Can We Be Too Inspired?

  • Опубліковано 6 вер 2024
  • Discussing the popularity of "Inspiration Porn" among us and how "Idea Debt" can be very dangerous.


  • @afgncaapthegreat2706
    @afgncaapthegreat2706 8 років тому +162

    I like to think that, at the end of this particular series, Satch will be revealed to be talking to someone he's kidnapped and tied to a chair

    • @RylanEdlin
      @RylanEdlin 8 років тому +19

      Plot twist: YOU are the one he has kidnapped and tied to a chair.

    • @nightmare4lol
      @nightmare4lol 8 років тому +2

      +AFGNCAAP the great
      that would be amazing.

    • @ExistUNDRGROUND
      @ExistUNDRGROUND 8 років тому +1

      +Rylan Edlin mind BLOWN

  • @LGR
    @LGR 8 років тому +124

    The self-hype is real, man. Fascinating stuff to consider here, thanks for sharing as always!

    • @LAJay101
      @LAJay101 8 років тому +1

      Is it bad that I don't see you as a self-hype person?

  • @themarvin01
    @themarvin01 8 років тому +78

    This explains the problem with kickstarter.

    • @meelans6126
      @meelans6126 8 років тому

      good point

    • @D-structman
      @D-structman 8 років тому +3

      +Nebula “Youji” Storm
      Wow, you're totally right. The hype of hearing a project announced has always been a superior experience to me than receiving the final project.

  • @CharacterDesignForge
    @CharacterDesignForge 8 років тому +48

    It's true, Satch. The problem doesnt come from the idea of following your dream, it's absolutely the followthrough. It requires overlapping your dayjob, incredible focus, and hardwork doing the smart thing. Flying by the seat of your pants isn't going to work. You need a plan, proof you can accomplish what you want to, and long-term commitment. I absolutely agree with the idea debt and done>perfect. Our inhibitions and perfectionism means less overall output. No matter what, you'll hate what you're doing now a year from now, the difference will be that you've grown.

    • @8BitBrigade
      @8BitBrigade 8 років тому +7

      +Brookes Eggleston - Character Design Forge I totally agree. After looking at your channel I think you are kinda learning the way me and my friends did. We have been putting things out for a year now and I wont lie, we were expecting to be so far by now and even though we aren't as out there as we thought, by no means do we consider what we do a failure. Its just a work in progress, all we can do is keep working and improve as we go.

    • @CharacterDesignForge
      @CharacterDesignForge 8 років тому +2

      +8BitBrigade Absolutely! Better to do it the wrong way for awhile and get better than to never start before you meet an unrealistic ideal.

  • @KBC7050
    @KBC7050 8 років тому +123

    This video has inspired me.

    • @gui_saba
      @gui_saba 8 років тому

      +KBC7050 Ditto here

    • @Hkgamehunters
      @Hkgamehunters 8 років тому +1

      +KBC7050 but are you or are you not TOO inspired ;/

  • @Naxal710
    @Naxal710 8 років тому +4

    "Done is better than Perfect."
    Man I love that quote!

  • @BrockHD
    @BrockHD 8 років тому +5

    This is something I've been suffering from for AGES, and I had no idea until I watched this video. Thank you for sharing

  • @NatchEvil
    @NatchEvil 8 років тому +4

    So I wanted to express my gratitude for this video in particular. I have had a history of Idea Debt without knowing what it was.
    A quick history, I drew a web comic for 11'ish years called Natch Evil and had real trouble keeping hold of the magic in the story. I would jump head-first into a story larger than I could handle and eventually would collapse under the weight of my ambition. So I would start a new story with the same ambition and fall apart again. This happened many times.
    The effect is a wildly inconsistent set of comics, mostly incomplete story arches, which resulted in fewer and fewer readers. Finally I decided, not without tears, to wrap it up and dust off my hands.
    I couldn't tell you exactly why I stopped, but I can tell you that it's been impossible for me to start a new comic and keep hold of the project. After you've broken so many promises to yourself as I, you stop trusting yourself. "Why begin a new project if I'm not going to finish it?" That kind of thing.
    So, for the last few years, I've been on this brink. Standing at the edge of snow-jump but scared to try again.
    So... Idea Debt.
    You know how you were saying "I'm inspired..."? I think you have inspired me, not to jump head long into an ocean, but try smaller puddles first. Two or three pages at a time, as if I were going through physical therapy. I have no idea what I'm going to do, but I know I have to limp before I can walk again.
    Thanks for reading this.

  • @CreepsMcPasta
    @CreepsMcPasta 8 років тому +7

    This is brilliant. I now reference this video quite a bit now, and I'd like to add a bit from another perspective. Because I have people come up to me via messages, e-mails etc saying how they want to do what I do. They sometimes even try tell me the ideas of their own spin they'd add to my formula. And like you, I _HAVE_ secretly checked up on them, and saw how quick they've given up. It can be because they didn't get SUPER popular in their first week like they day-dreamed about. Or they're sitting on their 'golden idea' so much that their afraid to get it wrong, thus never starting in the first place.
    Sometimes people romanticize being perfect so much, that they feel failure before their first climb.
    Also I'll always keep in mind that 'Done is better than perfect'. I feel I've always lived by that principle subconsciously, however it's nice to see it written out like that.

  • @1gnore_me.
    @1gnore_me. 8 років тому +21

    this is something I figured out years ago, but it's still hard to accept. I hope this video will help people suffering from the same thing. "done is better than perfect" is an amazing quote.

    • @Abesteroni
      @Abesteroni 8 років тому +1

      +Molten_ I agree, and this video has got me thinking back to my own issues about trying to be a writer. Done is indeed better than perfect, because things are never -perfect- but things can be complete regardless of the polish. Makes me want to get my ass back into writing full time so I can get the work I've already finished published instead of having constant anxiety about the potential quality it might have with more intricate editing. I just hope the market has a place for a post modern war romance epic that reads like the love child of Final Fantasy VI and Metal Gear Solid, that would be most excellent haha.

    • @CharIott3
      @CharIott3 8 років тому +1

      That actually sounds really cool and interesting to read!

