So let me get this straight; If we don't put the cross dressing Non-binary back in the box, society will collapse? Is that supposed to be the takeaway of the episode, or am I missing something.
They literally waited until the very last day to hit the last version of this video with a copyright strike. But I think if I keep the videos around 10 min they don't care as much.
So let me get this straight; If we don't put the cross dressing Non-binary back in the box, society will collapse? Is that supposed to be the takeaway of the episode, or am I missing something.
Super freak is right. The BBC did get one thing right. He was a terrifying villan, but not because of the writing.
They literally waited until the very last day to hit the last version of this video with a copyright strike. But I think if I keep the videos around 10 min they don't care as much.