Wow this thing works, I powered my whole house with it and Sometimes I give my neighbors power too, I also give power to the power company when they have service calls and one time the sun was dimmed so I gave it some power to illuminate Earth and some other planets, Thank you sooo much for this brilliant IDEA
There are those who spend millions of dollars to find energy ... and others who stick an alternator on a board ... Too strong guys ... the worst part about it is that there are some who believe it ....
@@nses999 laws made by elites for their own gains are meant to be broken. By the way motor is just taking 5 - 10 watts and output from alternator is almost 360 watts (9 incandescent bulbs x 40 watts as i suspect looking at their brightness). This means by feeding little current you can get much more output. Very intelligent setup.
Upgrade rotor from induction to magnet permanent neodymium. Good job.. Jadi pengen bikin juga ah.. nanti kalo sudah siap pengen saya upload di youtube saya hehehe..
Uh , 8,000. Watts ? I think not . If that is an average automotive alternator you're talking 12 volts X 100 amps = 1200 watts . You aren't going to get much more than that .
Also without changing the copper wire you need at least 1000 RPM fue the generator to produce electricity. Now the magnets will get out of the rotor biting is holding it.
Actually it puts out 240volts AC and 90amps. Which is all you need to run a 2,000 square foot house. I have this same set up hooked directly to the breaker panel in my 1200 square foot hunting cabin in the middle of these woods and it runs heat, a fridge, stove ,lights in multiple rooms, tv and my playstation FLAWLESSLY. With 2 alternators you couldn't drop the load on it if you tried running every power tool you own at the same time. This is a little Invention thought up by a great man named Nikola Tesla called a quantum field generator which works off of the earth rotation and magnetic fields. Believe it or not this same technology is what powers towns and villages in some countries like Africa where power companies don't exist and if they are there the people just can't afford it. Unfortunately the only reason we're not using this technology in the USA is because our government is GREEDY they'd rather charge us $1000 a person per month for energy that they get for free... LoL ironic isn't it...
i work so many yers with alternators and this its impossible he have a hole under the wood if this make 8000w then this 2 //// make a 10000w and they is not a fake kkkkkkkk
I think it is part of those videos that serve to discredit those who try to get results on "free energy", or whoever made the video has some problems ...
Hay un cambio de velocidad en el dinamo antes de poner las ampolletas. Eso me indica que hay aumento de energía externa. Que tan real es esto ... tengo mas dudas que certezas.
Claro que no es verdad esto,si quieres generar 120vca o 220vca no solo debes poner imanes de neodimio en el rotor,debes cambiar el bobinado para un voltaje más alto,pero si se queda el bobinado cómo está,solo tendrás 13 5vca porque solo magnetizas el rotor y eso no enciende focos de 120vca.
I like it also i like to invent the stuff like this. It is a good work and always you will find many sabotage people writing the thing to make you discourage. Let them to keep writing like that stuff when they can't do it they will always bring the things out that you did hidden thing. Just ignore it if you belive in god just pray them to come out from that mentality. Good work. Keep it up.
Boa noite Amir....quando a gente vria coisas é porque fomos dotados de características especiais e isto não deve ser desperdiçado pois é um dom divino. Muitas vezes nós encontramos situações técnicas que parecem ser mágicas porém são apenas reações que fogem à nossa capacidade. Por isto não desista nunca mas com muito cuidado com a ansiedade em querer mostrar aquilo que imaginas ser real. Pois quem assiste pode conhecer um pouco mais do que você. Neste caso então precisas comprovar aquilo que inventas com medições verídicas. Você está no caminho certo e um dia alguém vai te elogiar pelos teus imventos. Quem está dizendo isto à você é alguém que passou 17 anos pesquisando e sempre sendo tachado de louco...porém após estes anos todos consegui e nem assim houve reconhecimento pelo mundo científico. Este mundo só vê lucro e dinheiro. Mas de tudo restou o prazer incomensurável por ter feito. Nunca desista e lembre se A Determinação é o caminho do triunfo. Luiz
@@luizcarloscarrard9919 i work so many yers with alternators and this its impossible he have a hole under the wood if this make 8000w then this 2 //// make a 10000w and they is not a fake kkkkkkkk
There is free energy and generators. Yours aren't working. For your personal use and not for commercial purposes, you can build one that is located at the national patent office in Alexandria, Virginia or at international patent offices in Paris, France or in Geneva, Switzerland. With the deep state practically expropriated, there is no longer any need to fear that they will come in with hired killers and take you off. Do your own research.
I am a layman and completely inexpert. Looks good, but you don't clearly show that there is no other energy source and what kind of motor you use for the drive.
