Caring is not the same as worrying. Do you know why you worry? It is because you're either lacking confidence or you're loitering around to waste your free time. Make some goals, be sure about your schedule, and you'll forget you have ADHD. Oh it's real, I have it, but the kids that complain that will power isn't enough to overcome it clearly hasn't done 1000 pushups in a row. Some of the mundane things that are apparently too hard in this spoiled life will seem to lose significance afterwards.
Seals.They’re like gasoline to each other.. the voices get deeper, they get more definitive about things; I love to see a friendship deeper than brotherhood carry into mutual success and contribution to the world. These guys are legends. And they’re making people more capable and resilient through their work
IdiootTering I can categorically tell you right now I would rather squat and deadlift any day of the week over doing burpees. Burpees are the devil.. Which, in fairness, means I should do them.
Thank you so much for the inspiration, Jocko! I was not a SEAL, but I am retired from the Navy. I've been getting up at 4:30 since I started delivering newspapers at age 12. I learned at a young age that staying late at work is mostly for show. If you want to accomplish more, go to work early. I wake up at 4:30 and walk 3 miles with a backpack to my gym, workout from 5:30 to 6:30 then walk back every day except Sunday. I'll be 60 in a few months.
Do you still deliver newspapers?? So you learned how to wake up early when you were 12? Like my point is not that you can wake up early but why? I learned to sleep age 0.
@@Turnpost2552 Some people grew up needing to bring in money from a young age. He already gave you the "why?"-" I learned at a young age that staying late at work is mostly for show. If you want to accomplish more, go to work early." So he continues to wake up early, to be more productive. Pretty straight forward.
GRIMZY , No boss work for myself , no job but gotta few investment's, not a slave to wife and opposed to having kids but enjoy entertaining women. ok Got a lot free time to consider how to enjoy quality of life. What was the reason to wake up so early an create a life of submission ?
I don't think so I get up at five I tried getting up at 4am FUCK that was hard I might try again but it does take a little discipline to get up early and attack the day like some crazy seal and you will feel crazy sometimes getting up that early but it's that craziness that will make you stronger
This is 100% true. Back in high school I already worked out after school but when a friend wanted to join me we started doing it in the mornings. Which meant getting up at 5 at least to get to school on time. The difference was great, so much more energy through out the day and it's nice to look at all the tired people coming in when you're wide awake and feeling good.
The thing is if your sleep cycle is disturbed for certain hours... it starts getting you. Like when i wake up at 2 am, it used to get me at 8 or 11 am something. It makes me nauseous. Seal have acquired immunity, they already gone through that hell many times.
This works perfectly fine for a war soldier. I am just an every day soldier and getting up at 4:30 in the morning is silly unless you can get a good night sleep.
9:30 pm to 4:30 am is a solid 7 hrs. Go to bed at 10:30, still get a solid 6 hrs. That's all... don't need anymore than that. Trump claims to sleep only 4 hrs a night and the guys a 70 year old wild animal.
I changed work locations and because traffic sucks here (So Cal), I started getting up at 4:30. Now, 4 years later, I wake up 15 to 30 minutes earlier than that without an alarm, thinking about the day and roll out of bed. A life changer for me and my previous lazy habits. You just get going, doing whatever you're aiming at, even on weekends. Best part is watching the sunrise. Beautiful.
They're very true to there words, I've been waking up at 5 flat everyday for a run for the past 4 Months, in the beginning it was certainly a challenge but after two weeks of doing it solid, it seriously becomes routine. It definitely makes your day a lot better when you do it.
At 20:30 You would have to be (sleeping) to get 8 hours of sleep if you want to wake up at 4:30. So when u get from work or school at 17:00/18:00 Then yould have only 2,5 hours to make dinner,dishes,eat,homework and srcatch ur balls. This doesnt seem very productive for me. U wouldt have time to meet friends and hang out with them. In the morning its very good to workout cause of the testosterone levels are highest, you can also do other hobbyies but if you got no friends that wake up at that time of the day you will only have time for social live in the weekends. And it also matter if you are living in a city where all friends live in different far places near the city or in a small town where you can easely meet your friends fast because they live close to you. And even depends on where you live, i live in the netherlands and in winter its dark at 18:00 already but i also lived in spain where it started getting dark at 20:00 so.... Feel free to reply ^^
Also the discipline part. Every time you start with something it will be hard at first to fully comit to it and have the discipline to stick to it. Thats what consumes will power, if u go trough that and dont quit at a certain point, it will become a habit and then it wont be as difficult anny more to keep doing what you want or have to do because it has become a habit/or automatism. You dont have to fight against annymore, your body and mind have adapted to it and are used to it.
They probably get their typical 6-8 hours any other person would need. The beef jerky doesn't make you immune to needing sleep. When you get up that early, you are ready to hit the rack by that time anyway.
The ideal working class sleep schedule is 10pm-6am. That's what I do. Going to bed at 10pm allows me to sleep at the same time as my wife. It also gives me several hours with the kids and friends in the evening. I use to wake up at 4:30am for 6am basketball practices in highschool and I never felt good. The morning shower was something you never looked forward to
The worst feeling in the world is getting woken up in the field to stand guard during the winter, getting out of a nice warm bag into -40c and putting your frozen gear on.
