My biggest mistakes as an intellectually gifted person. Ep.3: following the NT trail [High IQ]

  • Опубліковано 11 вер 2024


  • @Avrelivs_Gold
    @Avrelivs_Gold Рік тому +10

    Yes I do it every single day. I try to "fix" people - online and offline.
    And guess where it brought me?
    I have tons of fantastic grand ideas but
    I live much worse than an average person.

  • @ojay6675
    @ojay6675 3 роки тому +23

    Your point made on acknowledging ones neuro-divergence really hit home. I believe many children grow up not fully understanding that they are simply different than others, and therefore shouldn’t aspire to the same goals. I fell into this trap myself.

    • @Abel.Abelson
      @Abel.Abelson  3 роки тому +2

      Yes, it's in a certain sense inevitable because you fill in the unknown with projections based (among others) on yourself. So you really need someone to tell you this, which is what I try to do here 🙂. (I explain more of my views on this in my book "How to handle neurotypicals",

    • @LaGuera2858
      @LaGuera2858 6 місяців тому +1

      I lived in that trap for 30 years 😐. What a waste its been.

  • @thegainsayerstalker
    @thegainsayerstalker 3 роки тому +17

    I just listened to some stranger talking about my life in amazing detail...
    Stop using your crystal ball, Abel! ;-)

    • @Abel.Abelson
      @Abel.Abelson  3 роки тому +2

      Wow, that's fabulous! You should probably check out my books (if you haven't already):

    • @labauer5314
      @labauer5314 3 роки тому +3

      I am so grateful that you chose to share your life lessons, your observations, your "AHA! moments with others. Please respond to me, with
      title of each of your books
      (& whatever additional info, my mother will need to give library.)

    • @Abel.Abelson
      @Abel.Abelson  3 роки тому +1

      Thanks for your interest in my ideas and books! So there's "Setting free the intellectually gifted" (which is a lot more about neurodivergence and being different than about being gifted), ISBN-13: 978-1530637133; there's "How to handle neurotypicals" ISBN-13: 979-8680457535; and there's also a little gem in my opinion that's little known but that presents some profound ideas in a very light manner called "I, the fly", ISBN-13: 978-1532791376. Thanks again!

  • @labauer5314
    @labauer5314 3 роки тому +8

    Ok I'm at 6:16 into vid. ME! I watched others "just know" what bus is theirs. They somehow knew to turn the one piece of paper math test over. The teacher didnt say turn the paper over to finish the test. How did they know? I was so confused, I knew I was intelligent, but I began realizing that they have access to something I dont. Yes, I'm intelligent, but that's merely a parlor trick if I cant gain access to this "thing" they have. I'm going about collecting specimens, into my pocket, with a hole in it. I'm collecting, but my ability to reference new things, just falls out. Gone. Everything is new. Nothing is built on, it's a constant path of bread crumbs, my only focus is the next crumb, not what I learned from ANY of the other crumbs, I'm not even aware of the whimsical storybook illustrations around me. It's just now, it's just this one Crumb. Ok. I'm going back to vid. So far, I'm becoming aware of the crumbs I've collected, the trolls that are hindering me,... (I'm actually feeling a calming sense of... optimism)

  • @edkachalov
    @edkachalov 3 роки тому +11

    I often felt like I have no rights for existing, because I am absolutely broken from inside and have nothing in common with other peoples. It was dangerous assumption because it destroys any original and creative ideas and undertakings.
    It took a long time to build an imunity from all kinds of missleading things.
    You can't measure your success by NT marks and value the same things as NTs do. An own system of values must be created.

    • @Abel.Abelson
      @Abel.Abelson  3 роки тому

      Yes, you're totally right. Well said!

    • @timefortee
      @timefortee 3 роки тому +4

      Wise words!! And the end statement reminds me of Dabrowski's famous "hierarchy of values" that one has to create for oneself.

