SDA - Cult or Christian

  • Опубліковано 17 січ 2025


  • @romacorinthians6105
    @romacorinthians6105 6 років тому +4

    I go to a SDA, I don’t mind the beliefs but I have my doubts about Ellen White being a prophet, therefore I prefer to read the Bible only. I believe in the 10 commandments including the 4th one

  • @pozbro59
    @pozbro59 12 років тому +2

    I went to SDA "church" when I was a child. I went with the neighbors on Saturday, then Sunday with my family. When I started bringing anti-Catholic propaganda home (we weren't even Catholic) and telling my mom I wanted to join, that was it. She said that as long as I was living under her roof, I'd be a member of her church. Years later, I am surprised at how gullible I was way back when.

  • @cottoncandicane
    @cottoncandicane 12 років тому +4

    Saturday was a sign in the old testament for the Israelites, a physical 24 hr period. Today, our Sabbath is found in Jesus as he is our rest. Translation of Sabbath is rest Jesus says rest in him.

  • @brianhyde63
    @brianhyde63 12 років тому

    What is interesting to me is that the SDA Church went to law and slapped a copyright label on the name 'Seventh-day Adventist' It is now illegal in the USA to include the words seventh-day adventist in the name of your church if your organisation is independent of the SDA world wide church.Consequent to doing this the SDA General Conferencde (Roman Catholic lawyers) took certain independent SDA organisations to court for assuming the name SDA

  • @arthurpendragon4199
    @arthurpendragon4199 9 років тому +3

    If you care to look for the truth you will find that the SDA doctrine is truer that most other doctrines , they are also the true church , .....the dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war with the remnant of her seed , which KEEP THE COMMANDMENTS OF GOD and have the TESTIMONY OF JESUS.

  • @TheWriterWalker
    @TheWriterWalker 8 років тому

    I love to see someone so clearly and confidently defend what he believes...even if I don't share his beliefs. Pastor Doug is impressive.

    • @boondocksaint8088
      @boondocksaint8088 5 років тому +3

      I think pastor doug is scary. He's falsely presenting the gospel and fooling many people while doing it. God Bless

    • @TheWriterWalker
      @TheWriterWalker 4 роки тому

      @Charisma 101, one has to admire your DEVOTION to your mission even if one disagrees with your mission.

    • @TheWriterWalker
      @TheWriterWalker 4 роки тому

      @@boondocksaint8088, I am just seeing this. Is your belief about Batchelor based on your beliefs as an SDA? I am not one of them, so I don't know how they perceive him. I'm curious, though.

    • @TheWriterWalker
      @TheWriterWalker 4 роки тому

      @Charisma 101, thank you.

    • @boondocksaint8088
      @boondocksaint8088 4 роки тому +2

      @@TheWriterWalker 4 years into my marriage my wife was dragged back into her childhood cult of Seventh Day Adventists by her parents. She changed so much almost over night. She still attended church with me on Sundays and I went with her on Saturdays to try and keep the peace in the home. I heard misquotes of the Bible in Sabbath School, I heard different gospels being preached from their pulpit. She didn't allow anyone to do anything on Saturday but read the Bible (that's good), or watch a program produced by the SDA church. At first, before I knew a lot about SDA I though Doug Bachelor was kind, and super smart. But every once in a while I'd hear him say something that was just off a little bit. And I would look something up in the Bible and realize that he would take a verse out of contest to fit the SDA doctrine or twist it just a little. At first I just thought it was an honest mistake. But I kept watching my wife and saw this life literally consuming her and watching her control over me and her kids (from her first marriage) grow and grow to unhealthy heights.
      I started researching the SDA church and learned more about Ellen White (their Prophetess) and much more. I went to the EGW online Library and downloaded her books and writings, I searched online for what was being said about her and then looked it up for myself. Looking at context and what she wrote, not just a sentence someone quoted.
      I started asking my wife and her parents questions. They would get very defensive and angry.
      So long story short, no I never joined the SDA church but I went to several over the course of about a year and listened to Doug quite a bit. He's a smooth talking serpent.
      My wife still believes that Hell is Not eternal, she believes in soul sleep, also that we should never have assurance that Jesus has saved us, she also believes that going to church on Sunday is the mark of the Beast and that going to church on Saturday is the seal of God.
      I don't think she knows about the investigative judgement, but SDA teaches that judgement is for Christians! Those who the Bible says have already passed from death to life, who's names are written in the Book of Life.
      Sorry for such a long response but it's a big subject and I wanted to explain. Yes at first glance Doug seems like a good guy, and I still think he's very smart, but I'd say cunning is a better word for him.
      Anyway, I have a lot of good references online if you want to research more about the SDA's. Just let me know.
      They're a lot like the JW's, Mormons, and so on. In Mardel the Christian Book Store they have a booklet about Cults and SDA is listed right there with the rest of them.
      And in case you're curious, my wife decided that she couldn't handle being married to a Christian - or a fake, so we are sadly divorced. I still pray almost everyday for her and her family.

