10 Advantages UNSC NAVY from HALO

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024


    @UNYEILDING 5 років тому +169

    I think on a fundamental level, the UNSC is one of the best fictional navies because they aren't a one trick pony. Almost all of the other fictional universes have civilizations stuck in stagnant ideas mainly as a way make the different factions symmetrical, but Halo has always been about asymmetrical warfare. One good bullet, one good soldier, one good ship could turn the tide of a war.

    • @robrockstar9648
      @robrockstar9648 5 років тому +27

      A lot of sci fi goes on about humanity being adaptable determined as our selling points but few show it when it comes to facing threats out side of a getting different factions to sing koombiya around a fire. The UNSC provides working proof of what we can do when push comes to shove and its us against the galaxy

    • @christiandauz3742
      @christiandauz3742 5 років тому +4

      The UNSC won only because of the Covenant Civil War and the Spartans
      A single mixed fleet from the Imperium of Man would succeed where the xenos failed!

      @UNYEILDING 5 років тому +22

      @@christiandauz3742 Sure, the Imperium could bum rush almost any fictional setting, but I'm talking about fundamentals of organization and doctrine. The entire 40k setting is based on how bloated and inefficient all of humanity has become, so on an equal power scenario, the UNSC would win best they have pound-for-pound better sailors and officers.

    • @justinthompson6364
      @justinthompson6364 5 років тому +5

      @@christiandauz3742 That would depend on how you defined a "fleet".

    • @dlastkatipunero2185
      @dlastkatipunero2185 5 років тому +1

      Nah I count Masterchief as a recycled trick pony, sequel milking element and the last minute hero

  • @gregorygreenwood-nimmo4954
    @gregorygreenwood-nimmo4954 5 років тому +184

    I like the believable command structure of the UNSC. It feels like a natural extension of contemporary military organisation into the near future.

    • @rhorynotmylastname7781
      @rhorynotmylastname7781 5 років тому +2

      500 years isn't much in a universe with billions of years of history.

    • @gregorygreenwood-nimmo4954
      @gregorygreenwood-nimmo4954 5 років тому +5

      @@rhorynotmylastname7781 Which i why I consider 500 years from now to still be the near future - it isn't very long on a civilisational scale of time, let alone a geological or cosmic one.
      If we are talking what I would call the far future, I would consider something more along the lines of the Dune universe or 40K - an epoch at least some thousands of years from now where enough time has elapsed for truly radical social and technological change to have occurred throughout human civilisation.

    • @rhorynotmylastname7781
      @rhorynotmylastname7781 5 років тому

      @@gregorygreenwood-nimmo4954 Ye

    • @alexanerose4820
      @alexanerose4820 5 років тому +2

      +Gregory Greenwood-Nimmo
      In 500 years we progressed from knights, swords, and arrows to tanks, planes, and machine guns. That's a radical change. The UNSC? Bring big guns.... in space and add engines to them. I'm sorry did human innovation stop for half a millennium? I would understand if it was 100-200 -ish years into the future but 500 plus years and we're still using guns? That's half a millennium, more then enough for radical change(granted the medical and genetic technology is a huge improvement but I'm talking about militray, who are supposed to have cutting edge stuff). Heck 1945 was just 80 years ago but our current technological level now would be completely mind boggling to the Germans who were the technological monsters of their time. What's the UNSC's excuse?!
      Though I get the reasoning behind it i.e giving players a relateabale world going up against a militarily superior opponent and losing badly so you as the lone super soldier has to stop it despite tie odds kinda deal it being "believable" for the time frame given is too...... silly is the best I could put it.
      TL;DR In 500 years we got modern combat from medieval warfare. In hale, 500 years gives us.... better modern combat? I'm sorry that's not how technological progress works barring any world ending cataclysm that forced us to reset.