  • @marianbundel1229
    @marianbundel1229 7 місяців тому +1

    I'm happy that you transformed from successful underachiever to "youtube-content-creator"/ author etc.. So much great information, really. All your videos are PACKED with serious, valuable, "self-aquired" information.
    The Acceptance part also makes so much sense. And so important I guess. Thank you, I think I also need your books eventually.
    Love the "troll" analogy! Smirking my ass off. :D

  • @kawaii_princess_castle
    @kawaii_princess_castle 3 роки тому +4

    Yes It is true what you are saying about success!!! I am the same I evolve very quickly as well and the me of now is not the same as the me last year!!!

  • @doofy28
    @doofy28 3 роки тому +10

    Exercise makes dealing with others easier. I've heard martial arts helps too. With regular vigorous exercise I don't really care what others think and just move forward.

    • @edkachalov
      @edkachalov 3 роки тому +2

      When you strong and fast enough it doesn't matter what others do

    • @Abel.Abelson
      @Abel.Abelson  3 роки тому +4

      Yes, I started doing Jujutsu a few years ago (sadly on pause due to Corona for the moment), it is definitely something special that has a definite psychological effect apart from the physical advantages. It really helped and helps me a lot with self-confidence and anxiety issues.

  • @LordLoss
    @LordLoss 3 роки тому +7

    I appreciate your inwardness, especially where you were able to detail the understanding that your own judgements of others are in reality projected self-judgements; an understanding I myself use against myself-since I am literally only seeing myself in others instead of the person in front of me. Though I am obsessionally minded in my thinking, I do not find myself to be better than normal persons-who while less aware than myself about certain things, can nevertheless surprise me and humble me by saying things so simply, that I inwardly become embarrassed that I spend so much time trying to justify things through complex ideas, where others can be content with the simple: but simplicity is not necessarily shallowness; on the contrary it is the depth I crave. In other words, I wonder if you find it easy to accept the potential ambivalence of: being jealous of another’s simplicity, as well as accepting of one’s own obsessive nature-a nature that I have often experienced as paralyzing. I often think of the quote “Only in error is there life, Knowledge is death” I believe Schiller wrote that.

  • @easypeasy2241
    @easypeasy2241 3 роки тому +8

    I completely agree with everything you say. I have always been logical in my choises: if I see a problem I try to fix it. However I am finding many walls on my way because of my different understanding of life. For example I am engaged with a girl that has depression and the way I was trying to help her to deal with it was finding solutions to the problems and trying to fix them. I was suggesting the most logical way to solve the issues but all I have got back was misunderstanding, a lot of angryness and violence against me. This destroyed me inside as I felt useless and not understood. However I figured out with time that depression has do be handled with a supporting approach instead of fixing because what is as a logical solution for me, might be completely wrong for someone else. This constant adaptation to others is limiting my life experience, I would like to be understood and loved for who I am.

    • @Abel.Abelson
      @Abel.Abelson  3 роки тому +7

      Yes, it's a problem I have too, trying to fix problems for people that don't ask for being helped, or worse, don't even see the problem (yet). So they're not thankful for the help offered, most often on the contrary. It's really difficult to let people crawl along in the mud until they explicitly ask for your help, or help them and get hated for it - or try and get them to see the problem, which sometimes simply isn't possible.

    • @timefortee
      @timefortee 3 роки тому +1

      @@Abel.Abelson Do they LIKE being that way, or is it unconscious?? If so, do they ever wisen up with age???

    • @umserserum
      @umserserum 10 місяців тому

      From an intellectual point of view, your solutions for that particular problem was not appropriate. Which means you had something to learn for you were lacking in understanding.
      From a holistic point of view, logic cannot solve everything, and it is intelligence/wisdom to know whether to apply what. This means that you were trying to fix a problem with a knife when a hammer was needed for example.
      In conclusion, intellectual giftedness is as great as the responsibility it brings with it. You can never blame other people for their shortcomings, we have to always look objectively at both parties and understand both parties and the mechanisms at work. In my opinion this takes something much more than intellect, it takes humility, patience and faith - qualities which have little to do with the intellect.
      I recommend the works of Gurdjieff. Mind, Body and Emotion are all systems which have to become harmonious in one. Only then is one a "Man", complete. As long as there is division in ourselves, having a great mind is of little help.

