Best friend stole diamond ring



  • @billysimington1211
    @billysimington1211 2 роки тому +708

    Selling something that important is horrendous and disgusting I kind of under stand if you stole like a couple bucks which is still rude but not a WEDDING RING the one you had at the ceremony and stuff

    • @legendofrandomness2522
      @legendofrandomness2522 2 роки тому +42

      Bro thats not just rude, it's a crime , she should be in jail 🤨

    • @prudencek7087
      @prudencek7087 2 роки тому +30

      I would NOT be understanding if my close friend stole anything from me, even if it's a couple bucks. If you're in need, and we're friends, just ask me and I would give you whatever you needed as long as I'm able to. If I saw anyone stealing from me even if it's one dollar, our friendship is over! Cause if they asked for the dollar i wound have gladly given it to them.

    • @radhiadeedou8286
      @radhiadeedou8286 Рік тому +1

      What is she supposed to do with a stolen ring? Wear it?

    • @JinHee20
      @JinHee20 Рік тому +6

      Never justify stealing anything. Even if it’s two bucks. Stealing is never okay.

  • @designpainter3193
    @designpainter3193 2 роки тому +171

    I felt like dirt when my friend of over 25 years stole my late mother's jewelry from our house. I never accused her of anything, but after the jewelry disappeared, I began to see a pattern with her.
    She was the only one around when I last had the items and the jewelry was never found.
    No matter how long you know someone, some people are still capable of betrayal.
    Needless to say, we are no longer friends.
    HAPPY ENDING: I have nice friends in my life now.🙂

    • @PaperMario64
      @PaperMario64 2 роки тому +11

      That’s crazy. But like you said, you can know someone for decades and still not know them. I’m sorry this happened to you. She was probably jealous of you. Glad you have better friends now.

    • @sundaygraphic8576
      @sundaygraphic8576 2 роки тому +3

      @@PaperMario64 THANK YOU! That's very kind of you. ❤️

    • @ss16206
      @ss16206 5 днів тому

      Did you atleast get them back?

  • @amandawells35
    @amandawells35 2 роки тому +407

    I had a similar situation happen with my SIL. I lost a diamond necklace (that my husband bought me) at my MIL house after I had taken it off to help do some yardwork. A few months later my husband saw my SIL wearing it and said, that's not yours! She said that it was so he asked if there was a tiny knot in the chain near the clasp and wouldn't you know it, there was! She said she found it "laying around" at mom's house and knew it had to be hers because who else could it belong to?? She just couldn't remember her boyfriend giving it to her. 😒 Let me tell you about her then bf, he was so cheap that he said if she wanted to get married she would have to buy her own engagement ring to give to him to give back to her. No way he's going to buy her a diamond necklace. Just can't believe she had the nerve to wear it right in front of us then come up with an excuse like that.

    • @AmethystEyes
      @AmethystEyes 2 роки тому +34

      Were you able to get it back?

    • @amandawells35
      @amandawells35 2 роки тому +53

      @@AmethystEyes Yep she gave it back after he confronted her.

    • @elithluxe7568
      @elithluxe7568 2 роки тому +4

      @@amandawells35 thank god. I would have slapped tf out of her otherwise

    • @kelvisaisawesome
      @kelvisaisawesome 2 роки тому +14

      @@amandawells35 whew

    • @sammyann70
      @sammyann70 2 роки тому +6

      Wow! Thieves come in all sizes & shapes 😳

  • @winterkeptuswarm
    @winterkeptuswarm 2 роки тому +83

    If my friend was going through a hard time, i hope they know they can just ask for $100 (or more!), but DEFINITELY don't steal my wedding ring omgggg

  • @wildralts
    @wildralts 2 роки тому +67

    My brother use to steal and pawn so many of me and my families items to continue his bad habits. Honestly I'm happy he's doing better now but it still hurts thinking about all the important stuff that was just sold like nothing by someone who didn't even own or buy it