Imposible...que un motor tan pequeño alcance los RPM que requiere un alternador por el auto frenado de los campos magnéticos que a la vez se incrementa con la carga (alimentar los dispositivos-lámparas). Para los que no entienden del tema, primeramente debemos energizar la bobina que se encuentra encapsulada en el rotor. Esto genera un campo magnético que frena el giro del eje... situación similar se produce cuando reemplazan ésta bobina encapsulada por imanes de neodimio ya que dificulta/torna pesado el giro del rotor y requiere de más fuerza para hacerlo girar y con ello producir un determinado voltage. Básicamente el voltage depende de las RPM, tipo de bobinado en estator y fuerza de campo inducido. Es fijo con imanes, sin embargo el alternador original permite regular la energía que induce... Para obtener mayor amperaje ocurre algo similar al de un transformador, se requiere de bobinado con alambre de calibre grueso... Un motor de lavarropas o ventilador posee bobinado con alambre fino, suelen suministrar fácilmente alto voltaje con escaso amperaje (fuerza/torque)... Ideal como generador para bajo consumo 🤷
@@crossmaster27 Tengo bastante horas de teoría y práctica, todos buscamos la "Solución Energética". Tanto para energizar una vivienda como vehículos eléctricos... La idea es la de sumar/aportar experiencia y/o conocimiento en proyectos viables, y a la vez recibir colaboración de otras personas...por ejemplo en mi caso personal luego de llevar a la práctica recarga por frenado regenerativo presumi de que también podía anexar un mini generador mediante celdas para obtener hidrógeno 🤔 pero gracias a la comunidad 💪 otra persona analizó el proyecto y me informó de que con suerte tan sólo recuperaría el 70% de la energía extraída del banco de baterías... 😞 Busqué mayor información y tenía razón🙂, me ahorró horas de trabajo y de un disgusto 🤷👌
Je suis très intéressé de ce que Vous avez évoqué et je te remercie beaucoup mais ce qui concerne le monteur du ventilateur est il possible de créer Une éolienne si on renforçait les aiments néodyme ? Est il possible ? stp réponds moi monsieur.
مشكور شو الفايدة من هذه التجربة مبين من الفيديو انو عم يستعمل ups بيشغل الدينمو الصغير وهذا بدوره بيشغل الدينمو الكبير ومدة كهربا ال ups محدودة متل ما مبين بعد الدقيقة 8:30 لذلك اقتضى التوضيح
Bello,bravo ben fatto. L'alternatore è per auto a12 volt oppure camion 24 volt? Quanti kw riesci a ricavare? Puoi alimentare una abitazione con lavatrice,lavastoviglie,forno,ecc ecc?
I also have another question, where do we get the magnet from and how to make it stick, do we put material or will it stick to itself and there will be no problem with it falling from its place?
@@glbaker5595 Yes it will work but it will only output about 300 Watts or less. I would not be able to give you the exact power output without knowing the amps rating of the alternator and the wattage rating of the drive motor.
Don;t waste your time, I tried it, the magnets do not increase the voltage, it would be better to use the alternator in its original state, it produces more voltage, the magnets even lower the voltage.
Все фокусники которые лепят магниты хочу сказать сам якорь и без магнитов отлично магнитит ,а чтобы поднять мощность генератора нужно заменить статарную обмотку на более мощную по сечению по провода .
This works, you need to put some capacitors with it to stabilize the power coming out. That’s what I did, now, my property is lit up like a Christmas tree on 2 alternators and capacitors/ batteries! Not a penny extra electric bill
Some proof is when he plugs in the bulbs, motor should have slowed a fair amount, not a change in the video. If free energy was real which it's not then why do we burn fossil fuels for energy? Just for show?
@@chaneljr508 The only way you will get any free power out of this with a maximum of about 1200 to 1400 Watts. Is you will have to drive it with a free power source like wind flowing water etc.
Ну для тех кто не имеет понимания в электронике конечно это чистая правда ))) И сколько таких супер-разработчиков не имеющих ни какого отношения к физике )))
нужно поставить рядом с его устройством 8 квт асинхронный трёхфазный двигатель.и плюс таблицу соотношения токов к сечениям проводов,не говоря даже про диаметр вала ротора,чтобы он мог выдержать крутящий момент от такой мощности
Esses imãs de neo dimo são bem fortes para se afixar na carcaça do alternador, pelo que entendi nesse projeto a energia é feita pelo movimento dos imãs gerando indução maguinética e captada pelos rolamentos de cobre e enviada para tomada,mas você tinha que pelo menos ter usado um multímetro para mostrar ao público que aquela energia realmente se trata de 220v para não aver sombra de dúvidas. Aquele pequeno motor que foi usado junto com alternador é um motor de tração 12v ? Já vi outros vídeos semelhantes ao seu que colocaram um outro motor de 220v. Mas se foce para entregar 110v como seria o esquema elétrico do alternador ? 🤔
This alternator can produce max 1kva to 2 kva. These 9 bulbs if each one of them is minimum 40 watts = 360 watts. That small motor might be taking 5 - 10 watts. So it is completely possible to directly power that motor with 12v alternator and make this thing run indefinitely.
Mr Amir, thank you for your contribution. I found that very educational. May I ask what size magnets are you using? And if I increased the size of magnets will it increase voltage or amperage?
@@tordherflower It does not matter what magnets you use, it does not work. My magnets are more powerful than used in the video. To generate voltage you need a wire passing a magnetic field with speed. The installed magnets do not sufficient increase the voltage, I increased the speed but am limited because the resin is not so strong to hold the magnets, the voltage increased only slightly. So we would need to increase the length of the wire, more windings in the stator would be needed. Further this system has no voltage regulation, if a consumer is switched on, the voltage will drop, in a normal generator the voltage is regulated by increasing the magnetic field by inducing more voltage into the electro magnets, with permanent magnets you cannot regulate the voltage. I am not an expert but this is what I found out so far, do your own research.
There is free energy and generators. Yours aren't working. For your personal use and not for commercial purposes, you can build one that is located at the national patent office in Alexandria, Virginia or at international patent offices in Paris, France or in Geneva, Switzerland. With the deep state practically expropriated, there is no longer any need to fear that they will come in with hired killers and take you off. Do your own research.
