I saw this original conversation. Since then I've been taping my mouth closed at night while sleeping. And I love it! I thought I might feel claustrophobic or panicky about having my mouth taped closed, but I thought hey, just try it for one night. Before I went to sleep I tested the tape to see how easy it is to get free of it, and it's very easy, so that gave me peace of mind. That resolved my panic and fear. I actually do tape my entire mouth closed, although Mr. Nestor says he uses a much smaller piece of tape. I find that I require the larger strip of tape or else I wake up only to realize I still part my lips and breathe through my mouth around the smaller piece. I just had to tinker with it to make it work for my individual situation. I had issues before with dry mouth, including dental decay. Now my teeth stay properly moist all night. My whole mouth and throat would get utterly parched prior to taping. I also sleep more soundly. I could not sleep on my back without mouth tape because I'd snort and wake myself up numerous times throughout the night. Now I breathe deeply, calmly, peacefully through my nose, no matter what position I'm in. It's wonderful! There is a sense of peace I feel when I use the tape, too, which is hard to explain, but very real and present. I also notice it is easier now, during waking hours, to function with my mouth closed, for example, when I'm hiking or just doing daily tasks like washing dishes. I am more mindful, more aware now of when I am breathing improperly and it is easy to correct. Thank you for this important and helpful information!
@@thomassanders2513 I buy one inch wide white cloth tape that would be used to apply bandages. I got mine at CVS Pharmacy, but it's sold in most drug stores.
@@thomassanders2513 Also wanted to say, I originally posted this 3 months ago - and I love it even more now that I've done it a while. It's very natural to me now.
About two weeks ago after stumbling upon an article about BOLT, I began mouth taping and searching out podcasts and info about nasal breathing at night and now even throughout the day. I had no idea the immediate and enormous improvement that was in store for my sleep, my mood and surely my health!!
Yes! I have been breathing in+out through the nose day and night for the past 3 years and it has improved my health enormously. This is particularly helpful for people who wake up in the morning feeling very dry and thirsty. It takes sometime to get used to it but thereafter it becomes a habit..like learning to drive a car..
Been taping my mouth exactly how he has shown for the past 5 years and I swear by it. LOVE everything he has spoken about. !!!! Brilliant. Thankyou James from Australia . Will be reading your book asap !
@@Everythingtotteham I sleep through the night and wake up rested. I use to always wake up through the night to drink and would wake up with a dry mouth. My husband does it too now and no more snoring. I also am so conscious through the day to nose breath. Keeps me calm
I've listened to Mr. Nestor's book, Breath, twice on audio and have now ordered a hard copy. Mouth taping at night (and while working out) has been a complete game changer for me. I am a licensed massage therapist and yoga teacher AND never really understood how much of a "mouth breather" I naturally am. While I use conscious breathing in my yoga and massage practice, it obviously had not transferred to my daily grind, as they say. Holy Moly the difference! I always thought my tight upper traps and deep neck flexors were due to massaging and poor sleep posture, but they have released now that I am mouth taping daily. That's INCREDIBLE. On my days off when I am at home, I mouth tape during the day as well. It is very comforting and evokes a peaceful sensation. I was concerned I'd feel "suffocated" or "trapped" and that it might evoke a fight or flight type of response, am delighted it is actually the opposite effect. Very happy to have learned this technique and all of the supporting information from Mr. Nestor's book.
I have had terrible sleep apnea for years. The machines never worked. I do use a small dose of oxygen w a cannula at night. Every morning I wake up exhausted and cotton mouth dryness! I’m so excited to find this video. Can’t wait to try! 76 yo and need my sleep! 😢 Thank you!!
Cant believe im not groggy in the mornings 🌄 its like I have woken up after a bad dream . For years mouth breathing and feeling like crap. I feel fantastic thankyou
That’s fantastic!! Can I ask how you personally achieved the nasal breathing during your sleep? I’m desperate to not wake up anxious, tired, and with a dry mouth.
@@scraggs11 Haha I hear ya, I just thought I'd ask since it's not always mouth taping that does the trick. It comes with its own risks (like the tape becoming loose and blocking your airway) but medical grade tape, or porous tape, can apparently circumvent that risk. Have you ever done any mouth taping? How's it gone for you if so? Cheers man.