  • @Haedox
    @Haedox 8 років тому +5

    I feel this. When I first started UA-cam, I didn't have a plan or anything and I saw no success, which never bothered me at all. But as soon as I began reviewing and such and having an actual plan of what I was going to review, when I was going to do it, and how I was going to do it, that's when things began to fall into place. I don't make a profit off of it and I've done it so long term, I'd say, in my mind, I had success.

  • @SunderCR
    @SunderCR 8 років тому +4

    The bit at 5:40 is what hit me the hardest. I overshare things that are 1% into production and I always regret it. If I lose my drive on those projects and they fizzle, I feel like I just let down the people that I showed my excitement to.
    Thanks for a little more introspection in my day, dude.

  • @elb0w
    @elb0w 8 років тому +10

    it maybe ridiculous to say, but props for doing the side-view camera angle again. it seems generally more well recieved this time, and there's less people ignoring the content of the video commenting only on the style. It is ironic that I'm doing that exact thing right now, but I have not started the video.

    • @elb0w
      @elb0w 8 років тому

      may be*

    • @L33PL4Y
      @L33PL4Y 8 років тому

      +Dimitri irtimiD It's better this time because he's not facing away from us at a 90 degree angle, he's faced a bit more toward us this time. Even a little adjustment like that can totally change how your audience feels while watching you. Facing away at a 90 degree angle is distracting and feels like someone won't look at you while they're talking to you. Partially facing toward the audience, like in this video, feels more like they're talking to you but thinking too intensely while they talk to look you in the eyes. It's less distracting and much more comfortable.

  • @paperbaganimator
    @paperbaganimator 8 років тому +7

    These always hit close to home

  • @originlollol7
    @originlollol7 8 років тому +3

    Like a lot of people here, this really hit close to me. A couple of years back, I was an 'aspiring writer'. And personal problems, as well as a ton of self-induced pressure, kinda stopped that whole thing in its tracks.

    @BLACKDISC 2 роки тому +2

    I've rewatched this video so many times the past few years. I really appreciate you for making this!

  • @K_Sketch
    @K_Sketch 8 років тому +3

    Hey Satch, we met a couple years back when you were talking about just starting the channel, I'm super happy to see your channel going strong with your provocative pieces and well structured formats. This was a very relatable subject and if you haven't inspired some, you certainly pushed the path of thought in the right direction. Keep it up man :)

  • @scrustle
    @scrustle 8 років тому +3

    I think a major thing that contributes to this supposed trend of people not following through on their inspiration probably has something to do with how large an audience is. When an audience for something is small, the people who are in it are usually there because they sought it out themselves. They're the kind of person that will go out and actually do something. The larger an audience is, the easier it is to find it and become a part of it, leading to more people in it being less driven to seek out something new things. So when they say they're inspired, they're less likely to be the type to actually follow through.
    The thing about the idea debt is definitely a big thing too. I can relate to that. There's so many things I've wanted to do but then never got around to because I've felt like I will never be able to do anything that lives up to what I want in my head, and the longer I think about it and stall myself, the worse it gets.

    • @FactAttack
      @FactAttack 8 років тому

      Good luck for your next Dream!

  • @SamTheEnglishGamer
    @SamTheEnglishGamer 8 років тому +1

    Satch... This is incredible. I'm speechless.
    I've always wanted to make my own shown about video games, and was obviously inspired by other people, like the AVGN, Jontron and so on. However, I only started to get serious with that idea once I had decent equipment to produce it, (Camera, Final Cut Pro) and legit ideas for videos. Once I was confident about everything, that was then when I started talking about it to people I know, sharing pics, ideas, plans etc.
    I looked closely into the rights and wrongs into making a solid video, and it paid off massively. My first video actually got a shoutout from "Game Theory" off their Facebook page, which was honestly mind-blowing for me. Honestly, I've never regretted pursuing this "Idea", ever. It has helped me more open minded towards other people, and made me be more appreciative about the difficult struggles people do to follow their desires for success. Content creators will know that feeling, including you.
    Stay copacetic, fam.

  • @ximalionx
    @ximalionx 8 років тому +1

    This video has had nothing short of a profound impact on my every day life. Satchel, thank you for being you.

  • @Elder-geek
    @Elder-geek 8 років тому +3

    I love the concept of "done is better than perfect." Because you're right, you can never achieve the perfect product you have in mind.
    And who is to say that your vision of "perfect"--if magically achieved--would be appreciated? It IS better to create something, even if imperfect, not just to grow personally, but also to judge audience reaction, and to have a better gauge for handling your next project.
    Great vid as always, Satch!

