10 Advantages Galactic Empire | BEST SPACE NAVY SERIES

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024


  • @L0stEngineer
    @L0stEngineer 5 років тому +161

    Their amazing hyperdrive systems, incredible antigravity tech, and energy field technology, just make thier broadside to broadside fleet engagments even more silly. It would be like if an F-22 and a SU-57 took off, flew across the world to fight, then instead of ripple firing beyond line of sight missiles at each other, they popped open their cockpits and started having a kung fu slap fight.
    I would only find such a scenario believable if Allen was involved.

    • @Tlrhighside209
      @Tlrhighside209 5 років тому +1

      Allen from "The Hangover"

    • @tsmspace
      @tsmspace 5 років тому +3

      Well, considering that missiles were phased out, we can assume that some tech made them obsolete and ineffective. Blasters might be releasing a lot more joules than we run around assuming. Future materials might absorb missile just fine WITHOUT shields, and EW might render robotics virtually useless and too cumbersome to bother trying. The most effective weapon is a simple electro-mechanical engine with a blaster that can deliver enough joules to affect the tech materials,, and a pilot with enough balls to get close enough for those joules to hit the target despite having to aim unassisted. I mean, even buttons had to be two inches across to even work. I doubt microelectronics are going to be relied upon when a defender can have an energy field that can soak up a bunch of blaster fire. ,,,,, electronics ARE made of paper and foil, after all.

    • @dredlord47
      @dredlord47 5 років тому +2

      @@tsmspace Concussion Missiles are just bigger than Proton Torpedos. Plane and simple. Proton Torpedos are also missiles, though. They just use plasma-based explosives instead and are a LOT smaller, making it so that a starfighter can easily carry 3-4 in its nose, instead of 1.

    • @darthracer777
      @darthracer777 5 років тому +1

      Lost Engineer: it's just sci-fi fantasy, dude. Chill out.

    • @christiandauz3742
      @christiandauz3742 5 років тому +3

      Blasters are crap
      You can continue fighting whem you get shot with one!
      A handgun bullet would drop you on the ground bleeding tp death!
      Blasters can't even penetrate sandbags and couches for crying out loud!
      AK-47s can put holes in concrete!
      Lasguns can destroy a concrete wall in one shot!

  • @casbot71
    @casbot71 5 років тому +25

    So #2 is really a disadvantage. They had this amazing tech that would stop their number one enemy (their own citizens) and instead of implementing it put all their resources into a Battlestation they immediately lost.

  • @emperorofowls6337
    @emperorofowls6337 5 років тому +28

    Lots of things you call advantages are pretty common among various universes, or SW are even not particularly good at that specific thing - note that I do not remember what specific universes were part of this (except 40k which already has a video) so I mention common ones that may be in this.
    1. Starships flying in atmosphere - 40k can do it, so can Star Trek and I think Halo also can, as probably many others. Starcraft does this the most probably.
    2. Gravity wells vs Hyperdrive - that is not so much advantage of Galactic Empire, more of exploiting weakness of the hyperdrive.
    3. Inertial Compensators - not uncommon, for example 40k, Star Trek and I think Mass Effect also has them.
    4. Artificial gravity without rotation - Most soft sci-fi have this.
    5. Shields protecting both from kinetic and energy weapons - Again that is pretty much standard, Mass Effect is special that their shields are not good against energy weapons, or do not work at all in case of lasers.
    6. Star Wars ships being massive - Maybe they are on the bigger side, but are not exceptionally large, Halo Covenant has bigger core ships, and 40k Has way, way more massive ships - Star Destroyer would be an escort in their classification - the smallest type of warship.
    One of the advantages that is worthy to be mentioned is that the Turbolasers are very size efficient, allowing for converting large amounts of energy from their power generator in very small package - which makes it easy for their weapons to be turreted and their ships to have good firing arcs.

    • @gregorygreenwood-nimmo4954
      @gregorygreenwood-nimmo4954 5 років тому +3

      What amuses me is that, when you see very large star ships flying in atmosphere, relatively few works of fiction address what that would do to the planet in question with regard to atmospheric disturbance and the like. The forces that hold all those countless hundreds of thousands of tons aloft has to act on something. A few of the 40K novels and background works describe it reasonably well, with spontaneous lightning storms forming at the point of atmospheric insertion, extremely powerful anti grav fields affecting terrestrial technology and harming the health (read - killing horribly) of those exposed to them, but that was probably done principally because the writers of 40K miss few opportunities to make the lives of Imperial citizens worse and more wretched.

    • @justinthompson6364
      @justinthompson6364 5 років тому

      Of course, the Empire makes poor use of the size efficiency of turbolasers, often placing them in locations where they have poor fields of fire.

    • @-JustHuman-
      @-JustHuman- 5 років тому +2

      @@gregorygreenwood-nimmo4954 In the book Titanicus they describe how the world the deploy the Titan legions on have their weather system changed, do to the size and heat the landing craft makes when deploying the Titans, they talk about how it creates hurricanes and drought across a huge region of planet and that it would take centuries for the planet to recover after the deployment. And it gets one thinking how power and big things are ink, if the landing craft of unit of Titans changes a planets weather system just by landing on it, how much more damage do the rest of things not do :)

    • @gregorygreenwood-nimmo4954
      @gregorygreenwood-nimmo4954 5 років тому +1

      @@-JustHuman- I remember the book - it was some of Dan Abnett's best 40K stuff,a and that is saying something. The scale, of 40K is totally bonkers, isn't it? And titan landers are simply large bulk landers without Warp Drives - those things are transported themselves in huge Ark Mechanicus ship much larger and more heavily armed and protected than most Imperial Navy battleships.
      Should a full scale Imperial Warship use its anti grav engines to enter atmosphere, the effects would be far worse even than those described in Titanicus.

    • @phoenixx913
      @phoenixx913 5 років тому

      Well he is using canon star wars so what he can use as advantages are kind of limited compared to the EU which has a lot more advantages that would be at least more unique to star wars. So you can't be to hard on him.

  • @williamburke1731
    @williamburke1731 5 років тому +2


  • @Eleolius
    @Eleolius 5 років тому +5

    Sadly overlooked in this video is the role inertial compensatory play in allow insane sub-light accelerations for star wars star ships, allowing incredible linear acceleration of their ships in the hundreds if not thousands of gs. Most settings would have their ships torn apart by such an acceleration, yet, such a capability is routine in the Star Wars galaxy. This allowed ships without Hyperdrive to even cross interstellar distances at "sub light" speeds that would be suicidal for other factions to even attempt. Tactically, this capability is rarely utilized by capital ships, due to the difficulty of decelerating and the tendency to accelerate so fast away from useful strategic locations that fighting in star wars is restricted to near orbital scenarios most of the time. Yet, this capability is one rarely matched in other settings, and in a direct comparison, Star Wars starfighters and even capital ships could easily out run the sub light systems used in most other settings (albeit this would have limited application due to the limitations of Star Wars targeting/tracking systems.)

  • @casbot71
    @casbot71 5 років тому +42

    #1 "enables it to respond rapidly to threats across it's systems work relative ease"… sends no reinforcements to the penultimate battle to determine the fate of the Empire at Endor.
    Seriously, once the trap was sprung, have every Imperial ship within a hours travel time jump in, some would only be minutes away. Might have saved the Exectutor.

    • @darthracer777
      @darthracer777 5 років тому +6


    • @JacatackLP
      @JacatackLP 5 років тому +6

      casbott you forget it was a very secretive operation whose whole goal was to avoid detection by rebel spies. The Empire really only lost Endor through dumb luck they had more than enough forces to win the battle even after the DS2 exploded but their command structure was destroyed by that point

    • @SonsOfLorgar
      @SonsOfLorgar 5 років тому +3

      @@JacatackLP so what if the project was classified, as soon as the rebels were fully comitted to the battle, the cat was out of the bag, the secondary reinforcements would not even have needed any preexisting knowledge of the death star project or location or battle plans. They would just have recived a direct order to immediately set course for a set of hyperspace coordinates to engage the main rebel fleet and reinforce their embattled Emperor.
      And the lives ov any crew failing to comply would be executed for treason and switching sides during battle.
      And the battle situation could be sent to them in transit as they confirmed their orders and ETA.

    • @JacatackLP
      @JacatackLP 5 років тому +1

      SonsOfLorgar as I stated there were more than enough forces to rip apart the rebel fleet, not to mention a functional planet destroying battleship. The Rebels leadership and fighters were barely enough for them to get lucky enough to scrape out the luckiest victory ever. The Empire was also marshaling forces to simultaneously purge the last rebel strongholds such as Mon Cala.

