My SECRET Covid Experience and Complications

  • Опубліковано 24 лют 2022
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  • @guessedUK
    @guessedUK 2 роки тому +2

    "Thank you so much for watching" - thank YOU so much for sharing, Yvette.

  • @Aiken900
    @Aiken900 2 роки тому +4

    What a time to get Covid! Looking forward all year to relatives visit and the Christmas extravaganza. Then being put in a difficult position because of family you have been bursting see all year (sigh). Well done on being open about it and for the additional info of how the virus form can transform with the booster on top. Hope you recover soon and (importantly) build those fences quickly with your mum

  • @harrybarrow6222
    @harrybarrow6222 2 роки тому +2

    Thank you Yvette.
    It is very important and valuable to hear of your experience.
    You hear about “possible adverse reactions”, but I did not know what that really meant..
    I am so sorry that you had to endure such an awful time.
    Being vaccinated when you (unknowingly) had a Covid infection was terrible bad luck.
    I hope Dan gives you lots of hugs.

  • @lesleyrobinson2905
    @lesleyrobinson2905 2 роки тому

    I totally agree with you being upset.I’m really glad that you are getting better.look after yourself xx

  • @iansmith5639
    @iansmith5639 2 роки тому +1

    You've had a rough time. My wife and I had covid early on and had some very weird side effects/symptoms like rashes, loss of taste and smell, tinnitus as well as the sore throat/cough etc. Hope that you are feeling better soon. We love your films, stay strong

  • @laurence1211
    @laurence1211 2 роки тому +2

    I feel like I understand a lot of your other videos now. And I can see how your mother has effected you. As for covid, I stay home 24/7 and only leave the house very rarely. I haven't knowingly been affected by covid so far.

  • @poesaste
    @poesaste 2 роки тому +1

    It's odd and I am sure frustrating that they wouldn't take a basic non evasive test especially considering it affected everyone in that situation but oh well. Thanks for sharing, I hope all the wounds heal and it becomes a distant memory.

  • @DazC2
    @DazC2 2 роки тому +2

    I tested positive yesterday. All because of some one irresponsibly coming into my work place and standing over me at my desk despite them having symptoms...

  • @ersmum7352
    @ersmum7352 2 роки тому

    I wish you a speedy recovery ❤️‍🩹

  • @chelseaann3091
    @chelseaann3091 2 роки тому

    I started with this hive reaction as well two weeks after my booster and I'm still struggling with it. It's a little comforting to know it's not just me

  • @paulshimano7197
    @paulshimano7197 2 роки тому +1

    What a honest and a difficult video for you to make, I must admit I was in hospital this time last year for two weeks, I was nearly put in to icu but was very lucky not to go in there. I have been left with long Covid which is not fun but am just learning to leave with it and getting to grips with it. As I have crohn’s and a few other long term medical illnesses it does not help, I also suffer with depression and anxiety, I hope you are able to get some help with your anxiety, anybody that works within the NHS are brilliant but over the last couple of years have worked so hard with very little reward xx

  • @charlesherrick7400
    @charlesherrick7400 2 роки тому +1

    Its like watching 60 Minutes but most of all you are better and Danny Boy received a offer.

  • @michael-pn9po
    @michael-pn9po 2 роки тому +1

    Hope your relationship with your mum and you condition both improve - move on and be happy.

  • @rogerwitte
    @rogerwitte 2 роки тому

    commiserations - I wish you a complete recovery!

  • @tonys1636
    @tonys1636 2 роки тому

    Thanks for sharing, I've had it twice, both times mild symptoms; first time January '20, met a friend for coffee who had just returned from Roma, his Christmas and New Year with his family, complaining he'd been back in Ireland three days and got the Flu. Second time late December '20 after calling out the out of hours Doctor for a serious Kidney infection, think he gave me the Delta (Kent) variant as neither of us were masked. Since triple jabbed. I have always had a strong immune system, naturally immune to TB as was rampant in both my parents families, so are my children. Somehow think the still ongoing Kidney problem is linked to Covid, GP can't say but thinks so. I'm still getting through a lot of Tabasco sauce but now out of habit not a lack of taste. Still wondering if 40 years of smoking managed to protect my lungs as still full of tar 15 years after giving it up.

