שם בנו כי תדע

    • @TakeAStandForTruth
      @TakeAStandForTruth 8 років тому +1

      HaDaR Israel So what you call baloney is right there in the Hebrew plain an simple and any one who knows Hebrew can read it as I am not making anything up its right there in the Tanakh

    • @HaDaR59IL
      @HaDaR59IL 8 років тому +4

      No such text in Bereshit 37 5, where it is written: וַיַּחֲלֹם יוֹסֵף חֲלוֹם וַיַּגֵּד לְאֶחָיו וַיּוֹסִפוּ עוֹד שְׂנֹא אֹתוֹ:

  • @Transpower
    @Transpower 6 років тому

    Orthodox Jews are still praying for a personal messiah, a political leader. However, more modern Jews know that we must all work together to bring about a Messianic Age. Also, historically there have been many false messiahs; so grow up, people!

  • @TakeAStandForTruth
    @TakeAStandForTruth 9 років тому +1

    These words are false even the prophets tell us when Messiah would come as it was spoke of by Daniel the prophet that he was to come during the second temple as the Torah also confirms. As Daniel said, "Dan 9:26 And after sixty two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined." After Messiah was put to death the temple would be decreed to be destroyed. And these were indeed fulfilled as Daniel spoke and as the Torah confirms.

    • @HaDaR59IL
      @HaDaR59IL 8 років тому +3

      Daniel IS NOT EVEN a prophet! ;-)
      Only ignorant Xtians and PERVERTERS OF TORAH assert he is.
      IN FACT, the Book of Daniel is in the Qetuvim (Hagiographa) NOT in Neviim (Prophets)!
      To be a Prophet there were PRECISE CONDITIONS TAUGHT AT SINAI which he had absolutely not!... Law as precise as the Law of Shechità and Tefillin, which are NOT WRITTEN in the MIQRÀ, hence you have them not, since we are not even allowed to eat the animals you kill.

    • @TakeAStandForTruth
      @TakeAStandForTruth 8 років тому

      HaDar Israel I beg to differ first off God said the definition of a Prophet is 1# God would reveal himself to him in a vision which Daniel indeed had a vision 2# He would speak to him in dreams and God indeed spoke to Daniel in Dreams and revealed to Daniel the dream of King Nebuchadnezzar which only a prophet could have such a revelation as you so incorrectly speaks. Secondly Shechita and Tefillin are all found in the Written Torah as to how they are to be carried out and performed as well as constructed which you falsely have accepted the lies of the Mishnah and Talmud to believe else wise.

    • @pamtnman1515
      @pamtnman1515 3 роки тому

      @@TakeAStandForTruth I think the Jews know their own religion better than you or anyone else who is outside it. I don’t know why so many people are so determined to convince Jews that somewhere someone in their ancestry made a wrong decision. Live and let live!

  • @headdragondavidaustinsimmo4025
    @headdragondavidaustinsimmo4025 3 роки тому

    Go to china look Chinese elphant ones jew go to feather river college find Merlin adam horse Pima he had jew son take him to kimgs mountain

