I was raised a Catholic. I met my girlfriend (now wife) and she invited me to her church(SDA). Honestly I just went to hangout with her. No interest in listening to what was preached. But, I picked up on a few truths every time I would go to church with her. Eventually I listened and they were teaching the entirety of the Bible. Now I am a Seventh Day Adventist and I am proud to say it. Praise God. He surely works in mysterious ways. Sorry you guys went through that, but we must put our focus on Jesus. For he is the way, the truth and the life.
Gallen, while the Sabbath was established at creation and became one of the ten commandments to remember, the SDA church has a serious issue with its theism including its customs, doctrines, and traditions based upon Ellen G. White's interpretation of scripture. As Deuteronomy 13 and Deuteronomy 18 illustrate, a false prophet is not to be feared. There are Christians who aren't part of the SDAs and yet are gathering on the Sabbath day for fellowship.
That’s too bad that, that was your experience. The truth of the matter is that the goal should always be having a relationship with God and not what “the church or what the conference wants.” Find another SDA church.
But, if one truly puts their focus on Christ, wouldn’t they become 7th day Adventist? For in Adventist eschatology is it not taught that if one remains in a Sunday worship organization one will take the mark of the beast and become prosecutors of the real remnant a.k.a. seven day Adventists?
@@Tahquitz I know your comment was directed towards another, but I would like to chime in. There is a difference between being a Sabbath keeper and an SDA. The Sabbath keeper is memorializing the Creator as the cause of creation whereas an SDA is adhering to the customs, doctrines, and traditions of Ellen G. White whose theology is in conflict with scripture. If you compare the theology with scripture, you will find contradictions on the level of heresy. To be fair, Judaism is just as much of an issue since the Talmud effectively makes the Rabbinate the gods of Judaism with one specific part that claims God lost an argument with a Rabbi and therefore must do whatever the Rabbi says. Then there is the blatant false witness / blasphemy of the Holy Spirit claim falsely accusing Jesus as a sorcerer and violator of the Torah (it was really the traditions of the elders Jesus was contradicting and not the Torah itself) that is in hell boiling in His own excrement. According to the terms of Deuteronomy 19:16-21, every Jew who believes this claim will be just where and how they claim Jesus is. The only genuine faith is first repentance from your own sinful life and not just the sins you committed, second actively seeking to do the will of the Father in heaven (believing on His Son whom He sent), third walking as Jesus walked (reverence and obedience to His Father's instructions), fourth submitting to the conviction and leading of the Holy Spirit, and fifth loving your neighbor as well as the brethren as Christ loves you. There is no religious label for this, but rather this is what a true believer is about according to scripture.
I also grew up in the Adventist church, I have witnessed alot of questionable things happening, but my Old Dad reminded me, "you are here to hear the word of the Lord, keep your eyes him, man will let you down but God never will" 🙏
I echo your dad and now you...Christ was the one on that cruel tree...the arm of flesh will fail you every time...the good old book says that the wheat and the tares have to grow together until the harvest...
Devil goes to church too. He doesn't burn each time he tries to enter, he's there just the same trying to claim you away from God, keep it in mind. Jesus was angry at what they were doing at the temple, he never let that stop him. You dad knows what's up, bless him
Raised a Catholic & active in that church, I have found the SDA Church after studying several doctrines because I was looking for a purely Bible-based teaching. But left it bec I was looking at the people & their flaws. Later on, I went back to the church bec I realized, Jesus' faith was tthe reason why I joined this church & not bec of the people. Just happy to find a church group now which I feel like a second family to us. I would never be somewhere else & praying & striving to be part of the remnant church whom Jesus will bring home with Him when He comes back.
I struggled a lot because of the things I saw and experienced. After complaining to a friend, he told me that the devil was attacking my mind and my focus better be on Christ. I felt that God was speaking to me through him. I started to realize the purpose of the church and cemented my relationship with God. Instead of just seeing the negatives of the church and people, I started to see a call for prayer. My response to the issues is praying for God's spirit to work on them, fix situations as he fixes me.
Oh yes i am a born again child of God ,and we aer supose to love one another in Jesus because love is of God and you know what partiallity is not in my book .i have an experience with someone from an SDA church ,we were talking about the Lord ,and what she says to me,wasnt good at all .She said if i am not worshiping on saturday ,i am not serving The God that she serves.so i said who are you to condemn me do you think you are God .am telling you some of these people are really crasy i am si happy and glad that is not man saved me ,thank you God for your son that you send to redeemed me .may Gid show up at some of them door it will be a surprise on that day .blessings from above my bro and sis .
Thank you for sharing your experience! I am, my self through something similar and I feel in my heart that the SDA is the right place to go and learn about the gospels.
WELL SAID....The church is a hospital..no one is perfect. We're supposed to look to God and be his example..not imperfect people (like we all are)....You don't leave the truth because of people..People won't get you to heaven..your relationship with God and your prayer for him to give you discernment is what is most important. Also you may need to look for another SDA church.....some are more conservative that other's Pray and Fast on it..but don't leave the faith which you know in your heart is true. Ask God to guide you and I apologize for the experience you have had...Sometimes a few people ruin it for many..dont let them win..You can be the example for those who have had your experience and counter the other with Love and the true teachings of Christ!
A-men. Once you know the truth of what the BIBLE says about the 7th day Sabbath and how the first day of the week, Sunday got brought in by the RCC. You cannot go backwards in your faith. We are told that folks like the ones in this video would happen. They are just securing Spirit of Prophecy. SO sad.
I had a coworker that was SDA. We use to debate all the time. From what I can remember: SDA is works based, don't believe in Biblical hell and eternal punihsment, Saturday is the sabbath, and live under the law (i.e dietary law). The truth is, you have to be born again like Jesus says in John 3. Believe in Jesus. Be filled with the Holy Spirit and re-read the Scriptures with fresh eyes. Starting in the gospel of John and keep going and you shall do well.
@@BibleSamurai Firstly we do believe in hell. Secondly our church is not work based because at the end of the day we are saved by grace and lastly we follow the dietary laws not because of salvation but because God is the one who created us so he knows what is best for our body and it is even proven scientifically that animals like pigs carry lots diseases when compared to others like cows or chickens. But at the end of the day it’s all about having faith in God tbh.
Some church environment can become so toxic. You become open and vulnerable to church trauma, church bipolar, church depression, church exploitation and manipulation and the list goes on. An overall poor spiritual experience and no spiritual growth with God if you are unable to discern and separate the wood from the tree. It can be soul wrenching! A place where intended for believers to meet and worship God and serve the poor has become a hierarchical infrastructure for church leaders agenda and dictatorship. Lord we look to you and you alone as your word is everlasting. God will make room for you and your family to find a safe church community.
So true,I attended an Adventist church and I didn't like it because for a year no one talked to me and i felt left out. But one day a visitor came and I passed her by,I did exactly what I was condemning the others for. So i looked for the visitor and talked to her..from that day i understood that sometimes what we see in others is in us too.
The Church is not going to save us it’s grace by faith in Jesus… read the book “ The Harlow Church System” breaks down our addiction to Church & not Jesus Christ
We are the church so if we turn away from the church it is ourselves we are turning away from then we will surely be lost the bible said in the last days some will turn away from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrine of devils
I was born SDA and I backslide all my life but I will not and never will leave this Truth that God gave me. Coming back in the arms of Jesus is the ultimate and most fulfilling decision I’ve done in my whole life. Leaving the Truth is like leaving Jesus! May you all find peace!
@@demetriuslyford I sincerely hope that Jesus is your Lord and I have not condemned anyone as that solely God’s perogative. However, Jesus is not the center of Adventism. Ellen White’s unbiblical doctrines are the center. Read Peter’s gospel sermon in Acts 2 and Paul’s gospel sermon in Acts 13. Those passages are THE GOSPEL as preached by the Apostles. They don’t need any improvement or addendums. How do you reconcile the “investigative judgment” with Acts 2:30-33 and Acts 13:39? Jesus was seated at the right hand of God, the most holy place in the universe, at the ressurrection (not in 1844) and we are justified NOW, not at some point after 1844. Explain it to me, from the Bible. EGWs ideas cannot be reconciled with the Apostolic gospel.
For all my years as an Adventist I've seen discouragement but that doesn't make me lose my focus on Jesus. I still attend the congregation I find myself around the world. Do not use one SDA congregation to judge all SDA congregations because of a small crucible you are passing through. If you leave SDA Church, well, it's a great choice but don't leave God. Just find your way to eternal life that Jesus presents to you.
Research Ellen White who claims she’s a prophet….she has no prophesies …zero. Her prophesy she mention is Oakland earthquake? This is Jesus prophesy…Matthew 24:1-50. Her religion came during 1800’s and Jesus even around way before any other religions…Genesis 4:15. If she believes the Bible than why did she have to come up with her own book rather than Bible? Every religious leaders have their own books and That’s something every Christians question …..Bible is the answer not her book
Is there salvation outside d truth? No, all who departed from d truth in their excuse to sought for it elsewhere because its adherents do not live by what they professed to believe in, have succeeded entering into darkness. Yet, I have this to say: many believes that they can remain and worship God still in d conference churches that has apostatized and departed from d spirit of prophesy. They highly will be disappointed when probation closes generally for d church at d enforcement of d Sunday law. It has become a part of Babylon and of d image of d beast. The same call given to d Babylonian churches to come out of their corrupt churches, has come also upon those lurking still in d conference to come out of it before it is too late. It wasn't this that appears to fall and didn't, but d few in d wilderness, who have separated from it, passing through that time of shaking.
Thank you for sharing your experience with the Adventist Church. It is always disappointing when church members do not live up to our expectations. No church is perfect and if anyone ever finds one it will cease to be perfect as soon as you or I attend it. I guess we all must remember that churches are hospitals for sinners not hotels for saints so if we find dysfunctional people there regardless of their positions just expect it.
I’m 51 yrs old SDA born and bred. I’ve visited many churches and I’ve realized that the church is really a hospital for sinners. If going there to meet saints one might be disappointed. Christ should be in our hearts when we go in to fellowship with the brethren so that they may feel and experience Christ love thru us. This sounds more like a personal issue with a particular church and not Gods remnant SDA church per sey. When we go to worship with the brethren we should be in such sweet communion with God that His presence will silence all the distractions around us. Praying for your family🙏🙏💕
@@cinhenry you mean some individuals in the church who quote her left and right. As a church we believe shes a profit and she herself said if we truly studied our bibles we wouldn't need her writings, In fact prophets in the bible were always risen because the people had lost so much knowledge they needed guidance to get back.
God's remnant church? Well the JW also believe that they God's remnant church Care to explain where this asscertion and arrogance comes from and what makes your beliefs different to the JW who share this same delusion? Sorry but your assertions about other churches is wrong. The SDA church is not without having their own scandals over the years.
@@ogfirstclass3412 we may believe we have the fullest truth available but we be no mean believe that you must be Adventist to be saved. Anyone stating otherwise is probably rightly seen as arrogant in your eyes as we are also dealing with a human element in all religions. Our church is no different many still deal with pride and unfortunately this is not addressed. But the fact is the more we believe we know the more responsibility and mercy we should have towards others. The fact is also that God judges us upon the knowledge we have, the more we know the more He expects from us although this does not take from that fact that its only by the blood of Jesus that we are saved, our knowledge doesn't save us. Its just our continual commitment and acceptance to the gift Jesus gave us that saves us.
Amen and amen. plus going on social media .When you should be spending time having a relatio ship with God. Then you wont ha e time to do all that. I am a seventh day adventist . I Do not believe in all their beliefs.I know what I beliv e in.
Amen we go there to worship and praise God and not man... Action speak louder than words, we don't go there to seek position, our hearts belongs to God, whether position or not God should be the center of our lives A mm en
@@marvelousqueenb8037 Ahhh here's the reliable judgement that this church is sooooooo programmed to do. And why? Because your cult leader EGW wrote tons of letters to people sounds just that. Criticising and judging and that SPIRIT reigns in that space. Y'all need deliverance.
I would like to say that this happens in all churches. I used to go to a Sunday church. But now I go to the seventh day adventist church because God said Remember rhe Sabbath day and to keep it Holy.
Lmao listen sister Claudette you do not have to be a SDA to keep the sabbath. I rebuke anything that is added to God’s law. The sabbath law was created for Hebrews in the Bible and Hebrews today. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE APART OF ELLEN G. WHITE BELIEFS TO FOLLOW GOD’s LAWS!
The Sabbath was created for all mankind!!! From the beginning!!!! Don’t follow a man, Follow the truth!!! If someone speaks according to Gods words we should consider their perspective!!! The Spirit of Prophecy is for everyone❤️
I have come accross this video after watching the 3ABN Sabbath School Lesson. It's going to be Sabbath tommorrow and I need to prepared. What an incredible lesson. The Title is unto the least of these. My family and I were going to Roman Catholic Church because we are born and raised in this church, but during the pandemic when I started reading the Bible, everythings has changed. My faith in God becomes stronger and His voice become clearer. He became more real to me. And we kept the Sabbath, and live a healthy lifestyle not knowing there is a group of Christians who have the same belief. After almost five months of being a Sabbathkeepers we decided to be baptized to Jesus. 😇 I met many people, different people in the church but I know many are new, we are in different levels of our faith, Still praying for this church. I always keep in my mind that I dont keep His commandments for the people in the church but for the God who is the author of my salvation, growing in Him everyday. praying that the people who discouraged you wont discourage you to follow Him no matter. For as Christians we are called to endure. God bless! I love you.
I was also left a church and now I am an Adventist Church member. And I'm very happy in this church because I don't look to any person but only Bible. Pastor can make mistakes layman can make mistakes but Bible always right. Those who look people they only can leave SDA CHURCH. I'm a lucky person because I am a part of this SDA church.
Exactly.. u go to church for God not for the members. This is exactly what satan wants, to stir up the members and whoever jumps out will be left behind. Satan wins..
Addendum Story of a friend: I was born into the Adventist faith, at the age of 5 my parents left me with my grandparents who were not adventist, therefore the grounding that they tried to instill in us (myself and siblings) was somewhat thwarted. I joined my parents 3 years later and the strictness of the discipline laid down by my parents was very difficult to cope with. Within 4 years of joining my parents the rebellious side came out and even though I still enjoyed going to church, the elderly members tried to convince me that I had no place within the church. After a few months I found it unbearable to be in church. I preferred to be with friends who did not have the same upbringing that I had which was based on bible principles. Slowly and surely I began to act the way these friends acted. I ended up having a child at a very young age and then the church removed me from the membership list. This being said I still believed in the principles and desperately wanted to go back to church, but knew that the elders would reject me. I moved away from the church altogether. The behaviour of the friends were not making me feel comfortable but I was forced to stay out there, and I believe that was due to me not being able to challenge the elderly, because children are supposed to be seen and not heard. However, if we are to go by the bible when Jesus was 12 years old and out in the syangogue teaching the elders, as young people, why are we not even trying to bring about these changes, showing others where they are wrong and trying to instill the teachings of the bible. After spending an number of years in the world and looking at my life experience, I now know that no-one in the church is to be looked up to. My guidance should come from the teachings of the bible. We are all sinners and therefore we cannot look to another human being in order to follow God's word. If I go to church and a member is not living by the teaching, I cannot leave because that member is not following guidelines. I am responsible for my actions, on judgement day I have to answer for my doings, I cannot tell God that I left the "SDA" church because the elderly people did not give me a chance to be what I needed to be.
Sigh can the Bible be wrong?? NEVER!!! Hmmm 🤔 Jesus said the wheat and the thorns shall grow together until the day of Harvest. He also said All of what is written must come to pass, not one dot. Or t tittle shall in no wise be made untrue. My brother and my sister, you truly were not in the church because you love God, you were there because someone/something is missing from your life and you're still searching, I agree with My friend and sister here who said she knows she cannot give God any excuse why she left, and that it was because of the elders. We will all have to give an account for our sins. I too have been facing challenges coming into this faith SDA, I believe it is God's remnant church and when I took my water baptism, it was not to man, but to God 🙏 and so no one is letting me leave God's church. I might change membership and go to another branch. But I will never leave God after I found him. He's too good to give up my dear. I pray you will find your way back before it's too late.
@@yvonnewalker9153 I couldn't agree with you more.....I am NOT a men pleaser....I am there to serve God and listen to the Holy Spirit's instructions. We need to be rooted and grounded and be the change and stand for your belief 🙏 💯
@@kathleensimpson1418 Amen my sister, I will continue to pray for you as I pray for myself and the rest of the saints. Remember the enemy knows he has a short time and he wants company in Hell, so we have to purpose in our hearts like Daniel to serve God comes what may. We were told that there's going to be a trouble like that we've never seen, so we're going to need a faith to match that. But if we're going to complain about these small things then trust and believe that we will be defeated. Stand fast my dear sister, and watch as to prayer 🙏🙏🙏😍 God bless you 🙏💟💗
Being an Adventist myself, what I can say is that, No one will let me leave church. If God told you to leave, then I can say God is leading. But I don't recall you guys mentioned God was apart of the decision. It doesn't matter which church you go to, you will never find perfection. I agree, you have to go where God is present, but he has to be the one who is leading that. Also, it wasn't clear if you guys left the Adventist faith or what, so this is just an unfinished video that I wish was a bit more clearer. A bit confusing, especially when you said, "we would go to a different faith, as long as God is there". I wish there was more clarity. Additionally, I wish you guys all the best in your decision making, and hope that you will put God first in whatever you do.
@Slippery Slope I think you should stop speaking for others and speak for yourself. Ensure that at the of the day, Jesus doesn't turn you back at the pearly gates.
The reason for all the troubles in the Seventh-day Adventist church is that it is known as the remnant church. It has the full doctrines with observing and keeping all the commandments of [Gracious Great] God, including the fourth commandment, that has been ignored by many religious leaders who consider themselves Christians and act pious. By this, the enemies which are Satan and his angels, despise the people who choose to keep all the commandments of the Lord and do their evil work in that church more desperately than in all other churches and synagogues. The enemies are trying with their means to discourage and destroy [Gracious Great] God's people as His cherishable children. The people who choose to follow the ways of the enemy are not given tribulations as much as are the real Christians receiving them. Instead of concentrating on [imperfect] people who need a Savior, we need to concentrate and focus our minds on the perfect and holy Gracious Great God, who is able, willing and ready to help us at anywhere and anytime of the day or night.
20+ years in SDA and i can surely say that this is the most judgemental denomination you'll ever meet, we're still stuck in the old law, everything is a sin, from taking tea, eating meat, ladies wearing pants, until one time i felt like leaving, but after quite sometime, i just realized that what matters is me and Christ. Am still waiting for the 2nd return of my saviour in here.
Brother, I appreciate the fact you are in the SDA Church for the past 20 + yes.. However I want to appeal you to please do not comment anything about the church as we call ourselves as Children of God we have no right to comment on the way how things are .. I do know , Our church has a lot of doctrines and principles to follow ..but please remember those are for our good and betterment. The old laws are to be constantly reminded in us as there are lots of important lessons to be leant from them ..avoid from tea , meat eating , ladies wearing pants are for our goodness as our body is the temple of GOD and therefore our Health should be safeguarded and so we are not supposed to be like the worldly... I shall definitely keep you in my prayers ...Love the church despite circumstances and live for God's Glory ! GOD bless!
@Christina Ann If eating meat was wrong then there wouldn't be a long list of animals that are allowed to be eaten with cloven hooves, chewing the cud etc. You can't call God a hypocrite ie on the one hand reading the list of allowed animals to eat and then claiming that he said you shouldn't eat meat. Be careful of the things you say! Jesus fed fish and bread to the 5,000. Nothing bad was said about the fatted calf being eaten. SDA people think they are the only ones who will go to heaven. You hear it in the SDA churches. Only God knows that. You can't claim knowledge that only God knows. That's blasphemy. There is so much blasphemy on other subjects that I've heard in the churches.
@Christina Ann this is the perfect example of legalism. My body is a temple is used by Paul to express sexual purity before marriage. What was listed is fine as if you believe and interpret that's how God wants you to treat your body but another lady who wants to wear pants shouldn't be subject to the same rules you make for yourself.
@LightintheDarkness365 I was an SDA longer than 25 years and I agree with OP. Your experience doesn't negate all the terrible experiences other people have been through. We're not liars
Hope you both find peace on your journey to finding God or finding a church. The Adventist church has thousands of congregations all over the world, and over 21 million members. Going to 1 or even 3 churches and experiencing how they do things there does not define the church. These congregations are made up of individuals from various cultures and communities. Hence naturally, the traits of the community will be rubbed off on the church. I've been an Adventist all my life. Lived in 5 different countries. All the churches I've been to were flawed because we are dealing with flawed members. Yet, I will never leave the church for the world or for another church. Won't allow any flawed man to cause me to mess up my relationship with God. I'm not sure why so many people are taking the time to make these "Why I Left The Church" videos. Please don't get carried away by the social media hype. While you might see it as just a video, there are some persons who will come across it who will become confused and not give the church, and even worst, God a fair chance. Don't do that. Focus on your relationship with God, the rest will work out itself. Peace, blessings and love as you search to find your place in this world.
English is not my language, but just a question. Is it the so-called church that will bring you to heaven or is it your personal relationship with God as in believing in him the God will take you to heaven and see him there, (God). The only true church is GOD and no human-built churches and their ideology of governance will bring you to heaven to see God. They're all man-made and serve man's interests rather than God's.