    • @justinthompson6364
      @justinthompson6364 5 років тому

      @@darthracer777 It is a slow and insidious killer.

  • @LoneWolf20213
    @LoneWolf20213 5 років тому +7

    all these advantages are technically in every faction, though I have one argument
    if you make an army of Clone's for there skill's in combat compared to a civilian and a droid for there low cost, and also recruit people, alien or not, to have versatility and also number's, you have one of the best armies there
    if we use Republic and Separatist Era Vehicles and spaceship's along with some rebel ship's and use the Tie Defender, you have one hell of a force
    and lastly, we have Republic Venator's, Victories, Acclimator's, Charger C70's, and Medical Frigate's, Separatist Munificent's, Providence's, Lucrehulk's, Recursant's, and Malevolences, along with Mon Calamari built ship's and some light cruiser's, frigate's, and Corvette's from each faction along with Intradictor ship's
    we have one of the most powerful and flexible armies, now all we need it Thrawn to be a grand general of this army and we're set

    • @phoenixx913
      @phoenixx913 5 років тому

      I would agree with this statement, though I'd sprinkle in some Imperial ships like the Star Wing or Missile Boat and maybe larger ships like the Victory II Acclamator IIs, etc.
      And add in some infantry like the Phase 2 and Phase 3 dark troopers.

  • @casbot71
    @casbot71 5 років тому +13

    Amazingly powerful Empire … falls to a group of rag tag rebels in less than a generation while still having 24,970 functioning Star Destroyers.

    • @404found00
      @404found00 5 років тому +2

      Guerilla warfare.
      See Vietnam: The United States can't just swarm the place. The Rebels hit once, they run away.
      That, and the officers and Palpatine are far too arrogant for themselves.
      If Thrawn had control, the Rebels would have been routed quickly.
      Legends Thrawn, not Canon Thrawn.

    • @darthracer777
      @darthracer777 5 років тому


    • @ufukcangencoglu2279
      @ufukcangencoglu2279 5 років тому

      @@404found00 Canon thrawn isn't shown to be all that different from Legends.

    • @404found00
      @404found00 5 років тому +1

      I will like to dispute that
      Canon Thrawn got his fleet destroyed by space whales.
      Legends Thrawn is basically a god tier military leader who was one step away from destroying the New Republic. He got stabbed by his bodyguard at the most inopportune moment.

    • @darkwolf4434
      @darkwolf4434 5 років тому

      @@404found00 I think he means the book version of Thrawn and also I think Thrawn would defeat the rebellion if he wasn't defeated.
      Also in Legends why did he even trust Rukh he had noticed that the Nogri's loyality was fading away, they started to lie to him, he could have figured out that Ruhk would betray him but he could not figure out that he would be defeated by Purgils.

  • @dannygelbart6827
    @dannygelbart6827 5 років тому +3

    @5:39 when the trooper hits hit head on the doorway amazing that it was never fixed.

    • @lukasperuzovic1429
      @lukasperuzovic1429 5 років тому

      Lucas felt it was just better to keep it as it added character, sometimes accidents add more than any thing planned.

    • @dannygelbart6827
      @dannygelbart6827 5 років тому

      @@lukasperuzovic1429 No no I'm not criticising that, I know that I meant in the Gen Film video.

  • @randycheow4268
    @randycheow4268 5 років тому +99

    *laughes in A wing*

    • @bobafett9348
      @bobafett9348 5 років тому +2

      *laughs in TIE Defender*

    • @grandace2
      @grandace2 5 років тому

      @@bobafett9348 *laughs in x-83 Twintail*

    • @bobafett9348
      @bobafett9348 5 років тому +1

      @@grandace2 *laughs in 181st Imperial Fighter Wing*

    • @HolyknightVader999
      @HolyknightVader999 5 років тому

      A-Wings get shot down by TIE Interceptors.

    • @phoenixx913
      @phoenixx913 5 років тому

      Laughs in a Imperial Missile Boat.

  • @casbot71
    @casbot71 5 років тому +5

    #1 Hyperspace lanes make FTL travel very limited, it's fast, but only along prepared cleared routes. It's effectively train tracks that you can't cut or bomb.
    You can't explore unknown regions readily and you can't invade another factions territory unless it's already mapped, and finally you can only move among prescribed routes which limits your options.
    A enemy faction would be impervious to attacks outside the hyperspace laneway system.

    • @MehrumesDagon
      @MehrumesDagon 5 років тому +2

      and now imagine if they managed to map out just one lane into enemy territory - what would really stop that other faction from setting up gravity well blockade ontop of that lane, with extreme firepower to welcome every ship ripped from hyperspace?
      (basically SW version of Cadia I'd guess)

    • @EgorKaskader
      @EgorKaskader 5 років тому

      @@MehrumesDagon Or set up nuclear (Or in 40K, laugh and set up frakkin' melta mines) minefields for them to enjoy as a welcome party. Homing on target, preferrably.

    • @gabrielherman3004
      @gabrielherman3004 5 років тому

      Actually you can do micro-jumps anywhere, meaning you can invade anywhere you please.

    • @gabrielherman3004
      @gabrielherman3004 5 років тому

      Send a scout droid, scan all enemy ships, then show up with even more fire power. But if all factions from all universes are placed together in one universe than i can imagine that the galactic empire, the covnent, the borg, and the tau will team up to destroy all the good guy factions

    • @berengerchristy6256
      @berengerchristy6256 5 років тому

      literally the point of probe droids

  • @GALAXIE67
    @GALAXIE67 5 років тому +1

    Another Awesome Video!!👍☯️👍

  • @wakey001
    @wakey001 5 років тому +5

    They forgot to mention standardising the ships to a low number of types means that the technical support required is reduced. Parts are easier to stock when you have a large fleet with a relative handful of tried and true models versus a large number of types with many experimental models

    • @christiandauz3742
      @christiandauz3742 5 років тому +1

      Doesn't matter since you only need to destroy 20 of them to beat the Empire!
      That is how many SDs the Rebels destroyed in the ENTIRE Rebellion!

    • @JacatackLP
      @JacatackLP 5 років тому

      Christian Dauz source needed.

    • @HolyknightVader999
      @HolyknightVader999 5 років тому

      @@christiandauz3742 Uh, nope.
      In Legends, the Empire still had a massive fleet; they just began killing each other over who would be boss.
      In Disney canon, they left for the Outer Rim, rebuilt, and created a weapon that could kill the Imperium of Man in one shot.

  • @TheFuri0uswc
    @TheFuri0uswc 5 років тому +29

    Galactic navy good in a conventional war bad in a guerilla war

    • @AnimeAmvStar
      @AnimeAmvStar 5 років тому +2

      i wouldnt even say they good at conventional war because their close range battles are jokes. Most navy forces dont engage in cqb but from range and such so that's why i always found starwars so odd.

    • @TheFivetimesdead
      @TheFivetimesdead 5 років тому

      well, practically any navy is bad in a guerilla war

    • @christiandauz3742
      @christiandauz3742 5 років тому +1

      Star Wars can't detect Warp Travel
      Warhammer Psykers CAN detect Hyperspace Travel!

    • @JacatackLP
      @JacatackLP 5 років тому

      Christian Dauz you need to source that. Besides warp travel usually takes fleets to points WEEKS outside a system meaning a fleet approaching an imperial world could be met by a sector’s worth of forces before it even reaches the planet in question

    • @christiandauz3742
      @christiandauz3742 5 років тому

      Psykers can see the future and sense others. They have much better magical abilities compared to Force Users
      Even the most powerful of Force Users cannot see how they will die, especially Sith. They also can't teleport or mind control MILLIONS of people.
      Both the Imperium Guard and Navy have Psykers
      The Imperium just needs to send one fleet to Coruscant to win!
      Once they blow the planet up Palpatine losses all support from the people and the military!
      -Vader will try to kill Palpatine with the help of Tarkin
      -Thrawn, Zsinj, Jerec, Sloane and many other Imperial leaders would rip the Galaxy asunder with civil wars!
      -The Empire only sent 20 Star Destroyers to Endor without reinforcements. They ain't going to respond to Coruscant any better
      -There is a very good chance that Palpatine is on Coruscant when it blows up

  • @jcthemonkeyking9412
    @jcthemonkeyking9412 5 років тому +5

    10 Advantage/Flaw of the CIS Providence class

  • @octo8715
    @octo8715 5 років тому +18

    Can you maybe compare the best superweapons in sci-fi?
    Or maybe can you look at just land armies?

