Mitch Resnick: Let's teach kids to code

  • Опубліковано 6 вер 2024
  • Coding isn't just for computer whizzes, says Mitch Resnick of MIT Media Lab -- it's for everyone. In a fun, demo-filled talk Resnick outlines the benefits of teaching kids to code, so they can do more than just "read" new technologies -- but also create them. (Filmed at TEDxBeaconStreet.)
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  • @stevencruz978
    @stevencruz978 4 роки тому +26

    Beyond thankful for this man. Scratch is a huge part of my childhood and served as my medium to learning C and Java. God bless!

  • @MaxLim
    @MaxLim 10 років тому +3

    Very supportive and completely agree teaching kids coding as early as possible. I do not have such "simpler" way of learning coding only by doing it yourself the "traditional" way. Fortunately I liked it then and motivated but most of my peers gave it and stress out. Hope this will evolve in to early childhood worldwide.

  • @Dgfrmxon
    @Dgfrmxon 11 років тому +2

    I tried Scratch. It is fantastic.
    If you watched this video, or if you're reading this comment at all, I think you should go download the software and make a image do some simple motion in a "forever" loop. The intuitiveness is amazing, and you can get it done in less time than it took to watch this video. You can do it while you watch the video! Post results!

  • @rvanner
    @rvanner 11 років тому +2

    Scratch is a great intro to coding. We make it easy with our BASIC languages. Dark Basic Pro for PCs and App Game Kit for mobile devices. Many schools have used our tools to teach kids how to code.

  • @bernd_the_almighty
    @bernd_the_almighty 11 років тому +21

    coding is at first fun when you start playing with new things you didn't do before, but as your project gets more complex, most of the time you just sit there with a headache trying to realize what caused some bug

  • @joshuachan6317
    @joshuachan6317 4 роки тому +8

    I hope someday we could online collaborate the project on scratch just like what Google did on Google Doc...

  • @ZardoDhieldor
    @ZardoDhieldor 11 років тому +2

    For two years I was going to a school where they taught us exactly what you pointed out. Then I went to a different school and was shocked how little structure they showed in their way of thinking.
    I feel inspired to retake up this idea and besides program more often in my free time.
    Thank you! :)

  • @gmeardi
    @gmeardi 9 років тому +7

    Chapeau. I did involve my kids in some Coder Dojos, with Scratch, and... now planning to start one myself: that's awsome, in many ways. Fluent in Technology, coding to learn, mind openness: admirable key messages.

  • @WantedVisual
    @WantedVisual 11 років тому +1

    We learned the basic principles of coding in ninth grade with coding software catered to schools. The options were: have car run into wall, have car run into cone, have car run course and feel miserable that you're fifteen and three-year-olds worldwide are doing the same thing, except toddlers don't have to explain every tiniest step to their instructors. The non-language options are limited without internet access, and with internet access, productivity in schoolchildren drops dramatically.

  • @tristanchroma9014
    @tristanchroma9014 11 років тому +1

    Learned HTML at age 8, expanded to CSS and JavaScript quite quickly, touched on Java and PHP, and eventually made my way to C++ for a robotics program.
    A little less than a decade later and I've worked with everything from Lua to C# to XML and more.
    Best part of it all, though?
    Already understanding all of Algebra I when I took it thanks to the concept of variables xP

  • @srimansrini
    @srimansrini 11 років тому +2

    Ever since time immemorial we all thought coding is done by the nerds. In this informative talk, Mitch Resnick explains how he and his colleagues in M.I.T. making simple scratch book anybody can create animated films or stories. Really useful and highly recommended.

  • @chrisose
    @chrisose 11 років тому +1

    I agree wholeheartedly. I was lucky enough to be in the first computer class given in my school ( I'm getting old). We programmed on the old Wang numeric machines where everything was math functions and moving data around memory slots, MS-DOS on a TRS-80 with a whopping 8kb of memory and FORTRAN & COBOL on the county mainframe. It taught me how to set a goal then work through the problems to get there. A skill set that I use everyday but that is missing in most of our children.