@@kevinkisekup1596 If you have a personal relationship with God , you will not forsake the assembling of the brethren. It was Jesus who said do not forsake the assembly of the brethren , Jesus is telling us here to go to church and fellowship with one another. Jesus himself went to church every Sabbath . The Only true Church is God !!!! Not sure what you meant by this but God has a church here on earth that is the apple of his eyes .
As a born again Cbristian who happens to be a SDA. I just want to say I'm sorry on behalf of those ppl who hurt you and experiences you went through, and I do want to say, even if i'm the only SDA in the world, that I love you and know God loves you even MORER! I will keep you in my prayers and pray that the Lord will lead and guide in the paths of righteousness!
There's no way you can be born again and an SDA at the same time. True born again believers do not follow man made religion and doctrines of men. Jesus said to come out from among them and be ye separate, including all religions.
I am Adventist too. One Adventist minister said: “Go where you are fed.” He is right. I can associate with many of your sentiments. If we have to make adjustments we just have to be careful not to leave Christ. Stay strong.
There are many Seventh Day Adventist churches where we can find joy love and peace. Yes I sometimes experience the same way you did but I never give up.Them are also humans and they need to be nurtured and corrected because Satan is really finding ways to destroy us. We just keep on praying and trusting God.
Go where you are fed? He should have directed you to the Bible instead. Thats the only BREAD OF LIFE Christians should be eating, if you are not being fed, that's because you are not feeding yourself! People cannot survive on eating once a week, so too, your spiritual life cannot survive on once a week meal from the word of God.
Remember, we are sinful people none of us are perfect no matter where we go. This is why we go to church in search of God and the word of God. Blessings to you all and hope you'll all consider returning one day shortly.
I agree with much of what they stated as a SDA though the denomination is NOT my idol. I am His follower. However, may I suggest all do more studying the Word as we age because there is certain foolishness that is condemned to even enter the church. They are so mistaken on that. Jesus would have shut it down if certain things were welcomed in His Father's House. We see how angry Jesus got with something as simple as buying and selling. There is a certain respect that is supposed to be brought into His House. Many younger people push their own agenda through dressing provocatively or like the opposite sex. Most time they're not coming as they are in the spiritual since but to prove a point in which they expect to do what they want, how they want. I'm not talking tattoos, jewelry, or makeup... His house is Holy and Jude speaks of what foolishness not to allow in the churches. Sexual sin is different from all sin- THAT'S BIBLICAL! Otherwise, I agree with soooo much. So many times the church shows favoritism and idolizes itself. There IS AN EXPECTATION THAT WE SHOULD HAVE IN THE CHURCH! They pick and choose often in SDA. CONGRATS TO THEM ON A BEAUTIFUL, HEALTHY BABY .
If you're interested I'll give them to you. Let me know and I'll send you my email and I'll send them to you vi A email I believe you all were really enjoy these. God bless you all, and continue to be led by the spirit of the Lord. Happy preparation day!
This is what will happen when we look to people rather than upon our GOD, Savior and Redeemer. Also when we come with "our truth" that's a great problem, what about GODS truth, we can never go wrong with It.🙏🏽🕊️
I'm so sorry that this has been your experience, I've had similar experiences, but brethren we have to keep our eyes focused on God. I returned to church when I was 24 and was baptized at 25, there were many breaking points where I felt like I wanted to leave but I prayed for strength and courage. Yes, people in the SDA church are not nice, I've seen hypocrisy, favoritism, nepotism etc but we have to pray and ask God for the patience and the courage to remain faithful to Him. Noone is perfect and God is working on each and everyone of us in various degrees and perhaps some who are in the church have not surrendered fully to Him, but who am I to judge because I am a sinner myself. I say all this to say, the church is made up of imperfect people but don't allow them nor the situations that happened in church become the breaking point for you to leave. Praying for you and your family. 🤗
Kacou Philippe did not die on the cross of Calvary for you but it is him, Kacou Philippe, who has the words of eternal life and the keys of the kingdom of the Heavens for your Salvation in this generation. #ProphetKacouPhilippe
@@winstonfarquharsonLOVE-OF-GOD "Church" to my understanding is consisted of the body of people who worship God, our Father in Heaven and Accept his Only Begotten Son, Jesus of Nazareth. I was raised a R.C., what do I know. *_God Bless_*
Happy Sabbath. I accepted the SDA message in my late teens. Ever since I did so I look to Jesus as my only and perfect example. As we are living in the last days Satan will seek to wreck havoc especially in the church. I therefore implore you dear friends to look to Jesus and do not allow anyone or anything to cause you to lose your crown. Have a blessed night.
@ven Luke 4:16 And he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up: and, as his custom was, he went into the synagogue on the sabbath day, and stood up for to read. Matt. 12:12 How much then is a man better than a sheep? Wherefore it is lawful to do well on the sabbath days.
I was head deacon of an Adventist church in the late 90s. The assistant head deacon lied to the nominating committee the next year and never talked to me about anything. I quietly went to another SDA church because I won't let sinners like myself get in the way of my relationship with God.
Glory be to God! Leave the physical church and find a better one with better fellowship, that's what I did instead of leaving the entire Adventist lifestyle
I’m a Seventh day Adventist and I can relate totally to your experiences. It’s only because of the goodness of God over my life why I’m here. May God continues to bless you!
It seems most of us here have had similar experiences we can relate to and share. I'm glad you stayed in the church and thanking God for his goodness everyday to allow us to forgive, forget and follow him. Stay blessed and continue to allow Christ in your life to bless and heal you and walk with you everyday wherever you may go. Peace 🙏🏾
Why We Left Our Applebee’s: People at Applebee’s were making it all about them. They wanted customers but were not really feeding the customers. We attended this Applebee’s for 10 years & we are just fed up with the lack of outreach. It was as if this particular Applebee’s was only catering to a certain audience. They preached family & unity, but never reached out to us during our most vital & important moments. This among other reasons, is why we no longer attend Applebee’s. I am only on the outside looking in, but it appears to me, from many videos like this, that SDA churches where islanders are leading, there are extreme points of views w/ no filters, that turn people away. Trust me, I get it! Like Applebee’s, don’t give up on ALL Applebee’s because of your many bad experiences at one location, go to another location who’s provides the warm, welcoming atmosphere you seek. But that is not what this video & many like it promote; the lesson presented here is, if you have bad experiences at an SDA church, leave the SDA faith all-together; although you didn’t say this specifically, this is the message presented. Consider this, If others are inspired to follow your footsteps, & in judgement, if you are wrong, you will hold some responsibility in leading others away. Is this what you want? In this video, the wife stated “even if Jesus is at another denomination, I want to be there”. That seems fair, because Jesus is all about “LOVE”. John 14:15, if you love me, keep my commandments. 1 John 5:3, for this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments. This includes keeping God’s 7th-Day Sabbath. Why? Because we love Jesus. If this couple follows the path of other videos like this, they will soon find the “Jesus” they seek in a denomination that “full well, rejects the commandments of God, that they may keep their own tradition” Mark 7:9; that tradition namely being Sunday worship. I get it, many Sunday worshipping churches are super family, super warming, super welcoming, super open-fellowship, & super ministry supportive in youth outreach etc; I get it. Yet such will be the case when they “will say unto me, Lord, didn’t we prophesy in thy name, and in your name cast out devils & in your name done many marvelous works. And Jesus will profess to them, depart from me, I never knew you”. Matt. 7:22-23 Jesus didn’t know them, so the key is to make sure Jesus knows us & we know him, right? How do we do this? By this we can be SURE that we know him, if we keep His commandments, 1 John 2:3. And it’s NOT about legalism, it’s about “LOVE”. What is your love language? Touch?, Words?, Acts of Service?, Quality Time?, Gifts? Understanding this helps your relationship grow & be healthy. What is Jesus love language? It is simple, Jesus told you plain & clear. Jesus said “if you love me, keep my commandments” John 14:15 Then Jesus later says “he that loveth me not, keeps not my sayings” John 14:24 Want to focus on your relationship with Jesus? Do what he says! And don’t get swept away by the overwhelming warm love of commandment-breaking denominations. I love you. Jesus loves you. I’m praying for all 3 of you; Dad, Mom & Child.
Your comment is printed like that coming from a loving mother, that is a mommy. I became a Seventh-day Adventist when I was 16 years ago. Like this family, I underwent tribulations in that church as a youngster. I was not even close to my natural folks, and that attracted me to be with Gracious Great God's most cherishable children, His family. Growing up was quite arduous. There were times when I did not attend church for several months from time to time. However, After I was baptized in June 1969, an "uncle" advised me something that I forgot that is, "Once you accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, not everyone is going to like you. And if you decide to follow Jesus Christ all the way, not everyone in church is going to be your friend." Uncle Rouse was right. Today, I can admit that church members, including the pastor, are just people who are imperfect, just like me. However, I am not better than anyone, including you, whom I have not yet met, but you are no less than me. If I met you, I would look up to you the same way I looked up to older people. I love the way you emphasized that [sweet] Jesus Christ emphasized the importance of love to Gracious Great God and love to one another. Since the 1980s, I continued to attend church steadily. Not only I have returned to the temple weekly, I strive to support the church in several ways. I would rather seek to please Gracious Great God, rather than people. He is perfect and knows what is best for me and you, and people are imperfect and even the best of us can go wrong. This week of July 3, 2022, the Sabbath School lesson is about "In the Crucible With Christ." It is about trials and trouble that Gracious Great God's cherishable children, as Christians, will undergo. We live in a world that is sin-ridden everywhere there are people. These problems will last, either if everyone repents of their sins and return to obey Gracious Great God, or continue in their ways by keeping their own sins, until Jesus Christ returns to this earth again. I must mention that you are a very bright lady. Also, I prayed for these loving ones, that is, this family, and I want to include you in mine.
The first day worshippers can possess the traits and characteristics of some Seventh-day Adventists, but how long can a good thing last? As in human nature, people will be nice to you in the beginning they get acquainted with you. Afterwards, they treat you differently from good, and before you know it, "the free ride is over." As long as they do not have the love of sweet Jesus Christ in their hearts, they can take you for granted and use you for selfish purposes. This is human nature, let alone the nature of the beast.
I understand wholeheartedly how you feel because I have experienced the same in some SDA churches. I am a born again Christian who happens to believe in the Sabbath unequivocally. May God lead you to the right worship experience for your family.
@@earthlastdaybiblechannel what an evil thing to say. Churches are comprised of people & all people are fallen. Therefore, all “churches” are fallen regardless of the name they carry with the IRS. Nobody knows the true Church it will only be revealed upon Jesus’ return because the true Church is comprised of flock of many folds, hence the statement that there will be many surprises in heaven. Be mindful of your arrogance in the absence of love. Knowledge puffs up, but love builds up.
John 10:16 “And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd.”
I love being a member of SDA I grow up in Baptist Church but I join SDA 4 yrs ago when I go to church I go to praise him the Almighty God....I will never leave this church no matter what...
Esther Simenti I thank God for you and the comment you made. I pray that God will keep you to learn more and have a good footing in his church but challenges will definitely come and like this video pls remember this comment and stay focused. You're in this church because of God's leading so look to him alone no matter what. God bless you.
Never say never. When it effects you. You too will move on to another, if need be. Not all are accepted in all churches. No Mayer how friendly they say they are. And... May be to some. There is no rich church or poor church.
God bless you Esther,stand firm.SDA is the only true church in this world.I've had the opportunity to attend sunday churches with different labels written all over.None have satisfied my hunger for truth anyway.But when I tried the Adventist faith, suddenly God opened my spiritual eyes to his truth I have been seeking nearly half my living years.I have backslidden somewhat; but my hunger for truth still burns.Pray for me dear so I can goe back to worshipping God on the Sabbath, me and my family can attend together.I am from the Pacific Isle of Papua New Guinea; just north of Australia.God bless you and your family.Rescue is on its way very soon.God bless!!!
The wheat and the tears have to grow untill the day of harvest. Church is not a place full of perfect people, its rather a hospital for the sick sin soul, look neither to the left or right look up your redemption draweth nigh.
People in a hospital don't stay in the hospital sick forever. They either get well or die. It's time for the church to judge itself so that it is not judged with the world. Judgment does begin in the house of God. I am SDA and ONLY came back to the church under the direction of the Holy Spirit after leaving for almost 30 years. Sad to say, nothing much has changed since I left at the age of 15. They are still very legalistic, most seek the applause/praise of men and that's why the denomination as a whole, places more emphasis on one's actions than the condition of the heart. Precisely what the Pharisees of Jesus' time did. Jesus came to transform us from the inside, not just get us to conform to outer practices. When we change from the inside by renewing our minds with God's Word under the direction of the Holy Spirit, our wrong behaviors will eventually change, but no matter how much you try and "clean up" yourself from the outside, you will never be good on the inside. Each of us needs to learn to hear the voice of God for ourselves and develop a deeper, more intimate relationship with Jesus daily and let Him lead us. Too many of our leaders think they have a monopoly on the voice of God.
Go continue to go to a doctor or hospital who refuses to talk about your illness,mis diagnosis and more.you are sick but you keep getting dressed and going there weekly ,happily paying the doctor while you and family are Dying
I certainly agree with you. The fact that you guys are pointing our certain things about the church im pretty much sure too that y'all aren't 100% in what ever so it's the same for many others everyone has a issue a struggle but don't let that push you from the congregation I think y'all should have stick around and just do what y'all got to do. Everywhere we go we will come upon issues even in our homes so I really don't see how this is even necessary but again it's your story and ill respect that I do hope y'all find your true place in this life.
We don't just leave the church but the body of Christ Jesus is our perfect example did Jesus leave his disciples because of Judus he new Judus would betray but called him friend and he was still apart of the church he didn't leave how Jesus said if u love me keep my Commandments.
As a church we make mistakes and do not always accept the decisions that are made, even when they are not so useful, but personally I think that leaving the church is not the solution. It is good to stay and set an example to try to act in the best way and pray for the union of the church and improve through the Holy Spirit that we need so much. I also on many occasions felt like you and thought about not going anymore, but in the end I kept going and I thank God for it. God continue to bless you and your family and guide you.
If we were all saved then nobody would have to go to church. Moreover, your courage to speak on this issue, and your truth, may be a calling to remedy the issue and be involved in the church to inspire others to be better. Matthew 16:18, which says, "And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it".
I see your concerns and understand how you feel. I used to go to an Adventist church and the legalities and unfriendliness of members left me feeling sad. I became an Adventist because of God’s leading. My relationships with God led me to leave that specific congregation but not the SDA church. I am sure that wherever we go there are people who wants to dictate what and who we do. Also there are those who are control freaks. However remember the reason you came to the SDA church, your reason to come will determine whether you leave or stay. Just remember that Jesus went to the synagogue with the scribes and Pharisees, Jesus Himself called them hypocrites, but he still went to church because there were those who wanted what Christ have to offer. Let the wheat and tears grow until the day of harvest. Friends there are beautiful SDA congregation everywhere. Christ grew up going to the synagogue on the sabbath, it was His custom and He did it as example to us so he continued going though they were hypocrites. May you find a congregation that you are comfortable in but just remember there are no perfect congregation. Blessings.
Well said. As long as you follow the truth, the beliefs and find an SDA congregation that full of love and kindness… you’ll find it. You will… But don’t leave the truth because if you follow the Bible, you’ll end up become an SDA.
Is which SDA Church you guys went to, because I have visited other SDA churches and their warmth and friendliness is very welcoming and ALL SDA Church is known for that...
I’m a young SDA and our church is filled with young people, I also visit several SDA congregations. My experience as a SDA is different from yours, yes there are a few judgemental SDAs but there is a lot of loving ones too. There sure will be disappointments along the way but I learn to look to God for guidance in everything and he has kept me in his ways. I believe that a lot of people turn away from the church, not because there are errors in the beliefs, but simply because the truth in not being teach in love, and that’s the problem. I’m sorry for your experience and hope you find a spirit filled and loving congregation. God bless you
I am so sorry to hear about your situation but my dear brother and sister your situation is not unique it happens all the time to millions of other SDA's it happened to me but two things kept me and is still keeping me , firstly Christ died for me personally and secondly there is a quote found in the book Testimonies to Ministers pages 45 and 49 which speaks directly to the state of the church. No matter what is going on in this remnant church God is still in charge Selected messages 2: page 390 I pray that you both will surrender to the leading of the Holy Spirit so that you will not put yourselves on the arch deceiver's ground , prayerfully ask God to help you to put self aside and seek His will because if you have been studying the prophecies you will know that the SDA Church is God's last day church , no other church can truthfully make this claim. Please my dear brother and sister do not stay out too long, hurry and find your way back in for " as defective and enfeebled and in need of reproof the church may seem it is the one entity upon earth upon which God bestows His Supreme regard
I am so sorry that your experience was such that it led to you leaving the SDA church. Jesus had it pretty rough too, he was rejected and despised. There are few people who really love Jesus with all their heart and are following Him. No matter what church you attend, you will have similar problems. It's the beliefs that matter. Stay strong and keep your eyes on Jesus.
The SDA doctrine is based on the direct commandments of God. Simple. You dont get baptised to SDA bcos of its elder/pastor or bcoz the program is sort or longer. I am an SDA bcoz there is one God,one faith,one truth. I think you are denying the truth & based your decision frankly on feelings. You mentioned that you still believe SDA doctrines in that case you could have changed membership to anither local church. I pray that you find the truth you are looking for. God bless
I'm from Brazil, father of 3 children (12, 4, 1) and literally stumbled upon this video totally unexpected. I got impressed when I noticed this video has 202k views. I couldn't help myself but to watch this video as well. I tell you, you are such a beautiful family, with such a huge responsibility over your little Eva. In my 12y in the SDA church I've seen so many people come and go, usually those who do go is because their focus on the cross got blurred and the sin/fault of the people around them brightens. EGW says that 1 person (Christian Service book), 1 person is enough to revive an entire church. It's always better to stick to your big family, always the wiser choice to do, believe me. Be the difference that this church and these people urge so much. God bless you!
Wow! I totally agree with you brother. I too have seen people leave and it’s usually because of what you said, people lose focus on the cross and attach themselves to the faults and sins of others (it becomes brighter as you rightly said). I agree 100% that we have to be the example that we want others to become
I find it interesting that your quote came from EGW and not the Scripture. Something to think about in your personal meditation ie why was a quote from her your first inclination? No judgement here. I was also once so inclined, until I started spending more time in the Word, My reason was a lack of knowledge of the Word of God, it may not be yours. But something to think about please because if that is the reason, I highly recommend spending more time in the Word, it will open your eyes to things you once held so dearly to be truth. I will leave it there.
@@Janpandon hi! I think I got the essence of your comment. I’ve known people that treats EGW as a demigoddess, only referring to her texts etc. Dangerous choices I see. Not really my case, quote could come from scriptures as well, in fact, as I understand there’s no “inspiration difference” between texts you find in the Bible and those written by EGW. Her books are to lead men and women to the Savior. She says that people have neglected the Bible, the mission of which is to point people to Christ, and God has sent a lesser light to lead men and women to the greater light, which should be Christ.
I couldn't have said this better myself. Totally agree. There will always be problems. I too have my disagreements but that is why Paul in the Bible tells us to he united. Obviously, this problem existed in his time. Are all sinners. We need to die daily to self and look to Christ our Lord, the Finisher of our faith. God (3 Persons) work in TOTAL unity. Lets not let other sinners (remember we all are) affect our decision. Let's not depart from the Groom, our Lord Jesus.
I am also a Seventhday Adventist. I have been away from the CHURCH for number of years. Now have returned. I feel that GOD dwells in all of us in defferent ways. The message is still the same, we have to be grounded in our SPIRIT to overcome the our difference. I have gone to other Churches over the the years.. but , felt empty. I know that it is difficult to you now. I pray that you will find GOD within yourself. But keep praying.
I am a Pentecostal Pastor and I very much appreciate your honesty in how you laid out your points without defaming the church. As one who has seen a lot come and go in church, since I've been in church ALL of my life, I fully understand how you feel and completely empathize with what you have been through and I can also hear your hurt and disappointment in your voices. I pray that you find strength and peace in a new place where you can be nurtured and grow. God Bless you in your journey. Sincerely.
@@jameswashington4493 Anyone can say the same thing. That's why we have thousands and thousands of fake pastors who pretend to preach the true Gospel following only the holy bible and the word of god. But for some reason they all interpret it differently. 🤔 Strange how that works. Jesus gave His apostles authority. “He breathed on them and said, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit.’” So your telling me Jesus breathed on you or laid hands on you to this give you authority? Or are you in the line of apostolic succession? Please explain how Jesus did this exactly?
Sir, I have No desire to argue with you or disagree regarding Gods Word nor of the things of God. What I said was from the heart and meant directly to the husband and wife regarding their situation. Let us focus our energy more on helping others in need who are broken, impoverished, hungry and destitute. These would do us well to serve our purpose here on earth and I'm sure will please God in heaven. I have no more to say. God Bless you on your journey.