  • @labauer5314
    @labauer5314 3 роки тому +4

    I'm 3:52 mins into vid. I'm staring to cry. Trolls hook me & pull. I'm tethered by them. As I age, trading my youth for wisdom my knowledge is spider webbed to miles of a constant state of discovery that began minute by minute, having learned & accepted my limited amount of time, (I call it "my other brain") I am so filled with this insatiable hunger, thirst, to fill me. Everything is so amazing, instead of walking a path, I'm tethered & stagnant... then the guilt. I've not moved. Abel, how do you know me?! Ok, I'm gonna watch vid, .. I dont know you, I dont want to, I want to know me. I am guilty, afraid, of succeeding, I know I'm allowing the trolls to do what trolls do. I want learn how to either, shake them off, give them another target, or (I think it's possible to learn how to "acknowledge them, & go on my way". (The latter sounds best, but I'm open to what I can do, learn, NOW. (Audible exhalation, & back to your vid)

    • @claude2571
      @claude2571 3 роки тому +2

      it hurts a lot when it seems like your feelings, thoughts, questions, even your presence itself is abrasive and unwelcome to others. It hurts feeling as though you're doing something wrong by just existing as you are and that no one will ever truly understand you

    • @labauer5314
      @labauer5314 3 роки тому

      @@claude2571 is it really possible that 48+ yrs on this planet, alone, is it really possible that I've found others who know how it is to be like me? I like & enjoy my own company, I want to be alone. I am fully aware that I need an ability to communicate with neurotypicals. I'm not showing off, I'm not able to chit chat. I try, but humans are not as fascinated by the rhythmic sound & bending of train track joints as the cars pass, they are obsessed with this interruption. Not thinking about their rush to the store to purchase an item that is probably there because of this wonderful train. The stunning graffiti! The artists are so stealth! I've never seen a painting in progress! That is a wonderful museum tour for free, it is brought to you! It's right there, but they dont see it. You summed up the worst part of my life with one word, abrasive. I am a burden, an annoyance. I need so little from them. I ask & it's as if I need their kidney.

    • @labauer5314
      @labauer5314 3 роки тому

      @@claude2571 I'm in NWFL. where on this planet are you?

  • @mrmarten9385
    @mrmarten9385 3 роки тому +3

    Society where atypical people are allowed to be atypical would be nice, life itself has plenty of adversery to overcome. As you so aptly named in your metaphor there is no need for trolls on the road.
    To think what new kind of art, inventions and philosophies could be done if people would give eachother just (a bit) more space to try out things. Perhaps too optimistic, but I don't think so, there is great potential in the human species. Society as it is now, not so much. For myself I never felt I had much choice but to fight into th NT-route, just to survive, as far as I can, which isn't that far, but perhaps still too far.

  • @claudiamanta1943
    @claudiamanta1943 11 місяців тому +2

    1:33 No, I don’t have ADHD. The longest I could study (with breaks) was 10 hours a day. And no; I am able to filter out external and internal stimuli. Now I just indulge in wasting time with crap because I have lost all motivation- from 2020. And no, again, let no one hope that I will go to their lake to tow their boat. I do not want to. Why? Not because I’m a selfish and stupidity defiant person, but because I do NOT like being manipulated or coerced into doing something. As simple as that. It’s too difficult for others to be honest? Yes, by the looks of it. Fine. Let them suffer the consequences. I will NOT do it, no matter what. All my life various idiots have tried and sometimes I did go along with their deception because the end result was acceptable from my perspective (I despised them, though). But not anymore. Not anymore. That’s enough.

    • @nickvledder
      @nickvledder 10 місяців тому

      In what area or areas of life have you experienced being coerced into doing something?