Yes someone who can think, you are correct. And even if it was capable of putting out only 2000 W it would fry from overheating as a matter of fact it would take a little while but it would fry at 1500 Watts. This device will work but only add about a 250-300 watt range Without drive motor you could put a larger drive motor on you would need about 2 1/2 hp to get around 1200 W out of it but that would be the maximum
8000 watts? Not possible! V × A = W is the formula. 8000w ÷ 12v = 667a 667 amps is impossible for a 12v car alternator, not designed to produce HALF that current. Whatever combination of voltage and power figures used in this example, would never get 8000w. Will NEVER PRODUCE 8000 WATTS OF POWER!
Я не могу понять одну вещь ?. Если это тест, повесьте что-нибудь посерьезнее: микроволновку, холодильник, электрочайник, электроплиту, утюг, телевизор, скороварку, вентилятор и т. д ?. Чтобы знать, стоит ли вообще развивать этот мотор ? для частного дома ?. Каждое новое видео выходит с лампочками, NAFUI они нужны ???. Да нафуй эти лампочки ?, повесь что нибудь серьёзное, эл.плитка, эл.чайник, микроволновка ?. Fuck these bulbs ?, Hang up something serious, electric stove, electric kettle, microwave ?.
Развод, по данным обмоткам не может идти большое напряжение, слишком мало витков. А второе, смотрим на пульсацию ламп накаливания. Пульсация это частота. На роторе у нас 12 полюсов, значит за 1 оборот мы получим частоту в 12Гц. Оборотов довольно много на генераторе, минимум 10 в секунду, а это уже 120Гц... а я думаю, что там не менее 250Гц должно быть. Видео идёт 30 кадров в секунду, и видно мерцание. Мерцание не совпадает с частотой, а частота в сети у нас как раз 50Гц. Если бы автор снимал на 50 кадров в секунду, не было бы мерцания)
Eğer böyle bir şey doğruysa ne gerek var güneş enerjisine ve jeneratöre herkes kendi kendine evinde elektrik üretir lütfen yardım edin bu video dogru mu olabilir mi böyle bir şey 👍
This is powered by a 12v battery. The battery is running the little motor. The little motor is turning the alternator, which is creating more electricity than it requires to turn it, due to modifications. It's called perpetual motion. Entangled with Tesla ingenuity.
I understand amperage, wattage, rating for wire sizing, ect. But those small conductors that you soldered onto the alternator would not be able to handle 8000 watts? And an average alternator, at most would give you approximately 150 amp at 12 volt DC, which is around 1,800 watts.
Buen truco, en ningún momento le quitó el puente rectificador que trae el alternador, y en lugar de focos bastaría con que midiera el voltaje de salida del alternador,.
Why not pull the rotor apart and place 2 large speaker magnets where the copper coil was located, and reassemble. This would be easier and cheaper then what you have "achieved"
Tudo enganação como pode um motor tão pequeno girar um alternador que precisa de 1,5cv de força para gerar 12v 45amperes. A gente percebe que a rotação nem caiu quando a carga foi conectada? É muito feio enganar as pessoas só para ganhar visualizações. Um gerador que não tem imãs permanentes não produz absolutamente nada sem excitação.
Nice job Amir. Btw, have you tried removing the 12 volt charger when it is running ? I am sure it doesn't require it when it's up and running. On the Technologica Occulta channel, he made another version of this - and well worth a lookie. To get it running, he was winding electric wire around the protruding shaft at the rear of the alternator, and 'pull-starting' it. :-)
Technologia oculta plugged the motor into another one of the sockets fed by the alternator. He got the alternator generating by pulling the wire he wound around the shaft so that it generated enough power to run the motor. The motor needs to run on the voltage of the alternator is all. It is far more impressive to have a "perpetual motion" machine than one run from an outside power feed...
Let's check the math. One horsepower (HP) is equal to 746 watts. 8000 watts divided by 746 watts equals 10.6 horsepower. That small motor is not even close to 10 HP. A typical 10 HP motor weighs over 200 lbs.
What? Come on man don’t be silly of course that’s a 10 hp motor why would I lie OK I’m lying it’s a 1/16 hp OK there I said it. So you can expect about 200 250 Watts maybe.
Hi, great idea, i would like to try to make it, so i got a question: What kind of motor you use? (12v or those 1-3 phases) and what is the strenght of magneses? (does it matter or nah?) Thank you for any advice :)
@@zackl8290 Yes, it took me some time to figure out few thing like power supply, how strong magneses should be etc, but finally it worked, ofc rotor winding and brushes using up pretty fast in my case, probably because i've made it a little too strong
@@emanuelszajbel9605 mi esposo y yo ya estamos en las pruebas ensayo error..... Ya conseguimos entender como se calibran los imanes para que no se anulen unos a otros el asunto es que tipo de motor es viable perdón por preguntarte directo a ti pero lo dijiste : funcionó .... Por lo tanto confió más en tus observaciones incluso que en las del tipo del vídeo... Me atrevo a preguntarte : un motor de un ventilador industrial es suficiente para mantener el alternador modificado generando?? Y otra pregunta mas...disculpa: se que es importante el primer giro y debe de ser un tirón lo suficientemente fuerte para que haga generar el alternador que a su vez prenda el motor y pueda mantenerse encendido ..... Como o que daría un arranque lo suficientemente fuerte ??? Perdón que pregunte es que ... Donde vivimos mi esposo y yo no tenemos luz y estamos intentando uno y otro generador .... Digo al menos hacemos la lucha sin robar ni hacer nada indebido... La ciencia y la tecnología es la base de nuestros experimentos pero la necesidad es la raíz de todos ellos ojalá pudieras darme esas respuestas si no se puede te agradezco y también el tiempo que tomaste en leer mis líneas saludos desde Querétaro- México
Исходные данные генератора от грузового автомобиля 24В 100-200А и три фазы. Если суммировать мощность каждой фазы получим 6000кВт или больше зависит от тока выбранного генератора. Generator input from truck 24V 100-200A and three phase. If we summarize the power of each phase, we get 6000 kW or more depends on the current of the selected generator.