Getting enough sleep is massively underrated. If you can’t take care of yourself, you can’t take care of anyone or anything else. That isn’t productive.
@ Science says an adults needs 8 hours of sleep each night. If we're getting up at 4:30am, realistically what adults will be able to get to sleep at 8:30pm?
I wake up at 5:30 to work out also and I love it! While all of my classmates (since I'm only a junior in High School) are fast asleep, I'm running or doing a workout! And it's the most amazing feeling! I love having the self control and self discipline to be able to do this. I'm thinking about joining the SEALs or another branch in the military.
What about sleep? You need 8 hours of sleep to be healthy. Especially if you have mental health issues. Getting up at 4:30, assuming it takes you 30 minutes to go to sleep, means you need to go to sleep at 8 PM every night. Hardly what I would call enough time to do or relax much in the evening.
Motivation to do anything is always multi-faceted and with things that are hard, it's always interesting how many of those motivations are subjective, capture your imagination in some way. It's pretty cool to get up to work out super early when you know (practically) no one else is!
I used to wake up 5:30 in the morning and do work out. Honestly it is not as simple as these guys state here. To do that you need to get proper nutrition/vitamins and of course go to bed before 10pm. If you don't have proper nutrition or go to bed late, after a while you will start catching cold more often and feel exhausted. For me it didn't always work very well. Sometimes I had to work late or overnight. Sometimes I didn't manage to eat right. But I still woke up at 5:30 and worked out. I had cold sores one after another. As well I could not focus at work and overall felt like crap. I was fine only after I decided to take a break. So my advice to regular folks. Be reasonable. If you feel like you don't manage this right, just don't do it. It is going to be harmfull. Unless you're navy seal/robocop/terminator/or another internet hero.
I wake up at 5:30 to work out also and I love it! While all of my classmates (since I'm only a junior in High School) are fast asleep, I'm running or doing a workout! And it's the most amazing feeling!
Well said. Moderation and personal tailored regimen are keys to having a great day infused with working out. I allocate 1 hour of shower and work out time in a day, and I still get 7 to 8 hours of sleep. That means, however, I need to be on point on all my other obligations if I want to have a little of me time. It gets worse when you have a high workload job, and it really takes a person's entire self discipline to keep at it.
The more you use will power the more strong willed you get, over time yes I absolutely agree. However, during the course of a single day your energy to utilise will power diminishes, hence why special ops selection tests use sleep deprivation tactics as one of their main tools to find those with the deepest reserves of will power.
What do people usually do after a 9am to 5pm job anyway? They get home at 6 and watch TV and eat leftovers from yesterday till 12pm? Not a lot of value there if you ask me. I would rather wake up at 4:30, workout, shower, have breakfast, read a book, browse the internet, or simply plan my daily schedule, until it is time to leave for work. It is actually amazing what you achieve waking up early and having discipline.
I'm an early bird by nature - my natural circadian rhythm dictates this - so every time I wake up at my natural time (5:30 a.m.) I feel euphoric, have bounds of energy, peace (stress reducuction), even excitement - I practically jump out of bed with a smile on my face. the times that I'm forced to wake up late (due to not being able to sleep from stress or worry) I physically feel run down, have no energy and stay in a depressed mood.
If you go to bed at midnight or later, you will never feel good at 0430. Once I had a research job at night (2-4 hrs) plus school in the morning (8 hrs) and found that if I went to bed at 9pm, I could handle the long day.
Abigail T yeap every person in the world would live better if they woke up early, more energy and less deppresed and less anxiety, however for me as i have no jobb atm as its hard as shit to get one here in sweden its kinda hard to go to sleep early so i stay up at night, but yes u feel better overall if u go up much earlier
At 62 years old, I still wake up between 3am & 4 am which s absolutely related to my military experience. Also, I 100% concur with the Former Navy Seals comments. I am grateful to live in a country where both men and women volunteer to do this type of dangerous work, for terrible pay. Well, in 1980 it was terrible pay, but things may have changed since then. Mark Nicholson Former, US Army - EFMB, Combat Medical Specialist 1/94 FA MLRS
You know what I actually love to get out of bed early a lot of people in school tell me that I’m dumb but I love the freedom and time that I get it really helps my day get started right 4:45 for me
"when the alarm goes off, it doesn't sing you a song" - Well, I actually wake up with Steve Miller's serenade. First it's the drum roll and then he sings "wake up, wake up...". Then, I'm "lost in space" and my mind wonders what "time is our own" means, can't sleep any more and get up.
Jesse H Dude i haven't said that taking steroids gonna help you stay awake, what i had on my mind is almost all (if not all) anabolic steroids have an anabolic effect which drastically helps speed recovery time... And good luck building big muscles when you are natural and not receiving proper sleep. Happy new year.
Wyatt Mock True for me the secret is getting a early nights sleep. Most people function their best with 8 hours of sleep and I am no exception. In order to change my routine quickly I usually pull an all nighter and stay up the entire day so I can go to bed early. I'm planning on doing this tonight so ill keep the coffee ready.
I work at night time and finish at 2 am so I sleep at 4 am to 12pm. I feel like shit and always feel like I don't get much done. I will pursue a morning job because I believe these navy seals are absolutely correct!