  • @Veg-Power
    @Veg-Power 11 місяців тому +1

    yeah, I always get sidetracked by jealous people. I can work up to 8 x faster and at the same time 4x better than even very intelligent people but I just don't do it on a regular basis bc I am afraid of the reactions and don't want to argue all the time ^^
    Also just allowed myself to watch YT videos on double speed (wish it'll go even faster..) but until now I did't allow it to myself bc for other people this is considered "unreasonable" and "then u just can't understand everything!" or "this is too much head-heavy and unbalanced"
    But I always manipulate NTs to change them and somewhat match my views ^^ Somehow I am able to distort and manipulate reality fields. this little differences u mentioned in perceived reality. I can do it even on a larger scale. This route takes a lot of time and skill though but I just don't accept people being anti-social. I made the experience that it will indeed work but it's vey difficult and mastered this skill my whole life. BC I want to improve things fundamentally..

  • @arm4ix
    @arm4ix 3 роки тому +4

    I would say that it IS possible to put us all on the same boat, but it requires something very creative.

  • @Tolky48
    @Tolky48 7 місяців тому +2

    I am 40 years old. I also have a high IQ. I have not been able to get along with anyone since my childhood. I am always alone. In Turkey, people's IQ is 86 and it is decreasing every year.

    • @qxilion
      @qxilion 5 місяців тому +1

      iqn kaç ağabey

    • @Tolky48
      @Tolky48 5 місяців тому

      @@qxilion sonucu vermediler ama benzer özellikli insanlarla kendimi kıyaslayınca 160+ IQ olduğumu öğrendim.Oldukça yüksek günlük hayatta tam bi sıkıntı yani...

  • @Life_42
    @Life_42 3 роки тому +4

    I strongly agree with getting sidetracked by trolls. This video helps me very much

    • @Abel.Abelson
      @Abel.Abelson  3 роки тому

      Fabulous! Thanks for letting me know also! Have a look at my book "How to handle neurotypicals" for a lot more tips and insights!

  • @ThomasDoubting5
    @ThomasDoubting5 3 роки тому +13

    Opening one's mouth around non intellectually gifted people will be a huge mistake.

    • @Abel.Abelson
      @Abel.Abelson  3 роки тому +8

      You can ask them to pass the salt, but that's about it 😉

    • @ThomasDoubting5
      @ThomasDoubting5 3 роки тому +1

      I'd say thats about it maybe vinegar and pepper at a push

    • @Davi-by8gl
      @Davi-by8gl 3 роки тому +1

      i know what i want to say but most of the times i cant phrase it well enough so that most people understand, so i don't say anything

  • @havenbastion
    @havenbastion 4 місяці тому +1

    Rational people, typically intelligent, never really disagree when all the variables are accounted for. Normal people, however, are based on feelings rather than rational and will impulsively reject logic if it conflicts.

    • @havenbastion
      @havenbastion 4 місяці тому

      You can lead a fool to wisdom but you can't make them think.

  • @nickvledder
    @nickvledder 10 місяців тому +1

    Have you ever wondered why NTs are so successful in big organisations? NTs base their decisions, opinions and deeds on what higher-positioned NTs think of them and how it can help their careers. (Now we know why being intelligent may not come handy in a big organisation.)

  • @HealthyPlanet
    @HealthyPlanet 3 роки тому +3

    Hmmm - I am wondering how our inner biological death anxiety is what is the distraction?
    If so, then generally determining & perceiving the differences between what is trivial & harmless vs significant and dangerous for me is crucial in deciding what to pay attention to.
    The next steps are then for me is to determine what are the most significant and dangerous to me - and to us all as interconnected animals - and stay focused on having & living an overall healthy life.

  • @martin19
    @martin19 10 місяців тому

    Hey, I know this is the wrong vid but.. I just saw you pop up and wanted to say, your book about how to deal with neurotypicals is amazing. I'm only an hour or so into it and it's really really good so thanks!