*Keep Supporting Do Subscribe and don't forget to press the Bell Icon* 🥰🥰😘😘👍
Isso funciona ou é só uma montagem??????
Amir - podnieś tą deskę do góry przy zaświeconych żarówkach na końcu tego filmu, to wszystko się wyjaśni 😉
Hello, what generator did you use?
impossible cette générateur donne voltage 220 v même plus 12v
Ce homme est un grand monteur ...
Chief, I wrote you a message....hope you're interested...
Wow this thing works, I powered my whole house with it and Sometimes I give my neighbors power too, I also give power to the power company when they have service calls and one time the sun was dimmed so I gave it some power to illuminate Earth and some other planets, Thank you sooo much for this brilliant IDEA
mandame a mi casa por favor !!
Hahaha 😅
I don't believe you. You can illuminate the earth, but not Mars or far away. You must double the rotor magnets. And maybe stick some on the housing.
There are those who spend millions of dollars to find energy ... and others who stick an alternator on a board ...
Too strong guys ... the worst part about it is that there are some who believe it ....
Sorry my dear. From my experience and education this is impossible 100%.
You are correct
tout à fait d'accord, this is "bidon"
Your correct
I do agree … but laws are meant to be broke 😂… the question is who ?
@@nses999 laws made by elites for their own gains are meant to be broken. By the way motor is just taking 5 - 10 watts and output from alternator is almost 360 watts (9 incandescent bulbs x 40 watts as i suspect looking at their brightness). This means by feeding little current you can get much more output. Very intelligent setup.
Upgrade rotor from induction to magnet permanent neodymium. Good job..
Jadi pengen bikin juga ah.. nanti kalo sudah siap pengen saya upload di youtube saya hehehe..
Uh , 8,000. Watts ? I think not . If that is an average automotive alternator you're talking 12 volts X 100 amps = 1200 watts .
You aren't going to get much more than that .
Also without changing the copper wire you need at least 1000 RPM fue the generator to produce electricity.
Now the magnets will get out of the rotor biting is holding it.
Actually it puts out 240volts AC and 90amps. Which is all you need to run a 2,000 square foot house. I have this same set up hooked directly to the breaker panel in my 1200 square foot hunting cabin in the middle of these woods and it runs heat, a fridge, stove ,lights in multiple rooms, tv and my playstation FLAWLESSLY. With 2 alternators you couldn't drop the load on it if you tried running every power tool you own at the same time. This is a little Invention thought up by a great man named Nikola Tesla called a quantum field generator which works off of the earth rotation and magnetic fields. Believe it or not this same technology is what powers towns and villages in some countries like Africa where power companies don't exist and if they are there the people just can't afford it. Unfortunately the only reason we're not using this technology in the USA is because our government is GREEDY they'd rather charge us $1000 a person per month for energy that they get for free... LoL ironic isn't it...
@Andrew Cowell Yes you are correct
@@JiggyJ22 you are a liar and a fool 240 V at 90 A is 21,600 Watts That’s approximately 28 hp
@@rmendes2mendes915 and here you are talking about horse power when we're all talking about voltage.... who's the fool now....
800watt not 8000watt good video
i work so many yers with alternators and this its impossible he have a hole under the wood if this make 8000w then this 2 //// make a 10000w and they is not a fake kkkkkkkk
This is very interesting and inspiring. I'll like to know the temperature at which the setup works and for how long can it work non-stop?
Depends on the battery size off screen
"I have an 8kw alternator"
Proceeds to secure it with hot glue to a piece of wood with unsecured magnets in the rotor, and wires good for ten watts
U know higher woltage Les thick wire u need?
1: 8000 watts of output power can not be supplied by a small electric motor.
2: Magnets inside the rotor Not firmly attached to the rotor.
Also isn't an alternator designed already to produce power and a voltage of 12 volts ish?
I think it is part of those videos that serve to discredit those who try to get results on "free energy", or whoever made the video has some problems ...
@@bobparquet we are talking science here not emotions 8KW of power cant be generated by 2kW car alternator.
It is just posted to get views, try to understand
This is very good technology 10Q.
It explains in two words how an alternator with windings built to generate a voltage of 12-14 Volts, to produce 220 Volts
I think the words start with B and S 😂😂😂
with 60hz frequency XD
شكرا ياشيخ أمير على ماتقدمه في قناتك من معلومات هندسية قيمة ومفيدة نفع الله بك وبعلمك
Это же фейк. Такого не бывает. Нужно знать физику.
These guys are so clever they feed a special food to a donkey and it can do the work of an elephant
Hay un cambio de velocidad en el dinamo antes de poner las ampolletas. Eso me indica que hay aumento de energía externa. Que tan real es esto ... tengo mas dudas que certezas.
