Vancouver Mayor Interview At 2011 Vancouver Downtown Riot June 15th

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024
  • This is video of the Mayor being interview downtown about the 2011 vancouver riot live news story


  • @RockoSDMF
    @RockoSDMF 13 років тому

    @Smashly61 Of course it still would have happened, it was inevitable. But had they been given the approval to have police brought in before the start of the game, it would have allowed for contingency plans to be put into place quicker, and possibly even prevented it from spreading as far as it did. Everything looks good in hindsight, though. I just think City Hall had a lot to do with why police presence downtown was minimal given the size of crowd.

  • @shadoww1000
    @shadoww1000 13 років тому


  • @xXpert13
    @xXpert13 13 років тому

    well done except for when they were beating the civilians that were trying to make it home safely.. -.-

  • @nando89l
    @nando89l 13 років тому

    Fuckin up.our awesome city, already in so much dept. Not smart at all.

  • @canadian7233
    @canadian7233 13 років тому

    @yvonne100ism Canadian governments like to show they trust the majority of Canadians. Were setting examples around the world by not taking away freedoms after a very small minority group of shit heads try an start a riot. The majority of people went home to their families after the game. It may not be the easy way of doing things but it sure is the most fair to the majority of people who can go out an enjoy a safe and fun night outside.

  • @joeb1963
    @joeb1963 13 років тому

    Gary Bettman and Colin Cambell as well as the rest of the National Hockey League and the American media branded the vancouver canucks as the villains of this play off series. The Canucks had there cup taken from them how did you think the canucks fans would react? if they want to label the canucks and their fans as anarchist and villains then so be it!

  • @equivocating
    @equivocating 13 років тому

    Just because there are a few people out there who think that it's fun to "riot" or to create havoc doesn't make Vancouver a second-rate city! For every classless person out there creating a mess, there is another person who will come down and help clean that mess up because they genuinely love this city and want to show that events like last night do not define who we are!

  • @GarrettGarbyCorbett
    @GarrettGarbyCorbett 13 років тому

    Why is it that everyone responds to this video as Canada's gone crazy. Hello it was the City of Vancouver. In the Province of British Colombia. Canada is much bigger that this one province. You can't group us all together, that's Stupid!

  • @viralinfuktion
    @viralinfuktion 13 років тому

    It's the city of Vancouver's fault also, for allowing 100,000 fans to just stand around in the streets. I also fail to believe alcohol wasn't available (which they claimed during the game). Considering in one clip, there's a bunch of guys with beer bongs.

  • @datinyone
    @datinyone 13 років тому

    @fineshot2000 - umm do you realize the Stanley Cup lives in the hockey hall of fame in TORONTO Ontario CANADA right?.. lol @ being back home in the USA.. btw the majority of that Boston team is Canadian..

  • @MegTidwell
    @MegTidwell 13 років тому

    @ChicSunglasses yeah but because of those people that stood there and took pictures, the police couldnt get to the people who were causing the damage. they just should have listened to the police and gone home.

  • @SenshuRysakami
    @SenshuRysakami 13 років тому

    @joeb1963 So, are you saying that being a TERRIBLE loser was the right way to go about it? o-o So you lose the cup, the RIGHT way to go about it is to plan to get it next year, not torch a car.

  • @SpoofTheater
    @SpoofTheater 13 років тому

    You can assume this riot happened because there were too many drunks curious of how manly their egos are. In the end they showed us how stupid and lame they really are. Goodluck to the quiet Van folks.

  • @bwakel310
    @bwakel310 13 років тому

    @hammertime12345678 Did you here of the LA riots in 1992, or the berkley riots in 2009? People tend to miss our own riots but when its another countries, they will "never forget"

  • @Williams.eliot1982
    @Williams.eliot1982 13 років тому

    It's all young brats from the suburbs. no different than granville on a friday night, they come in to the city and act out because it's not their town.

  • @ochoxxcincoxx
    @ochoxxcincoxx 13 років тому

    fuck that,when your team plays like that in the most important game OF the canucks franchise...YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO START A RIOT!