  • @apache16789
    @apache16789 10 років тому +1

    During the 3½ year ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ, nearly 2000 years ago, he never taught anything that was not in full agreement with the teaching of the Tanach. Over and over again he used the phrase “Have ye never read....” The main theme of the gospel or good news, which he taught was in reference to the “Kingdom of God”. Many of his parables were about that subject - “The kingdom of God is like unto ….....” The writers of the “New Testament” use many, many direct quotations and allusions from the Tanach to prove the Messiahship of Jesus Christ and to show how the things written there, were fulfilled in him.
    Eg the Letter to the Hebrews uses the word “better” over and over again whilst comparing the types and shadows contained in the Law of Moses to show how Jesus was superior to them all because he fulfilled them all. G-d spoke through the prophets but in Jesus, G-d spoke through his own son. Jesus was better than the angels because G-d never addressed any of them as “Son” so he was entitled better name then them. His sacrifice for sin was better than that of animal blood because his blood was the blood of a righteous, sinless man and only needed to be offered once. Animal sacrifices on the other hand, had to offered every day in the Tabernacle/Temple and once a year on the Day of Atonement. Jesus' priesthood is better than the that of the Levitical High-priest because Jesus' is a High-priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec but the office of the Levitical High-priest ended with his death, the office then passed to his son. But Jesus' office will never end and his authority will never pass to anybody else. His is a better covenant than that of Moses. Because obedience to the statutes of the Mosaic Covenant only promised “length of days in the land.” The Covenant of which Jesus is the mediator promises “eternal life” by the grace of G-d - it cannot be earned by “works” of law or any other any kind.
    But, while I'm not surprised that very few Jews today believe Jesus to be their Messiah. I am very, very surprised that they have no idea what their expected Messiah (whoever he might be) is going to do when he gets here! As their King and offspring of the Davidic dynasty, is he simply going to regather the 12 tribes and re-establish the Jewish kingdom, as it was in the past under David and Solomon. Is the Levitical priesthood going to be re-established, with its animal sacrifices for the forgiveness of sins and national Day of Atonement once a year? Are the Jubilee years going to be set up again, when all outstanding debts were written off every 50th year? Are the cities of refuge going to be set up again for the protection of people who accidentally killed somebody? Will people breaking the Sabbath Day be put to death - even for lighting a fire? And if the purpose of that system of law which came to the nation through Moses, was merely as a teaching aid to show in practical terms, what a dreadful disaster sin is for the happiness and well being of mankind and how it can be removed, what is the point of merely repeating the whole thing all over again? Seeing as how it didn't work the first time around? The Northern Kingdom was gone by 722BCE and Judah's Kingdom was gone by 586BCE, with no King from David's line ever to sit on its throne again UNTIL "he came whose right it is."
    If Jesus Christ was not the righteous, sinless Son, whom G-d gave to take away sin and provide a covering of righteousness for those who believe the things contained in the gospel which he taught and are baptised into his name as a consequence of believing those things............ then what next where do we go from here? Do we start again at Sinai and start offering the blood of bulls and goats all over again? And how long is it likely to last this time before the next period of exile comes because of disregard for the same law?

    • @apache16789
      @apache16789 10 років тому

      ZviJ1 My friend, I would be delighted to engage with you in a discussion on any of topic in which the Bible is the sole arbitrator. However I have reservations, based on your response to my original post, that any such discussion would produce more heat than light.
      You failed to address a single question I raised in my original post and the first paragraph of your reply focuses entirely on telling me, what my religious beliefs are - each and every one of which is incorrect.
      1. I do not believe that “all my sins have been forgiven”; not a day goes by when I don’t commit new ones. As does ever other member of the human race.
      2. I do not believe “Jesus Christ, the savor, died for and instead of me”. Nobody who understands the atoning work of the Son of God, would believe such superficial nonsense of a deep Bible doctrine. No man can die “for and instead” of another man’s sins. I will die for my sins as you will for yours.
      3. No, I am not in “real trouble”. Whether or I am is entirely and solely the decision the Lord Jesus Christ when I stand before his judgement seat.
      4. In addition to having no understanding of the atonement; neither do you appear to have any perception of God Manifestation. Or as the Son of God expressed it to Philip;
      “Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not know me, Philip? He that hath
      seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father?”
      “He (YHVH) alone is Savior; (Isaiah 43:11)” Who is it that is arguing against that statement, I most certainly am not!
      I only ask, how did he achieve that Saving work? And the answer I get back is, was it not by giving his only begotten Son, born of a woman, born under the law of Moses but who lived and died sinless, holy, harmless and undefiled. Is it not true that, “God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” That is the one and only method revealed in the Word of God, by which YHVH saves the repentant sinners of the human race.
      Did not the Apostle Peter declare that message before the rulers, elders, scribes of Israel along the high priest Annas and his relatives in the midst of Jerusalem:
      Act 4:10 “Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even by him doth this man stand here before you whole.
      Act 4:11 This is the stone which was set at nought of you builders, which is become the head of the corner.
      Act 4:12 **Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.”**
      5.It appears you have the same problem with the forgiveness of sins as the Jewish religious leaders did in Jesus’ day, so I’ll repeat his response to them for your benefit. It did not make a great impact on them and as I get the impression that you do not study the New Testament, I don’t expect it to make much of an impression on you either. But for what it is worth, I include it;
      Mar 2:6 But there were certain of the scribes sitting there, and reasoning in their hearts,
      Mar 2:7 Why doth this man thus speak blasphemies? who can forgive sins but God only?
      Mar 2:8 And immediately when Jesus perceived in his spirit that they so reasoned within themselves, he said unto them, Why reason ye these things in your hearts?
      Mar 2:9 Whether is it easier to say to the sick of the palsy, Thy sins be forgiven thee; or to say, Arise, and take up thy bed, and walk?
      Mar 2:10 But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins, (he saith to the sick of the palsy,)
      Mar 2:11 I say unto thee, Arise, and take up thy bed, and go thy way into thine house.
      6.“YHVH, he alone is the true Deity (Isaiah 43:10)” Amen.
      But I would go one step further and say that, Yahweh is the only Deity. He is not just “the (one) true Deity” amongst many false Deities. Whatever else mankind address as “God” is merely the imagination of his evil and superstitious hearts and the work of their hands - although such “Deities” named amongst men, may have eyes but the see not; ears have they but they hear not; they have tongues but they speak not; they have noses but they smell not; feet and they walk not: hands and they handle not. And the fools who make them are like unto them and so is every one that trusteth in them.
      So please do not accuse me being “guilty of idolatry for worshiping a false "savior" and god.”
      You know not that of which you speak!