    • @FinishedU
      @FinishedU 2 роки тому +4

      Omg that sounds exactly like my brother in law...
      My husband is still really hurt by his betrayal, his brother stole tons of his stuff when he was younger and he would always come up with excuses like he lost it or it got stolen from him.
      Im really sorry to hear that your own brother did that to you :(

  • @ghastlyweather1750
    @ghastlyweather1750 2 роки тому +13

    I had a sister who was narcissistic and constantly lied. It would be about the most prettiest things too, things she didn't even need to lie for! She moved out now- it's her boyfriend's problem now.
    But back when we wouldn't give her the attention she wanted, she slowly became more violent and stole more often; she sat on my chest (she was 200 ibs and 23, I was barely 13), pushed me down the stairs when I accused her of stealing a box of video game cartridges, dumped her trash by my bedroom door, and the only way she made enough money to move out was by having a garage sale at an old house where she sold my brother's and my baby memorabilia, my mom's soap and plate collections, video games that definitely aren't hers, and vintage posters from our garage.
    When we tried bringing all our stuff back to our house, she hounded us for money because we had made "her garage sale" so barren.
    She came back for her birthday and left after taking snacks from the pantry and some leftovers. I only knew because my mom had gotten me wafers as a surprise and sulked when she realized they were gone.

  • @juliesigmund3836
    @juliesigmund3836 2 роки тому +17

    Not quite the same thing but a boy proposed to me once and he gave me his mother's stolen engagement ring. It was so beautiful! I hopped off the monkey bars and showed all my class mates my beautiful new ring. As soon as I got home from school I showed my mom and she flipped out. She got in touch with my teacher who gave her the little boys phone number and she called his mom and explain that her little boy proposed to me and gave me a beautiful ring. Turns out his mom put her ring in a ring dish to wash dishes and she couldn't find it later that day. She called a plumber to come out the next day because she thought it went down the drain.
    Luckily she got her ring back and was able to cancel the plumber appointment.
    We were in kindergarten at the time. 😄

  • @sammyann70
    @sammyann70 2 роки тому +34

    This reminds me of when we were young & my mother lost her diamond earring. She had recently gotten them & had showed it to a friend who had come over, but when she left one of the earring was no where to be found. The lady was the main suspect but obviously no one asked her. My mother got a new pair made few years later & was not happy with it as it was not made as well as the first pair. Years later when we were shifting house the lost diamond earring was found stuck under the carpet patch near the cupboard where my mother kept her jewellery! 😳lots of istighfar was done for suspecting an innocent person & lots of thanks were given for not confronting her 😂

  • @chloeberninger4411
    @chloeberninger4411 2 роки тому +142

    i love your videos so much! they bring me comfort and always make me feel better after a long day! :D

  • @perfectlyimperfect2368
    @perfectlyimperfect2368 2 роки тому +32

    People like that disgust me! My best friend's sister had a best friend that stole money out of their parent's safe. Money they really needed as my best friend and her family have always struggled. And this wasn't some teenager,not that that makes it ok,but a grown adult that knew better! Had a former classmate that her best friend stole her debit or credit card,can't remember which, and her daughter's piggy bank. She was a young single mom struggling to get by so to have her best friend do that to her gutted her. There was surveillance footage of her trying to use the card and she did press charges.

  • @aytenzaki7934
    @aytenzaki7934 2 роки тому +35

    The betrayal always comes when u least expect it from the closest person to u that’s why we all have to be careful and stay safe

  • @neledemeulemeester754
    @neledemeulemeester754 2 роки тому +20

    I'm at a loss for words. OK I may have stolen from shops when I was younger and without any money and I'm still very ashamed about that. But I would have cut off my hand before stealing from a friend. It takes a special kind of of desperate or evil person...