@@jameswashington4493 Nobody with authority (Jesus or His apostles) nor through apostolic succession were you given authority to interpret the Word of God and be a bishop or deacon (both are titles given from Jesus in the bible). Just pointing out a fact that you cannot... and will not try to prove, because you and I both know you cannot. Peace be with you and the people who follow you. 🙏🏻✝️🤍⛪
I’m so sorry that you all had that experience. Unfortunately very few SDA churches are teaching present truth. I’m a SDA and I’m in a present truth church. I pray you all will be led by the Holy Spirit to a church that shared and teaches present truth. I have learned so many truths that I didn’t know. Being a SDA was the best thing I’ve ever done. Praying for you both, all indications point to the end of this world. I pray I will meet you all in the World made new!🙏🏾❤️🌸🌺🙌🏽
@@SchlegzyPresent truth is truth or a specific message that especially applies to the current times that we live. Noah, Moses, Isiah are just a few examples of people that had a similar task.
This is what I experienced. I am still a Seventh day Adventist….I realize everyone learns thru learned behavior so I want to be that example! My heart and soul will always be withGod, I walk thru faith and hope! #BELIEVE #IM A TESTIMONY!
We are in the last days my family and such will happen in the churches of God. The most uttermost important thing to remember is that you must root yourself in the words of God, the Bible and going to church is not to be entertained or to be liked but to meet Jesus.. If one one so not feel entertained or liked or being gossiped or talked about, be encouraged and read from the word of God in John 3 verses 1 to down.."Let not your heart be trouble but believe in Jesus....
@@cynthiamaetoloa1602 You missed the point, it is not about being entertained, or been gossipped, they put up with that for years and were the entertainers.It is about the lack of the Holt Spirit's presence in a congregation...
Hi Adriel and Kevah, as a pastor on behalf of that SDA congregation I want to apologize for failing you, not being a gracious place in which your family could live and grow in Christ. It is inspiring to see a loving and real Christian family walking the path as narrow as it may be. I'll say a prayer that God leads you to a strong community of faith. Question: are you saying that you are indefinitely leaving the SDA community as a believing community or just that local congregation? I wasn't quite clear on that since Adriel you clarified that SDA fundamental beliefs continue to be what you believe.
Hi Pastor Austin, thanks for the beautiful message. We are prayerfully considering which congregation to join. As for now, we are having home church and small group Bible study on Sabbaths. Please continue to lift us up in prayer and for the Holy Spirit to guide us according to where He needs us to be in this season. God Bless 🙏🏾
@@WithTheChablals May the Lord be with you, Sometimes we need not focus on people,You know Jesus gave the parable of weeds and wheat growing up together,So it's not everyone in SDA who's good and They shouldn't make you leave the right thing and forsake your faith, Jesus Christ will come for harvest soon to separate weeds from wheat 🌾
Pastor as someone reading your message from across the world I would like to thank you for your love and your humble heart. For not being defensive but rather compassionate. I too have suffered the same things that have been described in this video & have exhausted every effort to be heard without success. There’s nothing more painful than loving the church you love be also the source of your pain. And all people can say is there’s nothing we can do just be strong and focus on Jesus. Church was never meant to be a battle ground where you hope you come back in one piece after every sabbath. I really urge the leadership of the church from the bottom of my heart to look at this as a serious concern. After many years of also trying hard I eventually left the church for peace of mind amongst many other things. And each time I try to go back I am immediately reminded why I left. Now I keep the sabbath from home which is not biblical cause there needs to be a gathering together of the saints. But if there is a prevailing spirit that is infiltrating God’s church should we all just be silent? I appreciate those whom have not been tested to a point of breaking. But urge them not to imagine that as a sign of them being stronger that others. It’s only the grace of God is you have not been attacked to a point of being pushed out
The problem is that many leaders are not living the Biblical word God! I feel their not truly Christled Jesus accepted his disciples where they were asked them to come, trust Him, follow him! not yet Truly submitted themselves to God's will!!! I've noted these same similar issues since I was a preteen ( new member of a Baptist Church congregation.
I empathize with your situation. I'm sorry you guys experienced this. Maybe a smaller congregation will meet your needs or even a prayer cell with other families at someone's home. Something we often forget is that Church = the members, not the pews... That is, real people with real needs. Stay faithful guys and I'm praying for you.
Thanks for your honest evaluation of ur family's spiritual walk... I have been at that crossing for a long time... The church was so activity based, admin was leading and the rest of the church follow behind... Today , just the hellos and the smiles r good but l as God for more spiritual awakening sol can face this situation of"when almost everything goes wrong"... I am left with virtual connnections and busy brethren... I need a brand new spiritual awakening too... Please pray for me while l pray for you and countless others who r experiencing this powerlessness... God's gift is much more than the rituals of church.
If you read the history of the seventh day church,how it was started in 1863 and how God helped to teach this church all over the world in such a short period you will not leave this church.let us not look at the people.try to have a personal experience with our Lord.you will be blessed.
How God blessed the work of this church and how it reached all over the world in such a short time.how we are preparing for the coming of Jesus keeping the Sabbath as God commanded.dont leave this church church.come back and be blessed.
If you are looking to humans you'll certainly want to leave.But if you look to Jesus..you'll have peace in the storm.look to Jesus leave people alone.. everyone needs God's grace
I just saw that shirt he is wearing "be the sermon" and I found strength again in Seventh Day Adventist, I'll never give up no matter what I listen to preachings, the hymns etc and keep up going There is a time in our church I was the only youth engaging in the youth activities, joining others from their churches to do the ministry, camps and comporees while others weren't willing to,I felt discouraged atimes but I kept on
Keep on until churches are teaching doctrines of devils and the music is a bedlam of noise. Its starting or started. Then you move to a better one and eventually all the saints will be driven from the churches and put before judges and Kings. But, we'll count it as joy. Never leave Jesus and keep His laws and statues and we will see His face
I was born a Seventh Day Adventist. But because I focus on people and their flaws.. So for hiw many years i was a backslider. Now, I want to serve God and give my life to Him. Only the Seventh Day Adventist has the whole Bible based doctrine. I will pray for you brother and sister. In God's time you will hear God's voice and go back to the church He made for His people. God will always be with you and your family. You are always welcome to Jesus. Come home and you will find peace and happiness 🙏🙏🙏
So in a nutshell you're still SDA's but have an issue with how a certain congregation operates. The fact is God's church is at a stage called the laodicean. Majority of the members will behave the way you describe. The plan is to find a ministry of dedicated SDA's who are truly converted and are doing the Lord's work. In these times we need to do more witnessing on the Sabbaths by going out to the people with pertinent literature to educate the people who need to know about the end-time messages. You do not need to get their approval for doing the Lords work. I will be praying for you that you find a way out.
Please don’t kill me! I did not keep the sabbath Exodus 35 2 Six days shall work be done, but on the seventh day there shall be to you an holy day, a sabbath of rest to the LORD: whosoever doeth work therein shall be put to death. Romans 6 KJV 14 For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace. Romans 10 KJV 4 For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth. Ephesians 2 KJV 15 Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in himself of twain one new man, so making peace; 16 And that he might reconcile both unto God in one body by the cross, having slain the enmity thereby:
@@alexanderbrown2717 I don't understand you. Who said anything about killing you? I just wanted to know if you still observe the Sabbath as you once believed.
@@nicetry620 Really? How comes she as a person often revealed some of the wrongs in the church if she was indeed a false prophet? Some of the very things you complained about were discussed by her. I have heard this story over and over again being used as an excuse to depart the church. You need a basis for which to say she is a false prophet, and it is not going to come from a few phrases she might have said that as far as I am aware are often taken out of their contexts......You have to take the time out to seriously do your own research in order to satisfy your conscience. Like you i have removed my presence from the fellowship but I still regard myself as an SDA because of the fact that the present organization has shifted from the foundation teachings laid down by the pioneers to something else.
@@robertbennett972 Ok, don't try to get ahead of the argument, by making assumptions about statements you haven't even read yet, calling them... "taken out of context". Your already making a baseless claims without any form of justification, hypocrite. Let's begin with the fact that she took the writings of others OUTSIDE her religious community and demanded the credit for it. SDA THEOLOGIAN ROBERT BRINSMEAD: "It is true that there is evidence of literary borrowing by different biblical authors. But in such cases they used material that was the heritage and common property of the covenantal community. It WAS NOT PRIVATE PROPERTY, and there was NO PRETENSE of ORIGINALITY. With Mrs. White, however, the circumstances were much different. WITHOUT ACKNOWLEDGMENT she used the literary product of those OUTSIDE her own religious community, copyrighted it, and DEMANDED royalties both for herself and her children. Right and wrong are to some extent historically conditioned, but we do not have to surmise the literary ethics demanded in Mrs. White's day. The facts are not ambiguous. SHE DID NOT conform to ACCEPTABLE literary PRACTICES." Robert Brinsmead, Adventist Theologian, "Judged by the Gospel", p. 172
I can understand completely. I was reared as SDA. We are following a lot of man made traditions and beliefs. We are made to be judgemental and feel shame. The church most definitely has its flaws. We must be led by the Holy Spirit. Unfortunately, all churches are have their share of problems. You definitely have to do what the Holy Spirit leads you to do. Thank you for sharing your story. I observe the Sabbath and serve God, not man. I thought I was the only one feeling this way.May God be bless your beautiful family.
no you did not study the bible correctly as sunday churches are fallen they need to come out this is the 3 angels message its not because we believe in Jesus we will go to heaven most christians will end up in hell most sda too But sda have the last message
Yes, I agree. SDAs have the last message. Believers should focus on the Word of God and not let ourselves get distracted by other imperfect human beings. By 'new community of faith' I wasnt necessarily referring to another denomination, although I do believe there are sincere believers in other denominations, but rather to congregating with believers who live their lives according to the Word of God & display the fruits of the Spirit. If a church /community of believers doesnt display that then why not find one that does? I think its something that the individual after prayer should decide with the leading of the Holy Spirit, and perhaps, now that Im thinking n writing this, what believers truly need is an individual/spiritual revival/regeneration, to be filled with the Holy Spirit, NOT to leave the church or look for a new community of faith/believers n instead go where the Spirit leads them. We need to pray more.
Im as Seventh-Day Adventist and I believe we lost the The third Angel's message which should be number one but I don't hear that no more. All I hear is about love. Love love which is fine but we need to hear the third Angel's message everybody does❤😊
I am a SDA member and I agree with your assessment and thoughts. We have to worship God in both Spirit and in truth. I’ve come to realize that all churches have its problems because in each church there are people there. And people are naturally flawed. I had to learn this the hard way as well. But someone wise told me before from this experience that no matter where you are in life and no matter the church always choose to follow Jesus and who He is and not the church. From learning that it increased my experience and relationship with God. I can be in church at work or anywhere else and have my own personal experience and love from God. I will say it does help or it is nice to worship in an environment around like minded individuals but ultimately it comes down to your bond and relationship with Christ Jesus. Love you guys story and I hope you find a church home that will allow God’s Spirit to do as He sees fit and not what man wants to do. But in the meantime stay strong in God’s word and love.
I agree, to a degree. All people are flawed. But to LEAVE the SDA church all because you got bent out of shape over something or rather is not the way to go. Because truly if one leaves and lets say goes to a SUN-day church, they are NOT following our Saviour any longer in that lie.
Sabbath-keeping as a Primary Doctrine: White promoted the observance of Saturday as the Sabbath, which is contrary to the New Testament teaching that emphasizes the freedom in Christ and does not prescribe a specific day for worship (Romans 14:5). Denial of Eternal Hell: White's teaching that hell is not eternal contradicts biblical passages that describe it as a place of eternal punishment (Matthew 25:46, Mark 9:43, 2 Thessalonians 1:9). Scapegoat Doctrine: White taught that the sins of believers would be placed on Satan, which goes against the biblical understanding that Jesus bore our sins on the cross (1 Peter 2:24). Identification of Jesus as Michael the Archangel: White identified Jesus as Michael the archangel, which is inconsistent with the orthodox Christian belief in the unique nature of Jesus as fully divine and distinct from angels (Jude 1:9). Repudiation of Verbal Inspiration of the Bible: White's denial of the verbal inspiration of the Bible is contrary to the traditional Christian belief in the divine inspiration and authority of Scripture (2 Timothy 3:16, Psalm 12:6).
When we focus on other people than we do to Jesus, we can move from one church to another blaming the church itself. Instead of running away, why can't we be the change that we need to see. Change starts with you!
Go to Church to share your "best influence to edify one another" or ask the Holy Spirit to step up His role on those you consider as weaker/non edifying in the church for their growth instead of absconding and speaking from the fence. Be the best change you want and let the Holy one take charge of His Remnant Church! Only our sanctified characters will go to Heaven!
A church is like a hospital not everyone in the church is perfect as you expect them to be we are all sinners and well strives to be perfect mark this "if come to church don't expect to meet perfect people but sinners that's are also striving for salvation " Adventist are are people
I am 58 years old and I was born and raised in the SDA church in Massachusetts. I found that the church I attended is so very conservative. The church frown upon people who attended but didn’t ‘dress up to the nines’. I was in my twenties and I dressed clean and modest. However, I didn’t have ‘church attire’ . My other issue is, why is it necessary to segregate SDA churches? I grew up in a black SDA church but I’m mixed. I never felt welcomed. My grandmother took me at age three. When I got older, I told my grandmother how I felt and her reply was, “I go for God, not the church.” I’m at the stage in my life where I truly want to be present. Being in church is supposed to be community. One shouldn’t be made to feel lonely in church. On the other hand, I attended a smaller congregation and I was older and dressed more but still modest. My son was three years old and he had a lot of anxiety during the services and instead of helping me calm him, I was told to take him downstairs and spank him! He has autism! Really?! He’s almost thirty and remembers that experience! I am trying the different streaming SDA services online because it’s comforting to watch the services without having to deal with the politics.
Online service for me anytime. I understand that people live there culture,so the behaviour is brought into the church,we expect that they will act differently when they have a relationship with God but sadly most of them are searching and in need of help and a friend. Hurt people,hurt people. The bible says the wheat and tears grows together until the day of harvest . I would say to you is be the change that you want to see ,don't leave ,pray about it ,form a group and bring the change. Others are going through the same thing too and if everyone decide to leave then our younger generation will not experience and know about the greatness of God.
Sometimes what annoys us about others is a reflection of ourselves. Church after all is a hospital for sinners. There are churches that are worst, but miracles happen when the faithful few pray and fast for the lord's presence. If we focus on people, we will definitely leave . Let us pray for God to change our hearts and open our minds to see things as He sees. And there are definitely SDA churches that are soo Christlike, and that's how I was first introduced to Jesus. It was through church members . Blessing to you ❤️. Keep seeking the Lord .
Great comment. People have to remember that not every SDA Church is the same. Some are bad and some or good. U need to look for the right church for you. And u should not have expectations because every church is flawed. Thanks for the point you made.
No doubt there are some churches that are Christlike, but they are very few. However, time has come when we must be noble Bereans who studied the Scriptures. Sadly, the nominal Seventh-day Adventist church has been infiltrated by the enemy who brought in false pagan doctrines, especially the trinity doctrine which completely destroys the Father and Son relationship. Jesus said, "... this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent." (John 17:3) And apostle Paul said, "But to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him." (1 Corinthians 8:6) So time has come to be separate and be on the Lord's side.
@@Kyle_Charles In your Bible John 14:1.b must read, "... ye believe in God, believe also in me and the god the holy spirit." In my Bible it reads, "... ye believe in God, believe also in me." Two divine beings, and not three! In your Bible John 17:3 must read, "And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent, and god the holy spirit." In my Bible it reads, "And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent." Two divine beings, and not three! In your Bible 1 Corinthians 8:6 must read, "But to us there is but one God, the Father, the son and god the holy spirit of whom are all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him." In my Bible it reads, "But to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him." Two divine beings, and not three! In your Bible Deuteronomy must read, "Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God are three Lords:" In my Bible it reads, "Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord:" And in Galatians 4:6 we read, I quote, "And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father." So, according to Paul, what is the Holy Spirit? It is the Spirit of His Son, and not a mysterious separate being. Nowhere do I find in Scripture three divine beings, but two. Regarding the Holy Spirit, the Scriptures clearly tell me that the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God and the Spirit of His Son. However, if you can find a single scripture in the Bible that proves me wrong, showing that the Holy Spirit is a divine being, as the Father and the Son are, I would certainly accept it. But if not, will you accept the truth? Apostle John said, quote, "... He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son." (1 John 2:22.b) Where is the god the holy spirit, if he exists? Or was John wrong? But if John was right, then you may be among those who deny the Father and the Son.
Im not born adventist but i was baptised when i was 9 years old, but now im backslider but i never leaved SDA because this church showed me that GOD IS TRUE. GOD is there with us all the time, when you feel alone just pray and you feel GOD is there for you.
I pray that God will guide you and keep watching over you so you may return to the SDA Church in which you were baptised. Don't be discouraged by negative influences, but rather let God lead you in the path to Peace, Happiness, Fulfilment and Joy. On reflection, your heart will always be where you were once baptised, so stay with God and he alone will direct your way. Blessings and Peace be with you and may God go before you 🙏🏾
Church is to help people You don’t have to social Get there when the sermon about to start and leave straight away It when you make freinds that you want to stay longer And social
I left the church but I'm still sda all day!! God used this movement to preserve his laws and to transmit a special truth through. Noone can't tell me the sda movement wasn't divinely led. I love and respect the SDa church and thank them for preserving me to find Deeper connection with the most high and his son. HalleluYAH!
I truly appreciate your concerns, I am disappointed that you had such an unpleasant experience with the church I'm a SDA for about 40 years and yes we have faults I can identify with some of your concerns but when I examined Christianity, SDA teaching and doctrines are biblical, continuing to study and pray God sees your needs Smaller congregation maybe better for you ,God's richest blessings
It takes great courage to make certain decisions when it seems the majority is going in another direction. I have been there myself. Much respect to you for allowing the Holy Spirit and the Word of God lead you and not any religion. May God continue to bless, keep and guide you 🙏🏾
As children my siblings and I had two religions.. as we got older we decided to stay with the SDA faith... we attended with our grand mother. Our mother was eventually converted. One thing I‘ve learned is that the SDA teachings are forever with us regardless to where we go or change our faith. You may be surprised at how many other religions incorporate the teachings in their sermons.. Also the read and study all the Ellen G. White books.. as adults we learn that there is one God and it really should come down to our personal relationship with him... not a religion or the people in it...
Hello. There is no perfect church. Even SDA, but we should pray earnestly for guidance especially if we are thinking of leaving the church, because that's what Satan wants. If we detach ourselves from the church we become more vulnerable and can easily attacked by the enemy. Praying for you brother and sister 🙏🏾
I was born Baptist. I live in Huntsville so I have been around SDAs all my life. I got baptized in 1998 in the SDA. Some are not welcoming and some fake like they did not wear jewelry around each other but wore them out. I felt like just wear them! I believe in the Bible; I have a relationship with God now. I listen to truth through God’s word. You have to worship where your comfortable! Just keep His commandments and His wisdom! Jesus 😊
It's sad, when an SDA is not truly converted. We need to pray for them. Comfortable is not for the answer. So does that mean attend a church that is not teaching truth? The 7th day Sabbath is truth. To LEAVE the SDA church is not the answer. To be praying for one another and being patient with one another IS the answer. There are some, that are not converted so they do wear jewlery, etc. But does that mean give up? NO!
no as sunday churches will not be comfortable Jesus says they will receive the 7 last pkagues Will you feel comfortable when hail falls on you and fire and boils? No
I was hestitant about watching this video, but after listening to this, I'm glad that you felt the same way as me. I am one of those 'former' members of the SDA church that got burned. My family and I have experienced many crushing experiences (including my brothers being introduced to drugs in the church). I was heavily involved in the church, my whole life. I participated in Pathfinders, music, and even helped with community work and cleaning the church. I have previously attended the church over the years and even the loving members have left the church sadly. I have attended an SDA church my whole life and honestly felt like I had to meet 'expectations' to feel like I matter. For the first time, I've never felt more free to know that I have a divine right to know who God is for myself. For that reason, I have left the SDA church, but not the belief. I know deep down inside I'm still a believer, and I've decided to explore this season/ chapter of my life to know more about God, and have my relationship with God. Thanks for sharing your video. I hope you all find where God leads you as well. Blessing and peace. Shalom. 🙏🏾🕊️❤
Hebrew 7:12/paraphrased..."When the PRIESTHOOD was changed, the LAW must be changed/replaced as well."... Who is the New High Priest of God?... Christ Jesus... Which Law needed/ required to be changed/replaced?... The Law of Moses... Whose New Law needs to be obeyed and followed now?... The Law of Christ... For Christians, we do not obey and follow the Law of Moses, but must obey and follow the Law of Christ... (Christians are not under the Law of Moses) 1. Christians do not need to offer ANIMAL BURNT sacrifices for the atonement of their Sins, 2. NO requirement for CIRCUMCISION to be accepted as People of God, 3. NO MEAT restrictions as long as we give Prayers of Thanksgiving to God (before and after each meal), 4. NO more TITHINGS (1/10TH) but by Cheerful givers from their Hearts, 5. NO DIVORCE but temporary separation due to infidelity/domestic violence, 6. NO Jewish SATURDAY (7th day of the week) Sabbath but the Sabbath of the Son of Man (Christ) which is SUNDAY (1st Day of the Week), the "Resurrection Day of Christ"... why?... for Christ said, "anything we do, we must put God 1ST."... (Matt. 6:33) "Seek ye FIRST the Kingdom and His (God) Righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you."... So, before we start our weekly chores and work to earn an honest living, we must go/attend the Church Celebration on SUNDAY, to worship, glorify, praise, and thank God first... Just to name a few... Amen. In conclusion, it is not Christ Jesus who allowed these things to happen when Christ said, "I did not come to destroy (change/replace) the Law (Law of Moses) but to Fulfill."... It was Solely the Authority and decision of God (YHWH) that allowed them to happen... Amen.