    • @SgtRackhamm
      @SgtRackhamm 5 років тому +1

      I think that was what the last space marine comparison was

    • @lordpfeiffer8490
      @lordpfeiffer8490 5 років тому

      Warhammer 40k has a weapon called war terror some psykers can send ships into warp space........

    • @lordpfeiffer8490
      @lordpfeiffer8490 5 років тому +1

      @@SgtRackhamm imperial guard.... was not a space marine...space marines j think special forces not mainland armies.

    • @SgtRackhamm
      @SgtRackhamm 5 років тому

      @@lordpfeiffer8490 true, but the last space marine competition had the UNSC but no spartans or hell jumpers. They specifically said that Astartes, clone commandos, and hell jumpers were to be excluded in the last space marine mashup. Didn't you watch the series?

    • @ReddwarfIV
      @ReddwarfIV 5 років тому +1

      The Halo Arrays from Halo would be a pretty damn hard superweapon to beat.

  • @Phantom6.6.6
    @Phantom6.6.6 5 років тому

    Loving these top ten best and worst videos can't wait to see how they judge mass effect system alliance

  • @RavingNutter
    @RavingNutter 5 років тому +2

    There's also the Holonet allowing for instantaneous communication from anywhere in the galaxy something most other scifi series struggle with.

  • @highballfreight2889
    @highballfreight2889 5 років тому

    9:58, I thought the video broke! Awesome series guys.

  • @linguisticallyoversight8685
    @linguisticallyoversight8685 5 років тому +3

    There was a man so wise he jumped into a Sandy place and burnt out both his eyes and when he knew his eyes were gone he uttered no complaint he's summoned up of vision and made himself a saint

  • @gregorygreenwood-nimmo4954
    @gregorygreenwood-nimmo4954 5 років тому +10

    The Holdo manoeuvre is something of a sore topic for me. It breaks the otherwise pretty well established tactical structure of Star Wars space combat irrecoverably. If you can just hyperdrive ram to destroy pretty much anything - one cruiser taking out an entire fleet in an instant - then at a stroke that makes all other forms of Star Wars space combat totally obsolete. Deflector shields clearly do nothing to defend against this attack, and why waste your time with laser based weapons (from the Death Star down to standard ship to ship options) when surely all you need to do is create a fleet of hyperdrive equipped kinetic kill vehicles with a simple navigational AI, a hyperdrive, and enough mass to take out the target, which again seeing how a single cruiser took out a whole fleet with ease seems to suggest that a single snub fighter sized projectile could easily take out a battleship, and could attack from well outside the effective range of that ship's weapons with no possibility of interception or point defence doing anything, making defending against this tactic all but impossible.
    If you feel the need for a planet killer, don't waste your time with moon sized space stations with giant energy cannons - any cruiser rigged to hyperdrive ram directly into the planet would almost certainly render the surface uninhabitable at the very least.
    In the Star Wars lore civilisations capable of hyperdrive travel have existed for thousands of years, so why have we never seen or heard mention of this tactic before? Are we seriously supposed to believe that no one thought of it before Holdo? That there have been no other desperate last stand type situations where sacrificing one ship to defeat a fleet would have been a very favourable exchange?
    And if this tactic was already known, why did the Empire bother building a Death Star at all when this method is so much cheaper, more effective, harder to counter, and every bit as spectacular? And if for some reason the Empire did build a pointless Death Star anyway, why didn't the Rebels just rig up a hyperdrive missile from an old X-wing and take it out in one shot? Why didn't the Resistance do the same to Star Killer Base, since its heavy shielding would have offered no defence at all?
    Once you factor the Hold manoeuvre into the setting, the entire internal consistency of the fiction begins to beak down.

    • @osets2117
      @osets2117 5 років тому +1

      You wouldn't be able to hyperdrive into the death Star it has its own gravity well, that's why the executor rammed into it in episode 6 after losing it's bridge

    • @gregorygreenwood-nimmo4954
      @gregorygreenwood-nimmo4954 5 років тому +4

      @@osets2117 Back in the original trilogy continuity you couldn't hyperdrive ram at all - who is to say what holds now that the Last Jedi has totally retconned how hyperdrive works? After all, The Millennium Falcon employed hyperdrive to jump through the shields of Star Killer Base, and then somehow stopped short of hitting the planet afterwards, and so must have been well within Star Killer Base's much stronger gravity well at the time. That being the case, it should present no issue to jump though the Death Star's shields, gravity well or no gravity well, and then simply not even attempt to stop. From what the Last Jedi implies, you would still have what amounts to a ship sized rail gun slug moving at at least relativistic speeds, and an impact like that would apocalyptically destructive.

    • @osets2117
      @osets2117 5 років тому +1

      @@gregorygreenwood-nimmo4954 the writers say it best the hyperdrive works based on the plot, in Solo they escape a gravity well using the hyperdrive in the MAW.

    • @gregorygreenwood-nimmo4954
      @gregorygreenwood-nimmo4954 5 років тому +2

      @@osets2117 But that is itself a problem - the 'hyperdrive works on plot' argument throws the internal logical consistency of the fictional universe entirely out of the window, resulting in setting-breaking things like the Holdo manoeuvre.
      Solo now effectively contradicts the Force Awakens with regard to a basic aspect of how hyperdrive technology works with regard to the same ship. It is poor world building and just sloppy writing, and that is a terrible thing to see in a franchise as beloved and culturally influential as Star Wars.

    • @osets2117
      @osets2117 5 років тому +2

      @@gregorygreenwood-nimmo4954 I'm not saying I don't agree with you, because I do, they made the rules they should follow them and hot change then just to suit their needs

  • @linuxoperatingsystem6402
    @linuxoperatingsystem6402 5 років тому +1

    10 Features that made the TIE Defender the best TIE.

  • @Bdubs88
    @Bdubs88 5 років тому +8

    Why don't you ever talk about Battlestar galactica

    • @peskymacaw9033
      @peskymacaw9033 5 років тому

      Yeah, or mass effect :/

    • @Deadorbiter_
      @Deadorbiter_ 5 років тому

      Because he couldn’t care less, channel sucks! Dudes biased, doesn’t o enough research, especially from a lore perspective. And he will only ever be positive about Star Wars. So even if he dose talk about mass effect, or BSG, or fire fly, or Dune, or the Expanse, it won’t be in a positive light!
      BTW, most of those, in my opinion, are better then Star Wars. Cause at this point it ain’t sci fi, it’s a goddam fairytale!

    • @CallanElliott
      @CallanElliott 5 років тому

      They have Allen, Ben and American Ben, Allen's thing is Star Wars mostly. Also, technically Mass Effect doesn't have a movie, so it's beyond the remit of this channel.

  • @wrath642
    @wrath642 5 років тому

    This was weird. Usually when I watch your videos I copy and say "Welcome back to another episode of Generation Tech, my name is Allen" but this is Generation Films! Didn't know this was a thing until now lol

  • @quannd
    @quannd 5 років тому +2

    Try 3 Include the Tau'ri from star gate and colonials from battlestar Galactica please in this comparison of humanitys navys.

    • @joshuawilliams9020
      @joshuawilliams9020 5 років тому +1

      Daedalus class battle cruisers, most OP ships pound per pound. Mainly because of their FTL engines are insanely fast. Also F302s fighters are awesome!

    • @quannd
      @quannd 5 років тому

      @@joshuawilliams9020 especially once they got the asgard tech after the end of SG-1. And I would assume their tech only got better after Atlantis. With reverse engineered, gua'uld tech, tolan, and mabey some help from the nox.

    • @Deadorbiter_
      @Deadorbiter_ 5 років тому

      He won’t. Trust me. And if he does he will talk shit about them.

    • @quannd
      @quannd 5 років тому

      @@Deadorbiter_ I can dream.

  • @hang_kentang6709
    @hang_kentang6709 5 років тому

    that 'hello there' at 0.42 really caught me off guard.