  • @Hepyrian
    @Hepyrian 8 років тому +1

    You're killing it with these vlogs. Honestly, its really thought provoking stuff, and I look forward to it every time. I think you're both right on the nose and idealistic at the same time here. So, let's go through the main points of your argument here and elaborate a bit on it.
    1. Inspiration is everywhere. Totally. I remember when I was working on en episode of the series Indirect Consequences on my channel, I was at this museum, and they were showing a slide show. The transitions on this thing were incredible. I witnessed animation after animation wow me, and I said, "I'm totally going to use that." The point is this, and you say it here, everything is inspirational. I actually have mentioned in a video about art movements about how Art is almost entirely inspirational, and how the internet has made inspiration commonplace in a global community, rather than a local one. Sorry if it sounds like I'm advertising myself hardcore, I'm really just pulling from my own experience to test your argument with examples. My videos are my work, so again, I apologize if I seem self-promotional.
    2. Inspiration today is not necessarily a call to action. It's a good thing you clarified it for a public figure, because there's a lot of stuff that results from inspiration that never gets posted. As someone who does not try to link his stuff around too much I know exactly why there is never, as you say it, "examples in the link." I'll mention that I do stuff for UA-cam and people can look me up if they want to. But when you create, or, at least the way in which I create, is as noncorporate as possible. Now, what does noncorporate mean? It means that I want it to be treated as art and not a consumer product. I don't want to parade around and say, "Hey, look at this thing I made!" because honestly, that seems overly... shallow. Self-promotion is obviously necessary in a creative space, else you'll never be seen, but I almost feel like I shouldn't do the talking because, as you go on to say, you never are totally satisfied with a work. Maybe I feel like it's not worthy of mass attention, but, at the same time, wish more people would see it. It's a complex thing, you know, emotions are crazy things.
    3. Idea vs. Reality. Jamaica Kinkaid in her essay On Seeing England for the First Time is exactly about this distinction that always has to be made between the idea of something, and its reality. Of course, Kinkaid is talking about ideology and how the idea of what England was like from her education in an English colony was vastly different from how it actually was, and how that angered her. But, despite talking about an entirely different topic than inspiration in the creative space, her point still holds true that the distinction has to be made in order to stay sane. If you're too caught up in the idea of something, its reality will be disappointing. And, If you are way too worried about something's reality, it will be aimless because there is no end-goal to strive for, an essay without a thesis, if you will.
    4. Announce when something is 80% finished. This is some pretty damn good advice, and something I noticed is true when I was working on my most recent video, again, sorry if I sound like I'm advertising. It was about Civilization V and what it says about what it means to be civilized, and I got really excited about it. The key to keep me going on it was that I started talking about it when I was about 75% done with it, so I was so inspired to just finish it, let it be over so I could share this thing I had been working on for weeks with the global community of the internet and also my own personal community of friends. You're absolutely right about this advice.
    Well, I guess I can say that you inspired me, my friend, to write about this in all that above. So thanks for that. Oh, and hey, where are you getting this background music? It's fantastic.
    Stay copacetic.

  • @8BitBrigade
    @8BitBrigade 8 років тому +7

    This video really got to me. Its all things I have come to realize from many failed projects over the years. Perfect example being the channel I have with some of my friends. I know by the standards of a majority of people that this (being the channel I am formulating this comment with) is by no means a successful channel. We only have a couple followers and we make no money from it. But its a project that I am constantly working on and improving on. By no means does it get a million views, but its one of the few things I have worked on that I am consistently sticking with, and to me, that means its a huge success. I am glad that in the end I went off the big jump, and I will keep going off of it even if I crash a couple times because the way to success is paved with failure. Thanks for all you do Satch, hope to see you at MAGfest

  • @funnyshitclanfilms
    @funnyshitclanfilms 8 років тому

    This hits home for me. Ever since I was a kid I wanted to be a game designer. I would come up with story's and gameplay ideas in my head all the time, but I would never write them down or do anything with them. Whenever I did write my ideas, it never turned out the way I wanted. I would keep the idea in my mind, building on it, continuing the idea, but never do anything with it. Every time i play a game, or watch a video on game design I want to say "i'm inspired by this! I'm going to stop what i'm doing and right now and start working on my idea", but I never really do. The failures of my past still haunt me, and they stop me form doing what I want to do. Even now, after watching this video I feel that "inspiration" and ideas of grandeur flood my mind. This video taught me a few things (some of which I already knew, but sadly did nothing with). I need to look past this idea of grandeur and just start somewhere, not worrying so much about the end result, or how my great idea my not be so great in the end.
    I think I'm going to start by putting a sticky not on my door that says "Done is better then Perfect."

  • @GeekVFood
    @GeekVFood 8 років тому

    This is so ridiculously motivating it isn't even funny. I really love the "Done is better than perfect" quote. I'm really guilty of over promising and under delivering, mainly because of me doubting myself and self worth. The fact that you brought up that we will never really be happy, and that the end product will always be greater in our mind really hit home.
    Thank you so much Satch, for another truly excellent video!

  • @federicoper1
    @federicoper1 8 років тому

    I feel like this is what I've needed for a long time, a sort of wake-up call. An alarmingly high number of us delving into our respective modern creative avenues need this. It's a realization we all could use. Thank you.

  • @strain42
    @strain42 8 років тому

    This video really got to me. I've always had a hard time sticking with things throughout my life. I tried an instrument, didn't stick. I tried animation, never stuck. The only thing that has EVER stuck with me, was writing. I did comics for a long while, which made me feel like I could really stick with something, but after 7 years, that's dying down a bit. Many UA-camrs inspired me to try and launch a channel and talk about games, and somewhat to my own surprise, I've done it. I'm still small, less than 200 subscribers, but I'm proud of the work I've done since I started last year.
    I work hard on my videos, and yeah, I can look back at older stuff and spot my mistakes. I know I had editing problems, sound issues, inconsistent frame sizes, but with each video I strive to be a little better. I've stopped being afraid of doing the things I'm going towards, and it's been the most amazing feeling and experience of my life. Thank you for putting together this video, because it hits the nail so perfectly on the head.

  • @ChryI
    @ChryI 8 років тому

    Man, your stuff is just overflowing with meaning and truth.
    Especially the part concerning gratification by telling others about your upcoming and desired ventures and the entire concept of an idea bet.
    Ever since I realized this some time ago, it's fascinating to see just how many people do exactly that and how few actually see it through.

  • @Youknowcho
    @Youknowcho 8 років тому

    "Done is better than perfect" is beautiful, and something I've definitely been trying to focus on a lot more recently. Awesome video man!

  • @aGothicStory
    @aGothicStory 8 років тому

    This video has a really potent message for me as "that" aspiring writer, thank you for making and sharing it! I always secretly realized the difference between getting hyped on watching interviews of authors (from Neil Gaiman to Junot Diaz), watching them talk about the process and sharing their worldly knowledge, getting inspired from their personal stories, as opposed to just sitting down and doing the work that needs doing. Thanks again mate!

  • @Goldfire345
    @Goldfire345 8 років тому +1

    The problem with inspiration is quite often we don't have the tools to carry out what we envision when we are inspired to do something ambitious.

  • @royag3127
    @royag3127 8 років тому

    This seriously hits home with me. I'm unsure of how to start the projects I want to do, so I just think about them, getting lost in what ifs instead of how tos. I'm doing smaller things first, things with a closed audience, things with a short time span and no room for hype or speculation, but they aren't the projects I'm passionate about.
    You've given me a lot to think about Satchbag. Thank you.