I had a difficult time understanding why you either left the SDA church in general or the congregation you participated in for 10 years. I was raised SDA and no longer consider the SDA as my religion. I am a Christian based on the Gospel and believe in both the Old and New Testament, the Trinity, and righteousness by faith. The SDA church believes Ellen White is a prophet and I do not. The SDA believe the angels third message is based on keeping the 7th day as the sabbath and I do not. Paul wrote to the Christian churches that circumcision was not a requirement of a Christian and neither was following Jewish traditional laws. Paul also pointed out that we are not saved by following the Law because Christ has already fulfilled the Law and remained sinless for us. Christ has also given us his powerful Holy Spirit to transform us from our sinful life to a life acceptable in God's kingdom. If we could keep the Law on our own, we would then not need Christ's saving grace. We depend on Christ to be saved. Christ said the Law is based on loving God with all of our hearts and loving our neighbor the same way we love ourselves. The SDA focus is on following the Law and Jewish traditional laws based on Moses' guidelines for the Jewish Nation. The SDA also believe in Ellen White's writings concerning Christian values. I prefer to follow Paul's guidelines on Christianity and the Church. Christ gave us freedom from the Law because the Law condemn us to eternal death. We are sinful by nature and need to bring our sins to Christ and ask for Christ's forgiveness, for his strength in the Holy Spirit to prevent us from sinning, and accept his gift of eternal life. We must have faith that we no longer belong to the sinful world but instead belong to God's kingdom forever. We each have to allow Christ to come into our lives and save us, because we cannot save ourselves. The SDA are too legalistic and it is unfortunate that keeping the 4th commandment is one of their doctrines that separate them from the Gospel of other faiths. Every minute and breath we take is our covenant with God because we have faith Christ died for our sins and keeping the 7th day is not what determines if we our saved.
Ellen White added to the Bible - something God tells us never to do! Salvation comes from believing in Jesus Yeshua as your Lord and Savior and that he died for our sins was raised on the 3rd day - period. It is a gift!!! You don’t try to add your own works to that. The Bible tells us this is insulting to him. His son already paid our son debt. Amen. So glad you came out of the occult.
I agree with you. I don't quite understand if they left that particular congregation or they left the Sda. I am also a Sda and you summed up everything very well. A lot of the teachings are not biblical. The investigative Judgment, probation closed, seal of God and the list goes on.
"Love begets love;" so it goes both ways. If a brother or a sister has wronged us, how many times should we forgive? 70x7! "Love covers a multitude of sins."
@@geosdev thank you for showing them this, it seems as though they only read some parts of the bible, and leave the rest, and they do not know how to rightly divide the word of truth,, blessings upon you, as you continue to speak the truth,,
@@geosdev it’s your opinion that ‘we are not commanded to keep the 10 commandments’, the bible does not say that. The 10 commandments were given to God’s people and therefore to all who serve Him now. The law of Moses is different from the 10 commandments written by the finger of God. It is a great honour to serve God through obedience and faith
Go to another SDA church but your reason for going to church is not to look for faults it's to follow truth and serve God. You are looking at all carnal things .
Being a Seventh Day Adventist doesn't mean that you are guaranteed a smooth ride. Its like being in the Noah's Ark, never leave the ark, there will be a challenges in the church but put your focus on God and not people around you.When you put your focus on people you will be like Apostle Peter who sank into the sea. Be in the chosen ark of the lord and don't go outside bcoze outside is danger becoze the church you left is the safest place.
I'm Seventh Day Adventist and I understand that legalism is a problem in all faiths. I'm more " spiritual " than religious these days. I'm so sorry you all experienced that. God bless you all on your journey.
The enemy is always trying to bring conflict. It is so hard sometimes to not see the negative. We got to stay focus on God and truly pray for the church and our leaders.
Where does it say in the Bible that the Adventist church is the truth Church? Not trying to be mean spirited...just want to get answers. I've been hearing this for all of for practically all of my life. I've been in the Adventist Church for about 56 years.
@@pdnat1458 it because this follow the ten commandments and testimony of Jesus Christ revelation 12:17 and revelation 14:12 but other churches are telling Gods commandment Neal to the cross.
@@chunuhembrom1074 Thanks so much for your response. I totally understand those particular scriptures in Revelation. I've read them many times and wondered about churches or individuals who have not been convicted about the Sabbath and other truths. Also, the Bible does not specifically say that the Adventist Church is the remnant or the "truth" church. But I hear that all the time.
@@pdnat1458 many people they want to become a church member but as a Christian we need to be Gods members only through the word of God and truth and believe in Him John 6:39-40
Just keep the faith sis . SDA have the truth . Keep praying God will answer your prayers whatever your problems are . You cannot run when the trials begin . What you are saying happens in a lot of our churches but we have to be strong and pray for these leaders and individuals who may be not what they ought to be. This may just be the beginning of your trials . What Jesus went through we can't even imagine . He was despised and afflicted. He wasn't liked by many . He still continued What he came to earth to do . We need to be that light when others are dim so don't let what others do affect you to the extent that you leave the church . God bless you guys
Hello family. I was so sadden by watching your post. It's so sad that this has happened to you and do many like yourself. I realized we are truly living in the last days and the shifting has started. I have walked away from many congregation and I may never find that perfect church. Your statement about going to get bread and you go and no bread. Sis I feel you and I agree that we are not being fed the way we would like. Salvation is a individual thing and we got to be fed one and one with God. The day has come where church doors will close. We have to start church from home. We can no longer expect anything better from anyone or we will be gravely disappointed. The church is a hospital my sister and brother. So many are sick and are in need. Continue to serve God shake the dust off your feet and move on. My sister we all have to take up that mantel and go share the gospel to those who need milk. You keep searching God will lead you to the right congregation. Focus on your relationship with God and everything will fall in place. We are the church and it is up to us to go and teach and preach the love as God by the lives we live. Church on line has been wonderful. Covid has opened so many doors and I'm so great full that I can choose. Take care and I'm praying for you. I'm so very sorry you were treated in such a way that was not the fruits of the Spirit. May God give you peace and I pray you find another church and not leave the truth. The devil knows he has a short time. Stay on the ship Jesusvis soon to come. Blessings
I just got baptised last month by the power of the Holy Spirit into this church. With that power of the Holy Spirit, it totally changes everything for me. I right away stop gambling throw away my jewelry give up food that I used to love in a very way I cannot explain. I'm still learning and at the same time amazed by what and how God and His Holy Spirit works in our individual lives. I'm sorry for your experience, but I truly found this church for a reason, it change me to walk forward and never look back. God's timing always perfect. Hope you will find what you looking for as for this end times, we can't waste time on pointing finger but stand up for the Lord and Him alone. God bless!
changing food and jewelry does not save us Yes we need those things but we are sda because of righteousness by faith Jesus does the works through us we obey not to be saved but because we are saved
I had the same experiences with the SDA church that I went to lol. No accountability, gossiping, condemnation, judging, dictating how it's supposed to be, and EVERYTHING has to be according to the church manual and the tension that came up when persons had questions about faith and the Holy Spirit was very off putting to me. The physical attributes are good but when you're searching to grow with God and really know Him, it becomes very obvious that SDA culture is very resistant to the Holy Spirit. What sealed the deal for me was when God freed me from a legalistic mindset during the pandemic/lock down as I started seeking Him with my whole heart and immediately it was like a Pharisee situation. Within minutes I was no longer the loveable Christian (people pleaser) and now I'm a crazy, rebelling heretic who is on her way to hell and they need to fix me because the isolation of the pandemic made me lose my faith. It got weird and I prayed about leaving for a very very long time because I didn't want to leave the assembly but I didn't want to be in a place where God isn't allowed to be and where I'm not allowed to be who God has called me to be.
the jews were very wicked legalists ect but the torah was given of God they had the truth Cnt believe people mix the people and the message not understanding the message comes from god and God is not responsible for people behaviours
No matter what church you go through there is no perfect church. If you go somewhere else, you will find something wrong with that particular church. STOP LOOKING AT THE PEOPLE OF THE CHURCH AND START LOOKING TO GOD.
I have been away from the church for years struggling to find a way back to God, after having my daughter in July 2022 out of wedlock, my daughter also! named Ava, made me realize how much I wanted to change my life and be an example for her. God knew my struggles and he knew what was needed to lead me back to SDA. I'm currently struggling to break all of my bad habits such as wearing jewelry etc. so far my fellow church brothers and sisters have been kind and helpful to me and their treatment towards me has made me willing to do more in church with God help. I want to let you know that God will lead you to make the best decision but you have to be willing to listen and do as the holy spirit wants us to do. may God help and be with your family.
This is 💯! We have the same testimony. We've been members of an SDA church for over 10 years. We transferred our membership to another conference because of the same exact things. As a Seventh-day Adventist, I noticed that we preach heavy on the evils that happen in Catholicism and other houses of worship. For some reason, we can not preach on the evils that happen in our own house. When the bible clearly says that judgment begins in the house of God. Keep your focused on Christ! It just sounds like he's moving you to greener pastures. Since we left, God has opened new doors that we could not imagine. We led out in bible studies every Friday night with young college adults, and because of it, we baptized a young lady. You see, the laymen are to finish the work! We'll keep you in our prayers! ❤️
I am a member and love my Church, I will pray that you will find happiness and a church that will make you happy. Remember we must have a personel relation with Jesus Christ and we must pray for one another to stay strong.
In the final days, worshiping the Lord on Sabbath will make the difference between being GOd's people and the rest who worship the sun as their God (Sunday)
Much Love, it’s a lot of churches that might disappoint you. I started out as a Baptist and I became pregnant in my teens was made to feel that I disrespected the church, and it was other higher ups that family was doing worse but not made to go through what they were taking me through. I was very unhappy, but I didn’t let them discourage me from going to church. But later after learning the word and fully letting the Lord in my heart I became a Seventh Day Adventist, 8 years ago something happen that made me leave the church, and my girls discouraged as well. It took me 4 years to realize, it’s not about the people in the church it’s about God, we all our human, what’s the saying “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” I’m still a Seventh Day Adventist but I also listen to the word at other SDA Churches. God bless your family and I pray 🙏🏾 you find your way. ❤🥰🥰🥰🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🥰🥰
I had a coworker that was SDA. We use to debate all the time. From what I can remember: SDA is works based, don't believe in hell, Saturday is the sabbath, and live under the law (i.e dietary law). The truth is, you have to be born again like Jesus says in John 3. Believe in Jesus. Be filled with the Holy Spirit and re-read the Scriptures with fresh eyes. Starting in the gospel of John and keep going and you shall do well.
@@BibleSamurai Wow 😯 I never heard that part, my sister 👧🏾 SDA trust me we believe in hell, The Holy Trinity, and a lot of use believe a lot of different religions will make into the Kingdom of Heaven. I even heard a Pastor ask the congregation who believed that SDA would be the only one in Heaven, no one raised there hand. It was funny how he told us I’m glad you don’t believe that because if you did it would be pretty empty. No one knows who’s going only the Father in Heaven. Also that’s Jehovah Witnesses that don’t believe in hell and that they will be the only one saved. God bless you 🙏🏽🥰
Having a personal exp with Christ is what matters most he say do not forsake the assembly of Christ & not a particular ch....where Christ is preached & practice he say a tree is known by it's fruits so any place where God is manifested is good to be. Man will fail but not God. As long as Peter had his eyes at d storm he was sinking but with his on Jesus he was walking through it.
Your testimony is true, as Seventh Day Adventist, has become cold, we have forgotten to be our brothers keeper, I had that experience and however I am still there, because as I said it’s better being a thousand times in the atrious of God than being out. Satan in his last days is pushing us to move out, as we have to remember the sick people are in the church that’s why I go to the doctor because we are sick. Let’s persevere until the end with Gods help. Praying for one another. God bless us…❤❤
SDA will become even more cold and egalists But the message was given of God and soon a shalking will hapen which will weed out those who are baptised and did not undestand that all sunday churches are fallen and will end up in hell and that righteousness by faith is the true way to be a christian
Leaving the SDA church is not the answer of any reason pertaining to its present state. As what the Bible describes the Laodecean church was lukewarm, apathetic, making God sick to His stomach. The church lacked faith; they had little or no reliance on God. They did not know that spiritually they were, “wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked.” Revelation 3:14-22
We are seeing the falling away....so many people are leaving the church. I can speak from example because I too left the church. As a youth I was not attractive to the church or God. I was interested in the world and things of the world. If your relationship with God is strong and well established your can deal with trails in the church.
Am born Adventist and I have seen challenges that have led many of our brethren leave the church and mostly those who take the church to be theirs but all in all we need prayers and I think we need to talk about our discipline without fear because God will not take those who are perfect but those who trust him, thank you
Sabbath-keeping as a Primary Doctrine: White promoted the observance of Saturday as the Sabbath, which is contrary to the New Testament teaching that emphasizes the freedom in Christ and does not prescribe a specific day for worship (Romans 14:5). Denial of Eternal Hell: White's teaching that hell is not eternal contradicts biblical passages that describe it as a place of eternal punishment (Matthew 25:46, Mark 9:43, 2 Thessalonians 1:9). Scapegoat Doctrine: White taught that the sins of believers would be placed on Satan, which goes against the biblical understanding that Jesus bore our sins on the cross (1 Peter 2:24). Identification of Jesus as Michael the Archangel: White identified Jesus as Michael the archangel, which is inconsistent with the orthodox Christian belief in the unique nature of Jesus as fully divine and distinct from angels (Jude 1:9). Repudiation of Verbal Inspiration of the Bible: White's denial of the verbal inspiration of the Bible is contrary to the traditional Christian belief in the divine inspiration and authority of Scripture (2 Timothy 3:16, Psalm 12:6).
No one has to be a member of SDA or any denomination to be written in the Lambs book of life. Repentance, conversion of the heart through the Spirit, and acceptance and faith in Jesus will put one's name in the book. Relationship with Jesus is the key as He molds, shapes, corrects, convicts, and fills us with His Holy Spirit. Blessings to you and family
Brother needs to wear the pants in his house. The wife is the one with issues and they are on a personal level more than they are religious or spiritual. We all have these issues everywhere and we just toughen up and keep moving.
God bless y’all! I’m just returning to the seventh day Adventist Faith. I know just what you mean with your testimony…. People get caught up in working out their own salvation and lose sight that they’re still human. I don’t want to every feel that way again by judging people on the outer things. It’s dangerous. I’m glad you still follow Bible truth. Just pray you find your people.. happy sabbath to y’all ❤
I appreciate your video and the courage it took to think and act outside the SDA box. I see the love you have for God and i hope your family remains blessed. I am glad you are remaining in the SDA faith and that you are seeking another SDA church location. More SDA church goers need to be as brave as you two. People please have enough courage to leave the church that is not spiritually feeding you or loving you. As not every SDA church are cut from the same cloth. Good luck in your search at let us know where you land. Remember where 2 and 3 are gathered together God will bless and the rain falls on the just and unjust. Stay blessed!!
As a new member of an SDA church, I completely understand how you guys feel. I was made to feel less than a person by Adventists. I was told I know nothing of EGW, etc etc. The focus is more on those teachings than the actual Bible. But recently I've seen a shift in the church. Churches like Oakwood etc, taking a stand for righteousness, important conversations being held. I think the church is moving in a right direction but it will take a while. Go where you are comfortable but consider again the SDA faith and why you believe...
If you leave the church, you are leaving God, you are the church, we come to church to give, not only to receive. We will always find a problem when we have nothing to give.
The seventh day movement is not the church. Jesus says, upon this rock, will I build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I have come to the conclusion that not only the SDA religion is man made, but all the other millions of religions in the world are started by men and are not led by the Holy Spirit . Many people who have joined them are sincere and don’t know that they are being brainwashed big time by the devil. The time has now come when God is opening the eyes of the blind, so they can see who He, God is, and what He stands for. Up until this day God’s church is not owned by any man or woman because God laid the foundation Himself,and is still building it as we speak, and I am very happy to say , I am a part of His Glorious church.. Thanks be to God. Amen.
@@gloriawilson8723 I agree too ! God have put on my heart the certitude that they are just men building golden calf and saying "this is what we believe, follow us or you'll be lost". I also have this deep feeling that sooner or later God will raise his true witness, new Elijah and new Moses : those who will exposes those false prophets and will testify powerfully who is the real living God. I don't know when but it will happen for sure.
I’ll be praying for you. As for me I’ve been through a lot and tried to learn another sects and teachings, I won’t trade this with another. SDA has the truth although a lot of SDA MEMBERS are not perfect. 🙏🙏🙏
Thank you for sharing your experience. It resonates with me. I hope there are wise people who listen to you. May you continue to grow in Christ, and may He lead you where you can serve, be heard and listened to. I pray God uses you mightily.
I was raised a Catholic. I met my girlfriend (now wife) and she invited me to her church(SDA). Honestly I just went to hangout with her. No interest in listening to what was preached. But, I picked up on a few truths every time I would go to church with her. Eventually I listened and they were teaching the entirety of the Bible. Now I am a Seventh Day Adventist and I am proud to say it. Praise God. He surely works in mysterious ways. Sorry you guys went through that, but we must put our focus on Jesus. For he is the way, the truth and the life.
Please read the bible. U must be born again Christian to go to heaven
Gallen, while the Sabbath was established at creation and became one of the ten commandments to remember, the SDA church has a serious issue with its theism including its customs, doctrines, and traditions based upon Ellen G. White's interpretation of scripture. As Deuteronomy 13 and Deuteronomy 18 illustrate, a false prophet is not to be feared. There are Christians who aren't part of the SDAs and yet are gathering on the Sabbath day for fellowship.
That’s too bad that, that was your experience. The truth of the matter is that the goal should always be having a relationship with God and not what “the church or what the conference wants.” Find another SDA church.
But, if one truly puts their focus on Christ, wouldn’t they become 7th day Adventist? For in Adventist eschatology is it not taught that if one remains in a Sunday worship organization one will take the mark of the beast and become prosecutors of the real remnant a.k.a. seven day Adventists?
@@Tahquitz I know your comment was directed towards another, but I would like to chime in.
There is a difference between being a Sabbath keeper and an SDA. The Sabbath keeper is memorializing the Creator as the cause of creation whereas an SDA is adhering to the customs, doctrines, and traditions of Ellen G. White whose theology is in conflict with scripture. If you compare the theology with scripture, you will find contradictions on the level of heresy.
To be fair, Judaism is just as much of an issue since the Talmud effectively makes the Rabbinate the gods of Judaism with one specific part that claims God lost an argument with a Rabbi and therefore must do whatever the Rabbi says. Then there is the blatant false witness / blasphemy of the Holy Spirit claim falsely accusing Jesus as a sorcerer and violator of the Torah (it was really the traditions of the elders Jesus was contradicting and not the Torah itself) that is in hell boiling in His own excrement. According to the terms of Deuteronomy 19:16-21, every Jew who believes this claim will be just where and how they claim Jesus is.
The only genuine faith is first repentance from your own sinful life and not just the sins you committed, second actively seeking to do the will of the Father in heaven (believing on His Son whom He sent), third walking as Jesus walked (reverence and obedience to His Father's instructions), fourth submitting to the conviction and leading of the Holy Spirit, and fifth loving your neighbor as well as the brethren as Christ loves you. There is no religious label for this, but rather this is what a true believer is about according to scripture.
I also grew up in the Adventist church, I have witnessed alot of questionable things happening, but my Old Dad reminded me, "you are here to hear the word of the Lord, keep your eyes him, man will let you down but God never will" 🙏
So true
Amen 🙏
I echo your dad and now you...Christ was the one on that cruel tree...the arm of flesh will fail you every time...the good old book says that the wheat and the tares have to grow together until the harvest...
Yes. We go to church for god not for people. Because if you focus on people you will turn your back on god not on god. People are not perfect
Devil goes to church too. He doesn't burn each time he tries to enter, he's there just the same trying to claim you away from God, keep it in mind. Jesus was angry at what they were doing at the temple, he never let that stop him. You dad knows what's up, bless him
Raised a Catholic & active in that church, I have found the SDA Church after studying several doctrines because I was looking for a purely Bible-based teaching. But left it bec I was looking at the people & their flaws. Later on, I went back to the church bec I realized, Jesus' faith was tthe reason why I joined this church & not bec of the people. Just happy to find a church group now which I feel like a second family to us. I would never be somewhere else & praying & striving to be part of the remnant church whom Jesus will bring home with Him when He comes back.
I struggled a lot because of the things I saw and experienced. After complaining to a friend, he told me that the devil was attacking my mind and my focus better be on Christ. I felt that God was speaking to me through him. I started to realize the purpose of the church and cemented my relationship with God. Instead of just seeing the negatives of the church and people, I started to see a call for prayer. My response to the issues is praying for God's spirit to work on them, fix situations as he fixes me.
Oh yes i am a born again child of God ,and we aer supose to love one another in Jesus because love is of God and you know what partiallity is not in my book .i have an experience with someone from an SDA church ,we were talking about the Lord ,and what she says to me,wasnt good at all .She said if i am not worshiping on saturday ,i am not serving The God that she serves.so i said who are you to condemn me do you think you are God .am telling you some of these people are really crasy i am si happy and glad that is not man saved me ,thank you God for your son that you send to redeemed me .may Gid show up at some of them door it will be a surprise on that day .blessings from above my bro and sis .