You could "accomplish" just as much if you sleep at, say, 12AM and wake up at 8AM. Some things happen late so you'd be able to catch them. Besides, most places aren't open that early so if you had to run errands or whatever then you'd be out of luck for a few hours, which could have been spent dreaming about rainbows and ponies
The idea was that there's nobody in your day full of grown up responsibilities to get in the way of a workout, which comes second to your other responsibilities when they're in the way.
Bag Daddy who says? scientists used to say the earth was flat, n9w they say five hours of sleep is not good. id rather live my life than sleep it away, life is too short to sleep 8 hrs.
RaZeRbLaDeZ This advice is for people who work first shift. For 2nd shift workers like us, it's more about making sure you don't wake up too late to get things done before work.
just found this but jocko has the most appropriate name and job ever. he looks like he was literally born for this role in this universe. inspiring AF though.
It sets a precedent. You start making getting up that early worth it. "Since I'm up this early I should (thing)" and it keeps building off that. Also, don't forget to take a break every now and again so you don't burn out. Nothing wrong with that.
4:30 am? Ha! I get up at 2:30 am. 2:30 am? Ha! I get up at 12:30 am. 12:30 am? Ha! I get up at 10:30 pm. 10:30 pm? Ha! I get up at 8:30 pm. 8:30 pm? Ha! I get up at 6:30 pm. 6:30 pm? Ha! I get up at 4:30 pm. Me? I got ya'll beat. I roll out of bed at 2:30 pm every day whether I want to or not.
More than getting the work done, it's about instilling the discipline... When you push yourself out of the bed at 4am, your setting an example of yourself in your own subconscious mind that your willing to step out of the comfort zone... That attitude compounds overtime on the background and helps you reach heights that were never before possible
My Dad was out the door on his way to the factory at 4:30am every morning for 30 years to support a wife and three kids and he was drafted to fight in a God d^m war he wanted no part of and never complained about the shrapnel still in his body from the war or the scars from the plant explosion that burned 2/3rds of the skin off his body after the war. The drive to survive is gone today and there's no going back, we've advanced our selves out of a purpose in life. There's no reward in just having things and no point in driving ourselves that hard just for want and need of nothing.
Yea I lift hard. I'm actually reeling from dead lifts I did yesterday. Sleep promotes testosterone and rebuilds my body stronger. And it's all free. I won't negotiate my rest. I'm actually already in bed by 10 pm every night cause I rise at 6 am.
Been getting up at 4 to 4:15 AM. I can get so.much done as I go to gym at 5AM when gym opens. Its great to see the new pre dawn day Thanks Jacko & Lief good stuff.
It's easy to get up early. The key is to have a cold glass and ice water to drink when you get up. Have something to eat like a granola bar and then cook or go eat breakfast.
I imagine if anyone spent the time and energy (and had it spent on them) to become an elite special forces operator, that person would have a very hard time "retiring" from said obsessive pursuit; especially within themselves.
I want to thank the seals..for your leadership and stead fast ways that provided a blanket of security... thank you for your service...thank you...Juan.bx,n.y.
I watched this video or a video like this around 3-4ish years back when I started highschool Sure despite putting it into practice, I did dip in my motivation over highschool but I ultimately pushed myself harder every passing day be it working out harder, waking up earlier or studying more intently and despite my setbacks I don't regret doing it and getting inspired by that video
I'm not trained soldier I wake up in 3 AM sleep at 11:30 PM at night goes to work at 8 am the 5 hours spend are used playing games ironing long sleeves and pants and cleaned my shoes,shaved with a straight razor then 60 reps of push ups and sit ups for warm up. Then go to the subway eat food at a local Italian Restaurant then go to work
That guy was pretty serious about his beef jerkey.
he should! cuz beef jerkey is some serious shit. no joke
Wheel Chigga its best be. Shit is expensive.
ARENT WE ALL?!?!?!?!?!?
CompetitiveMike because its expensive af
WhErE’s ThE 🅱️eEf JeRk Me
Inspired. *goes back to sleep
You inspire me to go back to sleep too.
GODF1R3 you're most likely broke and depressed.
Caring is not the same as worrying. Do you know why you worry? It is because you're either lacking confidence or you're loitering around to waste your free time. Make some goals, be sure about your schedule, and you'll forget you have ADHD. Oh it's real, I have it, but the kids that complain that will power isn't enough to overcome it clearly hasn't done 1000 pushups in a row. Some of the mundane things that are apparently too hard in this spoiled life will seem to lose significance afterwards.
WhErE’s ThE 🅱️eEf JeRk Me
Era Aion oh, cuz u sure did 1000 push-ups in a row.
Seals.They’re like gasoline to each other.. the voices get deeper, they get more definitive about things; I love to see a friendship deeper than brotherhood carry into mutual success and contribution to the world. These guys are legends. And they’re making people more capable and resilient through their work
Doing burpees until you puke at 4:30 in the morning is the only way to ease yourself into the day ahead.
Olly i'd be heading straight back to bed after that. Fuck burpees try doing manly stuff like squats or deadlifts
IdiootTering I can categorically tell you right now I would rather squat and deadlift any day of the week over doing burpees. Burpees are the devil.. Which, in fairness, means I should do them.
Being in the army I can say that whenever we do morning PT at ungodly times in the morning I feel much better throughout the day.
Because there's not many things worse than PT at 0500, anything after that is going to feel easy in comparison.