  • @TaiViinikka
    @TaiViinikka 9 років тому +4

    This talk is a good start on understanding why logical and precise thinking (one e.g. is coding) is valuable.
    I love the concept of coding as similar to writing, while consuming digital media is like reading. Unfortunately as things now stand, people love their novels but can't scrawl their own names in crayon. If someone can write a grocery list we call them a 'coder', if they can put together a paragraph that explains something they are a 'software developer,' and no one has ever heard of standardized spelling, copyediting, punctuation, or multiple drafts. :) All around us I see 1) situations where being able to create simple code would make something better, easier, safer, cheaper, or more fun and 2) situations where people are *in effect* creating code (e.g. a spreadsheet, or teaching a NEST thermostat your schedule), but without (without even being aware of) the benefit of all the tools, processes, and ideas that software people have invented in the last 60 years. These "helpers" make a difference, just as standardized spelling, editors, dictionaries, word processors, "Track Changes" and many other tools help us write in human languages. Without the tools, we're scratching on papyrus.
    When people can't or choose not to code, this is what you get:
    You don't even see the examples all around you unless you learn about what's possible and start looking for opportunities to code and use a tool that helps.

    • @BenEng
      @BenEng 9 років тому

      I'll bookmark this video for later viewing for sure. I agree with the sentiment, of course. I also believe in the converse: writing is similar to coding. That is why I always advocate that writing code should be as beautiful as writing poetry. If code doesn't read as naturally and concisely as English, there is something wrong with it.

  • @AlejandroCalero
    @AlejandroCalero 8 років тому +13

    I asked the principal at my kids' school to watch this video, specially at minute 3:45 where Dr. Resnick explains why kids are not digital natives.

    • @Petaurista13
      @Petaurista13 4 роки тому +2

      Real reasons is: IT lessons are crap. I had IT for like over 9 years. 9 ears of learning how to change font in Word, make some calculations in Excel and draw in Paint. And you know what? They've never even taught me about things like non-breaking space and hard space. It was so stupid that once teacher told us how to do stuff but mentioned it won't work on newer Office. It was 20 years ago. I was 8 and literally noone would think I have any chance to need to work on ancient Office as adult.

  • @johnkim7802
    @johnkim7802 5 років тому

    Great TED talk! Dr. Resnick introduces the trend of more people coding and makes clear the principle of how it's more about technology being made easier to use and getting adopted greatly rather than children being very technologically savvy which makes it get adopted widely. Ironically, many software engineers & developers are coding and creating libraries which make it more and more obsolete by the day. But coding does have great educational value and some minimal level of such is becoming necessary as we move into an era where everything is largely digital.

  • @insaneAnimeLover
    @insaneAnimeLover 11 років тому +1

    Computer Science is a a form of mathematics and I say we should replace some of the math that is being teached at school right now with programming lectures. e.g Why do high school children need to learn how to determine the integral of a function? Most of them will never need that. However everyone is surrounded by and immersed in computer technology all the time. Basic programming skills are useful in a much wider variety of jobs than calculus.

  • @MinishGaming
    @MinishGaming 11 років тому +2

    Scratch is awesome! I used it to teach and it's great to stimulate logical thinking. It's also a lot more enjoyable than a screen full of code where you just get the sum of two numbers.
    I would encourage every single one of my fellow teachers to use this!

  • @DoRayMeFa
    @DoRayMeFa 11 років тому +4

    I love the idea of visual/graphic programming. Text isn't nearly as fun or easy.

  • @ExcludedLayman
    @ExcludedLayman 11 років тому

    A point he makes that needs highlighting: Coding connects logical rigor with creativity.
    People not in the STEM scene often think of those who are as aspiring to be Spock. While it is true that the technical side of things is dry, emotionless, and pretty black-and-white, that's just the set of blocks. The human spark comes through in how those blocks are put together, and in how much passion, creativity, and frustration go into getting there.