Thank you for sharing your experience! I am, my self through something similar and I feel in my heart that the SDA is the right place to go and learn about the gospels.
Mi too
WELL SAID....The church is a hospital..no one is perfect. We're supposed to look to God and be his example..not imperfect people (like we all are)....You don't leave the truth because of people..People won't get you to heaven..your relationship with God and your prayer for him to give you discernment is what is most important. Also you may need to look for another SDA church.....some are more conservative that other's Pray and Fast on it..but don't leave the faith which you know in your heart is true. Ask God to guide you and I apologize for the experience you have had...Sometimes a few people ruin it for many..dont let them win..You can be the example for those who have had your experience and counter the other with Love and the true teachings of Christ!
I can never leave the SDA church.. no church comes close to the truth it's teaches
A-men. Once you know the truth of what the BIBLE says about the 7th day Sabbath and how the first day of the week, Sunday got brought in by the RCC. You cannot go backwards in your faith. We are told that folks like the ones in this video would happen. They are just securing Spirit of Prophecy. SO sad.
I had a coworker that was SDA. We use to debate all the time. From what I can remember: SDA is works based, don't believe in Biblical hell and eternal punihsment, Saturday is the sabbath, and live under the law (i.e dietary law). The truth is, you have to be born again like Jesus says in John 3. Believe in Jesus. Be filled with the Holy Spirit and re-read the Scriptures with fresh eyes. Starting in the gospel of John and keep going and you shall do well.
@@BibleSamurai Firstly we do believe in hell. Secondly our church is not work based because at the end of the day we are saved by grace and lastly we follow the dietary laws not because of salvation but because God is the one who created us so he knows what is best for our body and it is even proven scientifically that animals like pigs carry lots diseases when compared to others like cows or chickens. But at the end of the day it’s all about having faith in God tbh.
Some church environment can become so toxic. You become open and vulnerable to church trauma, church bipolar, church depression, church exploitation and manipulation and the list goes on. An overall poor spiritual experience and no spiritual growth with God if you are unable to discern and separate the wood from the tree. It can be soul wrenching!
A place where intended for believers to meet and worship God and serve the poor has become a hierarchical infrastructure for church leaders agenda and dictatorship.
Lord we look to you and you alone as your word is everlasting.
God will make room for you and your family to find a safe church community.
@@Lory7.Yes! AMEN!! The truth shall set you free; and the Seventh Day Adventist church has the truth! Hallelujah!❤️
One of the reasons we turn away from the church is that we tend to look at others instead Of keeping our eyes on Jesus...
So true,I attended an Adventist church and I didn't like it because for a year no one talked to me and i felt left out. But one day a visitor came and I passed her by,I did exactly what I was condemning the others for. So i looked for the visitor and talked to her..from that day i understood that sometimes what we see in others is in us too.
The Church is not going to save us it’s grace by faith in Jesus… read the book “ The Harlow Church System” breaks down our addiction to Church & not Jesus Christ
We are the church so if we turn away from the church it is ourselves we are turning away from then we will surely be lost the bible said in the last days some will turn away from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrine of devils
I was born SDA and I backslide all my life but I will not and never will leave this Truth that God gave me.
Coming back in the arms of Jesus is the ultimate and most fulfilling decision I’ve done in my whole life. Leaving the Truth is like leaving Jesus!
May you all find peace!
No one can leave the church is the church leave u because it is a movement
Why can't you give out what you missed there. Because it's God's church. Not a business advertised to benefit anyone!
JESUS is the truth, not Adventism! Do you even understand how entrenched you are in a lie?
@@jonasaras but JESUS is the center of adventism. How is your understanding. Your aim is just to condemn.
@@demetriuslyford I sincerely hope that Jesus is your Lord and I have not condemned anyone as that solely God’s perogative. However, Jesus is not the center of Adventism. Ellen White’s unbiblical doctrines are the center.
Read Peter’s gospel sermon in Acts 2 and Paul’s gospel sermon in Acts 13. Those passages are THE GOSPEL as preached by the Apostles. They don’t need any improvement or addendums.
How do you reconcile the “investigative judgment” with Acts 2:30-33 and Acts 13:39? Jesus was seated at the right hand of God, the most holy place in the universe, at the ressurrection (not in 1844) and we are justified NOW, not at some point after 1844.
Explain it to me, from the Bible. EGWs ideas cannot be reconciled with the Apostolic gospel.
For all my years as an Adventist I've seen discouragement but that doesn't make me lose my focus on Jesus. I still attend the congregation I find myself around the world. Do not use one SDA congregation to judge all SDA congregations because of a small crucible you are passing through. If you leave SDA Church, well, it's a great choice but don't leave God. Just find your way to eternal life that Jesus presents to you.
Research Ellen White who claims she’s a prophet….she has no prophesies …zero. Her prophesy she mention is Oakland earthquake? This is Jesus prophesy…Matthew 24:1-50.
Her religion came during 1800’s and Jesus even around way before any other religions…Genesis 4:15.
If she believes the Bible than why did she have to come up with her own book rather than Bible? Every religious leaders have their own books and That’s something every Christians question …..Bible is the answer not her book
Is there salvation outside d truth? No, all who departed from d truth in their excuse to sought for it elsewhere because its adherents do not live by what they professed to believe in, have succeeded entering into darkness. Yet, I have this to say: many believes that they can remain and worship God still in d conference churches that has apostatized and departed from d spirit of prophesy. They highly will be disappointed when probation closes generally for d church at d enforcement of d Sunday law.
It has become a part of Babylon and of d image of d beast. The same call given to d Babylonian churches to come out of their corrupt churches, has come also upon those lurking still in d conference to come out of it before it is too late.
It wasn't this that appears to fall and didn't, but d few in d wilderness, who have separated from it, passing through that time of shaking.
Most who leave the SDA church still remain in a deep relationship with God. Why do some feel when you leave the SDA church you are leaving God? 😕
@@mathildap.7705 All the Sunday Worshiping churches are daughters of Babylon,the Roman Catholic church headed by Pope
No Jesus in a cult organisation, ok
Thank you for sharing your experience with the Adventist Church. It is always disappointing when church members do not live up to our expectations. No church is perfect and if anyone ever finds one it will cease to be perfect as soon as you or I attend it. I guess we all must remember that churches are hospitals for sinners not hotels for saints so if we find dysfunctional people there regardless of their positions just expect it.
I’m 51 yrs old SDA born and bred. I’ve visited many churches and I’ve realized that the church is really a hospital for sinners. If going there to meet saints one might be disappointed. Christ should be in our hearts when we go in to fellowship with the brethren so that they may feel and experience Christ love thru us. This sounds more like a personal issue with a particular church and not Gods remnant SDA church per sey. When we go to worship with the brethren we should be in such sweet communion with God that His presence will silence all the distractions around us. Praying for your family🙏🙏💕
What about that SDA follows Ellen G White? As if her word is higher than Gods word.
@@cinhenry you mean some individuals in the church who quote her left and right. As a church we believe shes a profit and she herself said if we truly studied our bibles we wouldn't need her writings, In fact prophets in the bible were always risen because the people had lost so much knowledge they needed guidance to get back.
Prophet* that spell check 🤦♂️
God's remnant church? Well the JW also believe that they God's remnant church
Care to explain where this asscertion and arrogance comes from and what makes your beliefs different to the JW who share this same delusion? Sorry but your assertions about other churches is wrong. The SDA church is not without having their own scandals over the years.
@@ogfirstclass3412 we may believe we have the fullest truth available but we be no mean believe that you must be Adventist to be saved. Anyone stating otherwise is probably rightly seen as arrogant in your eyes as we are also dealing with a human element in all religions. Our church is no different many still deal with pride and unfortunately this is not addressed. But the fact is the more we believe we know the more responsibility and mercy we should have towards others. The fact is also that God judges us upon the knowledge we have, the more we know the more He expects from us although this does not take from that fact that its only by the blood of Jesus that we are saved, our knowledge doesn't save us. Its just our continual commitment and acceptance to the gift Jesus gave us that saves us.
The problem with us Christians we go to church for others to make us feel good. We need to believe in Jesus Christ and what he teaches.
Y,all was never converted u worship God not man the Lord knows things like this would happen so am not surprised
Amen and amen. plus going on social media .When you should be spending time having a relatio ship with God. Then you wont ha e time to do all that. I am a seventh day adventist . I Do not believe in all their beliefs.I know what I beliv e in.
Amen we go there to worship and praise God and not man... Action speak louder than words, we don't go there to seek position, our hearts belongs to God, whether position or not God should be the center of our lives A mm en
Thank you makes no sense.. now is not the time for us to leave the church.
@@marvelousqueenb8037 Ahhh here's the reliable judgement that this church is sooooooo programmed to do. And why? Because your cult leader EGW wrote tons of letters to people sounds just that. Criticising and judging and that SPIRIT reigns in that space. Y'all need deliverance.
I would like to say that this happens in all churches. I used to go to a Sunday church. But now I go to the seventh day adventist church because God said Remember rhe Sabbath day and to keep it Holy.
Follow God not man, those folks didn’t get on the ark because others didn’t listen… remember that…
Don’t follow man. Follow God! Do what God says don’t do what man does or u will miss your ride!!!
@Slippery Slope Yes, all praises !!!
Lmao listen sister Claudette you do not have to be a SDA to keep the sabbath. I rebuke anything that is added to God’s law. The sabbath law was created for Hebrews in the Bible and Hebrews today. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE APART OF ELLEN G. WHITE BELIEFS TO FOLLOW GOD’s LAWS!
The Sabbath was created for all mankind!!! From the beginning!!!! Don’t follow a man, Follow the truth!!! If someone speaks according to Gods words we should consider their perspective!!! The Spirit of Prophecy is for everyone❤️
I have come accross this video after watching the 3ABN Sabbath School Lesson. It's going to be Sabbath tommorrow and I need to prepared. What an incredible lesson. The Title is unto the least of these. My family and I were going to Roman Catholic Church because we are born and raised in this church, but during the pandemic when I started reading the Bible, everythings has changed. My faith in God becomes stronger and His voice become clearer. He became more real to me. And we kept the Sabbath, and live a healthy lifestyle not knowing there is a group of Christians who have the same belief. After almost five months of being a Sabbathkeepers we decided to be baptized to Jesus. 😇 I met many people, different people in the church but I know many are new, we are in different levels of our faith, Still praying for this church. I always keep in my mind that I dont keep His commandments for the people in the church but for the God who is the author of my salvation, growing in Him everyday. praying that the people who discouraged you wont discourage you to follow Him no matter. For as Christians we are called to endure. God bless! I love you.
I was also left a church and now I am an Adventist Church member. And I'm very happy in this church because I don't look to any person but only Bible. Pastor can make mistakes layman can make mistakes but Bible always right. Those who look people they only can leave SDA CHURCH. I'm a lucky person because I am a part of this SDA church.
Love your comment ❤ God bless you that you back again.
Exactly.. u go to church for God not for the members. This is exactly what satan wants, to stir up the members and whoever jumps out will be left behind. Satan wins..
Am an Adventist too i found peace coz i read the Bible myself
Story of a friend: I was born into the Adventist faith, at the age of 5 my parents left me with my grandparents who were not adventist, therefore the grounding that they tried to instill in us (myself and siblings) was somewhat thwarted. I joined my parents 3 years later and the strictness of the discipline laid down by my parents was very difficult to cope with. Within 4 years of joining my parents the rebellious side came out and even though I still enjoyed going to church, the elderly members tried to convince me that I had no place within the church. After a few months I found it unbearable to be in church. I preferred to be with friends who did not have the same upbringing that I had which was based on bible principles. Slowly and surely I began to act the way these friends acted. I ended up having a child at a very young age and then the church removed me from the membership list. This being said I still believed in the principles and desperately wanted to go back to church, but knew that the elders would reject me. I moved away from the church altogether. The behaviour of the friends were not making me feel comfortable but I was forced to stay out there, and I believe that was due to me not being able to challenge the elderly, because children are supposed to be seen and not heard. However, if we are to go by the bible when Jesus was 12 years old and out in the syangogue teaching the elders, as young people, why are we not even trying to bring about these changes, showing others where they are wrong and trying to instill the teachings of the bible.
After spending an number of years in the world and looking at my life experience, I now know that no-one in the church is to be looked up to. My guidance should come from the teachings of the bible. We are all sinners and therefore we cannot look to another human being in order to follow God's word. If I go to church and a member is not living by the teaching, I cannot leave because that member is not following guidelines. I am responsible for my actions, on judgement day I have to answer for my doings, I cannot tell God that I left the "SDA" church because the elderly people did not give me a chance to be what I needed to be.
AMEN, some people will pas over this but I agree with you.
Sigh can the Bible be wrong?? NEVER!!! Hmmm 🤔 Jesus said the wheat and the thorns shall grow together until the day of Harvest. He also said All of what is written must come to pass, not one dot. Or t tittle shall in no wise be made untrue. My brother and my sister, you truly were not in the church because you love God, you were there because someone/something is missing from your life and you're still searching, I agree with My friend and sister here who said she knows she cannot give God any excuse why she left, and that it was because of the elders. We will all have to give an account for our sins. I too have been facing challenges coming into this faith SDA, I believe it is God's remnant church and when I took my water baptism, it was not to man, but to God 🙏 and so no one is letting me leave God's church. I might change membership and go to another branch. But I will never leave God after I found him. He's too good to give up my dear. I pray you will find your way back before it's too late.
@@yvonnewalker9153 very true
@@yvonnewalker9153 I couldn't agree with you more.....I am NOT a men pleaser....I am there to serve God and listen to the Holy Spirit's instructions. We need to be rooted and grounded and be the change and stand for your belief 🙏 💯
@@kathleensimpson1418 Amen my sister, I will continue to pray for you as I pray for myself and the rest of the saints. Remember the enemy knows he has a short time and he wants company in Hell, so we have to purpose in our hearts like Daniel to serve God comes what may. We were told that there's going to be a trouble like that we've never seen, so we're going to need a faith to match that. But if we're going to complain about these small things then trust and believe that we will be defeated. Stand fast my dear sister, and watch as to prayer 🙏🙏🙏😍 God bless you 🙏💟💗
Being an Adventist myself, what I can say is that, No one will let me leave church. If God told you to leave, then I can say God is leading. But I don't recall you guys mentioned God was apart of the decision. It doesn't matter which church you go to, you will never find perfection. I agree, you have to go where God is present, but he has to be the one who is leading that. Also, it wasn't clear if you guys left the Adventist faith or what, so this is just an unfinished video that I wish was a bit more clearer. A bit confusing, especially when you said, "we would go to a different faith, as long as God is there". I wish there was more clarity. Additionally, I wish you guys all the best in your decision making, and hope that you will put God first in whatever you do.
They said at the beginning they did not leave the faith.
@Slippery Slope I think you should stop speaking for others and speak for yourself. Ensure that at the of the day, Jesus doesn't turn you back at the pearly gates.
@Slippery Slope When you are trying to minister to someone who feels empty, don’t tell them what they SHOULD DO! These are grown people!
If you follow what human being are doing you will get lost, you will be charging Churches, many are called few are chosen
The reason for all the troubles in the Seventh-day Adventist church is that it is known as the remnant church. It has the full doctrines with observing and keeping all the commandments of [Gracious Great] God, including the fourth commandment, that has been ignored by many religious leaders who consider themselves Christians and act pious. By this, the enemies which are Satan and his angels, despise the people who choose to keep all the commandments of the Lord and do their evil work in that church more desperately than in all other churches and synagogues. The enemies are trying with their means to discourage and destroy [Gracious Great] God's people as His cherishable children. The people who choose to follow the ways of the enemy are not given tribulations as much as are the real Christians receiving them. Instead of concentrating on [imperfect] people who need a Savior, we need to concentrate and focus our minds on the perfect and holy Gracious Great God, who is able, willing and ready to help us at anywhere and anytime of the day or night.
20+ years in SDA and i can surely say that this is the most judgemental denomination you'll ever meet, we're still stuck in the old law, everything is a sin, from taking tea, eating meat, ladies wearing pants, until one time i felt like leaving, but after quite sometime, i just realized that what matters is me and Christ.
Am still waiting for the 2nd return of my saviour in here.
Brother, I appreciate the fact you are in the SDA Church for the past 20 + yes.. However I want to appeal you to please do not comment anything about the church as we call ourselves as Children of God we have no right to comment on the way how things are ..
I do know , Our church has a lot of doctrines and principles to follow ..but please remember those are for our good and betterment. The old laws are to be constantly reminded in us as there are lots of important lessons to be leant from them ..avoid from tea , meat eating , ladies wearing pants are for our goodness as our body is the temple of GOD and therefore our Health should be safeguarded and so we are not supposed to be like the worldly...
I shall definitely keep you in my prayers ...Love the church despite circumstances and live for God's Glory !
GOD bless!
@Christina Ann If eating meat was wrong then there wouldn't be a long list of animals that are allowed to be eaten with cloven hooves, chewing the cud etc. You can't call God a hypocrite ie on the one hand reading the list of allowed animals to eat and then claiming that he said you shouldn't eat meat. Be careful of the things you say! Jesus fed fish and bread to the 5,000. Nothing bad was said about the fatted calf being eaten. SDA people think they are the only ones who will go to heaven. You hear it in the SDA churches. Only God knows that. You can't claim knowledge that only God knows. That's blasphemy. There is so much blasphemy on other subjects that I've heard in the churches.
@Christina Ann this is the perfect example of legalism. My body is a temple is used by Paul to express sexual purity before marriage. What was listed is fine as if you believe and interpret that's how God wants you to treat your body but another lady who wants to wear pants shouldn't be subject to the same rules you make for yourself.
Not at all. I've been an SDA for over 25 years.
@LightintheDarkness365 I was an SDA longer than 25 years and I agree with OP. Your experience doesn't negate all the terrible experiences other people have been through. We're not liars
Hope you both find peace on your journey to finding God or finding a church.
The Adventist church has thousands of congregations all over the world, and over 21 million members. Going to 1 or even 3 churches and experiencing how they do things there does not define the church. These congregations are made up of individuals from various cultures and communities. Hence naturally, the traits of the community will be rubbed off on the church.
I've been an Adventist all my life. Lived in 5 different countries. All the churches I've been to were flawed because we are dealing with flawed members. Yet, I will never leave the church for the world or for another church. Won't allow any flawed man to cause me to mess up my relationship with God.
I'm not sure why so many people are taking the time to make these "Why I Left The Church" videos. Please don't get carried away by the social media hype. While you might see it as just a video, there are some persons who will come across it who will become confused and not give the church, and even worst, God a fair chance. Don't do that. Focus on your relationship with God, the rest will work out itself. Peace, blessings and love as you search to find your place in this world.
So true Donna, these people make this video looking for content and dragging the church into it.
Don't be deceive by the deception of Satan, s lie .Get back to your ADA church.
English is not my language, but just a question. Is it the so-called church that will bring you to heaven or is it your personal relationship with God as in believing in him the God will take you to heaven and see him there, (God). The only true church is GOD and no human-built churches and their ideology of governance will bring you to heaven to see God. They're all man-made and serve man's interests rather than God's.
@@kevinkisekup1596 If you have a personal relationship with God , you will not forsake the assembling of the brethren. It was Jesus who said do not forsake the assembly of the brethren , Jesus is telling us here to go to church and fellowship with one another. Jesus himself went to church every Sabbath . The Only true Church is God !!!! Not sure what you meant by this but God has a church here on earth that is the apple of his eyes .
As a born again Cbristian who happens to be a SDA. I just want to say I'm sorry on behalf of those ppl who hurt you and experiences you went through, and I do want to say, even if i'm the only SDA in the world, that I love you and know God loves you even MORER! I will keep you in my prayers and pray that the Lord will lead and guide in the paths of righteousness!
There's no way you can be born again and an SDA at the same time. True born again believers do not follow man made religion and doctrines of men. Jesus said to come out from among them and be ye separate, including all religions.
@@no1specialtoyou789 You are absolutely correct, am with you on this, blessings
@@carolbassant2490 Jesus said my sheep know my voice and they follow me..His true sheep are coming up out of all false religions
@@no1specialtoyou789 Yes my sister, you are right about that, am so blessed by your posting
@@carolbassant2490 to God be the glory dear sister. God bless you and keep you
I am Adventist too. One Adventist minister said: “Go where you are fed.” He is right. I can associate with many of your sentiments. If we have to make adjustments we just have to be careful not to leave Christ. Stay strong.
There are many Seventh Day Adventist churches where we can find joy love and peace. Yes I sometimes experience the same way you did but I never give up.Them are also humans and they need to be nurtured and corrected because Satan is really finding ways to destroy us. We just keep on praying and trusting God.
@@wenalangreo7318 if there is no peace and harmony in the church, then God is not in it. God love order, there must be order in the church.
@@wenalangreo7318 Satan is destroying you through Ellen G White's lies
@@florentinakissoon-weekes5194 I wish I could have typed that myself.
Go where you are fed? He should have directed you to the Bible instead. Thats the only BREAD OF LIFE Christians should be eating, if you are not being fed, that's because you are not feeding yourself! People cannot survive on eating once a week, so too, your spiritual life cannot survive on once a week meal from the word of God.