  • @AlecD96
    @AlecD96 13 років тому

    I thought Canda was almost the only part of the world with sain people, now im seeing the whole world is pretty screwed up.

  • @thorfoot1
    @thorfoot1 13 років тому

    It would cost anything the way i would do it. I'd make the punks work on a chain gang fixing the stuff they destroyed.

  • @b800ful
    @b800ful 13 років тому

    @sum41him Yes JUST HOCKEY its a sport so what get over it try again next year, you must be canadian.

  • @dissatisfiedone
    @dissatisfiedone 13 років тому

    What a handsome mayor we have. Too bad we have so many ugly personalities on the streets.

  • @rehash138
    @rehash138 13 років тому

    even if this hadnt happened, you should still wish you werent canadien

  • @b800ful
    @b800ful 13 років тому

    Canadians are crazy I thought they were peaceful, I mean its just hockey calm down.

  • @dmw613
    @dmw613 13 років тому

    @thorfoot1 wouldn't be enough room and it costs money to hold people in prisons

  • @white0cross
    @white0cross 13 років тому

    He's hot! You guys have a one hot mayor, I sure didn't expect this.

    @PILPEZ 13 років тому

    Vancouver is such a beautiful city its a shame to see this happen

  • @TheDillux
    @TheDillux 13 років тому

    They only did this because NBC wouldn't show the green men

  • @manugeorgej
    @manugeorgej 13 років тому

    O..o the Jails in Vancouver are gonna be fully packed!!

  • @mrgreensound
    @mrgreensound 13 років тому

    @fineshot2000 what planet are you from safe there????

  • @leecm
    @leecm 13 років тому

    I hate how Canadians pronounce been as "bean".

  • @cjbos81
    @cjbos81 13 років тому

    We should use this as a pretense for invasion.

  • @Johnzxz
    @Johnzxz 13 років тому

    Good job trashing our own beautiful city

  • @v12coupe
    @v12coupe 13 років тому

    took a lot of money out of taxpayers for the olympics so i doubt cleaning up the city would be a problem

  • @mattwhite36
    @mattwhite36 13 років тому


  • @sum41him
    @sum41him 13 років тому

    @b800ful I'm from Minnesota. and it's called a sense of humor. i said "JUST HOCKEY!?" with sarcasm.

  • @augiechen7
    @augiechen7 13 років тому

    @StoryBookMaker move to america... lol

  • @jlsk1p2mylou
    @jlsk1p2mylou 13 років тому

    he fully ignored the fatality question

  • @dz206sucks
    @dz206sucks 13 років тому

    This was all Clayton Rouche's fault!

  • @DubzCK
    @DubzCK 13 років тому

    haha this guys such a bad mayor :P

  • @hockey420fan
    @hockey420fan 13 років тому

    I hold the mayor 100% accountable.

  • @b800ful
    @b800ful 13 років тому

    @sum41him oh my bad. USA

  • @badstormtroopa
    @badstormtroopa 12 років тому

    "Small number" hahahaha

  • @MultiGogators
    @MultiGogators 13 років тому

    "Small Number". lol!

  • @KaneRobot
    @KaneRobot 13 років тому

    Hahaha a "small number"...typical bullshit-artist politician.

  • @Alogoman
    @Alogoman 13 років тому


  • @JimmyQuickPitch
    @JimmyQuickPitch 13 років тому

    Small number?

  • @rockonup
    @rockonup 13 років тому


  • @artin74
    @artin74 13 років тому

    how they gonna put 100,000s ppl in jail ?

  • @modernricky
    @modernricky 13 років тому

    @kieenn I might like that!

  • @sum41him
    @sum41him 13 років тому

    @b800ful JUST HOCKEY!?

  • @kieenn
    @kieenn 13 років тому

    @modernricky Cool!!!!!

  • @suicidetony
    @suicidetony 13 років тому

    He seems like a good mayor.