    • @gregorygreenwood-nimmo4954
      @gregorygreenwood-nimmo4954 5 років тому +12

      @@alexanerose4820 Technological change does not occur at a constant rate. The Roman Empire, in various forms, stood for a thousand years, and in that time technological change continued, but much more slowly than in the last 500 years of the modern and pre-modern ages. Certain factors can stimulate rapid change in certain fields - warfare and weaponry can be an example in the right circumstances, but factors can also slow development. Severe economic collapse can slow change in resource intensive fields of study, for example.
      There is also the fact that when a technology works and works well, it can endure. Edged weapons tech advanced only relatively slowly for thousands of years, because a sharp blade with a decent edge geometry didn't swiftly go out of fashion. Indeed, an iron sword and a steel sword can look similar to the casual observance of an untrained eye, but the material science that goes into them is significantly different, resulting in properly forged steel blades being lighter, stronger, more flexible and better able to hold an edge. Outward similarity does not necessarily mean technological stagnation
      Sometimes, new tech that looks set to bring sweeping change can also fail. Look at the crossbow - most archers would agree that it is inferior as a weapon of war to a longbow in the hands of trained user, despite being a later development, since its rate of fire is so slow because it is cumbersome to reload. It is certainly inferior to the wood, hide and bone re-curve short bows employed by mounted warriors like the Mongels.
      Hypothetically, the same could befall firearms. A gun might still look like a gun, and seem unchanged, even some centuries into the future, but improvements in chemical engineering might lead to more reliable powder with a faster muzzle velocity imparted to the bullet. The bullet itself might be a smart projectile, with limited internal guidance and a payload beyond kinetic energy. A burst of fire might still sound and look like a contemporary automatic weapon firing, but the result could be quite different.
      It is also possible that single soldier portable directed energy weapons (whether laser type weapons or some kind of electromagnetic accelerators) might be difficult and impractical to produce. You would need to find an energy cell, reliable and safe in a wide variety of conditions and temperature ranges, able to store enough energy to provide a beam or discharge equivalent to the potency of a round fired from a chemical based firearm. It would then also need to store enough energy to provide a number of shots equivalent to a clip of such bullets. Bullets also don't become non-functional quickly, so the hypothetical cell would need to be able to hold its charge for extended periods of time, possibly years. One of the great unrecognised factors of warfare is logistics. If a cell only provides 3/4 the shots of an equivalent size and weight clip of conventional ammo, or weighs 1/4 more and takes up a 1/4 more space than an equivalent quantity of conventional ammunition, that makes an enormous difference when it comes time to ship and store enough ammunition for an entire military force engaged in a lengthy campaign, both in terms of practicality and expense.
      Then there is the issue of heat management. A directed energy weapon superior in any marked way to a conventional firearm would certainly have considerable heat output that, if not somehow managed, could quickly cause the weapon to overheat and malfunction, possibly in a manner dangerous the the operator and nearby comrades. A rifle type weapon that is as ergonomic and efficient to use as a contemporary combat rifle would be relatively small, offering little in the way of opportunities to vent and dissipate heat. It is eminently possible that it will never be practical and cost effective to counter this issue, leaving all small personal arms to be chemical type ballistic firearms for centuries to come and quite possibly indefinitely. Soldier carried directed energy weapons would be bulkier and more complicated items, probably in a squad support role, something like the Spartan Laser.
      As for 'big guns is space' those MAC weapons are a type of linear accelerators, and such weapons make fine space combat weapons, especially at long ranges. A laser doesn't seem to lose much potency over small, terrestrial distances, but over the many thousands of miles space combat might occur over, lasers tend to lose efficacy, in part because they spread out, dispersing their energy over a larger target area for less effect. At longer space combat ranges, a laser would likely still hit its target, but would not damage it.
      Conversely, a rail gun like a MAC fires a solid slug accelerated to extreme velocity by magnetic forces. The kinetic load on the slug is very great indeed, and in the absence of atmospheric frictional forces in space, it loses essentially none of its kinetic energy with distance travelled. It hits pretty much just as hard 50,000 miles away as it does 50 feet away, giving it near unlimited effective range unless your opponent can evade the shot.
      There is another advantage in that most lasers require a constant period of fire to burn through material like ablative armour. That continuous fire for such a powerful laser builds up enormous amounts of thermal energy, and in a vacuum of space two of the usual means of dissipating that heat - convection currents through atmosphere and conduction to other objects - are removed, leaving only the least efficient of the three, direct radiation of heat, as the only means of cooling the ship. The ships other systems - propulsion, computing, life support and so on - are all already producing heat that must be managed, and most ships would be far too small to safely sink all that heat into the vessel's own superstructure during any kind of extended combat engagement. Such a powerful laser or similar energy weapon could very quickly raise the shipboard temperature so high that you might cook your own crew within the hull or cause widespread system failures aboard your won vessel. Conversely, a rail gun has much lower heat output, its magnetic accelerators needing only to accelerate the slug to be fired to the desired speed, and not needing to maintain a constant beam of energy.
      The recoil of a such a kinetic weapon might be an issue, but UNSC ships mount them linearly along the length of the vessel, so the ships own thrust can counter the recoil forces. From a hard science fiction point of view, rail guns type weapons in space combat make a great deal of sense.

  • @Spacemarine658
    @Spacemarine658 5 років тому +23

    "Dear Humanity, we Regret being alien bastards, we Regret coming to Earth, and we most definitely Regret that the Corps just blew up our raggedy-ass fleet!"

  • @hardcore476
    @hardcore476 5 років тому +54

    I think Captain cutters speech in Halo Wars 2 sums up UNSC Navy perfectly

    • @brockgundich
      @brockgundich 5 років тому +10

      That speech is one of the best things in all of Halo

    • @Goosetism
      @Goosetism 5 років тому +2

      Brock Gundich I have never played halo wars 2 can you please repeat the speech

    • @hardcore476
      @hardcore476 5 років тому +2

      UA-cam it

  • @Phantom6.6.6
    @Phantom6.6.6 5 років тому +54

    What I've always loved about the unsc ships is that they are designed in a way that even after massive amounts of damage they can still keep going

    • @TheDjbz
      @TheDjbz 5 років тому +10

      Well considering how much damage the Covenant weapons would do to them they had to be.

    • @cpMetis
      @cpMetis 5 років тому +14

      I think it's poetic that the Halceon-class is the first thing we see in the franchise.
      It doesn't have sheilds, it just takes it and keeps going, and bares its fangs. And by fangs I mean don't mean lasers or plasma, I mean giant fucking rocks.