  • @SamuelJamesNary
    @SamuelJamesNary 5 років тому +1

    I stand by my initial mark... on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being worst, 10 best) or even if scaled down to a 1 to 5 scale... The Empire is in a near perfect middle... Either 5 or 2.5 depending on the scale.
    For one thing, faster than light speed is an irrelevant factor. Yes, it would have taken Voyager roughly 75 years to traverse the Delta Quadrant back to Federation space (technically only a 4th of the Milky Way Galaxy), keep in mind that a Federation ship at Warp speeds doesn't leave "real space" but accelerates past the speed of light and can maneuver WHILE at faster than light speeds. By contrast, the Star Wars hyperdrive requires the route to be known in advance before a safe jump can be made. Meaning, that if the Star Destroyer Avenger was dropped over Bajor and instructed to go to Earth in Star Trek's version of the Milky Way, the Avenger must either sit still for years while probe droids map out a safe hyperlane or it makes a series of short jumps through its own sensor range, which in the end wouldn't be very far, for fear of going through a star that they don't know about. The Star Wars hyperdrive has a higher raw speed, but it's only practical if it already knows the route and all hazards. In this, if dropped anywhere outside its own galaxy, using the hyperdrive will be a major gamble.
    The second thing, is that while the interdictor technology is impressive, saying "if the Empire built more of these they could have won the war against the Rebellion" ignores the fact that they DIDN'T build more. It's like various WW2 Germany fans that generate all sorts of hypothetical situations in which Germany could win... "What if the Nazis weren't in charge of the military? What if the Me 262 was put into service earlier? What if they had the Tiger I in 1941?" And so on. Had the overall situation been different, sure the war could have ended differently, but that's not how any military should be analyzed. The Empire had interdictors, yes, but they didn't have a lot of them... and at times they weren't able to defend them.
    Third, while competition can generate good officers, it's NOT a good system for a military machine. Warfare and military operations is very much a mechanical process with different pieces that NEED to work together. You cannot rely on a system that depends on competition BETWEEN officers, for while it may generate one or two great officers and leaders, it's also going to have the entire system resting on a lot of junk. You'll either have good to great officers disagreeing on what to do and then fighting with each other on what to do...which in turn would let the opponent play the Imperials off against each other... Which historically was a problem the Germans had in defending Normandy in that Rundstedt and Rommel couldn't agree and essentially undermined each other trying to get their way. Or you'd risk an inept officer who's figured out the system to attain power finding his way into an action for glory in which he does something militarily stupid in the name of glory... historically the problem Custer is labeled having going into the Little Bighorn campaign.
    Fourth, bigger is not always better, particularly if your ship/weapon has weak points. The Empire is often one thermal exhaust port away from an explosion.
    The Empire has a good navy with plenty of potential, but on the whole it has consistently proven it cannot fully take advantage of what advantages it does have and can't fully get away from its weaknesses.

  • @ShadowWolfTJC
    @ShadowWolfTJC 5 років тому +2

    Personally, I'd give the Galactic Empire a 2 out of 5, which would likely put it just below that of Warhammer 40k's Imperial Navy. Both factions may suffer from widespread inequality, decadence, and corruption that would hamstring the advantages that they could muster (such as possessing advanced tech, lots of resources, and even competent leaders like Thrawn), but whereas the Imperium of Man has managed to largely avoid letting these negatives hamper the overall effectiveness of their military (aside from sharing in the weakness of how thinly spread out the Imperium forces are, similar to the Empire), sadly, with how seriously flawed the Galactic Empire's military doctrine is, such as neglecting their starfighter offensive and defensive focus in favor of more raw anti-ship firepower, and diverting resources for the production of thousands of Star Destroyers into a couple planet-destroying doomsday weapons that were themselves so easily destroyed by a lucky shot from some rebel-controlled starfighter, I, sadly, can't rate the Galactic Empire any higher than the Imperium of Man.

  • @LotionSoronarr
    @LotionSoronarr 5 років тому +30

    The speed of Hyperdrive has always been odd. Writers often say that ships travel at the speed of plot, and it shows.
    If hyperdrives are so fast, then how can there even be unknown/unexplored regions after thousand of years or exploration? And wouldn't reinforcement be able to come so fast that prolonged battle would be a death sentence?

    • @leshowajojo
      @leshowajojo 5 років тому +9

      to use the hyperdirve, you need to discover the hyperdrive road. The reason why the unknwo reasons are... Well unknow is because the lack of hyperdrive lane. These lane were discovereds thousands of years before by a very old empire but with their collapse, all theirs datas dissapeard

    • @ijrittenhouse
      @ijrittenhouse 5 років тому +13

      Because if you're flying around at hyperspeed, you might run into random space debris, so space exploration has to be done slowly. That's why there are hyperspace lanes -- trusted paths, "highways" almost

    • @ijrittenhouse
      @ijrittenhouse 5 років тому +1

      @@leshowajojo yes, I was just trying to answer that too

    • @mill2712
      @mill2712 5 років тому +11

      1. Hyperlanes need to be either charted. (Or much more difficultly made.) You can't just go into hyperspace whenever you want without crashing into something. (Also in the outer parts of the galaxy there is an unexplainable paradox that messes with hyperspace making travel nearly impossible.
      2. A world also needs to be important as well. If a region of space has nothing a galactic government wants there is no real drive to explore and people would just stay at where they know. (The empire was a real exception in this in both current canon [Operation Cinder and legends canon [Possible Vong invasion].)
      3. Yes a prolonged battle in space and on world can be highly dangerous. The empire is huge, but space is bigger and the empire is not omnipresent. It can't be everywhere at once especially if it is in a region of space deemed "unimportant". Also factions on both sides more than likely have hyperspace tech so everyone gets reinforcements but this is a rare thing that happens and only in the most important and largest of conflicts/worlds.

    • @sparr1577
      @sparr1577 5 років тому

      They require hyperlanes in order to explore new systems. hyperlanes are an area of space that had been deemed safe for hyperspace travel and areas like the unknown regions are filled with black holes and other space anomalies and so it's extremely dangerous to travel through.

  • @timeshark8727
    @timeshark8727 5 років тому +1

    Did we really need to focus on Palpatine's jizz face, when Anakin was kneeling to him, for so long?

  • @alexandercain8904
    @alexandercain8904 5 років тому +2

    4:33 You have it the wrong way around: it is easier to stop thermal weapons than it is to stop kinetic weapons. Besides that, in a space environment thermal weapons will radiate most of their energy away at long distances, whereas kinetic weapons maintain their energy until they come into contact with something. Sir Isaac Newton is extremely deadly in space.

    • @Angryp0nY
      @Angryp0nY 5 років тому

      Yeah that rubbed me wrong. Ablative materials are very effective in bleeding off thermal damage. The kinetic penetrators we have are so effective that the only way to stop them is if the density and size of armor is more than the density and length of the penetrator, shit Depleted Uranium penetrators ignite when they pass through metal, spraying molten death everywhere. Copper when under enough pressure and heat can only be stopped if the armor is gapped to the correct amount. Armor 2 feet thick? Okay make a 2.2 foot penetrator.
      Projectiles moving at ridiculous enough speeds wouldn't even need to have a warhead, they would just impart the energy from their mass and velocity.

    • @Jfk2Mr
      @Jfk2Mr 5 років тому

      In SW lore planetary and later ship shielding were invented to stop missiles and railguns (capable to throw debris/small asteroids to bombard planetary installations)

    • @Angryp0nY
      @Angryp0nY 5 років тому

      @@Jfk2Mr then why did an asteroid destroy an Imperial Star Destroyer? Planetary shields, sure, we only saw it breached when the control station was destroyed by two ISDs slamming into it. Take an ISD, put a magnetic accelerator the length of the ship through it, then fire a 20 ton projectile at relativistic speeds. The amount of energy imparted by a super dense object moving at like, 30% the speed of light and I do not care what kind of shielding there is. That thing will obliterate whatever its pointed at. Not enough boom? Fuck it put a hyperspace engine on it, engage it clear of the ship and you have a doomsday weapon.
      The Last Jedi and Rogue One broke any kind of argument that SW ships are impervious to physical objects going mind bogglingly fast. In my mind, the perfect blend is Turbolasers/Ion Cannons to batter down shielding and a 5 meter kinetic penetrator fired out of a coilgun to outright end the target.

    • @Jfk2Mr
      @Jfk2Mr 5 років тому

      @@Angryp0nY while I can agree about TLJ, R1 is far more interesting case - namely, that was only local shield failure, not striping out whole shield due to ISD crashing into the gate - which most likely had parts that make way through made with material that is - for lack of better term - shieldresistive. Another option is purposefully reducing output of that sector's shield emiter to reduce running costs or reduce maintenance needed to keep gate open and in moment of impact it wasn't working with its full output. Or just this shield was more oriented to counter energy weapons than physical projectiles

    • @HolyknightVader999
      @HolyknightVader999 5 років тому

      Depends. If your armor is based on density, then it would be easier to stop kinetic weapons, but if your armor is based on heat dissipation, then it's harder to stop bullets than blasters. The problem with the Empire is that their Stormtroopers had armor designed to stop bullets, not blasters.