  • @aGenericBanana
    @aGenericBanana 11 місяців тому

    Never felt more understood by someone. Idk if am intellectually eligible or not to be commenting here but i have to say that even though i don't see yt much but your videos help a lot to put things into perspective when you feel like an outsider all the time. Either me is crazy seeing things differently or it's them. Something is off. Everyone seems to be doing weird things. Maybe it's just my ADHD/ODD

  • @MarioThe260
    @MarioThe260 9 місяців тому

    I fell into every pitfall you described. I am just glad I became aware of it while I'm still young

  • @heavensea141
    @heavensea141 3 роки тому +1

    1. Outher innerst perfect examples, hate what I do for a living but had to make a living, and I don't care about math I simple wants a good degree.
    2. Inner interest whatever hobby, you like doing or found interesting.
    Remember back in school days I get the best result in the class in a test, big test too a hole chapter.
    I was told it by my neurotypicals classmates, I don't even believe it because I wasn't used to it.
    I even simple read little big the day before the test.
    I now understand it, when a topic had innerst interest for me I can learn everything about it, but when something don't interest me by inner interest it matter who much I try to learn or read its hopeless when its no inner interest for me.

    • @Abel.Abelson
      @Abel.Abelson  3 роки тому +1

      Yes, of course, it's a scientifically proven fact that things only get really well in your long-term memory when you have a strong emotion linked to it - in the case of education, a real interest.

  • @kurtumusic
    @kurtumusic 3 роки тому +2

    These have been really helpful so far! Thank you

    • @Abel.Abelson
      @Abel.Abelson  3 роки тому +1

      You're very welcome 🙂, I'm glad I could be of help! Thanks for letting me know also!
      For a more in depth treatment of the same subjects, have a look at my books: ...

  • @The7dioses
    @The7dioses 3 роки тому +2

    Very accurate illustration.

    • @Abel.Abelson
      @Abel.Abelson  3 роки тому

      Thank you! And thanks for commenting. You might be interested in one of my books also, see my author's page here 😉

  • @yukisanderson6907
    @yukisanderson6907 8 місяців тому

    Nurodiversed people are out-numbered at the moment, so they would feel very hard to live in the NT dominant environment.

  • @Matheus16905
    @Matheus16905 3 роки тому +4

    High openness to experience, an extremey low extraversion and a possibility to have an high average IQ or more makes me feel frequently misunderstood: my train of thoughts and my insights often seems hermetic to most people. I can't say I feel lonely, but it's like I many times talk as my thoughts were translated in a foreign language, to most people.
    One question: I had contradictory results in many online IQ tests, from average-high average to above average. For instance, my memory IQ scale was 125 (above average), but my full scale IQ seems average to high average.
    The question is: can I be considered someone of above average/of superior intelligence/mildly gifted with that great working memory, even if my full scale doesn't show throughly any signs of giftedness?

    • @chesschess3477
      @chesschess3477 3 роки тому +1

      Mathews Rodrigues I would think it all depends on how you use yourself if you have a goal to be intelligent that is a good sign because of the belief on your subconscious will make that happen now if you let your environment get in the way of YOU like let's say friends wanting you to be more active that is an error well... really its just a suggestion from the outside world going into your back mind if you accept WHAT IM attempting to say is if you have control over your environment and control over your conscious and subconscious thoughts habits patterns etc I say anyone can be extremely intelligent it's just people let suggestions come into the mind no matter how small it affects them (hope I made this clear for you
      Keeping it simple based without going into detail if you would like full details I am happy to

    • @Matheus16905
      @Matheus16905 3 роки тому

      @@chesschess3477 I do not understood your statement

    • @timefortee
      @timefortee 3 роки тому +2

      Giftedness is not IQ-dependent.

    • @Matheus16905
      @Matheus16905 3 роки тому

      @@timefortee the only gifted species that I know, which are low-IQs, are savants. So, unless you're savant, is it possible to be exceptional on visuospatial abilities (an exceptional mathematician), for instance, and still have average IQ?