    • @TheDjbz
      @TheDjbz 5 років тому +18

      Outnumbered 12 to 1 ( and outclassed by each one) and it takes out 4 ships. Pillar of Autumn was a *beast* (the covies excuses that they “were trying not to damage the ring” were just to cover how lame they were to not even destroy her)

    • @Phenixtri
      @Phenixtri 5 років тому +3

      Id like to see UNSC ships deal with being rammed and then boarded by chaos cruisers or frigates .... If they really are that tough then they will make excellent tropheys for the ruinous power >:D

    • @scorpixel1866
      @scorpixel1866 5 років тому +10

      Yes, compare the UNSC in it's expansion phase were they hadn't even reached the 1000 habitables worlds discovered, and the space demons using the remnants of technology from a galaxy wide Imperium, who itself came from the ashes of the equivalent of ancient Humans, seems 100% fair
      The romans think they are so tough, i'd like to see them bombed by planes and mowed down by armored vehicles, it would make an excellent achievement for today's military

  • @nicolaiveliki1409
    @nicolaiveliki1409 5 років тому +9

    The only other space navy with a similarly effective command structure is the Federation Star Fleet, though they are not nearly as tightly organized. The UNSC is run like an actual branch of modern military.
    I would be interested in your take on the MCRN from The Expanse

  • @markmulder9845
    @markmulder9845 5 років тому +176

    Every time someone subscribes, a halo-game-stealing-mom is launched from a catapult.

  • @robrockstar9648
    @robrockstar9648 5 років тому +6

    UNSC for both its flaws and strengths is of my faverites for its design and well thought capabilities

  • @carthienesdevilsadvocatenr2806
    @carthienesdevilsadvocatenr2806 5 років тому +26

    You forgot AI.Whilst it is true that the UNSC's more advanced AI suffered from Rampancy, an issue not encountered in other universes, AI was a key technology that the UNSC's enemy (the Covenant) lacked. This is what made much of their improvisation possible, and combined with ONI gave the UNSC a powerful degree of Strategic and tactical intelligence.Also, whilst Dumb AI was less effective, it was often sufficient and lacked Rampancy issues. Both where used due to the trade off, though ongoing research into eliminating rampancy as an issue is well funded.The fact that they thoroughly understand their own technology, and the science behind it, is also a an important advantage (having been forced to develop it from scratch); though that is more compared to their in-universe foes than other Sci-fi Universes. Or, to phrase it better, a LACK of understanding of their own technology is a Covenant Flaw.

    • @alrush34
      @alrush34 5 років тому

      Nope, AI was already listed as a flaw.

    • @justinthompson6364
      @justinthompson6364 5 років тому

      @@alrush34 Plenty of things have been listed as both a flaw and an advantage.

    • @kamilpotato3764
      @kamilpotato3764 5 років тому

      There was Covenant AI. It was just heavily lobotomised

  • @somebody7205
    @somebody7205 5 років тому +62

    The Infinity can ram through a Covenant ship and taking no damage.
    Edit: Where are the spartans?

    • @justinthompson6364
      @justinthompson6364 5 років тому +3

      They don't factor in the navy all that much except for the very occasional boarding action.

    • @jasonscarborough94
      @jasonscarborough94 5 років тому +1

      I think you could almost count the Spartans as a flaw; the Orion project was canceled after consuming vast amounts of UNSC resources, out of 150 potential candidate identified by Dr Halsey's team for the Spartan II program only 75 were successfully "acquired" (huge expenditure in materiel and time in itself) with only 34 making it through the augmentations and training. The Spartan IIIs are a little better when comparing resources expended to find and train them vs their battlefield effectiveness. And to top it all off ONI was far to willing to throw away the damn near replaceable IIs and expensive IIIs on pointless suicide missions.

    • @qthedisaster1730
      @qthedisaster1730 5 років тому +3

      @@jasonscarborough94 Not really considering the Spartan 2's and 3's lead to the Spartan 4's which have lead to a larger number, which theoretically means that larger and larger numbers could be fielded in the future, a not to mention the morale boost the very presence of Spartans had for Civilians and Marines alike. Also the point about ONI that's a flaw in their usage not so much a flaw in the Spartans themselves.

    • @qthedisaster1730
      @qthedisaster1730 5 років тому +5

      @@justinthompson6364 Spartans are kind of like the Navy Seals of today, they are very much an advantage to the navy, they can preform a variety of spec ops mission, could be equal to any Elite, and were a massive morale boost

    • @jasonscarborough94
      @jasonscarborough94 5 років тому

      @@qthedisaster1730 Fair counterpoint

  • @NovoCognition
    @NovoCognition 5 років тому +34

    "For too many years, humanity was on the backfoot. Reacting to threats rather than preventing them. The rest of the galaxy was bigger than us, stronger than us. We were mice hiding in the shadows hoping the giants would not see us. No more. Humanity is no longer on the defense. WE ARE THE GIANTS NOW."

  • @joxerd
    @joxerd 5 років тому +78

    I don't know why but the UNSC spaceships look like guns to me and I like it.