  • @fathimailham1098
    @fathimailham1098 2 роки тому +151

    My friend stole my hard drive when I invited her and her sister over for lunch one day. Obviously I didn't notice right away but that night I was looking for it and couldn't find it. My thoughts immediately shot to my maid but then a week later I decided to pay her a surprise visit and there it was- my hard drive sitting right in plain sight next to her hard drive. I recognised it immediately and confronted her but she denied it.
    I literally told her "Look, if you stole it its fine just give it back and I'll get over it" but she ended promising on ME that she didn't steal it. Anyway she was like her dad bought it for her a week ago. I asked her where the box was and she said she threw it in the dustbin just moments ago. I asked her to show me and she was like its outside the house in the big dustbin. when I asked her about the warranty she was like oh I threw it. Anyway she was like I'll show you the receipt and when I came home she sent me a voice message "crying" that she had been so hurt that I said something like that to her and said that if I was a true friend I wouldn't even need to see the receipt which she never sent. Anyway she had a reputation for stealing even from our high school days and my other friends had even warned me not to be friends with her. I didn't think much of it back then coz she hadn't stolen anything from me so I dismissed it as rumors.
    Suffice to say that I had never met a cheaper person in my life. Never betray your friends guys. Good friends are truly hard to find. I realised this after 6 years of friendship.

    • @Windsguidance
      @Windsguidance 2 роки тому

      I would have just grabbed her laptop, plugged in the hard disk and see what was on it. Then confront her right away, grab my hard disk and leave

    • @fathimailham1098
      @fathimailham1098 2 роки тому +12

      @@Windsguidance she had formatted it and filled it with her stuff. And she actually let it slip that she formatted it and then she started covering it up with excuses. Anyway the one good thing that came out of this is I saw her nature for what it was. And what had been a hard drive could have been something bigger another day so yh...

    • @Windsguidance
      @Windsguidance 2 роки тому +11

      @@fathimailham1098 dang how are people like this... I'm glad she's out of your life. I hope you didn't lose many important files on there

    • @fathimailham1098
      @fathimailham1098 2 роки тому +8

      @@Windsguidance So am I, thank you. Did lose a few items unfortunately:(

  • @glamgirl2744
    @glamgirl2744 2 роки тому +12

    That’s just dirty…how do you do that to a friend.
    Meanwhile, if the friend had needed money and asked her friends it’s possible they would have kindly loaned her money. We certainly help friends out when possible.

  • @wherefancytakesme
    @wherefancytakesme Рік тому +3

    I was staying in a boarding house with a shared kitchen for a while. Slowly my forks and spoons would disappear once in a while, and eventually I guiltily checked my housemates' drawers to see if maybe one of them took them. Surprise surprise, the younger guy of a married couple there had put them on his side of their drawer/in his sink drying cup, but kept denying when I went to my landlord about it. I had to jam my drawer shut because I didn't trust my stuff not to be stolen anymore. Keep in mind I was a starving student who barely had more than a couple dollar store forks and leftover family steak knives to begin with. This guy was already a complete asshole and started eating some of my food on the sly too. That living situation sucked because it was a historic house and literally a dream appearance-wise, but I was living with people I hated.

  • @SamIAm10262
    @SamIAm10262 2 роки тому +4

    Yikes! That's horrifying! I would have absolutely turned her into the police and tried to get the ring from the pawn shop.

  • @giselleh1337
    @giselleh1337 2 роки тому +28

    I would've put fake prop money instead of real money but my god I would've pressed charges. What a weirdo

  • @y0sr4_
    @y0sr4_ 2 роки тому +53

    Hi Mimo! I just have a quick question why do you put the multi coloured straws inside the cake? Im extremely curious, all the best of luck and stay safe! ☺️🥰

    • @vera-vf4we
      @vera-vf4we 2 роки тому +9

      They're boba straws, which are usually multi-colored in a pack.

    • @thisaccountisdeactivated3724
      @thisaccountisdeactivated3724 2 роки тому +27

      You put straws in to hold the cake board up, your welcome🥰🥰

    • @ShellyCline
      @ShellyCline 2 роки тому +25

      She put straws in to support the weight of the cake that she's going to set on top of them. If she didn't put supports in the cake then the second tier would crush and sink down into the bottom tier.

