Lapras,Palafin/Finizen/Hero Form, Vaporeon and Milotic are my favourites but I love all water type pokemon so much its my best favourite type ever alongside ice ^^
To be fair, back then, psychic WAS legitimately a much stronger type than it is today, so much so that they introduced 2 new types that had some sort of advantage against it in gen2 to try to balance it out. Then again, normal was also surprisingly much better than the casual player would expect it to be in the first couple of generations, too, despite being not only the single most neutral type in the entire game and being the only one that's incapable of dealing super-effective damage to anything, to the point where Snorlax was unironically the best competitive Pokemon in BOTH OU AND Ubers
@ You know what they should have done, make Lugia a flying/dragon type. Not only would it make it "feel powerful", it would prop up how the dragon type is a powerful type because a legendary is one.
@ Well yeah but Lugia is meant to be defensive and it was introduced in the same gen where there was a focused effort toward nerfing the Psychic type both offensively and defensively. And Psychic type's defensive use was nerfed especially hard with one of its weaknesses being to a type that completely walls it.
@@justinn8541akaDrPokemonSo, hot take: I wish we didn't have legendary dragons. The idea of dragons being pseudos, always just a half-step below the gods, is kind of metal.
it just makes sense that nearly all water types can learn ice moves like ice beam or blizzard for thematic and logical reasons, very few water's can't learn damaging ice moves
Story wise the Inklings and Octolings probaby think Water is so cool even though it hurts them similar to how we view fire so since Fire type starters are the most popular here it makes sense why Water won the splatfest! -Ignoring reality where everyone voted Water for the Big Man sweep-
water type is so good both offensively and defensively. between the insane wallbreaking power of tera water rainboosted wave crash in gen 9 and suicune/swampert coining the phrase "bulky waters" in adv ou, i feel like water is the most versatile type in the game.
i agree, water is just so versatile and balanced that it's never needed a drastic nerf, and the "bulky water" archetype is never gonna die as water is such a solid defensive typing. if you ask me, Water is probably in the top 5 maybe even top 3 best types in the game
Good video overall but uh, I'm surprised you left out Urshifu rapid strike 😮 That was a huge addition to water types even claiming both worlds championships of Scarlet and Violet. Oh i guess Tapu Fini also was another pokemon that also made waves since gen 7.
Why is Water Type broken? Its very simple. To get across the areas of the game, you will need to get across bodies of water. How? With a powerful move that happens to be learnable by every Water Type not named Magikarp. A move that happens to be infinite-use. Water types are good because sooner or later, you will be forced to use one.
About gyarados - in gen 1, it had a special stat of 100. So while it didn't hit as hard as pokemon like gengar, it was actually comparable to pokemon like starmie, in terms of raw damage, while also having a lot of great coverage, in thunderbolt, fire blast, and blizzard. So yeah, it was not just good as a special attacker, but outright great! The main reason it isn't OU proper in gen 1 is due to a lot of the best pokemon carrying thunderbolt as coverage. So yeah, mixed gyarados was a menace.
I think the 2 types with very interesting videos are Psychic: how it was dominant but fell off due to not just the nerf from gen 2 onwards but types like ghost getting better Dark: weird identity crisis being special to becoming more common as well as stuff like knock off
Dark types have gotten better over the years. Between the more widespread distribution/buff of knock off, being able to hit Steel types for neutral damage starting in gen 6, and being the only type to truly check Ghost types, the Dark type is one of the better types in the game. Nothing is immune to Dark and it hits almost every type for neutral damage. The Psychic type has truly fallen off. I think the Psychic type needs a Fairy resistance. The Psychic type is definitely more suited to be a more defensive type.
well tbh the nerf's psychic got in gen 2 where needed as the type was just unstoppable (i mean the fact they had to make 2 types to nerf it really showed how unbalanced it was along with the Special stat getting split into Sp.Atk and Sp.Def)
@bulborb8756 oh the gen 2 nerfs were needed no doubt but also ways psychic type got worse -since gen 4 dark and ghost two of its weaknesses gradually got better and better -another type ABSOLUTELY needs to resist fairy as well as have another type be good against fairy
@ true over the years due to power creep, psychic has gotten weaker overall as poison is still a weak type and fighting has become a rather below-average type with Fairy's dominance
Some shakey logic aside I really think we should have had the following changes back when they revised Steel: - Posion is super effective against Water. - Ice resists Water.
Water has always been my favorite type just because it is such a well-rounded and versatile type, I've always held it in high regards as being one of the best types in the game and hasn't needed any major nerf's as it hasn't been too dominate like Psychic, Fighting and Dragon were at their problematic peak's. Personally i find the distribution nerf to Scald in gen 9 was needed cause in my opinion: it was far too good of a move with very little counter-play to it and i've never liked using it as it was such a "low risk, high reward" move to me
They should have also reduced the number of Water Pokemon with access to Ice Beam or Blizzard. It gives them too much ability to counter two of the types that should be able to check them. It would also be an indirect buff to Grass since they could more easily check the Water types that would otherwise blast them with Ice Beam as well as to Ice types by making them more valuable.
