SCP Writing Tips from SCP Writers

  • Опубліковано 16 вер 2024


  • @TereziPyrope413
    @TereziPyrope413 3 роки тому +80

    the sherman facility is perhaps the funniest thing i imagined all week

  • @fileredacted7574
    @fileredacted7574 3 роки тому +38

    I have written two scps,one is class safe with the other keder .sadly I’m not old enough to put them into the wiki but I spent a lot of time on them, so here are both of them if you would like to read them
    the safe class one is a normal hospital,but the staff within it are the anomalies,it consists of six doctors,all which have names,dark,arakned,phobia,needles,gore,and clos.all of them seem to represent a phobia.they give off the sense of fear when around them for to long,about two hours.
    The keter class one is a skull(as if the foundation didn’t have enough of those)
    Unlike a regular human skull,this one can shape shift to different skulls,like animal to human and more,he also can speak,and has a pinkish body,which he can make dissolve into mid air,he’s contained in a 3 ft by 4ft metal boxs within a cell,he has easily escaped the cell before,and was downed after about 14 rounds of bullets were put into his body.his origin was that he has killed a whole miner team but a personal of the foundation,telling her not to say anything about what had happened,this is how they got him there.

    • @On1gir1.
      @On1gir1. 3 роки тому +6

      I have also made SCPs ( 14, I counted them) but is too scared to actually put them on the wiki, btw the scps are nice :>

    • @fileredacted7574
      @fileredacted7574 3 роки тому +1

      @@On1gir1. thanks!

    • @On1gir1.
      @On1gir1. 3 роки тому +1

      @@fileredacted7574 np :>

    • @punkydamonkey989
      @punkydamonkey989 2 роки тому +1

      Those sound awesome! Im also in the process of making an Keter SCP. Not going to describe it cuz don't want people stealing my idea but I think its horrifying

    • @_.emberrr
      @_.emberrr 2 роки тому +1

      im not old enough either but I'll give a sneak peek of mine:
      I made a ransomware with anomalous capabilities. It caused 2B in damages
      Object class: Keter/ Euclid

  • @nyxie9415
    @nyxie9415 3 роки тому +29

    I know I’m incredibly late, but… thank you for making this! It’s really helpful, especially since I’m in the process of attempting to write two SCPs and, even though I’m not sure if I’m actually going to try and get them put on the wiki (I don’t know if they’re good enough for that lol), it’s always good to know what I’d need to do if I actually decide to try someday.

    • @Fugitive685
      @Fugitive685 2 роки тому +1

      You never know. Why not post one

    • @Youtubewatcher12345th
      @Youtubewatcher12345th Місяць тому +1

      I just finished writing SCP-8062 The nexus book and I posted it can you please read it and give me critique in either the discuss page or here

  • @garrettwarner1955
    @garrettwarner1955 3 роки тому +21

    Fairly late to the party, but I want to thank you for doing these videos. I've been dealing with a lot of health issues and depression that comes with them, and thanks to a server I'm in on Discord I found your videos. I've been delving into the SCP hole for the last week or so, and your videos over the last few days have both brought more smiles than I've had in weeks, and been very informative on the universe as a whole. I especially appreciate that you narrate articles and explain things, as one of the things I can struggle with is reading for extended periods of time, and I know numerous people that cannot read at all that, while not fans of SCP fans themselves, would appreciate the articles being more accessible to them. Additionally, I am, in particular, very interested in trying to write my own SCP's once I'm a little more familiar with everything, and the tips you have included in here will be invaluable towards that goal. Additionally, I am intrigued by your idea for Site 42 Studios and I have joined your Discord server and will be joining your Patreon as soon as I can manage it so I can help you towards those goals if I can.
    Sorry for getting sappy on a random video, feel free to go about your day.

  • @villager2438
    @villager2438 3 роки тому +13

    I had in mind to write an SCP, which talks about books that talk about sad stories (which bring who reads them in the books, and when the story ends they come out of the book and having PTSD or Depression) their writer, something like scp-999 but opposite to its effects

  • @sacarymoviesamu
    @sacarymoviesamu 11 місяців тому +5

    As a hobby writter, i must say that i've been writing horror for a while and i always wanted to write something. SCP community has AMAZING talents, althoug the bad thing is that i'm not an english native speaker or writer, so maybe i find it complicated

  • @junkerfan5298
    @junkerfan5298 3 роки тому +54

    JOKE: Is mayonnaise an SCP?
    Dr. Sherman: No, mayonnaise is not an SCP. (I raise my hand) Horse radish is not an SCP either.
    (BTW, thank you for the presentation and keep on the work, Dr. Sherman. I got an SCP that I hope can be part of the SCP Universe)

    • @CirnoOnAStick
      @CirnoOnAStick 2 роки тому +1

      Mayonnaise that when you eat it, your blood turns into mayonnaise and you die.