@@mikebasketball11 😂😂 no didn’t need to tape tbh I taught myself to breathe full time through my nose(had to use antihistamine/nasal spray at times) and it carried over into sleep. I do sleep on my side with a hand under my chin though and it’s worked greatly for me. I was a complete mental and physical wreck every day before I dialled this in now I wake up mostly a lot more clear headed. Though nights Iv messed up I feel immediately on waking and have a hard day. 2 days/nights of tgis practise and I start to see huge signs of recovery(yes that quickly) stay blessed 🙏🏻 Also can get a little scarf type device that when placed over top of head and chin hood the mouth closed if taping is to scary
@@scraggs11 Man thank you so much for your detailed & inspiring reply! It really gives me hope to read that. I'm on a steroidal nasal spray which does a great job of clearing my nose, but I often end up breathing through my mouth anyway as I've done it for so long. I'll make an effort to breathe only through the mouth more during the day and I'm gonna look to buy myself a headstrap legit right now. I've also booked a sleep study through my Dr for about a week from now, so feeling hopeful to get some insight from that too. So happy to hear you found relief from nasal breathing mate. Best wishes to you brother.
This is real, since i know this i started to breath my nose everyday and even when sleeping and i noticed that when i taped my mouth at night while sleeping when i wake up I don't feel stressed or weak and exhausted, i feel nourished waking up at morning when nose breathing at night
My sleep has improved tremendously because I’m not getting up to get water and then getting up to P. I have more quality sleep and wake up clear minded it’s true.
As a person who has practiced yoga for many years, we learn a lot about optimal breathing, and the difference it can make to healing and well being, so it's great to see this here I've not read this book yet, but it's definitely going on my list Thank you
The Indian procedure of Jala Neti can be helpful in this respect: cleaning the nasal passage with slightly warmed salt water, using a suitable small pot with spout on,which can be purchased in all sorts of varieties online.Just run it down one nostril and let it flow out the other and vice versa a few times.Completely cleans the nasal passage and will help in your ability to nostril/nose breath better. Only thing i'd advise is when you blow the nose at the end of the procedure, to evacuate it completely, blow from the nose itself gently, and avoid including the ears in the action, so as not to cause any earache.
I am 8o years old... I taped my month or used a chin strap for the past 10 years... BUT I recently was diagnosed with Sleep Apnea. I suggest everyone see a doctor and get a sleep survey done. ASAP to rule out it out of the picture. Lazy Jaw is what I call it.. but it can be the first symptom of APNEA.. IF you SNORE, Get a sleep survey... you can have serious health issues later in life...
The last 6 months or so, I've noticed that I'm waking with a dry mouth and throat. Taping my lips shut has worked. No more dryness, and before sleep, I can feel saliva in my mouth, which I never noticed before taping. Great video 👍 ❤
I’m currently reading his book after I’ve listened to the original conversation. I absolutely enjoy listening to your wonderful podcast and bite size is such a great reminder too. Thank you so much and look forward for the next Wednesday already!
I have not been able to breathe through my nose due to my deviated septum and enlarged turbinates. Had surgery last week on Tuesday to fix this. I had my splints removed yesterday. For the first time in my life, I’ve been able to keep my lips sealed and completely rely on breathing through my nose. Already feel a difference! Dr. Trenkle in Los Angeles did my surgery. He made sure to do good techniques to avoid empty nose syndrome
I am agree with you heavily. I was a mouth breather. I have mandibular prognathism and recently I had the operation done to fix it... surprisingly the first thing I notice I can breath so much air through my nose and never before I feel great like that!
I measured my oxygen levels the first night sleeping with a taped mouth. My oxygen dropped down to 80%. But then the events progressively leveled off through the night. You can see in the chart that the brain is learning that it can't mouthe breathe anymore.
I have always been a mouth breather, the reason is I have a deviated septum and I had a hard time getting air through my nose. Thanks to the VA doctors they corrected this and now I get plenty of air through my nose. First thing I noticed after my surgery was healed when I woke up in the morning was my mouth was shut and I was breathing through my nose. Now that I think about it I exhale through my nose also , is that ok? Note I am a 70 year old male and I had the surgery two years ago, so I lived with it for 68 years. Thanks for the information.
The hard part for me when I breath throuh my nose is the burning sensation I get.. I try to ignore it and continue breathing by the nose but at some point it's just too annoying and painful, I don't know how to get rid of this sensation..
