The more I listen to Catholic converts, I marvel at their depth in theology and scripture. As a cradle Catholic I strive to keep up with them, and I am thankful that converts have such zeal for the truth. We pray that God wills that millions of Protestants convert to Catholic, along with millions of Jews. Welcome home! 🙏
That's normal for protestants. We do have zeal for the truth. You are amazed because you aren't told the truth. These converts were not real protestants, they were looking for "something." Maybe they were enticed by the opportunity to see Jesus on earth in the wafer.
I am a revert to Catholicism. I agree that those who have converted tend to be theologically proficient. I have also found that you never see intellectually proficient Catholics convert to Protestantism. But you do find Protestant philosophers, and intellectuals convert to Catholicism. The only Catholics I see going to the other side - are those who really didn’t know their faith. In my own experience these folks are completely ignorant of the Catholic arguments.
"Depth and theology" means nothing if their Fallible, Nonauthoritative, interpretation is wrong. If they have a "Depth of Theology" and believe in such nonsense as "Bible Alone", "Faith Alone", "Once Saved Always Saved", a "Symbolic Baptism", and a "Symbolic Eucharist", then their Theology doesn't matter until they start believing the Truth as taught by the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church created by Jesus Christ.
I was born into the Catholic faith. Then I went to the Baptist church, then Lutheran, now non-denomination church but in everyone of these churches I still have this feeling that something is missing. I believe it’s the Eucharist.
My faith journey mimics yours except; I recently reverted back to the one true faith, Catholicism. Keep praying and searching for the 1 way, 1 truth, 1 life - the church Jesus established. Listen carefully for the Holy Spirit and he will guide you
What's missing is the power of faith! What's missing is the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. I was born a Catholic. I have seen, felt, heard, smelt the evil that it is. I also I read and researched the history. Not only the propagandist history the devils is Rome dish out. Christ is coming back for the five faithful virgins, the other ones who thought they were OK did not keep their lamps full. I pray for all the lost Catholics. Please get out of the pagen, idolatrous, devil worshipping, Nazi loving. Mass murdering monsters. What else can I say. You've been informed.
I right now am in the same journey! My husband can not understand what I am going through. We had a solid protestant faith until i started to surch for truth, i could not swallow anymore so many differences in protestantism and people saying is all the same. I believe in truth and reality, two opposite beliefs can not be true! Please pray for me!
On UA-cam, type in Explaining the Faith Father Chris Alar and watch his talks. He's a younger, funny, great speaker, tells it like it is type of guy. He's done talks on Mary, purgatory, saints, relics, Eucharist miracles (some things non-catholics have trouble accepting) along with dozens upon dozens of other topics. The time goes by fast and his videos are very addicting! I'm a cradle Catholic and still am learning so much from him
I'm a bit older than Joshua, but he describes my journey to the Catholic faith. God is good. My wife and I converted, at the same time to the Catholicism.
Enjoy the church that murdered 7000 Christians during the inquisitions and Pope John Paul apology for in the year 2000. Enjoy the church that charged Christians for indulgences for their dead loved ones to gain salvation so that the church could afford to build st Peter's basilica.
I cannot justify attending protestant or evangelical churches. I study many versions of the Bible, as old as I can and understanding who was responsible for the translations. I am even studying Hebrew and my husband Greek. I plan to study the ancient dialect to read the oldest surviving Torah first hand. Before the Catholic Church was the church of the saints. The Bible says saints are people sainctified by genuinely accepting salvation. Only Jesus can do this. Only Jesus/God can truly know if we are saved in our heart of hearts. His church was established by followers, he did predict the split of churches. Which started with the Roman Catholic Church. Rome had lost most of it's imperialist grip and was panicking for a new form of control. This was at the same time Christianity was blossoming after Christ. But they didn't want to commit to throwing away their polytheism and pantheon gods, thus representing god falsely as Jupiter, angels as valkyries, cherubs/cherubim to chunky baby angels, and Jesus to Saturn. Even though this rejects earlier sculptures of Christ, and against descriptions in the Bible. Not surprising they didn't bother with the evidence for Jesus' birth during the holy days (dictated by God Himself) of Sukkot, in stead the Catholics twisted Saturnalia into "Christmas", around the time they had been fervently attacking Christians/Saints. It wouldn't be the last for using "holidays" to cover up abuse of the Bible and of the faith. I'll skip over celebrating Ishtar, and worship of saints AKA false idols, the prayer that isn't how Jesus tells us to pray...Lent is typically in violation of how Jesus tells us to fast. With All Saints Day came a pre-cursor of All Hallows Eve which was utilized to cover up Reformation Day/Martin Luther Day. Since he made significant headway in combating the greedy abuse of the Catholic Church. He pushed forth the previous notion that the general public should have access to the Word of God, as Jesus wanted, and for missionaries to help communities learn to read to be closer to God, spread His messages, through this method. Which the Catholic Church of course did not like, they managed to stifle his message. Brainwashed masses were of great help as usual, (hello crusades to modern public education). Martin Luther still helped clarify some important Biblical messages, thus came the Lutheran Church which ironically in itself is ironic, I personally can't get behind a church that names itself after another saint, celebrates Paeganism/ materialism through consumerist "holidays" etc. BUT my family does appreciate Luther and saints as such, and casually observe Reformation Day for sake of education in lieu of Halloween. There are several days of historical importance to discuss, but nothing close to the importance of the holy days themselves that God asks us to partake in! ❤ 🎉 Not the ritual animal sacrifices that once were, before Jesus of course. But there is nothing Biblical that says to stop reverence of those times. Even Jesus celebrated Hannukah and the symbolism of the servant candle is intensely Christian. 🕯️ Along with the historical value, even though it is not a holy day(s) in the strictest Biblical sense (occuring during the inter-testimental period and not dictated by God to celebrate/observe). 🕊️💙🙏 I hope this helps you! Thank you for reading.
The Pope is not Jesus' avatar (sorry, vicar) on earth and he's not infallible. That's ridiculous and enough by itself to throw the baby out with the bathwater. I truly wish some of you guys would open your eyes and study history. If you won't open the Bible to read for yourself, at least study history.
How can you convert to's a vague statement.. Did protestant Church taught you any word outside the BIBLE.. THEN do share , such testimonies.
@@adityakhakha3370 a better way to say it is that Protestants converting to catholicism are submitting themselves to a papacy that claims infallibility (apostles never did) and a Pope(an office not described in Bible) who excepts title of holy father( hmm I remember Jesus teaching all have sinned and man's righteousness is like a filthy rag onto the Lord) and a church responsible for countless thousands of Christians murdered because they wouldn't submit to the Catholics church( gee I wonder how that tradition could be traced back to the apostles. Anyways good luck with your Jesuit Pope you'll need it.
I too came to a crisis of faith as a Protestant and it lead to a massive conversion through reading the Father's and Historical Christianity...6 years later I'm entering the Catholic Church with my family and doing Catholic Social Media work! Joshua Charles is a major inspiration and mentor to me. Loved this show!
Childhood faith. Thats an interesting word you said. I remember when i was a kid i attended a parish chuch and told my friend that someday I wanted to become a catholic too. On dec 17th 23 I was accepted into catholic church in the same parish where I made my wish. You can say I returned back to my childhood faith. The name of the parish is St Mary Immaculate
Repent. Praying to dead saints is against biblical teaching. Praying to Mary is pagan You cannot be saved by your works - it is only the grace of God that will save you from hell. Purgatory is not in the Bible.
@@berean1703how can you read Jesus’s own words and not know that good works are required for salvation? Even the Lord’s Prayer implies the necessity for good works, I’m sure you pray that don’t you? We neither pray *to* Mary or the Saints. We *ask them* to *pray for us*
@@birgittabirgersdatter8082 You are praying to Mary and the saints to pray for you. By your own words you admit that you pray to dead saints. The Bible specifically states not to pray to dead people and that there is one mediator between God and man - Jesus Christ. Mary called Jesus her Saviour because *she was sinful* and needed saved. I believe that Jesus was conceived without sin but I do not believe that Mary was conceived without sin. Do you believe Mary was conceived without sin - and if so what Bible verses do you use to back up this teaching?
I love to hear the conversion stories. My Mother was a convert and quietly had classes with a priest to become Catholic. On the day she went to her first communion my Dad watched her get up and go. He didn't know that she had classes. With what she did brought my Dad back into the Catholic church. They went on to have 10 children. 😊
As an ex-mormon, then atheist, then Christian-Prot, then Catholic. My problem with Protestantism is that it ended looking like Mormonism just 300 years earlier.
Very happy for you! I cut out the middle men and converted from Mormonism to Catholicism last Easter, with Joshua as my Godfather. My assessment of Mormonism was very similar. It never solved the problems it said it was rectifying. The outright rejection of historical Christianity just enlarged the same problem. God bless you!
@@fantasia55 Well basically it is the idea that many important doctrines were lost, and then re-discovered by Luther. Which to me imply that the church fell (or lost its way) since it lost the basic notion of how to achieve salvation. And that to me is the same as the mormon claim. Who restored real apostolic teaching? Luther? Calving? Zwingli? Joseph Smith? It makes more sense to believe that apostolic teaching was never lost. One says that for 1200-1300 years we lost apostolic teaching, the other for 1700. Both views seem not reasonable if Jesus was who he said he was.
@@GabrielPereira-hm1cz Yes indeedy, Protestantism asserts that Jesus was a miserable failure in establishing Christianity - and needed the help of Martin Luther to get it done.
St. Augustine was searching for the “truth” when his heart was in conflict before he was catholic. He found out that God is the truth and he found the Catholic Church teaching the only truth. I love this interview and I learned a lot from it.
“The Truth is to Be Found Nowhere Else But in the Catholic Church.” YES! (189 A.D.) St. Irenaeus suggests in Against Heresies Book III Chapter IV: chapter title!
@@adityakhakha3370 The difference is the Catholic person does not teach opinion but the Truth which, like God, is always one; therefore the Church can only be one. John 17:21-23. The immense number of separated protestant churches and sects confirm the Protestant error.
I had been a Catholic for over 40 years. I left for over 30 years but I returned to reading the early church fathers and it led me to return to the Catholic Church. Good video. But it intro was challenging to get through.
I think coverts tend to become fervent Catholics because they were also fervent about their previous faith, always looking for more they end up finding the full Truth in the Catholic Church. They may also turn up being excellent apologetics because they know really well both side of the story. I really like to listen to them as well as our Catholic apologetics enriching my faith, loving and appreciating my Catholic Faith more and more. 🙏
This also applies to Catholics who fall out of Catholicism and become atheists and then come back in like myself. It is a truism that a majority of Christians both Catholics and NonCatholics, at least in this century, have no idea what Catholicism is.
@@xiomarablanco5598 The Catholics who are the most critical of the Ro man Catholic church seem to be former Protestants. There are a slew of them like Taylor Marshall who seem determined to cause another schism.
Joshua’s journey parallels mine in many, many ways. I didn’t have the library of resources he had, but my search for ancient Christianity led me to realize that 1st & 2nd century Christianity looked nothing like what I had been practicing all my life. I was sure I’d become Orthodox and then…Scott Hahn. Every Catholic convert from Calvinist Presbyterianism has at least one Scott Hahn story.
My Hahn story was when a student asked him how we know what books belonged in the New Testament? There’s no list in the Bible so either Bible alone is false OR we have no certainty that the books we have really belong there! He had never even thought of where the list actually came from and most Protestants don’t either. Historical spoiler alert: the Catholic Church discerned that in 393 AD at the Council of Carthage which brings up another logical conundrum. If the Catholic Church did not infallibly discern the index of the New Testament, then protestant have no new testament. If the Catholic Church did infallibly discern the new testament, then the next question is if they had infallible guidance, then when did that infallible guidance stop and why would it
I find that the authority question is the question that got me to convert. As a Protestant seminarian I realized that we would appeal to the authority of the church on matters like the Trinity, with which we agreed, and call that “orthodox Christianity” but deny the baptismal regeneration that the church professed at that the same council. It felt too convenient.
@@045_bharatpowar7that’s a good analogy to their doctrines. It’s like they are picking different colored & sized legos from a pile and stacking them up however high they want to go. No set of doctrine is the same.
How is infant baptism ok with you. Can you show me where scripture says anything about infant baptism? Or where a newborn can "repent and be baptized?" Having been a Protestant I assume you know the bible. So how were you bamboozled?so show me where you read in your bible as a Protestant where it says Mary was assumed? Where can I read that she was immaculately conceived? Or any of the doctrines you now believe. If you are able to provide them, I just might convert. Issy that because I KNOW there is no such thing in the bible.
I cannot justify attending protestant or evangelical churches. I study many versions of the Bible, as old as I can and understanding who was responsible for the translations. I am even studying Hebrew and my husband Greek. I plan to study the ancient dialect to read the oldest surviving Torah first hand. Before the Catholic Church was the church of the saints. The Bible says saints are people sainctified by genuinely accepting salvation. Only Jesus can do this. Only Jesus/God can truly know if we are saved in our heart of hearts. His church was established by followers, he did predict the split of churches. Which started with the Roman Catholic Church. Rome had lost most of it's imperialist grip and was panicking for a new form of control. This was at the same time Christianity was blossoming after Christ. But they didn't want to commit to throwing away their polytheism and pantheon gods, thus representing god falsely as Jupiter, angels as valkyries, cherubs/cherubim to chunky baby angels, and Jesus to Saturn. Even though this rejects earlier sculptures of Christ, and against descriptions in the Bible. Not surprising they didn't bother with the evidence for Jesus' birth during the holy days (dictated by God Himself) of Sukkot, in stead the Catholics twisted Saturnalia into "Christmas", around the time they had been fervently attacking Christians/Saints. It wouldn't be the last for using "holidays" to cover up abuse of the Bible and of the faith. I'll skip over celebrating Ishtar, and worship of saints AKA false idols, the prayer that isn't how Jesus tells us to pray...Lent is typically in violation of how Jesus tells us to fast. With All Saints Day came a pre-cursor of All Hallows Eve which was utilized to cover up Reformation Day/Martin Luther Day. Since he made significant headway in combating the greedy abuse of the Catholic Church. He pushed forth the previous notion that the general public should have access to the Word of God, as Jesus wanted, and for missionaries to help communities learn to read to be closer to God, spread His messages, through this method. Which the Catholic Church of course did not like, they managed to stifle his message. Brainwashed masses were of great help as usual, (hello crusades to modern public education). Martin Luther still helped clarify some important Biblical messages, thus came the Lutheran Church which ironically in itself is ironic, I personally can't get behind a church that names itself after another saint, celebrates Paeganism/ materialism through consumerist "holidays" etc. BUT my family does appreciate Luther and saints as such, and casually observe Reformation Day for sake of education in lieu of Halloween. There are several days of historical importance to discuss, but nothing close to the importance of the holy days themselves that God asks us to partake in! ❤ 🎉 Not the ritual animal sacrifices that once were, before Jesus of course. But there is nothing Biblical that says to stop reverence of those times. Even Jesus celebrated Hannukah and the symbolism of the servant candle is intensely Christian. 🕯️ Along with the historical value, even though it is not a holy day(s) in the strictest Biblical sense (occuring during the inter-testimental period and not dictated by God to celebrate/observe). 🕊️💙🙏 I hope this helps you! Thank you for reading.
But i thought we weren't supposed to 'pray' to Anyone but God. i've been told, "We don't pray to Mary or Saint so & so...we ask them to pray for us just like asking a friend to your left or right for prayer." Problem is...i don't buy it. Over & over the contradiction gets displayed like right here. You said you 'pray' to someone else besides God in Heaven. If you deny it, then you're lying to yourself. In essence you're conjuring up spirits from beyond the grave...believing the creations have the same powers of the Creator & are worthy to be praised. Only Creator God Is: Omniscient, Omnipresent & Omnipotent.