    • @penguxice403
      @penguxice403 2 роки тому

      So how your scp go

    • @SD_arBast
      @SD_arBast 7 місяців тому +1

      How many degreess did you raise your hand??

    • @Youtubewatcher12345th
      @Youtubewatcher12345th Місяць тому +2

      Mayonnaise is an SCP if you write one maybe mayonnaise that songs

  • @Dingobabee
    @Dingobabee 4 місяці тому

    Honestly, it's nice to see that there are people n the website that are willing and happy to provide critique. I have a lot of ideas bouncing around in my head, but worry about them actually fitting the site itself.
    So critique from people who have written some of my favorites is just what I need to build a little confidence I think.

  • @aylineroglu345
    @aylineroglu345 6 місяців тому +1

    While i am a writer I'm not that great at writing cohessive narratives about monsters however the amount of ideas I've gotten from you alone are amazinh and if i had an interest in writing for the SCP wiki i would. On that note tell if you've seen an idea like this before, not literally though.
    A young woman with the power to tame SCPs regardless of power or status and then make them back into the normal things they used to be, the drawback is that in order to do so she absorbs that power into her own self and over time slowly turns into a walking nuclear anomaly bomb.
    Now find a way to either save her or cobtain her, if you can.

  • @widdershins3785
    @widdershins3785 10 місяців тому +2

    I'm a fan of fiction, Horror and the whole foundation method to work that around. What I find as a hurdle... Is if the concept has already been done. I dread the moment of having worked on some creative endeavor and then eventually getting the criticism of "well it's like Blank, but you used a different object" or the narrative i wrote just happens to sound like something done years before.
    I wish to write what i want to read, and inevitably, i'm sure that same concept has likely occurred before.

  • @Lesbiansforpalestine
    @Lesbiansforpalestine 2 роки тому +2

    OMG , these tips worked wonders !

  • @lastchanc3stars
    @lastchanc3stars 11 місяців тому +1

    8:22 to continue the Box Analogy, Apollyon is two boxes; one opened one closed.
    For those of you who missed it ;;
    _Safe - Won't and likely will never escape the box_
    _Euclid - May or may not escape the box_
    _Keter - Definitely and has already escaped the box_
    _Thaumiel - Is the box_
    _Apollyon - Two boxes; one opened one closed_

  • @loldemon4156
    @loldemon4156 2 роки тому +2

    Thank you Dr.Sherman

  • @PrinceDyllan_PlayZ
    @PrinceDyllan_PlayZ 5 місяців тому +1

    ok i got a question... is this good?
    SCP-8903 - "Dyllan", The Human Kitsune
    Object Class: Euclid
    Special Containment Procedures: SCP-8903 is to be contained within a standard humanoid containment chamber equipped with reinforced steel walls, surveillance cameras, and soundproofing measures. Due to its humanoid nature, SCP-8903 is allowed limited recreational activities within its containment area, subject to approval by Level 3 personnel. However, any requests for additional privileges must be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
    SCP-8903 is to be provided with a varied diet consisting of traditional Japanese cuisine, as well as access to culturally relevant literature and media to maintain its mental well-being. Interaction with SCP-8903 is permitted for research purposes only and must be supervised by at least two Level 2 personnel.
    In the event of a containment breach, personnel are advised to remain calm and utilize non-lethal methods to subdue SCP-8903. Mobile Task Force Epsilon-6 ("Village Idiots") is designated for the retrieval and recontainment of SCP-8903.
    Description: SCP-8903 appears to be a humanoid entity of Japanese descent, approximately 25 years of age, with striking orange hair and golden eyes. Notably, SCP-8903 possesses a pair of fox-like ears atop its head, as well as a long, bushy tail reminiscent of that of a fox. These anomalous features suggest a resemblance to the mythical creatures known as kitsune in Japanese folklore.
    SCP-8903, referred to as "Dyllan" by Foundation personnel, exhibits enhanced agility, reflexes, and sensory perception, traits commonly associated with kitsune folklore. It is capable of limited shapeshifting, predominantly manifesting as a humanoid entity, but also demonstrating the ability to transform specific body parts (e.g., ears, tail) into their fox-like counterparts.
    SCP-8903 is highly intelligent and possesses a charming demeanor, often engaging in playful behavior with Foundation staff. However, it is also known to exhibit mischievous tendencies, occasionally manipulating its environment for amusement or personal gain.
    Additional Notes: SCP-8903 was discovered in [REDACTED], Japan, following reports of unusual sightings and disturbances in the area. Foundation operatives were dispatched to investigate, leading to the successful containment of SCP-8903. Efforts to uncover the entity's origins and the extent of its anomalous abilities are ongoing.
    SCP-8903 has expressed a keen interest in Japanese folklore and culture, often sharing tales of kitsune mythology with Foundation personnel. While cooperative with containment procedures, SCP-8903 remains enigmatic, leaving many questions regarding its true nature unanswered.