I breathe through my mouth at night when I sleep and sometimes during the day when I'm awake I keep a bottle of water next to me. I have dry mouth it's affected my voice, my voice is deeper. People think it sounds good but it's because my throat is dry. I can no longer regularly talk. I gasp for air whenever I'm in a conversation with someone.
I have tried breathing through my nose while running and after 3-4 days it became much easier. What I now have is an incredibly dry mouth. Is this a symptom of something else?
I recently had septoplasty which makes me able to breath through my nose better. I wake up with no bad breath anymore. My nose is clogged up every night that I breath with my mouth and my mouth is very dry and smelly every morning.
I breath through my nose since forever, I'm never distracted because of breathing. I'm silent as a rock (the normal ones that does not scream). have extremely low breathing rate. can breath and swim like an otter. someone should study me 😂
Thank you James Nestor for your Book, Breath. I have used 478 breathing for a bout a year prior to reading your book. The further recommendation to nasal breath, has made it possible for me to lower my blood pressure, as stated. Within minutes of first reading. I will definitely be more prepared at medical appointments to be more aware of how I'm breathing.
Really ! Can you give me advice , I myself is a mouth breather especially at work . I also have high blood pressure . Any tips to lower bp would be great !
I just had a dental clean , I had to go back after a month due to a procedure I needed to have done . They did another clean and I asked the dentist why when I just had it done , she said your a mouth breather so your collecting cavities?? I was shocked
Question, I’m a side sleeper and when I wake up throughout the night whatever side, I’m on that nostril is stopped up. I’m essentially breathing out of one nostril. Does anyone else have this issue? I would like to nostril breathe, but I don’t think that’s gonna be an option for me.
Your nostrils rotate throughout the day. It’s normal for your body to favor one over the other at different times. I had this same issues and then did research and discussed with a doctor I trusted. Nothing to worry about, but slightly annoying.
Where do you get these tapes ? My breathing was bad to begin with and two years ago I fell down ridng a motorized scooter which fractured my nose from multiple places according to my doctor plus gave me a deviated septum. Now during this pandemic I got the Corona virus for the first time a few days ago and it was horrible not to be able to breath at times . Sometimes I really panic and very scared for not being able to breath specially at night time or even when I take a shower , my head under the water . I enjoyed Mr. James Nestor‘s book “ Breath” But almost halfway through the book it didn’t tell me the technique of how to breath through the nose except taking about the benefits of breathing through the nose.
what if your nose is allmost all the time blocked, you snore and might have sleep apnea. taping might make it worse, cuz you choke yourself even more. i use nose strips to open the nostrils a little and try to tape with a little piece but my sleep is still non refreshing. sometimes late eating, drinking or blue might at night are culprits, but i wake up every morning like a trainwreck. by noon i want to sleep again. it makes life very hard to enjoy :/
I don't get all these talks about mouth breathing. I've always breathed through my nose, except when I'm having a bad cold and my nose is obstructed. When I have to breathe through my mouth, it feels horribly uncomfortable, my mouth gets dry, I get saliva on my pillow... so, I don't understand how so many people are able to mouth breathe, without realizing that they're doing something wrong !
Well. I came here via JustPearlyThings. I never realised that mouth breathing was a thing. 20% of the population? Wow. Is mouth breathing a learned behaviour from childhood? Very interesting clip. I've always been a nose breather. Masks have forced me to use a mixed breathing practice. Mouth breathing is awful, it gives me asthma in high pollen areas and it makes my partner snore.
@@buster117yes. I only use mouth breathing when I gasp for air. Swimming and diving are good examples or if I'm doing high cardio exercise. According to my partner I snore (mouth breath at night) occasionally, but only if I lay on my back. I can't stand snoring when rolled on my side because I slobber on my pillow. The feeling of drool running down my face is enough to wake me up.
You failed to mention, when in deep concentration, your brain heats up. Nasal breathing cools the brain in deep thought and in deep sleep. That's why being overweight interrupts in this basic human function. As you may Not expect, nasal breathing is like the base of huge tree. The better and more efficient the base of a huge tree at its basic functions, the better the tree is at surviving its whole lifespan(1,000 year's plus life span) The base of a huge tree can even survive a forest fire with its huge trunks and deep layered layers of bark. Fire cannot penetrate past these and helping the tree survive forest fire while other trees die. If you have issues with your health, start at the most basic level and move from there as a diagnostic.