SarcyseTiranin Except for more PT later in the day or the hours of drill LOL
"Do burpees until you're puking in the trash can. It's good times." Come again?
Thaddius Glunt the pain feels good when you're used to it. That's why so many people are addicted to working out.
Navy Seal Mantra "If it doesn't suck, we don't do it."
RoIIingStoned say again?
Can’t believe those guys sleep in until 4:30. Waking up at 3:30 is where it’s at. You can get so much more done!
It’s a whole hour you could spend working out and eating jerky
@Lachlan Trescott 2:30 ? Who are you kidding? Waking up at 1:30 gets you SO MUCH MORE done.
You guys joking right? Of course being up 23 hours, then sleep until 00:00
I wake up at 2300 and go to bed at 1600 what are you guys doing.
I woke up at noon today but that’s just me waking up extra early for tomorrow
Watching this at 4:08 am problem is I haven't woken up yet haven't went to sleep yet.
Start getting up early and you'll want to go to sleep at 9- 10 pm because you'll be tired.
+Ayy lmao Some folks stay up for days on end.
Thats me, I only need 3-5 hours of sleep to have the same energy as these guys.
Cody 127 dude same. exactly 4:08 wtf
Cody 127 I'm watching at 4:50 am xD
1:12 "WHERE'S the Beef Jerky."
"Cause I'm gonna get it."
Carsen z im so confused
XxDeathrollxX protein instead of sugar.
That's the real question
That aint any better for you.
Wiracocha it's got a f*ck ton of protein which seems to be all he eats! 😂
“Where’s the beef jerky cause I’m gonna get it” Hahahaha
Nothing like a morning puke after doing burpees at 4:30am
Stunnedstudios Hahaha, nice!
Stunnedstudios that dudes voice is so cringey
It's good times. Get some jerky for breakfast after.
That made me laugh! xD Memories of Boot.
I was about to say that
I do Attack my alarm clock with a baseball bat at 4:30 in the morning.
Had a giggle at that one.
*He’s a little confused, but he’s got the spirit.*
Lol 🤣😂
Thank you so much for the inspiration, Jocko!
I was not a SEAL, but I am retired from the Navy. I've been getting up at 4:30 since I started delivering newspapers at age 12. I learned at a young age that staying late at work is mostly for show. If you want to accomplish more, go to work early.
I wake up at 4:30 and walk 3 miles with a backpack to my gym, workout from 5:30 to 6:30 then walk back every day except Sunday. I'll be 60 in a few months.
Do you still deliver newspapers?? So you learned how to wake up early when you were 12? Like my point is not that you can wake up early but why? I learned to sleep age 0.
@@Turnpost2552 Some people grew up needing to bring in money from a young age. He already gave you the "why?"-" I learned at a young age that staying late at work is mostly for show. If you want to accomplish more, go to work early." So he continues to wake up early, to be more productive.
Pretty straight forward.
Now that's a cool lie
Tom Brady is that you?
And when do you go to bed?
Watching this in bed on my phone at 2pm in the afternoon
As opposed to 2pm at night.
Darragh Tate am?
iNerd. ok
iNerd. Night jobs are things.
GRIMZY , No boss work for myself , no job but gotta few investment's, not a slave to wife and opposed to having kids but enjoy entertaining women. ok Got a lot free time to consider how to enjoy quality of life.
What was the reason to wake up so early an create a life of submission ?
Why was this recommended to me. Does UA-cam know i wake up late?
Google knows everything about us...
Raymond XL i Just tought the same fuckin thing...fuck Google!!!
I don't think so I get up at five I tried getting up at 4am FUCK that was hard I might try again but it does take a little discipline to get up early and attack the day like some crazy seal and you will feel crazy sometimes getting up that early but it's that craziness that will make you stronger
chiefeaglebear turn off your phone so google doesn't know what time you went to bed
Raymond XL youtube knows everything about your life ;)
“Do burpees till you PUKE” they said...”it’ll be a GOOD TIME” they said...😂😂
He gave me a ptsd flashback talking about burpies 0_0
Since i left the military i have been making up for all that lost sleep, i pass out all over the house.
Darth Malgus haha
Darth Malgus bro I retire in two weeks. That's gonna be me
Darth Malgus sounds like you deserve it brother! God bless!
Darth Malgus same.......
"The early bird catches the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese" -Matthew Walker
This is 100% true. Back in high school I already worked out after school but when a friend wanted to join me we started doing it in the mornings. Which meant getting up at 5 at least to get to school on time. The difference was great, so much more energy through out the day and it's nice to look at all the tired people coming in when you're wide awake and feeling good.
The thing is if your sleep cycle is disturbed for certain hours... it starts getting you. Like when i wake up at 2 am, it used to get me at 8 or 11 am something. It makes me nauseous. Seal have acquired immunity, they already gone through that hell many times.
I work 12 hour overnights. I'm awake at 4:30, but I have work.
so wake up at 3:30
You're cool
12 hours? Holy shit. In my country it's illegal for you to work more than 48 hours a week, with some exceptions.
In the US, standard work week is 40 hours and time worked beyond that is considered overtime. Legally we can work up to 60 hours a week.
This works perfectly fine for a war soldier. I am just an every day soldier and getting up at 4:30 in the morning is silly unless you can get a good night sleep.