    • @raventhewoodelf8132
      @raventhewoodelf8132 5 років тому +47

      that is because they are basically floating gun platforms since the UNSC is reliant on the mac and ships are built to carry it

      @UNYEILDING 5 років тому +49

      because they are. Almost all of the UNSC ships are designed around their MACs much like an A-10 is a minigun with a plane attached.

    • @robrockstar9648
      @robrockstar9648 5 років тому +23

      Their main weapon the Mac runs almost the full length of most UNSC ships. This is why bigger ships or the even larger defense platforms can be usumed to have more fire power. They are literally a bigger gun

    • @cpMetis
      @cpMetis 5 років тому +8

      That's basically what they built. You can tell the 'Murican influence, eh?

    • @justinthompson6364
      @justinthompson6364 5 років тому +23

      UNSC Spaceships aren't spaceships. They're guns that happen to have some life support, thrusters, and some smaller guns bolted onto them.

  • @spaceman6463
    @spaceman6463 5 років тому +71

    We let the child live because we’re better than aliens
    I remember goblin slayer kill them all

    • @armorking7258
      @armorking7258 5 років тому +18

      "......if we leave a couple, they wil breed a couple more, and soon we will have twice as before....."

    • @marsar1775
      @marsar1775 5 років тому +2

      @@armorking7258 aliens will never be, as good as humankind...

  • @PR0F3SR_X
    @PR0F3SR_X 5 років тому +11

    I always thought the UNSC did fleet composition well. There aren't too many examples, but there's an abundance of ship types that seem made to go together

  • @crimsonwolf4264
    @crimsonwolf4264 5 років тому +160

    Everytime someone subscribe an alien life is extinguished

    • @bgcvetan
      @bgcvetan 5 років тому +1

      That almost sounds too good to be true.
      (suddenly begins watch aground for dolphin land assault)

    • @datubangkas9908
      @datubangkas9908 5 років тому +1

      Good. Let them remember what happens when they take our cows.

    • @aconfusedcomputer1072
      @aconfusedcomputer1072 5 років тому

      *KILL ALL XENOS!!!*

  • @vittocongi3809
    @vittocongi3809 5 років тому +5

    Infinity also carries 8 light corvets with Shields and super macs. It's either 8 or 10 I forget but the infinity is a power house

  • @indianajones4321
    @indianajones4321 5 років тому +193

    Every time someone subscribes to Generation Films, humanity gains another victory

    • @SgtRackhamm
      @SgtRackhamm 5 років тому +5

      *Every time someone subscribes to Generation Films, humanity claims another victory, in its conquest against the xenos scum

    • @foxleader3253
      @foxleader3253 5 років тому +2

      Every time you subscribe to Generation Films, you became part of ONI and they'll gladly throw you out an airlock, because you know to much. ( but really subscribe to them I like to tell them more then they know about the halo universe.)

    • @brianstabile165
      @brianstabile165 4 роки тому +2

      Indiana Jones I’m doing my part

  • @silverblade95
    @silverblade95 5 років тому +10

    Not sure if this comment belongs in the Navy series or the space marine series, but the UNSC Spirit of Fire is a huge asset with its ability to quickly deploy fully functional bases as well as the ability to fabricate equipment, research various upgrades and technology, and provide close fire support with a number of different armaments.

  • @gunfumaster1024
    @gunfumaster1024 5 років тому +3

    You forgot to mention with the Longsword, that they later added 110mm gatling cannons to the thing.

  • @MiguelAngel-fk1iy
    @MiguelAngel-fk1iy 5 років тому +14

    Every time someone subscribes, an alien commits suicide. No humanity’s fault. Humanity first.

    • @joshuadunford3171
      @joshuadunford3171 5 років тому

      Miguel Ángel and we miss out on killing that alien?

    • @MiguelAngel-fk1iy
      @MiguelAngel-fk1iy 5 років тому

      Joshua Dunford did we actually missed out on it though? We will never know...

  • @bayonetenthusiast5703
    @bayonetenthusiast5703 5 років тому +5

    The UNSC navy shows that even an infirior force can stand against highly more advanced hostile
    Press f to pay respects for the UNSC navy

  • @GonTar_X
    @GonTar_X 5 років тому +18

    Every time someone subscribes to G.Films, an alien invader gets T-Bagged by The Chief

    • @GonTar_X
      @GonTar_X 5 років тому

      Cause he can, The Chief Rulez lmL
      Big shout from Argentina Dudes!

  • @ak-125
    @ak-125 5 років тому +51

    *Chad humans vs some virgin aliens*

    • @pyronixcore
      @pyronixcore 5 років тому

      Isn't Chad the codeword used by the Incel community to describe men who have general good looks, moderate to high levels of fitness and are well groomed (and thus presumed to sleep with lots f women)?

    • @ak-125
      @ak-125 5 років тому +2

      @@pyronixcore Nah, that's a Brad

    • @pyronixcore
      @pyronixcore 5 років тому


    • @addisonwelsh
      @addisonwelsh 4 роки тому

      Didn't the Covenant kick the UNSC's ass for 30 years and nearly wipe them out? This seems like the wrong video for that statement.