Is it safe to put d tape on an elderly patient whose started breathing thru d mouth heavily n resists trying to close d mouth? Shes making heavy sounds like moaning too ...
Do not tape an elderly patient. They may have a blocked nose passage which means that they will not be able to breath through their nose no matter how hard they try.
Interesting. The training part he talks about reminded me of how I’ve managed to stop regularly clenching my teeth at night. It got so bad that I cracked a tooth. My doctor referred me to a dental consultant at the hospital who said I bit so hard that I’d break any metal devices they could attach to my teeth, so sent me home saying try to cut down my stress levels. Out of desperation we ordered a basic gum shield on line and I slept with it for, at the most, a week as I found it very uncomfortable. However I noticed that it caused my tongue to move to a different place in my mouth and that stopped me clenching. I can sense myself actively moving my tongue in my sleep and my jaws relaxing. I now rarely wake up with sore jaws and/or numb teeth! So, I think I might give the (tiny) bit of tape a go!
Why does one breath though mouth over nose at night? Is the brain detecting that the nose is blocked/congested and need to switch to mouth breathing OR is it a disorder that needs oneself to train breath to breath with nose?
For some of us who suffer from from hayfever, lots of small allergies/ anything that obstructs the airways in our noses makes it natural to breathe through out mouths, because it feels like your suffocating trying to breathe through your nose, hope that clears things up.
@@chrisgolda I wonder though, are those the same type of people that smack with their mouths when they eat something? That would make sense. As a kid I was always taught to close my mouth when I was eating something. It really helped me to breath more through my nose. Maybe that was missing for them. Also, when I breath through my mouth it dries up. Doesn't that happen to them?
I saw this original conversation. Since then I've been taping my mouth closed at night while sleeping. And I love it! I thought I might feel claustrophobic or panicky about having my mouth taped closed, but I thought hey, just try it for one night. Before I went to sleep I tested the tape to see how easy it is to get free of it, and it's very easy, so that gave me peace of mind. That resolved my panic and fear. I actually do tape my entire mouth closed, although Mr. Nestor says he uses a much smaller piece of tape. I find that I require the larger strip of tape or else I wake up only to realize I still part my lips and breathe through my mouth around the smaller piece. I just had to tinker with it to make it work for my individual situation. I had issues before with dry mouth, including dental decay. Now my teeth stay properly moist all night. My whole mouth and throat would get utterly parched prior to taping. I also sleep more soundly. I could not sleep on my back without mouth tape because I'd snort and wake myself up numerous times throughout the night. Now I breathe deeply, calmly, peacefully through my nose, no matter what position I'm in. It's wonderful! There is a sense of peace I feel when I use the tape, too, which is hard to explain, but very real and present. I also notice it is easier now, during waking hours, to function with my mouth closed, for example, when I'm hiking or just doing daily tasks like washing dishes. I am more mindful, more aware now of when I am breathing improperly and it is easy to correct. Thank you for this important and helpful information!
Thanks...doing the tape. It really helps
What kind of tape do you use?
@@thomassanders2513 I buy one inch wide white cloth tape that would be used to apply bandages. I got mine at CVS Pharmacy, but it's sold in most drug stores.
@@thomassanders2513 Also wanted to say, I originally posted this 3 months ago - and I love it even more now that I've done it a while. It's very natural to me now.
@@debveve2839 thanks!
About two weeks ago after stumbling upon an article about BOLT, I began mouth taping and searching out podcasts and info about nasal breathing at night and now even throughout the day. I had no idea the immediate and enormous improvement that was in store for my sleep, my mood and surely my health!!
Yes! I have been breathing in+out through the nose day and night for the past 3 years and it has improved my health enormously. This is particularly helpful for people who wake up in the morning feeling very dry and thirsty. It takes sometime to get used to it but thereafter it becomes a habit..like learning to drive a car..
Did it affect your sleep quality? Did you feel better as you woke up and more energetic throughout the day?
Been taping my mouth exactly how he has shown for the past 5 years and I swear by it. LOVE everything he has spoken about. !!!! Brilliant. Thankyou James from Australia . Will be reading your book asap !