  • @BustaSlugs
    @BustaSlugs 8 років тому

    Having watched this video back on the day it was released, I put some of these ideas into practice for myself. Never have I felt so simultaneously relaxed and focused about my work as a musician. Letting go of any preconceived notions of grandeur about my work has let me just focus on making the music that I most want to make. I will continue to watch this video and implement the ideas within it for years to come. Thank you for making this, Satch. Keep up the amazing work.

  • @GrimMalchien
    @GrimMalchien 8 років тому

    I was a writer. Over time I became an aspiring writer. Eventually I was able to do no work at all, and not even the ideas of things I could create held any satisfaction any more. I turned my back on writing and studied to become a robotics engineer. I'm studying now and sometimes I wonder if this path will align me with my goals ... but then there's always work to be done, and fulfilment of work and satisfaction and tangible goals. And I get to program, which I love.
    Stop dreaming, start acting. Maybe it's like this: intentions only matter to the individual. A dream is one's intentions. We perceive ourselves as attempting to live a dream "idea debt" has made us unable to act on. To the outside world, we are not the thing we perceive ourselves to be. So listen to the outside world: you are your actions, not your intentions.
    That was a rant, but wow! Thank you for the video.

  • @valeoncat13
    @valeoncat13 8 років тому

    I love this and love that people are seeing it! I used to be that artist as well. Constantly seeing great work, becoming inspired, and day dreaming about my "big thing." Every time though, I wouldn't take the steps necessary to complete these projects. OR I'd ignore the huge workload a project would present. Part of it came from getting my degree in animation, I was stuck on this idea that EVERYTHING I did, had to be animation to be important. I'd see amazing shorts and ignore the 10+ team in the credits and try to push for the same quality on my own.
    Safe to say I realized it got me no where. Realized my limits and down scaled. I also dropped the perfectionism thing you spoke of! I'm now working pretty regular freelance jobs dealing with character design, and all it took was a perspective change and pure drive.
    Soooo artists of any field need to keep pushing! Know your limits and so on! Just doing something tangible and small is better than daydreaming about something huge!

  • @TAHK0
    @TAHK0 8 років тому

    I genuinely think this gave me, and the people I just shared this with, a new perspective on what work I've/they've already done and will do in the future.
    Thanks for making this video- I think it came around at the right time.

  • @alexandracaldas5629
    @alexandracaldas5629 8 років тому +1

    "Done is better than perfect." Holy shit, did I need to hear that.

  • @carrotman
    @carrotman 8 років тому

    You discussed so many interesting ideas here. Part of why I never finish reading books is the anticipation of what might happen is so often greater than the actuality of what is written. Even though I have a quick turn around for commissions I have paintings around my house half way painted that I refuse to work on until I improve. A lovely motivation on one hand but clearly also the opposite. I've never really thought about it like this though.
    I really appreciate your work man.

  • @cunkfucklyVEVO
    @cunkfucklyVEVO 8 років тому

    I've experienced "Idea Dept" more times than I can count at this point in my life. I've started so many more projects than I've ever finished or brainstormed so many cool projects that I've never even started. Recently though, I finally put in the time and effort to start a channel with a friend of mine on UA-cam (which I'd share, but I don't want to shamelessly advertise in your comments section, y'know?), and we've actually been posting regular content. It's so much more rewarding to get something out there than it is to talk about it ad infinitum. This is a great video.

  • @liquidrick1991
    @liquidrick1991 8 років тому

    Satchel, this one came at an incredible time for me. the last two days, I got some grades in my university, which I just hated. They weren´t really bad, but I wanted more. Want to be almost flawless, at least in my studies. I was great so far, but this last semester, I got worse. I got worse not only in my studies, but I also wasn´t the great guy I wanted to be in 2016. I wanted to become something that is not only inspired, but that inspires a great deal of people. That was so snooty of me. I am doing my best. I will continue to do my best. But I am not THE best. I can be good. And if good is the best I can do, then that is the best I should do. "Done is better than perfect." Those words are great words. Right now I´m working on a paper that doesn´t go that good. But I shouldn´t be up at this time (03:45 am in germany right now) to read it again and again. I should sleep. Should live. Shouldn´t want to be perfect. I don´t think you wanted one to change his thoughts greatly, but I´m glad you could (at least for tonight) ease my mind. I hope to one day sit down and have a lenghty talk with you. Maybe when we are old guys. Maybe in our old days, I can remember you about this video that you made when I was 24 and struggling with university. An interesting picture, I think.

  • @SatoKure
    @SatoKure 8 років тому

    I found this very true. I started writing fanfiction on a whim last year, which started off decently. I liked the experience of putting my ideas out for people to see and critique. But as time went on, and my time was spent less on writing and more on school and work, I found myself looking at what I wrote, feeling embarrassed, and deciding to lay off it for awhile. I constantly thought of idea after idea, but I found myself afraid to write.
    "What if they weren't good enough?" "This is not what I had in mind when I first started!" These kind of thoughts constantly plagued me as more and more ideas piled on and I tried to write them out. But thanks to this video, it has given me a lot to think about. I think I'll try writing once more.
    So even though you may not see this comment, thanks for making this video Satchbag. And to whoever is reading this, thanks for taking the time to read this random shit.

  • @YoshyRyuDCC
    @YoshyRyuDCC 8 років тому

    I was inspired by my friends I've met at SGC, and various parts of the internet. Although not on my personal UA-cam account, I've created a semi-serious, comedic news show about gaming in the UA-cam community, as well as other things that might be fun to talk about. It took time, to get to the point that I was ready, to put what I wanted online. To take it in a direction I was comfortable with.
    Thank you, for being one of my inspirations and for always putting out your thoughts, as a reminder to stay humble and keep a level head. At least, that's what I take away from the majority of your videos. So again, thank you.