  • @pleb7612
    @pleb7612 5 років тому

    that palpatine clip was the best thing ever!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @linguisticallyoversight8685
    @linguisticallyoversight8685 5 років тому +14

    Can we get the doop from Futurama or maybe you could do a 10 flaws of the planet Express ship as we all know though it's faster than anything ever

    • @epicsardines6440
      @epicsardines6440 5 років тому

      linguistically oversight 86 oh yea especially in that one episode when the professor made it into a racing ship.

  • @steelgreyed
    @steelgreyed 5 років тому

    That "Hello there." was priceless...

  • @lucofparis4819
    @lucofparis4819 5 років тому

    Fun fact: plasma IS an ionized gas. So, the Ion Cannons have most likely very similar principles. The only difference might be the level of thermal energy (much higher in the case of the Ion Cannon).

  • @justinsmith9006
    @justinsmith9006 5 років тому +5

    1 they can send reinforcement(never do in the movies)
    2 they could use grav wells to stop ships(only ships with a large energy core could support it)
    7 have good shields to reflect most attacks(showing that star destroyers don't have anti-astroid shields)
    9 the economy crash made people join out of desperation(not a advantage of the navy but the empire as a whole, and is also a flaw since anyone who wanted money could always sign up to the rebels for food and cash)

    • @SgtRackhamm
      @SgtRackhamm 5 років тому

      they do when the plot demands it
      still viable *shrugs*
      Shields gave out after a prolonged chill in there, and they failed their plot armor roll :P
      eh! not the worst thing, but there is a point to be had

    • @404found00
      @404found00 5 років тому +1

      Point 7:
      Empire Strikes Back novelization shows that ISDs do have kinetic shielding. It says explicitly that ISDs gets smacked by asteroids all over and survives them. That one that got destroyed is an *exception* not *norm*.

    • @SonsOfLorgar
      @SonsOfLorgar 5 років тому +1

      @@404found00 the one that got destroyed probably just got hit by an asteroid big enough to overload it's shield and the next impact busted the bridge tower and then it was just a matter of time before the rest of it was gradually pummeled to space debris.
      Either way.... *Death to all false Emperors! Glory to the WARMASTER Abaddon*

    • @justinsmith9006
      @justinsmith9006 5 років тому

      @@SonsOfLorgar aside from the heresy at the end i agree with you, any shield would suck against bridge sized rocks.

    • @gabrielherman3004
      @gabrielherman3004 5 років тому

      #1: Because the rebels plot armor was so T H I C C
      #2:which is more important. Stopping a x-wing or stopping home one?
      #7: They were in that asteroid feild for days taking about 3900 megatons worth of damage on their sheilds.
      Also your government is extreamly corrupt and is only able to hold itself together because of a shitty relegion so i would not be suprised if the impirium fell apart on itself halfway through the war, plus our emperor controlled a entire galaxy for 30 years while your emperor died on a chair

  • @lucofparis4819
    @lucofparis4819 5 років тому +3

    Starfighters dominate the Star Wars universe. The Imperial Fleet failed at recognize this obvious fact. They don't deserve to win.

    • @CallanElliott
      @CallanElliott 5 років тому

      Can't argue with Darwin...

    • @HolyknightVader999
      @HolyknightVader999 5 років тому

      Except they did. Your average ISD-1 had point defense weapons, and so too did Carrack Light Cruisers and Tartan Cruisers. TIE Bombers were even good at ship to ship fighting, especially since they have HOMING MISSILES.

  • @simonwillis1529
    @simonwillis1529 5 років тому

    Wow a pro imp tech lol love the star destroyer even with all its flaws

  • @justinthompson6364
    @justinthompson6364 5 років тому +4

    My rating was actually higher on their weaknesses video. Significant weaknesses, underwhelming strengths... And just because their ships are bigger than other sci-fi ships doesn't mean they're stronger. Most other competitors will be throwing kilotons worth of energy at each other. It's a bit harder to find hard numbers for Star Wars, but accounts of orbital bombardments can tell us they aren't near that level.

    • @joshuawilliams9020
      @joshuawilliams9020 5 років тому

      Gigatons are what I read... Though 200 gigatons seems far fetch. But hey, a single ISD is supposed to be able to glass a planet within a hour if it's doesn't have a shield.

    • @justinthompson6364
      @justinthompson6364 5 років тому

      @@joshuawilliams9020 Star Wars lore is all over the place. I try to draw my conclusions from the larger part of the lore, and feats over statement.

    • @HolyknightVader999
      @HolyknightVader999 5 років тому

      @coldlizard 2 Mandalore was slagged by a Republic fleet, not an Imperial one. It was slagged before the Empire came along, and before the Clone Wars militarized the Republic.

    • @HolyknightVader999
      @HolyknightVader999 5 років тому

      @coldlizard 2
      Uh, no. During the New Sith Wars, the Republic was allied with Mandalore thanks to the Jedi. It was only during the pre-Clone Wars era did the Republic and the Mandalorians turn on each other. So no, it was not right after the New Sith Wars. It was around the time when the Death Watch and the True Mandalorians were killing each other, and Satine's faction was trying to stay out of the fighting.

    • @gabrielherman3004
      @gabrielherman3004 5 років тому

      Their sheilds can take megatons worth of fire power, and each star destroyer does have the abillity to turn a planets surface into molten slag in under 24 hours so i would say that its probobly strong enough to take on most factions

  • @cuttablespark1812
    @cuttablespark1812 5 років тому

    The Galactic Empire had rehummmmm.....lol. love the channel.

  • @osets2117
    @osets2117 5 років тому +1

    It's never stated in any of the tech books that you can't hyperspace through ships, ships don't have enough mass to trigger the safety features.

  • @cursedmonkey1033
    @cursedmonkey1033 5 років тому

    You forgot the hats! Everyone gets sweet, sweet headwear.

  • @SecretAgentE
    @SecretAgentE 3 роки тому

    The only problem with the gravity wells the Empire used is that they used a specific class of star destroyers for the gravity wells, The Interdicter Class Star Destroyer

  • @dannygelbart6827
    @dannygelbart6827 5 років тому +2

    @Generation Films, Voyager estimated a lot longer than 70 years.

    • @yourewrong9028
      @yourewrong9028 5 років тому +2

      it was 70 years at maximum warp (which they couldn't sustain)

    • @TruePacifist201
      @TruePacifist201 5 років тому

      @@yourewrong9028 Actually, it was 75 years. And that was just to cross through the Delta Quadrant back into the Alpha Quadrant and return to earth, not to cross the entire galaxy. Voyager's maximum warp speed was warp 9.975 (5126.06 c).

    • @yourewrong9028
      @yourewrong9028 5 років тому

      Emiel Booth well they knocked off 5 years with Borg Starmaps, so 5 of those years were just from insufficient information, not actually because of their speed.

  • @planetfall5056
    @planetfall5056 5 років тому

    Oh no! You let slip the top secret imperial super tech Reaflum!
    Run and hide before the Imperials catch you!

  • @failedexperiment9073
    @failedexperiment9073 5 років тому +3

    Number 8 is NOT an advantage. It only means, that your ship is terribly slow and everyone can shoot such big target from afar, while eveding your shots with ease, with you having no way to close the gap. Classic heavy vs sniper situation, having more firepower doesn't benefit you, if you can't touch your target.

    • @yourewrong9028
      @yourewrong9028 5 років тому

      well , contrary to popular belief, the ISD is also faster than most ships from other series. it has an acceleration (acceleration is the only thing that matters in space) of around 2,300 G's which is far, far faster than most ships from other franchises.

    • @darkangel31314
      @darkangel31314 5 років тому

      The new Disney Canon has introduced a number of other ship designs that actually start to fit in with Legends: The ImpStar is no longer the most common ship in the Imperial Navy, which would be true in any Navy. Smaller patrol ships and light cruisers take the lesser important jobs so you're not wasting all those resources sending a Battleship to do the job of an Escort Ship, such as the Imperial Blockade of Ryloth in the Rebels series where the Fleet in orbit consisted of a single Escort Carrier and a pair of Light Cruisers.
      In Legends sources the Imperial Navy's most common warship is a non-Hyperdrive equipped gunboat made by Sienar Fleet Systems called the IPV-1 System Patrol Craft - a point-defense ship for defending systems the Empire wants to maintain a permanent presence in. This is followed by Corvettes which include the Raider class and the Corellian-designed CR90 'Blockade Runner' ...