@@JanusHoW i honestly disagree with that, the ability to learn ice moves just makes a ton of sense for water types and being able to have a way to counter dragon and grass is good as not many water's can learn ground moves. Water isn't that broken to need a nerf that drastic
The thing I never liked about Scald becoming the de facto Water move in competitive was how it made burning into Water's whole thing, when it should be Fire's thing. I thought Chilling Water was a better replacement for Scald. Gen 9 handled Scald's distribution much better.
@ i get the burn chance scald had as your dousing the foe with hot water, but it was just too reliable of a move at a solid 80 with a 30% burn chance. and i do agree that the distribution nerf to scald in gen 9 was great as its given to so some mons that make thematic sense and thus a TON of bulky waters lost this move
@@bulborb8756I understand water types learning ice type moves for coverage but I don’t think it’s fair for grass types if every water type learned them. I think it should only be for starters and other Pokémon that make sense like milotic not luvdisc, lumineon, or basculin. Also it gives people an incentive to use ice types because right now the only way gamefreak can get people to use them is to make them absurdly broken.
Pokémon type chart info like this is fun to think about as something in-universe when writing Pokémon fanfics. Some starters are solid for in-game story playthroughs but bad competitively or vice-versa, and some starters or starter-types could end up really good in-universe at a high level of competitive battles, but kinda impractical at times on the road or in the wilds given wild Pokémon populations and/or geography.
I wonder how water would fare if it were weak to Bug and/or Poison. And I wish they'd give regular Corsola a branched evolution. One based off of the coral creature from "what's new scooby-doo" and aother based on the great barrier reef, similar but more powerful than the one found in "forbidden toxic neon green"
having bug or poison beat water in my opinion doesn't make a lot of sense, bug especially cause like what's even the logic there? and yeah Johtonian Corsola does need an evo with just how terrible it is like a lot of mons from gen 2 are
@@bulborb8756Water pollution? Not necessarily the element itself, but things which live in it. It would make as much sense as Grass, and certainly more than Fairy.
Greninja *did* eventually get used as a Water-type force with Battle Bond in Gen 7. Ash-Greninja was used on rain teams as a specs attacker all the time.
They really should just make Ice resist Water and then also invert Water's resistance to Ice to become a weakness to really make a dent with nerfing it (and also helping Ice to balance the chart that way too).
in my opinion, i think just making ice and water resist each other also makes a ton of sense as ice can and does melt in water. and i don't think ice needs to be made super effective against water as the type is not THAT problematic like psychic, fighting and dragon were at their peaks
I can see giving Ice a water resist. Making water weak to Ice is a terrible idea though. Ice is already strong against 4 types offensively and nothing is immune to it. It's one of, if not the best offense type already. There is a reason the one Ice type move that actually is strong against Water, Freeze-dry, is only 70 base power and has limited distribution. Also speaking of that your idea completely kills Freeze-dry as a concept, everyone would just run Ice Beam.
@ exactly, i think just making water and ice resist each other like how bug and fighting do is better, gives ice a resistance that actually matters this way defensive ice types have something they can switch into. ice is one of the best offensive types, with the others being ground, fighting, fairy and ghost (with ghost it's mainly because it hits everything except dark and normal for at least neutral damage)
3:12 gyarados not good in gen 1 because it is a physical attacker? Did you forget gyarados had a 100 special? It had the same special attack as starmie plus gen 1 Hyper Beam
Yeah, Gyarados could actually use Special moves back in gen 1. Gyarados's weakest gen was gen 2, followed by 3. Those were after Gyarados's Special Attack were nerfed, but before Water moves could be physical. Combine that with Gyarados's complete lack of Flying options and Gyarados just had no STAB to work with.
@@michaelbesser5348 yup, outside of HP flying back in gen's 2 & 3, gyarados just didn't have any phsycial options till gen 4 with the physical/special split (seriously by gen 3 the lack of this got extremely bad)
My first mon ever was squirtle. I picked mudkip cause it was derpy looking, and quickly found out it was beoken. I've never not picked a water starter since. I even picked Sobble...
I wouldn't even put dragon in top 3 because water is so insane. The top 3 types are unquestionably fairy, steel, and water. Dragon is a sizeable step down from the top 3
Been playing Pokemon since I was a kid when Gen 1 came out and I've always known water was the most busted because it can counter every other type in the game(s) in one way or another.
same, compared to fire and especially grass starters, water starters don't tend to hit problematic fights as often, like take mudkip for example: in Hoenn it cruises or crushes the story until the league where it's only problematic fights are with Sidney and Drake, giving you a ton of time to get a team together to help. only gen i can think of where a water starter actually does struggle would have to be gen 8
My top 3 favourite types are Water, Poison, and Flying. When Tentacruel got Clear Body, it became a secret weapon during battles with Stat lowering foes.
The sheer ubiquity of Water types also means even in nuzlockes you're extremely likely to pick up a solid Water type, a backup and a backup for the backup. And that's _without_ counting Gyarados the Gamebreaker.
with just how abundant the type is in every regional dex (Black & White is an exception as water-types there are actually hard to come by around i think the 7th gym where you get the HM for surf), the options are just long as you don't end up with something awful like pyukumuku, wishiwashi or luvdisc
well when there's so many aquatic and semi-aquatic animals in the world, it's no wonder why it's always held onto it's title of being the most common type
I feel like Water types shouldn't get Ice beam; it makes Ice types less viable since why bother with Ice if Water can just do it for you? At best the Water types should get weak ice moves like Icy wind and let Ice types have the stronger ice moves; we can make an exception for any Water/Ice types. Plus, this will give Grass and Dragons more room to breath. Also, if yall want to complain about Scald just make the burn chance to 10% like every other move.