I cannot justify attending protestant or evangelical churches. I study many versions of the Bible, as old as I can and understanding who was responsible for the translations. I am even studying Hebrew and my husband Greek. I plan to study the ancient dialect to read the oldest surviving Torah first hand. Before the Catholic Church was the church of the saints. The Bible says saints are people sainctified by genuinely accepting salvation. Only Jesus can do this. Only Jesus/God can truly know if we are saved in our heart of hearts. His church was established by followers, he did predict the split of churches. Which started with the Roman Catholic Church. Rome had lost most of it's imperialist grip and was panicking for a new form of control. This was at the same time Christianity was blossoming after Christ. But they didn't want to commit to throwing away their polytheism and pantheon gods, thus representing god falsely as Jupiter, angels as valkyries, cherubs/cherubim to chunky baby angels, and Jesus to Saturn. Even though this rejects earlier sculptures of Christ, and against descriptions in the Bible. Not surprising they didn't bother with the evidence for Jesus' birth during the holy days (dictated by God Himself) of Sukkot, in stead the Catholics twisted Saturnalia into "Christmas", around the time they had been fervently attacking Christians/Saints. It wouldn't be the last for using "holidays" to cover up abuse of the Bible and of the faith. I'll skip over celebrating Ishtar, and worship of saints AKA false idols, the prayer that isn't how Jesus tells us to pray...Lent is typically in violation of how Jesus tells us to fast. With All Saints Day came a pre-cursor of All Hallows Eve which was utilized to cover up Reformation Day/Martin Luther Day. Since he made significant headway in combating the greedy abuse of the Catholic Church. He pushed forth the previous notion that the general public should have access to the Word of God, as Jesus wanted, and for missionaries to help communities learn to read to be closer to God, spread His messages, through this method. Which the Catholic Church of course did not like, they managed to stifle his message. Brainwashed masses were of great help as usual, (hello crusades to modern public education). Martin Luther still helped clarify some important Biblical messages, thus came the Lutheran Church which ironically in itself is ironic, I personally can't get behind a church that names itself after another saint, celebrates Paeganism/ materialism through consumerist "holidays" etc. BUT my family does appreciate Luther and saints as such, and casually observe Reformation Day for sake of education in lieu of Halloween. There are several days of historical importance to discuss, but nothing close to the importance of the holy days themselves that God asks us to partake in! ❤ 🎉 Not the ritual animal sacrifices that once were, before Jesus of course. But there is nothing Biblical that says to stop reverence of those times. Even Jesus celebrated Hannukah and the symbolism of the servant candle is intensely Christian. 🕯️ Along with the historical value, even though it is not a holy day(s) in the strictest Biblical sense (occuring during the inter-testimental period and not dictated by God to celebrate/observe). 🕊️💙🙏 I hope this helps you! Thank you for reading.
@@preachinoldschool5726❤ exactly I cannot justify attending protestant or evangelical churches. I study many versions of the Bible, as old as I can and understanding who was responsible for the translations. I am even studying Hebrew and my husband Greek. I plan to study the ancient dialect to read the oldest surviving Torah first hand. Before the Catholic Church was the church of the saints. The Bible says saints are people sainctified by genuinely accepting salvation. Only Jesus can do this. Only Jesus/God can truly know if we are saved in our heart of hearts. His church was established by followers, he did predict the split of churches. Which started with the Roman Catholic Church. Rome had lost most of it's imperialist grip and was panicking for a new form of control. This was at the same time Christianity was blossoming after Christ. But they didn't want to commit to throwing away their polytheism and pantheon gods, thus representing god falsely as Jupiter, angels as valkyries, cherubs/cherubim to chunky baby angels, and Jesus to Saturn. Even though this rejects earlier sculptures of Christ, and against descriptions in the Bible. Not surprising they didn't bother with the evidence for Jesus' birth during the holy days (dictated by God Himself) of Sukkot, in stead the Catholics twisted Saturnalia into "Christmas", around the time they had been fervently attacking Christians/Saints. It wouldn't be the last for using "holidays" to cover up abuse of the Bible and of the faith. I'll skip over celebrating Ishtar, and worship of saints AKA false idols, the prayer that isn't how Jesus tells us to pray...Lent is typically in violation of how Jesus tells us to fast. With All Saints Day came a pre-cursor of All Hallows Eve which was utilized to cover up Reformation Day/Martin Luther Day. Since he made significant headway in combating the greedy abuse of the Catholic Church. He pushed forth the previous notion that the general public should have access to the Word of God, as Jesus wanted, and for missionaries to help communities learn to read to be closer to God, spread His messages, through this method. Which the Catholic Church of course did not like, they managed to stifle his message. Brainwashed masses were of great help as usual, (hello crusades to modern public education). Martin Luther still helped clarify some important Biblical messages, thus came the Lutheran Church which ironically in itself is ironic, I personally can't get behind a church that names itself after another saint, celebrates Paeganism/ materialism through consumerist "holidays" etc. BUT my family does appreciate Luther and saints as such, and casually observe Reformation Day for sake of education in lieu of Halloween. There are several days of historical importance to discuss, but nothing close to the importance of the holy days themselves that God asks us to partake in! ❤ 🎉 Not the ritual animal sacrifices that once were, before Jesus of course. But there is nothing Biblical that says to stop reverence of those times. Even Jesus celebrated Hannukah and the symbolism of the servant candle is intensely Christian. 🕯️ Along with the historical value, even though it is not a holy day(s) in the strictest Biblical sense (occuring during the inter-testimental period and not dictated by God to celebrate/observe). 🕊️💙🙏 I hope this helps you! Thank you for reading.
@@preachinoldschool5726yeah most Catholic laymen mess up in this area. We absolutely pray to Mary. We don’t however make sacrifices to her as though she were God the Father. Most Protestants confuse prayer for worship forgetting that she is alive like all who have gone with God. She is alive and following her statement in Luke 1:48, “Behold, from henceforth all will call me blessed!”
I cannot justify attending protestant or evangelical churches. I study many versions of the Bible, as old as I can and understanding who was responsible for the translations. I am even studying Hebrew and my husband Greek. I plan to study the ancient dialect to read the oldest surviving Torah first hand. Before the Catholic Church was the church of the saints. The Bible says saints are people sainctified by genuinely accepting salvation. Only Jesus can do this. Only Jesus/God can truly know if we are saved in our heart of hearts. His church was established by followers, he did predict the split of churches. Which started with the Roman Catholic Church. Rome had lost most of it's imperialist grip and was panicking for a new form of control. This was at the same time Christianity was blossoming after Christ. But they didn't want to commit to throwing away their polytheism and pantheon gods, thus representing god falsely as Jupiter, angels as valkyries, cherubs/cherubim to chunky baby angels, and Jesus to Saturn. Even though this rejects earlier sculptures of Christ, and against descriptions in the Bible. Not surprising they didn't bother with the evidence for Jesus' birth during the holy days (dictated by God Himself) of Sukkot, in stead the Catholics twisted Saturnalia into "Christmas", around the time they had been fervently attacking Christians/Saints. It wouldn't be the last for using "holidays" to cover up abuse of the Bible and of the faith. I'll skip over celebrating Ishtar, and worship of saints AKA false idols, the prayer that isn't how Jesus tells us to pray...Lent is typically in violation of how Jesus tells us to fast. With All Saints Day came a pre-cursor of All Hallows Eve which was utilized to cover up Reformation Day/Martin Luther Day. Since he made significant headway in combating the greedy abuse of the Catholic Church. He pushed forth the previous notion that the general public should have access to the Word of God, as Jesus wanted, and for missionaries to help communities learn to read to be closer to God, spread His messages, through this method. Which the Catholic Church of course did not like, they managed to stifle his message. Brainwashed masses were of great help as usual, (hello crusades to modern public education). Martin Luther still helped clarify some important Biblical messages, thus came the Lutheran Church which ironically in itself is ironic, I personally can't get behind a church that names itself after another saint, celebrates Paeganism/ materialism through consumerist "holidays" etc. BUT my family does appreciate Luther and saints as such, and casually observe Reformation Day for sake of education in lieu of Halloween. There are several days of historical importance to discuss, but nothing close to the importance of the holy days themselves that God asks us to partake in! ❤ 🎉 Not the ritual animal sacrifices that once were, before Jesus of course. But there is nothing Biblical that says to stop reverence of those times. Even Jesus celebrated Hannukah and the symbolism of the servant candle is intensely Christian. 🕯️ Along with the historical value, even though it is not a holy day(s) in the strictest Biblical sense (occuring during the inter-testimental period and not dictated by God to celebrate/observe). 🕊️💙🙏 I hope this helps you! Thank you for reading.
The logic there doesn't make any sense. Do you know anything about Second Temple Judaism? It's literally the world Jesus was living in. It would be a helpful start.
Perhaps you should then read Newman's Treatise "The Development of the Christian Religion" where he admits that no less than 70% of the rites, rituals, and customs of Roman Catholicism are of pagan (not biblical) origin.
I cannot justify attending protestant or evangelical churches. I study many versions of the Bible, as old as I can and understanding who was responsible for the translations. I am even studying Hebrew and my husband Greek. I plan to study the ancient dialect to read the oldest surviving Torah first hand. Before the Catholic Church was the church of the saints. The Bible says saints are people sainctified by genuinely accepting salvation. Only Jesus can do this. Only Jesus/God can truly know if we are saved in our heart of hearts. His church was established by followers, he did predict the split of churches. Which started with the Roman Catholic Church. Rome had lost most of it's imperialist grip and was panicking for a new form of control. This was at the same time Christianity was blossoming after Christ. But they didn't want to commit to throwing away their polytheism and pantheon gods, thus representing god falsely as Jupiter, angels as valkyries, cherubs/cherubim to chunky baby angels, and Jesus to Saturn. Even though this rejects earlier sculptures of Christ, and against descriptions in the Bible. Not surprising they didn't bother with the evidence for Jesus' birth during the holy days (dictated by God Himself) of Sukkot, in stead the Catholics twisted Saturnalia into "Christmas", around the time they had been fervently attacking Christians/Saints. It wouldn't be the last for using "holidays" to cover up abuse of the Bible and of the faith. I'll skip over celebrating Ishtar, and worship of saints AKA false idols, the prayer that isn't how Jesus tells us to pray...Lent is typically in violation of how Jesus tells us to fast. With All Saints Day came a pre-cursor of All Hallows Eve which was utilized to cover up Reformation Day/Martin Luther Day. Since he made significant headway in combating the greedy abuse of the Catholic Church. He pushed forth the previous notion that the general public should have access to the Word of God, as Jesus wanted, and for missionaries to help communities learn to read to be closer to God, spread His messages, through this method. Which the Catholic Church of course did not like, they managed to stifle his message. Brainwashed masses were of great help as usual, (hello crusades to modern public education). Martin Luther still helped clarify some important Biblical messages, thus came the Lutheran Church which ironically in itself is ironic, I personally can't get behind a church that names itself after another saint, celebrates Paeganism/ materialism through consumerist "holidays" etc. BUT my family does appreciate Luther and saints as such, and casually observe Reformation Day for sake of education in lieu of Halloween. There are several days of historical importance to discuss, but nothing close to the importance of the holy days themselves that God asks us to partake in! ❤ 🎉 Not the ritual animal sacrifices that once were, before Jesus of course. But there is nothing Biblical that says to stop reverence of those times. Even Jesus celebrated Hannukah and the symbolism of the servant candle is intensely Christian. 🕯️ Along with the historical value, even though it is not a holy day(s) in the strictest Biblical sense (occuring during the inter-testimental period and not dictated by God to celebrate/observe). 🕊️💙🙏 I hope this helps you! Thank you for reading.❤❤❤
@ari3lz3pp this is from the early church pre-1000AD, will knock the falsehood on what you are saying (which has been debunked many times) on Istar,etc. "The twenty-fifth day of December. In the five thousand one hundred and ninety-ninth year of the creation of the world from the time when God in the beginning created the heavens and the earth; the two thousand nine hundred and fifty-seventh year after the flood; the two thousand and fifteenth year from the birth of Abraham; the one thousand five hundred and tenth year from Moses and the going forth of the people of Israel from Egypt; the one thousand and thirty-second year from David's being anointed king; in the sixty-fifth week according to the prophecy of Daniel; in the one hundred and ninety-fourth Olympiad; the seven hundred and fifty-second year from the foundation of the city of Rome; the forty second year of the reign of Octavian Augustus; the whole world being at peace, in the sixth age of the world, Jesus Christ the eternal God and Son of the eternal Father, desiring to sanctify the world by his most merciful coming, being conceived by the Holy Spirit, and nine months having passed since his conception, was born in Bethlehem of Judea of the Virgin Mary, being made flesh. The Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ according to the flesh."
Im a recent convert myself. For years as a Protestant i couldnt understand what paul was warning is about with taking the eucharist unworthily. Im like how do you become worthy of it? How do you lose that worth? It seems this only affects people in the church so they all have the same beliefs, the same leaders, rules, scripture. Yet one group is getting sick and dying and other is not. Nobody in my church was getting sick from the oyster crackers and grape juice but it certainly didnt feel like anything special going on. When i began my conversion, the first time i found out about catholic answers i called and asked jimmy akin about it
I cannot justify attending protestant or evangelical churches. I study many versions of the Bible, as old as I can and understanding who was responsible for the translations. I am even studying Hebrew and my husband Greek. I plan to study the ancient dialect to read the oldest surviving Torah first hand. Before the Catholic Church was the church of the saints. The Bible says saints are people sainctified by genuinely accepting salvation. Only Jesus can do this. Only Jesus/God can truly know if we are saved in our heart of hearts. His church was established by followers, he did predict the split of churches. Which started with the Roman Catholic Church. Rome had lost most of it's imperialist grip and was panicking for a new form of control. This was at the same time Christianity was blossoming after Christ. But they didn't want to commit to throwing away their polytheism and pantheon gods, thus representing god falsely as Jupiter, angels as valkyries, cherubs/cherubim to chunky baby angels, and Jesus to Saturn. Even though this rejects earlier sculptures of Christ, and against descriptions in the Bible. Not surprising they didn't bother with the evidence for Jesus' birth during the holy days (dictated by God Himself) of Sukkot, in stead the Catholics twisted Saturnalia into "Christmas", around the time they had been fervently attacking Christians/Saints. It wouldn't be the last for using "holidays" to cover up abuse of the Bible and of the faith. I'll skip over celebrating Ishtar, and worship of saints AKA false idols, the prayer that isn't how Jesus tells us to pray...Lent is typically in violation of how Jesus tells us to fast. With All Saints Day came a pre-cursor of All Hallows Eve which was utilized to cover up Reformation Day/Martin Luther Day. Since he made significant headway in combating the greedy abuse of the Catholic Church. He pushed forth the previous notion that the general public should have access to the Word of God, as Jesus wanted, and for missionaries to help communities learn to read to be closer to God, spread His messages, through this method. Which the Catholic Church of course did not like, they managed to stifle his message. Brainwashed masses were of great help as usual, (hello crusades to modern public education). Martin Luther still helped clarify some important Biblical messages, thus came the Lutheran Church which ironically in itself is ironic, I personally can't get behind a church that names itself after another saint, celebrates Paeganism/ materialism through consumerist "holidays" etc. BUT my family does appreciate Luther and saints as such, and casually observe Reformation Day for sake of education in lieu of Halloween. There are several days of historical importance to discuss, but nothing close to the importance of the holy days themselves that God asks us to partake in! ❤ 🎉 Not the ritual animal sacrifices that once were, before Jesus of course. But there is nothing Biblical that says to stop reverence of those times. Even Jesus celebrated Hannukah and the symbolism of the servant candle is intensely Christian. 🕯️ Along with the historical value, even though it is not a holy day(s) in the strictest Biblical sense (occuring during the inter-testimental period and not dictated by God to celebrate/observe). 🕊️💙🙏 I hope this helps you! Thank you for reading.