  • @MumblingMickey
    @MumblingMickey 11 років тому

    Couldn't agree more... It also teaches you the hard way the definition of 'precision' and how to identify problems. Along with the sad fact that for every hour you spend coding you are increasing the time you will spend fixing your own bugs. This often results in the obvious... that less code is more time!

  • @TheLivirus
    @TheLivirus 11 років тому

    I'm studying for a master in mechanical engineering. I did not expect us to use programming when I started, but we've had several courses involving coding. Of course, it's on a basic level. But I have not doubt it's a valuable skill that can be used to automate a lot of the boring repitative work eg. math, documentation, etc.

  • @yudhaesap
    @yudhaesap 2 місяці тому

    I know it's like 11 years ago, but somehow I'm so excited!

  • @DavidRCL
    @DavidRCL 11 років тому +3

    Your comment is immensely clever! coding connects logic with creativity!

  • @Truthiness231
    @Truthiness231 11 років тому

    Amen to that (in a strictly secular sense)! There is almost nothing else greater about humans than being able to take any problem, break it up into parts, solve those parts, put it all together, and ultimately overcome anything. There's also little else that's cooler than taking something from the universe and simulating and/or going beyond what it was able to do in the virtual world. If our minds are our brains + the tools we extend it with, there is no more powerful a mind than a programmer's.

  • @BurkeLCH
    @BurkeLCH 11 років тому +7

    Coding will be looked back on like reading in its infancy. "At the beginning, few people knew how to code. They had to have money for education." In the future nearly everyone will code. There'll be apps for everything.

    • @animaki5372
      @animaki5372 6 років тому

      I have spent months researching into how to teach toddlers to speak in english and discovered an awesome resource at talk fixer formula (check it out on google)

    • @johnkim7802
      @johnkim7802 5 років тому

      Great point. Such is the nature of things. Take Calculus and Trigonometry as a principle. It was something vey few people could do a century ago and now almost 35% of the population will pass one of such classes (even though there is grade inflation). Social media was something few people used twenty years ago and it's required for almost any administrative job and used very widely now. Coding will be the same in no time for sure.

    • @Petaurista13
      @Petaurista13 4 роки тому

      Point is: What for? People use writing to communicate (example is what you are reading now). But what exactly for every human on Earth would use coding for? If you don't find use for it it will be just another boring school subject we are learning, because we have marks and exams from it.

  • @joshcoughx
    @joshcoughx 11 років тому +2

    Coding can always remain fun - it just depends on how driven you are. I am constantly working on my own new/fun projects outside of work, and it's great. And if you're someone that does that, you will have many fun jobs to choose from.

  • @myhorseeatsicecream
    @myhorseeatsicecream 11 років тому +1

    I've used scratch to do a mini project and explore programming with cs50... and it was lots of fun. I work in IT at a help desk and I was doing it for fun. I created a silly little game that has a butterfly that flies around and you have to make it catch bananas that fall out of the sky. It evolves until you win.
    Anyway, it was very fun. :)

  • @BabyBop999
    @BabyBop999 11 років тому

    I think you've proven his point! The fact that most people don't understand how technology works is just another reason that more people should learn to code.

  • @GabiGluck
    @GabiGluck 11 років тому +1

    Yeh you really missed the point. He doesn't own a company, he's a professor at the MIT media lab (which I'm assuming you've never heard of, or you wouldn't have made your comment). He was merely using the technology his team created as an example of how coding can be made more accessible to children and to other people who don't know how to code.

  • @Newconsciousera2012
    @Newconsciousera2012 11 років тому +3

    Well I have an Idea now of what computer programming actually is and I'm loving it so far, but are you experienced? Does it get stressful or boring after a while? I heard someone complain about having to read long pages of code lol I don't know if I would have that kind of patience either, but I would love to have the skills to create mobile apps and games!