  • @lucasmather4837
    @lucasmather4837 Рік тому +1

    7:02 there is actually multiple canons
    Which are set as universes
    One of these being the daybreak universe
    So there are canons just not one main canon

  • @TheLizman
    @TheLizman Рік тому +1

    Ok here's one pls rate it
    SCP-384 "The Shifting Golem"
    Object Class: Euclid
    Description: SCP-384 is a humanoid figure composed entirely of an amorphous, black substance resembling molten tar. It stands approximately 2.5 meters tall and has a vague, featureless face with no discernible eyes, nose, or mouth. SCP-384's body is constantly shifting and changing form, appearing to be in a state of perpetual motion.
    SCP-384 is capable of morphing its body into a variety of shapes and sizes, including weapons such as blades or hammers, as well as more complex forms like vehicles or tools. It is also highly resilient, able to withstand extreme temperatures and physical damage.
    SCP-384 is sentient and has shown signs of intelligence, including the ability to understand and respond to human speech. However, it does not communicate verbally and seems to have a limited understanding of language. It primarily communicates through gestures and body language.
    Containment Procedures: SCP-384 is to be kept in a standard humanoid containment chamber with a reinforced and sealed door. The walls of the chamber should be lined with a heat-resistant material in case of any sudden changes in temperature caused by SCP-384's morphing abilities. No objects or tools should be allowed in the containment chamber except those provided by the Foundation for research purposes.

  • @you-are-the-tharpsters
    @you-are-the-tharpsters Місяць тому +1

    I wrote 5 SCPs one is safe well 2 are safe and 2 are Euclid and 1 is keter

  • @Bake-kurijra
    @Bake-kurijra 9 місяців тому +1

    I’m planing on writing a story of something that can destroy the scp multiverse or can just when it touches an scp it just gets erased from the fandom and all that . But no they hate it because it’s agents the rules

  • @bobcomiccomic8446
    @bobcomiccomic8446 3 роки тому +7

    I have 10 scp ideas right now. So far, I have written 2 on google docs. Do you have any more tips? I have a anomalous GPS and campsite. I have written a tale about each one. Both are Euclid and have a pretty good story.

  • @lastchanc3stars
    @lastchanc3stars 11 місяців тому +1

    I'm too young to publish any SCPs onto the wiki, nor am I confident enough in them, but I feel that at least someone will enjoy my Safe-Class anomoly. I'll update this whenever I get a new idea. Also, I haven't created an item number for it yet. It's dumb and cliche, but it's my first-ever SCP.
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    *Clearance Level:* 1
    *Item #:* SCP-[# unconfirmed]
    *Object Class:* Safe
    *Special Containment Procedures:*
    SCP-[REDACTED] is to be sealed in a Nintendo 3DS box and placed on a high shelf. Keep out of reach of children.
    SCP-[REDACTED] is a seemingly normal red Nintendo 3DS console that contains a Pokémon Ultra Sun cartridge. Upon booting up the game, the music and sound design are distorted into a high-pitched trill. When pressing start, a datamoshed roar of the Pokémon Solgaleo is played.
    The game plays as intended, though face textures and color textures on characters and Pokémon are missing. Assets such as moveset boxes, text bubbles, and certain NPCs are missing as well. Children younger than twelve-years-old seem to appear afraid of the game as well; though this hasn't been confirmed to be an anomalous property of the SCP.