@@ari3lz3pp It sounds like youve done some seriously deep study of anticatholic materials. Its impressive but the problem is, i used to believe the exact same things you just professed! Word for word! I did a lot of studying of the reformation myself. Literally everything you listed were the reasons i never gave the Catholic church the time of the day! What changed? For all my studying and assurance of my election, i found myself and my family surrounded by sin. I almost lost my wife and kids it got so bad! I prayed to god to show me the truth, no matter how much it hurts. I needed to know what to do to save my family! That night i had a dream about a catholic priest and a vision of the history of the church and the catholic church was in deed the church that christ started. I didnt want to believe it! I woke up thinking i had lost my mind. I didnt know a single catholic, my family is 100% Protestant. There isnt even a catholic church within 30 mins of my house. I couldnt name a single catholic speaker, apologist, and totally believed Francis was the NWO liberal pope. I figured the first thing i would do to dispel this ridiculous dream was go back and study the reformation. Maybe i missed something in Luther that i didnt see in Calvin. That day i looked at the reformation but all kinds of information that i didnt know about surfaced. Luthers rejection of hebrews, james, revelation, along with the dueterocanon aside from esther coupled with his beliefs about mary convinced me that his idea of sola scriptura and mine were very different. Then i learned about the dark side of the reformation. The peasants and knights revolts. The money and power that shifted during the reformation, the theft of the churches, then you look at Calvin and the evil things that his total authority brought. Yet another man who believed in sola scriptura and the perpetual virginity of mary. I was struck! Pretty soon i went on a deep dive to discover the full truth of the reformation. It was NOT what you think it was and there is a comprehensive defense to literally everything you mentioned. The only way to respond to each would be a massive data dump…. Theres a little known catholic channel called bulletproof catholic. Check out his series “the untold story of the Protestant reformation” it is NOT exhaustive. However, it seems like youre a real seeker. Like i said i feel like im responding to one of my old comments. The reason youre only getting half the picture is because reformation lovers cast it in a heroic light. If youve only ever learned the story from fans of the reformation, then i promise youre only getting half the story. See what the catholics have to say about the reformation before you make up your mind. Listen to Catholics talking about it as well as Protestants. Its really the only way to get all the information. I allowed all those anti catholic “facts” to prevent me from even bothering to study what Rome had to say. I’m extremely happy to say the sins in my house are reduced to the lowest levels ever and ive been absolutely set ablaze for the lord since starting my journey to the church!
@@ari3lz3pp none of what you have written describes the history of the Church or what it teaches. At least read or acquaint yourself with what the Church does teach in primary sources, that is, a Catholic source. If you do, you’ll realize, I think, you have one less straw man to worry about. A prayer for you. Peace!
@@mikelopez8564 It's never helpful to say "do vague reading and magically discover what my disagreement is". Always specify something that was wrong and why
Man, I'm so glad I found this video. I'm in the midst of the decision of potentially leaving Lutheranism and converting to the Catholic Church, starting RCIA this autumn. I still struggle with the doctrines on Mary and Purgatory, but everything else makes such perfect sense. Like Joshua, I am completely absorbed by this internal dilemma. I really can't think of anything else, so I hope to come to a settlement soon. Thank you both for this video! God bless.
the blessed mother what a subject Solomon had 500 wives and 3000 concubines but who sat next to him on the throne. Not 500 wive no his mother Queen mother is always next to the king. Without her we would not have christ she is the second eve christ new Adam whatqouls so without her
I wonder if this will help explain the doctine of Blessed Virgin Mary .. She does not take away the light from Christ; but reflects His light to us,like the moon from the sun.
Purgatory is the place where the faithful people are purified. In technical way protestantism also has the concept of purgatory, it is only worded differently. In simplified way catholicism and protestantism believe God purify the sins of people, in catholicism the process is actually a placed called purgatory
Im in the process of converting but I will say it is getting scary. I know I feel Christ in Eucharist , I know the Rosary and divine mercy chaplet gives me peace
Man, what a wealth of scriptural knowledge Joshua is. I'm a protestant convert as well but I fell away pretty early in my teens so I'm still trying to catch up on scriptural competency (got through the New Testament last year and slowly making my way through the Old). My conversion was more to do with the Catholic liturgy actually speaking to my soul in that it actually felt like worship (I came from low church protestant).
If you made it through the NT, why are you Catholic? There is NOTHING in the NT That would lead you to Catholicism. You've gone from believing the truth of God, to believing the lies of the devil and Rome.
@@rbnmnt3341 Did you actually watch the video? Joshua gives numerous NT and OT examples that certainly point away from any branch of protestantism. I certainly found nothing in the NT that would have led me back to protestantism either even though as I said it wasn't anything per se biblical that lead me to the Church initially.
@@rushthezeppelin so you were just spinning the wheel and the pointer landed on Rome? Wow the wrong reason to choose a religion. If you've read scripture, it won't lead you to ANY particular religion. It should lead you to the worldwide body of believers. Catholicism and Protestantism aren't in the bible. So you're right on that. It's not what any person says about another religion. The question is does a particular religion/church teach according to the bible? Honestly, Catholicism is farthest from scripture. If you were a student in a seminary and didn't see that, then you're spiritually blind or you tuned the professor out.
@@rbnmnt3341First of all just because I didn't initially make my way to the Catholic Church by way of scripture initially does not mean I spun a wheel. Please be charitable and don't put words in my mouth here. Second of all I never said anything about seminary. Third do you think I haven't heard any of the protestant objections to Catholicism and heard sufficient answers, often scriptural as to why those are wrong or just caricatures of the Church? No offense to you if you've been to protestant seminary and heard these objections but the majority of them are likely strawmen.
@@rushthezeppelin well I know you didn't find your way to Catholicism by the bible. Truer words have not been spoken. Catholicism is nowhere to be found in scripture. No, I'm sure you heard plenty of objections. Truth is, it's not what we say. The bible has plenty for us. Your teachings are not found in scripture and that says enough.
So GOOD! Catholic Revert here - also prior anti-Catholic as a once Non-Denominational Charismatic BaptoLutherCostal! Need to do a Part 2 or Part 22 with Joshua! As a mini-apologist, I love this.
I cannot justify attending protestant or evangelical churches. I study many versions of the Bible, as old as I can and understanding who was responsible for the translations. I am even studying Hebrew and my husband Greek. I plan to study the ancient dialect to read the oldest surviving Torah first hand. Before the Catholic Church was the church of the saints. The Bible says saints are people sainctified by genuinely accepting salvation. Only Jesus can do this. Only Jesus/God can truly know if we are saved in our heart of hearts. His church was established by followers, he did predict the split of churches. Which started with the Roman Catholic Church. Rome had lost most of it's imperialist grip and was panicking for a new form of control. This was at the same time Christianity was blossoming after Christ. But they didn't want to commit to throwing away their polytheism and pantheon gods, thus representing god falsely as Jupiter, angels as valkyries, cherubs/cherubim to chunky baby angels, and Jesus to Saturn. Even though this rejects earlier sculptures of Christ, and against descriptions in the Bible. Not surprising they didn't bother with the evidence for Jesus' birth during the holy days (dictated by God Himself) of Sukkot, in stead the Catholics twisted Saturnalia into "Christmas", around the time they had been fervently attacking Christians/Saints. It wouldn't be the last for using "holidays" to cover up abuse of the Bible and of the faith. I'll skip over celebrating Ishtar, and worship of saints AKA false idols, the prayer that isn't how Jesus tells us to pray...Lent is typically in violation of how Jesus tells us to fast. With All Saints Day came a pre-cursor of All Hallows Eve which was utilized to cover up Reformation Day/Martin Luther Day. Since he made significant headway in combating the greedy abuse of the Catholic Church. He pushed forth the previous notion that the general public should have access to the Word of God, as Jesus wanted, and for missionaries to help communities learn to read to be closer to God, spread His messages, through this method. Which the Catholic Church of course did not like, they managed to stifle his message. Brainwashed masses were of great help as usual, (hello crusades to modern public education). Martin Luther still helped clarify some important Biblical messages, thus came the Lutheran Church which ironically in itself is ironic, I personally can't get behind a church that names itself after another saint, celebrates Paeganism/ materialism through consumerist "holidays" etc. BUT my family does appreciate Luther and saints as such, and casually observe Reformation Day for sake of education in lieu of Halloween. There are several days of historical importance to discuss, but nothing close to the importance of the holy days themselves that God asks us to partake in! ❤ 🎉 Not the ritual animal sacrifices that once were, before Jesus of course. But there is nothing Biblical that says to stop reverence of those times. Even Jesus celebrated Hannukah and the symbolism of the servant candle is intensely Christian. 🕯️ Along with the historical value, even though it is not a holy day(s) in the strictest Biblical sense (occuring during the inter-testimental period and not dictated by God to celebrate/observe). 🕊️💙🙏 I hope this helps you! Thank you for reading.❤
@@ari3lz3pp The church of the Saints, or the “way “, was and is the Catholic Church established by Jesus Christ. Thousands of Catholic saints were murdered by the Romans, including nearly every bishop for the first four centuries. Their teachings reflect what Jesus taught the disciples and were handed down in oral tradition from Bishop to Bishop and apostle to apostle. And much holy blood was spilt for the same teachings Catholics hold today that Protestants have mis-interpreted because they lack understanding. The Bible is a Catholic book. It began under Pope Damasus and St. Jerome who translated the Greek Old Testament, called the Septuagint into Latin, and gathered all the New Testament writings, epistles, and letters from the Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek, and translated the New Testament of 27 books into Latin. Hundreds of documents were rejected to defend the early teachings and defend the faith. The first complete holy Bible was called, “Latin Vulgate.“ The canon was established over several decades, beginning in the council of Rome, 382 AD by the 39th letter of Anathanasius, then council of Hippo 393 A.D., and culminating in the councils of Carthage in 397 and 416 A.D. The same 73 books of the Bible, were re-ratified at the council of Florence 1442 AD and council of Trent to combat heretical Protestantism in 1546 A.D. The dead Sea scrolls, confirm what the four great codices together included as the 73 books of the Cannon Bible. THE PROTESTANTS REMOVED SEVEN BOOKS OF THE OLD TESTAMENT AND FOUR BOOKS OF THE NEW TESTAMENT UNDER MARTIN LUTHER‘S BIBLE WHERE HE PLACED THEM IN THE APPENDIX because these 11 books did did not agree with his new heretical theology. THE 1611 KING JAMES VERSION OF THE BIBLE INCLUDED ALL 73 BOOKS. THE BRITISH FOREIGN BIBLE SOCIETY REMOVED THE SEVEN BOOKS CALLED THE APOCRYPHA FROM THE BIBLE, BECAUSE IT CONVERTED PEOPLE TO CATHOLICISM, AND IT WAS CHEAPER TO MASS PRODUCE. In 1899, the Gideons mass produced these cheaper Bibles and disseminated them in prison, schools, hotels, and dust, the incomplete Bible was created. Today, protestants falsely claim that Catholics added seven more books, when in reality, protestants took them out because it was cheaper andconverted people to the true faith. If it’s true, it’s probably not new. If it’s new, it’s probably not true. The first 1500 years of Christianity was Catholic, one church, one way, one truth. The last 500 years since Martin Luther; however, created nearly 9000 to 40,000+ New protestant denominations or churches (plural). For example, from the beginning the Catholic Church and even Martin Luther believed in the communion bread, being the actual body of Christ, and the communion wine being the actual blood of Christ. It was not just a symbolic cracker and grape juice only in the last 500 years have the protestants erroneously taught this unsound doctrine for their itching ears to hear. I hope this helps you. Thanks for reading.
You seem to be stuck in the "anything but Catholic" mode. You can keep studying languages and read "the oldest Bible" but you choose to be your own authority rather than let Jesus through His Catholic Church-the only Church He founded-be your authority.
This was great. And similar to my own experience. When I had these questions, and tried to understand Paul's talk about some who shipwrecked their faith (once saved always saved?), I decided to dig into the reformation principals... and soon became disillusioned. And then I went to the Church Fathers, and that just sealed it for me. I was confirmed in June, 2020.
All that information is readily available to you anytime you want to read it. I began studying of these very things in 1988. I had to go to the library for the information then. It’s profoundly easy all on line now!
Can't say I watch every video you put out, but I certainly click on every Church history video. Never gets old! Josh and I would get along swimmingly, both in our love of the fathers' writings and politically, I'm sure. I had a very political past.
Well since the pope is declared infallible and excepts the title holy father i don't know how you can make such a claim. The reformers didn't point to themselves but pointed to scripture(you know the teachings of Jesus and the apostles) that tells you call no man your father but the one in heaven (Mathew 23:9). Just as the apostles we're killed for the teachings of Christ so we're the reformers by your Catholic church. Enjoy the Bible you have at home because until the reformers if you were not a priest the Catholic church would have you arrested and punished for that. Smh
Oh I must mention your Catholic church had the audacity to change the ten commandments. You know the same ones that came directly from God to Moses. Smh keep following corrupt and fallible man over the teachings of Christ
@@joelc-gc1hq “We can never honor Mary enough.” Martin Luther Until the reformers, bibles cost about $250,000 and were hand copied. No Catholics were not arrested for having one. There was one bishop in one area who banned personal Bibles because they were almost all Protestant bibles Which are fake. So he was protecting his sheep.
Mr. Charles, God bless you for your intellectual honesty. Your story immensely resonates with me and my journey. It is also a great example of how the Truth is available to all, if we just are honest, seek truth and pursue it. Keith, fantastic interview! Subscribed.
Just wanted to add, that your conversation, conversion journeys and stories, and your studies are an inspiration. I'm a cradle Catholic, also wanting to go deeper into my faith. I'll pass this conversation on to family members, friends and fellow parishioners. Again, God Bless you, and thank you.
❤I cannot justify attending protestant or evangelical churches. I study many versions of the Bible, as old as I can and understanding who was responsible for the translations. I am even studying Hebrew and my husband Greek. I plan to study the ancient dialect to read the oldest surviving Torah first hand. Before the Catholic Church was the church of the saints. The Bible says saints are people sainctified by genuinely accepting salvation. Only Jesus can do this. Only Jesus/God can truly know if we are saved in our heart of hearts. His church was established by followers, he did predict the split of churches. Which started with the Roman Catholic Church. Rome had lost most of it's imperialist grip and was panicking for a new form of control. This was at the same time Christianity was blossoming after Christ. But they didn't want to commit to throwing away their polytheism and pantheon gods, thus representing god falsely as Jupiter, angels as valkyries, cherubs/cherubim to chunky baby angels, and Jesus to Saturn. Even though this rejects earlier sculptures of Christ, and against descriptions in the Bible. Not surprising they didn't bother with the evidence for Jesus' birth during the holy days (dictated by God Himself) of Sukkot, in stead the Catholics twisted Saturnalia into "Christmas", around the time they had been fervently attacking Christians/Saints. It wouldn't be the last for using "holidays" to cover up abuse of the Bible and of the faith. I'll skip over celebrating Ishtar, and worship of saints AKA false idols, the prayer that isn't how Jesus tells us to pray...Lent is typically in violation of how Jesus tells us to fast. With All Saints Day came a pre-cursor of All Hallows Eve which was utilized to cover up Reformation Day/Martin Luther Day. Since he made significant headway in combating the greedy abuse of the Catholic Church. He pushed forth the previous notion that the general public should have access to the Word of God, as Jesus wanted, and for missionaries to help communities learn to read to be closer to God, spread His messages, through this method. Which the Catholic Church of course did not like, they managed to stifle his message. Brainwashed masses were of great help as usual, (hello crusades to modern public education). Martin Luther still helped clarify some important Biblical messages, thus came the Lutheran Church which ironically in itself is ironic, I personally can't get behind a church that names itself after another saint, celebrates Paeganism/ materialism through consumerist "holidays" etc. BUT my family does appreciate Luther and saints as such, and casually observe Reformation Day for sake of education in lieu of Halloween. There are several days of historical importance to discuss, but nothing close to the importance of the holy days themselves that God asks us to partake in! ❤ 🎉 Not the ritual animal sacrifices that once were, before Jesus of course. But there is nothing Biblical that says to stop reverence of those times. Even Jesus celebrated Hannukah and the symbolism of the servant candle is intensely Christian. 🕯️ Along with the historical value, even though it is not a holy day(s) in the strictest Biblical sense (occuring during the inter-testimental period and not dictated by God to celebrate/observe). 🕊️💙🙏 I hope this helps you! Thank you for reading.
Absolutely fascinating, hugely educational, brilliant analysis and exposition. Congratulations and thanks to both of you from a cradle Catholic and so glad and grateful that you have pitched your tent amongst us and joined us.
I follow Joshua on Facebook and his posts always make me dig deeper. I love that he has high expectations of his audience in this way. No watered-down faith with him and as a fairly recent convert, I'm still so earnest about learning. His being a guest on your show led to my discovery of your channel. I'm now subscribed, so hello. I'm looking to get away from the church drama channels as I've come away from those rather black-pilled. I don't want to lose my hope and joy in Christ.
