I loved Dean so much. So handsome, great singer and entertainer. Never missed his show. So terrible that he lost his son which really broke his heart. Jeanne was there for him even after the divorce. I know they still loved each other. I still listen to his music, and can still see that sweet smile of his. Love you always, Dean.
Nov 27, 2020 ~ I'm 76+ yrs. I loved everything Dino did on stage, records, and film. I own a lot of his discs and have the whole collection of the Dean Martin show! This man of so many talents was loved by most all America. He's still missed by so many of his fans such as I. He died at age 78 from a smoking disease. Wake up All America. Don't smoke. "Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime" Rest in Peace Dino:
Smoking, pain killers, sleeping pills. Those were the days when you took whatever pills the doctor handed you without question. My mother had a hundred different pills she took monthly and fell into depression and anxiety. At 13 I knew it was the pills.
Dean Martin. Fabulous singer, a very fine actor & comedian. An XCELLENT all around Entertainer. Didn't go so well in the marriage dept. But his 2nd wife certainly loved him & missed him. Because the whole family all hung out 2gether. A sad ending 2 his life. What a Voice. 2 those who gave the thumbs down. Shame on U.
My wife & I saw Dean, in Vegas. We sat at a table with a couple from Chicago, who hadn't seen him B4, live, either. He sang solo, with a piano man playing, (or keeping up with him), as he walked around the tables & add-libbed. That was around August, 1982. A night that I'll never forget. Fabulous.
Dean Martin was loved by everyone. I am 83 and was in high school in Houston, when Dean and Jerry started. Dean was very funny, handsome, admired, extremely talented, great romantic singer, great actor. The Rat Pack was a real hit and really funny. I saw Dean and Jerry on stage. Also, saw Frank, Dean and Sammy on stage, but Dean was too ill to be there, Liza filled in, I cried when Dean passed away.
I was lucky to see Dean twice at Bally’s Grand in Las Vegas, during the first performance I saw of Dean, I was lucky to shake his hand as he was going off stage. He had a hell of a grip for a guy in his 70’s. I always loved Dean and was so sad to see him go. I was a big fan of his tv show and his movies. There will never be a guy with that much class, ever!
I remember back in the 1950' and 1960's watching the black and white TV, and the family would watch DEAN MARTIN SHOW and the PERRY COMO SHOW where celebrities and singers would be on the show as guests each week. The good old days. Both Dean and Perry got better looking as they got older. Two handsome amazing singers.
I am a Turkish woman,I am 70 years old.I listened Dean Martin songswhen I growing up and now .You never died dear Dean Martin,you live always.I love you
I can really relate to Deano, with wanting to have, and cherish, my alone time, to either think about certain things, or nothing, and just vegg out, and chill, doing absolutely nothing, until I'm ready to resume socializing again. That is in me, and there must be other people out there that feel the same way too. I'm fine about not talking too.❤️
We saw Dean Martin in Vegas he was performing at Bally's, just him and Ken Lane on the piano.. We met him outside he was being interviewed, of course my husband had to say something in Italian to him and he came right over to us..made sure we had seats in front of the stage..Rest in Peace Dean..
Did you know thSt Deans first language was Italian? He learned to speak English in elementary school! He caught onto English quickly. You’d never know it. I don’t think. Now when I think Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin goes with it.
Grew up watching the Dean Martin Show - I am nearly 65 and Dean is my favourite singer - just the most beautiful voice. I used to rock my babies to sleep to his records.
Thanks to YT I was able to enjoy his music with my passing mother as I had done as a child. I had forgotten what a beautiful voice that man had but I never forget again. So grateful for that memory.
My favorite aunt loved Dean Martin! When she would visit us in the late afternoons and early evenings she would always have to leave and be home to see her "Dino". I miss them both...
Born in 1951, I grew up watching MANY Legends of the time, Dean Martin was one of my favorites, simply put, the man was OUTSTANDING!!! His singing could have carried his career...
all i know is this guy lived an amazing life and he didnt do it for the money he did it for the love of people and comedy everybody loved him everybody.