    • @apache16789
      @apache16789 10 років тому

      ZviJ1 “Jewish fora and attempt to "witness".”
      I am not attempting to “witness” to anybody. All I did was to comment upon the content of UA-cam video and to ask what I thought were pertinent questions, having listened to what the speaker said. Instead of answering any of MY questions, you proceed to tell me about how annoyed Messianic Jews and Christians Evangelists make YOU feel! Isn’t there a joke about asking 12 Jews in a room for their opinion on something - can’t remember it!
      Personally, I would rather a million times over, that all Jews everywhere returned to the study of Torah rather than taking the slightest notice of what either group tells you.
      What I find greatly more disturbing than Jews not accepting Jesus Christ as their Messiah, are Jews living in Tel Aviv despising Jewish “settlers” living in Judea & Samaria. As though they are some sort of troublesome entity that is making the whole nation despised in the eyes of the International Community. Whereas they, Tel Avivians are proper Jews who have been “enlightened” by living in the real world, amongst real people and have come to realise that the only true way for Israel to live happily amongst the nations is for them to integrate, assimilate, and embrace all those things which appear to give the world so much pleasure and unity ie humanism. God is dead; long live the great, powerful, all knowing, glorious and honourable human being! That is the dogma of death and you should fear it above all else.
      The message they seem to believe is, throw off all the old ways of looking to Torah for guidance on how to live your life; forget all that 12 tribes nonsense, it is ancient history; forget the Abrahamic Covenant in which YHVH gave the land of Israel to Abraham and his descendants for an *everlasting possession*.
      The world seems to be doing its best to destroy Judaism in every way it can (I could give you a quote from the New Testament for that but I don’t want to annoy you!). So if I were you, that is what I would be most bothered about. Teach your people Torah and they will be well able to resist religious and political assaults - whether they be from Christian zealots trying to convert you or from the worlds’ politicians trying to convince you that giving Judea & Samaria and Gaza over to Arabs will bring eternal peace to the region. It won’t, it will just be another of Arafat’s “salami slices” making the complete destruction of the State of Israel, easier for them to achieve.

    • @apache16789
      @apache16789 10 років тому +1

      ZviJ1 Shalom both coming and going, my friend. Appreciate it if you would answer me on tiny question and I'll bother you no more.
      In virtually all Jewish articles I've read - including the Tanakh - the memorial name of G-d is referred to as "Ha Shem" but you refer to Him as YHWH.
      Why do most Jews call Him "The Name" (Ha Shem, if I've got the Hebrew right) but you use the Tetragrammaton, YHWH. I understand it is pronounced "Yahweh" and it means "I will be who I will be." A declaration of the Creator to reveal or manifest his character, purpose and physically in a multitude of immortalised human beings, when the meaning of that name is eventually fulfilled. I don't want to say who the first one was bore that manifestation because I don't want to annoy you.
      But if you could taken a few minutes to explain what you understand by the name YHWH and why others use Ha Shem. I'd be grateful.
      Thanks for your goodly sized PDF - I'm a fairly old man now so it should keep me busy until my faculties have left.