I'm sorry but I'm not sure what you mean. I cannot justify attending protestant or evangelical churches. I study many versions of the Bible, as old as I can and understanding who was responsible for the translations. I am even studying Hebrew and my husband Greek. I plan to study the ancient dialect to read the oldest surviving Torah first hand. Before the Catholic Church was the church of the saints. The Bible says saints are people sainctified by genuinely accepting salvation. Only Jesus can do this. Only Jesus/God can truly know if we are saved in our heart of hearts. His church was established by followers, he did predict the split of churches. Which started with the Roman Catholic Church. Rome had lost most of it's imperialist grip and was panicking for a new form of control. This was at the same time Christianity was blossoming after Christ. But they didn't want to commit to throwing away their polytheism and pantheon gods, thus representing god falsely as Jupiter, angels as valkyries, cherubs/cherubim to chunky baby angels, and Jesus to Saturn. Even though this rejects earlier sculptures of Christ, and against descriptions in the Bible. Not surprising they didn't bother with the evidence for Jesus' birth during the holy days (dictated by God Himself) of Sukkot, in stead the Catholics twisted Saturnalia into "Christmas", around the time they had been fervently attacking Christians/Saints. It wouldn't be the last for using "holidays" to cover up abuse of the Bible and of the faith. I'll skip over celebrating Ishtar, and worship of saints AKA false idols, the prayer that isn't how Jesus tells us to pray...Lent is typically in violation of how Jesus tells us to fast. With All Saints Day came a pre-cursor of All Hallows Eve which was utilized to cover up Reformation Day/Martin Luther Day. Since he made significant headway in combating the greedy abuse of the Catholic Church. He pushed forth the previous notion that the general public should have access to the Word of God, as Jesus wanted, and for missionaries to help communities learn to read to be closer to God, spread His messages, through this method. Which the Catholic Church of course did not like, they managed to stifle his message. Brainwashed masses were of great help as usual, (hello crusades to modern public education). Martin Luther still helped clarify some important Biblical messages, thus came the Lutheran Church which ironically in itself is ironic, I personally can't get behind a church that names itself after another saint, celebrates Paeganism/ materialism through consumerist "holidays" etc. BUT my family does appreciate Luther and saints as such, and casually observe Reformation Day for sake of education in lieu of Halloween. There are several days of historical importance to discuss, but nothing close to the importance of the holy days themselves that God asks us to partake in! ❤ 🎉 Not the ritual animal sacrifices that once were, before Jesus of course. But there is nothing Biblical that says to stop reverence of those times. Even Jesus celebrated Hannukah and the symbolism of the servant candle is intensely Christian. 🕯️ Along with the historical value, even though it is not a holy day(s) in the strictest Biblical sense (occuring during the inter-testimental period and not dictated by God to celebrate/observe). 🕊️💙🙏 I hope this helps you! Thank you for reading.
@@pemcortes9467I cannot justify attending protestant or evangelical churches. I study many versions of the Bible, as old as I can and understanding who was responsible for the translations. I am even studying Hebrew and my husband Greek. I plan to study the ancient dialect to read the oldest surviving Torah first hand. Before the Catholic Church was the church of the saints. The Bible says saints are people sainctified by genuinely accepting salvation. Only Jesus can do this. Only Jesus/God can truly know if we are saved in our heart of hearts. His church was established by followers, he did predict the split of churches. Which started with the Roman Catholic Church. Rome had lost most of it's imperialist grip and was panicking for a new form of control. This was at the same time Christianity was blossoming after Christ. But they didn't want to commit to throwing away their polytheism and pantheon gods, thus representing god falsely as Jupiter, angels as valkyries, cherubs/cherubim to chunky baby angels, and Jesus to Saturn. Even though this rejects earlier sculptures of Christ, and against descriptions in the Bible. Not surprising they didn't bother with the evidence for Jesus' birth during the holy days (dictated by God Himself) of Sukkot, in stead the Catholics twisted Saturnalia into "Christmas", around the time they had been fervently attacking Christians/Saints. It wouldn't be the last for using "holidays" to cover up abuse of the Bible and of the faith. I'll skip over celebrating Ishtar, and worship of saints AKA false idols, the prayer that isn't how Jesus tells us to pray...Lent is typically in violation of how Jesus tells us to fast. With All Saints Day came a pre-cursor of All Hallows Eve which was utilized to cover up Reformation Day/Martin Luther Day. Since he made significant headway in combating the greedy abuse of the Catholic Church. He pushed forth the previous notion that the general public should have access to the Word of God, as Jesus wanted, and for missionaries to help communities learn to read to be closer to God, spread His messages, through this method. Which the Catholic Church of course did not like, they managed to stifle his message. Brainwashed masses were of great help as usual, (hello crusades to modern public education). Martin Luther still helped clarify some important Biblical messages, thus came the Lutheran Church which ironically in itself is ironic, I personally can't get behind a church that names itself after another saint, celebrates Paeganism/ materialism through consumerist "holidays" etc. BUT my family does appreciate Luther and saints as such, and casually observe Reformation Day for sake of education in lieu of Halloween. There are several days of historical importance to discuss, but nothing close to the importance of the holy days themselves that God asks us to partake in! ❤ 🎉 Not the ritual animal sacrifices that once were, before Jesus of course. But there is nothing Biblical that says to stop reverence of those times. Even Jesus celebrated Hannukah and the symbolism of the servant candle is intensely Christian. 🕯️ Along with the historical value, even though it is not a holy day(s) in the strictest Biblical sense (occuring during the inter-testimental period and not dictated by God to celebrate/observe). 🕊️💙🙏 I hope this helps you! Thank you for reading.
Yeah, if you have blinders on and ignore the selling of indulgences to further richen an organization that was already fabulously wealthy, the persecution, torture and execution of those who had different ideas, the non Scriptural beliefs and activities of the church, the wrong belief that church doctrine is equivalent to the Word of God, and last, but certainly not least, the deliberate concealment of the clergy who abused children for over 100 years.
Thank you, brothers, so much for your brilliant presentation. I am always learning from this show. It helps to deepen my faith. God bless you and your families abundantly.
He was talking to a lot of Reform guys during his conversion? A very bad start! In any case, I consider myself neither Catholic nor Protestant but rather a Mere Christian as CS Lewis saw it. Before someone paints me anti-Catholic, one of our favorite preachers is Bishop Robert Barron. We watch his Sunday sermon every week and he is a great gospel preacher! But he loses me when he gets into Catholic dogma. Here's an example. He preached an excellent sermon on the Lord's Prayer but seemed to miss the part where Jesus says that we pray to Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Where is the space for a Holy Father in Rome? In another place we are enjoined to remember that our father is in heaven, we don't have an earthly father. When Luke interviewed Mary before he wrote the Gospel of Luke, somebody, and almost certainly it was Mary, told him that she and Joseph remained celibate "until she had brought forth her firstborn son," Jesus, and laid him in a manger. The idea of the perpetual virginity of Mary is concocted out of whole cloth. And Rome. Do you see Peter dressing in the costumes? Do you see St.Peter holding out his hand for St.Paul to kiss his ring? Me neither. The Catholic church and particularly some of its ancients have done enormous good over the centuries, but it has also done enormous harm. Think of Jesus telling his disciples that his kingdom was not of this world, and then think of several centuries of "The Holy Roman Empire." Think of the Inquisition in the corrupt medieval popes. And the cruelty. My ancestors were driven from Northern Italy into Switzerland about a thousand years ago. The execution methods used by soldiers of the bishop of Milan would have impressed Hamas. I had a direct ancestor burned at the stake in Strasbourg France / Germany in 1458. After my ancestors moved to Switzerland thrived as Anabaptists for several centuries, and then Calvin. My position is beware of any Christians that bestow on themselves the mantle of the true faith. We all make mistakes.
@@davereesor4116 My suggestion for you is to email Bishop Barron. I am sure that he, or his team, will be more than happy to provide you with answers to all of your questions. God bless you my friend! 🙏
I really would have loved for this discussion to continue for much longer. I am a cradle Catholic I am get so much out of conversion stories. I realize how much I missed in Catechism.
There's the church of Jesus before the Catholic Church actually. I cannot justify attending protestant or evangelical churches. I study many versions of the Bible, as old as I can and understanding who was responsible for the translations. I am even studying Hebrew and my husband Greek. I plan to study the ancient dialect to read the oldest surviving Torah first hand. Before the Catholic Church was the church of the saints. The Bible says saints are people sainctified by genuinely accepting salvation. Only Jesus can do this. Only Jesus/God can truly know if we are saved in our heart of hearts. His church was established by followers, he did predict the split of churches. Which started with the Roman Catholic Church. Rome had lost most of it's imperialist grip and was panicking for a new form of control. This was at the same time Christianity was blossoming after Christ. But they didn't want to commit to throwing away their polytheism and pantheon gods, thus representing god falsely as Jupiter, angels as valkyries, cherubs/cherubim to chunky baby angels, and Jesus to Saturn. Even though this rejects earlier sculptures of Christ, and against descriptions in the Bible. Not surprising they didn't bother with the evidence for Jesus' birth during the holy days (dictated by God Himself) of Sukkot, in stead the Catholics twisted Saturnalia into "Christmas", around the time they had been fervently attacking Christians/Saints. It wouldn't be the last for using "holidays" to cover up abuse of the Bible and of the faith. I'll skip over celebrating Ishtar, and worship of saints AKA false idols, the prayer that isn't how Jesus tells us to pray...Lent is typically in violation of how Jesus tells us to fast. With All Saints Day came a pre-cursor of All Hallows Eve which was utilized to cover up Reformation Day/Martin Luther Day. Since he made significant headway in combating the greedy abuse of the Catholic Church. He pushed forth the previous notion that the general public should have access to the Word of God, as Jesus wanted, and for missionaries to help communities learn to read to be closer to God, spread His messages, through this method. Which the Catholic Church of course did not like, they managed to stifle his message. Brainwashed masses were of great help as usual, (hello crusades to modern public education). Martin Luther still helped clarify some important Biblical messages, thus came the Lutheran Church which ironically in itself is ironic, I personally can't get behind a church that names itself after another saint, celebrates Paeganism/ materialism through consumerist "holidays" etc. BUT my family does appreciate Luther and saints as such, and casually observe Reformation Day for sake of education in lieu of Halloween. There are several days of historical importance to discuss, but nothing close to the importance of the holy days themselves that God asks us to partake in! ❤ 🎉 Not the ritual animal sacrifices that once were, before Jesus of course. But there is nothing Biblical that says to stop reverence of those times. Even Jesus celebrated Hannukah and the symbolism of the servant candle is intensely Christian. 🕯️ Along with the historical value, even though it is not a holy day(s) in the strictest Biblical sense (occuring during the inter-testimental period and not dictated by God to celebrate/observe). 🕊️💙🙏 I hope this helps you! Thank you for reading.
@@ari3lz3ppthere’s no such thing as protestant churches and evangelical churches they are all protestant CULTS. Look up who was pope in 150AD,and you will see Jesus founded the holy Catholic Church which is his mystical body on earth!
@@ari3lz3ppit was a catholic church but early after Jesus died the apostles didn't give the name catholic and there was no name and they name it after catholic mean universal. Just because I change my name from Anita to Alexandra that doesn't mean am a different person even if I do multiple surgeries to look different from the outside. Soul remains the same till death
excellent! thank you Im Catholic and its exhausting when my christian friends say things like Catholics added books, took books away ect you know the drill it breaks my heart
Thank you so much! I converted almost 4 years ago. You added some good thoughts to the same process I went through when I entered the Church. I still haven't read the Church fathers, but my husband did, and thankfully, we entered the Church together. Even better my 19 son entered too and is very devout. Unfortunately, my older children, who had left home already, are still protestant because they love their Church community. Still praying
St. Ignatius an apostle of St. John (107 A.D.) (Letter to the Smyrnaeans 8:2): “Where there is Jesus Christ there is the CATHOLIC church.” (110 A.D.) (Letter to the Philadelphians Chapter III. Avoid Schismatics 3:2, 3:3, 4:1, 4): “Repent and return into the UNITY of the CHURCH, follows a SCHISM… he shall not inherit the Kingdom of God.”
Opening my eyes got led away by tv phoney evangelical preachers who confuse me now came back home and see clearly that I was fooled and the Eucharist pulled me back in ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
The early Catholic church was also divided about many things, as attested in the Pauline epistles to the Corinthians. Some Christians (Catholic, presumably) in Corinth were divisively claiming that they followed Peter, and Paul scolded them for it, saying it didn't matter whether one followed Peter or Apollos or Christ, that all the Apostles belonged to all believers, and the believers should get along as one body.
Brilliant talk!!! Marcus Grodi wrote Pillar & Bulwatk about protestant preachers get together once a yr and what they is a brilliant book and is like hearing this talk.
❤I cannot justify attending protestant or evangelical churches. I study many versions of the Bible, as old as I can and understanding who was responsible for the translations. I am even studying Hebrew and my husband Greek. I plan to study the ancient dialect to read the oldest surviving Torah first hand. Before the Catholic Church was the church of the saints. The Bible says saints are people sainctified by genuinely accepting salvation. Only Jesus can do this. Only Jesus/God can truly know if we are saved in our heart of hearts. His church was established by followers, he did predict the split of churches. Which started with the Roman Catholic Church. Rome had lost most of it's imperialist grip and was panicking for a new form of control. This was at the same time Christianity was blossoming after Christ. But they didn't want to commit to throwing away their polytheism and pantheon gods, thus representing god falsely as Jupiter, angels as valkyries, cherubs/cherubim to chunky baby angels, and Jesus to Saturn. Even though this rejects earlier sculptures of Christ, and against descriptions in the Bible. Not surprising they didn't bother with the evidence for Jesus' birth during the holy days (dictated by God Himself) of Sukkot, in stead the Catholics twisted Saturnalia into "Christmas", around the time they had been fervently attacking Christians/Saints. It wouldn't be the last for using "holidays" to cover up abuse of the Bible and of the faith. I'll skip over celebrating Ishtar, and worship of saints AKA false idols, the prayer that isn't how Jesus tells us to pray...Lent is typically in violation of how Jesus tells us to fast. With All Saints Day came a pre-cursor of All Hallows Eve which was utilized to cover up Reformation Day/Martin Luther Day. Since he made significant headway in combating the greedy abuse of the Catholic Church. He pushed forth the previous notion that the general public should have access to the Word of God, as Jesus wanted, and for missionaries to help communities learn to read to be closer to God, spread His messages, through this method. Which the Catholic Church of course did not like, they managed to stifle his message. Brainwashed masses were of great help as usual, (hello crusades to modern public education). Martin Luther still helped clarify some important Biblical messages, thus came the Lutheran Church which ironically in itself is ironic, I personally can't get behind a church that names itself after another saint, celebrates Paeganism/ materialism through consumerist "holidays" etc. BUT my family does appreciate Luther and saints as such, and casually observe Reformation Day for sake of education in lieu of Halloween. There are several days of historical importance to discuss, but nothing close to the importance of the holy days themselves that God asks us to partake in! ❤ 🎉 Not the ritual animal sacrifices that once were, before Jesus of course. But there is nothing Biblical that says to stop reverence of those times. Even Jesus celebrated Hannukah and the symbolism of the servant candle is intensely Christian. 🕯️ Along with the historical value, even though it is not a holy day(s) in the strictest Biblical sense (occuring during the inter-testimental period and not dictated by God to celebrate/observe). 🕊️💙🙏 I hope this helps you! Thank you for reading.
I love to hear converts and reverts, as I pray for my entire family, many whom have left the Church. I wish they would delve into the Church Faters with open minds. Thank you for your show and your amazing guests.
In my short look into which between Catholic, Protestant, or Orthodox before I came back to the Catholic fate. Protestants = too divided I wouldn't know where to start, Orthodox divided by Culture, The Catholic Church seem more put together. After my own experience in confession, reading the bible and learning about the Early Church fathers I am 100% certain I led into the True Church. Glory be to God in the highest. Btw I was looking at this from an agnostic view point looking at each.
Such a great presentation!..... Was away from the true Church for 25yrs , in Potestant world, thinking I was on the right path. I was wrong. .The authority of the Church and the Holy Spirit drewme home 15yrs ago....So happy to be home.... Interested to see how the Holy will guide his Church through this confusing times...We know He will...God is faithful.
These are the types of people and discussions that will unify the church as Jesus prayed for. Great work to all. Love it and praise God always. Bless our Protestant friends that they come home before it’s to late.
When Jesus talked about unity he was talking about unity between Jew’s and Catholic’s. There’s ONLY ONE CHURCH NOT churches! Protestant’s belong to 40,000+ man made CULTS. To be Christian one must belong to the holy Catholic Church which is Jesus’s mystical body on earth!