What’s the biggest difference u see
@@Everythingtotteham I sleep through the night and wake up rested. I use to always wake up through the night to drink and would wake up with a dry mouth. My husband does it too now and no more snoring. I also am so conscious through the day to nose breath. Keeps me calm
I've listened to Mr. Nestor's book, Breath, twice on audio and have now ordered a hard copy. Mouth taping at night (and while working out) has been a complete game changer for me. I am a licensed massage therapist and yoga teacher AND never really understood how much of a "mouth breather" I naturally am. While I use conscious breathing in my yoga and massage practice, it obviously had not transferred to my daily grind, as they say. Holy Moly the difference! I always thought my tight upper traps and deep neck flexors were due to massaging and poor sleep posture, but they have released now that I am mouth taping daily. That's INCREDIBLE. On my days off when I am at home, I mouth tape during the day as well. It is very comforting and evokes a peaceful sensation. I was concerned I'd feel "suffocated" or "trapped" and that it might evoke a fight or flight type of response, am delighted it is actually the opposite effect. Very happy to have learned this technique and all of the supporting information from Mr. Nestor's book.
I have had terrible sleep apnea for years. The machines never worked. I do use a small dose of oxygen w a cannula at night. Every morning I wake up exhausted and cotton mouth dryness! I’m so excited to find this video. Can’t wait to try! 76 yo and need my sleep! 😢 Thank you!!
Cant believe im not groggy in the mornings 🌄 its like I have woken up after a bad dream . For years mouth breathing and feeling like crap. I feel fantastic thankyou
That’s fantastic!! Can I ask how you personally achieved the nasal breathing during your sleep? I’m desperate to not wake up anxious, tired, and with a dry mouth.
@@scraggs11 Haha I hear ya, I just thought I'd ask since it's not always mouth taping that does the trick.
It comes with its own risks (like the tape becoming loose and blocking your airway) but medical grade tape, or porous tape, can apparently circumvent that risk.
Have you ever done any mouth taping? How's it gone for you if so? Cheers man.
@@mikebasketball11 😂😂 no didn’t need to tape tbh I taught myself to breathe full time through my nose(had to use antihistamine/nasal spray at times) and it carried over into sleep. I do sleep on my side with a hand under my chin though and it’s worked greatly for me. I was a complete mental and physical wreck every day before I dialled this in now I wake up mostly a lot more clear headed. Though nights Iv messed up I feel immediately on waking and have a hard day. 2 days/nights of tgis practise and I start to see huge signs of recovery(yes that quickly) stay blessed 🙏🏻
Also can get a little scarf type device that when placed over top of head and chin hood the mouth closed if taping is to scary
@@scraggs11 Man thank you so much for your detailed & inspiring reply! It really gives me hope to read that. I'm on a steroidal nasal spray which does a great job of clearing my nose, but I often end up breathing through my mouth anyway as I've done it for so long. I'll make an effort to breathe only through the mouth more during the day and I'm gonna look to buy myself a headstrap legit right now.
I've also booked a sleep study through my Dr for about a week from now, so feeling hopeful to get some insight from that too.
So happy to hear you found relief from nasal breathing mate.
Best wishes to you brother.
Best book I have read and I’ve read a lot!!!
Should be on the booklist in every school.
Love your channel ❤
Lmao it was so contrived and had a lot of unnecessary fluff added to it to fill the gaps
This is real, since i know this i started to breath my nose everyday and even when sleeping and i noticed that when i taped my mouth at night while sleeping when i wake up I don't feel stressed or weak and exhausted, i feel nourished waking up at morning when nose breathing at night
My sleep has improved tremendously because I’m not getting up to get water and then getting up to P. I have more quality sleep and wake up clear minded it’s true.
Can you share the mouth tape link
As a person who has practiced yoga for many years, we learn a lot about optimal breathing, and the difference it can make to healing and well being, so it's great to see this here
I've not read this book yet, but it's definitely going on my list
Thank you
Yes. Pranayama has aided me for over 43 years
The Indian procedure of Jala Neti can be helpful in this respect: cleaning the nasal passage with slightly warmed salt water, using a suitable small pot with spout on,which can be purchased in all sorts of varieties online.Just run it down one nostril and let it flow out the other and vice versa a few times.Completely cleans the nasal passage and will help in your ability to nostril/nose breath better. Only thing i'd advise is when you blow the nose at the end of the procedure, to evacuate it completely, blow from the nose itself gently, and avoid including the ears in the action, so as not to cause any earache.
