I bought my 75 on the understanding it had the vortex type fitted so didnt check it for 2 years. However the garage who serviced it before I bought it had actually taken the filter out and replaced it with a sponge one - madness! So I was very confused when I started getting erratic oil level readings and thats when I found the sponge type filter, clogged absolutely solid. I changed it for a new sponge item as thats all I could get at short notice but its now got the modified type in there.
I bought my 75 on the understanding it had the vortex type fitted so didnt check it for 2 years. However the garage who serviced it before I bought it had actually taken the filter out and replaced it with a sponge one - madness! So I was very confused when I started getting erratic oil level readings and thats when I found the sponge type filter, clogged absolutely solid. I changed it for a new sponge item as thats all I could get at short notice but its now got the modified type in there.
Can’t believe how quickly you work 👍
I do tend to do everything at max speed