  • @thecommunistsatan4838
    @thecommunistsatan4838 5 років тому +4

    Personally, I demand a Star Trek Online-like Halo space RPG. Let me live my dream of captaining an Infinity class ship or even just a smaller frigate.

  • @redwoodbeard9795
    @redwoodbeard9795 5 років тому +8

    On the energy shields
    If I recall they actually IMPROVED the tech when they got their hands on it

  • @weylandthomas9031
    @weylandthomas9031 4 роки тому +1

    Thanks for diving right into the information, instead of giving some whole long intro like you tubers usually do

  • @globalelitemanagementllc7686
    @globalelitemanagementllc7686 5 років тому +3

    For some reason I love the Halbret destroyer.(hope I spelled that correctly)Although it doesn't has shelds it's one hell of a design.

  • @MrGreat-cd9im
    @MrGreat-cd9im 5 років тому +3

    The reason for the UNSC Infinity was "go big or go home"

  • @houselightkell
    @houselightkell 5 років тому +3

    Will we have a series on halo weapons? How they work scientifically, their advantages, and disadvantages

  • @folkeberglund7588
    @folkeberglund7588 5 років тому +29

    Food thing sounds good

  • @fightingfalcon777
    @fightingfalcon777 5 років тому +2

    “Every time you subscribe, an alien army surrenders to humanity.”

  • @mxghoul1683
    @mxghoul1683 5 років тому +13

    Does everyone miss the 10 mini MACs on the Infinity?

    • @grex951
      @grex951 5 років тому +5

      Most dont notice them because they arent used as much as its supermac

    • @Duke_of_Petchington
      @Duke_of_Petchington 5 років тому +1

      They’re Defensive weapon for inclose Ship to ship fight, as well as the 70mm fortress guns and massive amounts of missiles, they also forget the the infinity’s sister Eternity, as the class is meant to replace the punic class (which I don’t no why it classed as a disadvantage because losing an infinity class SC would have the same affect). Also tungsten layered-titaniumA Armour is forgotten as well. All in all Generation Tech is terrible at lore, and skims past the important bits that need included and mentioned on in vids.

  • @mr.charcoal5426
    @mr.charcoal5426 5 років тому +11

    Every like Is a successful planetary conquer agaisnt the vile aliens and dolphins.

  • @Applepoop69
    @Applepoop69 5 років тому +31

    Get British ben to come, and make a new top gear!!!

    • @GenerationFilms
      @GenerationFilms  5 років тому +7

      Definitely an inspiration for our adventures.

  • @noahturner9515
    @noahturner9515 5 років тому +21

    Whenever Generation Films gains a subscriber, an alien family dies.

  • @xgensean
    @xgensean 5 років тому +8

    The video starts at 2:11 you're welcome

    • @alrush34
      @alrush34 5 років тому +1

      If only I'd seen this before I had started watching . . .

  • @cpt.batteryacid8682
    @cpt.batteryacid8682 5 років тому +6

    0:02 I thought Ben was having a stroke

  • @jacobschwarz6904
    @jacobschwarz6904 5 років тому +9

    Food around the world, count me in

  • @DocWolph
    @DocWolph 5 років тому +2

    I'm going out on a limb as saying Humanity was going through a "dark age" or a "period of stagnation", going in to the HALO Saga, caused largely by the travel times between far flung colonies. Technology did not need to advance far or fast due to a lack of internal competition and new ideas took so long to get anywhere. When the Covenant showed up, Humanity was catch absolutely flat footed, with only A.I. and Spartans being on the leading edge of Human technology.
    But given how quickly the UNSC was able to integrate Forerunner and Covenant tech into their newer ships, not just the Infinity-class, Humanity really only needed a reason , nearly being rendered extinct, and new ideas, Covenant and Forerunner technology, and a little time to actually work with that.

    • @alrush34
      @alrush34 5 років тому +1

      That isn't true, though. Humanity was on the brink of civil war, hence those A.I.s and Spartans being developed in the first place prior to contact with the Covenant.

    • @AnimeAmvStar
      @AnimeAmvStar 5 років тому +2

      Humanity was just fighting a different type of foe and didn't force them to develop tech like this. It also doesn't help we were still considered young space race this time around.

  • @anonymouscommenter7578
    @anonymouscommenter7578 5 років тому +1

    When you realise the Infinity can go toe to toe with a CSO class supercarrier

  • @nickrider815
    @nickrider815 5 років тому +2

    UNSC navy has good points? All I ever saw in the games was UNSC ships getting nuked blown up, crashing and repeatedly dying time and time again...
    I guess they make nice fireworks in the nights sky and the escape pods were probably a good point seeing as they got used constantly in every game!

    • @marsbars4767
      @marsbars4767 5 років тому +1

      The same thing would literally happen to every other ship when facing against more advanced foes.

    • @verdan6098
      @verdan6098 5 років тому +2

      That tends to happen when you are fighting an enemy that can literally one-shot kill you.