  • @ITFAE
    @ITFAE 11 років тому

    It is just a convention not to split the infinitive form of a verb from the "to." If you see "to go" or "to split," consider the two words to be a single unit and keep them together.

  • @Lindax
    @Lindax 11 років тому +5

    You need to try Scratch (or AppInventor) to realize that a lot of legit coding is happening there. Just because visually you can drag and drop, doesn't mean you can easily figure out what goes where. It does offer you hints, but logic is still required. Bugs still happen. Flow still matters. I don't think training wheels are meant to stay on the bike, but they sure help at the start of learning to ride.

  • @LethalBB
    @LethalBB 11 років тому +2

    His voice, my god.

  • @unvergebeneid
    @unvergebeneid 11 років тому

    Scratch is Turing complete. So it might not scale well for larger projects (I didn't try) but I/O capabilities aside, there's nothing you can't do that you could in Python or C. If your comment is about "coding = *writing* code" then this is just as saying that sign language is not talking because you don't move your mouth.

  • @Newconsciousera2012
    @Newconsciousera2012 11 років тому

    I'm currently taking a college class for Introduction to computer programming. This talk is great inspiration for me to stay motivated and give it my all! Thank you!!! :)

    • @owlfeathers6615
      @owlfeathers6615 6 років тому

      How did coding go for you?

  • @colossalko
    @colossalko 11 років тому

    I've been saying the same thing. Computer science should be taught to kids now that technology has become a big part of our lives. I had to wait until my 2nd year of college to learn a programming language thoroughly.

  • @NoAdditves
    @NoAdditves 11 років тому

    Computer science is going to be on the curriculum in British primary schools as of next year. Can't wait to teach it.

  • @sadiqali3593
    @sadiqali3593 2 роки тому

    Thank you so much sir. May God bless you and your family.

  • @Liskov
    @Liskov 11 років тому

    I think kids should do what they like to do. If they like video games, let them play video games. Plenty of people earning a living doing it .. or designing them. If they like cell phones, let them obsess. Maybe one day they will be in charge of design and dev at a major company. I understand that coding isn't something that can just be picked up, as it should not be. It should be a deliberate decision. I learned how to code and went to school for it and now I'm moving away. Let kids be kids.

  • @Syeal7
    @Syeal7 11 років тому +7

    "......-coooode" //Mitch Resnick

  • @thegreenhoodieguy
    @thegreenhoodieguy 3 роки тому +1

    This is a very amazing speech.

  • @ebooklibrary27
    @ebooklibrary27 11 років тому +1

    FINALLY a video relevant to my career=)
    So you want to learn how to code? There are different types of languages used to do different types of programming. Many languages will become obsolete as quantum processing begins to creep into our lives over the next 10-20 years. Learn Python, C++ and HTML5 for the best job security going into the future.

    • @joshuarodenburg7259
      @joshuarodenburg7259 Рік тому

      Thank you for this input...good information to know as my wife and I begin to introduce our 6 and 8 year olds to coding.

  • @tarcal87
    @tarcal87 11 років тому

    Also, if you notice (at 6:35), its interface functions exactly the same way as "high level programming languages" do... an if-then relation in, say, C is already an abstract model simplified from Assembly (or more precisely, computer code), so why is Scratch's any different? That it is also visually represented?
    If you would say, that the difference is that you can do a lot more in C, then again, don't forget the title, "teach" kids to code. Menaing starting from... well.. scratch

  • @Friendshipisforever2022
    @Friendshipisforever2022 4 роки тому


  • @gameRevolt
    @gameRevolt 11 років тому

    All kids should be taught to code as a core subject, alongside maths, languages, social sciences, science, etc. It's silly that they're not, people need to refresh the Victorian-era vision of what schools should teach. However there's nothing new in this video, we've had these kinds of systems for decades and I even got taught one 15 years ago when I was in school. It's not about new technology, it's about sensible modern curriculums.