I was a studio singer blessed with a .60 year career. Six of those years I was part of an 8-voice backup group on the Dean Martin Show, so popular on 60s TV. Dean was such a delight to work with, kind to everyone, no star ego. I had come there from having worked on the Danny Kaye Show. Certainly can’t say the same thing about that very temperamental man!! It was like going to heaven to work with Dean. I miss those years, many warm memories
In this day of violent... angry... overly cheap sexual TV , and no knowledge B level musicians and actors who play political .. this era is one to watch and enjoy with your door locked, the garbage of today out, and a time of joy long passed! So happy to have lived those “ Happy Days”
I grew up watching Dean Martin sing and act, admiring his smoothness, envying his extraordinary handsomeness, and incomparable singing voice. He was just so cool...a real man's man. My family would gather to watch his TV show every Thursday nite. If there was a movie with John Wayne and Dean, it was a 'must see'. Dean will never die; his voice is instantly recognizable and indelibly written on our hearts. There will never be another like him. R.I.P. Dean
Dean Martin was an incredible entertainer/actor throughout his career. Hilarious with Jerry Lewis and also during giving And being roasted. No question about being a better singer than Sinatra he kept the tune. It’s sad that today we have no one like him to watch/hear.
I love to cook, and my specialty is Italian. I listen to Dean while I am cooking, and it puts so much love into what I put on the table...no one will ever convince me otherwise. That's Amore....................
I don't understand why Frank Sinatra was so famous for a singer. Dean Martin not only had the voice but he had looks and swagger. I still to this day love his voice and it can't be topped! RIP.
Dean Martin was the full package. Funny, handsome, actor and a really good singer. I just love his voice. Never cared for Frank's music. But that's just me and a lot of people will think differently. But Dean was brilliant, his tv show was all adlib. I can binge watch his tv show all night long. R.I.P. Dean Martin 🌺🌺🌺🌺❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I will always remember him sliding down that pole. He did everything so effortlessly. Back in those days the men exuded class. Just finished watching this video now I am in tears. Dean and the rest made the world a little better. We won't see the likes of those men anytime soon.
There never was, nor will there ever be, anyone like Dean. There is no better voice on a man, and he was a fantastic entertainer. I really felt for him when his son was killed in the crash, and I still do.
Only one Dean Martin !!! Tremendous talent . One of my all time faves . You take his singing voice , his comedic style ( even as a straight man ) , his swagger like James Bond , and the acting talent ( the two films with John Wayne , two of my favorite movies of all time ). Nobody touches Dean !!!
I just loved every moment of the documentary . Truthfully there be no any other entertainer's like the rat pack a and Dean Martin those funny lines and quote 's are use in our daily life we do say them without knowing that we do reason why I do say .. T,Y for entertaining us making us feel happy when we have feel sad you put a smile up on our face making us forget our bitterness I truly appreciate every moment I see your shows T,Y ...
I typically don't leave comments, but here I make an exception. Really glad you uploaded this. I've watched it several times. A special man. I've watched the Roasts so many times, the first when I was a teen, and now with UA-cam, over and over, because of Dean and Don Rickles. It takes me back to a happier time. Again, thanks so much.
He’s always been one of a kind, great entertainer, and a truly fantastic singer. Send Me the Pillow That You Dream On, Memories Are Made of This, Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime, Return to Me, Baby It’s Cold Outside, ..........stuff that still melts my heart. I’m a big guy, and Dino brings tears to my eyes.
Dean Martin, not just a good entertainer, but a bloody marvellous one. One of the best voices then, and now. Charismatic, witty and clearly everyone loved to be around him. The Man of the Hour shows were hilarious. The music and songs from Dean's show almost timeless. I still watch them on You tube now, and have done for many years.
I enjoy watching "the good ole days" very much. Headliners & Legends brought back so many great memories of those years growing up, going to the movies and switching stations to hear that ole familiar voice of Dean Martin. My stepdad was Italian and together we'd sing along with Dean, loving the fact he could hear someone speaking Italian who was Italian.
Dino had the kind of voice one only hears in Paradise. A great entertainer, A fine natural actor. Dino was always "himself". Dino is unforgettable. He was a sweet sweet man. I hope Dino & Dino jr. met up in paradise.,I really do. Dino was and still is much remembered and much loved. A humble man.
When you watch Dean's show or anything that he was in and then look at what we have today as entertainment, you realize what a gem he really was and what a sad state of affairs our entertainment is today.