  • @ak-125
    @ak-125 5 років тому +9

    Everytime some subscribes to Generation films, another battle is won somewhere in the future

  • @owlwaifu4949
    @owlwaifu4949 5 років тому +13

    Sergeant Johnson is the best advantage to the unsc

    • @robrockstar9648
      @robrockstar9648 5 років тому +7

      After all he knows what the ladies like

    • @owlwaifu4949
      @owlwaifu4949 5 років тому

      @@robrockstar9648 yeap

    • @owlwaifu4949
      @owlwaifu4949 5 років тому

      Also they included my favorite unsc ship so I'm happy

    • @jillvalentinefan77
      @jillvalentinefan77 5 років тому +3

      "When I joined the Corps, we had 2 sticks, 2 sticks and a rock for a whole platoon and we had to share the rock" Legendary.

    • @jillvalentinefan77
      @jillvalentinefan77 5 років тому

      @@NightRaven-lh1bf Even close to death species came together for a.momemt of solidarity

  • @nikolajsteffensen6578
    @nikolajsteffensen6578 5 років тому +5

    for every subscriber a new super soldier is sent to the front lines to fight the alien menace

  • @Hunt3rK3nw4y
    @Hunt3rK3nw4y 5 років тому +2

    The UNSC Infinity can also ram a CCS-class cruiser without taking damage.

  • @DocWolph
    @DocWolph 5 років тому +4

    Say "Nu-cle-us" (as in the center of an atom). Now change the "us" to an "ar". "Nu-cle-ar."
    There you go.

  • @randycheow4268
    @randycheow4268 5 років тому +15

    Should I report this to ONI

    • @robrockstar9648
      @robrockstar9648 5 років тому +6

      You don’t have to they know

    • @placomsonat9483
      @placomsonat9483 5 років тому +3

      yes. remember they already know and know that you know.

    • @robertsmith3152
      @robertsmith3152 5 років тому +1

      @@placomsonat9483 you should also report it they know, you know, he knows.

    • @randycheow4268
      @randycheow4268 5 років тому +1

      Sounds like the illuminati, that’s super creepy

    • @cpMetis
      @cpMetis 5 років тому +3

      You say that like ONI isn't omnipotent. Hell, just think of that time they [REDACTED]

  • @jayegbert9864
    @jayegbert9864 5 років тому +1

    Every time a subscriber sound rings, a victory for the emperor brings

  • @tsamoka6496
    @tsamoka6496 5 років тому +2

    You forgot the Spartan II's. I'd call those a pretty big advantage.

  • @archerbascha8757
    @archerbascha8757 5 років тому +9

    What about the Militia or IMC Security forces from Titanfall? I think they should at least get a honorable mentions.

    • @archerbascha8757
      @archerbascha8757 5 років тому +1

      Sadly, yes.

    • @osets2117
      @osets2117 5 років тому +2

      The Titans themselves would be far superior to most ground armies, think Spartans but obviously far larger

    • @archerbascha8757
      @archerbascha8757 5 років тому

      @Patrick Nagle
      Imagine a group of Titans swarming a Scarab.

    • @ironstarofmordian7098
      @ironstarofmordian7098 5 років тому +1

      All we really have a clue about is they're Infantry and mechanised troops.

    • @alrush34
      @alrush34 5 років тому

      Nope, they're the 11th and 12th flaws respectively.

  • @connorlindy8738
    @connorlindy8738 5 років тому +2

    Do a little travel guide and best places to eat. Local foods and customs and what not

  • @TheGoodGeneral_1
    @TheGoodGeneral_1 5 років тому +5

    Every time someone subscribes, an alien civilization is annihilated.

  • @guyunknown6224
    @guyunknown6224 5 років тому +1

    I can't wait to follow your guy's journey and is there a easy way for me to watch the last journey

    • @GenerationFilms
      @GenerationFilms  5 років тому

      Haha, I have two videos up so far in my personal channel which I think is linked in the description. Allen will have stuff coming from Vietnam in his channel to but I'm not sure when he will gs to it. I plan to upload the rest of Vietnam on my channel soon. Thanks for your comment.

  • @thatnewguy1039
    @thatnewguy1039 5 років тому

    A food channel? Yes please. Love your work guys!

  • @chringlanthegreat4556
    @chringlanthegreat4556 5 років тому +6

    Everytime someone subscribe another xenos planet gets hit by a exterminatus

  • @jb-xs8bo
    @jb-xs8bo 5 років тому +2

    this is the most underrated channel on youtube, its funny, interesting and wholesome. deservers 100 times more subscribers than it currently has.

  • @Hybris51129
    @Hybris51129 5 років тому +3

    It would be cool to see you guys do other videos.

  • @AwDudeIDontKnow
    @AwDudeIDontKnow 5 років тому +2


  • @illuminatihimself7849
    @illuminatihimself7849 5 років тому +5

    Hi love your videos about ships!

  • @charlescilek2281
    @charlescilek2281 5 років тому +1

    New channel sounds dope

  • @SithFTW4072
    @SithFTW4072 5 років тому +1

    I like the food channel idea.

  • @imofage3947
    @imofage3947 5 років тому +4

    Funny, I'd have though the most powerful weapon in the HALO universe would be the namesake HALO rings, not the nova bomb.