  • @gloxton
    @gloxton 2 роки тому

    Mine wasn't fun. I work in an NHS pathology lab testing Covid swabs (among other things) and caught it two December's ago on a bloody bus (it should be legal to beat anti maskers in my opinion). Three weeks practically unconscious and nearly admitted to hospital twice. One month off work and eleven on short hours/restricted duties. Now back full time but still not allowed to do night shifts. Long-term symptoms are fatigue and shortness of breath. Hate it when I just can't catch my breath. Getting stronger everyday though.
    Glad you came through it ok. Enjoy your time down under.

  • @ericbatemanrodgers
    @ericbatemanrodgers 2 роки тому

    It's a horrible thing to get I've had all my jabs still had covid twice now have long term now I lost a week each time I had it now have no sense of smell or taste plus no sense of balance I hope you recover soon

  • @markrochford897
    @markrochford897 2 роки тому +1

    I feel really sorry for you. I have had all the jabs but haven't had Covid. Do not agree with government relaxing all rules.i really hope you recover soon

  • @brianokeefe6250
    @brianokeefe6250 2 роки тому

    Hope you’re back to 100% soon

  • @Andrew-uq4zo
    @Andrew-uq4zo 2 роки тому

    Omg hiya hun ! Andy from Morecambe northwest England, I'm a chef at uni in Lancaster, and recently not felt too good took tests as have to n clear had 3 jabs my self , have 2 lodgers ,but my tests clear but last week my back has come out in spots n itching like mad n getting cold then red hot 🥵 do you think it's same thing ?? Eyes really sore n dry too ,runny nose but test say I'm ok , gunna take one now , thanks ,reply please as I think these tests are not right ?? Xxx x thankyou my back is itching like mad n spots all over ?? X respect 🙏 x

  • @thebazgaz
    @thebazgaz 2 роки тому

    Don't be too down on your mum Yvette, she didn't deliberately get this thing and pass it on, and probably feels horrible about doing so too. The likelihood is most people will have caught it from a close friend or relative. It really doesn't matter, life is too important to bear grudges. My father has extremely low platelet levels, so he has spent most of the last 2 years stuck at home - I'm terrified of passing on the virus to him, but as we have discussed recently- Covid is here to stay, so he's going to get it some time - all he can do is take his vaccines - but he's had enough of isolation - thats a life sentence in itself - so he wants to move on. I have to respect his choice, as much as it worries me.
    Sorry obviously that you've had a bad reaction to Covid, and I hope you have a good recovery. I hope you don't think I'm hating on you, that's not my intention.

  • @alexparry1811
    @alexparry1811 2 роки тому +1

    I wonder how many illnesses your mum caught from you the whole time you were growing up, and had to keep going. I personally wouldn't of risked the booster if I was living with someone with a cough. But everyone is different. At least you're ok now though and your parents are ok. That's all that matters. I'm sure you're feeling angry, but it's better than any of you losing a family member to covid. Hope you can rebuild your relationship with your mum.

    • @BeckyPoleninja
      @BeckyPoleninja 2 роки тому

      Totally different , this is a global pandemoc and Y works in the medical world with older patients. And how many others caught it as they moved around sightseeing and holidaying.. Catching a sickness bug from your kids is a world away rfrom C-19

    • @RobG001
      @RobG001 2 роки тому

      Moronic first sentence! I'm certain she did not infect her mum with a virus from a pandemic!!, What she was rightly angry about was her parent's refusal to take a quick test to see if they had it. `Selfish does not even begin to cover it.

  • @tinaconn3989
    @tinaconn3989 2 роки тому +1

    I don’t understand why your parents wouldn’t do a test even if it was just to stop you from asking them. I have been very lucky (tou h wood) that I have never had Covid and neither have my husband and daughters. I am a bit worried now that people don’t have to self isolate anymore. I personally don’t think that is the right move. I hope that things are better for you going forward.