After 50 years of my life Dean Martin has always been my favorite singer thank you mr. Martin for all the beautiful songs you sang you just made it look so easy I have lots respect for you SR thank you so much I know you been gone so long we love you and miss you RIP mr. Dean Martin
I never had a crush on many celebrities as a teenager but I did on Dino. He was so gorgeous. I remember thinking he had it all and how lucky he was. So sad he died at 35. You can tell Dean was never the same and lost interest in living.
He was a damn fine performer. He was my first older man crush after I saw Airport. I just fell for him. Loved his show, the movies and his singing, he had it all.
When his wife divorced him & his son died he was distraught. He sings my all time favorite song For the Good Times & in one of his video the tears are running down his face. He was so good at concealing his pain. Good night Jeanie
According to his daughter Deana in her book, "Memories are Made of This", he just got up and left in December 1969. He was also the one who filed for divorce shortly after.
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Dino was a great family man. I used to go to some of their after-show parties (FS invited me) and Dino would go, for a while, then would quietly sneak out and go home -- early! What a nice man he was. I rarely watched him with Lewis, whom I thought was wacky, but I was young and didn't understand that kind of comedy. I loved Dino's voice, so smooth, as he was, and NOT the acting drunk that he portrayed so well, and it was just an act, one he did well! All the mannerism made it seem so real but in reality, he was probably rarely drunk like that, but it definitely showed his acting ability. Dino had a hard time when he lost his son, and I'm sure he carried that tragic loss to his grave. We miss those good old days, it's hard to realize some of those greats are gone.
In one interview Dean Martin said that Jerry Lewis used to be very rough with him, all the hitting and shoving. So it made me laugh when Jerry Lewis said he did not know why they broke up. I know. Dean Martin got fed up of Jerry.I always loved Dean Martin! 💚 💚 🍀
One of if the number 1 entertainer of the century he could do it all and made it look so fun. Thank you Dino for all the laughs and wonderful entertainment and songs.
My Momma would play Dean Martin records and I would dance around and sing Volare with him! I have owned that album on record, cassette and CD. He was the most handsome, hippest and coolest Cat ever and I still love Him and his family. This was a delightful treat...ethereal. Thank you
God bless him for the happiness he gave. Dean you were a lot more than "a damn fine entertainer". A lot more. Thanks for the laughs and the wonderful songs.
Loved his songs, movies, TV show, etc. He was such a great entertainer. He was very handsome and sweet. He and Jeannie were such a beautiful couple with a lovely family. That's amore', Love you, Dean.
Dean Dean Dean ..... My favorite, at most everything. One thing overlooked by many, Dean had an excellent golf swing. Smooth and powerful, just like him.
WoMen R a Dime a dOZen ,, but yr Kids are Yr Heart !! As I get older , i tend to watch the Old Classics w/ Dean , John Wayne , Bob Hope etc ... Most have Passed On but Not 4 gotten .. I Just Hope they had their Soul Ready to be Judged my God in the Last Day .. RIP to Them All
I am so fortunate to have been around through much of Dean's later career. He was such a wonderful entertainer. I love his films, his records, and when we can, re-showings of his TV specials. So tragic about young Dino.. I still remember hearing the news coverage when it happened. Long live the legacy of Dean Martin..
I remember Dino Martin, blonde like his Mom Jeannie, a gorgeous of both Dean & Jeannie. He & Desi Arnaz, Jr. & their friend Billy (Hintszche) were members of a rock band. It's tough being kids of celebrities and celebrities in their own right😳🥺😢Happy//Sad memories. We watched whatever Mom was 👀 👀 👀 What a time in my life, actually a lot of Lives💫💫💫😊😇🥰🎶🎶🎶😳🥺😢🌀🌀🌀Aloha, Jackie Kamai, O'ahu, Hawai'i I just remember not being able to fathom the way he died.*?*!* REST IN PEACE ALL🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🤍💚🧡💛❤🤎🖤💜💙🎶🎶🎶💫💫💫
Dino could do it all. He created a great persona and he played it to the hilt. He had great comedic timing, and was an excellent actor and singer. RIP Dino and thanks for the memories.
Thank you Mr . Dean Martin for all the good laughs thank you for sharing your voice I believe you are the best Singer and thank for all the memories you gave us God bless you rest in peace Mr. Dean Martin
It was great growing up in that era where you had the best of the best. Dean was a wonderful actor, a great entertainer, a great singer, very funny, and had a lot of class. They don't make them like that anymore.