    • @grex951
      @grex951 5 років тому +3

      The strongest weapon in halo is luck. Master chief is living proof of this

    • @imofage3947
      @imofage3947 5 років тому +1

      @Anchor Ankura Hmm, interesting argument. But I'm pretty sure that Master Chief doesn't defend well against a HALO pulse. And isn't a full power pulse from the full array supposed to almost completely depopulate the entire galaxy? The Chief's luck doesn't allow him to rival that level of destruction without using the HALO array.
      I'm no expert on HALO, I haven't played any of the games or read any of the supplemental materials. But I'm pretty sure I have my facts straight.
      To my mind, the only characters I'm aware of in all of fiction who've actually come close to weaponizing luck are Domino (Marvel, comics explanation, mutant power to manipulate probabilities), Scarlet Witch (Marvel, comic version, chaos magic and mutant power to manipulate probabilities ), and Shishigawara (Bleach, fullbringer power "Jackpot Knuckle" manipulating probabilities). I count them because they actively manipulate probabilities as opposed to Master Chief simply having stuff go his way. I think of it a bit like the difference between a passive character trait and casting a spell.
      You've brought up some interesting philosophical questions: What does it mean to use something as a weapon? And is it even possible to weaponize an abstract concept?

    • @grex951
      @grex951 5 років тому

      @@imofage3947 I was joking. XD but yes. Your point Is very profound

    • @admiralshadowofasunderedst3068
      @admiralshadowofasunderedst3068 5 років тому

      @@imofage3947 the halo array kiss everything in the gaxlay and a little beyond the outer rim of the galaxy

    • @AnimeAmvStar
      @AnimeAmvStar 5 років тому

      Halo Array is a weapon system that cant target one enemy it targets everyone and thus its a powerful weapon system but one that cant be use, along side this weapon system isn't under the control of UNSC as the rings are bar from being landed on without approval of other forces due to the rings housing the Flood on them. Also Halo was built by Forerruners.

  • @tioy3442
    @tioy3442 5 років тому

    Ben you had it right the first time. “Nucular” from my knowledge is not and actual word, and nuclear is the right pronunciation

  • @TheTank1900
    @TheTank1900 5 років тому

    petition to force American Ben to always present videos in his intro voice.

  • @blubberyoyster4
    @blubberyoyster4 5 років тому

    *Sgt Johnson nods his head*
    "About damn time"

  • @NiraSader
    @NiraSader 5 років тому +3

    Does Allen really have a Galactic Empire symbol on his motorcycle helmet?

  • @timonalexandr151
    @timonalexandr151 5 років тому

    Halberd Class ships have shields. There are cutscenes of their shields lighting up in Halo Spartan Ops.

  • @HighTierWitches
    @HighTierWitches 5 років тому

    Remember that one scene in Halo Spartan Ops where infinity just rammed a covenant ship

  • @jason-composer
    @jason-composer 5 років тому +1

    I'd love to see a fellow Asian-American seeing his take on foodstuffs on y'all's journeys and stuff!

  • @michealfoster4411
    @michealfoster4411 5 років тому

    UNSC(looking at a Nova Bomb): Well if you can't join'em bomb'em.

  • @Zeezke99
    @Zeezke99 5 років тому

    I just like how the nova bomb was used after the war was over because the Spartans didn't know it had ended XD

  • @barrybend7189
    @barrybend7189 5 років тому +15

    Best mech based armies in Sci-fi next please. My nomination is the Earth Sphere Federation from Gundam 00.( no super robots please).

    • @grex951
      @grex951 5 років тому +1


    • @barrybend7189
      @barrybend7189 5 років тому

      @@grex951 you know there are only 5 of them.

    • @justinthompson6364
      @justinthompson6364 5 років тому +1

      @@barrybend7189 There were only 5 towards the end of the war, after the Pan-Pacific Defense Corp lost much of their funding. There used to be far more.
      And you're forgetting uprising.

    • @barrybend7189
      @barrybend7189 5 років тому +1

      @@justinthompson6364 I'm just not thinking the Jeagers are technically counted as an army they're more special forces for Kaiju.

    • @grex951
      @grex951 5 років тому

      @@barrybend7189 I count them as an army but I do see what you're saying.

  • @stratometal
    @stratometal 5 років тому +1

    OH YEAH! A thumbs up straight away for that true 'Merican Intro!

  • @thefunnyfritz4035
    @thefunnyfritz4035 5 років тому

    Every time Generation Films makes a new channel an alien race is destroyed

  • @mxghoul1683
    @mxghoul1683 5 років тому +5

    The Halberd was the weakest ship in the Navy.

    • @slate8409
      @slate8409 5 років тому +9

      I don't know where you got that idea. Halberd class destroyers had more than double the firepower and armor than any of their contemporary frigates, and yet somehow had comparable speed and maneuverability. Not to mention the other UNSC naval assets like the Mako class corvettes that had no MACs. Pound for pound Halberds were the most powerful ships of their class and size, and far cheaper to produce than cruisers - Marathon class heavy cruisers actually had comparable armaments and only had more powerful MACs because of the size/scaling.

  • @unitednationsspacecommand6502
    @unitednationsspacecommand6502 5 років тому

    We like to thank the mentioning of our Navy.

  • @tommartin3888
    @tommartin3888 5 років тому

    Liked for the confused intro about the motorbike trip.