  • @judahsdaughter
    @judahsdaughter 12 років тому

    AYAministries, will you please explain John 16:26 when Jesus said to His disciples, "In that day you will ask in My name, and I do NOT say to you that I will request of the Father on your behalf;"

  • @MrBryanrowe1973
    @MrBryanrowe1973 11 років тому +2


  • @arthurpendragon4199
    @arthurpendragon4199 9 років тому +3

    the seventh day adventist are not a cult , they have a few wrong doctrines just as every church does , but they do follow what the bible says , why don't you read the bible cover to cover for yourself , and pray that God grants you understanding of his word before you do

    • @arthurpendragon4199
      @arthurpendragon4199 4 роки тому

      @Charisma 101
      1. anyone can claim anything without proof , that doesn't make it truth , you claim Ellen White is a self proclaimed prophet, prove it , where and when did she proclaim such , if you have no such proof then that makes the statement a lie.
      2. The Adventist church of today is indeed following the papacy, but the Adventist movement at it's foundation was biblically correct, and there are many many people still standing on the foundations of Advintisum .......which are biblically sound....... and they are being disfellowshipped from the Adventist church,..........

    • @arthurpendragon4199
      @arthurpendragon4199 4 роки тому

      @Charisma 101 shall we sin because we are under grace ? Paul answers his own question ....GOD FORBID....... WE ESTABLISH THE LAW IN OUR LIVES . ..
      Sin is transgression of the law...... anyone who thinks there is no more sin is foolish...... therefore there is still a law..... for where there is no law there is no sin......saved by grace through faith , or the fact that we are no longer under the condemnation of the law does not mean the law no longer exists...... Jesus is our SALVATION , IT IS HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS that saves us not our own , keeping the commandments will not save us ....Period.......but at the same time no sinner will enter the kingdom of heaven.......sin is the transgression of the law , therefore only through repentance are we made sinless......because with repentance for our transgressions the blood of our dear LORD and SAVIOR covers , blots out our sins ......those who believe that the 10 commandments are null and void are in for a RUDE AWAKENING and have no one but theirselves to blame ....... because of their rejection of the whole word ..... ignoring the parts they dislike....... and twisting the gospel into some perverse monstrosity which will cause many their Salvation. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.........iniquity is lawlessness by the way.......the very people who claim to be His in one breath and deny His commandments in the other.........learn to first off take all the word of God as a whole and secondly learn to rightly divide His word.

    • @arthurpendragon4199
      @arthurpendragon4199 4 роки тому

      @Charisma 101 as far as the Adventist church of today , if you would of read my reply I 100% agree they belong to Babylon,/Rome

    • @arthurpendragon4199
      @arthurpendragon4199 4 роки тому

      @Charisma 101 .... 1. again what titles did ellen white take upon herself ...with proof....2....again you are correct about todays church........but not the church of the pioneers.........for one thing Ellen White wasnt to the pioneers what she is made out to be today , she was a Godly women with a gift from God , but the beliefs of the church came not from her but from all the pioneers through long and careful bible study

    • @arthurpendragon4199
      @arthurpendragon4199 4 роки тому

      @Charisma 101 very Christian like , very , very Christian like , 1 im not an advintist, i dont worship the trinity sungod of which sunday worship is in honor of. As far as Saturns day as you call is just a name place on the seventh day by Rome , its the number of the day that matters God said keep the seventh day, not the first. ........ if you dont know which is which look at a watch or calander , we know what day the Sabbath is in many ways , but even scripture tells us ....after the death of Jesus i might add........ Luke chapter 23 tells us that it was the preperation as most today know it good friday ......... and they kept the Sabbath according to the commandment........chapter 24 Jesus is resurrected early the first day of the week....... ie....... as most today know it Easter Sunday........

  • @brianhyde63
    @brianhyde63 12 років тому

    In1976: the Gay-positive group formed: Seventh Day Adventist Kinship International was founded. It is "devoted to the spiritual, emotional, social and physical well-being of current and former Seventh-day Adventists who are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender." It is completely independent of the SDA church and has over 1000 members, including gays, lesbians, bisexuals, transgender persons, their parents, friends and supporters.

  • @brianhyde63
    @brianhyde63 12 років тому +1

    24 Teach that "the condition of gaining eternal life is obedience to the commandments of
    God" (EGW ARSH 10-26-1897,) thus denying that eternal life is a gift of God's free grace.
    25 Teach that Satan at one stage will bear “the guilt of the sins” of every individual in the world (EGW Great Controversy p485)
    These are just a sample; there is much more that SDA do not want you to know. The denomination is a dangerous cult because to all appearance it presents as a bona fide church. .