Claro que no es verdad esto,si quieres generar 120vca o 220vca no solo debes poner imanes de neodimio en el rotor,debes cambiar el bobinado para un voltaje más alto,pero si se queda el bobinado cómo está,solo tendrás 13 5vca porque solo magnetizas el rotor y eso no enciende focos de 120vca.
Hello . Your videos are very good.
I like it also i like to invent the stuff like this. It is a good work and always you will find many sabotage people writing the thing to make you discourage. Let them to keep writing like that stuff when they can't do it they will always bring the things out that you did hidden thing. Just ignore it if you belive in god just pray them to come out from that mentality. Good work. Keep it up.
What Make Alternator ???
Boa noite Amir....quando a gente vria coisas é porque fomos dotados de características especiais e isto não deve ser desperdiçado pois é um dom divino. Muitas vezes nós encontramos situações técnicas que parecem ser mágicas porém são apenas reações que fogem à nossa capacidade. Por isto não desista nunca mas com muito cuidado com a ansiedade em querer mostrar aquilo que imaginas ser real. Pois quem assiste pode conhecer um pouco mais do que você. Neste caso então precisas comprovar aquilo que inventas com medições verídicas. Você está no caminho certo e um dia alguém vai te elogiar pelos teus imventos. Quem está dizendo isto à você é alguém que passou 17 anos pesquisando e sempre sendo tachado de louco...porém após estes anos todos consegui e nem assim houve reconhecimento pelo mundo científico. Este mundo só vê lucro e dinheiro. Mas de tudo restou o prazer incomensurável por ter feito. Nunca desista e lembre se A Determinação é o caminho do triunfo. Luiz
Don't get God involved in this 🤣😂
@@luizcarloscarrard9919 i work so many yers with alternators and this its impossible he have a hole under the wood if this make 8000w then this 2 //// make a 10000w and they is not a fake kkkkkkkk
в розетке 220 вольт от сети не от генератора вот и всё
Просто фейк)))))
Он думает что все лохи.
Doesn't disconnect motor power, doesn't lift board, doesn't stop belt, turns board around the power cord feeding up thru table to outlet.
There is free energy and generators. Yours aren't working. For your personal use and not for commercial purposes, you can build one that is located at the national patent office in Alexandria, Virginia or at international patent offices in Paris, France or in Geneva, Switzerland. With the deep state practically expropriated, there is no longer any need to fear that they will come in with hired killers and take you off. Do your own research.
@@berndscheffler9437 Indeed, there is free energy and generators, like there is nonsens and science!
@@berndscheffler9437 No such thing as 'free energy'. Even a plant has to work to convert sunlight into sucrose and starch.
I am a layman and completely inexpert. Looks good, but you don't clearly show that there is no other energy source and what kind of motor you use for the drive.
Imposible...que un motor tan pequeño alcance los RPM que requiere un alternador por el auto frenado de los campos magnéticos que a la vez se incrementa con la carga (alimentar los dispositivos-lámparas).
Para los que no entienden del tema, primeramente debemos energizar la bobina que se encuentra encapsulada en el rotor. Esto genera un campo magnético que frena el giro del eje... situación similar se produce cuando reemplazan ésta bobina encapsulada por imanes de neodimio ya que dificulta/torna pesado el giro del rotor y requiere de más fuerza para hacerlo girar y con ello producir un determinado voltage.
Básicamente el voltage depende de las RPM, tipo de bobinado en estator y fuerza de campo inducido. Es fijo con imanes, sin embargo el alternador original permite regular la energía que induce... Para obtener mayor amperaje ocurre algo similar al de un transformador, se requiere de bobinado con alambre de calibre grueso...
Un motor de lavarropas o ventilador posee bobinado con alambre fino, suelen suministrar fácilmente alto voltaje con escaso amperaje (fuerza/torque)... Ideal como generador para bajo consumo 🤷
Ya hiciste uno para que puedas tener base a lo que dices o solo ere teórico pero sin hechos.
@@crossmaster27 Tengo bastante horas de teoría y práctica, todos buscamos la "Solución Energética". Tanto para energizar una vivienda como vehículos eléctricos...
La idea es la de sumar/aportar experiencia y/o conocimiento en proyectos viables, y a la vez recibir colaboración de otras personas...por ejemplo en mi caso personal luego de llevar a la práctica recarga por frenado regenerativo presumi de que también podía anexar un mini generador mediante celdas para obtener hidrógeno 🤔 pero gracias a la comunidad 💪 otra persona analizó el proyecto y me informó de que con suerte tan sólo recuperaría el 70% de la energía extraída del banco de baterías... 😞
Busqué mayor información y tenía razón🙂, me ahorró horas de trabajo y de un disgusto 🤷👌
Je suis très intéressé de ce que Vous avez évoqué et je te remercie beaucoup mais ce qui concerne le monteur du ventilateur est il possible de créer Une éolienne si on renforçait les aiments néodyme ? Est il possible ? stp réponds moi monsieur.
Well said
8000W, it's fun 😃😃, look a motor connect with Dynamo. Can it run with 100W load?
مشكور شو الفايدة من هذه التجربة مبين من الفيديو انو عم يستعمل ups بيشغل الدينمو الصغير وهذا بدوره بيشغل الدينمو الكبير ومدة كهربا ال ups محدودة متل ما مبين بعد الدقيقة 8:30 لذلك اقتضى التوضيح
I like this idea! And how is the side magnets?