I'll crank out workouts in my room everyday. For some reason my right arm is the only thing getting bigger though...
mike Layhew
...I mean NO. BAD JOKE. BAD.
Bro lmaooo
Instructions unclear. Woke at 3 in the afternoon.
*Gone wrong
Go back to sleep and do it right this time
This guy wakes up his alarm clock every morning.
its 4:24am right now and i havent slept yet...
Bryckeh 4:22 here. Internet is ruining me
6:24 am here and have not slept yet, time to change my sleep shedule today.. Jesus fuck I need to get some discipline
Svenska klipp But you had to get up about 2 hours ago...
4:33 am
youve got a solid 6 minustes of sleep
The real question is when the fuck do you go to bed?
knight_vision 4:10 am 😆
knight_vision Because only pussies need more than 15 minutes .
knight_vision I was thinking the same thing
9:30 pm to 4:30 am is a solid 7 hrs. Go to bed at 10:30, still get a solid 6 hrs. That's all... don't need anymore than that.
Trump claims to sleep only 4 hrs a night and the guys a 70 year old wild animal.
jaywar69 There are people that function on 4 hours of sleep. General McChrystal was like that. Tesla too, I believe.
I changed work locations and because traffic sucks here (So Cal), I started getting up at 4:30. Now, 4 years later, I wake up 15 to 30 minutes earlier than that without an alarm, thinking about the day and roll out of bed. A life changer for me and my previous lazy habits. You just get going, doing whatever you're aiming at, even on weekends. Best part is watching the sunrise. Beautiful.
Bruh why the guy look like the default Ark character 😂
Samad Syed lmfao wtf
Samad Syed bruh this comment got me fuckin weak 😁😂
Samad Syed he does when you make him buff as fuck lol
Samad Syed you made my day sir.
They're very true to there words, I've been waking up at 5 flat everyday for a run for the past 4 Months, in the beginning it was certainly a challenge but after two weeks of doing it solid, it seriously becomes routine. It definitely makes your day a lot better when you do it.
Adrian 11420 so inspirational.
Adrian 11420 you're not waking up at 4:30 am. Not good enough.
I've done it twice, Theres a reason I dont do it. the two times I did it I felt sick the whole day and found it difficult to focus
Do you eat a small meal first, Or just jump right in?
Adrian 11420 - excuse me, but asked Bird Gunter you a question
why haven't you answered it?
Cashier at CVS: There’s a fire and we need to evacuate
Me: Where’s the beef jerky?
me : does burpees till i puke
just curious to know at what time these guys go to sleep in the night
Ganiscol agreed in which case you're back to square one. Right?
At 20:30 You would have to be (sleeping) to get 8 hours of sleep if you want to wake up at 4:30. So when u get from work or school at 17:00/18:00 Then yould have only 2,5 hours to make dinner,dishes,eat,homework and srcatch ur balls. This doesnt seem very productive for me. U wouldt have time to meet friends and hang out with them. In the morning its very good to workout cause of the testosterone levels are highest, you can also do other hobbyies but if you got no friends that wake up at that time of the day you will only have time for social live in the weekends. And it also matter if you are living in a city where all friends live in different far places near the city or in a small town where you can easely meet your friends fast because they live close to you. And even depends on where you live, i live in the netherlands and in winter its dark at 18:00 already but i also lived in spain where it started getting dark at 20:00 so.... Feel free to reply ^^
Also the discipline part. Every time you start with something it will be hard at first to fully comit to it and have the discipline to stick to it. Thats what consumes will power, if u go trough that and dont quit at a certain point, it will become a habit and then it wont be as difficult anny more to keep doing what you want or have to do because it has become a habit/or automatism. You dont have to fight against annymore, your body and mind have adapted to it and are used to it.
They probably get their typical 6-8 hours any other person would need. The beef jerky doesn't make you immune to needing sleep. When you get up that early, you are ready to hit the rack by that time anyway.
8pm and the wife just bangs the neighbour instead
Wake up at 4:30 a.m so you don't need chocolate chip cookies.
Mike MMA 😂😂😂 such a weird point. I work out like crazy and still eat chocolate chip cookies lmao
The ideal working class sleep schedule is 10pm-6am. That's what I do. Going to bed at 10pm allows me to sleep at the same time as my wife. It also gives me several hours with the kids and friends in the evening. I use to wake up at 4:30am for 6am basketball practices in highschool and I never felt good. The morning shower was something you never looked forward to
The worst feeling in the world is getting woken up in the field to stand guard during the winter, getting out of a nice warm bag into -40c and putting your frozen gear on.
-40? where the fuck are you?
Take it easy there, Santa.
Northern canada
I wake up at 4:30 but I'm definitely not standing outside in -40 degree weather at that time. That sounds fucking miserable lol
Darth Malgus put ur gear in ur sleeping bag that's what I do:)
i get up at 4:30 every morning to have a few hours to myself to smoke and get high before school
I remember when i used to do that lol good times
pete wangsly vap nationnnn
pete wangsly freaken drug addict
Wake and bake👌
Getting enough sleep is massively underrated. If you can’t take care of yourself, you can’t take care of anyone or anything else. That isn’t productive.