  • @LeoOo1127
    @LeoOo1127 11 років тому

    MIT is a university not a company, he's a professor there, and the website is free so he's not selling anything.

  • @EyeOnTheTV
    @EyeOnTheTV 11 років тому

    Mark of an experienced speaker.

  • @MumblingMickey
    @MumblingMickey 11 років тому

    "I had to wait until my 2nd year of college to learn a programming language thoroughly."
    Thats sad... but unfortunately true for most. And you were one of the lucky ones... Most people I know have no clue how a computer works after pressing the 'power on' button.
    But as I always say computers are tools... you use them as you need them.

  • @pause_menu
    @pause_menu 3 роки тому

    Gostei muito do scratch e das aulas online da codeiot.
    Espero que pessoas sem recursos consigam ter essa oportunidade.

  • @sidamigo8455
    @sidamigo8455 4 роки тому +1

    You are great sir

  • @ShadoFXPerino
    @ShadoFXPerino 11 років тому

    you are incorrect. the analogy presented here is Programming:Computer::Writing:Pencil. he is not asking children to build their own computers, but asking them to understand how to more efficiently relay instructions to computers. the likelihood of the child designing new technology is equal to the likelihood of a young writer writing the next bestseller. nonetheless, children in general are encouraged to be literate.

  • @cohan000
    @cohan000 11 років тому

    I am just about to start watching this video, but I will say this first. I failed school, completely. Not because of a lack of trying, but the reason doesn't matter. If I had learned basic programming in school, they would probably have realized my logical potential, even though I failed in math. Computers I have understood since the beginning.
    And just for the record, I'm not a complete computer nerd either. At least not anymore ;)

  • @Alhoshka
    @Alhoshka 11 років тому

    LOL, no. Programming is no rocket surgery :)
    My first contact with programing was at age 25 when trying to handle a huge amount of data for a research project. Doing it manually was just not an option.
    Once I got over the extremely frustrating first stadium, where it takes you forever to write something that actually works, I started to enjoy it... a lot.
    2 Years later I started working as a software developer. True story.

  • @completelymindfucked
    @completelymindfucked 11 років тому

    nice, I wanted to start learning code and now I have a way to begin

  • @JosefHabdank
    @JosefHabdank 11 років тому

    starcraft 2 map editor was recently used to make a full blown movie by some kids. Amazing stuff :)

  • @elenagolubeva4149
    @elenagolubeva4149 3 роки тому

    Very nice! It was in 2013 but in 2020 people still are afraid of programming and think it's some supercelestial powers only a few were born with...

  • @PedanticNo1
    @PedanticNo1 11 років тому

    I'm learning how to create 3d models and textures to use in the mods I create with Skyrim's Creation Kit. I'ts more fun than playing the game itself = /
    It's not advanced work, and I'm not doing anything other than using pre-created GUIs to manipulate data and virtual objects. But I feel like I am creating real, playable content, and thereby expressing myself- or, at least the fun ideas I have constantly whilst playing.
    It's not "coding," but it exposes people like me to new subject matter.

  • @kxg123
    @kxg123 11 років тому

    Scratch is simply a way for kids to learn how to express their creativity and learn. This is similar to asking a little kid to write a story.

  • @foskaluzdeteatro5571
    @foskaluzdeteatro5571 3 роки тому

    Muito bom! O futuro agradece assim como a educação agora está mais rica e motivadora. Códigos e os processos por tras deles, uma abordagem interessante. Gostaria de saber mais.

  • @user-sc7tq2di7q
    @user-sc7tq2di7q 3 роки тому

    Thanks 💙

  • @LordGuppy97
    @LordGuppy97 11 років тому

    I like his idea. Just like south-western states in the US learn Spanish in school, some schools should start learning code.

  • @genrytov
    @genrytov 11 років тому

    Coding is the process of making programs like the scratch software that Mitch Resnick made, it is not the process of dragging and dropping steps into a box. That type of "coding" is as close to coding as texting is to writing a novel.