    • @failedexperiment9073
      @failedexperiment9073 5 років тому +1

      @@yourewrong9028 From what can we observe from SW, the numbers for acceleration displays:
      A) (the more probable one) the acceleration the ship reaches, when going into hyperspace (that's the only situation, in which they go at such crazy speed)
      B) what the engines could theoretically achieve, but would would separate themselves from the ship and go trough it long before they would get to that thrust
      On the other hand, this is information, that comes from the same lore that claims things like acclamators having no windows (despite they are easily visible), turbolasers being more powerful than swarm of nukes, or venators being able to hit targets 10 light minutes(!!!) away and I could continue. So that's another way to look at it (try to imagine yourself how would battles look, if all ships would be speeding at crazy speeds in all directions while trying to hit manually aimed weapons with painfully slow projectiles)
      Regardless of that, the point stands, as in the respectve universe the thrust/weight ratio would also apply to other ships (at least most of the time, because my Revenge of the sith manual is trying to convince me, that venator is much faster than ARC-170, which would partially defeat the purpose of the fighter being on board).

    • @yourewrong9028
      @yourewrong9028 5 років тому +1

      Filip 3 Imperial Star destroyers are commonly seen catching up to and sometimes even overtaking the Millennium Falcon. In Solo: A Star Wars Story the Falcon was able to sit probably around a kilometer away from a black hole for a not insignificant amount of time. Plenty of other examples show similar speeds. There’s no way around it, Star Destroyers are fast.

    • @yourewrong9028
      @yourewrong9028 5 років тому +1

      coldlizard 2 no, no, no. In both Canon and Legends the TIE fighter has an acceleration of 4,100 G’s, which is nearly twice the acceleration of an ISD.
      As for “it comes from the same site as the 200 gigatons thing,”
      1. That doesn’t come from a website
      2. It doesn’t come from the same source
      3. Even if it did come from the same source, that would be a genetic fallacy
      4. That source is in fact a book that was explicitly stated to be canon and was written be an astrophysicist.
      You’re wrong.

  • @duncanohio
    @duncanohio 5 років тому

    If you take the whole 40k fleet and put it in one spot, nothing beats it. But the imperial navy has ludicrous numbers for power output, weapon energy, shields, and especially hyperspace speed that allow it strategic advantages over every other navy.

    • @HolyknightVader999
      @HolyknightVader999 5 років тому

      Not really. If you look at the firepower calcs, one measly Acclamator Class has more firepower than a Gloriana Class, what with each gun being 200 gigatons per shot. So basically, the Empire could just chuck old-ass Clone Wars warships at the combined Imperium navy without even sacrificing one Imperial Class Star Destroyer, and they'd have obliterated the Imperium fleet.

  • @robertkalinic335
    @robertkalinic335 5 років тому +1

    Alan will make video abount everything you already know abount Star wars only 466 times in 2019, enjoy while you can.

  • @jxdvidz9914
    @jxdvidz9914 5 років тому

    Had me at “aerodynamic qualities of a flying brick” 😂😂

  • @Comicsluvr
    @Comicsluvr 4 роки тому

    IMHO one of the biggest advantages of the Imperial navy ships was the forward-facing design. If they go bow-on, which presents the smallest profile to the enemy, they can get most of their weapons on-target. Many ships from other franchises including 40K, Battlestar etc had 'broadside' guns that required presenting a broad profile to the enemy. Stupid. Much more efficient to build the 'wedge' design that allows the maximum firepower to be focused on a single point.
    The fact that they also had a HUGE ass-end meant that, like many wet-navy vessels, they were weak from one direction and fleet composition and positioning were intended to cover for that fact. Instead of a fleet of Star Destroyers, all facing the same way, exposing their rear to an attack from that angle, they should have had smaller, more nimble ships to cover that flank. Anyone coming from another direction could be engaged. Anyone coming from behind would be intercepted by the escorts until some ships could reposition.

  • @Parabueto
    @Parabueto 5 років тому

    Bigger doesn't always mean better.
    "If the Federation does make a large ship, it's because they want it to have a daycare, swimming pool and ice cream bar. If they want a warship, they'll take a little gunship half the size of a modern day destroyer and pack it with enough antimatter nukes and guns to exterminate a solar system."

  • @nicholausmills548
    @nicholausmills548 5 років тому +5

    only time im this early is with my girl only then I'm usually first !!!!

  • @GooseMasterful
    @GooseMasterful 5 років тому

    Could y'all also cover the Martian Navy from the Expanse

  • @jhmcd2
    @jhmcd2 5 років тому

    The reality is that the Empires real only advantage over most other Scfi fleets is both their Hyperdrives and their massive number of soldiers. Their ability to cross a galaxy in a few weeks makes them a threat, and their soldiers are hard to overcome. HOWEVER, and I am not sure if this is covered in the other vid, hyper drive routes must be mapped out in advanced or your screwed and it seems ships are very limit in endurance. As well, a "...legion of my best troops..." (The Emperor) were defeated by a bunch of teddy bears. Granted, their were probably pure carnivores and ate the stormtroopers after the battle, but still.

  • @tsmspace
    @tsmspace 5 років тому +1

    One thing to consider,,, the limited range of blasters MIGHT be related to the defensive tech of the target. They have shields and high tech materials. Against a lower-tech opponent, the effective range of such a beam/bolt might be much much longer,,, as far as any other usual weapons system. So,,, although during the time of Palpatines empire the primary method of combat was close range point and shoot with direct line of sight weapons,,, the history of weapons development leading UP to that somehow saw the other weapons become obsolete, with only extremely high energy delivery remaining in any arsenal. If a ship depending on bullets and missiles showed up,,, A star destroyer might be able to shoot them from far enough away to obsolete bullets.

    • @christiandauz3742
      @christiandauz3742 5 років тому +1

      A guy with a stick and some Ewoks beat them!

    • @EgorKaskader
      @EgorKaskader 5 років тому

      More like projectile speed. Boot up a game - ANY game that allows to simulate this, and try and hit an evading target with a projectile THIS slow. Space Engineers might be a good example - automated turrets WILL aim like a true CIWS system should, but given enough flight time just the projectile travel lag makes it near-impossible for them to hit an actively maneuvering target, predictive aiming be damned. Dogfights in atmo with wing mod also have this issue, as at the range of 400 meters no matter how good a shot you are the target WILL have time to change the course enough that you don't hit.

    • @EgorKaskader
      @EgorKaskader 5 років тому

      @coldlizard 2 Uuuh, no. Don't let the names fool you - those things fire bolts of Tibanna gas. They're plasma-based weapons. The only reason they're "lasers" is Rule of Cool. If you want actual laser weaponry, lasguns and lances from 40K come to mind. Turbolasers and laser cannons (from SW, not 40K) do NOT fire at C, far from it - in fact, I'm reasonably sure that handheld blasters are slower than a modern compound bow or crossbow.

    • @EgorKaskader
      @EgorKaskader 5 років тому

      @coldlizard 2 Ah, sorry. Misread your comment. Yeah, lasers are pretty good for hitting, they do have issues of their own, but at least they can't be dodged with a lazy roll left from close range...

  • @aaronsouthard8366
    @aaronsouthard8366 5 років тому

    I would like to see how the confederation navy from Wing Commander (game not movie) would do

  • @HolyknightVader999
    @HolyknightVader999 5 років тому

    Due to the firepower of their ships, the Empire could have beaten the CIS in a week. The problem is, their enemies weren't as open as the CIS was. The Confederates showed up in front, with their fleets being as subtle as charging bomas, and even had their troops march in parade style. The Rebels would use hyperspace guerilla tactics and their soldiers would strike and vanish before Imperial forces could arrive. The Imperial Navy is basically the equivalent of an army that was using Roman-era tactics against Viking and Muslim raiders, whose hit and run tactics and strategies made the Roman method of open, parade-style warfare obsolete.

  • @stetsongray5355
    @stetsongray5355 5 років тому

    Other dudes be afraid to moan and I be in my girls ear like 9:20

  • @tavernburner3066
    @tavernburner3066 5 років тому +24

    7:21 in 40k that's a light crusier.

    • @EgorKaskader
      @EgorKaskader 5 років тому +3

      Escort, at best.

    • @peskymacaw9033
      @peskymacaw9033 5 років тому +5

      40k is exaggerated, at best

    • @hang_kentang6709
      @hang_kentang6709 5 років тому +2

      @@peskymacaw9033 happens in most fantasy setting. SW lore have some pretty nasty ships and space stations too, but in WH40k we'll get to see them slug it out against another similarly OP opponent.

    • @kelthuzad4634
      @kelthuzad4634 5 років тому

      @@hang_kentang6709 sw is space fantasy

    • @hang_kentang6709
      @hang_kentang6709 5 років тому +3

      @@kelthuzad4634 i thought SW was a space opera. however, i was referring to most fantasy setting being an exagerated reflection of our reality to put mr chops' comment there in a different light.
      in other words, SW is just as exaggerated as WH40k if you start to compare the two. which is why a lot of people like to compare the two universes.