I think Scald was originally given 30% burn to be in line with Discharge and Lava Plume. The problem here is that you can swap in an Electric or Ground type to deal with Discharge, or a Fire type to deal with Lava Plume. To beat Scald's burn you can swap in a Fire type, but that has some obvious issues.
11:58 Are we just gonna skip over Urshifu rapid-strike? One of the most used water types in the recent vgc meta game? Absolutely broken Pokémon with a broken signature move?
I just don't get game freak's game mechanics… when did water resist steel and how do you justify a liquid to be resistant when on the other side of the coin ice is weak to steel. In the real world, H2O is found in both typings, water and ice are just different states of the same matter H2O. It's so crazy that they make an excuse for steel to be super effective against ice, solid water, then steel is resisted by liquid H20. The same applies to rock weak to water but super effective against ice smh lol. Game Freak should have just had water and ice resist each other from Gen 1 to give Ice somewhat of an immunity. Instead they just teased ice types with a freeze dry attack. It's basic science and they can't even make it happen in a kids game that we're all playing as adults.,
I'm going to keep pushing for the Sound Type for the sake of balancing the Strong Types and the Weak Types specifically. Sound Type would interact with Steel, Fairy, Water, Ice, and Bug with the intention of balancing. It's just unfortunate that Psychic, Fighting, and Ghost would suffer as well. But Dark would have fun. My Concept for the Sound Type Strong Against: Fairy, Fighting, Psychic, Ghost Weak To: Dark, Ghost, Bug, Ice, Poison Resists: Steel, Water, Fighting Resisted By: Rock, Steel, Ice, Dark Immune to Sound: Bug Additional Interactions: Sound type moves do less damage and are less accurate in Snowscape and Sandstorm. A new Normal Type Special Attack move is introduced to replace Hyper Voice STAB loss. Sound Type wouldn't just be about Noise Making, but also about Echo Location and Sonar, hence its interactions with Ghost. In reference to this video, it's relationship with Echo Location and Whale Calls is how it resists Water type. Sound Waves travel whether or not Water is there, even if it appears to be drowned out.
Leech Seed and Grass type Drain moves should heals more HP or deals more damage under the rain. Its so weird that Grass type like to be under Drought more than under Drizzle.
@@Mardshima89 i mean sure grass need moisture to grow, but i think them needing to be under sunlight makes a lot more sense cause like photosynthesis and all that with how much sunlight they need to grow
I'm expecting hate for this, but here goes. I think easily the biggest thing they could do to nurf water types is to remove the over abundant ability to use ice. Just because something can spit water, doesn't mean it should be able to spit frozen water. Doing so would also be a huge boon to ice and grass types as well.
Water types are my second favorite type, I prefer the night type but if you asked me I would say that the best is the electric type. only one weakness so I think that's why pure electrics are more "fragile"
13:28 Except they're all 4x weak to the most hated (by me) and broken move in the game that shouldn't have existed. Freeze Dry. Yes, i used to have fun making mono water team but this single move can annihilate entire rain team like that.
Water is probably the 2nd most powerful type, almost entirely due to Water's excellent type coverage and surprising variety of options. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if the game was at some point BALANCED around the Water type as the primary type.
@padstah3747 I think I would argue Water gets the third place Bronze medal. Steel is just ludicrously good defensively (so ludicrous that, even though Steel isn't great offensively it still belongs up there) and Fairy simultaneously beats decent types (Dragon, Fighting, Dark) while the only types that beat it are really bad offensively (being Steel and Poison). At least Electric is a pretty good type which beats Water (and Grass, which I'd say is kind of mid tier).
@@michaelbesser5348 the issue with steel is it has some of the worst weaknesses there is, fire is common coverage specially, fighting and ground are common physical coverage, so whilst the large numbers of resistances make steel certainly strong, id say top 3, its just too detrimental in conjunction with being a really bad offensive type compared to the overall consistency of water. Part of what makes water so good is that it effectively has no physical weaknesses - physical grass and electric moves are never used a coverage, and those who use it as stab very often struggle. Additionally, grass in general is a pretty bad type honestly probably bottom 3 or 4, and also isnt terribly commonly used as special coverage either, both because energy ball isnt SUPER common and because it generally isnt super good. Electric is a good type, but thunderbolt is not a terribly common coverage move, at least not nearly as common as flamethrower, and electric also importantly does not resist water - meaning most electric types ability to switch into water types are fairly limited. It means there is only 1 pure type which both resists and is super effective against water, and that one type is one of the worst in the game. Fairy meanwhile has 2, one of which is one of the best types in the game, the other of which is a solid mid tier type (granted both are pretty poor types offensively, although particularly poison is a very common coverage move that is used semi-often). Water is just really insane both offensively, where it is one of the best types, where the only type that resists its stab + coverage that every water type is itself, has nearly 0 physical weaknesses (which is particularly obviously really strong when you see how strong alomomola and dondozo are in OU right now - the 2 primary physical hit taking pokemon are water types), great resistances in fire, ice and itself (not as impressive as steel or fairy to be fair, but its boons make up for this) AND it has; Possibly the best offensive move in the game in scald, stronger versions of its moves on both the physical AND special side (something neither steel nor fairy can boast) and a weather that boosts its power by 50%
@@michaelbesser5348 pretty much, but I do have an opposite opinion on grass where i think it's one of the 5 worst types but it sure can be argued that the top 3 best are Fairy, Steel and Water
@bulborb8756 My defense for Grass is that the types it loses to tend to not be that great. Ice and Bug are pretty bad types in general, and Poison is a really bad offensive type also (I'd even argue those are the 3 bottom types, though Poison is the best of those 3). Flying is often given to fairly mediocre mons also, so that mostly leaves Fire as the best type that actually beats it. Meanwhile, Rock aside (since it's a fairly mediocre type), beating Water and Ground is really good for competitive.