Thanks be to God for those solid Protestants who are brave and open enough to be fair, curious, and open hearted to the Catholic Faith. Welcome home…and for those same Protestants reading this, prayers to you along your journey
The veneration and adoration of Mary is as old as the church itself. The earliest record of Mary’s veneration probably comes from the Third Ecumenical Council at Ephesus in A.D. 431. There church fathers affirmed Mary as the Theotokos, or God-bearer. The title stuck, and today we refer to her as the “Mother of God.” This designation of Mary as the mother of God is really at the root of Roman Catholic veneration. Mary is the link between our broken humanity and the boundless divinity present in the triune God. Mary is redeemed, as she is human, but she is also considered to have a special and unique relationship with God, as she shares DNA with Christ. Mother Teresa once remarked, “She gave Jesus his body, and his body is what saved us.”
I really like Joshua and He seems like a very, super Intelligent young man so maybe, you should bring him back again to your Podcast and do another interview. I also am very happy that He converted to only and true Catholic and Apostolic Religion and Church , for God needs more warriors like Him , and I am very thankful to God for Him and for You for You !! ✝️🙏🥰
The more I listen to Catholic converts, I marvel at their depth in theology and scripture. As a cradle Catholic I strive to keep up with them, and I am thankful that converts have such zeal for the truth. We pray that God wills that millions of Protestants convert to Catholic, along with millions of Jews. Welcome home! 🙏
1000% agree. I am so grateful for these amazing (and scholarly!) converts. What a blessing.
That's normal for protestants. We do have zeal for the truth. You are amazed because you aren't told the truth. These converts were not real protestants, they were looking for "something." Maybe they were enticed by the opportunity to see Jesus on earth in the wafer.
Yes. But remember at the beginning of the Church we were _all_ converts. 😊
I am a revert to Catholicism. I agree that those who have converted tend to be theologically proficient. I have also found that you never see intellectually proficient Catholics convert to Protestantism. But you do find Protestant philosophers, and intellectuals convert to Catholicism. The only Catholics I see going to the other side - are those who really didn’t know their faith. In my own experience these folks are completely ignorant of the Catholic arguments.
"Depth and theology" means nothing if their Fallible, Nonauthoritative, interpretation is wrong. If they have a "Depth of Theology" and believe in such nonsense as "Bible Alone", "Faith Alone", "Once Saved Always Saved", a "Symbolic Baptism", and a "Symbolic Eucharist", then their Theology doesn't matter until they start believing the Truth as taught by the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church created by Jesus Christ.
I was born into the Catholic faith. Then I went to the Baptist church, then Lutheran, now non-denomination church but in everyone of these churches I still have this feeling that something is missing. I believe it’s the Eucharist.
My faith journey mimics yours except; I recently reverted back to the one true faith, Catholicism. Keep praying and searching for the 1 way, 1 truth, 1 life - the church Jesus established. Listen carefully for the Holy Spirit and he will guide you
What's missing is the power of faith! What's missing is the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. I was born a Catholic. I have seen, felt, heard, smelt the evil that it is. I also I read and researched the history. Not only the propagandist history the devils is Rome dish out. Christ is coming back for the five faithful virgins, the other ones who thought they were OK did not keep their lamps full. I pray for all the lost Catholics. Please get out of the pagen, idolatrous, devil worshipping, Nazi loving. Mass murdering monsters. What else can I say. You've been informed.
Missing Christ's true presence is a good reason not to be a member of a man-made church
More than a relationship, but a physical encounter with the Risen Lord.
@@thomasjorge4734 And crucially His saving grace.
I right now am in the same journey! My husband can not understand what I am going through. We had a solid protestant faith until i started to surch for truth, i could not swallow anymore so many differences in protestantism and people saying is all the same. I believe in truth and reality, two opposite beliefs can not be true! Please pray for me!
In a similar place as you. Praying!
Praying! Take RCIA with husband!!!
May God bless you as you discern what is true🙏
On UA-cam, type in Explaining the Faith Father Chris Alar and watch his talks. He's a younger, funny, great speaker, tells it like it is type of guy. He's done talks on Mary, purgatory, saints, relics, Eucharist miracles (some things non-catholics have trouble accepting) along with dozens upon dozens of other topics. The time goes by fast and his videos are very addicting! I'm a cradle Catholic and still am learning so much from him
Bill Donahue on youtube
I'm a bit older than Joshua, but he describes my journey to the Catholic faith. God is good. My wife and I converted, at the same time to the Catholicism.
Enjoy the church that murdered 7000 Christians during the inquisitions and Pope John Paul apology for in the year 2000. Enjoy the church that charged Christians for indulgences for their dead loved ones to gain salvation so that the church could afford to build st Peter's basilica.
I cannot justify attending protestant or evangelical churches. I study many versions of the Bible, as old as I can and understanding who was responsible for the translations. I am even studying Hebrew and my husband Greek. I plan to study the ancient dialect to read the oldest surviving Torah first hand.
Before the Catholic Church was the church of the saints. The Bible says saints are people sainctified by genuinely accepting salvation. Only Jesus can do this. Only Jesus/God can truly know if we are saved in our heart of hearts.
His church was established by followers, he did predict the split of churches. Which started with the Roman Catholic Church. Rome had lost most of it's imperialist grip and was panicking for a new form of control. This was at the same time Christianity was blossoming after Christ. But they didn't want to commit to throwing away their polytheism and pantheon gods, thus representing god falsely as Jupiter, angels as valkyries, cherubs/cherubim to chunky baby angels, and Jesus to Saturn. Even though this rejects earlier sculptures of Christ, and against descriptions in the Bible.
Not surprising they didn't bother with the evidence for Jesus' birth during the holy days (dictated by God Himself) of Sukkot, in stead the Catholics twisted Saturnalia into "Christmas", around the time they had been fervently attacking Christians/Saints.
It wouldn't be the last for using "holidays" to cover up abuse of the Bible and of the faith. I'll skip over celebrating Ishtar, and worship of saints AKA false idols, the prayer that isn't how Jesus tells us to pray...Lent is typically in violation of how Jesus tells us to fast.
With All Saints Day came a pre-cursor of All Hallows Eve which was utilized to cover up Reformation Day/Martin Luther Day. Since he made significant headway in combating the greedy abuse of the Catholic Church. He pushed forth the previous notion that the general public should have access to the Word of God, as Jesus wanted, and for missionaries to help communities learn to read to be closer to God, spread His messages, through this method.
Which the Catholic Church of course did not like, they managed to stifle his message. Brainwashed masses were of great help as usual, (hello crusades to modern public education).
Martin Luther still helped clarify some important Biblical messages, thus came the Lutheran Church which ironically in itself is ironic, I personally can't get behind a church that names itself after another saint, celebrates Paeganism/ materialism through consumerist "holidays" etc.
BUT my family does appreciate Luther and saints as such, and casually observe Reformation Day for sake of education in lieu of Halloween. There are several days of historical importance to discuss, but nothing close to the importance of the holy days themselves that God asks us to partake in! ❤ 🎉 Not the ritual animal sacrifices that once were, before Jesus of course. But there is nothing Biblical that says to stop reverence of those times.
Even Jesus celebrated Hannukah and the symbolism of the servant candle is intensely Christian. 🕯️ Along with the historical value, even though it is not a holy day(s) in the strictest Biblical sense (occuring during the inter-testimental period and not dictated by God to celebrate/observe). 🕊️💙🙏 I hope this helps you! Thank you for reading.
The Pope is not Jesus' avatar (sorry, vicar) on earth and he's not infallible. That's ridiculous and enough by itself to throw the baby out with the bathwater. I truly wish some of you guys would open your eyes and study history. If you won't open the Bible to read for yourself, at least study history.
How can you convert to's
a vague statement..
Did protestant Church taught you any word outside the BIBLE..
THEN do share , such testimonies.
@@adityakhakha3370 a better way to say it is that Protestants converting to catholicism are submitting themselves to a papacy that claims infallibility (apostles never did) and a Pope(an office not described in Bible) who excepts title of holy father( hmm I remember Jesus teaching all have sinned and man's righteousness is like a filthy rag onto the Lord) and a church responsible for countless thousands of Christians murdered because they wouldn't submit to the Catholics church( gee I wonder how that tradition could be traced back to the apostles. Anyways good luck with your Jesuit Pope you'll need it.
I too came to a crisis of faith as a Protestant and it lead to a massive conversion through reading the Father's and Historical Christianity...6 years later I'm entering the Catholic Church with my family and doing Catholic Social Media work! Joshua Charles is a major inspiration and mentor to me. Loved this show!
What reference books did you read?
Welcome home..
Same here… on my path to going back home. I feel at peace. Protestantism and evangelicalism almost destroyed my faith.
Well be back. Say your rosary daily for conversation of the world
Your first problem is reading the so called "fathers". You must study the Bible not the false doctrines of the "fathers".
This one podcast ended my struggle to STAY A Protestant ! Ty Ty Ty Joshua Charles!!! I’m done! I’m a going home to my childhood faith!
Praise God
Start the Rosary, Mother Mary Will lead you to Jesus safely.
Talk to a priest in your neighbourhood & let the Holy Spirit guides you
Childhood faith. Thats an interesting word you said. I remember when i was a kid i attended a parish chuch and told my friend that someday I wanted to become a catholic too.
On dec 17th 23 I was accepted into catholic church in the same parish where I made my wish. You can say I returned back to my childhood faith. The name of the parish is St Mary Immaculate
@@sandyriver4705 Mary is so grace-ious.
Welcome home. Praise the Lord!
As a former Baptist and now Catholic I have a lot in common with this testimony...
Praying to dead saints is against biblical teaching.
Praying to Mary is pagan
You cannot be saved by your works - it is only the grace of God that will save you from hell.
Purgatory is not in the Bible.
@@berean1703how can you read Jesus’s own words and not know that good works are required for salvation? Even the Lord’s Prayer implies the necessity for good works, I’m sure you pray that don’t you? We neither pray *to* Mary or the Saints. We *ask them* to *pray for us*
@@berean1703 how is your Baptist church in westboro going?
@@birgittabirgersdatter8082 You are praying to Mary and the saints to pray for you. By your own words you admit that you pray to dead saints.
The Bible specifically states not to pray to dead people and that there is one mediator between God and man - Jesus Christ.
Mary called Jesus her Saviour because *she was sinful* and needed saved.
I believe that Jesus was conceived without sin but I do not believe that Mary was conceived without sin.
Do you believe Mary was conceived without sin - and if so what Bible verses do you use to back up this teaching?
@@mikelopez8564 I can see you are not interested in proper debate if you assume I go to Westboro Baptist.
I love to hear the conversion stories. My Mother was a convert and quietly had classes with a priest to become Catholic. On the day she went to her first communion my Dad watched her get up and go. He didn't know that she had classes. With what she did brought my Dad back into the Catholic church. They went on to have 10 children. 😊
Wow u must be blessed. Married and children..😊 hooray.
Absolutely beautiful story
If you really like conversion stories I will tell you a huge one. It is the little altar boys who mhomosexual pedophile priests turned into victims.
Just beautiful
As an ex-mormon, then atheist, then Christian-Prot, then Catholic. My problem with Protestantism is that it ended looking like Mormonism just 300 years earlier.
Very happy for you! I cut out the middle men and converted from Mormonism to Catholicism last Easter, with Joshua as my Godfather. My assessment of Mormonism was very similar. It never solved the problems it said it was rectifying. The outright rejection of historical Christianity just enlarged the same problem. God bless you!
Interesting. Please explain this for me a bit more.
@@fantasia55 Well basically it is the idea that many important doctrines were lost, and then re-discovered by Luther. Which to me imply that the church fell (or lost its way) since it lost the basic notion of how to achieve salvation.
And that to me is the same as the mormon claim.
Who restored real apostolic teaching? Luther? Calving? Zwingli? Joseph Smith? It makes more sense to believe that apostolic teaching was never lost.
One says that for 1200-1300 years we lost apostolic teaching, the other for 1700. Both views seem not reasonable if Jesus was who he said he was.
@@GabrielPereira-hm1cz Yes indeedy, Protestantism asserts that Jesus was a miserable failure in establishing Christianity - and needed the help of Martin Luther to get it done.
Mine is that they lie so boldly about Catholics so much.
I believed it for over a decade.
St. Augustine was searching for the “truth” when his heart was in conflict before he was catholic. He found out that God is the truth and he found the Catholic Church teaching the only truth.
I love this interview and I learned a lot from it.
What's the difference between a catholic teaching & Evangelicals.
“The Truth is to Be Found Nowhere Else But in the Catholic Church.”
YES! (189 A.D.) St. Irenaeus suggests in Against Heresies Book III Chapter IV: chapter title!
@@MUSIC-MARY be very concise in your Arguments , with relevant quotes from the Bible..Prove How a Truth to be found in the Catholic Church .
The difference is the Catholic person does not teach opinion but the Truth which, like God, is always one; therefore the Church can only be one. John 17:21-23.
The immense number of separated protestant churches and sects confirm the Protestant error.
"To be Deep into History is to Cease to be Protestant" --St. John Henry Newman
To be deep in Catholicism is to be closer to hell.
Perhaps the most ignorant quotation of all time!
@@hanssvineklev648 That's why he is a Cardinal and canonizedsaint and you are a troll on the UA-cam comment section.
I had been a Catholic for over 40 years. I left for over 30 years but I returned to reading the early church fathers and it led me to return to the Catholic Church. Good video. But it intro was challenging to get through.
I think coverts tend to become fervent Catholics because they were also fervent about their previous faith, always looking for more they end up finding the full Truth in the Catholic Church. They may also turn up being excellent apologetics because they know really well both side of the story. I really like to listen to them as well as our Catholic apologetics enriching my faith, loving and appreciating my Catholic Faith more and more. 🙏
This also applies to Catholics who fall out of Catholicism and become atheists and then come back in like myself.
It is a truism that a majority of Christians both Catholics and NonCatholics, at least in this century, have no idea what Catholicism is.
All,CULTS, SECTS, DENOMINATIONS, only have half TRUTHS.... the Roman Catholic Faith has the whole truth:
@@fritula6200 Oh like the TRUTH that there were pervert priests for the last hundred years that the hierarchy tried to conceal?
@@xiomarablanco5598 The Catholics who are the most critical of the Ro man Catholic church seem to be former Protestants. There are a slew of them like Taylor Marshall who seem determined to cause another schism.
Joshua’s journey parallels mine in many, many ways. I didn’t have the library of resources he had, but my search for ancient Christianity led me to realize that 1st & 2nd century Christianity looked nothing like what I had been practicing all my life. I was sure I’d become Orthodox and then…Scott Hahn. Every Catholic convert from Calvinist Presbyterianism has at least one Scott Hahn story.
My Hahn story was when a student asked him how we know what books belonged in the New Testament? There’s no list in the Bible so either Bible alone is false OR we have no certainty that the books we have really belong there! He had never even thought of where the list actually came from and most Protestants don’t either.
Historical spoiler alert: the Catholic Church discerned that in 393 AD at the Council of Carthage which brings up another logical conundrum. If the Catholic Church did not infallibly discern the index of the New Testament, then protestant have no new testament. If the Catholic Church did infallibly discern the new testament, then the next question is if they had infallible guidance, then when did that infallible guidance stop and why would it
GOD BLESS YOUR JOURNEY that's Powerful Testimony
I have an altar in my condo, it’s a small table that holds the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary and St. Joseph.
I find that the authority question is the question that got me to convert. As a Protestant seminarian I realized that we would appeal to the authority of the church on matters like the Trinity, with which we agreed, and call that “orthodox Christianity” but deny the baptismal regeneration that the church professed at that the same council. It felt too convenient.
Protestantis just pick and choose what to believe.
@@Compulsive-Elk7103I was once protestant. At some point i thought Am I supposed to buildup like legos my own beliefs??
@@045_bharatpowar7that’s a good analogy to their doctrines. It’s like they are picking different colored & sized legos from a pile and stacking them up however high they want to go. No set of doctrine is the same.
How is infant baptism ok with you. Can you show me where scripture says anything about infant baptism? Or where a newborn can "repent and be baptized?" Having been a Protestant I assume you know the bible. So how were you bamboozled?so show me where you read in your bible as a Protestant where it says Mary was assumed? Where can I read that she was immaculately conceived? Or any of the doctrines you now believe. If you are able to provide them, I just might convert. Issy that because I KNOW there is no such thing in the bible.