    • @DaniellesMicoMarley
      @DaniellesMicoMarley 2 роки тому +1

      @@ShellyCline perfect answer.

    • @ShellyCline
      @ShellyCline 2 роки тому +1

      @@DaniellesMicoMarley thank you! 😃

  • @karisaysthings
    @karisaysthings Рік тому

    How awful. That betrayal from your sister's own best friend must have cut deep.

  • @angelagriffin5130
    @angelagriffin5130 Рік тому

    No matter who is stolen from, no one deserves it. No person, no store, no company. No excuse.

  • @donnabacon4681
    @donnabacon4681 Рік тому +1

    OH! MY! That's awful! I am so sorry for your sister's loss - of ring, money and friendship. It takes a long time to trust someone but only a second to lose because of betrayal.
    Such a gorgeous cake! You do such amazing work! Such a creative genius!!
    Enjoy your day!

  • @kalliebailey2160
    @kalliebailey2160 2 роки тому +8

    I am so obsessed with all of you video's and I only started watched this morning.LOL😂

  • @tippy651
    @tippy651 2 роки тому +4

    I would have tried to record her confessing and then pressed charges or sued her.

  • @Altamirana713
    @Altamirana713 2 роки тому +3

    It doesn’t matter if she couldn’t get it back. She has to at least pay it back! I would have sued her!

  • @alohatvn
    @alohatvn 2 роки тому +15

    The cake 🎂 🥮 looks absolutely fabulous 👌

  • @hana67432
    @hana67432 Рік тому +1

    I really enjoy watching your Videos, That’s really bad what your Sister’s Best Friend did, Your Sister’s Best Friend actually stole a Diamond Ring Mimo? Please let me know whenever you are able to. ❤️

  • @serenity2478
    @serenity2478 Рік тому

    it's awful to have someone you trust steal something that precious to you😡 i've had a friend steal from me too, nothing that valuable but it still hurt to know they didn't respect me and felt okay stealing from me. they even denied it and their family implied i'd staged them...

  • @roxcyn
    @roxcyn 2 роки тому +5

    Wow, I see why they’re not friend anymore!

  • @chuuu4610
    @chuuu4610 Рік тому

    As someone who had a longtime housekeeper as a kid… it’s never them.
    Shame on the thief

  • @DaniellesMicoMarley
    @DaniellesMicoMarley 2 роки тому +2

    my x best friend stole from me. She would replace whatever she stole w some ugly thing that didn't fit me.

  • @Jax-jx5uu
    @Jax-jx5uu 2 роки тому +3

    who does that! either she's a kleptomaniac or she's got a gambling/addiction issue.

  • @igglewiggle6649
    @igglewiggle6649 2 роки тому +3

    Was never your sister’s friend in the first place.

  • @Slyngemor
    @Slyngemor 2 роки тому +2

    I love baking. Im absolutely horrible, but i love it

  • @andreianascimento6992
    @andreianascimento6992 2 роки тому +3

    I would love to sit down you with a coffee and listen to more stories….🎊🥰

  • @xl5r0
    @xl5r0 2 роки тому +11

    Like your vids keep it up ❤️

  • @maliceai
    @maliceai 2 роки тому +2

    I looooveee the stars on the cake!!! NEW SUB

  • @shug1015
    @shug1015 2 роки тому +2

    Wow, this is why you can’t trust everybody. Smh…the cake looks great by the way!

  • @laylah54
    @laylah54 2 роки тому +2

    I love this cake so much!

  • @mumeringmushroom
    @mumeringmushroom 2 роки тому +5

    Can you make a boba tea looking cake pls

  • @pianosonthebeachkeys4000
    @pianosonthebeachkeys4000 2 роки тому +4

    This story is so disgusting. I would never do this to my friend, let alone anyone. What’s wrong with people? A wedding ring is such a sentimental item. That’s so wrong on so many levels. I’m the kind of person where people ask me to watch their bags at parties because they know I’m trustworthy. That “friend” is going to get her karma.

