Jawar, please make clear your goal. We are not clear...do you go for united Ethiopia or separate Oromia? So far, you have not exclusively answered this.
Why don't you guys go to Ethiopia and ask or demand vote for u peacefully if that's what u want democratically instead putting the country and the people in danger!'
enate Ethiopian le maxefat enji le malemat adelem xeretachu le mesekinoche Ethiopian sertu endaye nuru tadergalachu le rasachu America. kuche belachu ye wegenochachen deme ye ferdebachu enate ke iss le yenet yelachum egzibher. lebona yestachu le bachu tesewerewal ena
atikefaflun,there is one ethiopia only wooooooo,the world is in digital age still we are worried about race,tribal politics.even we can not feed ourselves,shame on juhar and mele are the same the way they answer,this man is dangerous for unified ethiopia,let us teach him,
My Ethiopian people. Please if you are listening to Jawar: He is dividing Ethiopians and talk about tribes instead of talking about One Ethiopia, solving our country's and individual problems. TRUE ‼GOD is HOPE everything ☝🏾🙏🏾🤲🏾💚💛❤
Yediredawa lej yalew, Amhara Tenish Betam lek aydelem. I think u r Tigre/ weyane degafi and ur question is so negative when Amharas were getting killed in dredawa, who helped them? No one! Weyane was the one pushing it!
they are fighting for their deaths, if you wanna to overthrow eprdf, will have to struggle and pay sacrifices More than eprdf had done....ah you block Head of islands....since when you're....
jawhar, I have no words to describe my feelings, Thank you. Thank you for all of you. God bless Ethiopia!
አቶ አቻምየለህ ደስ የሚል አገላለፅ በርታ አይዞህ መሆንም ያለበት ይህ ነው በተለይ የጎጃም አማራ በባዶ እግሩ እያረሰ የኢትዮጵያን ህዝብ እየመገበ እያለ ዛሬ ለሞት ሰለባ እየሆነ ነው ባይሆን እንኳ የሚጮህበት ጎን መፈጠር አለበት እሱም አማራው በአማራነቱ መደራጀት አለበት
Thank u all are great! Keep it up!
Fantastic jawar......Excellent!!!
Good ,I really appreciate the discussion .
Thank you for discase about oromo and amahara
26:16 in this meeting, nothing happened in konso, how come he mentioned konso, that mean for that fire jawar will take the resposblity
Jawar, please make clear your goal. We are not clear...do you go for united Ethiopia or separate Oromia? So far, you have not exclusively answered this.
Thank you Achameleh you have spoken my thoughts, I appreciate you brother keep the good work.
Jewaaar 1gna
I love it
Lots of Love JAWAR
jewar aehber
enizih yafersalu enji Ethiopian ayegenebum bezih zemen endezih ayenet asitesaseb ayebejim hulum yerasun zer yemedegf kehon sitet newa yeh malet and yehonchi Ethiopian lemegenbat yerasachinn felagut wedegun metewa alebn beteleye jawar yemibalawa lerasih newa yemirutewa mekneyatum ate mannm atoklim asitesasabh yewarde newa
enanta macam lawet atamtum mikntum andnat selalchu aterbum zargnate naw yebaltunu yamnybchu
egen yamnflgaw ande ethiopian ande bandera nw yehan setdergu naw almchu geb yamemtaw alblza gin almchu helme hono yekeral
ewneyshen naw ! Yodit Yerdaw