I still after all this time, do not get why ice isn't super effective against water. Most water pokemon are fish or other things that live in the water. Do you know what happens when you put your goldfish outside in the middle of a snowstorm? If you can freeze the water and the thing inside is either dead or not going to be able to move. So I do not get why they resist ice.
kinda feel like it was more so when they tried buffing weather in gen 5, they went a bit too far so it wasn't entirely Politoed's fault for gen 5's weather wars
As someone whose favorites are grass and bug... I pretty much avoid competitive play. I also really like fairy and poison but those aren't underpowered.
I’ve always loved Water when it comes to video games, anime, TV shows, etc., and Pokémon is no exception. I’ve loved the Water-Type since day one. I’m not the type of person who usually creates rules for myself when playing a game, but always having a Water-type in my team is the sole exception. Starmie has always been my favorite, but I have to say it ties with Piplup now.
I usually don't really comment about things like these but I had to close the video because of all the gen 1 flashing screens early video, at least I can listen and not lose out on the content but the flashing straight up gave me a headache, just a heads up for the next one perhaps!
HAPPY JPR FRIDAY! Who is your favorite Water type Pokemon? I personally really like Palafin 🐬
Swampert is my favorite and water types are my favorite type in pokemon 😊
Lapras,Palafin/Finizen/Hero Form, Vaporeon and Milotic are my favourites but I love all water type pokemon so much its my best favourite type ever alongside ice ^^
Spheal and Iron Bundle
Azumarill, Gorebyss and Kyogre.
This video shows the irony of Game Freak making Lugia a psychic to "make it feel more powerful".
Traded a 4x weakness to Electric just to get 3 more weaknesses and less resistances. What were they thinking?
To be fair, back then, psychic WAS legitimately a much stronger type than it is today, so much so that they introduced 2 new types that had some sort of advantage against it in gen2 to try to balance it out. Then again, normal was also surprisingly much better than the casual player would expect it to be in the first couple of generations, too, despite being not only the single most neutral type in the entire game and being the only one that's incapable of dealing super-effective damage to anything, to the point where Snorlax was unironically the best competitive Pokemon in BOTH OU AND Ubers
@ You know what they should have done, make Lugia a flying/dragon type. Not only would it make it "feel powerful", it would prop up how the dragon type is a powerful type because a legendary is one.
@ Well yeah but Lugia is meant to be defensive and it was introduced in the same gen where there was a focused effort toward nerfing the Psychic type both offensively and defensively. And Psychic type's defensive use was nerfed especially hard with one of its weaknesses being to a type that completely walls it.
@@justinn8541akaDrPokemonSo, hot take: I wish we didn't have legendary dragons.
The idea of dragons being pseudos, always just a half-step below the gods, is kind of metal.
The ZA wishlist reference in the thumbnail is top tier.
We can only hope 🙏
I caught that too.
Every water type getting ice coverage means the only safe switch for offensive water types is other water types unless you're iron bundle
it just makes sense that nearly all water types can learn ice moves like ice beam or blizzard for thematic and logical reasons, very few water's can't learn damaging ice moves
@@bulborb8756Tite Kubo thinks otherwise.
Don't worry, we know you don't hate Grass type. Gamefreak does XD
Ah, so *that's* why Water won that Splatfest...
Story wise the Inklings and Octolings probaby think Water is so cool even though it hurts them similar to how we view fire so since Fire type starters are the most popular here it makes sense why Water won the splatfest!
-Ignoring reality where everyone voted Water for the Big Man sweep-
@@SillyLilly-t1x Speak for yourself, I voted Water fully expecting to lose.
water type is so good both offensively and defensively. between the insane wallbreaking power of tera water rainboosted wave crash in gen 9 and suicune/swampert coining the phrase "bulky waters" in adv ou, i feel like water is the most versatile type in the game.
i agree, water is just so versatile and balanced that it's never needed a drastic nerf, and the "bulky water" archetype is never gonna die as water is such a solid defensive typing.
if you ask me, Water is probably in the top 5 maybe even top 3 best types in the game
Good video overall but uh, I'm surprised you left out Urshifu rapid strike 😮 That was a huge addition to water types even claiming both worlds championships of Scarlet and Violet. Oh i guess Tapu Fini also was another pokemon that also made waves since gen 7.
They don't share a single weakness? They all die to Freeze Dry!