  • @ShinMangetsu
    @ShinMangetsu 8 років тому

    The term "done is better than perfect" really struck a chord. More than I thought it would. It really hits close to home. On projects, I always develop ideas I feel like I am able to pull off. Unfortunately, it turns out that I have to cut out a lot of content from scripts or video editing. I'm at a stage where I consider myself a novice, but I feel I can take greater strides to improve stuff like technique or methods with each new project. I then myself not really getting the work done and instead focusing too long on one aspect. I managed to somehow prevent myself from aimlessly working on these single parts by setting personal deadlines. That way I can somewhat impose onto myself the notion that as long as I can see part of my vision in the end result, not necessarily in its entirety, I can be happy. Though honestly, this concept of idea debt really bogs me down at times. I have so many ideas, but I found it better to just hit each one as it comes instead of building up a huge backlog.

  • @albg9272
    @albg9272 8 років тому

    ...and this is why I love watching your videos! No sugar coating. Honest thoughts on a honest topic.

  • @CharlieJindra
    @CharlieJindra 8 років тому +10

    **I look away from the camera to breathe in

    • @RonWolfHowl
      @RonWolfHowl 8 років тому +2

      …for seven and a half minutes straight.

  • @Purkinje90
    @Purkinje90 8 років тому

    "Idea debt is the over-romanticization of creative success" I needed to hear that. Thanks a lot for making this video.

  • @ixelith
    @ixelith 8 років тому

    You bring up so many great points, and it hurts. lol. I'm too inspired in everything I do, but I struggle to bring those dreams and ideas into reality. I make EDM music, and I'm always trying to hype track releases, or big project ideas, and the pressure starts to slowly build up. I always used to feel that every track was better than the last, and newer music had to be superior. Now, I just make melodies that I like to make, or replicate, and I just have fun with it! Live in the moment, and cherish all your creations! :)

  • @vlorenzosoleri
    @vlorenzosoleri 8 років тому

    I like how you go back and forth between the harsh self critics and the ambicious self hyped aspiring whatevers, because it's really two sides of the same coin. These are some great thoughts Satch, you keep making my brain work on weekends

  • @dragonskull40k
    @dragonskull40k 8 років тому

    I'm going through school to get into game development, namely world and level design and/or writing. I keep a notebook that I put my ideas for games in that I take with me everywhere for those random idea bursts and I have filled it with some ideas that I really think would work. But I always feel bad that it's not full, not even halfway yet. I keep pushing myself to try things like write something in there every week or flipping back to old ideas and thinking of a way to make it a more full game, but it's tough.
    This video helped me look at it a different way. I'm on the right path to do what I want to do, and that's exciting! Sure it's the problem of hype and such you mentioned, but just a dash of hype can be used to push yourself that extra step to overcome any project doubt that may block your path.

  • @gnardhole3605
    @gnardhole3605 8 років тому

    The scary part is how much of what is said in the video resonates with me. Having these huge expectations and ideals for yourself can really shoot you down and discourage you from following through all the way with what you want to accomplish.

  • @RockTheJake
    @RockTheJake 8 років тому

    I really needed to hear this. We're our own worst enemies, sometimes without us ever knowing it.

  • @thebravesirrobin.
    @thebravesirrobin. 8 років тому

    Even as someone that isn't really a "creative" type, the sentiment of this video hit me pretty deep. I've always had moments where I've said to myself that I want to do something like a UA-camr that I like or that I should use what I'm learning in school (electronics) to do a cool DIY project, but then my brain immediately goes to answer the most logical and practical question of "will this be an efficient use of my time?" And, of course, the answer is always no, practically speaking, since there are so many truly unknown factors involved in achieving that goal. My brain, at that point, gets into a negative feedback loop working against whatever creative spark I had originally. Getting past that stage in the process is the real problem for me and it's entirely because my thought process is so grounded in logic with so many anticipatory concerns over efficacy that I would rather do nothing at all than make a decision that is technically illogical. It's all in spite of the fact that I know it would be better for me as a person in the long-term to "waste" time learning how to do something new for myself.

    @THEREALVITO 8 років тому

    I thought about this when I started trying to self-teach myself Japanese about a year ago. I didn't tell anyone I was doing basic vocab lessons for several months because I knew if I announced it, I would get people congratulating me or even motivating me, making my brain think I've already accomplished something. When I did, it really did make some things about studying harder, especially in my less practiced skills in speaking Japanese, moreso than reading and listening to it. Hyping it up is very dangerous unless you are practically at the level you want to be at, in anything.

  • @yarrowsprig
    @yarrowsprig 8 років тому

    This hit me at just the right time. Too real. I'm an animation student I keep finding that no matter how ready and excited I feel for a project I propose, I always start to feel worse during or after it. I'm scared of attempting some of the projects I have in mind because of my fear of it not turning out the way I see it in my head.

  • @RubescentDragon
    @RubescentDragon 8 років тому

    you literally just helped me understand one of the major problems I've been having with trying to get myself to restart and move forward from where I am. now let's hope that I can take this new knowledge to heart and try to get myself to finally take that next step that I started to take but now seemed to have stopped with at the time no real reason but now that I have a possible real reason I can maybe finally overcome it thank you Satch I'm really glad we met at RI comic con it's really opened my mind even more love hearing your thoughts they are amazing and moving

  • @HeavyEyed
    @HeavyEyed 8 років тому

    Social media has crippled creativity, we only see the best of someones work, so when we see that "great work" we don't see the many scrapped projects that came before. So when we can't match the amazing work, we give up. The new wave of "Aspiring ___" is something that bugs me, no matter your level if you take a photo, make a video, write an article, you ARE that thing, you gotta just do it and see what happens.

  • @XANA_
    @XANA_ 8 років тому

    You're right, it doesn't have to be perfect, I need to remember that. Like I said you did inspire me. So now I gotta show not just you but my family what I want to do. I'll have to try to do something to show what I want to do (Music) before I graduate high school, to show my inspiration, and give myself a starting point. thanks again, and the content is great. Happy Valentine's Day.

  • @Tatlreach
    @Tatlreach 8 років тому

    I feel like this is similar to "Can We Be Too Goal Oriented?". I came to terms with that aspect of myself a few months ago and, it was the same conclusion that Kibuishi came to. We have to be happy with the day-to-day life AS WELL AS our ambitions.
    Many times we get inspired by work people produce but, our skill-set doesn't match up or, we aren't happy with the day-to-day. It's *OK* to love the end result of someone's work but, dislike the day-to-day work involved. The KEY is to find something that aligns with your day-to-day life AND what inspires you.