@@rbnmnt3341 Hi, I guess you have no opinion on the question of authority, which is what the OP posted about?
“I desired the freedom of Authority”
Dr Ian Murphy
Catholic Convert
I cannot justify attending protestant or evangelical churches. I study many versions of the Bible, as old as I can and understanding who was responsible for the translations. I am even studying Hebrew and my husband Greek. I plan to study the ancient dialect to read the oldest surviving Torah first hand.
Before the Catholic Church was the church of the saints. The Bible says saints are people sainctified by genuinely accepting salvation. Only Jesus can do this. Only Jesus/God can truly know if we are saved in our heart of hearts.
His church was established by followers, he did predict the split of churches. Which started with the Roman Catholic Church. Rome had lost most of it's imperialist grip and was panicking for a new form of control. This was at the same time Christianity was blossoming after Christ. But they didn't want to commit to throwing away their polytheism and pantheon gods, thus representing god falsely as Jupiter, angels as valkyries, cherubs/cherubim to chunky baby angels, and Jesus to Saturn. Even though this rejects earlier sculptures of Christ, and against descriptions in the Bible.
Not surprising they didn't bother with the evidence for Jesus' birth during the holy days (dictated by God Himself) of Sukkot, in stead the Catholics twisted Saturnalia into "Christmas", around the time they had been fervently attacking Christians/Saints.
It wouldn't be the last for using "holidays" to cover up abuse of the Bible and of the faith. I'll skip over celebrating Ishtar, and worship of saints AKA false idols, the prayer that isn't how Jesus tells us to pray...Lent is typically in violation of how Jesus tells us to fast.
With All Saints Day came a pre-cursor of All Hallows Eve which was utilized to cover up Reformation Day/Martin Luther Day. Since he made significant headway in combating the greedy abuse of the Catholic Church. He pushed forth the previous notion that the general public should have access to the Word of God, as Jesus wanted, and for missionaries to help communities learn to read to be closer to God, spread His messages, through this method.
Which the Catholic Church of course did not like, they managed to stifle his message. Brainwashed masses were of great help as usual, (hello crusades to modern public education).
Martin Luther still helped clarify some important Biblical messages, thus came the Lutheran Church which ironically in itself is ironic, I personally can't get behind a church that names itself after another saint, celebrates Paeganism/ materialism through consumerist "holidays" etc.
BUT my family does appreciate Luther and saints as such, and casually observe Reformation Day for sake of education in lieu of Halloween. There are several days of historical importance to discuss, but nothing close to the importance of the holy days themselves that God asks us to partake in! ❤ 🎉 Not the ritual animal sacrifices that once were, before Jesus of course. But there is nothing Biblical that says to stop reverence of those times.
Even Jesus celebrated Hannukah and the symbolism of the servant candle is intensely Christian. 🕯️ Along with the historical value, even though it is not a holy day(s) in the strictest Biblical sense (occuring during the inter-testimental period and not dictated by God to celebrate/observe). 🕊️💙🙏 I hope this helps you! Thank you for reading.
What church do u attend today ?
@@ari3lz3pp hating on the Catholic Church is normal, Jesus was called the prince of demons
So it is expected his church be hated on
A prodigal son did just that.. We often are in the same boat. Welcome home
Im 63. Been Catholic all my life
Never worshiped a saint yet
Josh! I prayed the exact prayer to Our Lady! She made all the difference. It was almost like my heart changed in a few days. Then my true study began.
But i thought we weren't supposed to 'pray' to Anyone but God.
i've been told, "We don't pray to Mary or Saint so & so...we ask them to pray for us just like asking a friend to your left or right for prayer."
Problem is...i don't buy it.
Over & over the contradiction gets displayed like right here. You said you 'pray' to someone else besides God in Heaven.
If you deny it, then you're lying to yourself. In essence you're conjuring up spirits from beyond the grave...believing the creations have the same powers of the Creator & are worthy to be praised.
Only Creator God Is:
Omniscient, Omnipresent & Omnipotent.
I cannot justify attending protestant or evangelical churches. I study many versions of the Bible, as old as I can and understanding who was responsible for the translations. I am even studying Hebrew and my husband Greek. I plan to study the ancient dialect to read the oldest surviving Torah first hand.
Before the Catholic Church was the church of the saints. The Bible says saints are people sainctified by genuinely accepting salvation. Only Jesus can do this. Only Jesus/God can truly know if we are saved in our heart of hearts.
His church was established by followers, he did predict the split of churches. Which started with the Roman Catholic Church. Rome had lost most of it's imperialist grip and was panicking for a new form of control. This was at the same time Christianity was blossoming after Christ. But they didn't want to commit to throwing away their polytheism and pantheon gods, thus representing god falsely as Jupiter, angels as valkyries, cherubs/cherubim to chunky baby angels, and Jesus to Saturn. Even though this rejects earlier sculptures of Christ, and against descriptions in the Bible.
Not surprising they didn't bother with the evidence for Jesus' birth during the holy days (dictated by God Himself) of Sukkot, in stead the Catholics twisted Saturnalia into "Christmas", around the time they had been fervently attacking Christians/Saints.
It wouldn't be the last for using "holidays" to cover up abuse of the Bible and of the faith. I'll skip over celebrating Ishtar, and worship of saints AKA false idols, the prayer that isn't how Jesus tells us to pray...Lent is typically in violation of how Jesus tells us to fast.
With All Saints Day came a pre-cursor of All Hallows Eve which was utilized to cover up Reformation Day/Martin Luther Day. Since he made significant headway in combating the greedy abuse of the Catholic Church. He pushed forth the previous notion that the general public should have access to the Word of God, as Jesus wanted, and for missionaries to help communities learn to read to be closer to God, spread His messages, through this method.
Which the Catholic Church of course did not like, they managed to stifle his message. Brainwashed masses were of great help as usual, (hello crusades to modern public education).
Martin Luther still helped clarify some important Biblical messages, thus came the Lutheran Church which ironically in itself is ironic, I personally can't get behind a church that names itself after another saint, celebrates Paeganism/ materialism through consumerist "holidays" etc.
BUT my family does appreciate Luther and saints as such, and casually observe Reformation Day for sake of education in lieu of Halloween. There are several days of historical importance to discuss, but nothing close to the importance of the holy days themselves that God asks us to partake in! ❤ 🎉 Not the ritual animal sacrifices that once were, before Jesus of course. But there is nothing Biblical that says to stop reverence of those times.
Even Jesus celebrated Hannukah and the symbolism of the servant candle is intensely Christian. 🕯️ Along with the historical value, even though it is not a holy day(s) in the strictest Biblical sense (occuring during the inter-testimental period and not dictated by God to celebrate/observe). 🕊️💙🙏 I hope this helps you! Thank you for reading.
@@preachinoldschool5726❤ exactly I cannot justify attending protestant or evangelical churches. I study many versions of the Bible, as old as I can and understanding who was responsible for the translations. I am even studying Hebrew and my husband Greek. I plan to study the ancient dialect to read the oldest surviving Torah first hand.
Before the Catholic Church was the church of the saints. The Bible says saints are people sainctified by genuinely accepting salvation. Only Jesus can do this. Only Jesus/God can truly know if we are saved in our heart of hearts.
His church was established by followers, he did predict the split of churches. Which started with the Roman Catholic Church. Rome had lost most of it's imperialist grip and was panicking for a new form of control. This was at the same time Christianity was blossoming after Christ. But they didn't want to commit to throwing away their polytheism and pantheon gods, thus representing god falsely as Jupiter, angels as valkyries, cherubs/cherubim to chunky baby angels, and Jesus to Saturn. Even though this rejects earlier sculptures of Christ, and against descriptions in the Bible.
Not surprising they didn't bother with the evidence for Jesus' birth during the holy days (dictated by God Himself) of Sukkot, in stead the Catholics twisted Saturnalia into "Christmas", around the time they had been fervently attacking Christians/Saints.
It wouldn't be the last for using "holidays" to cover up abuse of the Bible and of the faith. I'll skip over celebrating Ishtar, and worship of saints AKA false idols, the prayer that isn't how Jesus tells us to pray...Lent is typically in violation of how Jesus tells us to fast.
With All Saints Day came a pre-cursor of All Hallows Eve which was utilized to cover up Reformation Day/Martin Luther Day. Since he made significant headway in combating the greedy abuse of the Catholic Church. He pushed forth the previous notion that the general public should have access to the Word of God, as Jesus wanted, and for missionaries to help communities learn to read to be closer to God, spread His messages, through this method.
Which the Catholic Church of course did not like, they managed to stifle his message. Brainwashed masses were of great help as usual, (hello crusades to modern public education).
Martin Luther still helped clarify some important Biblical messages, thus came the Lutheran Church which ironically in itself is ironic, I personally can't get behind a church that names itself after another saint, celebrates Paeganism/ materialism through consumerist "holidays" etc.
BUT my family does appreciate Luther and saints as such, and casually observe Reformation Day for sake of education in lieu of Halloween. There are several days of historical importance to discuss, but nothing close to the importance of the holy days themselves that God asks us to partake in! ❤ 🎉 Not the ritual animal sacrifices that once were, before Jesus of course. But there is nothing Biblical that says to stop reverence of those times.
Even Jesus celebrated Hannukah and the symbolism of the servant candle is intensely Christian. 🕯️ Along with the historical value, even though it is not a holy day(s) in the strictest Biblical sense (occuring during the inter-testimental period and not dictated by God to celebrate/observe). 🕊️💙🙏 I hope this helps you! Thank you for reading.
@@preachinoldschool5726yeah most Catholic laymen mess up in this area. We absolutely pray to Mary. We don’t however make sacrifices to her as though she were God the Father. Most Protestants confuse prayer for worship forgetting that she is alive like all who have gone with God. She is alive and following her statement in Luke 1:48, “Behold, from henceforth all will call me blessed!”
Yes, 'your lsady' not God's. Dianna of Ephesus in pseudo christian masquerade bless you.
„If Christianity is historical, Catholicism is Christianity” Cardinal John Henry Newman
I cannot justify attending protestant or evangelical churches. I study many versions of the Bible, as old as I can and understanding who was responsible for the translations. I am even studying Hebrew and my husband Greek. I plan to study the ancient dialect to read the oldest surviving Torah first hand.
Before the Catholic Church was the church of the saints. The Bible says saints are people sainctified by genuinely accepting salvation. Only Jesus can do this. Only Jesus/God can truly know if we are saved in our heart of hearts.
His church was established by followers, he did predict the split of churches. Which started with the Roman Catholic Church. Rome had lost most of it's imperialist grip and was panicking for a new form of control. This was at the same time Christianity was blossoming after Christ. But they didn't want to commit to throwing away their polytheism and pantheon gods, thus representing god falsely as Jupiter, angels as valkyries, cherubs/cherubim to chunky baby angels, and Jesus to Saturn. Even though this rejects earlier sculptures of Christ, and against descriptions in the Bible.
Not surprising they didn't bother with the evidence for Jesus' birth during the holy days (dictated by God Himself) of Sukkot, in stead the Catholics twisted Saturnalia into "Christmas", around the time they had been fervently attacking Christians/Saints.
It wouldn't be the last for using "holidays" to cover up abuse of the Bible and of the faith. I'll skip over celebrating Ishtar, and worship of saints AKA false idols, the prayer that isn't how Jesus tells us to pray...Lent is typically in violation of how Jesus tells us to fast.
With All Saints Day came a pre-cursor of All Hallows Eve which was utilized to cover up Reformation Day/Martin Luther Day. Since he made significant headway in combating the greedy abuse of the Catholic Church. He pushed forth the previous notion that the general public should have access to the Word of God, as Jesus wanted, and for missionaries to help communities learn to read to be closer to God, spread His messages, through this method.
Which the Catholic Church of course did not like, they managed to stifle his message. Brainwashed masses were of great help as usual, (hello crusades to modern public education).
Martin Luther still helped clarify some important Biblical messages, thus came the Lutheran Church which ironically in itself is ironic, I personally can't get behind a church that names itself after another saint, celebrates Paeganism/ materialism through consumerist "holidays" etc.
BUT my family does appreciate Luther and saints as such, and casually observe Reformation Day for sake of education in lieu of Halloween. There are several days of historical importance to discuss, but nothing close to the importance of the holy days themselves that God asks us to partake in! ❤ 🎉 Not the ritual animal sacrifices that once were, before Jesus of course. But there is nothing Biblical that says to stop reverence of those times.
Even Jesus celebrated Hannukah and the symbolism of the servant candle is intensely Christian. 🕯️ Along with the historical value, even though it is not a holy day(s) in the strictest Biblical sense (occuring during the inter-testimental period and not dictated by God to celebrate/observe). 🕊️💙🙏 I hope this helps you! Thank you for reading.
The logic there doesn't make any sense. Do you know anything about Second Temple Judaism? It's literally the world Jesus was living in. It would be a helpful start.
Perhaps you should then read Newman's Treatise "The Development of the Christian Religion" where he admits that no less than 70% of the rites, rituals, and customs of Roman Catholicism are of pagan (not biblical) origin.
Well if you would rather read the Roman Catholic Latin Vulgate iof Jeroime you will see that Jerome did not believe Peter to be The Rock.
Christians follow Christ. Catholics follow the Pope so catholicism is not christianity. John Henry was way off.
It’s like listening to a younger Scott Hahn.
What a fantastic blessing God provides.
I cannot justify attending protestant or evangelical churches. I study many versions of the Bible, as old as I can and understanding who was responsible for the translations. I am even studying Hebrew and my husband Greek. I plan to study the ancient dialect to read the oldest surviving Torah first hand.
Before the Catholic Church was the church of the saints. The Bible says saints are people sainctified by genuinely accepting salvation. Only Jesus can do this. Only Jesus/God can truly know if we are saved in our heart of hearts.
His church was established by followers, he did predict the split of churches. Which started with the Roman Catholic Church. Rome had lost most of it's imperialist grip and was panicking for a new form of control. This was at the same time Christianity was blossoming after Christ. But they didn't want to commit to throwing away their polytheism and pantheon gods, thus representing god falsely as Jupiter, angels as valkyries, cherubs/cherubim to chunky baby angels, and Jesus to Saturn. Even though this rejects earlier sculptures of Christ, and against descriptions in the Bible.
Not surprising they didn't bother with the evidence for Jesus' birth during the holy days (dictated by God Himself) of Sukkot, in stead the Catholics twisted Saturnalia into "Christmas", around the time they had been fervently attacking Christians/Saints.
It wouldn't be the last for using "holidays" to cover up abuse of the Bible and of the faith. I'll skip over celebrating Ishtar, and worship of saints AKA false idols, the prayer that isn't how Jesus tells us to pray...Lent is typically in violation of how Jesus tells us to fast.
With All Saints Day came a pre-cursor of All Hallows Eve which was utilized to cover up Reformation Day/Martin Luther Day. Since he made significant headway in combating the greedy abuse of the Catholic Church. He pushed forth the previous notion that the general public should have access to the Word of God, as Jesus wanted, and for missionaries to help communities learn to read to be closer to God, spread His messages, through this method.
Which the Catholic Church of course did not like, they managed to stifle his message. Brainwashed masses were of great help as usual, (hello crusades to modern public education).
Martin Luther still helped clarify some important Biblical messages, thus came the Lutheran Church which ironically in itself is ironic, I personally can't get behind a church that names itself after another saint, celebrates Paeganism/ materialism through consumerist "holidays" etc.
BUT my family does appreciate Luther and saints as such, and casually observe Reformation Day for sake of education in lieu of Halloween. There are several days of historical importance to discuss, but nothing close to the importance of the holy days themselves that God asks us to partake in! ❤ 🎉 Not the ritual animal sacrifices that once were, before Jesus of course. But there is nothing Biblical that says to stop reverence of those times.
Even Jesus celebrated Hannukah and the symbolism of the servant candle is intensely Christian. 🕯️ Along with the historical value, even though it is not a holy day(s) in the strictest Biblical sense (occuring during the inter-testimental period and not dictated by God to celebrate/observe). 🕊️💙🙏 I hope this helps you! Thank you for reading.❤❤❤
@@ari3lz3pp nice copy and paste
@ari3lz3pp this is from the early church pre-1000AD, will knock the falsehood on what you are saying (which has been debunked many times) on Istar,etc.
"The twenty-fifth day of December.