Freeze Dry hits Gyarados, Ogerpon Wellspring, Kingdra and Swampert for 4x damage. So they all share a weakness
Why is Water Type broken? Its very simple. To get across the areas of the game, you will need to get across bodies of water.
How? With a powerful move that happens to be learnable by every Water Type not named Magikarp. A move that happens to be infinite-use.
Water types are good because sooner or later, you will be forced to use one.
About gyarados - in gen 1, it had a special stat of 100. So while it didn't hit as hard as pokemon like gengar, it was actually comparable to pokemon like starmie, in terms of raw damage, while also having a lot of great coverage, in thunderbolt, fire blast, and blizzard. So yeah, it was not just good as a special attacker, but outright great!
The main reason it isn't OU proper in gen 1 is due to a lot of the best pokemon carrying thunderbolt as coverage.
So yeah, mixed gyarados was a menace.
I think the 2 types with very interesting videos are
Psychic: how it was dominant but fell off due to not just the nerf from gen 2 onwards but types like ghost getting better
Dark: weird identity crisis being special to becoming more common as well as stuff like knock off
Dark types have gotten better over the years. Between the more widespread distribution/buff of knock off, being able to hit Steel types for neutral damage starting in gen 6, and being the only type to truly check Ghost types, the Dark type is one of the better types in the game.
Nothing is immune to Dark and it hits almost every type for neutral damage.
The Psychic type has truly fallen off. I think the Psychic type needs a Fairy resistance. The Psychic type is definitely more suited to be a more defensive type.
well tbh the nerf's psychic got in gen 2 where needed as the type was just unstoppable (i mean the fact they had to make 2 types to nerf it really showed how unbalanced it was along with the Special stat getting split into Sp.Atk and Sp.Def)
@bulborb8756 oh the gen 2 nerfs were needed no doubt but also ways psychic type got worse
-since gen 4 dark and ghost two of its weaknesses gradually got better and better
-another type ABSOLUTELY needs to resist fairy as well as have another type be good against fairy
@ true over the years due to power creep, psychic has gotten weaker overall as poison is still a weak type and fighting has become a rather below-average type with Fairy's dominance
Fave water type is probably a tie between Blastoise and Primarina.
4:26 Eevee only got Growth through a New York Pokémon Center event.
My favorite water type is lapras
Mine is Greninja. 🙂
Both great choices. Mine is Swampert
When it comes to Best Type, Water is basically in contention with Steel, Fairy, Ground, Fire, Ghost, and Dark.
Steel and Fairy are the best. The others you mention are good but not on the same level
@@cabrondemente1 No kidding.
Remember Mega Mawile and Zacian Crowned?
Dark is not up there
@@cabrondemente1 water is better than steel now, top 2 is fairly easily water and fairy
Fire good?
Fire is amongst the worse.
Some shakey logic aside I really think we should have had the following changes back when they revised Steel:
- Posion is super effective against Water.
- Ice resists Water.
ngl...i find that making poison beat water doesn't make a lot of sense to me
ice makes sense
Water has always been my favorite type just because it is such a well-rounded and versatile type, I've always held it in high regards as being one of the best types in the game and hasn't needed any major nerf's as it hasn't been too dominate like Psychic, Fighting and Dragon were at their problematic peak's.
Personally i find the distribution nerf to Scald in gen 9 was needed cause in my opinion: it was far too good of a move with very little counter-play to it and i've never liked using it as it was such a "low risk, high reward" move to me
They should have also reduced the number of Water Pokemon with access to Ice Beam or Blizzard. It gives them too much ability to counter two of the types that should be able to check them. It would also be an indirect buff to Grass since they could more easily check the Water types that would otherwise blast them with Ice Beam as well as to Ice types by making them more valuable.
@@JanusHoW i honestly disagree with that, the ability to learn ice moves just makes a ton of sense for water types and being able to have a way to counter dragon and grass is good as not many water's can learn ground moves.
Water isn't that broken to need a nerf that drastic
The thing I never liked about Scald becoming the de facto Water move in competitive was how it made burning into Water's whole thing, when it should be Fire's thing.
I thought Chilling Water was a better replacement for Scald. Gen 9 handled Scald's distribution much better.
@ i get the burn chance scald had as your dousing the foe with hot water, but it was just too reliable of a move at a solid 80 with a 30% burn chance.
and i do agree that the distribution nerf to scald in gen 9 was great as its given to so some mons that make thematic sense and thus a TON of bulky waters lost this move
@@bulborb8756I understand water types learning ice type moves for coverage but I don’t think it’s fair for grass types if every water type learned them. I think it should only be for starters and other Pokémon that make sense like milotic not luvdisc, lumineon, or basculin. Also it gives people an incentive to use ice types because right now the only way gamefreak can get people to use them is to make them absurdly broken.
7:16 Tom Sawyer and Fly By Night are Rush songs, awesome to see I am not alone!
Pokémon type chart info like this is fun to think about as something in-universe when writing Pokémon fanfics.
Some starters are solid for in-game story playthroughs but bad competitively or vice-versa, and some starters or starter-types could end up really good in-universe at a high level of competitive battles, but kinda impractical at times on the road or in the wilds given wild Pokémon populations and/or geography.