Remember, we are sinful people none of us are perfect no matter where we go. This is why we go to church in search of God and the word of God. Blessings to you all and hope you'll all consider returning one day shortly.
I agree with much of what they stated as a SDA though the denomination is NOT my idol. I am His follower. However, may I suggest all do more studying the Word as we age because there is certain foolishness that is condemned to even enter the church. They are so mistaken on that. Jesus would have shut it down if certain things were welcomed in His Father's House. We see how angry Jesus got with something as simple as buying and selling. There is a certain respect that is supposed to be brought into His House. Many younger people push their own agenda through dressing provocatively or like the opposite sex. Most time they're not coming as they are in the spiritual since but to prove a point in which they expect to do what they want, how they want. I'm not talking tattoos, jewelry, or makeup... His house is Holy and Jude speaks of what foolishness not to allow in the churches. Sexual sin is different from all sin- THAT'S BIBLICAL! Otherwise, I agree with soooo much. So many times the church shows favoritism and idolizes itself. There IS AN EXPECTATION THAT WE SHOULD HAVE IN THE CHURCH! They pick and choose often in SDA. CONGRATS TO THEM ON A BEAUTIFUL, HEALTHY BABY .
Your statement is the typical cop out that negates holding SDA accountable.
If you're interested I'll give them to you. Let me know and I'll send you
my email and I'll send them to you vi
A email I believe you all were really enjoy these. God bless you all, and continue to be led by the spirit of the Lord. Happy preparation day!
This is what will happen when we look to people rather than upon our GOD, Savior and Redeemer. Also when we come with "our truth" that's a great problem, what about GODS truth, we can never go wrong with It.🙏🏽🕊️
Yes true
than you
Yes, and His word speaks volume on the 7th day Sabbath. Sunday is the doctrine of the RCC.
I'm so sorry that this has been your experience, I've had similar experiences, but brethren we have to keep our eyes focused on God. I returned to church when I was 24 and was baptized at 25, there were many breaking points where I felt like I wanted to leave but I prayed for strength and courage. Yes, people in the SDA church are not nice, I've seen hypocrisy, favoritism, nepotism etc but we have to pray and ask God for the patience and the courage to remain faithful to Him. Noone is perfect and God is working on each and everyone of us in various degrees and perhaps some who are in the church have not surrendered fully to Him, but who am I to judge because I am a sinner myself. I say all this to say, the church is made up of imperfect people but don't allow them nor the situations that happened in church become the breaking point for you to leave. Praying for you and your family. 🤗
Kacou Philippe did not die on the cross of Calvary for you but it is him, Kacou Philippe, who has the words of eternal life and the keys of the kingdom of the Heavens for your Salvation in this generation.
Your lost . What did God speak to you this morning
Hi the same situation 😥
What is "Church". Bible a nswers please. Thanks. God bless!
@@winstonfarquharsonLOVE-OF-GOD "Church" to my understanding is consisted of the body of people who worship God, our Father in Heaven and Accept his Only Begotten Son, Jesus of Nazareth.
I was raised a R.C., what do I know.
*_God Bless_*
Happy Sabbath. I accepted the SDA message in my late teens. Ever since I did so I look to Jesus as my only and perfect example. As we are living in the last days Satan will seek to wreck havoc especially in the church. I therefore implore you dear friends to look to Jesus and do not allow anyone or anything to cause you to lose your crown. Have a blessed night.
You too friend, “look to Jesus”
Jesus did not observe the sabbath as written in John
Luke 4:16 And he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up: and, as his custom was, he went into the synagogue on the sabbath day, and stood up for to read.
Matt. 12:12 How much then is a man better than a sheep? Wherefore it is lawful to do well on the sabbath days.
@@A1b2c3d4e5f6g7h8iish that’s right friend, it is His CUSTOM, not His belief.
Thank you for this. Look to Jesus not man. ❤️
@@harryaurere2961 according to Jesus himself, he is a MAN-Jn 8:40
SDA belief is founded on human belief, not on Christ...Jesus Christ built His church [MATHEW 16:18]
Ellen White was a false prophetess.
I was head deacon of an Adventist church in the late 90s. The assistant head deacon lied to the nominating committee the next year and never talked to me about anything. I quietly went to another SDA church because I won't let sinners like myself get in the way of my relationship with God.
This is how you go about it. Quietly.
Glory be to God! Leave the physical church and find a better one with better fellowship, that's what I did instead of leaving the entire Adventist lifestyle
We are ALL SINNERS. There is not a church out there that has a perfect individual in them. Romans 3:23
To leave a church, you suppose let the leaders know why you are breaking covent there.
That's what I am saying
I’m a Seventh day Adventist and I can relate totally to your experiences. It’s only because of the goodness of God over my life why I’m here. May God continues to bless you!
I know what you are saying, please look to God and keep close to Christ. We are told "many are called" but few are chosen. I am praying for you.
@@angelpinn2598 you're totally correct 😊
It seems most of us here have had similar experiences we can relate to and share. I'm glad you stayed in the church and thanking God for his goodness everyday to allow us to forgive, forget and follow him. Stay blessed and continue to allow Christ in your life to bless and heal you and walk with you everyday wherever you may go. Peace 🙏🏾
Why We Left Our Applebee’s:
People at Applebee’s were making it all about them. They wanted customers but were not really feeding the customers. We attended this Applebee’s for 10 years & we are just fed up with the lack of outreach. It was as if this particular Applebee’s was only catering to a certain audience. They preached family & unity, but never reached out to us during our most vital & important moments. This among other reasons, is why we no longer attend Applebee’s.
I am only on the outside looking in, but it appears to me, from many videos like this, that SDA churches where islanders are leading, there are extreme points of views w/ no filters, that turn people away. Trust me, I get it!
Like Applebee’s, don’t give up on ALL Applebee’s because of your many bad experiences at one location, go to another location who’s provides the warm, welcoming atmosphere you seek. But that is not what this video & many like it promote; the lesson presented here is, if you have bad experiences at an SDA church, leave the SDA faith all-together; although you didn’t say this specifically, this is the message presented. Consider this, If others are inspired to follow your footsteps, & in judgement, if you are wrong, you will hold some responsibility in leading others away. Is this what you want?
In this video, the wife stated “even if Jesus is at another denomination, I want to be there”.
That seems fair, because Jesus is all about “LOVE”. John 14:15, if you love me, keep my commandments. 1 John 5:3, for this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments. This includes keeping God’s 7th-Day Sabbath. Why? Because we love Jesus.
If this couple follows the path of other videos like this, they will soon find the “Jesus” they seek in a denomination that “full well, rejects the commandments of God, that they may keep their own tradition” Mark 7:9; that tradition namely being Sunday worship. I get it, many Sunday worshipping churches are super family, super warming, super welcoming, super open-fellowship, & super ministry supportive in youth outreach etc; I get it.
Yet such will be the case when they “will say unto me, Lord, didn’t we prophesy in thy name, and in your name cast out devils & in your name done many marvelous works. And Jesus will profess to them, depart from me, I never knew you”. Matt. 7:22-23
Jesus didn’t know them, so the key is to make sure Jesus knows us & we know him, right?
How do we do this?
By this we can be SURE that we know him, if we keep His commandments, 1 John 2:3.
And it’s NOT about legalism, it’s about “LOVE”. What is your love language? Touch?, Words?, Acts of Service?, Quality Time?, Gifts? Understanding this helps your relationship grow & be healthy.
What is Jesus love language?
It is simple, Jesus told you plain & clear.
Jesus said “if you love me, keep my commandments” John 14:15 Then Jesus later says “he that loveth me not, keeps not my sayings” John 14:24
Want to focus on your relationship with Jesus? Do what he says! And don’t get swept away by the overwhelming warm love of commandment-breaking denominations.
I love you. Jesus loves you. I’m praying for all 3 of you; Dad, Mom & Child.
Your comment is printed like that coming from a loving mother, that is a mommy. I became a Seventh-day Adventist when I was 16 years ago. Like this family, I underwent tribulations in that church as a youngster. I was not even close to my natural folks, and that attracted me to be with Gracious Great God's most cherishable children, His family. Growing up was quite arduous. There were times when I did not attend church for several months from time to time. However, After I was baptized in June 1969, an "uncle" advised me something that I forgot that is, "Once you accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, not everyone is going to like you. And if you decide to follow Jesus Christ all the way, not everyone in church is going to be your friend." Uncle Rouse was right. Today, I can admit that church members, including the pastor, are just people who are imperfect, just like me. However, I am not better than anyone, including you, whom I have not yet met, but you are no less than me. If I met you, I would look up to you the same way I looked up to older people. I love the way you emphasized that [sweet] Jesus Christ emphasized the importance of love to Gracious Great God and love to one another. Since the 1980s, I continued to attend church steadily. Not only I have returned to the temple weekly, I strive to support the church in several ways. I would rather seek to please Gracious Great God, rather than people. He is perfect and knows what is best for me and you, and people are imperfect and even the best of us can go wrong. This week of July 3, 2022, the Sabbath School lesson is about "In the Crucible With Christ." It is about trials and trouble that Gracious Great God's cherishable children, as Christians, will undergo. We live in a world that is sin-ridden everywhere there are people. These problems will last, either if everyone repents of their sins and return to obey Gracious Great God, or continue in their ways by keeping their own sins, until Jesus Christ returns to this earth again. I must mention that you are a very bright lady. Also, I prayed for these loving ones, that is, this family, and I want to include you in mine.
Such good analogy. Funny when first reading it but it made sense.
@@captainkeyboard1007 ok
Beautifully said❤️
The first day worshippers can possess the traits and characteristics of some Seventh-day Adventists, but how long can a good thing last? As in human nature, people will be nice to you in the beginning they get acquainted with you. Afterwards, they treat you differently from good, and before you know it, "the free ride is over." As long as they do not have the love of sweet Jesus Christ in their hearts, they can take you for granted and use you for selfish purposes. This is human nature, let alone the nature of the beast.
I understand wholeheartedly how you feel because I have experienced the same in some SDA churches. I am a born again Christian who happens to believe in the Sabbath unequivocally. May God lead you to the right worship experience for your family.
One cannot leve the truth once they understand all sundaychurches are fallen and a hold of every evil spirit
@@earthlastdaybiblechannel what an evil thing to say. Churches are comprised of people & all people are fallen. Therefore, all “churches” are fallen regardless of the name they carry with the IRS. Nobody knows the true Church it will only be revealed upon Jesus’ return because the true Church is comprised of flock of many folds, hence the statement that there will be many surprises in heaven. Be mindful of your arrogance in the absence of love. Knowledge puffs up, but love builds up.
John 10:16
“And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd.”
I love being a member of SDA I grow up in Baptist Church but I join SDA 4 yrs ago when I go to church I go to praise him the Almighty God....I will never leave this church no matter what...
Esther Simenti I thank God for you and the comment you made. I pray that God will keep you to learn more and have a good footing in his church but challenges will definitely come and like this video pls remember this comment and stay focused. You're in this church because of God's leading so look to him alone no matter what. God bless you.
Never say never. When it effects you. You too will move on to another, if need be. Not all are accepted in all churches. No Mayer how friendly they say they are. And... May be to some. There is no rich church or poor church.
Amen. Hold on God is on your side.
God bless you Esther,stand firm.SDA is the only true church in this world.I've had the opportunity to attend sunday churches with different labels written all over.None have satisfied my hunger for truth anyway.But when I tried the Adventist faith, suddenly God opened my spiritual eyes to his truth I have been seeking nearly half my living years.I have backslidden somewhat; but my hunger for truth still burns.Pray for me dear so I can goe back to worshipping God on the Sabbath, me and my family can attend together.I am from the Pacific Isle of Papua New Guinea; just north of Australia.God bless you and your family.Rescue is on its way very soon.God bless!!!
@@StillYHWHs exactly
The wheat and the tears have to grow untill the day of harvest. Church is not a place full of perfect people, its rather a hospital for the sick sin soul, look neither to the left or right look up your redemption draweth nigh.
People in a hospital don't stay in the hospital sick forever. They either get well or die. It's time for the church to judge itself so that it is not judged with the world. Judgment does begin in the house of God. I am SDA and ONLY came back to the church under the direction of the Holy Spirit after leaving for almost 30 years. Sad to say, nothing much has changed since I left at the age of 15. They are still very legalistic, most seek the applause/praise of men and that's why the denomination as a whole, places more emphasis on one's actions than the condition of the heart. Precisely what the Pharisees of Jesus' time did. Jesus came to transform us from the inside, not just get us to conform to outer practices. When we change from the inside by renewing our minds with God's Word under the direction of the Holy Spirit, our wrong behaviors will eventually change, but no matter how much you try and "clean up" yourself from the outside, you will never be good on the inside.
Each of us needs to learn to hear the voice of God for ourselves and develop a deeper, more intimate relationship with Jesus daily and let Him lead us. Too many of our leaders think they have a monopoly on the voice of God.
Amen. That’s why Jesus said “look unto me””. Not the preacher neighbor or friend
Go continue to go to a doctor or hospital who refuses to talk about your illness,mis diagnosis and more.you are sick but you keep getting dressed and going there weekly ,happily paying the doctor while you and family are Dying
I certainly agree with you. The fact that you guys are pointing our certain things about the church im pretty much sure too that y'all aren't 100% in what ever so it's the same for many others everyone has a issue a struggle but don't let that push you from the congregation I think y'all should have stick around and just do what y'all got to do. Everywhere we go we will come upon issues even in our homes so I really don't see how this is even necessary but again it's your story and ill respect that I do hope y'all find your true place in this life.
We don't just leave the church but the body of Christ Jesus is our perfect example did Jesus leave his disciples because of Judus he new Judus would betray but called him friend and he was still apart of the church he didn't leave how Jesus said if u love me keep my Commandments.
As a church we make mistakes and do not always accept the decisions that are made, even when they are not so useful, but personally I think that leaving the church is not the solution. It is good to stay and set an example to try to act in the best way and pray for the union of the church and improve through the Holy Spirit that we need so much. I also on many occasions felt like you and thought about not going anymore, but in the end I kept going and I thank God for it. God continue to bless you and your family and guide you.
Let the weed and tares grow together till the averste . Many people still don't understand what Jesus said.
I'm just hear looking at his shirt and thinking he really does has the answer. We aught to be the sermon and lead by example.
If we were all saved then nobody would have to go to church. Moreover, your courage to speak on this issue, and your truth, may be a calling to remedy the issue and be involved in the church to inspire others to be better. Matthew 16:18, which says, "And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it".
I see your concerns and understand how you feel. I used to go to an Adventist church and the legalities and unfriendliness of members left me feeling sad. I became an Adventist because of God’s leading. My relationships with God led me to leave that specific congregation but not the SDA church. I am sure that wherever we go there are people who wants to dictate what and who we do. Also there are those who are control freaks. However remember the reason you came to the SDA church, your reason to come will determine whether you leave or stay. Just remember that Jesus went to the synagogue with the scribes and Pharisees, Jesus Himself called them hypocrites, but he still went to church because there were those who wanted what Christ have to offer. Let the wheat and tears grow until the day of harvest. Friends there are beautiful SDA congregation everywhere. Christ grew up going to the synagogue on the sabbath, it was His custom and He did it as example to us so he continued going though they were hypocrites. May you find a congregation that you are comfortable in but just remember there are no perfect congregation. Blessings.
🙌 From Catholic to SDA... love my journey with God and my SDA church family
Well said. As long as you follow the truth, the beliefs and find an SDA congregation that full of love and kindness… you’ll find it. You will… But don’t leave the truth because if you follow the Bible, you’ll end up become an SDA.
@@likufifita7530 Praise God!
Is which SDA Church you guys went to, because I have visited other SDA churches and their warmth and friendliness is very welcoming and ALL SDA Church is known for that...
I’m a young SDA and our church is filled with young people, I also visit several SDA congregations. My experience as a SDA is different from yours, yes there are a few judgemental SDAs but there is a lot of loving ones too. There sure will be disappointments along the way but I learn to look to God for guidance in everything and he has kept me in his ways. I believe that a lot of people turn away from the church, not because there are errors in the beliefs, but simply because the truth in not being teach in love, and that’s the problem. I’m sorry for your experience and hope you find a spirit filled and loving congregation. God bless you
I am so sorry to hear about your situation but my dear brother and sister your situation is not unique it happens all the time to millions of other SDA's it happened to me but two things kept me and is still keeping me , firstly Christ died for me personally and secondly there is a quote found in the book Testimonies to Ministers pages 45 and 49 which speaks directly to the state of the church. No matter what is going on in this remnant church God is still in charge Selected messages 2: page 390 I pray that you both will surrender to the leading of the Holy Spirit so that you will not put yourselves on the arch deceiver's ground , prayerfully ask God to help you to put self aside and seek His will because if you have been studying the prophecies you will know that the SDA Church is God's last day church , no other church can truthfully make this claim. Please my dear brother and sister do not stay out too long, hurry and find your way back in for " as defective and enfeebled and in need of reproof the church may seem it is the one entity upon earth upon which God bestows His Supreme regard
I am so sorry that your experience was such that it led to you leaving the SDA church. Jesus had it pretty rough too, he was rejected and despised. There are few people who really love Jesus with all their heart and are following Him. No matter what church you attend, you will have similar problems. It's the beliefs that matter. Stay strong and keep your eyes on Jesus.
Perfectly said sister 🙏🏾
Are you talking about the local congregation or the world wide organization of SDA? Do you still believe in the SDA theology?
I believe many do love Jesus… but… Ellen G White is followed so close, not Gods word….
The SDA doctrine is based on the direct commandments of God. Simple. You dont get baptised to SDA bcos of its elder/pastor or bcoz the program is sort or longer. I am an SDA bcoz there is one God,one faith,one truth. I think you are denying the truth & based your decision frankly on feelings. You mentioned that you still believe SDA doctrines in that case you could have changed membership to anither local church. I pray that you find the truth you are looking for. God bless
You’re 100 percent right. My cituation was worst. I’m here serving God virtual for 4 yrs at 5:00am in Waking up with Jesus
I'm from Brazil, father of 3 children (12, 4, 1) and literally stumbled upon this video totally unexpected. I got impressed when I noticed this video has 202k views. I couldn't help myself but to watch this video as well. I tell you, you are such a beautiful family, with such a huge responsibility over your little Eva. In my 12y in the SDA church I've seen so many people come and go, usually those who do go is because their focus on the cross got blurred and the sin/fault of the people around them brightens. EGW says that 1 person (Christian Service book), 1 person is enough to revive an entire church. It's always better to stick to your big family, always the wiser choice to do, believe me. Be the difference that this church and these people urge so much. God bless you!
Wow! I totally agree with you brother. I too have seen people leave and it’s usually because of what you said, people lose focus on the cross and attach themselves to the faults and sins of others (it becomes brighter as you rightly said). I agree 100% that we have to be the example that we want others to become
I find it interesting that your quote came from EGW and not the Scripture. Something to think about in your personal meditation ie why was a quote from her your first inclination? No judgement here. I was also once so inclined, until I started spending more time in the Word, My reason was a lack of knowledge of the Word of God, it may not be yours. But something to think about please because if that is the reason, I highly recommend spending more time in the Word, it will open your eyes to things you once held so dearly to be truth. I will leave it there.
@@Janpandon hi! I think I got the essence of your comment. I’ve known people that treats EGW as a demigoddess, only referring to her texts etc. Dangerous choices I see.
Not really my case, quote could come from scriptures as well, in fact, as I understand there’s no “inspiration difference” between texts you find in the Bible and those written by EGW. Her books are to lead men and women to the Savior. She says that people have neglected the Bible, the mission of which is to point people to Christ, and God has sent a lesser light to lead men and women to the greater light, which should be Christ.
I couldn't have said this better myself. Totally agree. There will always be problems. I too have my disagreements but that is why Paul in the Bible tells us to he united. Obviously, this problem existed in his time. Are all sinners. We need to die daily to self and look to Christ our Lord, the Finisher of our faith. God (3 Persons) work in TOTAL unity. Lets not let other sinners (remember we all are) affect our decision. Let's not depart from the Groom, our Lord Jesus.
That is their way to make money in you tube , they could have expressed themselves to some one else
I am also a Seventhday Adventist. I have been away from the CHURCH for number of years. Now have returned. I feel that GOD dwells in all of us in defferent ways. The message is still the same, we have to be grounded in our SPIRIT to overcome the our difference. I have gone to other Churches over the the years.. but , felt empty. I know that it is difficult to you now. I pray that you will find GOD within yourself. But keep praying.
I am a Pentecostal Pastor and I very much appreciate your honesty in how you laid out your points without defaming the church. As one who has seen a lot come and go in church, since I've been in church ALL of my life, I fully understand how you feel and completely empathize with what you have been through and I can also hear your hurt and disappointment in your voices. I pray that you find strength and peace in a new place where you can be nurtured and grow. God Bless you in your journey. Sincerely.
Who gave you authority from Jesus to preach his word?
@@JesusChurchBible JESUS Himself!
@@jameswashington4493 Anyone can say the same thing. That's why we have thousands and thousands of fake pastors who pretend to preach the true Gospel following only the holy bible and the word of god. But for some reason they all interpret it differently. 🤔 Strange how that works. Jesus gave His apostles authority. “He breathed on them and said, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit.’” So your telling me Jesus breathed on you or laid hands on you to this give you authority? Or are you in the line of apostolic succession? Please explain how Jesus did this exactly?