  • @TajesMahoney
    @TajesMahoney 8 років тому +14

    Interesting topic. But I don't think "inspiration" is the guilty emotion. It's lethargy + getting a small sense of satisfaction from just having people tell them "good job" before the proposed idea is even done. I may be inspired by a film and have a ton of new and interesting ideas without any actual desire to make a film.
    I can think of quite a few people who describe themselves as a photographer but they spend 60 hours working as a restaurant manager. And that's really what they do with their lives, but it's a lot more fun to idenity themselves as the cooler, more interesting side passion.
    The cynical me observes others (and sometimes I am even guilty of it too) is that we talk a bigger game than we often play. We just like feeling important and hiding from the fact we're not actually doing anything.
    Nice video though, brosef.

    • @Nazareadain
      @Nazareadain 6 років тому +2

      The issue with inspiration is it isn't perpetual. Inspiration isn't going to see a project through; Discipline, self pacing, planning, learning to love the process instead of loving the goal is what sees it through. Inspiration isn't the guilty emotion. It's the foundation for expectations you won't meet, and therefor the catalyst for guilt itself.

  • @bent.432
    @bent.432 8 років тому

    This is something I've been thinking about for months. I've given up on so many animation projects because I ended up liking the ideas too much - I would flesh out everything, plan how it all functions with a grandiose outcome in my head, then after the initial idea stage, I'd lose interest, because it' feels like you just finished it in your mind. I think the trick is to somehow achieve the right balance between forethought and actualization.

  • @docpepperclassic
    @docpepperclassic 8 років тому

    I really needed this. I have a screenwriting class right now and I've been paralyzed by exactly what you described. Thank you your insight and for making this video.

  • @birdieberry
    @birdieberry 8 років тому

    You have articulated my creative struggle. Now that it's come to light, I know I can conquer it one project at a time. This video is very motivating!

  • @JunoRPG
    @JunoRPG 8 років тому

    Dang, Satch... You really hit the nail on the head with this video. I know I'm definitely guilty of having these grandiose plans and announcing them far before even embarking on the creative part of the plan. Which, as you said, does in fact make the process and the (sometimes) completion feel somewhat stale as a result, at least in my experience. I really am glad that someone came out and explained it in laymen's terms and I hope every "creative" (and I use quotes here only because its a very blanket term that doesn't necessarily fit all those that will read it) that sees this really takes what you've said and uses it for some real perspective. I'd like to think that I will. Thanks for this. :)

  • @HyperCharge
    @HyperCharge 8 років тому

    I try to not announce my goals and projects to friends and family, it pretty much just sets you up for failure if you don't achieve them. I find it's better to keep your ideas and projects to yourself, until you have something noteworthy to show off. It keeps you focused on what your trying to do, and if you decide to focus your time and energy on something else, it isn't considered a failure. Even things as simple as wanting to lose weight, learning how to sing or play guitar. There is too much time in the world to accomplish everything you want.

  • @KingCreepa
    @KingCreepa 8 років тому +5

    This is so true I always wish I could do something and I usually think it in my head but can't get myself to do it long term. Idk I suffer from depression so that could be a reason I tend to give up. I just never know how things are going to pan out, but I guess the goal is to just hold on and maybe patience is what I need. Again I really don't know, but cool video and maybe ill try and get out to do something great right now :)

    • @Javierm0n0
      @Javierm0n0 8 років тому +2

      +KingCreepa i know that feeling. I was depressed for a LONG time and started doing things i thought I'd never finish or couldn't do. 3 years later I've done things i never thought i would and I've got a hold on my depression. It still hits me at times but through persevering I have something in the back of my mind pushing me through those low points. :)

    • @KingCreepa
      @KingCreepa 8 років тому +2

      Javierm0n0 Good for you man :) keep going strong and do something awesome! :D

    • @Javierm0n0
      @Javierm0n0 8 років тому +1

      +KingCreepa you too! :p

    • @esalter8193
      @esalter8193 8 років тому +1

      try not to worry about how things will pan out and just make constant steps toward what it is you desire

  • @Minipolce
    @Minipolce 8 років тому

    This video is profoundly timely. I'd been coming to similar conclusions in my own work, but hearing it here just pushes me that much further toward embracing those feelings and that newfound work ethic. Done is definitely better than perfect. Thanks, Satchel.

  • @Glacier_Nester
    @Glacier_Nester 8 років тому

    i had no idea there was a term for that moment of "I have so many ideas, how am I going to do them all?!", and now I've learned the phrase idea debt. I'm all too familiar with idea debt, especially in making stuff for my channel. that's why I stay on my upload schedule so strictly, since without it, I'd just sit there and take little test shots, building and building my idea debt until it's crushing my creativity.

  • @JeffreyM641
    @JeffreyM641 8 років тому +1

    Sometimes life just gets in the way. One day you decide "I'm going to be the greatest (whatever)" and then you need to work overtime and your tired and you just don't want to do that thing you were gonna do right now, but you will get to it someday.

  • @Javierm0n0
    @Javierm0n0 8 років тому

    I'm glad i'm not the only one who picked up on the "I'm inspired" thing. People say it seemingly to make other people think they are deeper and more creative than they really are. People should be saying "I'm in awe" more than they say "I'm inspired"
    Seeing "Aspiring _____" in peoples bios made me run away from using it in mine because i saw that people were again trying to look like they are doing something awesome or creative with their life then when pressed they say things like "Life got in the way." that's fine shit happens but don't try to make people think you're doing something you "can't".
    Love the vid Satch. When i decided to try and write a book i didn't tell anyone because i wasn't sure i could devote myself to that much writing. When i finished it is when i started telling my friends. Now i'm on my third :) and I know I'm writing books because i want to and not just to attach the name "writer" to myself, though i still don't xD

  • @nealo6488
    @nealo6488 8 років тому

    Hey Satchell, not sure if you remember me. I interviewed you in 2014 for my master's project. I passed, which is great. I then just kept ploughing away trying to find an outlet to get my work out there. Of course I did internships, worked for free, applied for jobs and attended interviews but I am still looking to make what I do a 'living'. I'm glad someone else realises this and there are others that feel the same. You may see on my channel I have done SOME videos but nothing near to your level, or that of people I watch on a daily basis. This may or may not happen. The written word is my artform. Strangely enough i attended a meeting and i took my portfolio with the magazine in it. The guy who i was talking to was impressed with the feature and that I had talked to yourself. In all I want to thank you for realising my full potential. I'm glad you are back making videos and hope all is well. Oh and I get paid to write some times now. N64

  • @ryanradis8295
    @ryanradis8295 7 років тому

    I came across you through Normal Boots a few years back and LOVED your videos, but then I didn't see any new videos getting posted, and for some reason never thought to look you up hear on youtube. I'm so glad I stumbled across you again today though! I'm happy to see you're still making awesome thought pieces and analysis. Can't wait to watch through the backlog!