I am 8o years old... I taped my month or used a chin strap for the past 10 years... BUT I recently was diagnosed with Sleep Apnea. I suggest everyone see a doctor and get a sleep survey done. ASAP to rule out it out of the picture. Lazy Jaw is what I call it.. but it can be the first symptom of APNEA.. IF you SNORE, Get a sleep survey... you can have serious health issues later in life...
The last 6 months or so, I've noticed that I'm waking with a dry mouth and throat. Taping my lips shut has worked. No more dryness, and before sleep, I can feel saliva in my mouth, which I never noticed before taping.
Great video 👍 ❤
I’m currently reading his book after I’ve listened to the original conversation. I absolutely enjoy listening to your wonderful podcast and bite size is such a great reminder too. Thank you so much and look forward for the next Wednesday already!
Whats his podcast
Good information! I am doing the teip, starting at daytime. (tape*)
I have not been able to breathe through my nose due to my deviated septum and enlarged turbinates. Had surgery last week on Tuesday to fix this. I had my splints removed yesterday. For the first time in my life, I’ve been able to keep my lips sealed and completely rely on breathing through my nose. Already feel a difference! Dr. Trenkle in Los Angeles did my surgery. He made sure to do good techniques to avoid empty nose syndrome
how’s it going been a year!!?!??
I am agree with you heavily. I was a mouth breather. I have mandibular prognathism and recently I had the operation done to fix it... surprisingly the first thing I notice I can breath so much air through my nose and never before I feel great like that!
This is probably why yoga is so beneficial as it focuses on the breath.
LOVE this clip and sharing this with others!
Well this is going to take some training now 23 years of mouth breathing
Been mouth taping for several months and my sleep is deeper.
Awesome video!
Glad it is not a hostage thing! Thank you!!
I measured my oxygen levels the first night sleeping with a taped mouth. My oxygen dropped down to 80%. But then the events progressively leveled off through the night. You can see in the chart that the brain is learning that it can't mouthe breathe anymore.
I have always been a mouth breather, the reason is I have a deviated septum and I had a hard time getting air through my nose. Thanks to the VA doctors they corrected this and now I get plenty of air through my nose. First thing I noticed after my surgery was healed when I woke up in the morning was my mouth was shut and I was breathing through my nose. Now that I think about it I exhale through my nose also , is that ok? Note I am a 70 year old male and I had the surgery two years ago, so I lived with it for 68 years. Thanks for the information.
Told absolutely nothing except “how great it is”.
Thank You Very Much from Canada.
Thank you soo much for this video.
Thank you 🙏
This is why I had my nose removed
The hard part for me when I breath throuh my nose is the burning sensation I get.. I try to ignore it and continue breathing by the nose but at some point it's just too annoying and painful, I don't know how to get rid of this sensation..
I breathe through my mouth at night when I sleep and sometimes during the day when I'm awake I keep a bottle of water next to me.
I have dry mouth it's affected my voice, my voice is deeper. People think it sounds good but it's because my throat is dry. I can no longer regularly talk. I gasp for air whenever I'm in a conversation with someone.
I have tried breathing through my nose while running and after 3-4 days it became much easier. What I now have is an incredibly dry mouth. Is this a symptom of something else?
I recently had septoplasty which makes me able to breath through my nose better. I wake up with no bad breath anymore. My nose is clogged up every night that I breath with my mouth and my mouth is very dry and smelly every morning.
I use about 2 inches of Scotch tape and apply it laterally down the middle of my lips every night. Never moves throughout the night. Such a change!!!
Is your entire mouth covered with the tape ? tia
I breath through my nose since forever, I'm never distracted because of breathing. I'm silent as a rock (the normal ones that does not scream). have extremely low breathing rate. can breath and swim like an otter. someone should study me 😂
We need to know HOW to breathe through our nose .. ( inhale , exhale )
Thank you James Nestor for your Book, Breath. I have used 478 breathing for a bout a year prior to reading your book. The further recommendation to nasal breath, has made it possible for me to lower my blood pressure, as stated. Within minutes of first reading. I will definitely be more prepared at medical appointments to be more aware of how I'm breathing.
Really ! Can you give me advice , I myself is a mouth breather especially at work . I also have high blood pressure . Any tips to lower bp would be great !