  • @thelovelyt1
    @thelovelyt1 2 роки тому +6

    Crazy story!!!

  • @kamsweetschannel853
    @kamsweetschannel853 2 роки тому +6

    What? Like how can she do that? Omg 🤦🏿‍♀️

  • @exlforever
    @exlforever 2 роки тому +3

    mmmhh! A cup of tea with cake!

  • @georgiasam8045
    @georgiasam8045 2 роки тому +2

    Smh wow! What a shame!

  • @arfaadil8922
    @arfaadil8922 2 роки тому

    Hi I love your videos so much coz I also love baking cakes and I am also a Muslim alhamdulillah btw do you make or buy the fondant if you buy then where do you buy it from if you make it how do you make it

  • @wendywalters4930
    @wendywalters4930 Рік тому

    That friend is lucky your sister didn’t press charges

  • @madeleinest.claire2846
    @madeleinest.claire2846 Рік тому +1

    What a clever why to find out who stole it.

  • @bornagainbeliever1429
    @bornagainbeliever1429 Рік тому

    Some friend!🤯

  • @SushifunzYT
    @SushifunzYT 2 роки тому

    Are the Cake that you make in every video real orders from people?

  • @BSavage111
    @BSavage111 Рік тому

    My BIL stole my husbands wedding ring THE DAY BEFORE OUR WEDDING. He thinks he got away with it and I guess he did, but I know!!!! 😾

  • @parcat5729
    @parcat5729 2 роки тому

    I need a diamond ring

  • @allthatsheiz
    @allthatsheiz 2 роки тому +1

    😱 the lawsuit

  • @eeriecraft1797
    @eeriecraft1797 Рік тому

    I know it's not relevant now, but your sister could've reported it stolen, and then with the police report went to the pawn shop and then they'd have to return it to your sister.

  • @Palestine-j6z
    @Palestine-j6z 2 роки тому

    *These videos are literally k drama*

  • @Khonsu_Sunflowers
    @Khonsu_Sunflowers Рік тому

    Please tell me they took her to court

  • @AbdulAziz-rc9ld
    @AbdulAziz-rc9ld 2 роки тому +5

    Stoling diamond ring is enought to cut their hand in saudi I think 😅

  • @PatriciaKanavy
    @PatriciaKanavy 2 роки тому

    😱 NooOooOOooo!

  • @victoriasmith2965
    @victoriasmith2965 2 роки тому

    Where are you based out of ??

  • @alyssadana5011
    @alyssadana5011 Рік тому


  • @zazabcn1606
    @zazabcn1606 2 роки тому

    omg my name is amelia

  • @Idk-zl8tn
    @Idk-zl8tn Рік тому

    She has to have buyed her a new ring or gave her money i would post that video if i was her

  • @forestfoxaj4872
    @forestfoxaj4872 2 роки тому +6

    Why are you putting straws in the cake? 😅

    • @butterfliequeen3066
      @butterfliequeen3066 2 роки тому +10

      It helps with the structure of the cake especially when doing multiple tiers

    • @forestfoxaj4872
      @forestfoxaj4872 2 роки тому +1

      @@butterfliequeen3066 ah okay thank you.

    • @Superstar6249
      @Superstar6249 Рік тому

      It's to shield the toothpicks that stablise the upper layer and keep it from collapsing on the bottom layer. Putting just the toothpicks can be dangerous especially if kids are around

  • @nikniknik_40
    @nikniknik_40 2 роки тому

    Damn! 😐

  • @lanaalhasan3813
    @lanaalhasan3813 2 роки тому +2

    Wait so u leave the straws in the cake

    • @estella4176
      @estella4176 2 роки тому +3

      She uses them to structure her cakes especially multiple tier cakes so they don't lean over. They take the straws out when cutting the cake

  • @thewitch2810
    @thewitch2810 2 роки тому

    Your poor sister has the worst luck 🤣

  • @vanessa7566
    @vanessa7566 2 роки тому

    Sticky fingers