Electrostatic magnetic force that is generated form magnet to form electricity
How do you affix the magnets? Looks like you just stick them in but how are they made to not sling out or move?
И где же тут 8 тысяч ватт?????? Обман.
Mantap 👍👍👍👍
yes, but you have the battery charger connected to the small motor. thats not the idea. is has to be independence free energy
Can it be any kind of alternator?
Good job 👍🏾
8000 Watts rsrsrsrs If it has 8000watt, connect an iron with a 3000watt boiler just for me to laugh, lol
It takes 8 hors power just to run athat how fake alternator videos still keep lieing
Wow ..super sangat luar biasa
have you changed the winding because the winding is designed to give low voltage at high RPM too
Bello,bravo ben fatto. L'alternatore è per auto a12 volt oppure camion 24 volt? Quanti kw riesci a ricavare? Puoi alimentare una abitazione con lavatrice,lavastoviglie,forno,ecc ecc?
Why did you leave the middle pole/wire out? Would that not give you double the wattage?
I also have another question, where do we get the magnet from and how to make it stick, do we put material or will it stick to itself and there will be no problem with it falling from its place?
I also wondered the same thing, I would like to know if this works and if so just how much it really would produce.
@@glbaker5595 Yes it will work but it will only output about 300 Watts or less. I would not be able to give you the exact power output without knowing the amps rating of the alternator and the wattage rating of the drive motor.
Cast resin ? Then put it in a driller, rotate slow, and grind the resin till it´s center.
I bought everything and will try it out
Don;t waste your time, I tried it, the magnets do not increase the voltage, it would be better to use the alternator in its original state, it produces more voltage, the magnets even lower the voltage.
Great, thankyou. What size that magnet..
Brak danych technicznych.
Хороший мастер из инструментов только молоток и плоскогубцы.Вот это спец.
Nice vedio. You disassembled the Dynamo and why did you insert the metal pieces in magnets. And reassembled...
Все фокусники которые лепят магниты хочу сказать сам якорь и без магнитов отлично магнитит ,а чтобы поднять мощность генератора нужно заменить статарную обмотку на более мощную по сечению по провода .
Этот генератор - космическая технология. Когда я добьюсь таких результатов в испытаниях своей динамо-машины?
There are many of these processes on the UA-cam channel... after all, it is not important to light two lamps....
This works, you need to put some capacitors with it to stabilize the power coming out. That’s what I did, now, my property is lit up like a Christmas tree on 2 alternators and capacitors/ batteries! Not a penny extra electric bill
Some people can't tell the difference from your satire or not, this is just a disclaimer for anyone looking
Some proof is when he plugs in the bulbs, motor should have slowed a fair amount, not a change in the video. If free energy was real which it's not then why do we burn fossil fuels for energy? Just for show?
Would like to know more about what you've done that sounds safer to me
@@chaneljr508 The only way you will get any free power out of this with a maximum of about 1200 to 1400 Watts. Is you will have to drive it with a free power source like wind flowing water etc.
@@chaneljr508 Don’t waste your time with this guy he is clueless and does not know his electrical theories
Ну для тех кто не имеет понимания в электронике конечно это чистая правда )))
И сколько таких супер-разработчиков не имеющих ни какого отношения к физике )))
Super cool idea
مرة اخرى اختر الموسيقى التي تناسب ڤديو تعليمي هذا ضجيج و ليس موسيقى .
нужно поставить рядом с его устройством 8 квт асинхронный трёхфазный двигатель.и плюс таблицу соотношения токов к сечениям проводов,не говоря даже про диаметр вала ротора,чтобы он мог выдержать крутящий момент от такой мощности
@@александрбобр-б6ш Денег на эпоксидный клей не нашлось))) И вообще рабочий это варик?)))
Интересно а куда магниты делись когда начал собирать всё месте 👎👎👎👎😄 вот лохотрон !!
امیر چرا رو اهنرباها چسب نریختی؟ اینطوری با چند بار استفاده ول میشن.
Because this video is a scam and fraud.
Esses imãs de neo dimo são bem fortes para se afixar na carcaça do alternador, pelo que entendi nesse projeto a energia é feita pelo movimento dos imãs gerando indução maguinética e captada pelos rolamentos de cobre e enviada para tomada,mas você tinha que pelo menos ter usado um multímetro para mostrar ao público que aquela energia realmente se trata de 220v para não aver sombra de dúvidas.
Aquele pequeno motor que foi usado junto com alternador é um motor de tração 12v ?
Já vi outros vídeos semelhantes ao seu que colocaram um outro motor de 220v.
Mas se foce para entregar 110v como seria o esquema elétrico do alternador ? 🤔
This alternator can produce max 1kva to 2 kva. These 9 bulbs if each one of them is minimum 40 watts = 360 watts. That small motor might be taking 5 - 10 watts. So it is completely possible to directly power that motor with 12v alternator and make this thing run indefinitely.
Talal bhai aisi motors milti Kahan se hain
Too much parasitic loss for that to ever work.
man you are fantastic! wow!!!
Can you connect the small motor in the inlet ?