I just had a dental clean , I had to go back after a month due to a procedure I needed to have done . They did another clean and I asked the dentist why when I just had it done , she said your a mouth breather so your collecting cavities?? I was shocked
Question, I’m a side sleeper and when I wake up throughout the night whatever side, I’m on that nostril is stopped up. I’m essentially breathing out of one nostril. Does anyone else have this issue?
I would like to nostril breathe, but I don’t think that’s gonna be an option for me.
Your nostrils rotate throughout the day. It’s normal for your body to favor one over the other at different times. I had this same issues and then did research and discussed with a doctor I trusted. Nothing to worry about, but slightly annoying.
I have that too and thought I couldn't mouth tape because of that. But nope, it works great. In fact, I think I'm better.
Fighters will tell you that when the opponent starts breathing through their mouth, they are gassed....
Where do you get these tapes ? My breathing was bad to begin with and two years ago I fell down ridng a motorized scooter which fractured my nose from multiple places according to my doctor plus gave me a deviated septum. Now during this pandemic I got the Corona virus for the first time a few days ago and it was horrible not to be able to breath at times . Sometimes I really panic and very scared for not being able to breath specially at night time or even when I take a shower , my head under the water . I enjoyed Mr. James Nestor‘s book “ Breath” But almost halfway through the book it didn’t tell me the technique of how to breath through the nose except taking about the benefits of breathing through the nose.
Listen to Patrick McKeown.
would this work for somebody who has severe obstructive sleep apnea?
Hey Dr. R. C. more great info from you .. have you heard of dentist Mike Mew on this subject ?
I'm going try this. Wanna get running and working out.
Hello so we use our noses to both inhale and exhale? No using our mouth for exhaling?
Yes use your nose to breathe in/out.
Should We Exhale through the Nose or the Mouth?
what if your nose is allmost all the time blocked, you snore and might have sleep apnea. taping might make it worse, cuz you choke yourself even more. i use nose strips to open the nostrils a little and try to tape with a little piece but my sleep is still non refreshing. sometimes late eating, drinking or blue might at night are culprits, but i wake up every morning like a trainwreck. by noon i want to sleep again. it makes life very hard to enjoy :/
These men have good heads of hair. I’m in.
Very interesting - I'm a lifelong mouth breather with a beard - good to see taping can be done with the beard...
What kind of tape is best?
I don't get all these talks about mouth breathing. I've always breathed through my nose, except when I'm having a bad cold and my nose is obstructed. When I have to breathe through my mouth, it feels horribly uncomfortable, my mouth gets dry, I get saliva on my pillow... so, I don't understand how so many people are able to mouth breathe, without realizing that they're doing something wrong !
Because we dont have any other choice! Ours nose are clogged up most of the time that breathing through our mouth becomes more natural.
Is it breathe from your nose and let it out from your mouth ? Or ? Breathe from your nose and exhale through it as well?
If you're watching this and thinking, i don't have any gold tap for that! I clipped the edges of a bandaid of and it worked great!
Well. I came here via JustPearlyThings.
I never realised that mouth breathing was a thing.
20% of the population?
Wow. Is mouth breathing a learned behaviour from childhood?
Very interesting clip.
I've always been a nose breather. Masks have forced me to use a mixed breathing practice. Mouth breathing is awful, it gives me asthma in high pollen areas and it makes my partner snore.
You're telling me you rarely mouth breathe?
@@buster117yes. I only use mouth breathing when I gasp for air.
Swimming and diving are good examples or if I'm doing high cardio exercise.
According to my partner I snore (mouth breath at night) occasionally, but only if I lay on my back. I can't stand snoring when rolled on my side because I slobber on my pillow. The feeling of drool running down my face is enough to wake me up.
What if you have blocked 🚫 nose problems breathing through your nostrils because of polyps and thin nose??
How do I stop suffocating while breathing with my nose? I'm constantly yawning for air and I'm struggling to take a full breath
My nose is stuffed for like 10 years. I cant breathe through my nose without using nasal spray
@@nemanjamarkovic4357 Don't get addicted to it. After my father passed away I found like 50 empty nasal spray thingies hidden in a shelf
Idk how to do it :( it’s like I forget to breathe through my nose 😭
Is this technique safe for someone with large nasal polyps? Thank you
I've polyps i don't think it'll be problem they'll automatically shrink try wim hof method
Listen to Breathing Advantage by Patrick McKeown
if you breathe in to humidify the air, you're breathing out humidified air. Thus youll get dry and need water. So that's wrong too
How and what yo use tots;e our mouths? Thank you Mellaine from Australia
I use 3M Micropore medical tape, available at any chemist.