Happy Later JPR Friday
Happy JPR Friday to you as well, mr commenter
It sure lives up to its irl theme of being everywhere & one of the strongest elements around. Water bonds life together, after all
Love the spongebob credits thing
I wonder how water would fare if it were weak to Bug and/or Poison.
And I wish they'd give regular Corsola a branched evolution. One based off of the coral creature from "what's new scooby-doo" and aother based on the great barrier reef, similar but more powerful than the one found in "forbidden toxic neon green"
having bug or poison beat water in my opinion doesn't make a lot of sense, bug especially cause like what's even the logic there?
and yeah Johtonian Corsola does need an evo with just how terrible it is like a lot of mons from gen 2 are
@@bulborb8756Water pollution? Not necessarily the element itself, but things which live in it. It would make as much sense as Grass, and certainly more than Fairy.
Greninja *did* eventually get used as a Water-type force with Battle Bond in Gen 7. Ash-Greninja was used on rain teams as a specs attacker all the time.
In one of those clips there is a pokemon named Stevie Nicks - classy
Ducks are the best
They really should just make Ice resist Water and then also invert Water's resistance to Ice to become a weakness to really make a dent with nerfing it (and also helping Ice to balance the chart that way too).
in my opinion, i think just making ice and water resist each other also makes a ton of sense as ice can and does melt in water. and i don't think ice needs to be made super effective against water as the type is not THAT problematic like psychic, fighting and dragon were at their peaks
I can see giving Ice a water resist.
Making water weak to Ice is a terrible idea though. Ice is already strong against 4 types offensively and nothing is immune to it. It's one of, if not the best offense type already. There is a reason the one Ice type move that actually is strong against Water, Freeze-dry, is only 70 base power and has limited distribution. Also speaking of that your idea completely kills Freeze-dry as a concept, everyone would just run Ice Beam.
@ exactly, i think just making water and ice resist each other like how bug and fighting do is better, gives ice a resistance that actually matters this way defensive ice types have something they can switch into.
ice is one of the best offensive types, with the others being ground, fighting, fairy and ghost (with ghost it's mainly because it hits everything except dark and normal for at least neutral damage)
13:32 freeze dry users laughing rn
3:12 gyarados not good in gen 1 because it is a physical attacker? Did you forget gyarados had a 100 special? It had the same special attack as starmie plus gen 1 Hyper Beam
Yeah, Gyarados could actually use Special moves back in gen 1.
Gyarados's weakest gen was gen 2, followed by 3. Those were after Gyarados's Special Attack were nerfed, but before Water moves could be physical. Combine that with Gyarados's complete lack of Flying options and Gyarados just had no STAB to work with.
@@michaelbesser5348 yup, outside of HP flying back in gen's 2 & 3, gyarados just didn't have any phsycial options till gen 4 with the physical/special split (seriously by gen 3 the lack of this got extremely bad)
My first mon ever was squirtle. I picked mudkip cause it was derpy looking, and quickly found out it was beoken. I've never not picked a water starter since. I even picked Sobble...
I wouldn't even put dragon in top 3 because water is so insane. The top 3 types are unquestionably fairy, steel, and water. Dragon is a sizeable step down from the top 3
yeah after fairy was added, dragon was knocked down from being in the top 3 types, these days it's probably in the top 5 or somewhere in the middle
Empoleon is like ha, ha, suckers oh p.s now you guys know how birds feel
I always knew this. They’re very versatile.
I'm currently playing Pokemon HeartGold and I'm looking for Suicine in Kanto
Been playing Pokemon since I was a kid when Gen 1 came out and I've always known water was the most busted because it can counter every other type in the game(s) in one way or another.
I've always liked Water types. I tend to go with them as my starter when playing pokemon
same, compared to fire and especially grass starters, water starters don't tend to hit problematic fights as often, like take mudkip for example: in Hoenn it cruises or crushes the story until the league where it's only problematic fights are with Sidney and Drake, giving you a ton of time to get a team together to help.
only gen i can think of where a water starter actually does struggle would have to be gen 8
The intro credits sequence is genius
My top 3 favourite types are Water, Poison, and Flying. When Tentacruel got Clear Body, it became a secret weapon during battles with Stat lowering foes.
I am not a competitive pokemon fan however your videos remain so entertaining. Thank you!! Your in depth analysis are amazing!
The sheer ubiquity of Water types also means even in nuzlockes you're extremely likely to pick up a solid Water type, a backup and a backup for the backup. And that's _without_ counting Gyarados the Gamebreaker.
with just how abundant the type is in every regional dex (Black & White is an exception as water-types there are actually hard to come by around i think the 7th gym where you get the HM for surf), the options are just long as you don't end up with something awful like pyukumuku, wishiwashi or luvdisc
Not to mention there is so many WATER Types!
well when there's so many aquatic and semi-aquatic animals in the world, it's no wonder why it's always held onto it's title of being the most common type
Have a nice weekend JPR, happy Friday gamer
Not really a secret since every good player knows that. Water should definitely be in everyone's top 5 types, at the very least
Poison should be super effective against water
Against Electric too imo
I feel like Water types shouldn't get Ice beam; it makes Ice types less viable since why bother with Ice if Water can just do it for you? At best the Water types should get weak ice moves like Icy wind and let Ice types have the stronger ice moves; we can make an exception for any Water/Ice types.