  • @Matteus_Deconstructs
    @Matteus_Deconstructs 8 років тому

    This sort of ties into the slump I've been having in not creating things. I get inspired by other people or things that I read and I derive ideas that sound really damn cool in my head. Then when it comes to stringing those thoughts into a script it's sort of not as coherent as I thought it would be or the idea was so broad or big that I got discouraged and quit.
    It also doesn't help that university keeps me busy in alternating intervals, so I always end up turning away from a project and then when I go back to it and I don't remember where I was going with it.
    I think it just takes some real discipline to simply force yourself to work on something because a lot of the times the hardest part is in starting and the easy part is when you hit that point where you get really into what you're working on.

  • @ingeniousclown
    @ingeniousclown 8 років тому

    I don't remember what you said that did it, but you lifted a huge weight off my shoulders just now. Thanks.

  • @KyleCulver
    @KyleCulver 8 років тому

    I needed to hear this so bad. Been battling my own "set up" failures. I just need to create, regardless of where it is going. Thanks for your words.

  • @neonknight5857
    @neonknight5857 8 років тому

    Right in the soul.
    Thanks Satch. That was not the pep talk that I wanted.
    But it was the one.
    That I needed.

  • @self-absorbed5269
    @self-absorbed5269 3 роки тому +1

    Thank you.
    I'm so afraid of making games because I would always run a critic program through my head.
    I was afraid people would think of me as a joke to avoid feeling like one.
    Because I was that way, I was that spiteful.
    Thank you so much.

  • @bonemasher
    @bonemasher 8 років тому

    Wow, this video really speaks to me, as someone who starts and never finishes alot of things. To give you an example, I have a guitar sitting in my room, haven't touched it in over 10 years, I was so excited when I got it. Not saying this video is going to change anything, but you basically described me to a tee.

  • @JustSimplyEvans
    @JustSimplyEvans 5 років тому

    What an awesome talk, I’m so glad I clicked on this video. It goes over a lot of things I struggle with as a person wanting to become an artist. I went into this video not expecting it to resonate like it did for me but I just want to say thanks, much love to you. I’ll be watching way more of your videos from now on.

  • @joeyrazorburn
    @joeyrazorburn 8 років тому

    Thank you for making this, Satch. I needed this, because this absolutely hit real close to home for me.

  • @DribbleFunk
    @DribbleFunk 8 років тому +1

    I just stumbled upon your channel. Really good, thought-provoking stuff.

  • @noahjohnson1364
    @noahjohnson1364 7 років тому

    Hey Satchbag.
    I just have to say that this video and your thoughts really helped me cultivate the drive to continue my writing.
    Done really is better than perfect, and understanding that is helping me way more productive in a creative sense.
    Thanks man, stay copacetic.

  • @TheClassyGamesman
    @TheClassyGamesman 5 років тому

    Buddy, a few weeks ago I watched your Hyrule Journals collab. I was so inspired I wanted to check out your channel. Saw this, got meta-inspired about being over-inspired, and long story short I started a channel and released my first vid today. It’s a vision of what Zelda could be on mobile. Yes I was inspired by Hyrule Journals, but I credit you, right here in this 3-year old vid for being the catalyst that made me put the work in. So... Thank You!

  • @otathecat
    @otathecat 8 років тому

    ahhh ;;; this used to be a struggle for me, especially last year for this. I was always so upset with all my efforts every time because they never lived up to my expectations. but nowadays I'm happy with any little progress made because I was so sick and tired of feeling upset or "idea debt".
    Thanks for this video, it was refreshing to listen to. ~~~

  • @Jazzomancer00
    @Jazzomancer00 8 років тому

    There was a Ted talk about this. About how there was a study, showing that when people announce what they are going to do to others, they are less likely to do it.

  • @1NameGoesHere
    @1NameGoesHere 8 років тому

    Damn...with that said, I hope you keep doing what you're doing. It's a breath of fresh air.

  • @alexdian3831
    @alexdian3831 8 років тому

    Came across this video and absolutely loved it. The video/production/editing in it is flawless and I loved the overall content said. Really well done!

  • @rattlethecages
    @rattlethecages 8 років тому

    Great video. Clear and concise without the extra weight of the flamboyant language we are used to hearing in your videos. Looking forward to seeing more videos from you in the future.

  • @davisunderwood9428
    @davisunderwood9428 8 років тому

    Honestly, this is one of the most motivating things I've ever seen.

  • @GaiaGreen3
    @GaiaGreen3 8 років тому

    I absolutely love this commentary, and I want to throw my hat in with some commentary on my own progress with my own work. This will probably be a long comment, so bear with me for a bit.
    I'm still in high school. I don't have a job or any income, but I've still got big dreams. I've got too much inspiration in my head. I've got all these plans of "what I'm going to do." I think so often about what is going to happen in my future and how the steps I'm taking now are going to help me get there, but I tend to forget about the one project I've been working on for half a year at this point. And it's barely half finished. I've been writing a novel in what time I can find to write it, and right there lies my problem, I think. I'm focusing too much on what it's *going* to be instead of what it *is.* I'm worrying too much about the end goal and not enough on what is already done.
    This takes me to that post-it note. "Done is better than perfect." I kind of have the same mindset, which I'm glad for. When I'm writing, it lets me just move on instead of finding the perfect sentence or a flawless scene. It lets me accept that a scene just needs to end at some point and the plot needs to move on to something more interesting, because this one is getting stale. I'd rather have something finished and in front of me than totally flawless. And in writing, there's no such thing as "perfect" anyway.
    So for the people I've gotten to follow me, for the hype train I've built up for myself, I'm going to refocus my efforts. I'm *going* to get this novel done. Teacher wants 50 more pages by the end of the month and by jove I've gotta do it.
    Thanks, Satchell. This was a bit of a wake-up call for me. Keep up the copacetic discussions.