I loved Dean so much. So handsome, great singer and entertainer. Never missed his show. So terrible that he lost his son which really broke his heart. Jeanne was there for him even after the divorce. I know they still loved each other. I still listen to his music, and can still see that sweet smile of his. Love you always, Dean.
Nov 27, 2020 ~ I'm 76+ yrs. I loved everything Dino did on stage, records, and film. I own a lot of his discs and have the whole collection of the Dean Martin show! This man of so many talents was loved by most all America. He's still missed by so many of his fans such as I.
He died at age 78 from a smoking disease. Wake up All America. Don't smoke. "Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime" Rest in Peace Dino:
Smoking, pain killers, sleeping pills.
Those were the days when you took whatever pills the doctor handed you without question.
My mother had a hundred different pills she took monthly and fell into depression and anxiety.
At 13 I knew it was the pills.
Dean Martin is special.
Always will be loved. missed, remembered.
Dean Martin. Fabulous singer, a very fine actor & comedian. An XCELLENT all around Entertainer. Didn't go so well in the marriage dept. But his 2nd wife certainly loved him & missed him. Because the whole family all hung out 2gether. A sad ending 2 his life. What a Voice.
2 those who gave the thumbs down. Shame on U.
Dean Martin was a delicious looking man with a smooth voice and tons of charisma.
(: He really was!!!!! ... ❤
DEAN was a "playboy"..not in the usual sense of the word...he was a like a child playing...his good frens were frank, samy , jerry..
My wife & I saw Dean, in Vegas. We sat at a table with a couple from Chicago, who hadn't seen him B4, live, either. He sang solo, with a piano man playing, (or keeping up with him), as he walked around the tables & add-libbed. That was around August, 1982. A night that I'll never forget. Fabulous.
Dean Martin was loved by everyone. I am 83 and was in high school in Houston, when Dean and Jerry started. Dean was very funny, handsome, admired, extremely talented, great romantic singer, great actor. The Rat Pack was a real hit and really funny. I saw Dean and Jerry on stage. Also, saw Frank, Dean and Sammy on stage, but Dean was too ill to be there, Liza filled in, I cried when Dean passed away.
, Dean and Sammy performed in Houston, which I saw, but Dean was too ill, so Liza filled in. I cried when Dean passed away
the entire
I saw Frank,
I too am Italian. Italians throughout the 50s snd 60s loved him. He made it. He was special.
I’m Italian, too. Oh, I wish I could speak it!!
I was lucky to see Dean twice at Bally’s Grand in Las Vegas, during the first performance I saw of Dean, I was lucky to shake his hand as he was going off stage. He had a hell of a grip for a guy in his 70’s. I always loved Dean and was so sad to see him go. I was a big fan of his tv show and his movies. There will never be a guy with that much class, ever!
I remember back in the 1950' and 1960's watching the black and white TV, and the family would watch DEAN MARTIN SHOW and the PERRY COMO SHOW where celebrities and singers would be on the show as guests each week. The good old days. Both Dean and Perry got better looking as they got older. Two handsome amazing singers.
I am a Turkish woman,I am 70 years old.I listened Dean Martin songswhen I growing up and now .You never died dear Dean Martin,you live always.I love you
I’m 64 now, and Dean was all you needed growing up and as a Adult!
One of The best Entertainers We ever had.
I can really relate to Deano, with wanting to have, and cherish, my alone time, to either think about certain things, or nothing, and just vegg out, and chill, doing absolutely nothing, until I'm ready to resume socializing again. That is in me, and there must be other people out there that feel the same way too. I'm fine about not talking too.❤️
We saw Dean Martin in Vegas he was performing at Bally's, just him and Ken Lane on the piano.. We met him outside he was being interviewed, of course my husband had to say something in Italian to him and he came right over to us..made sure we had seats in front of the stage..Rest in Peace Dean..
That’s when Vegas was Vegas.
Sounds wonderful 😀
Did you know thSt Deans first language was Italian? He learned to speak English in elementary school! He caught onto English quickly. You’d never know it. I don’t think. Now when I think Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin goes with it.
Grew up watching the Dean Martin Show - I am nearly 65 and Dean is my favourite singer - just the most beautiful voice. I used to rock my babies to sleep to his records.
You are so gorgeous
I’ve always loved him too!
Thanks to YT I was able to enjoy his music with my passing mother as I had done as a child. I had forgotten what a beautiful voice that man had but I never forget again. So grateful for that memory.