Mr Amir, thank you for your contribution. I found that very educational. May I ask what size magnets are you using? And if I increased the size of magnets will it increase voltage or amperage?
it will increase
I did modify the rotor and glued 40x20x10mm neodymium magnets, it did not increase the voltage.
i think,these magnets use in hoverboard,he used in this video
@@tordherflower It does not matter what magnets you use, it does not work. My magnets are more powerful than used in the video. To generate voltage you need a wire passing a magnetic field with speed. The installed magnets do not sufficient increase the voltage, I increased the speed but am limited because the resin is not so strong to hold the magnets, the voltage increased only slightly. So we would need to increase the length of the wire, more windings in the stator would be needed.
Further this system has no voltage regulation, if a consumer is switched on, the voltage will drop, in a normal generator the voltage is regulated by increasing the magnetic field by inducing more voltage into the electro magnets, with permanent magnets you cannot regulate the voltage.
I am not an expert but this is what I found out so far, do your own research.
Voltage is increased by cooper wire turns. Current can be increased by the gauge of copper wire.
very professional using a player as a hammer omg 😱
I love how you try to BS people into thinking your generating power when all your doing is moving it thru a circuit. This is BS.
Good luck my prent
Amir, how do you know that the ac output is 8kw? We are finding it awfully difficult to believe this amount...
Thanks, but are sure it is capable of 8000w ? That's almost 36 amps !!
Another thing, with such hi Amper there will be too much uncontrolled heat.
There is free energy and generators. Yours aren't working. For your personal use and not for commercial purposes, you can build one that is located at the national patent office in Alexandria, Virginia or at international patent offices in Paris, France or in Geneva, Switzerland. With the deep state practically expropriated, there is no longer any need to fear that they will come in with hired killers and take you off. Do your own research.
Yes someone who can think, you are correct. And even if it was capable of putting out only 2000 W it would fry from overheating as a matter of fact it would take a little while but it would fry at 1500 Watts. This device will work but only add about a 250-300 watt range Without drive motor you could put a larger drive motor on you would need about 2 1/2 hp to get around 1200 W out of it but that would be the maximum
Perpetuum 😀😀😀 8000W yes of course 😂😂😂
8000 watts? Not possible! V × A = W is the formula.
8000w ÷ 12v = 667a
667 amps is impossible for a 12v car alternator, not
designed to produce HALF that current. Whatever
combination of voltage and power figures used
in this example, would never get 8000w.
Everything so good. Except for the Tomorrowland music
How can this be possible the coil of alternator winded for 13volts dc,
For self exiter magnets ok. but out put of 220 volts not possible..
You are correct
Great job sir
Я не могу понять одну вещь ?. Если это тест, повесьте что-нибудь посерьезнее: микроволновку, холодильник, электрочайник, электроплиту, утюг, телевизор, скороварку, вентилятор и т. д ?. Чтобы знать, стоит ли вообще развивать этот мотор ? для частного дома ?. Каждое новое видео выходит с лампочками, NAFUI они нужны ???. Да нафуй эти лампочки ?, повесь что нибудь серьёзное, эл.плитка, эл.чайник, микроволновка ?.
Fuck these bulbs ?, Hang up something serious, electric stove, electric kettle, microwave ?.
I actually seen my grandfather do this when I was a kid and im now 55 yrs old
Развод, по данным обмоткам не может идти большое напряжение, слишком мало витков. А второе, смотрим на пульсацию ламп накаливания. Пульсация это частота. На роторе у нас 12 полюсов, значит за 1 оборот мы получим частоту в 12Гц. Оборотов довольно много на генераторе, минимум 10 в секунду, а это уже 120Гц... а я думаю, что там не менее 250Гц должно быть. Видео идёт 30 кадров в секунду, и видно мерцание. Мерцание не совпадает с частотой, а частота в сети у нас как раз 50Гц. Если бы автор снимал на 50 кадров в секунду, не было бы мерцания)
Eğer böyle bir şey doğruysa ne gerek var güneş enerjisine ve jeneratöre herkes kendi kendine evinde elektrik üretir lütfen yardım edin bu video dogru mu olabilir mi böyle bir şey 👍
This is powered by a 12v battery. The battery is running the little motor. The little motor is turning the alternator, which is creating more electricity than it requires to turn it, due to modifications. It's called perpetual motion. Entangled with Tesla ingenuity.
I understand amperage, wattage, rating for wire sizing, ect. But those small conductors that you soldered onto the alternator would not be able to handle 8000 watts? And an average alternator, at most would give you approximately 150 amp at 12 volt DC, which is around 1,800 watts.
Buen truco, en ningún momento le quitó el puente rectificador que trae el alternador, y en lugar de focos bastaría con que midiera el voltaje de salida del alternador,.
mal es termendo jajaja eso no anda
Brate ,Tesla,Einstajn,Pupin,Markoni su za tebe nula.A iz fizike idi na popravni.
220V from using 12V designed coil. Good idea to enhance ampares.
You can try yourself,but the gain will be around 200-1000 watts/h!!!
este truque engana bobo
Too great. Is this the washing machine motor?
هل هذه الأسلاك تحتمل 8000 وات ؟؟؟
يا ريت الإجابة اولا حتى يمكن طرح سؤال آخر أكثر أهمية وشكرا
في رأيي ، حتى المصابيح الكهربائية لن تتحمل 8 كيلووات
800 W Only
Why not pull the rotor apart and place 2 large speaker magnets where the copper coil was located, and reassemble. This would be easier and cheaper then what you have "achieved"
Tudo enganação como pode um motor tão pequeno girar um alternador que precisa de 1,5cv de força para gerar 12v 45amperes. A gente percebe que a rotação nem caiu quando a carga foi conectada? É muito feio enganar as pessoas só para ganhar visualizações. Um gerador que não tem imãs permanentes não produz absolutamente nada sem excitação.