In the five thousand one hundred and ninety-ninth year of the creation of the world
from the time when God in the beginning created the heavens and the earth;
the two thousand nine hundred and fifty-seventh year after the flood;
the two thousand and fifteenth year from the birth of Abraham;
the one thousand five hundred and tenth year from Moses
and the going forth of the people of Israel from Egypt;
the one thousand and thirty-second year from David's being anointed king;
in the sixty-fifth week according to the prophecy of Daniel;
in the one hundred and ninety-fourth Olympiad;
the seven hundred and fifty-second year from the foundation of the city of Rome;
the forty second year of the reign of Octavian Augustus;
the whole world being at peace,
in the sixth age of the world,
Jesus Christ the eternal God and Son of the eternal Father,
desiring to sanctify the world by his most merciful coming,
being conceived by the Holy Spirit,
and nine months having passed since his conception,
was born in Bethlehem of Judea of the Virgin Mary,
being made flesh.
The Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ according to the flesh."
I read St Francis de Sales
Catholic Controversy
When I was in High School.
Most amazing book
Im a recent convert myself. For years as a Protestant i couldnt understand what paul was warning is about with taking the eucharist unworthily. Im like how do you become worthy of it? How do you lose that worth? It seems this only affects people in the church so they all have the same beliefs, the same leaders, rules, scripture. Yet one group is getting sick and dying and other is not. Nobody in my church was getting sick from the oyster crackers and grape juice but it certainly didnt feel like anything special going on.
When i began my conversion, the first time i found out about catholic answers i called and asked jimmy akin about it
Welcome Home!
I cannot justify attending protestant or evangelical churches. I study many versions of the Bible, as old as I can and understanding who was responsible for the translations. I am even studying Hebrew and my husband Greek. I plan to study the ancient dialect to read the oldest surviving Torah first hand.
Before the Catholic Church was the church of the saints. The Bible says saints are people sainctified by genuinely accepting salvation. Only Jesus can do this. Only Jesus/God can truly know if we are saved in our heart of hearts.
His church was established by followers, he did predict the split of churches. Which started with the Roman Catholic Church. Rome had lost most of it's imperialist grip and was panicking for a new form of control. This was at the same time Christianity was blossoming after Christ. But they didn't want to commit to throwing away their polytheism and pantheon gods, thus representing god falsely as Jupiter, angels as valkyries, cherubs/cherubim to chunky baby angels, and Jesus to Saturn. Even though this rejects earlier sculptures of Christ, and against descriptions in the Bible.
Not surprising they didn't bother with the evidence for Jesus' birth during the holy days (dictated by God Himself) of Sukkot, in stead the Catholics twisted Saturnalia into "Christmas", around the time they had been fervently attacking Christians/Saints.
It wouldn't be the last for using "holidays" to cover up abuse of the Bible and of the faith. I'll skip over celebrating Ishtar, and worship of saints AKA false idols, the prayer that isn't how Jesus tells us to pray...Lent is typically in violation of how Jesus tells us to fast.
With All Saints Day came a pre-cursor of All Hallows Eve which was utilized to cover up Reformation Day/Martin Luther Day. Since he made significant headway in combating the greedy abuse of the Catholic Church. He pushed forth the previous notion that the general public should have access to the Word of God, as Jesus wanted, and for missionaries to help communities learn to read to be closer to God, spread His messages, through this method.
Which the Catholic Church of course did not like, they managed to stifle his message. Brainwashed masses were of great help as usual, (hello crusades to modern public education).
Martin Luther still helped clarify some important Biblical messages, thus came the Lutheran Church which ironically in itself is ironic, I personally can't get behind a church that names itself after another saint, celebrates Paeganism/ materialism through consumerist "holidays" etc.
BUT my family does appreciate Luther and saints as such, and casually observe Reformation Day for sake of education in lieu of Halloween. There are several days of historical importance to discuss, but nothing close to the importance of the holy days themselves that God asks us to partake in! ❤ 🎉 Not the ritual animal sacrifices that once were, before Jesus of course. But there is nothing Biblical that says to stop reverence of those times.
Even Jesus celebrated Hannukah and the symbolism of the servant candle is intensely Christian. 🕯️ Along with the historical value, even though it is not a holy day(s) in the strictest Biblical sense (occuring during the inter-testimental period and not dictated by God to celebrate/observe). 🕊️💙🙏 I hope this helps you! Thank you for reading.
@@ari3lz3pp It sounds like youve done some seriously deep study of anticatholic materials. Its impressive but the problem is, i used to believe the exact same things you just professed! Word for word! I did a lot of studying of the reformation myself. Literally everything you listed were the reasons i never gave the Catholic church the time of the day!
What changed? For all my studying and assurance of my election, i found myself and my family surrounded by sin. I almost lost my wife and kids it got so bad! I prayed to god to show me the truth, no matter how much it hurts. I needed to know what to do to save my family! That night i had a dream about a catholic priest and a vision of the history of the church and the catholic church was in deed the church that christ started. I didnt want to believe it!
I woke up thinking i had lost my mind. I didnt know a single catholic, my family is 100% Protestant. There isnt even a catholic church within 30 mins of my house. I couldnt name a single catholic speaker, apologist, and totally believed Francis was the NWO liberal pope.
I figured the first thing i would do to dispel this ridiculous dream was go back and study the reformation. Maybe i missed something in Luther that i didnt see in Calvin. That day i looked at the reformation but all kinds of information that i didnt know about surfaced.
Luthers rejection of hebrews, james, revelation, along with the dueterocanon aside from esther coupled with his beliefs about mary convinced me that his idea of sola scriptura and mine were very different. Then i learned about the dark side of the reformation. The peasants and knights revolts. The money and power that shifted during the reformation, the theft of the churches, then you look at Calvin and the evil things that his total authority brought. Yet another man who believed in sola scriptura and the perpetual virginity of mary. I was struck! Pretty soon i went on a deep dive to discover the full truth of the reformation. It was NOT what you think it was and there is a comprehensive defense to literally everything you mentioned. The only way to respond to each would be a massive data dump…. Theres a little known catholic channel called bulletproof catholic. Check out his series “the untold story of the Protestant reformation” it is NOT exhaustive. However, it seems like youre a real seeker. Like i said i feel like im responding to one of my old comments. The reason youre only getting half the picture is because reformation lovers cast it in a heroic light. If youve only ever learned the story from fans of the reformation, then i promise youre only getting half the story. See what the catholics have to say about the reformation before you make up your mind. Listen to Catholics talking about it as well as Protestants. Its really the only way to get all the information.
I allowed all those anti catholic “facts” to prevent me from even bothering to study what Rome had to say. I’m extremely happy to say the sins in my house are reduced to the lowest levels ever and ive been absolutely set ablaze for the lord since starting my journey to the church!
@@ari3lz3pp none of what you have written describes the history of the Church or what it teaches.
At least read or acquaint yourself with what the Church does teach in primary sources, that is, a Catholic source. If you do, you’ll realize, I think, you have one less straw man to worry about. A prayer for you. Peace!
@@mikelopez8564 It's never helpful to say "do vague reading and magically discover what my disagreement is". Always specify something that was wrong and why
Man, I'm so glad I found this video. I'm in the midst of the decision of potentially leaving Lutheranism and converting to the Catholic Church, starting RCIA this autumn. I still struggle with the doctrines on Mary and Purgatory, but everything else makes such perfect sense. Like Joshua, I am completely absorbed by this internal dilemma. I really can't think of anything else, so I hope to come to a settlement soon. Thank you both for this video! God bless.
the blessed mother what a subject Solomon had 500 wives and 3000 concubines but who sat next to him on the throne. Not 500 wive no his mother Queen mother is always next to the king. Without her we would not have christ she is the second eve christ new Adam whatqouls so without her
I wonder if this will help explain the doctine of Blessed Virgin Mary .. She does not take away the light from Christ; but reflects His light to us,like the moon from the sun.
I pray for that our mother Mary will guide you home...were waiting..
Come home, brother.
Purgatory is the place where the faithful people are purified. In technical way protestantism also has the concept of purgatory, it is only worded differently.
In simplified way catholicism and protestantism believe God purify the sins of people, in catholicism the process is actually a placed called purgatory
Im in the process of converting but I will say it is getting scary. I know I feel Christ in Eucharist , I know the Rosary and divine mercy chaplet gives me peace
You're well on your way to Catholicism....and hell.
Keep your eyes on Heaven. They will lead you home. Also, we are your family. ❤
@@rhwinner yes, and it's not through purgatory and Rome or through Mary.
@@rbnmnt3341 Welcome, my friend. We're glad you're here!
@@rbnmnt3341we love that you are here engaging with us. Let’s discover the Christians of 100-200 AD together.
Man, what a wealth of scriptural knowledge Joshua is. I'm a protestant convert as well but I fell away pretty early in my teens so I'm still trying to catch up on scriptural competency (got through the New Testament last year and slowly making my way through the Old). My conversion was more to do with the Catholic liturgy actually speaking to my soul in that it actually felt like worship (I came from low church protestant).
If you made it through the NT, why are you Catholic? There is NOTHING in the NT That would lead you to Catholicism. You've gone from believing the truth of God, to believing the lies of the devil and Rome.
@@rbnmnt3341 Did you actually watch the video? Joshua gives numerous NT and OT examples that certainly point away from any branch of protestantism. I certainly found nothing in the NT that would have led me back to protestantism either even though as I said it wasn't anything per se biblical that lead me to the Church initially.
@@rushthezeppelin so you were just spinning the wheel and the pointer landed on Rome? Wow the wrong reason to choose a religion. If you've read scripture, it won't lead you to ANY particular religion. It should lead you to the worldwide body of believers. Catholicism and Protestantism aren't in the bible. So you're right on that. It's not what any person says about another religion. The question is does a particular religion/church teach according to the bible? Honestly, Catholicism is farthest from scripture. If you were a student in a seminary and didn't see that, then you're spiritually blind or you tuned the professor out.
@@rbnmnt3341First of all just because I didn't initially make my way to the Catholic Church by way of scripture initially does not mean I spun a wheel. Please be charitable and don't put words in my mouth here. Second of all I never said anything about seminary. Third do you think I haven't heard any of the protestant objections to Catholicism and heard sufficient answers, often scriptural as to why those are wrong or just caricatures of the Church? No offense to you if you've been to protestant seminary and heard these objections but the majority of them are likely strawmen.
@@rushthezeppelin well I know you didn't find your way to Catholicism by the bible. Truer words have not been spoken. Catholicism is nowhere to be found in scripture. No, I'm sure you heard plenty of objections. Truth is, it's not what we say. The bible has plenty for us. Your teachings are not found in scripture and that says enough.
So GOOD! Catholic Revert here - also prior anti-Catholic as a once Non-Denominational Charismatic BaptoLutherCostal! Need to do a Part 2 or Part 22 with Joshua! As a mini-apologist, I love this.
I cannot justify attending protestant or evangelical churches. I study many versions of the Bible, as old as I can and understanding who was responsible for the translations. I am even studying Hebrew and my husband Greek. I plan to study the ancient dialect to read the oldest surviving Torah first hand.
Before the Catholic Church was the church of the saints. The Bible says saints are people sainctified by genuinely accepting salvation. Only Jesus can do this. Only Jesus/God can truly know if we are saved in our heart of hearts.
His church was established by followers, he did predict the split of churches. Which started with the Roman Catholic Church. Rome had lost most of it's imperialist grip and was panicking for a new form of control. This was at the same time Christianity was blossoming after Christ. But they didn't want to commit to throwing away their polytheism and pantheon gods, thus representing god falsely as Jupiter, angels as valkyries, cherubs/cherubim to chunky baby angels, and Jesus to Saturn. Even though this rejects earlier sculptures of Christ, and against descriptions in the Bible.
Not surprising they didn't bother with the evidence for Jesus' birth during the holy days (dictated by God Himself) of Sukkot, in stead the Catholics twisted Saturnalia into "Christmas", around the time they had been fervently attacking Christians/Saints.
It wouldn't be the last for using "holidays" to cover up abuse of the Bible and of the faith. I'll skip over celebrating Ishtar, and worship of saints AKA false idols, the prayer that isn't how Jesus tells us to pray...Lent is typically in violation of how Jesus tells us to fast.
With All Saints Day came a pre-cursor of All Hallows Eve which was utilized to cover up Reformation Day/Martin Luther Day. Since he made significant headway in combating the greedy abuse of the Catholic Church. He pushed forth the previous notion that the general public should have access to the Word of God, as Jesus wanted, and for missionaries to help communities learn to read to be closer to God, spread His messages, through this method.
Which the Catholic Church of course did not like, they managed to stifle his message. Brainwashed masses were of great help as usual, (hello crusades to modern public education).
Martin Luther still helped clarify some important Biblical messages, thus came the Lutheran Church which ironically in itself is ironic, I personally can't get behind a church that names itself after another saint, celebrates Paeganism/ materialism through consumerist "holidays" etc.
BUT my family does appreciate Luther and saints as such, and casually observe Reformation Day for sake of education in lieu of Halloween. There are several days of historical importance to discuss, but nothing close to the importance of the holy days themselves that God asks us to partake in! ❤ 🎉 Not the ritual animal sacrifices that once were, before Jesus of course. But there is nothing Biblical that says to stop reverence of those times.
Even Jesus celebrated Hannukah and the symbolism of the servant candle is intensely Christian. 🕯️ Along with the historical value, even though it is not a holy day(s) in the strictest Biblical sense (occuring during the inter-testimental period and not dictated by God to celebrate/observe). 🕊️💙🙏 I hope this helps you! Thank you for reading.❤
@@ari3lz3pp The church of the Saints, or the “way “, was and is the Catholic Church established by Jesus Christ. Thousands of Catholic saints were murdered by the Romans, including nearly every bishop for the first four centuries. Their teachings reflect what Jesus taught the disciples and were handed down in oral tradition from Bishop to Bishop and apostle to apostle. And much holy blood was spilt for the same teachings Catholics hold today that Protestants have mis-interpreted because they lack understanding.
The Bible is a Catholic book. It began under Pope Damasus and St. Jerome who translated the Greek Old Testament, called the Septuagint into Latin, and gathered all the New Testament writings, epistles, and letters from the Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek, and translated the New Testament of 27 books into Latin. Hundreds of documents were rejected to defend the early teachings and defend the faith.
The first complete holy Bible was called, “Latin Vulgate.“ The canon was established over several decades, beginning in the council of Rome, 382 AD by the 39th letter of Anathanasius, then council of Hippo 393 A.D., and culminating in the councils of Carthage in 397 and 416 A.D. The same 73 books of the Bible, were re-ratified at the council of Florence 1442 AD and council of Trent to combat heretical Protestantism in 1546 A.D. The dead Sea scrolls, confirm what the four great codices together included as the 73 books of the Cannon Bible.
THE PROTESTANTS REMOVED SEVEN BOOKS OF THE OLD TESTAMENT AND FOUR BOOKS OF THE NEW TESTAMENT UNDER MARTIN LUTHER‘S BIBLE WHERE HE PLACED THEM IN THE APPENDIX because these 11 books did did not agree with his new heretical theology. THE 1611 KING JAMES VERSION OF THE BIBLE INCLUDED ALL 73 BOOKS. THE BRITISH FOREIGN BIBLE SOCIETY REMOVED THE SEVEN BOOKS CALLED THE APOCRYPHA FROM THE BIBLE, BECAUSE IT CONVERTED PEOPLE TO CATHOLICISM, AND IT WAS CHEAPER TO MASS PRODUCE. In 1899, the Gideons mass produced these cheaper Bibles and disseminated them in prison, schools, hotels, and dust, the incomplete Bible was created. Today, protestants falsely claim that Catholics added seven more books, when in reality, protestants took them out because it was cheaper andconverted people to the true faith.
If it’s true, it’s probably not new. If it’s new, it’s probably not true. The first 1500 years of Christianity was Catholic, one church, one way, one truth.
The last 500 years since Martin Luther; however, created nearly 9000 to 40,000+ New protestant denominations or churches (plural). For example, from the beginning the Catholic Church and even Martin Luther believed in the communion bread, being the actual body of Christ, and the communion wine being the actual blood of Christ. It was not just a symbolic cracker and grape juice only in the last 500 years have the protestants erroneously taught this unsound doctrine for their itching ears to hear.
I hope this helps you. Thanks for reading.