  • @GamerZero00012
    @GamerZero00012 5 місяців тому

    You know, I don’t write SCP but I write SCP stories like fanfics or something but well, this is going to help

  • @kaleighmarchand2047
    @kaleighmarchand2047 2 роки тому +2

    Thank you for the tips

  • @Pumpkinsmasherok
    @Pumpkinsmasherok Рік тому +1

    What if the site 42 of all sherman turns your body into sherman, but not your mind, like an inverse dr bright/shaw situation, and that's how we could've gotten characters like drunk sherman, cowboy sherman, goc sherman, tho spc sherman is just sherman alternate universe counterpart

  • @yellow4602
    @yellow4602 2 роки тому +3

    Bro he changed clothes in a blink of an eye. Hes an SCP

  • @goodzabbx6198
    @goodzabbx6198 3 роки тому +2

    keep up the cool videos bro!

  • @theboxoffun275
    @theboxoffun275 3 роки тому +20

    Thanks, now my article about a young boy with the resurrection powers like Jesus will be less bad :P

    • @xXRuler_of_AtlantisXx
      @xXRuler_of_AtlantisXx Рік тому +3

      Deadass, resurrection is one of the most fun and grim abilities in fiction history. 👌🏻

  • @JacksonHostutler-ln8ji
    @JacksonHostutler-ln8ji 9 місяців тому +1

    SCP idea. An SCP that, when making contact with any living organism or A.I, can completely control that creature.

  • @nathanaelashnonmusic2615
    @nathanaelashnonmusic2615 2 роки тому +1

    Me trying to find a way to make a really fuckin meta scp to tie the authors of the stories to the universe.

  • @hahaimnotstraight
    @hahaimnotstraight 3 роки тому +1

    Time to write an SCP about a coffee maker

  • @cryptid_cactus
    @cryptid_cactus Рік тому +2

    Came here for writing tips, got solid life advice instead 5:15

  • @500deadweasels
    @500deadweasels 2 роки тому +1

    Uh well I am currently writing the backstory about an SCP which is just a rose flower garden. It has no abilities right now so it's in the safe class. I just love writing lore of the most boring characters I make. It is presented in the way like the story of scp-6670.

  • @ravenfrancis1476
    @ravenfrancis1476 2 роки тому +4

    I tried to get into the SCP Foundation wiki but how strict they are about that password system kinda killed any chance I could get in.

  • @VanNessy97
    @VanNessy97 Рік тому +1

    It's not spooky, but I did have an idea for an OC with a fully-functioning human heart made entirely of quartz. She has a heart of stone.
    (Edit: I also thought of a locket that has a pocket dimension stored inside of it, housing a village of sentient bipedal life forms that all evolved from fungus. But there's probably an SCP for that.)

  • @connorward-p1p
    @connorward-p1p 29 днів тому

    Item #: SCP-8106
    Object Class: Euclid
    Special Containment Procedures:
    SCP-8106 is to be contained within a custom-made cell constructed from an anomalous alloy designated as "kronosium." Access to the containment area requires Level 3 authorization or higher.
    SCP-8106 is a humanoid entity with various avian characteristics, including wings, scaly claw-like hands, and feathers. Its body emits a bright, glowing light that makes it difficult to discern details of its physical form.
    SCP-8106 was first encountered by Dr. Jack Bright, who at the time was taunting SCP-682 with a katana and cannabis. SCP-8106 suddenly appeared and forcefully subdued SCP-682, before collapsing from apparent exhaustion.
    When awakened by Dr. Bright poking it with the katana, SCP-8106 promptly vanished and was later found in a small hut in Scotland. During interactions with researchers and D-Class personnel, SCP-8106 has displayed a polite, British-accented demeanor, often offering tea before experiencing what has been described as a "glitching out" phenomenon.
    This "glitching out" involves SCP-8106 losing its Euclidean form, emitting various colors, and crying. It then proceeds to teleport the affected individual(s) to a location they consider a "safe space." After these incidents, SCP-8106 has apologized and provided instances of SCP-500 or a variant that heals mental issues.
    When SCP-8106 was invited to visit the Foundation, it initially appeared confused and content, but upon encountering D-Class personnel, it "glitched out" in a red state, immediately teleporting all D-Class to an unknown location. It then proceeded to harm, but subsequently heal, Foundation personnel who had advocated for less humane treatment of D-Class.
    Attempts to approach the hut in Scotland where SCP-8106 was originally found have resulted in an impenetrable force field surrounding the structure, occasionally delivering electrical shocks to researchers. All photographic and video evidence of the hut has been lost in a mysterious fire.
    SCP-8106 has on occasion willingly visited the Foundation, only to attempt to free D-Class personnel and damage the facility, for reasons that remain unclear. During one such visit, SCP-8106 approached the containment unit of SCP-343, resulting in radio signals of a distressed man pleading for mercy. When questioned, SCP-343 cryptically advised the Foundation to "dig down far enough," leading to the discovery of a strange, unidentifiable black substance that caused severe depression and death in those who handled it.
    Further testing with the black substance revealed that it does not appear to be composed of molecules or atoms, and its presence seems to be connected to SCP-8106. When researchers attempted to throw the substance at SCP-8106, the entity immediately collapsed and lost consciousness, only to wake up and faint again repeatedly. Upon finally regaining consciousness, SCP-8106 inquired about the "kronosium" used to construct its containment cell, leading to the designation of this material as SCP-8106-1.
    Since its containment, SCP-8106 has remained quiet and despondent, staring at the containment cell wall. All D-Class personnel placed within the cell leave in better health, and any attempts to harm SCP-8106 result in the attacker's disappearance.
    The anomalous effects surrounding the hut in Scotland have remained active and have been designated as SCP-8106-2.