  • @taibitaibe6685
    @taibitaibe6685 2 роки тому


  • @justkillthemwithkindness6745
    @justkillthemwithkindness6745 2 роки тому +1

    Hmm … this comes off very passive aggressive, NOT like you at! It’s a hard video to watch … feel like you need a hug 🤗 with full PPE gear on of course .. parents are very hard creatures to deal with sometimes … I can relate to this video so much a have been making phone after phone call to my dad get a bloody BOOSTER , and he finally has two weeks before my sister was positive xxx

  • @stephencrossland2493
    @stephencrossland2493 2 роки тому

    The only good thing is that your reaction was due to the vaccine being efficacious. If it continues to be a problem consult a pediatric specialist, the reason I say that is that the type of reaction you had is similar to what is seen in children and these specialists have experience of dealing with this sort of thing.

  • @MichaelGreenReviews
    @MichaelGreenReviews 2 роки тому +5

    I love your videos about living in the UK but, My dad died with me, all alone in the house, when I was 6 years old. My mum died when I was 18...None of them got to meet my future wife or 3 lovely daughters. My wife is also a nurse in a children's high dependency unit. She has been gowned and masked for nearly 2 years and we still both caught Covid!. If you claim to be so "Medical" you of all people should know....... if you catch Covid19.... its no ones fault!!!!.. Count yourself very lucky to even have parents that go out of their way to visit you from the other side of the world and stop the self pity...make it up with them and beg forgiveness because trust day you will wake up and they will be gone!!!!!!!!!!

  • @ivanoliver265
    @ivanoliver265 2 роки тому

    Yvette you could do all things right and still receive covid due to others going out and passing it to others

  • @Irishgui83
    @Irishgui83 2 роки тому +2

    I see the covid police have arrived with their typical comments 🙄 I'm not going to say anything about your mum as she's YOUR mum and only you get to do that. But all I will say is, as someone who did everything to protect my loved ones (and whose immediate family hasn't caught Covid yet) I would be as livid as you if this had happened to me. One person's lack of consideration has caused damage and long lasting effects, and ruined an important time which you were looking forward to, and that sucks. I admire your openness and honesty. Hope you're fully recovered soon.

  • @stevegray1308
    @stevegray1308 2 роки тому

    I am one of the few people I know who has not had covid (touch wood). Just a few weeks ago we had a huge double birthday party (about 90 people). A couple of days later and lots of attendees had covid. Within a week about 15 of them did. I was sick, but not covid. Thankfully very few were really bad, unlike those earlier.

  • @Newtube_Channel
    @Newtube_Channel 2 роки тому

    I went on a personal quest to seek out captain co., in order to find out what the fuss was about. Alas it turned out to be futile.
    No one seems to have a definitive answer to any of those questions related to captain co. You've got to consider carefully what you decide to put into your systems, especially things like vaccines. In fact vaccines can be the worst thing one could possibly do to preempt an illness. The episode of the last few years just goes to show how easily society can lose its mind to hysteria, regardless of whether a real threat exists or not.
    The fact that people fall ill is not particularly due to captain co (it may or may not exist) but rather due to their poor and unhealthy lifestyles. Yes however smart and the modern citizens might think that they are, they're filthy, stupid animals not far beneath that exterior.

  • @stevegray1308
    @stevegray1308 2 роки тому +1

    It may be that some horrible Australian spider laid eggs dormant under your skin 3 years ago and they are about to hatch and eat you alive right down to your skeleton 😱. Of course it is much more likely to be what you said and you may still not be eaten in a few weeks time 😁.

  • @PaulWilday1
    @PaulWilday1 2 роки тому +1

    Let's hope the booster hasn't wrecked your immune system going forward. Good luck.

    • @harrybarrow6222
      @harrybarrow6222 2 роки тому +4

      Please think, Paul…
      Is that a nice thing to say to Yvette after her experience, particularly right after she said she suffers from anxiety?
      Or are you actually one of those unpleasant idiots who likes to wind people up?