@ Science says an adults needs 8 hours of sleep each night. If we're getting up at 4:30am, realistically what adults will be able to get to sleep at 8:30pm?
@@BigSwaggyYolo that is not natural to the sun
Beef jerky over chocolate-chip cookies. Now you know.
Where's the beef jerky?
you're not gonna get it
I wake up at 5:30 to work out also and I love it! While all of my classmates (since I'm only a junior in High School) are fast asleep, I'm running or doing a workout! And it's the most amazing feeling! I love having the self control and self discipline to be able to do this. I'm thinking about joining the SEALs or another branch in the military.
What about sleep? You need 8 hours of sleep to be healthy. Especially if you have mental health issues. Getting up at 4:30, assuming it takes you 30 minutes to go to sleep, means you need to go to sleep at 8 PM every night. Hardly what I would call enough time to do or relax much in the evening.
I just grew a beard what the heck
Where is the beef jerky? Cause I'm going to get it. He says that line with such power
Motivation to do anything is always multi-faceted and with things that are hard, it's always interesting how many of those motivations are subjective, capture your imagination in some way. It's pretty cool to get up to work out super early when you know (practically) no one else is!
I used to wake up 5:30 in the morning and do work out. Honestly it is not as simple as these guys state here.
To do that you need to get proper nutrition/vitamins and of course go to bed before 10pm. If you don't have proper nutrition or go to bed late, after a while you will start catching cold more often and feel exhausted.
For me it didn't always work very well. Sometimes I had to work late or overnight. Sometimes I didn't manage to eat right. But I still woke up at 5:30 and worked out. I had cold sores one after another. As well I could not focus at work and overall felt like crap. I was fine only after I decided to take a break.
So my advice to regular folks. Be reasonable. If you feel like you don't manage this right, just don't do it. It is going to be harmfull. Unless you're navy seal/robocop/terminator/or another internet hero.
Coming from the guy that has "Taco" in his UA-cam name
Lol. I am actually quite fit :)
(I am not from north america)
I wake up at 5:30 to work out also and I love it! While all of my classmates (since I'm only a junior in High School) are fast asleep, I'm running or doing a workout! And it's the most amazing feeling!
Well said. Moderation and personal tailored regimen are keys to having a great day infused with working out. I allocate 1 hour of shower and work out time in a day, and I still get 7 to 8 hours of sleep. That means, however, I need to be on point on all my other obligations if I want to have a little of me time. It gets worse when you have a high workload job, and it really takes a person's entire self discipline to keep at it.
TacoWilco i always go to bed around 3:30/4:30 AM and i never get sick. I do work out a lot, take 1/2 ice baths per week and eat mainly vegan though.
That was awesome. Everytime I see him now I will say to myself. "Where's the beef jerky". I want a poster of him in my garage when I work out.
"cause im gonna get it"
Cephus Jones I'll draw one for 2,000 dolla
Cephus Jones I'll draw one for 2,000 dollars
The more you use will power the more strong willed you get, over time yes I absolutely agree. However, during the course of a single day your energy to utilise will power diminishes, hence why special ops selection tests use sleep deprivation tactics as one of their main tools to find those with the deepest reserves of will power.
He said burpees and good times.
Reminds me of when I use to wrestle.
Jon into It football for me
Its a psychological "trick" to speak of difficulty and suffering as a pleasant thing. It helps get past the mental block of avoiding them.
Same. Now I coach wrestling. So I get to watch them do burpees til they puke instead of participating lol.
Vexed Knight yup. i went to a seal wrestling camp once too. it was cool.
No problem waking up 04:30 if you go to bed 19:30
user2kffs Ikr, not worth it
used to go to bed at 2300 / 0000 and wake up at 0345. Never felt better honestly.
AOMechMarine AOMechMarine the most accurate comment ever written on UA-cam
What do people usually do after a 9am to 5pm job anyway? They get home at 6 and watch TV and eat leftovers from yesterday till 12pm? Not a lot of value there if you ask me.
I would rather wake up at 4:30, workout, shower, have breakfast, read a book, browse the internet, or simply plan my daily schedule, until it is time to leave for work. It is actually amazing what you achieve waking up early and having discipline.
AOMechMarine AOMechMarine IYAOYAS
I am up at 3:45 after an hour commute - to work at 5 - and I am a paraplegic - in a wheel chair -- cant pee poop or nothing - and I am one lucky SOB
I'm an early bird by nature - my natural circadian rhythm dictates this - so every time I wake up at my natural time (5:30 a.m.) I feel euphoric, have bounds of energy, peace (stress reducuction), even excitement - I practically jump out of bed with a smile on my face.
the times that I'm forced to wake up late (due to not being able to sleep from stress or worry) I physically feel run down, have no energy and stay in a depressed mood.
I find it really difficult to wake up early. I just can't seem to get out of bed, unless I HAVE to (for school)
If you go to bed at midnight or later, you will never feel good at 0430. Once I had a research job at night (2-4 hrs) plus school in the morning (8 hrs) and found that if I went to bed at 9pm, I could handle the long day.
Abigail T yeap every person in the world would live better if they woke up early, more energy and less deppresed and less anxiety, however for me as i have no jobb atm as its hard as shit to get one here in sweden its kinda hard to go to sleep early so i stay up at night, but yes u feel better overall if u go up much earlier
He protec but he also attac
What IS that meme anyway? been seeing it everywhere and idk the origin and context its used
Elliot Rodger meme
I don't see anything about "Protec, attac, but most importantly" when I look that up, though...