My favorite aunt loved Dean Martin! When she would visit us in the late afternoons and early evenings she would always have to leave and be home to see her "Dino". I miss them both...
Born in 1951, I grew up watching MANY Legends of the time, Dean Martin was one of my favorites, simply put, the man was OUTSTANDING!!! His singing could have carried his career...
all i know is
this guy lived an amazing life
and he didnt do it for the money
he did it for the love of people and comedy
everybody loved him
I think he did it for the money as well. He was an astute businessman.
I was born in 1954 and got to grow up with Dean!
Me too!
I was a studio singer blessed with a .60 year career. Six of those years I was part of an 8-voice backup group on the Dean Martin Show, so popular on 60s TV. Dean was such a delight to work with, kind to everyone, no star ego. I had come there from having worked on the Danny Kaye Show. Certainly can’t say the same thing about that very temperamental man!! It was like going to heaven to work with Dean. I miss those years, many warm memories
Wow. Very cool! Good for you. I’ve always been a huge Deano fan
Loved his voice. Still do.
I did and still do, also!
In this day of violent... angry... overly cheap sexual TV , and no knowledge B level musicians and actors who play political .. this era is one to watch and enjoy with your door locked, the garbage of today out, and a time of joy long passed! So happy to have lived those “ Happy Days”
I grew up watching Dean Martin sing and act, admiring his smoothness, envying his extraordinary handsomeness, and incomparable singing voice. He was just so cool...a real man's man. My family would gather to watch his TV show every Thursday nite. If there was a movie with John Wayne and Dean, it was a 'must see'. Dean will never die; his voice is instantly recognizable and indelibly written on our hearts. There will never be another like him. R.I.P. Dean
I’m tv u onlloo
Draft dodger...At least an Aston Marton doesn't lie to you.draft dodging idiot
Wow what a very special man . I've watched him sing dance and act since the early 60s
He's my favorite singer and there's nobody as suave & debonair as Dean...The King of Cool...Thanks for posting.
What about Bing Crosby ?
I never wanted to be anyone else , but sometimes I think , man wouldn’t it be nice to be Dean for a week.
Loved & miss Dean he was the best entertainer and singer ♥️🙏
Dean Martin was an incredible entertainer/actor throughout his career. Hilarious with Jerry Lewis and also during giving And being roasted. No question about being a better singer than Sinatra he kept the tune. It’s sad that today we have no one like him to watch/hear.
Still like ELVIS better
I love to cook, and my specialty is Italian. I listen to Dean while I am cooking, and it puts so much love into what I put on the table...no one will ever convince me otherwise. That's Amore....................
such a crock of shit.
Haven't you boiled your head yet ?...you must be the least funny person on earth...
I don't understand why Frank Sinatra was so famous for a singer. Dean Martin not only had the voice but he had looks and swagger. I still to this day love his voice and it can't be topped! RIP.
Gary Johnston Both of them were greats.
The only one that didn't kiss Frank's ass .
You don’t understand why Frank was a famous singer?
Probably the best that ever did it!
Sinatra had more connections than Martin, to you know who.
@@vasilispatsalidis5683 probably, you're right ya know.
Sammy Davis was better...
I loved Sammy too. He didn't do as many areas of entertainment as Dean.
The Beatles are a bad joke
In your opinion I also thought Sammy was very talented but I still like Dean Martin so much more than Sammy
Dean Martin was the full package. Funny, handsome, actor and a really good singer. I just love his voice. Never cared for Frank's music. But that's just me and a lot of people will think differently. But Dean was brilliant, his tv show was all adlib. I can binge watch his tv show all night long. R.I.P. Dean Martin 🌺🌺🌺🌺❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
@James Henderson your reported.. BULLY👻
I will always remember him sliding down that pole. He did everything so effortlessly. Back in those days the men exuded class. Just finished watching this video now I am in tears. Dean and the rest made the world a little better. We won't see the likes of those men anytime soon.
There never was, nor will there ever be, anyone like Dean.
There is no better voice on a man, and he was a fantastic entertainer.
I really felt for him when his son was killed in the crash, and I still do.
Only one Dean Martin !!!
Tremendous talent . One of my all time faves . You take his singing voice , his comedic style ( even as a straight man ) , his swagger like James Bond , and the acting talent ( the two films with John Wayne , two of my favorite movies of all time ). Nobody touches Dean !!!