  • @DreamsCatcher101
    @DreamsCatcher101 11 років тому

    This should be taught in school. Or at least handed out as a leaflet for the parents to have a look at. I can see school, the actual place, becoming pointless soon. We can learn in all online anyway.
    I let my 7 year old daughter us GIMP, the imagining software, and she didn't need much help in using it. Same with sketchup. I was thinking about letting her try joomla but i think i might let her have a look at this first.
    Children are built to learn.

  • @Rebasepoiss
    @Rebasepoiss 11 років тому

    Actually it's Finland where internet is a legal right of every citizen. Unfortunately Estonia still has lots of rural areas where there is no broadband internet connection. Sure, 4G is taking its place in areas like that but it's still not perfect.
    Estonia has created a very good image of itself as being very progressive but I'm not so sure we actually are. We're definitely not bad but in many aspects we've fallen behind.

  • @ZarlanTheGreen
    @ZarlanTheGreen 11 років тому

    A TEDtalk that actually mentions a link to where you can look up more about the stuff the lecturer spoke about!?
    I thought you weren't allowed to give any links, references or do any citing of your sources, at TED!
    (I did not seriously believe that, but given how you NEVER get any links or references from TEDtalks...)
    I really should get around to learning some more C++, and do some stuff with it.

  • @eventeklay4618
    @eventeklay4618 4 роки тому +2

    I love coding so much l learn python

  • @zeeshanAli-no1zx
    @zeeshanAli-no1zx 4 місяці тому

    this helps a lot

  • @ShahadIsmail
    @ShahadIsmail 11 років тому

    I'm newly a computer Science student ,reallyy this inspired me !3

  • @tehKap0w
    @tehKap0w 11 років тому

    um, his 'company' is the Massachusetts Institute of Technology... M.I.T.
    i get the sense you missed the whole point of the talk.
    his software is just one of many paths. we need to take human nature into account when teaching technical subjects. not everybody can tolerate the steep learning curve most languages have.
    maybe one of the kids taught using scratch will create their own language to replace it?
    his thesis is to make a myriad of often dry topics accessible, not just "how to program"

  • @BadrRRagency
    @BadrRRagency 11 років тому +3


  • @haryshenoy
    @haryshenoy 11 років тому +3

    After watching this video almost everyone opened
    nice video...

  • @EFT202020
    @EFT202020 11 років тому

    Sure, something like Python might be a little easier to read, but there's no big difference. What language is easy to read according to you?

  • @tehKap0w
    @tehKap0w 11 років тому

    Maybe your focus on the software his students wrote gave me the mistaken impression you didn't approve of Scratch as a learning tool. Or maybe, because you didn't watch the whole thing.
    As Dr. Resnick puts it: "At first you learn to read, but then you read to learn." he goes on to point out that authors aren't the only ones who need to learn to read and write, so it is with software. Limiting the lessons learned to technical subjects or to programmers is like only teaching math to accountants.

  • @P4INKiller
    @P4INKiller 11 років тому

    Absolutely agree.
    Things that we consider complicated like coding should be introduced early on, while kids still have their rapid learning ability.
    It would encourage logical thinking and would demonstrate exactly why mathematics are so important.

  • @scoreunder
    @scoreunder 11 років тому

    Holy fuck, that java at 6:18 is an eyesore. The naming conventions are all over the place and it creates its own bastardized version of the (freely overridable) Object#hashCode method

  • @MrTentacleGuy17
    @MrTentacleGuy17 11 років тому

    Although it's annoying that he keeps talking about his own company's software, I think learning and understanding programming concepts is more important than the specific languages you know.

  • @MumblingMickey
    @MumblingMickey 11 років тому

    You do need something to apply it to..... thats for sure.