  • @neacronbrony3189
    @neacronbrony3189 Рік тому

    what would happen if D,R Sherman wore D,R Bright's amulet.

  • @Th0rne_6ush
    @Th0rne_6ush Рік тому

    "hey Sherman have you seen Sherman I need to find out if Sherman got the memos about SC-Sherman- 5h3m4n reaching containment last Sherman!"- Sherman

    • @Th0rne_6ush
      @Th0rne_6ush Рік тому

      All jokes aside I have an SCP that I really like. I've already implemented the story part showing how enough tampering can even make a semi-sentient object sour

  • @Choas_makers
    @Choas_makers 8 місяців тому +1

    I’m starting to make my SCP OC

  • @Deathking000
    @Deathking000 4 місяці тому

    Dr.sheman Is it OK if my scps could make the scp-4521 scream with bitting it

  • @TheShadow5021
    @TheShadow5021 2 місяці тому

    What if a SCP is composed of multiple varients, like SCP-XXXX has multiple other entities ranging from SCP-XXXX-A to SCP-XXXX-Z-9?

  • @OddFish-hd5ud
    @OddFish-hd5ud Рік тому

    I'm going to have an amazing time with spell check *blinks in dyslexic*

  • @beatrizmendesferreira7931
    @beatrizmendesferreira7931 3 роки тому +4

    Can someone please help me?
    How do you contain a site? An internet site?
    Like... what are some ideas of requests that would be needed to contain an open, online and free address in the internet?
    I mean... I can't just write "Hackers keep people from using it"! I personally don't think a Foundation employee would write that way, specially when reffering to a professional hacker who was *employed* and *trained* by Foundation researchers to not end up accidentaly becoming victims of the SCP's anomalous effects...
    I already tried getting some help reading SCP-4319's article, but it's containment proccedures are *exactly* what I had in mind! *BUT* I can't write it in my article, because if I did, it could be considered coppying, since I can't think of better words to build up my Special Containment Procedures.
    I thank any help in advance!

    • @ruler_of_everything
      @ruler_of_everything 2 роки тому +1

      I assume that Foundation computers would track and terminate any attempted connections to the site, leaving a browser's 404 page in its place.

    • @beatrizmendesferreira7931
      @beatrizmendesferreira7931 2 роки тому

      @@ruler_of_everything I had completely forgotten about this comment! Thank you! I actually like your idea better than my own... I will update the article later. Thank you again!

    • @Human_traain
      @Human_traain 2 роки тому

      @@beatrizmendesferreira7931 you write scp articles?

    • @beatrizmendesferreira7931
      @beatrizmendesferreira7931 2 роки тому

      @@Human_traain I do, but I don't think I'll make them official anytime soon...

    • @Human_traain
      @Human_traain 2 роки тому

      @@beatrizmendesferreira7931 can i tell you a scp idea of mine?

  • @LooneyBin17
    @LooneyBin17 3 роки тому +2

    Knew it'd be the TikToks xD

  • @Toy_freddyofficial1
    @Toy_freddyofficial1 Рік тому +1

    Can I make a SCP I really wanna make one

  • @supriseddragon6737
    @supriseddragon6737 9 місяців тому +1

    Wait, what is it called when an SCP *helps* contain an entity but otherwise doesn't do much, would it be one of the main three or a different classification.

