There is reason to take cation when treating the side of a person’s neck. With the nerves exiting the cervical spine between the scalenes and both the vertebral artery and carotid artery on the sides of the neck, knowledge of the structures will be safer. But palpation of a muscle monitoring pressure and response, is safe to do. Certain massage techniques are preferred over others to avoid irritating sensitive structures.
Amazing flow of details- you help me jump unease working the neck.
Is this dangerous to do?
There is reason to take cation when treating the side of a person’s neck. With the nerves exiting the cervical spine between the scalenes and both the vertebral artery and carotid artery on the sides of the neck, knowledge of the structures will be safer. But palpation of a muscle monitoring pressure and response, is safe to do. Certain massage techniques are preferred over others to avoid irritating sensitive structures.
Awesome 😎
Seated neck massage video please