He was such a beautiful man, I love his voice, he is missed..
I love the Dean Martin roasts these were funny watch when he toasts Frank Sinatra that is hilarious
@@sabrinapetersen8644 mn
I've loved him all my life.....Mr Cool...
I just loved every moment of the documentary . Truthfully there be no any other entertainer's like the rat pack a and Dean Martin those funny lines and quote 's are use in our daily life we do say them without knowing that we do reason why I do say .. T,Y for entertaining us making us feel happy when we have feel sad you put a smile up on our face making us forget our bitterness I truly appreciate every moment I see your shows T,Y ...
I typically don't leave comments, but here I make an exception. Really glad you uploaded this. I've watched it several times. A special man. I've watched the Roasts so many times, the first when I was a teen, and now with UA-cam, over and over, because of Dean and Don Rickles. It takes me back to a happier time. Again, thanks so much.
Just like the rest, I will be forever a fan of Dean Martin. Thank you for sharing this wonderful video about the King of cool.
One of the gifted people of this world 5 Star Rip Dean
Just magic 🙏🏻🙏🏻
Yes, thanks for sharing this video. Dean was much better than Sinatra.
Truly a wonderful man with fun in his heart and a lifetime of joy....your fans loved you god bless your family!!!
I had forgotten how much I loved his variety show. It was awesome! I miss those shows!
Its so sad that we will never have anyone like him again. Thank you Dean. Love to All.
grew up with the rat pack, my 26 y.o. son loves Deano and we love singing his songs together, god bless him a wonderful talent....
I love him. I was born the year he died, but when I discovered him I grew so in love with his music, performances and self.
He’s always been one of a kind, great entertainer, and a truly fantastic singer.
Send Me the Pillow That You Dream On, Memories Are Made of This, Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime, Return to Me, Baby It’s Cold Outside, ..........stuff that still melts my heart.
I’m a big guy, and Dino brings tears to my eyes.
I loved Dean Martin. He could do everything!
Dean Martin, not just a good entertainer, but a bloody marvellous one. One of the best voices then, and now. Charismatic, witty and clearly everyone loved to be around him. The Man of the Hour shows were hilarious. The music and songs from Dean's show almost timeless. I still watch them on You tube now, and have done for many years.
Will never forget, every Thursday, my mom & dad and I would tune into The Dean Martin Show...Thanks for the memories!!
Iris Acheson is 🇵🇾🇹🇹🇨🇭🇻🇨🇺🇸🇸🇾🇹🇭🤎💞☸️🕉✡️⚛️♒️✝️🇦🇪🏴🏴🏴🏴
Loop k
Patricia Glass iouok
Dean Martin was by far my favorite entertainer of all time!
Both in films and in music, a bit of comedy. He did it all. Great guy, very talented
Hello Elizabeth, how are you doing?
He was a great performer. With a kind heart. I'm glad to have had him in my generation.
I enjoy watching "the good ole days" very much. Headliners & Legends brought back so many great memories of those years growing up, going to the movies and switching stations to hear that ole familiar voice of Dean Martin. My stepdad was Italian and together we'd sing along with Dean, loving the fact he could hear someone speaking Italian who was Italian.
Hello Joyce, how are you doing?
Dino had the kind of voice one only hears in Paradise. A great entertainer, A fine natural actor. Dino was always "himself". Dino is unforgettable. He was a sweet sweet man. I hope Dino & Dino jr. met up in paradise.,I really do. Dino was and still is much remembered and much loved. A humble man.
When you watch Dean's show or anything that he was in and then look at what we have today as entertainment, you realize what a gem he really was and what a sad state of affairs our entertainment is today.
100% AGGREE Andrea
So true!
And digital horrible so called music of today
Angie Dickinson fucked everybody in Hollywood
Jessi Brunson by
After 50 years of my life Dean Martin has always been my favorite singer thank you mr. Martin for all the beautiful songs you sang you just made it look so easy I have lots respect for you SR thank you so much I know you been gone so long we love you and miss you RIP mr. Dean Martin
He was always my favorite no matter what . His voice was angelic and romantic and I miss him dreadfully
As a kid I would not miss his show on TV. I'm into rock and roll but I love Dean's singing.
