I've got an interesting one, I'm guessing it's a sensor. But don't know which it would be. Not throwing codes. It works again only if I turn the engine off, restart and shift to drive. If I come to a stop or nearly a stop it acts as if it's between shifts or slipping. Then I have to put it in park, turn off, restart and take off. 1 and 2 are funny. There's a whining sometimes now in the low gears when slowing down as well.
Get ready, you are about to be riding the BUS! This is how they fail! They run hot, the torque converter falls apart and takes out the rest of the show. I'd stop driving it immediately, drop the pan and fluid and bypass the radiator cooler. Install a 50dollar aftermarket cooler, change the converter and pray like hell you caught it. Even then, it may be too late.
we live in a area with rust issues on certain bolts on these but without rust Cody can pull one of these in less then an hour but if your first time and not familiar I would think following this video will save you time at least on bolt size
Best step by step video on YT!
sum good step by step pointers on removing a transmission. nice.
Holy crap a drop light!
Job well done. One can reference yours to do theirs.
What are all the torque specs to install the transmission. Thanks
Thanks 💯
Music is terrible
I've got an interesting one, I'm guessing it's a sensor. But don't know which it would be. Not throwing codes. It works again only if I turn the engine off, restart and shift to drive. If I come to a stop or nearly a stop it acts as if it's between shifts or slipping. Then I have to put it in park, turn off, restart and take off. 1 and 2 are funny. There's a whining sometimes now in the low gears when slowing down as well.
Get ready, you are about to be riding the BUS! This is how they fail! They run hot, the torque converter falls apart and takes out the rest of the show. I'd stop driving it immediately, drop the pan and fluid and bypass the radiator cooler. Install a 50dollar aftermarket cooler, change the converter and pray like hell you caught it. Even then, it may be too late.
What's the real time to remove the trans on the vehicle in the video?
we live in a area with rust issues on certain bolts on these but without rust Cody can pull one of these in less then an hour but if your first time and not familiar I would think following this video will save you time at least on bolt size
Was this on a Silverado?
How much do you charge 0:09
Didnt unbolt dip stick tube