    @LOVEPHOENIXDANCER 5 років тому +3

    liked the 40k joke there but while the navy did well to last as long as they did buttt they still lost badly in the war and still can be out matched if used carlessly 3 out of 5 heres a quote " the navy got its butt kicked "

    • @AnimeAmvStar
      @AnimeAmvStar 5 років тому +1

      Yet if the navy got its butt kick as hard as you think the war would never last as long as it did. While they did lose the battle they aid in winning the war at the end. They alongside the officers of UNSC manage to win the limited battle and deal out enough damage to draw the war out to the point where civil war was an outcome.

      @LOVEPHOENIXDANCER 5 років тому

      @@AnimeAmvStar i think its more thanks to the flood more then the eiltes that helped form the alliance

    • @AnimeAmvStar
      @AnimeAmvStar 5 років тому

      @@LOVEPHOENIXDANCER The flood did large part of damage but without the aid of Elites Humanity would lost earth to the flood, also one thing that help create the dived i mention is the fact in Halo 2 we kill Regret which crated the rift between the Elites and the rest of the Convent which makes you question if Operation Red Flag had gone through how the outcome of the war may changed.

      @LOVEPHOENIXDANCER 5 років тому

      @@AnimeAmvStar well we did start the reft but i think it was planned for sooner or later but what i mean is without the flood would the eiltes aily with the humans ? maybe but there is very little chance of that heres a quote " if it was not for the arbers counsel i would of glassed your entire planet " and who saved the flood in halo 2 the arber seeing even after the war there was still many eiltes who still fought humans and each other and the brutes it might have been worse without the arber as for red flag it is hard saying it might be a peace where humans are sub servant or part of the covenant with rights like a grunt or jackle or the war will keep going its hard saying

  • @SectorZeroOne
    @SectorZeroOne 5 років тому +1

    Me and food are best friends, so HELL YEAH! Bring on the new channel content.

  • @EngineerOfChaos
    @EngineerOfChaos 5 років тому

    Every time someone subscribes to Generation Films, another alien ship goes MIA during FTL travel

  • @safetydoggo2721
    @safetydoggo2721 5 років тому

    Mayebe your stance on aliens is why we haven’t seen any yet

  • @Archangel_Kali
    @Archangel_Kali 5 років тому +1

    The UNSC Office of Naval Intelligence; Section 1 officially recinds the termination order on the individual known here as "American Ben".

  • @jtrlatinist2227
    @jtrlatinist2227 5 років тому +1

    I like food and I like riding motorcycles. I would watch.

  • @mxghoul1683
    @mxghoul1683 5 років тому +1

    Things you missed:
    The Punic class
    The Strident class heavy frigate
    The Paris class heavy frigate
    (Either is stronger then the Halberd)
    The Autumn class heavy cruiser
    Super MACs

    • @GenerationFilms
      @GenerationFilms  5 років тому +1

      Covered a bunch of those in the flaws video.

    • @mxghoul1683
      @mxghoul1683 5 років тому +1

      Generation Films You assume I put this here without watching the Flaws video

  • @thecommunistsatan4838
    @thecommunistsatan4838 5 років тому +1

    I subscribed so fucking hard once I found this channel.

  • @tioy3442
    @tioy3442 5 років тому

    Every time someone subscribed to Generation Films, and dolphin becomes a suit.

  • @miken5448
    @miken5448 5 років тому

    Every time the notification bell rings, an alien catches a horrifying disease.

  • @thecommenter9678
    @thecommenter9678 5 років тому +3

    Fooooooood! Gooooooood!

  • @fl00fydragon
    @fl00fydragon 5 років тому +13


  • @randomgooy7456
    @randomgooy7456 4 роки тому

    Really liked that intro

  • @earnestbrown6524
    @earnestbrown6524 5 років тому +1

    As long as it's not alien food.

  • @enterprise-h312
    @enterprise-h312 5 років тому

    When I heard Nova Bomb I thought that you were going to talk about the High Guard of the Systems Commonwealth.

  • @PmpknPieHeretic
    @PmpknPieHeretic 5 років тому +1

    I’m surprised Spartans weren’t on the list

  • @GALAXIE67
    @GALAXIE67 5 років тому +2

    I think you forgot to take your medication @ the start of this video,lol but it was a Awesome video/review anyway!!👍☯️👍

  • @tonysaunders6078
    @tonysaunders6078 5 років тому +2

    food based channel HOOOO!!!!

  • @Tores444
    @Tores444 5 років тому

    Woah, I didn't know you guys got Gary Busey to impersonate American Ben!

  • @nuclearphoenix177
    @nuclearphoenix177 5 років тому

    We all know that he included oni was because an oni Operative had a magnum aimed at his head

  • @andreijackson8703
    @andreijackson8703 5 років тому

    Halo will be my all time favorite so 5/5. Plus, at least the soldiers can shoot and actually hit something.

  • @jackbroomell3567
    @jackbroomell3567 5 років тому

    "Another alien child...dies!"

  • @bigredwolf6
    @bigredwolf6 5 років тому +1

    What gives with the low number of nukes on UNSC ships? Only 3 or so? We have tons of nukes now so it’s hard to believe each big ship wouldn’t have at least 10-15