  • @SincerelyWong
    @SincerelyWong 8 років тому

    wow this is something i have been thinking a lot about, and i admire the way you communicated this topic, especially as an "aspiring" photographer seeing lots of people's work on instagram. reminded me of a ted-talk, but better.

  • @GonKillua85
    @GonKillua85 8 років тому

    This video is amazing because it is perfectly timed for my life.. I just started a personal project and I am stressing because I want to make it perfect. I swear to you, just 20 minutes ago I was getting mad at myself for being too inspired...for trying to make it perfect, and I even told my girlfriend. I take a break, and go on UA-cam and see this.....
    Amazing. Thanks Satch! This video inspired me to not be too inspired lol. "Done is better than perfect."

  • @04wllc
    @04wllc 8 років тому

    This was probably my favorite video of yours so far. very thought provoking stuff.

  • @NeveroddNetwork
    @NeveroddNetwork 8 років тому

    Thanks for this Satch, I've always thought the same on acting on ideas in this way. Most of the time, if not all, I have a loose concept of an idea or project and roll with it and by the end, most of it was made better by improvisation. It always feels better at the end because I have no expectations, but I'm confident it'll turn out "alright".
    Always like your vids, thoughtful and interesting.

  • @cznzmusic
    @cznzmusic 8 років тому

    I rarely upload my content to soundcloud and if I do I just end up removing it. this video has inspired me to just upload stuff I compose and ignore the attention is grabs. cheers dude.

  • @jz13131313
    @jz13131313 8 років тому

    I'm a graphic design student (currently not taking any art classes sadly), and I'll come across impressive works across the net and real life, whether it be from reddit, deviantart, behance, or friends showing me their own works. I'll always open up Illustrator or my sketchbook afterwards, eager for ideas to come from that bit of "Inspiration", but nothing happens. I've been "stuck" for nearly a year now. I'll be working on a design, and it will look promising, but I will hit a wall where I don't know what else to do. This could happen halfway through a project, or (more often) at the very beginning, after trying to settle on a color scheme or a logo layout.
    Last week I told myself that I would design SOMETHING, and finish it... Today, I'm back in the rut. Illustrator is open, that project I started a week ago is open, still with no more progress than the night I started it. Am I doing something wrong? Why can't I finish anything? Why can't I figure out what's causing this creative wall? How do I fix this?

  • @Krowjak
    @Krowjak 8 років тому

    Hey Satch, I wanted to thank you for this video. The timing of it was just perfect, as now that I've come back to my hometown from college, I've found that I'm not surrounded by that supportive creative community that I enjoyed so much. Depression has seemed to always been present, and I would usually just go into survival mode with complete apathy beyond that. But with the coming of these past few days, I've started practicing on motivating myself to continue pursuing my creative work, producing drawings and really giving my need to create some concrete direction.
    Thanks again for being so fly. I'd love the chance to talk with another person about these matters as it is something I've desired for a long time, haha. :DD

  • @uzifuz97
    @uzifuz97 8 років тому

    since I wrote a superfluous "first"-comment I'm going to try writing something relevant as well
    I, as an "aspiring" game designer know exactly what you're talking about.
    When I first downloaded Unity and thought of a game I wanted to make, I spent a lot of time just thinking about what I wanted it to be like. I spent so much time just thinking about it instead of actually learning how to make it because it was much easier. To an extent it even felt just like creating something. When I did finally take it seriously enough to start working on it, I quickly realized, that I didn't have the necessary skills and that acquiring them would take much more effort than anticipated. Which led to me abandoning the project.
    Similar things happened with my next few projects.
    The first one I ever finished was a really simple one that I completed in one day. This taught me not to think too much about the finished project at the beginning and to focus on actually making the thing instead of imagining having made it.
    importance of doing something > importance of having done something

  • @tdfshoutcasts
    @tdfshoutcasts 8 років тому

    I really recommend checking out James-Lange theory of emotion (from the 1880s) which posits that emotion is our definition of physiological responses. In short, action creates a physiological state which in turn creates an emotional state. I think it helps us understand that attitude doesn't really create change, while action certainly does. Self actualization sought from maintaining a fictitious identity that you mentioned will undoubtedly be short lived as it's an external attribution. I think there's quite a lot of research out there that can converge with the topic of "idea debt." It would make for an interesting analysis.

  • @rmeddy
    @rmeddy 8 років тому

    Excellent video on the paralysis of analysis and procrastination.
    I usually defend procrastination in sense of protecting against the parasitism that exist in modernity, there are too many people that can copy you and be reward for stealing your ideas and on the other hand what is worse being guilty of the same thing unintentionally, doing an idea that you think is original and it isn't.
    I was super obsessed about being original when writing my first book

  • @FeroxAmarokk
    @FeroxAmarokk 8 років тому

    Hey Satch, I dont know if you you remember me but i was there from the very second video you did on your channel. And i said that you will be great one day, and you know i didn't mention views or subscriber ... This video is exactly what people need ... Its one of the best video to motivate even if it's not a motivational video. You do or you don't ... And my brother Satch, i couldn't agree more. 7 month ago i was 220 pounds ... And i always wanted to be with the best body i could. I felt like shit because every opportunity i was given i just let it pass ... After a lot of personal thing i decided to kick myself and go for it ... The satisfaction to just start is one of the best. The difference ... I just did it, i didn't tell anybody i just go for it and now I'm 180 pounds now getting ready for my first men's physique competition. One day i want to change lot of people and for sure you speech will be something ill keep in mind. Thank you.