Jawar Mahamed Sewodik uuuuuuuuf yemetawerawu nager tikikil new das sil jegina ye oromo lij
Fauk you
good letametut new amara oromo eyalachuh ezaw kuch blachuh ethiopian kefaflut
enanten ayasayen wetachu mared metfat bchanew bemnm teamr 1athonum
unat betam nw yemitigermut be gosa. sewun melelayat. lemin asfeleg. inat yetemachache bota teqemxchuwu. tilelefachuh denazoch yidifchu
አይቸለው ምርጥ ቀጥልበት
Tikikil thank😍😍😍
ግራ የገባው መንግስትም ሆነ እናንተ በኔ አስተያየት ህይወታቸውን የጡ ድሀ ወገኖቻችን ደም ተጠያቂዎች ናችሁ በሰው አገር ቁጭ ብሎ በደሀልጅ ደም ስልጣን መመኘት በጣም ያሳዝናል ለመሆኑ ለነዚህ ልጆቻቸውን ወንድም እህት ወዘተ ለጡ ወገኖቻችን ምን ተደረገ ከንፈር መምጠጥ ይሄማ እንደወያኔ በመላው የትግራይ ወጣቶች ደም ስልጣን ጨብጦ በመላው የኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ ማላገጥ ይመስለኛል ወንድሞቼና እህቶቼ ይህንን የ25 አመት በሽታ ለመንቀል ሆላችንም ከስር እስከሞት መስዋትነት መክፈል አለነብን መሠረታዊ ለውጥ ለማምጣት ይህም በገዛ አገራችን ምድር ላይ መሆን አለበት ባይ ነኝ።
Wowowow batam dase yelaliw bazew katlubat eshi anednat gulibat new
unity is the best የጀግኞች ስብስብ
ሲመጣ ለህዝብ በሚል የዳቦ ቅርጫ አድርጋችሁ ሁላችሁም ወደማትወጡት ጨለማ እንዳትከቱን ፈርቻለሁ
wow jeware nice speech thank you God bless you
ጀዋር አንተን እኮ የጠሉህ ወንድሜ ኢስላም ስለሆንክ እንጅ ጥፋት የለህም በግልፅ እና ጀግና ስለሆንክ ነው
አይዞክ አብሽር አላህ ብቻህን አይተውህም ወንድሜ
ግን ዘረኛ አትሁን በኢስላም ረሱል ሀቢቢ ጥምብ ነው ብለዋል በኢስላም እሽ በተረፈ በርታ
ጥፋትማ አለው በረግጥ ሙስሊም ስለሆ ነው የሚያሳድዱት ትክክለኛ ከሆነ አላህ ይረዳዋል ካልሆነ ያዋርደዋል
ጥያቄ በዛ።እነደ መለሰ ሰለ አፍሪካ ሲጠየቅ ሰለ ኮርያ ይመልሰ ነበር።ጥያቄና መልሰ ቢሆን ደህና ነው።
ye tigray telatoch hibret
Amara be Amaranetume biderajime Be ethiopiawintu ayederadereme 😍
Why don't you guys go to Ethiopia and ask or demand vote for u peacefully if that's what u want democratically instead putting the country and the people in danger!'
Amlake, ante becha dereselen! God is the only hope!
politically Jawar is out smarting those so called Amharas.
እግዚአብሔር ይርዳችሁ
አይ። ኢትዮጵያ። አገሬ የሞተልሽ። ቀርቶ የገደለሽ። በላሽ
Who chose this people.
ahiya hula. Deha betesebh merdat yematchilu ahiyoch, sichenkachuh new. Ezih 40 amet tekemiteh doro yelehim
LEGUHAR. gar.abrachu be Kochera ltlun leboch shoftoch
ant egzeabher hoy Anton yedfaeh
Ena yalgebani manen new yemitagelut ?????? Lila awrop meto weronal???? Arbe metobna ???? Er bakachue asetwelu
enante mecheresha lemared mdre ashebari kotetamoch
enate Ethiopian le maxefat enji le malemat adelem xeretachu le mesekinoche Ethiopian sertu endaye nuru tadergalachu le rasachu America. kuche belachu ye wegenochachen deme ye ferdebachu enate ke iss le yenet yelachum egzibher. lebona yestachu le bachu tesewerewal ena
see behind the speaker, there is no Ethiopian flag.it seems that they don't belive being an Ethiopia.
ጁሀር ጀግነነ ምቀኛን ርገደቸዉ
ግዝይክም እይትስውእ ድዱብች ናችወ ሸረመጠ
Where are you now?
In the Hotel of Mekele?
wayyaanewoch atidkamu yannaanta gizee alfuwal
What a jock .. social media activity discussion ... so funny .. b/c of you guys now the Facebook is blocked for good .. now you guys are out of job.
jawar yetenkol temertebet new inde yetemarew? ebakachu melse setugn
ine sayew hager lematefat koreto yetensa telatachin new
ante hodam kefafayoch
englse yker
Egziyabher Yirdachu! endih sitweyayu abet des sil.......!
ተመለሰ እንዴ ጅዋር?