    • @timefortee
      @timefortee 3 роки тому +4

      @@Matheus16905 I do not know how you define giftedness, but in my understanding it is does not co-occur with autism (and thus the Savant syndrome), nor is it revealed by a certain IQ score. You can have a high IQ and not be gifted (like my neurotypical brother), or have an average IQ and be gifted (like me).
      Giftedness is a set of specific neurobiological and psychological traits, not just the types of intelligence needed to do well in IQ tests (logico-mathematical, spatial, linguistic...).

  • @redgrengrumbholdt2671
    @redgrengrumbholdt2671 3 роки тому +1

    I very much enjoy your content and it gives me more insight about intellectual people, which is something that affects me personally. (I'm not a very high IQ person, but above average nonetheless and I am an abstract artistic thinker). I would recommend that you invest in a better camera/audio quality and if possible, hire an editor to add more to your videos, which will make it easier for neurotypicals and people with attention disorders to focus and understand what you're saying. Keep it up!

  • @Polymath9000
    @Polymath9000 3 роки тому +1

    Great video.

  • @rwdchannel2901
    @rwdchannel2901 Рік тому

    I have been called a 'different breed'.

  • @rohankale1000
    @rohankale1000 3 роки тому +2

    Hi Abel, I wanted to ask something. You keep saying that neurotypicals have a limited world view, but do you not think it is true for all humans even gifted and Autistic people. So for example I met an autistic person during one of my college seminars(presented to us by a medic), he was interested in tanks and not much else, he was very sensitive to sound, and could not socialize.
    It is also true for highly gifted geniuses who are very good in their niche like a genius Physicist who is an expert in quantum mechanics, but is bad at biology? I think what makes neurotypicals truly what they are is their excessive focus on hierarchy and not much else, do you agree? Feel free to reply if you read it.

    • @Abel.Abelson
      @Abel.Abelson  3 роки тому +3

      Well, to a certain degree everyone has a "limited" view since no one is God😉. So I'm referring to a relative sensation where most others seem to be quite "mentally nearsighted".
      You're referring to idiots savants, who have like a peak in one area and very low capabilities in most others, which is a very specific case and actually not really intellectually gifted. They won't score high on a Wechsler test for instance, because the low parts will bring down the total.
      Apart from that, yes, neurotypicals are extremely hierarchical. But I see a relation with their mental nearsightedness. Being mentally nearsighted, they need each other to survive, and there's a trade in debt between them, which translates in hierarchy. I go into this in a lot more detail in my book, maybe you should check that out: But yes, very valid observation, about hierarchy.

    • @rohankale1000
      @rohankale1000 3 роки тому

      @@Abel.Abelson Are you religious? Thanks for the reply.

    • @Abel.Abelson
      @Abel.Abelson  3 роки тому +3

      No, not at all. But I'm not anti-religious either. Some brains are believer brains, some are non believer brains. Both have equal right to exist as they are. Whatever rocks y'r boat 😉.

  • @ms863
    @ms863 3 роки тому +1

    Smart people dont know there smart untill they compare themselves to some1 else.
    If you want to help your community reinvest in your message, what are some investments you would place some money into if you have a kid or if you dont have a family, but do you have any insight of specific financial opportunities?

  • @ThePdeHav
    @ThePdeHav 3 роки тому +1

    Lest we forget, a significant proportion of us suffer from ADHD also.

    • @nickvledder
      @nickvledder 10 місяців тому

      ADHD is 'invented' by.... of course, I am sure you know the answer: NT's.

  • @Ravioli601
    @Ravioli601 3 роки тому +1

    How do you feel about opening a discord server to discuss ?
    Also did you ever read « trop intelligent pour être heureux » from jeanne siaud-facchin ?

    • @Abel.Abelson
      @Abel.Abelson  3 роки тому

      I have a kind of aversion towards these well groomed perfectly educated impeccably manicured people that'll tell you how to fit in. I'm all for fitting out 🙂. They seem like poor domesticated and sterilised wretches to me, I can't really stand watching or reading them.