Breathing through your mouth is the best because even when you run at the top speed we breathe through your mouth and not our nose
What do i do if my nose is always blocked? I literally die if i dont mouth breathe
Get some nasal spray to clear up your air ways. Might help with allergies
See your doctor and ask them to check what is blocking your nose.
Listen to Patrick McKeown on how to unblock nasal passages.
@@agnesmasucol732what does he say? Thanks
you have to clean filters? right? so if your filtering the air, your nose gets clogged and has allergic reactions. So what then?
You failed to mention, when in deep concentration, your brain heats up.
Nasal breathing cools the brain in deep thought and in deep sleep. That's why being overweight interrupts in this basic human function.
As you may Not expect, nasal breathing is like the base of huge tree. The better and more efficient the base of a huge tree at its basic functions, the better the tree is at surviving its whole lifespan(1,000 year's plus life span)
The base of a huge tree can even survive a forest fire with its huge trunks and deep layered layers of bark. Fire cannot penetrate past these and helping the tree survive forest fire while other trees die.
If you have issues with your health, start at the most basic level and move from there as a diagnostic.
Do you breath out through your mouth or nose
Is it safe to put d tape on an elderly patient whose started breathing thru d mouth heavily n resists trying to close d mouth? Shes making heavy sounds like moaning too ...
Do not tape an elderly patient. They may have a blocked nose passage which means that they will not be able to breath through their nose no matter how hard they try.
@@fanforever2009 thanks for replying..
@@synchronicity67 you're welcome!!!
Interesting. The training part he talks about reminded me of how I’ve managed to stop regularly clenching my teeth at night. It got so bad that I cracked a tooth.
My doctor referred me to a dental consultant at the hospital who said I bit so hard that I’d break any metal devices they could attach to my teeth, so sent me home saying try to cut down my stress levels.
Out of desperation we ordered a basic gum shield on line and I slept with it for, at the most, a week as I found it very uncomfortable. However I noticed that it caused my tongue to move to a different place in my mouth and that stopped me clenching. I can sense myself actively moving my tongue in my sleep and my jaws relaxing. I now rarely wake up with sore jaws and/or numb teeth!
So, I think I might give the (tiny) bit of tape a go!
I am so grateful. i am constantly drinking water . my mouth is over dry. yes i will try your system
My wife always tapped
My mouth closed before bed.
Our nostrils are little superchargers
Why does one breath though mouth over nose at night? Is the brain detecting that the nose is blocked/congested and need to switch to mouth breathing OR is it a disorder that needs oneself to train breath to breath with nose?
Most people have weak jaw muscles that don't hold the mouth shut while sleeping
For some of us who suffer from from hayfever, lots of small allergies/ anything that obstructs the airways in our noses makes it natural to breathe through out mouths, because it feels like your suffocating trying to breathe through your nose, hope that clears things up.
"I want those benefits how do I start"? takes big breath through mouth "yeah I remember beating through my mouth as a kid" 🤣🤣 2:50
Fun fact, while he was talking, he was breathing through his mouth. And nothing happened.
Greetings from Miami Florida U.S.A
Wow I fan from india lady
@@boombhanuofficial7932 thank you kindly
Hi I'm from Boynton
nose breathe while running
How the fuck do you even breath through your mouth? Mine just closes itself, when I'm not actively trying to hold it open to breath through it.
Because you are used to it. People that breath through their mouth ASK themselves the Same Question about breathing through the nose.
@@chrisgolda I wonder though, are those the same type of people that smack with their mouths when they eat something? That would make sense. As a kid I was always taught to close my mouth when I was eating something. It really helped me to breath more through my nose. Maybe that was missing for them. Also, when I breath through my mouth it dries up. Doesn't that happen to them?
Should we exhale through mouth?
No. Inhale and exhale with the nose 👃.
Should We Exhale through the Nose or the Mouth?
No. Exhale with your nose.
Should We Exhale through the Nose or the Mouth?
This guy must buy subs. 75 comments on a vid from a creator with nearly half a mill subs?
You guys don’t have to tape your mouths closed to breathe through your nose while sleeping
pls explain ? tia.
Double benefit breathing through the nose stops the wife from talking so much..........