Hi, in most cases it can be made to work, I have seen Accord seats in a Civic with only modification to 1 mounting hole. however because they are from different generations I don't think it will just bolt in without minor modification.
Hey, how are you? How can I get in touch with you? I'm planning to build a D series very soon, and I wanna have some help from someone who has built one before.
I like how it turned out in the end, and it fits quite well. looks pretty good!!
Thanks bro, yeah they fit nicely, gives the interior a bit more race car look
Looks good 💪🏻
Thanks bro
The drivers seat of my 2014 civic is shot. Will the seat of a 2011 fit into the 2014?
Hi, in most cases it can be made to work, I have seen Accord seats in a Civic with only modification to 1 mounting hole. however because they are from different generations I don't think it will just bolt in without minor modification.
Perhaps You can move the fabric withtime and patience to be in the middle by pressing and push them with thumbs.
Hi alundrasrt, I did look into that but the pads are stitched into a square with a different fabric at the back, so it's not possible
where to get correct rails for these seats for this car?
Hi, no so easy to find but try this on eBay - ebay.us/BV6rLh
That seat should be on the left. The adjuster for the back should be on the outer side and not near the parking brake.
Hi bro, these seats are both exactly the same. They have the adjuster on both sides, there is no left or right seat like an OEM seat.
Hey, how are you? How can I get in touch with you? I'm planning to build a D series very soon, and I wanna have some help from someone who has built one before.
Send me a DM on Instagram. I'll help where I can
@RisingBoostYT thank you sir. I DMd you.
Hi is this the only car you have
Luckily no, I have a car as a daily