Midre Fara nana Balager
Wowowow thanks gawar Mohammad i am to oromo ferrets !!!
atikefaflun,there is one ethiopia only wooooooo,the world is in digital age still we are worried about race,tribal politics.even we can not feed ourselves,shame on juhar and mele are the same the way they answer,this man is dangerous for unified ethiopia,let us teach him,
ጁሀርፈጣሪ ይጠብቅክ
ato achame yelhe teru angager new
ጅዋር አይሲስ ነው ሌባ ሀገር ገንጣይ ነው
My Ethiopian people. Please if you are listening to Jawar: He is dividing Ethiopians and talk about tribes instead of talking about One Ethiopia, solving our country's and individual problems. TRUE ‼GOD is HOPE everything ☝🏾🙏🏾🤲🏾💚💛❤
ጀዋር tlobg stelah efff asteli
Ene dmo anch setlash
4 seytanoch
Yediredawa lej yalew, Amhara Tenish Betam lek aydelem. I think u r Tigre/ weyane degafi and ur question is so negative when Amharas were getting killed in dredawa, who helped them? No one! Weyane was the one pushing it!
አቻምየለህ ትክክል ነህ ግን በተግባር በደቡብ። ወይም በምራሃብ ወይም በምስራቅ የሚገኙ ህዝብ በሙሉ እየደገፈቹ ከልብ አውሩ የውሸት። ሰይሆን እቺ አመራ ወይም ኦሮሞ ብቻ እየነጠሉ መውራት ልመትን የበለሻል እናመሰግናለሁ።
Thanks so much
the civilized world call these zero sum game.
they are fighting for their deaths, if you wanna to overthrow eprdf, will have to struggle and pay sacrifices More than eprdf had done....ah you block Head of islands....since when you're....
የትግራይ ተራሮች የአማራ መቃብር ይሆናሉ የሚለውን የአማራ ተራሮች የትግሬ መቃብር ይሆናሉ ልንል እንችላለን? ምን አይነት እርኮሶች ናቸው
jawar sawan macaras naw yemifalgaw
achamyeleh bleh smhn Keyrehal ertrawineh
kkkkkkkkk weyanen lemetal new fadiya hula
jawara 😈😈😈😈😈😈😈
Ye weshetam Sebseb. kkkkk
ጁሀር በርተ ሌሎችም በርቱ
ሰው። እውነታ። በሌለው። ነገር። እንዴት። ይዋሻል
wande kahonk nana tagdale warkme taywalhe ezahne atsllne
ye taxi nejiwochna homelesoch poletica
I am Woleyea and Muslim, not amhara
you all are with rusted mind!
ምን አለበት ጁሀርጠቅላይ ሚንስተር ቢሆን
ዉሽዋች ዝም በሉ በነንተ ያሚወደቅ መንግስት አይደለም ከናንተ 10እጅ ወያኔ ያሻለነል
rashid ..... menamen tebiyew woyim demo tebay ekekam ye ekekam zer nek woyim nek weyenema ye oromon egir gombese bilo kalatebe tayalachu zem belachu eyu ewenetu seweta tegirewoche beterachew demo zermanzerachew malek yejemeralu fetar demo yeserachewun yesetachuwal tebiku 👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌🐶🐶🐶🐹🐹
ኪኪኪኪኪኪ ደደብ ነህ እሺ ገደል ግባ እንጂ ወያኔ ለዘላለም ይኖራል እሪሪ በል
bitch fascist is 10 time bad
+rashed rashed wisha
ለወያኔ። ሚስድብ ቅለል ነው መውርድ ግን ክቡድ ናው። ክክክክኡፍ
Jawar is definitely weyane servant, becuase he is explaining and exploiting what weyane preaches for the last 25 years.
የ ኦነግ ኣላማ
1) የ ኢትዮጲያ የስልጣን የበላይኔት መሪ
2) ፈደርሺን ኢንደ ዎያኔ
3) ካልሆነ መገንጠል
ከዚህ ውጭ ምንም ኦነግ ኣይስማማም 100 % በኢርግጥ ለማንም ኦሮሞ ጠይቁ
4) በ ኦነግ ባንደራ ኢኒጂ በኢትዮጲያ ባንደራ ኣያምንም
ጄአር ፡የዘር ታማኝ ምኞት አይከለከልም ጋላ ጉርኛ ሁላ
አንተ ጋላ አህያ
kkkkkkkkkkkkk hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh dedbh nehw
ስም ማውጣት ታውቃለች የአማራ እናት አ ቻ ም
ከንቱ የከንቱ ናችሁ ህዝቡን ማሳመን አልቻለችሁም
The cowards. Tultula Fesam hula.
ye tultula sbseba kkkkkkk
poletichuhu 00000000000