DaGerminator you might not be very good at searching then.
Don't I know it.....
At 62 years old, I still wake up between 3am & 4 am which s absolutely related to my military experience. Also, I 100% concur with the Former Navy Seals comments. I am grateful to live in a country where both men and women volunteer to do this type of dangerous work, for terrible pay. Well, in 1980 it was terrible pay, but things may have changed since then.
Mark Nicholson
Former, US Army - EFMB,
Combat Medical Specialist
1/94 FA MLRS
the boss, the job, the work...
ah. ok.
I get up at 4:30am every day because I got to use the bathroom and my body aches so bad I cant sleep.
ProjecthuntanFish try eating more magnesium and salt. Go for normal unpeeled almonds and for salt go for himalaya salt or any other pure form.
"himalaya salt" My grandpa would slap you in the face, you hippie. :D
Well then there is the fact that I'm a US Marine combat vet.
You know what I actually love to get out of bed early a lot of people in school tell me that I’m dumb but I love the freedom and time that I get it really helps my day get started right 4:45 for me
"when the alarm goes off, it doesn't sing you a song" -
Well, I actually wake up with Steve Miller's serenade. First it's the drum roll and then he sings "wake up, wake up...". Then, I'm "lost in space" and my mind wonders what "time is our own" means, can't sleep any more and get up.
"Where's the beef jerky" t-shirts coming soon.
It would be also nice to mention that you should probably go to sleep at 20:30 or you will feel like a total shit for the whole day...
You mean go to bed at 20:30. Good luck falling asleep right away.
I sleep at 11 get up at four for years now, you really don't need that much of sleep
The thing is I can’t sleep instantly … and i am not using a phone or what ever pure darkness and just waiting for my sleep
@navigate48If you didn't understand my post then go away bud.
and i thought my friend was crazy for waking up at that time to workout, i might start doing that as well
i don't know about that, after heavy workout i need proper sleep to regenerate fully
edit unless you take steroids....
Jacek Wałasiewicz you need to sleep after a workout? Might want to get checked. You don't need steroids to stay awake after a workout
Jesse H Dude i haven't said that taking steroids gonna help you stay awake, what i had on my mind is almost all (if not all) anabolic steroids have an anabolic effect which drastically helps speed recovery time... And good luck building big muscles when you are natural and not receiving proper sleep. Happy new year.
I've tried waking up early but I just end up feeling fatigued later in the day and usually have a headache in the morning.
D bros keep goin at it the goal here is consistency. Your body will adapt and soon enough it'll be second nature
Wyatt Mock
True for me the secret is getting a early nights sleep. Most people function their best with 8 hours of sleep and I am no exception. In order to change my routine quickly I usually pull an all nighter and stay up the entire day so I can go to bed early. I'm planning on doing this tonight so ill keep the coffee ready.
The worst thing to do is to put coffee into the mix!
I work at night time and finish at 2 am so I sleep at 4 am to 12pm. I feel like shit and always feel like I don't get much done. I will pursue a morning job because I believe these navy seals are absolutely correct!
So, you sleep around 8PM? That's no fun at all
Benevolent Brandon not supposed to be fun
You could "accomplish" just as much if you sleep at, say, 12AM and wake up at 8AM. Some things happen late so you'd be able to catch them. Besides, most places aren't open that early so if you had to run errands or whatever then you'd be out of luck for a few hours, which could have been spent dreaming about rainbows and ponies
The idea was that there's nobody in your day full of grown up responsibilities to get in the way of a workout, which comes second to your other responsibilities when they're in the way.
Bag Daddy who says? scientists used to say the earth was flat, n9w they say five hours of sleep is not good. id rather live my life than sleep it away, life is too short to sleep 8 hrs.
James O'Brien ~Keep telling my nocturnal family members that. And yes life is too short.....
I dont work until 3pm though.
RaZeRbLaDeZ This advice is for people who work first shift.
For 2nd shift workers like us, it's more about making sure you don't wake up too late to get things done before work.
i can confirm that you have a better day when you get up early. but you also have to go to bed early. no stayin up late!
How? Say I sleep from 00:00 - 7:30 now. If I would change that to sleeping from 21:00 - 4:30, how would that make my day better?
@@Franzibald_ sleep faster
@Noah Fanhos sleeping 5 hours isnt good for you bro
I have 3 pounds of will power, have already used 3 oz. and have save the rest in freezer.
If you're totally alpha you never sleep period.
just found this but jocko has the most appropriate name and job ever. he looks like he was literally born for this role in this universe. inspiring AF though.
I'm up at 4:30am. Mainly because i haven't been to bed yet
It sets a precedent. You start making getting up that early worth it. "Since I'm up this early I should (thing)" and it keeps building off that.
Also, don't forget to take a break every now and again so you don't burn out. Nothing wrong with that.
I tried this a few times and the novelty wore off pretty quick. What they don't tell you is you'll have to go to bed at 8-9pm.
4:30 am? Ha! I get up at 2:30 am.
2:30 am? Ha! I get up at 12:30 am.
12:30 am? Ha! I get up at 10:30 pm.