    • @timefortee
      @timefortee 3 роки тому

      @@Abel.Abelson I'm disappointed by that arrogant remark, there are some of them who are genuinely searching for answers just as you are. Please dont lump the ones riding the $$$-wave together with the truly insightful and helpful ones. Carlos Tinoco and Raymonde Hazan are both of the latter category.

    • @Abel.Abelson
      @Abel.Abelson  3 роки тому

      The genuine ones don't fit my description, so they were not implied, and I do value them a lot. Concerning the others, with them either you're what they will call "arrogant" in an attempt to beat you down (don't let them get away with it, don't play their game), or you keep your head up and your compass straight and see them for what they are (see my description 😉).
      Calling you "arrogant" is the number one weapon to try to get people to hide their shining light. I don't blame you for using the term, on the contrary, I suspect you have unconsciously been the victim of this attack and have internalised it, and now by accident repeat it. "Arrogance" is not a problem, you know, given that people have the freedom to walk away from you if they don't like you. In reality they use the term to clip your wings. Think about it.

    • @timefortee
      @timefortee 3 роки тому

      @@Abel.Abelson I think the word "arrogant" is a trigger for you for whatever reason. I did not call YOU arrogant but that particular stance regarding popularised giftedness "representatives", I think you aren't considering all the nuances of the issue (same with MBTI, you dismissed it without deeper study which is full of goodies).

  • @SnowyOwl81
    @SnowyOwl81 2 місяці тому

    S.O.S....Just diagnosed at 42..."Weird" things happening...Could i get in touch with you and how? Sorry if I "upset" you but I feel the need to do it and it doesn't happen often...😶‍🌫🧠💥🤯👁❤‍🩹...💜😇

  • @funkymunky
    @funkymunky 3 роки тому

    Nail, meet head!

  • @blueberrysilver3593
    @blueberrysilver3593 3 роки тому

    I like the topic. I’m not smart but I also get sidetracked a lot. It tired people n relatives so I also try to be funny. But it’s hard to control, maybe impossible for me cuz if I hold back I feel oppressed 😆 not that bad but u know what I mean. 🤷🏻‍♀️

  • @labauer5314
    @labauer5314 3 роки тому +1

    I just found your books on Amazon, I want to help you, help us. Thank you

    • @Abel.Abelson
      @Abel.Abelson  3 роки тому +1

      Fabulous, that's very generous of you, thank you!

    • @labauer5314
      @labauer5314 3 роки тому +1

      @@Abel.Abelson it is not generosity. It is a cyclical benefit for each of us. Thank you again for CHOOSING to share what you have learned, and what you are continuing to discover.

  • @claudiamanta1943
    @claudiamanta1943 11 місяців тому

    9:32 Wrong. I don’t care about being politically correct, so I will just say it. I really don’t care that idiots allegedly cannot help being idiots. We supposedly live in a society, therefore there should be firm boundaries so that one’s stupidity (mine included) doesn’t hurt anyone else. But, alas, idiots who are supported by enormous masses of those who are more stupid than ‘the leaders’ make the rules. Hence, the disasters for everybody. It’s very simple. It’s not a matter of how our brains are wired, but a matter of character.

    • @theJellyjoker
      @theJellyjoker Місяць тому

      Typical NT, feeling threatened when called out on their BS 😂

  • @claudiamanta1943
    @claudiamanta1943 11 місяців тому

    5:38 No. I am not a sardine, I am the oil. Gone rancid. Good luck as the whole conserve is way past its expiry date.

  • @hadeees
    @hadeees 3 роки тому +2

    Sounds like ADHD

    • @timefortee
      @timefortee 3 роки тому +1

      Neuroatypicals have LLI which is commonly mistaken for ADHD.

  • @theJellyjoker
    @theJellyjoker Місяць тому

    Trolls troll because the think it's "fun" I like to troll trolls because I think it's fun to "beat them at their own game" Troll lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol! 😂🤣😆