  • @duncanharrell5009
    @duncanharrell5009 5 років тому

    I wonder if you guys would be willing to take a look at the two big starships from the Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare game (The Olympus Mons and the Retribution) and see how accurate or close to accurate they could be if we really did fight wars in space.

  • @thehillbillygamer2183
    @thehillbillygamer2183 5 років тому

    Say a galaxy-class Starship appeared in the same solar system has two Star Destroyers the starter stores wouldn't stand a chance

  • @thelordofcringe
    @thelordofcringe 5 років тому

    According to the Disney canon Stormtroopers hit 77% of their shots, making them one of the most accurate types of soldier in all of fiction.

    • @thelordofcringe
      @thelordofcringe 5 років тому

      To be fair, in the old canon a single ISD could glass a planet in 12 hours.
      @coldlizard 2

  • @chrisdurrant7011
    @chrisdurrant7011 5 років тому

    Did you have the work experience kid produce this video? The Senate scene all over Allen’s face & two items at #9? The most egregious issue is the mouse hovering in the screen in the background!

  • @AlexinCobra
    @AlexinCobra 5 років тому

    Ok, that was a bit much on the Palpatine breathing.

  • @CliffuckingBooth
    @CliffuckingBooth 5 років тому

    What happened to number 10?

  • @davidvanvranken1595
    @davidvanvranken1595 5 років тому

    Oh, I can think of another Imperial fleet that stands a chance...

  • @2SSSR2
    @2SSSR2 5 років тому

    Star Wars galaxy is bigger than our own.

  • @casbot71
    @casbot71 5 років тому +16

    Totalitarian state, allows regular citizens to open carry mini guns in public [Baze in the city of Jedha, currently under Imperial martial law, carried a MWC-35c "Staccato Lightning" repeating cannon] that outclass it's own soldiers weapons.
    The oppressed citizens have better access to firearms than Texans…
    And as for the ships, most civilian freighters can take down a couple of Imperial Starfighters.
    Yet to see a cargo ship, even one that goes past Somalia, that can shoot down a FA/18.

    • @ufukcangencoglu2279
      @ufukcangencoglu2279 5 років тому +5

      Most civilian freighters can't take down fighters tho. The Millenium Falcon is a heavily modified ship.

    • @astrobot4017
      @astrobot4017 5 років тому

      Just need one guy with a Javelin on board

    • @F14thunderhawk
      @F14thunderhawk 5 років тому +2

      @@ufukcangencoglu2279 the Falcon isnt even a freighter, its a Slab of Armor with 2 tiny guns wrapped around an engine.

    • @inventor121
      @inventor121 5 років тому

      @@ufukcangencoglu2279 There are actual ideas for equipping container ships with a literal boatload of SAMs and a radar station or possibly even drones. With the proper modifications anything can become an instrument of war.

  • @TheOnlyFMP
    @TheOnlyFMP 5 років тому +1

    I think we have reached the conclusion that Palps gets off dominating emo boys.
    But I thought this was about the Imperial Navy and not the Imperial Fetishes?

  • @mateocabaguio4444
    @mateocabaguio4444 Рік тому

    Another advantage is that the Empire was dominated by Humans because they thought that the Aliens were dumber than Humans, and this cannot be said in their Navy/Fleet. Glory to the Empire!

  • @Malbeefance
    @Malbeefance 5 років тому

    I give the Imperial Navy a 5. The shear size and power is unrivaled by any other navy. The unrivaled coolness of their ships and equipment put them centuries ahead in stylishness of any other navy. And no one can match the Imperial Navy for shear unadulterated badassness.

  • @johncnorris
    @johncnorris 5 років тому

    The eyes were not the only thing to turn yellow went the Sith went dark...

  • @gilesbarnes7456
    @gilesbarnes7456 5 років тому +1

    Ok few questions number one elite officers? I understand the logic but all we see of the Empire's Navy is bumbling incompetence I mean even grand admiral Thrawn for all his tactical and strategic brilliance of which I don't deny, suffered from such incredible incompetence with admiral Konstantine and his other subordinates which quite frankly lost him every battle. In truth I am very confused he didn't simply sigh and exclaim, "Someone kill Admiral Konstantine" I mean he even had grounds.
    Secondly total war? I really have to question how militarized the galactic Empire was seeing as 25,000 star destroyers seems very small for an empire of at least 1 millions planets. I mean simple maths, (assuming every planet has an average population of 2 billion and a standard service rate of 10% I would argue actually quite low if this is a society in a state of total war) will produce 200 Billion Soldiers and if we assume which I doubt that half of that is just on planetary garrison duty. That leaves 100 Billion soldiers in the fleets if the crew of star destroyers is considered (that being 46,785 according to canon I believe) then that could crew well over 2 million star destroyers or more accurately there were over 116 million light cruisers or similar vessels. Note I am discounting super star destroyers and the death star because they do count however the few super star destroyers and the relatively small difference of 2 million crew for the death star seem negligible when considering the 100 Billion navel servicemen (marines included) I am handling. So I am in confusion either the empire is not really in a state of total war in which case military service is substantially lower then I put it and the lack of escorts is understandable or the total war aspect is in effect and I don't know the empire had all its escort ships on lunch break whenever the rebels were attacking. (Note not a criticism of generation films neccessarily star wars numbers generally don't make sense in my mind and its own information is internally quite contradictory even under Disney). Also if there is anything I am not considering or I have made an arthimatic mistake please correct and explain to me where I went wrong I would rather not sprout more misinformation on the internet.

  • @tommiegunn2043
    @tommiegunn2043 5 років тому

    thinking it will be like SPACE FORCE

  • @SgtRackhamm
    @SgtRackhamm 5 років тому +16

    Guys! I know that you want warhammer to win, so you are trying to drop its competitor, but come on! The Galactic Imperial Fleet does not deserve a 1 across the board. You really want the second best sci fi fleet to be fifth place?
    Redo your vote

    • @gilesbarnes7456
      @gilesbarnes7456 5 років тому +5

      Fair point, had not considered it. Still got to say the fact that all we see of them in films and television is bumbling incompetence which doesn't help.

    • @casbot71
      @casbot71 5 років тому +1

      They constantly lose to worse equipped foes. …

    • @SgtRackhamm
      @SgtRackhamm 5 років тому +5

      So did the Russian army in Afghanistan, the American army in Veitnam, the Russians again against Finland, the Austrailians against birds, etc...
      Point of argument, gorilla fighters are nigh impossible to win by conventional means

    • @SgtRackhamm
      @SgtRackhamm 5 років тому +3

      but all in all, yea, they suck in the movies, but that's because they are the baddies :P

    • @gilesbarnes7456
      @gilesbarnes7456 5 років тому +2

      @@SgtRackhamm all of those bar one are foreign invasions and most ended due to very poignant political and or economic issues none of those are civil wars which is the Empire's case I mean if any of those countries had been fighting for their existence I think they would not have given up so easily.
      This is not the case for the Empire a nation that was fighting a desperate battle for survival against an insurgency. Which to be honest I feel could have been handled rather easily with the addition of political officers in the style of Stalinist Russia or Nazi Germany and the creation of a shadowy organization whose role it was to be a horrible terrorist cell in the Emperor's employ who butchers Imperial citizens who may have rebel sympathies to the most genuine and abject horror of the Emperor.

  • @travissmith2848
    @travissmith2848 5 років тому

    Terran Confederation Space Navy (Wing Commander games)? Or the Imperial Navy of Kilrah.

  • @2Potates
    @2Potates 5 років тому

    *Palpatine breathing*

  • @jasontoddman7265
    @jasontoddman7265 5 років тому

    That closing scene with the emperor and Anakin ran just a tad too long. funny yes, but would have been just as funny at less than half the length.

  • @grandadmiralthrawn3412
    @grandadmiralthrawn3412 5 років тому

    6:28 *Reflem*

  • @maxsmodels
    @maxsmodels 5 років тому

    Enough with deep throat Palpatine already.

  • @Wolfman2598
    @Wolfman2598 5 років тому

    Well if it’s a flying brick it doesn’t need to be aerodynamic, because it can fly. I’m pretty sure the ships just have the arrow dynamic’s of a non flying brick

  • @JetsBauer
    @JetsBauer 5 років тому

    The loop of sidious was creepy af

  • @ShaneWalta
    @ShaneWalta 5 років тому

    6:30 fire the editor 😉

  • @rcticwolf1451
    @rcticwolf1451 5 років тому

    What about the Minotaur class Battlecruisers from the Terran Dominion, or the Carriers from the Protoss

    • @HolyknightVader999
      @HolyknightVader999 5 років тому

      They'd basically be in the same range as the Imperial Escort Carriers from Rogue Squadron 3.