Sir, I have No desire to argue with you or disagree regarding Gods Word nor of the things of God. What I said was from the heart and meant directly to the husband and wife regarding their situation. Let us focus our energy more on helping others in need who are broken, impoverished, hungry and destitute. These would do us well to serve our purpose here on earth and I'm sure will please God in heaven. I have no more to say. God Bless you on your journey.
@@jameswashington4493 Nobody with authority (Jesus or His apostles) nor through apostolic succession were you given authority to interpret the Word of God and be a bishop or deacon (both are titles given from Jesus in the bible). Just pointing out a fact that you cannot... and will not try to prove, because you and I both know you cannot. Peace be with you and the people who follow you. 🙏🏻✝️🤍⛪
I’m so sorry that you all had that experience. Unfortunately very few SDA churches are teaching present truth. I’m a SDA and I’m in a present truth church. I pray you all will be led by the Holy Spirit to a church that shared and teaches present truth. I have learned so many truths that I didn’t know. Being a SDA was the best thing I’ve ever done. Praying for you both, all indications point to the end of this world. I pray I will meet you all in the World made new!🙏🏾❤️🌸🌺🙌🏽
What is a present truth church?
@@SchlegzyPresent truth is truth or a specific message that especially applies to the current times that we live. Noah, Moses, Isiah are just a few examples of people that had a similar task.
@dr.johnwatson2503 do you know what the SDA churches are missing when they aren't teaching present truth?
This is what I experienced. I am still a Seventh day Adventist….I realize everyone learns thru learned behavior so I want to be that example! My heart and soul will always be withGod, I walk thru faith and hope! #BELIEVE #IM A TESTIMONY!
Hello...l've got a question for you....??do you know the history of the SDA church...
Praise God yes!
We are in the last days my family and such will happen in the churches of God.
The most uttermost important thing to remember is that you must root yourself in the words of God, the Bible and going to church is not to be entertained or to be liked but to meet Jesus..
If one one so not feel entertained or liked or being gossiped or talked about, be encouraged and read from the word of God in John 3 verses 1 to down.."Let not your heart be trouble but believe in Jesus....
Amen, we are the salt of the earth. God bless you sis
@@cynthiamaetoloa1602 You missed the point, it is not about being entertained, or been gossipped, they put up with that for years and were the entertainers.It is about the lack of the Holt Spirit's presence in a congregation...
Be part of the solution in your church. Be God's love.
They did, they left.
@@thetinybluehouse no we are still there.
SDA is the only true church al others are babylon
Pray for the church, God will have a solution
Hi Adriel and Kevah, as a pastor on behalf of that SDA congregation I want to apologize for failing you, not being a gracious place in which your family could live and grow in Christ. It is inspiring to see a loving and real Christian family walking the path as narrow as it may be. I'll say a prayer that God leads you to a strong community of faith. Question: are you saying that you are indefinitely leaving the SDA community as a believing community or just that local congregation? I wasn't quite clear on that since Adriel you clarified that SDA fundamental beliefs continue to be what you believe.
Hi Pastor Austin, thanks for the beautiful message. We are prayerfully considering which congregation to join. As for now, we are having home church and small group Bible study on Sabbaths. Please continue to lift us up in prayer and for the Holy Spirit to guide us according to where He needs us to be in this season. God Bless 🙏🏾
@@WithTheChablals May the Lord be with you, Sometimes we need not focus on people,You know Jesus gave the parable of weeds and wheat growing up together,So it's not everyone in SDA who's good and They shouldn't make you leave the right thing and forsake your faith, Jesus Christ will come for harvest soon to separate weeds from wheat 🌾
Pastor as someone reading your message from across the world I would like to thank you for your love and your humble heart.
For not being defensive but rather compassionate.
I too have suffered the same things that have been described in this video & have exhausted every effort to be heard without success.
There’s nothing more painful than loving the church you love be also the source of your pain.
And all people can say is there’s nothing we can do just be strong and focus on Jesus.
Church was never meant to be a battle ground where you hope you come back in one piece after every sabbath.
I really urge the leadership of the church from the bottom of my heart to look at this as a serious concern.
After many years of also trying hard I eventually left the church for peace of mind amongst many other things.
And each time I try to go back I am immediately reminded why I left.
Now I keep the sabbath from home which is not biblical cause there needs to be a gathering together of the saints.
But if there is a prevailing spirit that is infiltrating God’s church should we all just be silent?
I appreciate those whom have not been tested to a point of breaking.
But urge them not to imagine that as a sign of them being stronger that others.
It’s only the grace of God is you have not been attacked to a point of being pushed out
@@makokainvestmentgroup9260 Amen
It is good to be led by the Holy Spirit and not do things in the flesh.
The problem is that many leaders are not living the Biblical word God! I feel their not truly Christled Jesus accepted his disciples where they were asked them to come, trust Him, follow him! not yet Truly submitted themselves to God's will!!!
I've noted these same similar issues since I was a preteen ( new member of a Baptist Church congregation.
I empathize with your situation. I'm sorry you guys experienced this. Maybe a smaller congregation will meet your needs or even a prayer cell with other families at someone's home. Something we often forget is that Church = the members, not the pews... That is, real people with real needs. Stay faithful guys and I'm praying for you.
Thank you for this recommendation, this may just be the solution. We’ll continue to pursue God’s direction and His will for our lives.
Thanks for your honest evaluation of ur family's spiritual walk... I have been at that crossing for a long time... The church was so activity based, admin was leading and the rest of the church follow behind... Today , just the hellos and the smiles r good but l as God for more spiritual awakening sol can face this situation of"when almost everything goes wrong"... I am left with virtual connnections and busy brethren... I need a brand new spiritual awakening too... Please pray for me while l pray for you and countless others who r experiencing this powerlessness... God's gift is much more than the rituals of church.
Hey ,size does not matter. God is still with you and may he bless you .
If you read the history of the seventh day church,how it was started in 1863 and how God helped to teach this church all over the world in such a short period you will not leave this church.let us not look at the people.try to have a personal experience with our Lord.you will be blessed.
How God blessed the work of this church and how it reached all over the world in such a short time.how we are preparing for the coming of Jesus keeping the Sabbath as God commanded.dont leave this church church.come back and be blessed.
If you are looking to humans you'll certainly want to leave.But if you look to Jesus..you'll have peace in the storm.look to Jesus leave people alone.. everyone needs God's grace
Well said !
I just saw that shirt he is wearing "be the sermon" and I found strength again in Seventh Day Adventist, I'll never give up no matter what
I listen to preachings, the hymns etc and keep up going
There is a time in our church I was the only youth engaging in the youth activities, joining others from their churches to do the ministry, camps and comporees while others weren't willing to,I felt discouraged atimes but I kept on
Thank you sharing your experience. It's encouraging. Especially among the youth, there are many who attend church but very few are active.
You are also from Kenya
Keep on until churches are teaching doctrines of devils and the music is a bedlam of noise. Its starting or started. Then you move to a better one and eventually all the saints will be driven from the churches and put before judges and Kings. But, we'll count it as joy. Never leave Jesus and keep His laws and statues and we will see His face
Bless you
Good. Look forward to Jesus
I was born a Seventh Day Adventist. But because I focus on people and their flaws.. So for hiw many years i was a backslider. Now, I want to serve God and give my life to Him. Only the Seventh Day Adventist has the whole Bible based doctrine. I will pray for you brother and sister. In God's time you will hear God's voice and go back to the church He made for His people. God will always be with you and your family. You are always welcome to Jesus. Come home and you will find peace and happiness 🙏🙏🙏
So in a nutshell you're still SDA's but have an issue with how a certain congregation operates. The fact is God's church is at a stage called the laodicean. Majority of the members will behave the way you describe. The plan is to find a ministry of dedicated SDA's who are truly converted and are doing the Lord's work. In these times we need to do more witnessing on the Sabbaths by going out to the people with pertinent literature to educate the people who need to know about the end-time messages. You do not need to get their approval for doing the Lords work.
I will be praying for you that you find a way out.
Please don’t kill me! I did not keep the sabbath
Exodus 35
2 Six days shall work be done, but on the seventh day there shall be to you an holy day, a sabbath of rest to the LORD: whosoever doeth work therein shall be put to death.
Romans 6 KJV
14 For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace.
Romans 10 KJV
4 For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth.
Ephesians 2 KJV
15 Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in himself of twain one new man, so making peace;
16 And that he might reconcile both unto God in one body by the cross, having slain the enmity thereby:
I don't understand you. Who said anything about killing you? I just wanted to know if you still observe the Sabbath as you once believed.
How can any SDA be truly converted, if every true SDA follows the false prophet Ellen G White"?"
Really? How comes she as a person often revealed some of the wrongs in the church if she was indeed a false prophet? Some of the very things you complained about were discussed by her. I have heard this story over and over again being used as an excuse to depart the church. You need a basis for which to say she is a false prophet, and it is not going to come from a few phrases she might have said that as far as I am aware are often taken out of their contexts......You have to take the time out to seriously do your own research in order to satisfy your conscience.
Like you i have removed my presence from the fellowship but I still regard myself as an SDA because of the fact that the present organization has shifted from the foundation teachings laid down by the pioneers to something else.
Ok, don't try to get ahead of the argument, by making assumptions about statements you haven't even read yet, calling them... "taken out of context".
Your already making a baseless claims without any form of justification, hypocrite.
Let's begin with the fact that she took the writings of others OUTSIDE her religious community and demanded the credit for it.
"It is true that there is evidence of literary borrowing by different biblical authors. But in such cases they used material that was the heritage and common property of the covenantal community. It WAS NOT PRIVATE PROPERTY, and there was NO PRETENSE of ORIGINALITY. With Mrs. White, however, the circumstances were much different. WITHOUT ACKNOWLEDGMENT she used the literary product of those OUTSIDE her own religious community, copyrighted it, and DEMANDED royalties both for herself and her children. Right and wrong are to some extent historically conditioned, but we do not have to surmise the literary ethics demanded in Mrs. White's day. The facts are not ambiguous. SHE DID NOT conform to ACCEPTABLE literary PRACTICES."
Robert Brinsmead, Adventist Theologian, "Judged by the Gospel", p. 172
I can understand completely. I was reared as SDA. We are following a lot of man made traditions and beliefs. We are made to be judgemental and feel shame. The church most definitely has its flaws. We must be led by the Holy Spirit. Unfortunately, all churches are have their share of problems. You definitely have to do what the Holy Spirit leads you to do. Thank you for sharing your story. I observe the Sabbath and serve God, not man. I thought I was the only one feeling this way.May God be bless your beautiful family.
I can relate. Its comforting to know that others are have similar feelings and experiences. May God lead your family to a new community of faith.
no you did not study the bible correctly as sunday churches are fallen they need to come out this is the 3 angels message its not because we believe in Jesus we will go to heaven most christians will end up in hell most sda too But sda have the last message
Yes, I agree. SDAs have the last message. Believers should focus on the Word of God and not let ourselves get distracted by other imperfect human beings. By 'new community of faith' I wasnt necessarily referring to another denomination, although I do believe there are sincere believers in other denominations, but rather to congregating with believers who live their lives according to the Word of God & display the fruits of the Spirit. If a church /community of believers doesnt display that then why not find one that does? I think its something that the individual after prayer should decide with the leading of the Holy Spirit, and perhaps, now that Im thinking n writing this, what believers truly need is an individual/spiritual revival/regeneration, to be filled with the Holy Spirit, NOT to leave the church or look for a new community of faith/believers n instead go where the Spirit leads them. We need to pray more.
The most important is the realition you have my God you have to concentrate in that nothing else God love everybody
Im as Seventh-Day Adventist and I believe we lost the The third Angel's message which should be number one but I don't hear that no more. All I hear is about love. Love love which is fine but we need to hear the third Angel's message everybody does❤😊
I am a SDA member and I agree with your assessment and thoughts. We have to worship God in both Spirit and in truth. I’ve come to realize that all churches have its problems because in each church there are people there. And people are naturally flawed. I had to learn this the hard way as well. But someone wise told me before from this experience that no matter where you are in life and no matter the church always choose to follow Jesus and who He is and not the church. From learning that it increased my experience and relationship with God. I can be in church at work or anywhere else and have my own personal experience and love from God. I will say it does help or it is nice to worship in an environment around like minded individuals but ultimately it comes down to your bond and relationship with Christ Jesus. Love you guys story and I hope you find a church home that will allow God’s Spirit to do as He sees fit and not what man wants to do. But in the meantime stay strong in God’s word and love.
I agree, to a degree. All people are flawed. But to LEAVE the SDA church all because you got bent out of shape over something or rather is not the way to go. Because truly if one leaves and lets say goes to a SUN-day church, they are NOT following our Saviour any longer in that lie.
Sabbath-keeping as a Primary Doctrine: White promoted the observance of Saturday as the Sabbath, which is contrary to the New Testament teaching that emphasizes the freedom in Christ and does not prescribe a specific day for worship (Romans 14:5).
Denial of Eternal Hell: White's teaching that hell is not eternal contradicts biblical passages that describe it as a place of eternal punishment (Matthew 25:46, Mark 9:43, 2 Thessalonians 1:9).
Scapegoat Doctrine: White taught that the sins of believers would be placed on Satan, which goes against the biblical understanding that Jesus bore our sins on the cross (1 Peter 2:24).
Identification of Jesus as Michael the Archangel: White identified Jesus as Michael the archangel, which is inconsistent with the orthodox Christian belief in the unique nature of Jesus as fully divine and distinct from angels (Jude 1:9).
Repudiation of Verbal Inspiration of the Bible: White's denial of the verbal inspiration of the Bible is contrary to the traditional Christian belief in the divine inspiration and authority of Scripture (2 Timothy 3:16, Psalm 12:6).
When we focus on other people than we do to Jesus, we can move from one church to another blaming the church itself.
Instead of running away, why can't we be the change that we need to see. Change starts with you!
I am a SDA, I am inspired of my line of What can I do to help us grow rather than expecting what can the church community do for me.
I agree.
Amen and Amen 🙏🙏
Take the "something" you hv to church and be influence and talk to your members of your views fir change.
Go to Church to share your "best influence to edify one another" or ask the Holy Spirit to step up His role on those you consider as weaker/non edifying in the church for their growth instead of absconding and speaking from the fence. Be the best change you want and let the Holy one take charge of His Remnant Church! Only our sanctified characters will go to Heaven!
A church is like a hospital not everyone in the church is perfect as you expect them to be we are all sinners and well strives to be perfect mark this "if come to church don't expect to meet perfect people but sinners that's are also striving for salvation " Adventist are are people
I am 58 years old and I was born and raised in the SDA church in Massachusetts. I found that the church I attended is so very conservative. The church frown upon people who attended but didn’t ‘dress up to the nines’. I was in my twenties and I dressed clean and modest. However, I didn’t have ‘church attire’ . My other issue is, why is it necessary to segregate SDA churches? I grew up in a black SDA church but I’m mixed. I never felt welcomed. My grandmother took me at age three. When I got older, I told my grandmother how I felt and her reply was, “I go for God, not the church.” I’m at the stage in my life where I truly want to be present. Being in church is supposed to be community. One shouldn’t be made to feel lonely in church.
On the other hand, I attended a smaller congregation and I was older and dressed more but still modest. My son was three years old and he had a lot of anxiety during the services and instead of helping me calm him, I was told to take him downstairs and spank him! He has autism! Really?! He’s almost thirty and remembers that experience!
I am trying the different streaming SDA services online because it’s comforting to watch the services without having to deal with the politics.
Ellen White said there will come a time when sda churches will become so lukewarm that staying at home and worship will be better
Online service for me anytime. I understand that people live there culture,so the behaviour is brought into the church,we expect that they will act differently when they have a relationship with God but sadly most of them are searching and in need of help and a friend. Hurt people,hurt people. The bible says the wheat and tears grows together until the day of harvest . I would say to you is be the change that you want to see ,don't leave ,pray about it ,form a group and bring the change. Others are going through the same thing too and if everyone decide to leave then our younger generation will not experience and know about the greatness of God.
Sometimes what annoys us about others is a reflection of ourselves.
Church after all is a hospital for sinners. There are churches that are worst, but miracles happen when the faithful few pray and fast for the lord's presence.
If we focus on people, we will definitely leave .
Let us pray for God to change our hearts and open our minds to see things as He sees.
And there are definitely SDA churches that are soo Christlike, and that's how I was first introduced to Jesus. It was through church members .
Blessing to you ❤️. Keep seeking the Lord .
Wonderful comment
Great comment. People have to remember that not every SDA Church is the same. Some are bad and some or good. U need to look for the right church for you. And u should not have expectations because every church is flawed. Thanks for the point you made.
No doubt there are some churches that are Christlike, but they are very few. However, time has come when we must be noble Bereans who studied the Scriptures.
Sadly, the nominal Seventh-day Adventist church has been infiltrated by the enemy who brought in false pagan doctrines, especially the trinity doctrine which completely destroys the Father and Son relationship. Jesus said, "... this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent." (John 17:3)
And apostle Paul said, "But to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him." (1 Corinthians 8:6)
So time has come to be separate and be on the Lord's side.
@@rudolfberki8683The Trinity is 1000% biblical please study your bible before telling others to study there's, Thank You 🙏
@@Kyle_Charles In your Bible John 14:1.b must read,
"... ye believe in God, believe also in me and the god the holy spirit."
In my Bible it reads,
"... ye believe in God, believe also in me."
Two divine beings, and not three!
In your Bible John 17:3 must read,
"And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent, and god the holy spirit."
In my Bible it reads,
"And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent."
Two divine beings, and not three!
In your Bible 1 Corinthians 8:6 must read,
"But to us there is but one God, the Father, the son and god the holy spirit of whom are all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him."
In my Bible it reads,
"But to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him."
Two divine beings, and not three!
In your Bible Deuteronomy must read,
"Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God are three Lords:"
In my Bible it reads,
"Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord:"
And in Galatians 4:6 we read, I quote,
"And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father."
So, according to Paul, what is the Holy Spirit? It is the Spirit of His Son, and not a mysterious separate being.
Nowhere do I find in Scripture three divine beings, but two. Regarding the Holy Spirit, the Scriptures clearly tell me that the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God and the Spirit of His Son.
However, if you can find a single scripture in the Bible that proves me wrong, showing that the Holy Spirit is a divine being, as the Father and the Son are, I would certainly accept it. But if not, will you accept the truth?
Apostle John said, quote,
"... He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son." (1 John 2:22.b)
Where is the god the holy spirit, if he exists? Or was John wrong? But if John was right, then you may be among those who deny the Father and the Son.
Im not born adventist but i was baptised when i was 9 years old, but now im backslider but i never leaved SDA because this church showed me that GOD IS TRUE. GOD is there with us all the time, when you feel alone just pray and you feel GOD is there for you.
I pray that God will guide you and keep watching over you so you may return to the SDA Church in which you were baptised. Don't be discouraged by negative influences, but rather let God lead you in the path to Peace, Happiness, Fulfilment and Joy.
On reflection, your heart will always be where you were once baptised, so stay with God and he alone will direct your way.
Blessings and Peace be with you and may God go before you 🙏🏾
Church is to help people
You don’t have to social
Get there when the sermon about to start and leave straight away
It when you make freinds that you want to stay longer
And social
Am always confused with sda church by observing the sabbath and breaking all other rules which are equally important
I left the church but I'm still sda all day!! God used this movement to preserve his laws and to transmit a special truth through. Noone can't tell me the sda movement wasn't divinely led. I love and respect the SDa church and thank them for preserving me to find Deeper connection with the most high and his son. HalleluYAH!
I truly appreciate your concerns, I am disappointed that you had such an unpleasant experience with the church I'm a SDA for about 40 years and yes we have faults I can identify with some of your concerns but when I examined Christianity, SDA teaching and doctrines are biblical, continuing to study and pray God sees your needs
Smaller congregation maybe better for you ,God's richest blessings
Good morning I found your story very moving.I pray that as you follow the Holy Spirit's voice He will lead you into ALL truth. Much love & prayers.
The smaller congregation is ittt. I love the small churchhh, i lovee
It takes great courage to make certain decisions when it seems the majority is going in another direction. I have been there myself. Much respect to you for allowing the Holy Spirit and the Word of God lead you and not any religion. May God continue to bless, keep and guide you 🙏🏾
As children my siblings and I had two religions.. as we got older we decided to stay with the SDA faith... we attended with our grand mother. Our mother was eventually converted. One thing I‘ve learned is that the SDA teachings are forever with us regardless to where we go or change our faith. You may be surprised at how many other religions incorporate the teachings in their sermons.. Also the read and study all the Ellen G. White books.. as adults we learn that there is one God and it really should come down to our personal relationship with him... not a religion or the people in it...
Hello. There is no perfect church. Even SDA, but we should pray earnestly for guidance especially if we are thinking of leaving the church, because that's what Satan wants. If we detach ourselves from the church we become more vulnerable and can easily attacked by the enemy. Praying for you brother and sister 🙏🏾
I was born Baptist. I live in Huntsville so I have been around SDAs all my life. I got baptized in 1998 in the SDA. Some are not welcoming and some fake like they did not wear jewelry around each other but wore them out. I felt like just wear them! I believe in the Bible; I have a relationship with God now. I listen to truth through God’s word. You have to worship where your comfortable! Just keep His commandments and His wisdom! Jesus 😊
I totally agree with you.They lock the fruit of the Spirit. Put you can go to apostolic s.d.a along the holy spirit to flow
And then now ,did you wearing a jewelry.