I never had a crush on many celebrities as a teenager but I did on Dino. He was so gorgeous. I remember thinking he had it all and how lucky he was. So sad he died at 35. You can tell Dean was never the same and lost interest in living.
He was a damn fine performer. He was my first older man crush after I saw Airport. I just fell for him. Loved his show, the movies and his singing, he had it all.
The generations after Dean will never know or appreciate what great entertainment really is. Thanks for everything, Dean!
מתי נפטר דין מרטין
Mr. Dean Martin is and will always be one of a kind
May Dean RlP amen 🙏 You were a truly fantastic performer entertainer and funny 😁 we miss you 🥰 love ❤️ you
1995, on Christmas Day.
So so true 😍😍😍
When his wife divorced him & his son died he was distraught. He sings my all time favorite song For the Good Times & in one of his video the tears are running down his face. He was so good at concealing his pain. Good night Jeanie
There were no tears running down his face. rewatch the video.
According to his daughter Deana in her book, "Memories are Made of This", he just got up and left in December 1969. He was also the one who filed for divorce shortly after.
@@easy2findproductions2014 and remarried shortly after, but I believe he regretted cheating on Jeanie for the rest of his life.
@@mona2242 yeah, it sounds like the marriage to Cathy was a disaster from start to finish.
@@easy2findproductions2014, She was a spoiled child. And no where near as beautiful as Jeannie in her day.
Thank you . You learn something new every day. Every time I hear one of his songs it makes me smile.
I always liked him as a singer, actor, character ... (Thumb-up)
Many thanks for posting this vid.
I'm 42 and I love Dean Martin he had style class just really cool 😎
No one can replace Dean. He was one of a kind. He was the best.
Dean Martin was the epitome of class and singing
Dean was my hero. Saw everything he did. Fantastic. Rio Bravo. Palladium London live. Great.
Mr. Dean Martin the best of the best, I love his movies, music .
I still think that Dean should have got an Oscar for his performance in Rio Bravo, that was great acting.
His first western.🐴🐴🐴
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@@vernwallen4246 ouoououoouoououoouuououuouuouououououououo
When I was a pre-teen, I loved Dean Martin! I would sit in front of the TV with my hands on either side of my face, just mesmerized! Lol
Hello Vicki, how are you doing?
He was fantastic indeed, and a lovely woman you are.
Dino was a great family man. I used to go to some of their after-show parties (FS invited me) and Dino would go, for a while, then would quietly sneak out and go home -- early! What a nice man he was. I rarely watched him with Lewis, whom I thought was wacky, but I was young and didn't understand that kind of comedy. I loved Dino's voice, so smooth, as he was, and NOT the acting drunk that he portrayed so well, and it was just an act, one he did well! All the mannerism made it seem so real but in reality, he was probably rarely drunk like that, but it definitely showed his acting ability. Dino had a hard time when he lost his son, and I'm sure he carried that tragic loss to his grave. We miss those good old days, it's hard to realize some of those greats are gone.
In one interview Dean Martin said that Jerry Lewis used to be very rough with him, all the hitting and shoving. So it made me laugh when Jerry Lewis said he did not know why they broke up. I know. Dean Martin got fed up of Jerry.I always loved Dean Martin! 💚 💚 🍀
Every clue about Dean Martin is in this doco ❤️ RIP LEGEND
One of if the number 1 entertainer of the century he could do it all and made it look so fun.
Thank you Dino for all the laughs and wonderful entertainment and songs.
My Momma would play Dean Martin records and I would dance around and sing Volare with him! I have owned that album on record, cassette and CD. He was the most handsome, hippest and coolest Cat ever and I still love Him and his family. This was a delightful treat...ethereal. Thank you
Excellent comment!
I do believe he was the best.
Yes we always remember Dean ,that velvety voice of his !how can you forget ?
Thank You so much, Karen Covell, for posting this!! Very insightful. A very talented, funny man may be gone but, never forgotten!! We miss you Dino!!
God bless him for the happiness he gave. Dean you were a lot more than "a damn fine entertainer". A lot more. Thanks for the laughs and the wonderful songs.
Loved his songs, movies, TV show, etc. He was such a great entertainer. He was very handsome and sweet. He and Jeannie were such a beautiful couple with a lovely family. That's amore', Love you, Dean.
Dean Dean Dean ..... My favorite, at most everything. One thing overlooked by many, Dean had an excellent golf swing. Smooth and powerful, just like him.