  • @brianhyde5900
    @brianhyde5900 11 років тому +3

    When you love you don't need law. Law is for the unrighteous (1Tim 1:7-9) until they learn to love as Jesus loved. The Law was temporary and rendered obsolete by Christ and His righteousness. Old things have now passed away -- the "heaven and earth" you referred to, passed away in AD70 complete with the Mosaic Law.
    What remains?
    What is our legacy?
    The love of Christ.
    The law of the land in which a criminal lives, is now his/her law.
    You do not have to be good to be saved but you do have to be saved to be good (Des Ford).
    Justification presupposes sanctification. Justification (on the grounds of Christ's representative righteousness) is the root and sanctification is the fruit (D Crockett)-- insofar as it is possible for true love to be revealed though weak erring human beings who are growing in grace.
    SDA doctrine is imv no different from Rome's infused righteousness which, as you know, they believe is salvific.
    "For by one sacrifice he has made perfect forever [justified]those who are being made holy [sanctified] Hebrews 10:14
    Consider Galatians 5:23
    Love is the antithesis of the sins the law condemns.
    There is no law against love (i.e. there is no standard one can set up that can find fault with or condemn anything in the principle of love as praxis)
    For example:
    Meekness (πρᾳότης) it stands in contrast with that self-reliant arrogance and impetuosity
    Temperance (ἀγκράτεια); or, self-control, it stands opposed both to fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,
    The Law finds nothing to condemn in these things, and therefore no ground for condemning those who live in the practice of them"
    (Pulpit Commentary)

  • @brianhyde63
    @brianhyde63 12 років тому

    They believe that:God loves and accepts gays and lesbians as they are, that the Bible does not "condemn, or even mention homosexuality as a sexual orientation" and that Ellen White's writings do not "parallel any of the Bible Texts which are often used to condemn homosexuals." An adult's sexual orientation is unchangeable.

  • @brianhyde63
    @brianhyde63 12 років тому

    11 Has an organisation structure that is pyramoidal, heirarchical, designed after the Mosaic tradition, thus disobeying Christ commandment that none should lord it over another for “ye are all brethren”
    12 Has a leader who is, in all but name, a pope, thus denying the NC headship of Christ's Spirit over each individual. (The leader has an Executive Committe which dictates doctrine)

  • @brianhyde63
    @brianhyde63 12 років тому +1

    21 Promotes elitism and spiritual superiority and that all other churches are in apostasy, thereby denying the NC universal body of Christ
    22 Teach that Satan is head of all other churches, to wit "Satan has taken full possession of the Churches". (EGW Spiritual Gifts V.l,p.189-90)
    23 Teach that our prayers are an "abomination" to God. (EGW Spiritual Gifts, V1 p.190).

  • @lawrencewilliams2911
    @lawrencewilliams2911 4 роки тому +3


  • @DS-uo5ie
    @DS-uo5ie 3 роки тому

    It’s not atonement,it’s propitiation! Jesus does not have to sacrifice Himself again!

  • @brianhyde63
    @brianhyde63 11 років тому

    I agree. Sabbath was a one day a week, ceremonial law which forbad on one day of the week what it COMMANDED the other days of the week. Moral law forbids WHAT IS WRONG day of the week.

  • @arthurpendragon4199
    @arthurpendragon4199 9 років тому +1

    Revelation 12 :17

  • @islis1234
    @islis1234 12 років тому


  • @arthurpendragon4199
    @arthurpendragon4199 9 років тому

    Revelation 19:10 will tell you what the testimony of Jesus is , read your bibles people ,plz before it's to late

  • @brianhyde63
    @brianhyde63 12 років тому +1

    7 Teaches observance of the sabbath and sabbath-keeping which is illegal under the Torah. Hence they deny the Christian's (New Covenant) Rest in Christ
    8 Teaches ceremonially unclean dietary laws which is illegal under the NC thus denying scripture that "all things are [now] clean"
    9. Has its leadership control memers thus denying NC priesthood of beleivers and individuality in religion
    10 Allows its "ministry" to lord it over the "laity" thus denying NC "ye are all brethren"

  • @brianhyde63
    @brianhyde63 11 років тому

    I agree. And clearly ceremonial since it was a a law for one day in seven and what it prohibited on that day was COMMANDED the other days of the wekk. acceptable

  • @brianhyde63
    @brianhyde63 11 років тому

    I agree.

  • @brianhyde63
    @brianhyde63 11 років тому

    No, God blessed the seventh-day but did not command Adam to keep it as a rest day because Adam had not fallen and was at the point fully resting in God. Nor did not become and was not called the Sabbath until it was given as part of the Covenant God made with Israel 2600 years after Creation.

  • @brianhyde63
    @brianhyde63 12 років тому

    13 Has a creed (its 29 Fundmentals) thus denying NC individuality in religion and the right of individuals to be persuaded in their own mind to believe what they want. This is always a powerful tool in the hands of a cult. It allows leadership to control the masses and dictate what members believe and bring non-conformists into line at pain of naming and shaming and even excommunication.

  • @flglies810
    @flglies810 6 років тому

    Most religious have cult or false religion.

  • @lawrencewilliams2911
    @lawrencewilliams2911 4 роки тому +1