  • @user-if1dj7fy2y
    @user-if1dj7fy2y Місяць тому

    Bravo 👏👌👏 Lit 🌠
    Inspiring ⭐
    Gratitude 🙏 for your satisfactory Work 🚀🌟🌱

  • @Asprawn
    @Asprawn 11 років тому

    i used the url to on the screen to get to the alpha stage site

  • @silver7095
    @silver7095 11 років тому

    Nice to hear that Estonia is noticed for our achievements :)

  • @ragyfish
    @ragyfish 11 років тому +1

    If all the kids learn to code there will be too much competition and I wont get as much work thus meaning I will have to resort to extortion and theft in order to make ends meet.

  • @nithyanair1906
    @nithyanair1906 7 років тому +1


  • @MumblingMickey
    @MumblingMickey 11 років тому

    No its not... but y'know when I started off the best my poor zx81 could manage was a simple program to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit and vice versa... it was the very first code I ever wrote... in basic...and I was just 14.
    Now I accept that's all that was available then...things have moved on dramatically..
    But it gave me the bug..... I knew then that in the future anything I could dream up I would be able to replicate... if I just had the right tools.
    Thats what it does.

  • @aaandag9688
    @aaandag9688 5 років тому +3

    Imagine, Program, Banned

  • @JPJ-xt4he
    @JPJ-xt4he 6 років тому

    Ok yes but what is after scratch...?

  • @klut1
    @klut1 11 років тому

    LeClassics is both right and wrong. Computer programming (as he puts implicitly as real programming) is a lot more complicated than what's shown in this talk. The reason is simple: You have many more possibilities in a "real" programming language.
    However, I would argue that the very basic principles of programming: That of flow in the program, variables, loops and structure (ignoring functions, arguably).

  • @holdmybeer
    @holdmybeer 11 років тому

    The kids will be the ones teaching us adults code.

  • @TheMasterfulcreator
    @TheMasterfulcreator 11 років тому

    That's an odd rule. Why would there only be a point in saying something if it is already stated in the video? Seems kinda redundant.

  • @bernd_the_almighty
    @bernd_the_almighty 11 років тому

    Estonia is also IIRC the only country where the internet is a human right, they're known for being pretty progressive there

  • @bioingenieroNacho
    @bioingenieroNacho 9 років тому

    very good

  • @inquisitive871
    @inquisitive871 11 років тому

    Teach kids to code would hurt the salaries of software engineers since the skill set to become one would no longer be scarce.

  • @MarijaTravels
    @MarijaTravels 11 років тому

    I always wanted to learn to code..

  • @billyjoejimbob75
    @billyjoejimbob75 11 років тому

    LOL @ computing. When I went to school, it was a hobby, now it's a course for first graders.

  • @mouhaahaahaa
    @mouhaahaahaa 11 років тому

    did the video state this? otherwise there's no point in saying that...

  • @flawns
    @flawns 11 років тому

    I'm 24 years old, and I'm going to start coding with this. Who says I have to be a kid to use this program?

  • @MumblingMickey
    @MumblingMickey 11 років тому

    After a little time coding gets addictive... be warned!
    I've sat in front of a screen at 10pm and a little while later looked out the window seen the sun coming up and realised it was now 6am....
    I'm not suggesting you go 'full nerd' but after a while it becomes a little like a game in its own right..

  • @InMooseWeTrust
    @InMooseWeTrust 11 років тому

    My mother is a terrible person and I wouldn't do anything like this for her.

  • @Snakemailo
    @Snakemailo 7 років тому +3

    나도 한번 도전해 봅시다..ㅋㅋ

  • @Ward3n_Main
    @Ward3n_Main 3 роки тому

    6:18 no this is what im going to do with my life

  • @ivammorrisonduarte9941
    @ivammorrisonduarte9941 10 років тому +10

    if(video == good)
    likeStatus = 'liked';
    printf("i liked :D");
    return 0;

    • @lolpop7799
      @lolpop7799 6 років тому

      Ivam Morrison Duarte video = bad

    • @lolpop7799
      @lolpop7799 6 років тому

      Ivam Morrison Duarte out: error