It's sad, when an SDA is not truly converted. We need to pray for them. Comfortable is not for the answer. So does that mean attend a church that is not teaching truth? The 7th day Sabbath is truth. To LEAVE the SDA church is not the answer. To be praying for one another and being patient with one another IS the answer. There are some, that are not converted so they do wear jewlery, etc. But does that mean give up? NO!
no as sunday churches will not be comfortable Jesus says they will receive the 7 last pkagues Will you feel comfortable when hail falls on you and fire and boils? No
I was hestitant about watching this video, but after listening to this, I'm glad that you felt the same way as me. I am one of those 'former' members of the SDA church that got burned. My family and I have experienced many crushing experiences (including my brothers being introduced to drugs in the church). I was heavily involved in the church, my whole life. I participated in Pathfinders, music, and even helped with community work and cleaning the church. I have previously attended the church over the years and even the loving members have left the church sadly.
I have attended an SDA church my whole life and honestly felt like I had to meet 'expectations' to feel like I matter. For the first time, I've never felt more free to know that I have a divine right to know who God is for myself. For that reason, I have left the SDA church, but not the belief. I know deep down inside I'm still a believer, and I've decided to explore this season/ chapter of my life to know more about God, and have my relationship with God. Thanks for sharing your video. I hope you all find where God leads you as well. Blessing and peace. Shalom. 🙏🏾🕊️❤
Hebrew 7:12/paraphrased..."When the PRIESTHOOD was changed, the LAW must be changed/replaced as well."... Who is the New High Priest of God?... Christ Jesus... Which Law needed/ required to be changed/replaced?... The Law of Moses... Whose New Law needs to be obeyed and followed now?... The Law of Christ...
For Christians, we do not obey and follow the Law of Moses, but must obey and follow the Law of Christ... (Christians are not under the Law of Moses)
1. Christians do not need to offer ANIMAL BURNT sacrifices for the atonement of their Sins,
2. NO requirement for CIRCUMCISION to be accepted as People of God,
3. NO MEAT restrictions as long as we give Prayers of Thanksgiving to God (before and after each meal),
4. NO more TITHINGS (1/10TH) but by Cheerful givers from their Hearts,
5. NO DIVORCE but temporary separation due to infidelity/domestic violence,
6. NO Jewish SATURDAY (7th day of the week) Sabbath but the Sabbath of the Son of Man (Christ) which is SUNDAY (1st Day of the Week), the "Resurrection Day of Christ"... why?... for Christ said, "anything we do, we must put God 1ST."... (Matt. 6:33) "Seek ye FIRST the Kingdom and His (God) Righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you."... So, before we start our weekly chores and work to earn an honest living, we must go/attend the Church Celebration on SUNDAY, to worship, glorify, praise, and thank God first...
Just to name a few... Amen.
In conclusion, it is not Christ Jesus who allowed these things to happen when Christ said, "I did not come to destroy (change/replace) the Law (Law of Moses) but to Fulfill."... It was Solely the Authority and decision of God (YHWH) that allowed them to happen... Amen.
I had a difficult time understanding why you either left the SDA church in general or the congregation you participated in for 10 years. I was raised SDA and no longer consider the SDA as my religion. I am a Christian based on the Gospel and believe in both the Old and New Testament, the Trinity, and righteousness by faith. The SDA church believes Ellen White is a prophet and I do not. The SDA believe the angels third message is based on keeping the 7th day as the sabbath and I do not. Paul wrote to the Christian churches that circumcision was not a requirement of a Christian and neither was following Jewish traditional laws. Paul also pointed out that we are not saved by following the Law because Christ has already fulfilled the Law and remained sinless for us. Christ has also given us his powerful Holy Spirit to transform us from our sinful life to a life acceptable in God's kingdom. If we could keep the Law on our own, we would then not need Christ's saving grace. We depend on Christ to be saved. Christ said the Law is based on loving God with all of our hearts and loving our neighbor the same way we love ourselves. The SDA focus is on following the Law and Jewish traditional laws based on Moses' guidelines for the Jewish Nation. The SDA also believe in Ellen White's writings concerning Christian values. I prefer to follow Paul's guidelines on Christianity and the Church. Christ gave us freedom from the Law because the Law condemn us to eternal death. We are sinful by nature and need to bring our sins to Christ and ask for Christ's forgiveness, for his strength in the Holy Spirit to prevent us from sinning, and accept his gift of eternal life. We must have faith that we no longer belong to the sinful world but instead belong to God's kingdom forever. We each have to allow Christ to come into our lives and save us, because we cannot save ourselves. The SDA are too legalistic and it is unfortunate that keeping the 4th commandment is one of their doctrines that separate them from the Gospel of other faiths. Every minute and breath we take is our covenant with God because we have faith Christ died for our sins and keeping the 7th day is not what determines if we our saved.
Ellen White added to the Bible - something God tells us never to do! Salvation comes from believing in Jesus Yeshua as your Lord and Savior and that he died for our sins was raised on the 3rd day - period. It is a gift!!! You don’t try to add your own works to that. The Bible tells us this is insulting to him. His son already paid our son debt. Amen. So glad you came out of the occult.
I agree with you. I don't quite understand if they left that particular congregation or they left the Sda. I am also a Sda and you summed up everything very well. A lot of the teachings are not biblical. The investigative Judgment, probation closed, seal of God and the list goes on.
Ellen g white her self say read the bible first before you look at my books. And if my books are not going back with the scriptures through them away
Please dear, search out Holiness Revival Movement Worldwide with messages by Pastor Paul Rika. I love how you where so bold to type this truth out.
@@CGH250 Oh really Have you read any of her books? which book is she adding to the bible? I would love to know
I am SDA and I totally agree with what you are saying .. Love needs to be shown and talked about more ! I’ve struggled with this as well
"Love begets love;" so it goes both ways. If a brother or a sister has wronged us, how many times should we forgive? 70x7! "Love covers a multitude of sins."
@@geosdev thank you for showing them this, it seems as though they only read some parts of the bible, and leave the rest, and they do not know how to rightly divide the word of truth,, blessings upon you, as you continue to speak the truth,,
@@geosdev Amen my brother blessings
God is love and if you’re not living DIVINE love it has nothing to do with Christ at all, no religion MANIFEST or represents CHRIST.
@@geosdev it’s your opinion that ‘we are not commanded to keep the 10 commandments’, the bible does not say that. The 10 commandments were given to God’s people and therefore to all who serve Him now. The law of Moses is different from the 10 commandments written by the finger of God. It is a great honour to serve God through obedience and faith
Go to another SDA church but your reason for going to church is not to look for faults it's to follow truth and serve God. You are looking at all carnal things .
A lot of us sometimes forget it's a place for the sick for them to be healed
Being a Seventh Day Adventist doesn't mean that you are guaranteed a smooth ride. Its like being in the Noah's Ark, never leave the ark, there will be a challenges in the church but put your focus on God and not people around you.When you put your focus on people you will be like Apostle Peter who sank into the sea. Be in the chosen ark of the lord and don't go outside bcoze outside is danger becoze the church you left is the safest place.
I'm Seventh Day Adventist and I understand that legalism is a problem in all faiths. I'm more " spiritual " than religious these days. I'm so sorry you all experienced that. God bless you all on your journey.
The enemy is always trying to bring conflict. It is so hard sometimes to not see the negative. We got to stay focus on God and truly pray for the church and our leaders.
I born in the Roman Catholic Church but I am now SDA church because seventh day Adventist Church is the truth church.
Where does it say in the Bible that the Adventist church is the truth Church? Not trying to be mean spirited...just want to get answers. I've been hearing this for all of for practically all of my life. I've been in the Adventist Church for about 56 years.
@@pdnat1458 it because this follow the ten commandments and testimony of Jesus Christ revelation 12:17 and revelation 14:12 but other churches are telling Gods commandment Neal to the cross.
@@chunuhembrom1074 Thanks so much for your response. I totally understand those particular scriptures in Revelation. I've read them many times and wondered about churches or individuals who have not been convicted about the Sabbath and other truths. Also, the Bible does not specifically say that the Adventist Church is the remnant or the "truth" church. But I hear that all the time.
@@pdnat1458 many people they want to become a church member but as a Christian we need to be Gods members only through the word of God and truth and believe in Him John 6:39-40
It amazes me how we can read and quote scripture but never get revelation nor understanding of the scriptures. 2Timothy 2:15 kjv
Just keep the faith sis . SDA have the truth . Keep praying God will answer your prayers whatever your problems are . You cannot run when the trials begin . What you are saying happens in a lot of our churches but we have to be strong and pray for these leaders and individuals who may be not what they ought to be. This may just be the beginning of your trials . What Jesus went through we can't even imagine . He was despised and afflicted. He wasn't liked by many . He still continued What he came to earth to do . We need to be that light when others are dim so don't let what others do affect you to the extent that you leave the church . God bless you guys
The truth is in the word of God.
Amen 🙏
Hello family. I was so sadden by watching your post. It's so sad that this has happened to you and do many like yourself. I realized we are truly living in the last days and the shifting has started. I have walked away from many congregation and I may never find that perfect church. Your statement about going to get bread and you go and no bread. Sis I feel you and I agree that we are not being fed the way we would like. Salvation is a individual thing and we got to be fed one and one with God. The day has come where church doors will close. We have to start church from home. We can no longer expect anything better from anyone or we will be gravely disappointed. The church is a hospital my sister and brother. So many are sick and are in need. Continue to serve God shake the dust off your feet and move on. My sister we all have to take up that mantel and go share the gospel to those who need milk. You keep searching God will lead you to the right congregation. Focus on your relationship with God and everything will fall in place. We are the church and it is up to us to go and teach and preach the love as God by the lives we live. Church on line has been wonderful. Covid has opened so many doors and I'm so great full that I can choose. Take care and I'm praying for you. I'm so very sorry you were treated in such a way that was not the fruits of the Spirit. May God give you peace and I pray you find another church and not leave the truth. The devil knows he has a short time. Stay on the ship Jesusvis soon to come. Blessings
It happens in every church,Jesus is the door way to heaven look to Jesus beautiful family,that’s part of your trials
I just got baptised last month by the power of the Holy Spirit into this church. With that power of the Holy Spirit, it totally changes everything for me. I right away stop gambling throw away my jewelry give up food that I used to love in a very way I cannot explain. I'm still learning and at the same time amazed by what and how God and His Holy Spirit works in our individual lives. I'm sorry for your experience, but I truly found this church for a reason, it change me to walk forward and never look back. God's timing always perfect. Hope you will find what you looking for as for this end times, we can't waste time on pointing finger but stand up for the Lord and Him alone. God bless!
God bless and strengthen you.
Keep the faith alive
changing food and jewelry does not save us Yes we need those things but we are sda because of righteousness by faith Jesus does the works through us we obey not to be saved but because we are saved
I had the same experiences with the SDA church that I went to lol. No accountability, gossiping, condemnation, judging, dictating how it's supposed to be, and EVERYTHING has to be according to the church manual and the tension that came up when persons had questions about faith and the Holy Spirit was very off putting to me.
The physical attributes are good but when you're searching to grow with God and really know Him, it becomes very obvious that SDA culture is very resistant to the Holy Spirit.
What sealed the deal for me was when God freed me from a legalistic mindset during the pandemic/lock down as I started seeking Him with my whole heart and immediately it was like a Pharisee situation. Within minutes I was no longer the loveable Christian (people pleaser) and now I'm a crazy, rebelling heretic who is on her way to hell and they need to fix me because the isolation of the pandemic made me lose my faith.
It got weird and I prayed about leaving for a very very long time because I didn't want to leave the assembly but I didn't want to be in a place where God isn't allowed to be and where I'm not allowed to be who God has called me to be.
the jews were very wicked legalists ect but the torah was given of God they had the truth Cnt believe people mix the people and the message not understanding the message comes from god and God is not responsible for people behaviours
No matter what church you go through there is no perfect church. If you go somewhere else, you will find something wrong with that particular church. STOP LOOKING AT THE PEOPLE OF THE CHURCH AND START LOOKING TO GOD.
I have been away from the church for years struggling to find a way back to God, after having my daughter in July 2022 out of wedlock, my daughter also! named Ava, made me realize how much I wanted to change my life and be an example for her. God knew my struggles and he knew what was needed to lead me back to SDA. I'm currently struggling to break all of my bad habits such as wearing jewelry etc. so far my fellow church brothers and sisters have been kind and helpful to me and their treatment towards me has made me willing to do more in church with God help. I want to let you know that God will lead you to make the best decision but you have to be willing to listen and do as the holy spirit wants us to do. may God help and be with your family.
This is 💯! We have the same testimony. We've been members of an SDA church for over 10 years. We transferred our membership to another conference because of the same exact things.
As a Seventh-day Adventist, I noticed that we preach heavy on the evils that happen in Catholicism and other houses of worship. For some reason, we can not preach on the evils that happen in our own house. When the bible clearly says that judgment begins in the house of God.
Keep your focused on Christ! It just sounds like he's moving you to greener pastures. Since we left, God has opened new doors that we could not imagine. We led out in bible studies every Friday night with young college adults, and because of it, we baptized a young lady. You see, the laymen are to finish the work!
We'll keep you in our prayers! ❤️
I am a member and love my Church, I will pray that you will find happiness and a church that will make you happy. Remember we must have a personel relation with Jesus Christ and we must pray for one another to stay strong.
In the final days, worshiping the Lord on Sabbath will make the difference between being GOd's people and the rest who worship the sun as their God (Sunday)
Much Love, it’s a lot of churches that might disappoint you. I started out as a Baptist and I became pregnant in my teens was made to feel that I disrespected the church, and it was other higher ups that family was doing worse but not made to go through what they were taking me through. I was very unhappy, but I didn’t let them discourage me from going to church. But later after learning the word and fully letting the Lord in my heart I became a Seventh Day Adventist, 8 years ago something happen that made me leave the church, and my girls discouraged as well. It took me 4 years to realize, it’s not about the people in the church it’s about God, we all our human, what’s the saying “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” I’m still a Seventh Day Adventist but I also listen to the word at other SDA Churches. God bless your family and I pray 🙏🏾 you find your way. ❤🥰🥰🥰🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🥰🥰
I had a coworker that was SDA. We use to debate all the time. From what I can remember: SDA is works based, don't believe in hell, Saturday is the sabbath, and live under the law (i.e dietary law). The truth is, you have to be born again like Jesus says in John 3. Believe in Jesus. Be filled with the Holy Spirit and re-read the Scriptures with fresh eyes. Starting in the gospel of John and keep going and you shall do well.
@@BibleSamurai Wow 😯 I never heard that part, my sister 👧🏾 SDA trust me we believe in hell, The Holy Trinity, and a lot of use believe a lot of different religions will make into the Kingdom of Heaven. I even heard a Pastor ask the congregation who believed that SDA would be the only one in Heaven, no one raised there hand. It was funny how he told us I’m glad you don’t believe that because if you did it would be pretty empty. No one knows who’s going only the Father in Heaven. Also that’s Jehovah Witnesses that don’t believe in hell and that they will be the only one saved. God bless you 🙏🏽🥰
the 3 angels message is the last message for planet earth
this is a prayer room matter not a public issue...issues are in all churches.
Having a personal exp with Christ is what matters most he say do not forsake the assembly of Christ & not a particular ch....where Christ is preached & practice he say a tree is known by it's fruits so any place where God is manifested is good to be. Man will fail but not God. As long as Peter had his eyes at d storm he was sinking but with his on Jesus he was walking through it.
Your testimony is true, as Seventh Day Adventist, has become cold, we have forgotten to be our brothers keeper, I had that experience and however I am still there, because as I said it’s better being a thousand times in the atrious of God than being out. Satan in his last days is pushing us to move out, as we have to remember the sick people are in the church that’s why I go to the doctor because we are sick. Let’s persevere until the end with Gods help. Praying for one another. God bless us…❤❤
Is her story true ?why are these people so brutal
SDA will become even more cold and egalists But the message was given of God and soon a shalking will hapen which will weed out those who are baptised and did not undestand that all sunday churches are fallen and will end up in hell and that righteousness by faith is the true way to be a christian
Leaving the SDA church is not the answer of any reason pertaining to its present state. As what the Bible describes the Laodecean church was lukewarm, apathetic, making God sick to His stomach. The church lacked faith; they had little or no reliance on God. They did not know that spiritually they were, “wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked.”
Revelation 3:14-22
We are seeing the falling away....so many people are leaving the church. I can speak from example because I too left the church. As a youth I was not attractive to the church or God. I was interested in the world and things of the world. If your relationship with God is strong and well established your can deal with trails in the church.
Am born Adventist and I have seen challenges that have led many of our brethren leave the church and mostly those who take the church to be theirs but all in all we need prayers and I think we need to talk about our discipline without fear because God will not take those who are perfect but those who trust him, thank you
Sabbath-keeping as a Primary Doctrine: White promoted the observance of Saturday as the Sabbath, which is contrary to the New Testament teaching that emphasizes the freedom in Christ and does not prescribe a specific day for worship (Romans 14:5).
Denial of Eternal Hell: White's teaching that hell is not eternal contradicts biblical passages that describe it as a place of eternal punishment (Matthew 25:46, Mark 9:43, 2 Thessalonians 1:9).
Scapegoat Doctrine: White taught that the sins of believers would be placed on Satan, which goes against the biblical understanding that Jesus bore our sins on the cross (1 Peter 2:24).
Identification of Jesus as Michael the Archangel: White identified Jesus as Michael the archangel, which is inconsistent with the orthodox Christian belief in the unique nature of Jesus as fully divine and distinct from angels (Jude 1:9).
Repudiation of Verbal Inspiration of the Bible: White's denial of the verbal inspiration of the Bible is contrary to the traditional Christian belief in the divine inspiration and authority of Scripture (2 Timothy 3:16, Psalm 12:6).
No one has to be a member of SDA or any denomination to be written in the Lambs book of life. Repentance, conversion of the heart through the Spirit, and acceptance and faith in Jesus will put one's name in the book. Relationship with Jesus is the key as He molds, shapes, corrects, convicts, and fills us with His Holy Spirit. Blessings to you and family
Brother needs to wear the pants in his house. The wife is the one with issues and they are on a personal level more than they are religious or spiritual.
We all have these issues everywhere and we just toughen up and keep moving.
God bless y’all! I’m just returning to the seventh day Adventist Faith. I know just what you mean with your testimony…. People get caught up in working out their own salvation and lose sight that they’re still human. I don’t want to every feel that way again by judging people on the outer things. It’s dangerous. I’m glad you still follow Bible truth. Just pray you find your people.. happy sabbath to y’all ❤
I love "Be the sermon" as it is our global youth day motto and it is on our tee- shirts
I appreciate your video and the courage it took to think and act outside the SDA box. I see the love you have for God and i hope your family remains blessed. I am glad you are remaining in the SDA faith and that you are seeking another SDA church location. More SDA church goers need to be as brave as you two. People please have enough courage to leave the church that is not spiritually feeding you or loving you. As not every SDA church are cut from the same cloth. Good luck in your search at let us know where you land. Remember where 2 and 3 are gathered together God will bless and the rain falls on the just and unjust. Stay blessed!!
Was your negative experience one church?
As a new member of an SDA church, I completely understand how you guys feel. I was made to feel less than a person by Adventists. I was told I know nothing of EGW, etc etc. The focus is more on those teachings than the actual Bible. But recently I've seen a shift in the church. Churches like Oakwood etc, taking a stand for righteousness, important conversations being held. I think the church is moving in a right direction but it will take a while. Go where you are comfortable but consider again the SDA faith and why you believe...
Anyone leaving the sda church, were never sda anyway. Jesus was never born outside of Israel despite of their appostacy.
If you leave the church, you are leaving God, you are the church, we come to church to give, not only to receive. We will always find a problem when we have nothing to give.
Leaving a denomination among a lot of denomination isn't leaving the church. This is how every cult speak "leaving us is leaving God and the church".
@fancyface! That’s deep! We always find a problem when we have nothing to give! That will preach!!
The seventh day movement is not the church.
Jesus says, upon this rock, will I build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
I have come to the conclusion that not only the SDA religion is man made, but all the other millions of religions in the world are started by men and are not led by the Holy Spirit . Many people who have joined them are sincere and don’t know that they are being brainwashed big time by the devil.
The time has now come when God is opening the eyes of the blind, so they can see who He, God is, and what He stands for.
Up until this day God’s church is not owned by any man or woman because God laid the foundation Himself,and is still building it as we speak, and I am very happy to say , I am a part of His Glorious church.. Thanks be to God. Amen.
@@christreveleenvous8905 I agree with you 100 percent.
@@gloriawilson8723 I agree too ! God have put on my heart the certitude that they are just men building golden calf and saying "this is what we believe, follow us or you'll be lost". I also have this deep feeling that sooner or later God will raise his true witness, new Elijah and new Moses : those who will exposes those false prophets and will testify powerfully who is the real living God. I don't know when but it will happen for sure.
I’ll be praying for you. As for me I’ve been through a lot and tried to learn another sects and teachings, I won’t trade this with another. SDA has the truth although a lot of SDA MEMBERS are not perfect. 🙏🙏🙏
Thank you for sharing your experience. It resonates with me. I hope there are wise people who listen to you. May you continue to grow in Christ, and may He lead you where you can serve, be heard and listened to. I pray God uses you mightily.