10:30 pm? Ha! I get up at 8:30 pm.
8:30 pm? Ha! I get up at 6:30 pm.
6:30 pm? Ha! I get up at 4:30 pm.
Me? I got ya'll beat. I roll out of bed at 2:30 pm every day whether I want to or not.
More than getting the work done, it's about instilling the discipline... When you push yourself out of the bed at 4am, your setting an example of yourself in your own subconscious mind that your willing to step out of the comfort zone... That attitude compounds overtime on the background and helps you reach heights that were never before possible
really they get up at 4 am because they NEED the jerky
I think you finally hit the nail with this one ☝️
I got up at 5 AM with 4 hours of sleep. Started working out at 6.30 and I'm not tired anymore. Would recommend.
fuck that. I fall asleep at 430am
What time should you go to bed
9:30 or 10:00
That would probably be around 830p. A real discipline.
@@chr1s_rulezzz821 no. It is 19:30 or 20:00
@@willmalliotis1904 9:30 and 10:00 isn't the same thing as 19:30 or 20:00 lmao
At least 8 hours prior.
My Dad was out the door on his way to the factory at 4:30am every morning for 30 years to support a wife and three kids and he was drafted to fight in a God d^m war he wanted no part of and never complained about the shrapnel still in his body from the war or the scars from the plant explosion that burned 2/3rds of the skin off his body after the war.
The drive to survive is gone today and there's no going back, we've advanced our selves out of a purpose in life. There's no reward in just having things and no point in driving ourselves that hard just for want and need of nothing.
Hey Navy dudes how about I just stay up till 4:30 then get up at a reasonable time? I will get mad shit done while you guys are sleeping
But I'd have to get to bed by 8 pm in order to get my 8 hours
Tyler Serafin ??, yeah 8 hours is perfect, not less and not more, however if u bodybuilding more sleep is better, even 10 hours
Yea I lift hard. I'm actually reeling from dead lifts I did yesterday. Sleep promotes testosterone and rebuilds my body stronger. And it's all free. I won't negotiate my rest. I'm actually already in bed by 10 pm every night cause I rise at 6 am.
Recovery can be completed in as little as 4 hours. Read any scientific study and not Buzzfeed you fucking fruit cakes
ray hanes I hear 6-8 hours is usually a good recommendation.
Somebody works night shift :)
Been getting up at 4 to 4:15 AM. I can get so.much done as I go to gym at 5AM when gym opens. Its great to see the new pre dawn day
Thanks Jacko & Lief good stuff.
Classic Of All Time
“You Say- Where’s The Beef Jerky”
I never sleep, I'm a NPC and I can't help me
Non-playable character?
Do you have any quests to give me?
It's easy to get up early. The key is to have a cold glass and ice water to drink when you get up. Have something to eat like a granola bar and then cook or go eat breakfast.
"wheres the beef jerky" how is that better than cookies?
It's protein, not a bunch of sugar.
@@theaccordian9377 jerky has lethal amounts of salt
@@josh2676 Haha :D
This really motivated me
Skankhunt 42 to do what?
To write a yelp review.
00:33 you can set your alarm on Pandora and it’ll sing you a song to wake up.
..."till you're puking in the trash can. it's good times!" 😂😂😂
i am going to watch this clip once a day
at 04:30
Moritz Schmidt pm
AJ 7 while eating chocolate cookies
I’m not waking up at no 4:30 but I’ll be up at 6 and hit the field before my 8am thanks for the motivation
all i wanna know is where do i get these bad ass polo's and undershirts?
Or I could sleep from 3AM to 10AM and have those same "extra" hours while everyone else is sleeping from midnight to 3AM
Just Floor It I second this
discipline is for those who can't get shit done when they are chill
I need 7 hours of sleep to be good, I can do less if its a day or 2 but a full week of bad sleep I´m like a zombie
same dude. If I even get 6 hours, I feel weak. 5 hours, and I get a lingering headache the rest of the day. 4 hours and my heart burns the whole day
I imagine if anyone spent the time and energy (and had it spent on them) to become an elite special forces operator, that person would have a very hard time "retiring" from said obsessive pursuit; especially within themselves.
I’ve always been up between 4 and 4:30, even on the weekend, no alarm needed.
My day would gape in front of me like a chasm if I got up at that time.
Sounds like they switched voices LoL... Joke aside great tips!
I want to thank the seals..for your leadership and stead fast ways that provided a blanket of security... thank you for your service...thank you...Juan.bx,n.y.
what time do you go to bed? to get up at 4 30 am?
James G 9:30
I watched this video or a video like this around 3-4ish years back when I started highschool
Sure despite putting it into practice, I did dip in my motivation over highschool but I ultimately pushed myself harder every passing day be it working out harder, waking up earlier or studying more intently and despite my setbacks I don't regret doing it and getting inspired by that video
I'm not trained soldier I wake up in 3 AM sleep at 11:30 PM at night goes to work at 8 am the 5 hours spend are used playing games ironing long sleeves and pants and cleaned my shoes,shaved with a straight razor then 60 reps of push ups and sit ups for warm up. Then go to the subway eat food at a local Italian Restaurant then go to work
Yeah man this is so rad can't fucking wait to wake up at four in the morning brah
And don't forget burpes man need that gotta tackle that
XDDD i love you man