    • @gemstone2584
      @gemstone2584 9 років тому

      apache16789 They have no clue because they care not and don't even believe. To them everyone will be destroyed except for them and that is exactly where their attitude comes from. They were given a Messiah who fit all the Prophets requirements and they still didn't see him and killed him after all the miracles he did for them. I believe just by studying all the things he did for them and just reading I am amazed and they still want more. As jesus said the Jews need signs till they will believe and even when they wer shown marvelous signs they demanded more. It is horrible for a people who call themselves chosen. I have yet to realize what they were chosen for. God said they were to get rid oif all the heathens and what did they do? They intermingled and married them which seems to me they wiped out the whole real Israelite Tribes. You cant find any in the tribes that exist today all pure Israelites. When Jesus does return Im sure they will try their best to destroy them. The religion they practice to me isn't the religion that Moses taught. They have changed it all to suit their ungodly needs and I feel for their blindness as Paul said. They are blinded with ignorance so that many more can be saved and I thank God for that and hope that they will come to realize and be saved. What do they think that God is just for them and noone else? I will keep praying for all of them because Gods wrath will be an awakening for them.

    • @apache16789
      @apache16789 9 років тому

      Gem Stone
      Act 2:23 “Him, (Jesus) being delivered by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God”
      Jesus was delivered or Gk. “surrendered” to the leaders of Jewry in order to fulfil the purpose of God as his sacrificial lamb to “take away the
      sin of the world” John 1:29.
      The Lord anticipated his sacrifice. Referring to it, he told his disciples “I lay down my life that I may take it again” John 10:27
      God's purpose in his “only begotten Son” was furthered through the actions of the Jewish leaders, Pharisees and Sadducees who deliberately stirred up the people because, as far as they were concerned, they were ridding themselves of a hated preacher whose radical teaching, they feared would bring Roman retribution upon their nation.
      “Nor consider that it is expedient for us, that one man (Jesus)
      should die for the people, and that the whole nation perish not.” John 11:50. The words of the High Priest, Caiaphas.
      You say, “They were given a Messiah who fit all the Prophets requirements”. It all depends on how you interpret what the Prophets said!
      For example Isaiah 53 is a well known prophecy which, to a Christian, clearly speaks of the suffering and death of the Lord Jesus Christ. And it is quoted in the New Testament as
      referring to Jesus. Making it almost impossible for anybody reading it, not to believe it.
      But that is not how Jewish Rabbis and Jewish scholars all down the centuries have interpreted it. They see Isaiah 53 as referring to the nation of Israel itself. To all of its people, not just one man.
      Why do they interpret it that way? Because the chapters immediately before and immediately after 53, are clearly speaking of Israel as a nation. Therefore, chapter 53 cannot be speaking of anything other than the nation also.
      Without the benefit of the New Testament (which Jews do not accept as a Divine Revelation) I could not gainsay their argument. Scripture can only be interpreted in its context and to remove it from its context is to denude it of its intended meaning.
      But don't be too harsh on Jewry because they don't believe what Christians believe about Jesus of Nazareth being their
      promised Messiah.
      Muslims believe the contents of their Qur'an were given to Muhammad by the angel Gabriel and is the true Word of their God. But I do not believe a single word of it. Should I be hated, murdered or ill-spoken off because I don't believe the Qur'an to be anything other than the machinations of the human mind?
      Without the benefit of the New Testament, how many Christians would be able to perceive the Lord Jesus Christ in the Old Testament alone? Very, very few I suspect. Not least because very few Christians read the Old Testament of have even the slightest understanding of what it teaches!
      Remember how God see the Jews people and any ill-feeling we might have against them, for their lack of understanding will drain away.
      Isa 40:1 “Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith your God.
      Isa 40:2 Speak ye comfortably to Jerusalem, and cry unto her, that her warfare is accomplished, that her iniquity is pardoned: for she hath received of the LORD'S hand double for all her sins.”
      God still loves them and by them we, gentiles, are blessed
      because “salvation is of the Jews.” John 4:22.

  • @headdragondavidaustinsimmo4025
    @headdragondavidaustinsimmo4025 3 роки тому

    Jesus Nazareth comes all man has his birthmark look all kings have Pima mole next king mians birthmark Buddha is coming

    • @goldengun9970
      @goldengun9970 2 роки тому

      Jesus is not relevant to this video or discussion. He is just a long dead false prophet