Plus, this will give Grass and Dragons more room to breath.
Also, if yall want to complain about Scald just make the burn chance to 10% like every other move.
I think Scald was originally given 30% burn to be in line with Discharge and Lava Plume. The problem here is that you can swap in an Electric or Ground type to deal with Discharge, or a Fire type to deal with Lava Plume. To beat Scald's burn you can swap in a Fire type, but that has some obvious issues.
I can't think of any Pokémon that would be weakened by having a water dual typing
angry Scorbunny noises
I'm currently replaying HeartGold and chose Totodile as my starter. We already got 4 gym badges!
11:58 Are we just gonna skip over Urshifu rapid-strike? One of the most used water types in the recent vgc meta game? Absolutely broken Pokémon with a broken signature move?
I've always found it odd that even when talking about what types are the best very few people seem to talk about how good water is
Well, you've done Grass, Fire, and Water, so now all that's left is the secret fourth/forbidden starter type, Electric. LOL.
Let's go Eevee arguably makes Normal a fifth starting type if you count that.
@@michaelbesser5348 True, but he already covered Normal in a previous video.
I use mostly Water Starters except for 2 Generations. One I use a Fire and 1 for a Grass Starter.
Growth Eevee is a special Pokemon center event in Gen2 ...
So we cant have it by normal means, so it doesnt not really have it.
You can definitely make a future video about how to make grass type pokemon better
I just don't get game freak's game mechanics… when did water resist steel and how do you justify a liquid to be resistant when on the other side of the coin ice is weak to steel. In the real world, H2O is found in both typings, water and ice are just different states of the same matter H2O. It's so crazy that they make an excuse for steel to be super effective against ice, solid water, then steel is resisted by liquid H20. The same applies to rock weak to water but super effective against ice smh lol. Game Freak should have just had water and ice resist each other from Gen 1 to give Ice somewhat of an immunity. Instead they just teased ice types with a freeze dry attack. It's basic science and they can't even make it happen in a kids game that we're all playing as adults.,
I agree. Steel should be weak to water but resist to Ice meanwhile Ice should Resist Water and Water should be weak to Poison and Ice.
Awesome video
Hope do Electric next
I’ve always liked water cause I enjoy sea creatures and pools and now I know they have insane power!
Hot take: Gen 5 water > Gen 5 dragon
Secretly? I think it's pretty publicly broken.
And thats why water is my fave type and i mono run my forst plauthroughs adds a challange but still gives options to choose from
Honestly, grass types don't suck, they are mid-tier.
This said 1 second ago when I came back to UA-cam that’s wicked
I mean fire and ground are very common types in competitive and they can use ice type moves without having the downside of being an ice type.
IM just built different
I'm going to keep pushing for the Sound Type for the sake of balancing the Strong Types and the Weak Types specifically. Sound Type would interact with Steel, Fairy, Water, Ice, and Bug with the intention of balancing. It's just unfortunate that Psychic, Fighting, and Ghost would suffer as well. But Dark would have fun.
My Concept for the Sound Type
Strong Against: Fairy, Fighting, Psychic, Ghost
Weak To: Dark, Ghost, Bug, Ice, Poison
Resists: Steel, Water, Fighting
Resisted By: Rock, Steel, Ice, Dark
Immune to Sound: Bug
Additional Interactions:
Sound type moves do less damage and are less accurate in Snowscape and Sandstorm.
A new Normal Type Special Attack move is introduced to replace Hyper Voice STAB loss.
Sound Type wouldn't just be about Noise Making, but also about Echo Location and Sonar, hence its interactions with Ghost.
In reference to this video, it's relationship with Echo Location and Whale Calls is how it resists Water type. Sound Waves travel whether or not Water is there, even if it appears to be drowned out.
Nice! This video came just as Im starting my all water pokemon run of scarlet. Which mon would you guys recommend that I chase?
Shouldn’t both rain and sunlight help grass types when you think about it
Leech Seed and Grass type Drain moves should heals more HP or deals more damage under the rain. Its so weird that Grass type like to be under Drought more than under Drizzle.
@@Mardshima89 i mean sure grass need moisture to grow, but i think them needing to be under sunlight makes a lot more sense cause like photosynthesis and all that with how much sunlight they need to grow
absolutely elite intro
Me whom loves grass types! Even as picking most grass type starters i love my gyarados and whole Lotta other pokemon
I'm expecting hate for this, but here goes. I think easily the biggest thing they could do to nurf water types is to remove the over abundant ability to use ice. Just because something can spit water, doesn't mean it should be able to spit frozen water. Doing so would also be a huge boon to ice and grass types as well.
Water types are my second favorite type, I prefer the night type but if you asked me I would say that the best is the electric type.
only one weakness so I think that's why pure electrics are more "fragile"
13:28 Except they're all 4x weak to the most hated (by me) and broken move in the game that shouldn't have existed. Freeze Dry.
Yes, i used to have fun making mono water team but this single move can annihilate entire rain team like that.