  • @ijrittenhouse
    @ijrittenhouse 5 років тому +2

    Against other fleets in this video series, the Imperial fleet kinda has it in the bag. Some of these advantages are just the basics of Star Wars, without going into what makes the fleet even more amazing

    • @gregorygreenwood-nimmo4954
      @gregorygreenwood-nimmo4954 5 років тому +1

      I think you might be prejudging this a little - you should wait until all the videos are out before making such sweeping statements.
      And just to prove that I am terrible at abiding by my own advice; you have uttered Heresy, and the Inquisition have been informed...

    • @christiandauz3742
      @christiandauz3742 5 років тому +2

      Empire lost to Rebels and Ewoks
      The Imperium wouldn't have lost Scariff, Jakku, Endor or Coruscant

  • @Shadowkey392
    @Shadowkey392 5 років тому

    2:03 I don’t think that ever did that.

  • @gwynimpostor
    @gwynimpostor 5 років тому

    7:57 they are cannon fodder, not demigods :P

  • @commissarkordoshky219
    @commissarkordoshky219 5 років тому +5


  • @capnahayes
    @capnahayes 5 років тому

    I give it a five

  • @daniell5740
    @daniell5740 5 років тому

    Giant Lazer gun

  • @rimanLip
    @rimanLip 5 років тому

    Wait, if interdictor field just trigger some sort of safety mechanism, isnt solution just disable this mechanism make short jump out of interdictor range, reactivate it and fly away?

    • @Jfk2Mr
      @Jfk2Mr 5 років тому

      That would be complicated process, especially for larger vessels. Besides that, safeties are not without reason - blind jumps without them is very likely to end with crash in hyperspace - during Clone Wars one planet was destroyed in manner similar to 40k Exterminatus when damage to hyperdrive made one of Praetor battlecruisers to jump directly into planet core - so it's better not to crash in hyperspace

    • @rimanLip
      @rimanLip 5 років тому

      I mean to say if battle is on Earth orbit jump to Venus and from here away with safety on, we know about most large rocks inside our solar system so i guess that space civilization will be able found asteroids in one milion kilometer radius, also you can go in right angle to plane on which lays planets orbits, this way will be clean (at least according to our universe physics)

  • @dominicmoodie7601
    @dominicmoodie7601 5 років тому +1

    Hello there

  • @weldonwin
    @weldonwin 5 років тому +2

    Imperium of Man: *(Laughs in Gloriana Class Battleship)*

    • @JacatackLP
      @JacatackLP 5 років тому

      weldonwin Gloriana class vessels are devastating but can no longer be produced and have extremely long build times to begin with. A task force of 5 SSD’s backed by a few dozen ISD’s could destroy the Maccragge’s honour

    • @weldonwin
      @weldonwin 5 років тому

      @@JacatackLP That's assuming the ISDs ever made it into range, since we know Star Wars ships engage at stupidly short ranges, while in 40K warships engage one another across thousands of kilometers and even if they were engaging at knife fight distances, a Gloriana is bringing planet cracking firepower. In fact, after consulting my Rogue Trader sourcebook to confirm something, well, an ISD is about 1.6km long, which makes it the same size as an Imperium frigate. Anything less than something like the Eclipse is just no where near enough to go toe to toe with the Imperium of Man. Admittedly, that's because its 40K and its a whole universe based on comedic excess.

    • @SonsOfLorgar
      @SonsOfLorgar 5 років тому

      @@JacatackLP Eh... no.
      They could possibly destroy a regular Navy Gloriana class, not an astartes crewed one like the cursed flagship of the cowards of Ultramar.
      Especially not if all ships have their full compliment of troops strike/fightet craft and permanently assigned escorts.
      The chain of events would go like this:
      1) the ships of both sides appear roughly simultaneously on eachother's sensors, but the Ultramarine librarians and Primarch would be aware of the GE fleet far sooner through psychic precognition and allow the astartes to deploy accordingly.
      If the GE fleet is lucky, the Ultramarines fleet will not have enough advance warning to achive perfect ambush deployment. A 15th Legion (Thousand Sons) or even a White Scars chapter fleet would.
      2)At the very least, the first thing the ISDs and ISSDs would have to react to is the imminent impact of a torpedo and lance barrage launced before they arrived in system to intercept their real space translation.
      3) Assuming most of the GE ships manage to sustain their shields long enough to weather the barrage, around half of the ISDs would probably be burning hulks venting atmosphere, crew and debris uncontrollably into space...
      4) The GE return fire would probably cause almost comparable losses to the light cruiser and destroyer class Ultramarine escort ships as these shield the strike cruisers and the flagship itself making their way into point blank engagement range.
      5) Once the Ultramarine strike cruisers and flagship reach their point blank range at roughly 400km, it's all over for the ISDs and ISSDs.
      Multiple teleportation pads aboard each of the Ultramarine ships of the line would be activated and the same number of thunderclaps of displaced air would topple or pulp the bridge crew of the GE ships as Ultramarine Terminator squads materialise inside. The effect depending on if the respective GE ships had closed their bridge blast doors or not as open blast doors would allow the thousands of cubic feet of air displaced by the terminators to disperse throughout the ship instead of causing fatal damage to personel without preassure sealed armor and if the blast doors were closed, probably blow out the transparisteel windows of the bridge too...
      The rest would be a mop and bucket operation for the chapter serfs and servitors while the Adeptus Mechanicus tries to figure out the designs of the captured ships and then hold a century-long internal conflict of theology over if the GE ships are to be canonised, assimilated and reverse engineered or declared xeno heretech and scrapped and melted down.

    • @joshuawilliams9020
      @joshuawilliams9020 5 років тому

      @@weldonwin does that class have autoloaders? I got to ask since most imperial navy ships don't but mechinus ship do. As for closing the distance, unless that battle ship is within a planets orbit, just drop right from FTL on top of them.

    • @weldonwin
      @weldonwin 5 років тому

      @@joshuawilliams9020I supsect it does have autoloaders, since the Gloriana is not just one of the largest ships in the Imperium, but the most advanced. I'd also point out that a Gloriana is unlikely to be operating alone, they'll have an escort fleet of their own and given that the mainline battleship of the Empire, is comparable to an Imperium frigate, this is likely to get messy, especially once the Imperium fleet gets within ramming distance.

  • @JacatackLP
    @JacatackLP 5 років тому


  • @blindoutlaw
    @blindoutlaw 5 років тому

    “Few navies could match the size of a star destroyer”
    Warhammer 40k: *laughs in high gothic*

    • @HolyknightVader999
      @HolyknightVader999 5 років тому

      Warhammer 40K only has size in its pocket. In firepower, even the measly Acclamator-Class has 12 200 gigaton turbolasers. Which means old-ass Space U-Hauls from the Clone Wars era can vape Glorianas like it's fucking Wednesday.

  • @philipmetts8831
    @philipmetts8831 Рік тому

    At least with the empire there were laws and order. All the rebellion really did was to destroy that.
    What did the rebellion do to provide a replacement government to fill that gap?
    And yes I know this is off subject but really!

  • @gwiber
    @gwiber 5 років тому

    Voyager was only 70K light years away. To cross our galaxy entirely would cost 100 years of flight time. In sheer speed, the Galactic Empire is king. For short bursts of speed, and maneuvering? Star Trek.

    • @gwiber
      @gwiber 5 років тому

      @Dcard Dcardian Sometimes, RARELY, yes. BUT while it may takes, WEEKS to reach the point where you can reach the warp from a planets location, you can go to Star Trek warp, immediately. For stellar trips inside a planetary system, Star treks ships would fly rings around a 40K vessel, who can barely reach C, maybe a little more, in real space. Star Trek ships can, and do, go C as a base speed.
      It's when they reach p[laces where ships CAN use the Warp, that she Star Trek vessels suddenly lose out in the race.

  • @doop8436
    @doop8436 4 роки тому

    You said they replaced the clone army with regular people.. What they do with all the clones? kill them, made them work in the mines? Plus why since Emporer had control over the clones while regular peope like Flynn had their own mind and could betray the Empire..

  • @patwheeler377
    @patwheeler377 5 років тому

    Why is piett only 2 :(

  • @FIRESTORM-bn7xu
    @FIRESTORM-bn7xu 5 років тому

    Oh Sidious. Or his true name. THE SENATE