Não viste bem o video, ele colocou imãs de neodinio.
Nice job Amir. Btw, have you tried removing the 12 volt charger when it is running ? I am sure it doesn't require it when it's up and running. On the Technologica Occulta channel, he made another version of this - and well worth a lookie. To get it running, he was winding electric wire around the protruding shaft at the rear of the alternator, and 'pull-starting' it. :-)
Technologia oculta plugged the motor into another one of the sockets fed by the alternator. He got the alternator generating by pulling the wire he wound around the shaft so that it generated enough power to run the motor. The motor needs to run on the voltage of the alternator is all. It is far more impressive to have a "perpetual motion" machine than one run from an outside power feed...
"When its up and running" LOL Are you for real. Its just clickbait, 1.3 million views equals a lot of dosh.
@@paulsmith1981 Sure
Merhaba anladığım kadarıyla kullandığın motor çamaşır makinası motoru. Motor normalde çalışıyormuydu ?.
when turning on the generator, lift the board
Upar utio bhai jee is sistam ko or sub ko dakio
Hello Sir..I want to ask you, can it use for stick welding or 1.5hp air compressor ..Thank You
Whats the current draw?
@@hadleymanmusic 0.1amp
Ir os fake
Jo tío eres un genio, te estas riendo de nosotros y todavía te aplauden... sigue así jajajajaja...
Could you transform your 12v to 230v with an Inverter ? 😁 it works, to .. it works with 1,5v battery too :D
Also 1,2 v, or a lemonade.....
But the power will not be the same
che alternatore avete usato valeo ??? di quale camion???
Hi, good informative video. Can you tell, where we can find that type of magnetic
On eBay
Old hover boards have them in the wheels..
Wow ang galing from palawan
Да. Моторчик на 200 ватт раскрутил генератор на 8000 ватт. Чудеса.Очередное фуфло🙉Кстати, 8000вт-это 80 ламп по 100Вт
0-к затесался при вынужденном копипасте )
Let's check the math. One horsepower (HP) is equal to 746 watts. 8000 watts divided by 746 watts equals 10.6 horsepower. That small motor is not even close to 10 HP. A typical 10 HP motor weighs over 200 lbs.
What? Come on man don’t be silly of course that’s a 10 hp motor why would I lie OK I’m lying it’s a 1/16 hp OK there I said it. So you can expect about 200 250 Watts maybe.
That was just so great. You used a Battery charger to power the small motor to turn Alternator......lolololololol......
Hi, great idea, i would like to try to make it, so i got a question: What kind of motor you use? (12v or those 1-3 phases) and what is the strenght of magneses? (does it matter or nah?) Thank you for any advice :)
The blueprints for this can be found on the Hogwarts school for magic webpage.
@@paulsmith1981 i figured out everything, but next time i will Ask Hermione maybe xD
@@emanuelszajbel9605 did it work
@@zackl8290 Yes, it took me some time to figure out few thing like power supply, how strong magneses should be etc, but finally it worked, ofc rotor winding and brushes using up pretty fast in my case, probably because i've made it a little too strong
@@emanuelszajbel9605 mi esposo y yo ya estamos en las pruebas ensayo error..... Ya conseguimos entender como se calibran los imanes para que no se anulen unos a otros el asunto es que tipo de motor es viable perdón por preguntarte directo a ti pero lo dijiste : funcionó .... Por lo tanto confió más en tus observaciones incluso que en las del tipo del vídeo... Me atrevo a preguntarte : un motor de un ventilador industrial es suficiente para mantener el alternador modificado generando?? Y otra pregunta mas...disculpa: se que es importante el primer giro y debe de ser un tirón lo suficientemente fuerte para que haga generar el alternador que a su vez prenda el motor y pueda mantenerse encendido ..... Como o que daría un arranque lo suficientemente fuerte ??? Perdón que pregunte es que ... Donde vivimos mi esposo y yo no tenemos luz y estamos intentando uno y otro generador .... Digo al menos hacemos la lucha sin robar ni hacer nada indebido... La ciencia y la tecnología es la base de nuestros experimentos pero la necesidad es la raíz de todos ellos ojalá pudieras darme esas respuestas si no se puede te agradezco y también el tiempo que tomaste en leer mis líneas saludos desde Querétaro- México
The law of conservation says this project is Not energy efficient. It's interesting but energy in is equal to energy out.
Please show current draw ect, volts, amps, watts 👍🏼
Frustrating without them... It's as if the video isn't genuine
Magnet kheder se liye hein
Congratulations you are correct this video is fake although it will work it’s wattage output would be more in the area of 250-300 watts
@@rmendes2mendes915 probably less so might aswell plug the red and black clip direct to the light they would be brighter too as there's less heat loss
Why do you say that it can generate 8000W? In this video you are proving maybe 1000W with the light bulbs.
Thank you.
Исходные данные генератора от грузового автомобиля 24В 100-200А и три фазы. Если суммировать мощность каждой фазы получим 6000кВт или больше зависит от тока выбранного генератора. Generator input from truck 24V 100-200A and three phase. If we summarize the power of each phase, we get 6000 kW or more depends on the current of the selected generator.
@@reveal-lk6ip I understand. But the figures in the calculation, can or can't be applied as a real consumer ? At 6kW, maybe you can weld...