    • @aarongrant1
      @aarongrant1 3 місяці тому

      I suppose it would be a subset of Thaumiel, or an Esoteric

    • @supriseddragon6737
      @supriseddragon6737 3 місяці тому

      @@aarongrant1 Thanks

  • @snake_lover909
    @snake_lover909 Місяць тому

    thanks. btw bec of you i wrote 6367

  • @COOLERthenU
    @COOLERthenU Рік тому +1

    OK, I have an idea for an scp.
    "Eldritch yandere"
    Scp 69494 is an entity of unknown origin that takes the form of a Asian female with hetrocrome and anywhere from 16-60 years old physically with vanta black hair that is just slightly above shoulder length.
    When 09494 is with in a mile radius of any male human being or humaniod it will try to force them to fall in love with it bye Appling to the subjects needs, threats of violence, promises of * redacted *, and other such methods. It's body can morph and change at will for two purposes.
    1. To aplie to the needs and desires of its target
    2. To violently scare away or eliminate any beging persived as a threat to its targets safety or to what it believes to be "true love" between its self and a target

  • @ilovejtoh1234
    @ilovejtoh1234 11 місяців тому

    I'm trying to make an account on the SCP website, I did all the steps but i cant find the verification e-mail. What should i do????????????????

    • @plasmagamer1771
      @plasmagamer1771 9 місяців тому

      Does your email contain numbers? Won’t work if it does. I encountered the same issue so I just made a new email for the SCP wiki. I have no idea why wiki dot works like this, it just does

  • @PoppaC44
    @PoppaC44 5 місяців тому

    Is the discord still up?

  • @carlosblanco571
    @carlosblanco571 3 роки тому +1

    What if movie sonic was a scp

    • @dr.samualsteve7241
      @dr.samualsteve7241 3 роки тому

      do u mean like the movie itself or sonic because if its sonic we can literally just break its legs and throw it in a patted cell

    • @ruler_of_everything
      @ruler_of_everything 2 роки тому

      Object class: Keter

    • @flippindude8590
      @flippindude8590 Рік тому

      It’s safe or euclid, but the previous versions with the human teeth easily bump it up to apollyon or something. Containment method was changing the movie graphics so that it didn’t have human teeth

  • @TheTraitorusHelldiver
    @TheTraitorusHelldiver 3 роки тому

    so would my scp mitchel do well then example of mitchels story so far.
    Mitchel was one of the standard security members inside of one of the foundation sites he usually patrolled or aided some of the researchers with keeping class d in line during one of his usual patrols a breach occuerd near by him doing what his job was he tried to get as many vital personel away from the entity till it came into view. mitchel tried to keep it busy for as long a she could unfortnately he ende dup being killed and brought back by some weird curse/magic as hes now doomed to be a skeleton forever. (does this sound kinda bad? still trying to see if hes to well bland..)

    • @espilon591
      @espilon591 2 роки тому

      Interesting concept to begin with, only thing is does he have any anomalous capabilities and if so what are they? also you'll need to describe what the entity was that killed him. You could also say one of the GOI's were responsible for the curse or the entity.

  • @i-eat-rusty-nails
    @i-eat-rusty-nails 9 місяців тому +1

    so... is capitalism apollyon? 8:57

  • @alivora7256
    @alivora7256 Рік тому

    Is it ok if I send you my article to you with an e-mail?

  • @dr.samualsteve7241
    @dr.samualsteve7241 3 роки тому

    hey that least u didn't insult me in this video

  • @imhere8474
    @imhere8474 2 роки тому

    Oh that saitama quote aged very poorly…

  • @urbanexplorer4543
    @urbanexplorer4543 3 роки тому

    Hi Iam form tiktok have good day

  • @Human_traain
    @Human_traain 2 роки тому


  • @appleenjoyer8551
    @appleenjoyer8551 11 місяців тому

    english class

  • @Bake-kurijra
    @Bake-kurijra 9 місяців тому +1

    Just kill scp 682 already he’s getting boring in a narrative sense I mean he just Isn’t cool anymore . Just kill him off and keep him dead . I can’t stand the scp writers . You know what I have an evil plane .but I’m not saying what it is .

  • @mandyogilvie686
    @mandyogilvie686 3 роки тому

    103 like

  • @thesmilyguyguy9799
    @thesmilyguyguy9799 2 роки тому


  • @peterluxus7382
    @peterluxus7382 2 роки тому +1

    music is annoying annoyyyiiiiiiiing

  • @citizensguard3433
    @citizensguard3433 3 роки тому

    Professional ballroom dancer? Theater college? Okay... unsubscribed. Lol. Just kidding, I was never subbed to begin with 😅