WoMen R a Dime a dOZen ,, but yr Kids are Yr Heart !! As I get older , i tend to watch the Old Classics w/ Dean , John Wayne , Bob Hope etc ... Most have Passed On but Not 4 gotten .. I Just Hope they had their Soul Ready to be Judged my God in the Last Day .. RIP to Them All
I watched him over many years. I always felt fondness for him. Special man. Sweet smile. Soft personality. Love you Dino. RIP
Grate singer!!
Everyone time I hear Dean Martin I get goosebumps brings back beautiful memories of happy days 🙏❤️🙏
Indeed we remember you Martin- you're an unforgettable legend!!! RIP our beloved Dean Martin 🙏❤
Dean was a good intertainer very shy but full of love for his business.
I am so fortunate to have been around through much of Dean's later career. He was such a wonderful entertainer. I love his films, his records, and when we can, re-showings of his TV specials. So tragic about young Dino.. I still remember hearing the news coverage when it happened. Long live the legacy of Dean Martin..
I remember Dino Martin, blonde like his Mom Jeannie, a gorgeous of both Dean & Jeannie. He & Desi Arnaz, Jr. & their friend Billy (Hintszche) were members of a rock band. It's tough being kids of celebrities and celebrities in their own right😳🥺😢Happy//Sad memories. We watched whatever Mom was 👀 👀 👀 What a time in my life, actually a lot of Lives💫💫💫😊😇🥰🎶🎶🎶😳🥺😢🌀🌀🌀Aloha, Jackie Kamai, O'ahu, Hawai'i
I just remember not being able to fathom the way he died.*?*!* REST IN PEACE ALL🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🤍💚🧡💛❤🤎🖤💜💙🎶🎶🎶💫💫💫
Dino could do it all. He created a great persona and he played it to the hilt. He had great comedic timing, and was an excellent actor and singer. RIP Dino and thanks for the memories.
Dean Martin was and will qlways be a national Treasure! RIP Dean, you desrrve it!!!💖🇺🇲
Hello Diane
How are you doing today?
My Mum and dad always played Dean’s records. I loved him and still do and from 8 years old I have been a fan ❤
Hello Deborah
How are you doing today?
Good thanks how are you?
Dean Martin was worshiped by my Dad and showed me what real entertainment was
Tony Stephenson Jonathan winters toasts sinatra
Love Dino. Even now. He suffered so much tragedy later in life. RIP Mr. Martin.
I remember the Dean Martin Show. Great entertainer & singer. RIP 💐💐
Thank you Mr . Dean Martin for all the good laughs thank you for sharing your voice I believe you are the best Singer and thank for all the memories you gave us God bless you rest in peace Mr. Dean Martin
The coolest cat ever!
We're fortunate to have these videos! I still enjoy the heck out of Dean, but it breaks my heart he's no longer with us.
Man, he was so cool!
I agree with you 💯 .
Always enjoyed watcing Mr. Martin..what a gem he was
Dean Martin show vs. Today's craps. No contest!
What a truly Wonderful man he was!! I used to sit outside in my Grandmothers home and listen to Dean Martin singing his Beautiful heart out! Billy.
Absolutely the best! Miss him a lot. Listen to his music a& watch his shows. Good entertainer, great entertainer. Classy
Hello Karen, how are you doing?
The best, always tastefully funny and wonderful !!! Absolutely loved his singing !!! TY, Mr.Martin
One handsome man. My mother was in love as well as every other woman in our neighborhood.
My woman my woman my wife one of my very favourite songs😄
Great man. He reminds me so much of my father. Nobody can out class the rat pack. Actors nowadays have no clue what class is.
Java Joe You got that right.
again with the lame "actors these days" takes.
No, they're the same. You just got old.
Miss Frank and Dean and Rickles. Total class.
@@michaela3891 q
It was great growing up in that era where you had the best of the best. Dean was a wonderful actor, a great entertainer, a great singer, very funny, and had a lot of class. They don't make them like that anymore.
Truly!!!😊❤It was a wonderful time !!!
It was the best time to be growing up!!!
You can tell he was lit when he said " i just wanted to sing" ! I loved him!
my heartfelt condolences to Jeanie martin i remember when it happened
Jeanne passed away of cancer in 2016 a few weeks after their son Ricci passed.