I love that move lol, specially on stuff like swampert, you think it will do neutral damage and then BAAAAAM, 4x
My favorite move keeps those gyarados and swampert in check 😂
Be carefull not to fuckle with shuckle calling him bad altho i kinda agree
Water is probably the 2nd most powerful type, almost entirely due to Water's excellent type coverage and surprising variety of options. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if the game was at some point BALANCED around the Water type as the primary type.
id argue water is better than fairy but that might just be me
@padstah3747 I think I would argue Water gets the third place Bronze medal.
Steel is just ludicrously good defensively (so ludicrous that, even though Steel isn't great offensively it still belongs up there) and Fairy simultaneously beats decent types (Dragon, Fighting, Dark) while the only types that beat it are really bad offensively (being Steel and Poison).
At least Electric is a pretty good type which beats Water (and Grass, which I'd say is kind of mid tier).
@@michaelbesser5348 the issue with steel is it has some of the worst weaknesses there is, fire is common coverage specially, fighting and ground are common physical coverage, so whilst the large numbers of resistances make steel certainly strong, id say top 3, its just too detrimental in conjunction with being a really bad offensive type compared to the overall consistency of water. Part of what makes water so good is that it effectively has no physical weaknesses - physical grass and electric moves are never used a coverage, and those who use it as stab very often struggle. Additionally, grass in general is a pretty bad type honestly probably bottom 3 or 4, and also isnt terribly commonly used as special coverage either, both because energy ball isnt SUPER common and because it generally isnt super good. Electric is a good type, but thunderbolt is not a terribly common coverage move, at least not nearly as common as flamethrower, and electric also importantly does not resist water - meaning most electric types ability to switch into water types are fairly limited. It means there is only 1 pure type which both resists and is super effective against water, and that one type is one of the worst in the game. Fairy meanwhile has 2, one of which is one of the best types in the game, the other of which is a solid mid tier type (granted both are pretty poor types offensively, although particularly poison is a very common coverage move that is used semi-often). Water is just really insane both offensively, where it is one of the best types, where the only type that resists its stab + coverage that every water type is itself, has nearly 0 physical weaknesses (which is particularly obviously really strong when you see how strong alomomola and dondozo are in OU right now - the 2 primary physical hit taking pokemon are water types), great resistances in fire, ice and itself (not as impressive as steel or fairy to be fair, but its boons make up for this) AND it has; Possibly the best offensive move in the game in scald, stronger versions of its moves on both the physical AND special side (something neither steel nor fairy can boast) and a weather that boosts its power by 50%
@@michaelbesser5348 pretty much, but I do have an opposite opinion on grass where i think it's one of the 5 worst types
but it sure can be argued that the top 3 best are Fairy, Steel and Water
@bulborb8756 My defense for Grass is that the types it loses to tend to not be that great. Ice and Bug are pretty bad types in general, and Poison is a really bad offensive type also (I'd even argue those are the 3 bottom types, though Poison is the best of those 3). Flying is often given to fairly mediocre mons also, so that mostly leaves Fire as the best type that actually beats it. Meanwhile, Rock aside (since it's a fairly mediocre type), beating Water and Ground is really good for competitive.
why water types are broken? versatility
why are they the best? nessa
I still after all this time, do not get why ice isn't super effective against water. Most water pokemon are fish or other things that live in the water. Do you know what happens when you put your goldfish outside in the middle of a snowstorm? If you can freeze the water and the thing inside is either dead or not going to be able to move. So I do not get why they resist ice.
probably because ice can also melt in water, so that might be why ice is resisted by water
Not a single mention of Urshifu.
Was eagerly waiting for the JPR vid 🫡
I expected a 5 min rant about Politoed from the Gen 5 meta section, but you're not SilverAugust.
kinda feel like it was more so when they tried buffing weather in gen 5, they went a bit too far so it wasn't entirely Politoed's fault for gen 5's weather wars
Did bro forget urshifu in gen 8?
A minute in and I'm gonna guess they have coverage towards their own weakness? Like some actually knows Ice type moves!
if you continue to do more of these can you do Electric soon?
As someone whose favorites are grass and bug... I pretty much avoid competitive play. I also really like fairy and poison but those aren't underpowered.
Grass almost always have mons ranked in OU, its not the best type, but it is relevant.
Now all they lose scald
Electric is just as broken imo. One weakness like Normal, two types it's SE against, and only one type is immune to its attacks.
I beat fire red with a full water type team, all my starters besides torchic were water
I’ve always loved Water when it comes to video games, anime, TV shows, etc., and Pokémon is no exception. I’ve loved the Water-Type since day one. I’m not the type of person who usually creates rules for myself when playing a game, but always having a Water-type in my team is the sole exception. Starmie has always been my favorite, but I have to say it ties with Piplup now.
What happened? You skipped thru gen 8 vgc and left no mention of urshifu rapid strike. That pacing moved in flash time.
Team Aqua Rules!!
I usually don't really comment about things like these but I had to close the video because of all the gen 1 flashing screens early video, at least I can listen and not lose out on the content but the flashing straight up gave me a headache, just a heads up for the next one perhaps!
I mean, pachirisu is legendary at this point!
Bro never even mentioned urshifu
Love me my water types yat seadra
Can you do the Rock type next?
Rock would be nice, but man it feels like they have no idea what direction to go with rock if it should be offensive or defensive
So true
France related starters on the thumbnail🤔🤔
Me wondering where JPR got his shirt. As you can tell, I am a Xenoblade Fan