You seem to be stuck in the "anything but Catholic" mode. You can keep studying languages and read "the oldest Bible" but you choose to be your own authority rather than let Jesus through His Catholic Church-the only Church He founded-be your authority.
He is the next Scott Hahn, thank God for these wonderful converts!
If someone is going to be the next Scot hahn they must be a remarkably talented religious liar.
This is really sick,concert from what ?
Thanks for having Joshua Charles! He is brilliant, and not since Scott Hahn inspired my reversion in the 90s has the faith been so illuminated for me.
This was great. And similar to my own experience. When I had these questions, and tried to understand Paul's talk about some who shipwrecked their faith (once saved always saved?), I decided to dig into the reformation principals... and soon became disillusioned. And then I went to the Church Fathers, and that just sealed it for me. I was confirmed in June, 2020.
This was a fantastic conversation, thank you for sharing.
Learning about my church more from a convert than I ever learned as a cradle Catholic ty and God bless
Same here❤
me too.
All that information is readily available to you anytime you want to read it. I began studying of these very things in 1988. I had to go to the library for the information then. It’s profoundly easy all on line now!
Please have him back again soon!
Love this podcast! Thank you Joshua Charles.
Thanks for listening
Can't say I watch every video you put out, but I certainly click on every Church history video. Never gets old! Josh and I would get along swimmingly, both in our love of the fathers' writings and politically, I'm sure. I had a very political past.
Luther & Calvin & Zwingli all disagreed.
Why ?
Because Protestantism makes every one a pope
Yes, division is the name of the game for those outside the Catholic Church
Well since the pope is declared infallible and excepts the title holy father i don't know how you can make such a claim. The reformers didn't point to themselves but pointed to scripture(you know the teachings of Jesus and the apostles) that tells you call no man your father but the one in heaven (Mathew 23:9). Just as the apostles we're killed for the teachings of Christ so we're the reformers by your Catholic church. Enjoy the Bible you have at home because until the reformers if you were not a priest the Catholic church would have you arrested and punished for that. Smh
Oh I must mention your Catholic church had the audacity to change the ten commandments. You know the same ones that came directly from God to Moses. Smh keep following corrupt and fallible man over the teachings of Christ
“We can never honor Mary enough.”
Martin Luther
Until the reformers, bibles cost about $250,000 and were hand copied. No Catholics were not arrested for having one. There was one bishop in one area who banned personal Bibles because they were almost all Protestant bibles
Which are fake. So he was protecting his sheep.
Rom. 4:1
Rom. 4:11
Rom. 4:12
Rom. 4:17
Rom. 4:18
My conversion story exactly. Only without all the reading LOL. Thank you for your ministry. Both of you.
Very thorough discussion. Thank you for posting!
This conversation was pure gold! Have Joshua on again!
As a cradle Catholic excellent video, much appreciated my brothers, God Bless you both 🙏🦘
Mr. Charles, God bless you for your intellectual honesty.
Your story immensely resonates with me and my journey. It is also a great example of how the Truth is available to all, if we just are honest, seek truth and pursue it.
Keith, fantastic interview!
I could listen to this guy all day long. I had such a similar experience to him.
Just wanted to add, that your conversation, conversion journeys and stories, and your studies are an inspiration. I'm a cradle Catholic, also wanting to go deeper into my faith. I'll pass this conversation on to family members, friends and fellow parishioners. Again, God Bless you, and thank you.
❤I cannot justify attending protestant or evangelical churches. I study many versions of the Bible, as old as I can and understanding who was responsible for the translations. I am even studying Hebrew and my husband Greek. I plan to study the ancient dialect to read the oldest surviving Torah first hand.
Before the Catholic Church was the church of the saints. The Bible says saints are people sainctified by genuinely accepting salvation. Only Jesus can do this. Only Jesus/God can truly know if we are saved in our heart of hearts.
His church was established by followers, he did predict the split of churches. Which started with the Roman Catholic Church. Rome had lost most of it's imperialist grip and was panicking for a new form of control. This was at the same time Christianity was blossoming after Christ. But they didn't want to commit to throwing away their polytheism and pantheon gods, thus representing god falsely as Jupiter, angels as valkyries, cherubs/cherubim to chunky baby angels, and Jesus to Saturn. Even though this rejects earlier sculptures of Christ, and against descriptions in the Bible.
Not surprising they didn't bother with the evidence for Jesus' birth during the holy days (dictated by God Himself) of Sukkot, in stead the Catholics twisted Saturnalia into "Christmas", around the time they had been fervently attacking Christians/Saints.
It wouldn't be the last for using "holidays" to cover up abuse of the Bible and of the faith. I'll skip over celebrating Ishtar, and worship of saints AKA false idols, the prayer that isn't how Jesus tells us to pray...Lent is typically in violation of how Jesus tells us to fast.
With All Saints Day came a pre-cursor of All Hallows Eve which was utilized to cover up Reformation Day/Martin Luther Day. Since he made significant headway in combating the greedy abuse of the Catholic Church. He pushed forth the previous notion that the general public should have access to the Word of God, as Jesus wanted, and for missionaries to help communities learn to read to be closer to God, spread His messages, through this method.
Which the Catholic Church of course did not like, they managed to stifle his message. Brainwashed masses were of great help as usual, (hello crusades to modern public education).
Martin Luther still helped clarify some important Biblical messages, thus came the Lutheran Church which ironically in itself is ironic, I personally can't get behind a church that names itself after another saint, celebrates Paeganism/ materialism through consumerist "holidays" etc.
BUT my family does appreciate Luther and saints as such, and casually observe Reformation Day for sake of education in lieu of Halloween. There are several days of historical importance to discuss, but nothing close to the importance of the holy days themselves that God asks us to partake in! ❤ 🎉 Not the ritual animal sacrifices that once were, before Jesus of course. But there is nothing Biblical that says to stop reverence of those times.
Even Jesus celebrated Hannukah and the symbolism of the servant candle is intensely Christian. 🕯️ Along with the historical value, even though it is not a holy day(s) in the strictest Biblical sense (occuring during the inter-testimental period and not dictated by God to celebrate/observe). 🕊️💙🙏 I hope this helps you! Thank you for reading.
Absolutely fascinating, hugely educational, brilliant analysis and exposition. Congratulations and thanks to both of you from a cradle Catholic and so glad and grateful that you have pitched your tent amongst us and joined us.
I follow Joshua on Facebook and his posts always make me dig deeper. I love that he has high expectations of his audience in this way. No watered-down faith with him and as a fairly recent convert, I'm still so earnest about learning.
His being a guest on your show led to my discovery of your channel. I'm now subscribed, so hello.
I'm looking to get away from the church drama channels as I've come away from those rather black-pilled.
I don't want to lose my hope and joy in Christ.
Thank you for an amazing conversation. You have encouraged my heart and really helped me turn my feet back to the path. Thank you!
This is precisely what happens when a protestant meets common sense and logic. He or she becomes Catholic. Great story!
And humble and brave enough to admit wrong.
I'm sorry but I'm not sure what you mean. I cannot justify attending protestant or evangelical churches. I study many versions of the Bible, as old as I can and understanding who was responsible for the translations. I am even studying Hebrew and my husband Greek. I plan to study the ancient dialect to read the oldest surviving Torah first hand.
Before the Catholic Church was the church of the saints. The Bible says saints are people sainctified by genuinely accepting salvation. Only Jesus can do this. Only Jesus/God can truly know if we are saved in our heart of hearts.
His church was established by followers, he did predict the split of churches. Which started with the Roman Catholic Church. Rome had lost most of it's imperialist grip and was panicking for a new form of control. This was at the same time Christianity was blossoming after Christ. But they didn't want to commit to throwing away their polytheism and pantheon gods, thus representing god falsely as Jupiter, angels as valkyries, cherubs/cherubim to chunky baby angels, and Jesus to Saturn. Even though this rejects earlier sculptures of Christ, and against descriptions in the Bible.
Not surprising they didn't bother with the evidence for Jesus' birth during the holy days (dictated by God Himself) of Sukkot, in stead the Catholics twisted Saturnalia into "Christmas", around the time they had been fervently attacking Christians/Saints.
It wouldn't be the last for using "holidays" to cover up abuse of the Bible and of the faith. I'll skip over celebrating Ishtar, and worship of saints AKA false idols, the prayer that isn't how Jesus tells us to pray...Lent is typically in violation of how Jesus tells us to fast.
With All Saints Day came a pre-cursor of All Hallows Eve which was utilized to cover up Reformation Day/Martin Luther Day. Since he made significant headway in combating the greedy abuse of the Catholic Church. He pushed forth the previous notion that the general public should have access to the Word of God, as Jesus wanted, and for missionaries to help communities learn to read to be closer to God, spread His messages, through this method.
Which the Catholic Church of course did not like, they managed to stifle his message. Brainwashed masses were of great help as usual, (hello crusades to modern public education).
Martin Luther still helped clarify some important Biblical messages, thus came the Lutheran Church which ironically in itself is ironic, I personally can't get behind a church that names itself after another saint, celebrates Paeganism/ materialism through consumerist "holidays" etc.
BUT my family does appreciate Luther and saints as such, and casually observe Reformation Day for sake of education in lieu of Halloween. There are several days of historical importance to discuss, but nothing close to the importance of the holy days themselves that God asks us to partake in! ❤ 🎉 Not the ritual animal sacrifices that once were, before Jesus of course. But there is nothing Biblical that says to stop reverence of those times.
Even Jesus celebrated Hannukah and the symbolism of the servant candle is intensely Christian. 🕯️ Along with the historical value, even though it is not a holy day(s) in the strictest Biblical sense (occuring during the inter-testimental period and not dictated by God to celebrate/observe). 🕊️💙🙏 I hope this helps you! Thank you for reading.
@@pemcortes9467I cannot justify attending protestant or evangelical churches. I study many versions of the Bible, as old as I can and understanding who was responsible for the translations. I am even studying Hebrew and my husband Greek. I plan to study the ancient dialect to read the oldest surviving Torah first hand.
Before the Catholic Church was the church of the saints. The Bible says saints are people sainctified by genuinely accepting salvation. Only Jesus can do this. Only Jesus/God can truly know if we are saved in our heart of hearts.
His church was established by followers, he did predict the split of churches. Which started with the Roman Catholic Church. Rome had lost most of it's imperialist grip and was panicking for a new form of control. This was at the same time Christianity was blossoming after Christ. But they didn't want to commit to throwing away their polytheism and pantheon gods, thus representing god falsely as Jupiter, angels as valkyries, cherubs/cherubim to chunky baby angels, and Jesus to Saturn. Even though this rejects earlier sculptures of Christ, and against descriptions in the Bible.
Not surprising they didn't bother with the evidence for Jesus' birth during the holy days (dictated by God Himself) of Sukkot, in stead the Catholics twisted Saturnalia into "Christmas", around the time they had been fervently attacking Christians/Saints.
It wouldn't be the last for using "holidays" to cover up abuse of the Bible and of the faith. I'll skip over celebrating Ishtar, and worship of saints AKA false idols, the prayer that isn't how Jesus tells us to pray...Lent is typically in violation of how Jesus tells us to fast.
With All Saints Day came a pre-cursor of All Hallows Eve which was utilized to cover up Reformation Day/Martin Luther Day. Since he made significant headway in combating the greedy abuse of the Catholic Church. He pushed forth the previous notion that the general public should have access to the Word of God, as Jesus wanted, and for missionaries to help communities learn to read to be closer to God, spread His messages, through this method.
Which the Catholic Church of course did not like, they managed to stifle his message. Brainwashed masses were of great help as usual, (hello crusades to modern public education).
Martin Luther still helped clarify some important Biblical messages, thus came the Lutheran Church which ironically in itself is ironic, I personally can't get behind a church that names itself after another saint, celebrates Paeganism/ materialism through consumerist "holidays" etc.
BUT my family does appreciate Luther and saints as such, and casually observe Reformation Day for sake of education in lieu of Halloween. There are several days of historical importance to discuss, but nothing close to the importance of the holy days themselves that God asks us to partake in! ❤ 🎉 Not the ritual animal sacrifices that once were, before Jesus of course. But there is nothing Biblical that says to stop reverence of those times.
Even Jesus celebrated Hannukah and the symbolism of the servant candle is intensely Christian. 🕯️ Along with the historical value, even though it is not a holy day(s) in the strictest Biblical sense (occuring during the inter-testimental period and not dictated by God to celebrate/observe). 🕊️💙🙏 I hope this helps you! Thank you for reading.
@@ari3lz3pp you need to have your self exorcised.
Yeah, if you have blinders on and ignore the selling of indulgences to further richen an organization that was already fabulously wealthy, the persecution, torture and execution of those who had different ideas, the non Scriptural beliefs and activities of the church, the wrong belief that church doctrine is equivalent to the Word of God, and last, but certainly not least, the deliberate concealment of the clergy who abused children for over 100 years.
Thank you, brothers, so much for your brilliant presentation. I am always learning from this show. It helps to deepen my faith.
God bless you and your families abundantly.
This was one interview that I didn't want to end!
Thank you both! 🤗
He was talking to a lot of Reform guys during his conversion? A very bad start!
In any case, I consider myself neither Catholic nor Protestant but rather a Mere Christian as CS Lewis saw it. Before someone paints me anti-Catholic, one of our favorite preachers is Bishop Robert Barron. We watch his Sunday sermon every week and he is a great gospel preacher! But he loses me when he gets into Catholic dogma. Here's an example.
He preached an excellent sermon on the Lord's Prayer but seemed to miss the part where Jesus says that we pray to Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Where is the space for a Holy Father in Rome? In another place we are enjoined to remember that our father is in heaven, we don't have an earthly father.
When Luke interviewed Mary before he wrote the Gospel of Luke, somebody, and almost certainly it was Mary, told him that she and Joseph remained celibate "until she had brought forth her firstborn son," Jesus, and laid him in a manger. The idea of the perpetual virginity of Mary is concocted out of whole cloth.
And Rome. Do you see Peter dressing in the costumes? Do you see St.Peter holding out his hand for St.Paul to kiss his ring? Me neither.
The Catholic church and particularly some of its ancients have done enormous good over the centuries, but it has also done enormous harm. Think of Jesus telling his disciples that his kingdom was not of this world, and then think of several centuries of "The Holy Roman Empire." Think of the Inquisition in the corrupt medieval popes.
And the cruelty. My ancestors were driven from Northern Italy into Switzerland about a thousand years ago. The execution methods used by soldiers of the bishop of Milan would have impressed Hamas. I had a direct ancestor burned at the stake in Strasbourg France / Germany in 1458.
After my ancestors moved to Switzerland thrived as Anabaptists for several centuries, and then Calvin. My position is beware of any Christians that bestow on themselves the mantle of the true faith. We all make mistakes.
My suggestion for you is to email Bishop Barron.
I am sure that he, or his team, will be more than happy to provide you with answers to all of your questions.
God bless you my friend! 🙏
Thank you for this. I just found Joshua in my UA-cam feed this morning.
Our Lady of Fátima, pray for us!
This is one of the best conversion stories ever--love all the history and patient explanations. Great gift for us all. Thank you both.
Thank you, guys!
Josh goes DEEP... into history.
Please bring back Joshua to hear part 2 it's been so nourishing knowledge. I am a reburt to the Catholic church.
He’s coming back soon!
@@TheCordialCatholicI hope Dr Gavin Ortlund will watch this interview.
Mr. Charles....SO WELL SPOKEN. AND NO WASTE OF TIME. Interviewer... Thanks for few interruptions... GREAT VIDEO... NO WASTE OF TIME.
Love the interview! Didn’t want it to end. Thank you, Keith and Joshua!
50:06 This part was very moving. I had never been a protestant. But I can really appreciate the idea of the real prescence.
Please come back and tell more of your story!! Welcome home brother!
This is a good episode. I'll have to look more into Joshua Charles' stuff.
I really would have loved for this discussion to continue for much longer. I am a cradle Catholic I am get so much out of conversion stories. I realize how much I missed in Catechism.
Thank you so much for your testimony!!!!!
Glad it was helpful!
There is only One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church ❤
There's the church of Jesus before the Catholic Church actually. I cannot justify attending protestant or evangelical churches. I study many versions of the Bible, as old as I can and understanding who was responsible for the translations. I am even studying Hebrew and my husband Greek. I plan to study the ancient dialect to read the oldest surviving Torah first hand.
Before the Catholic Church was the church of the saints. The Bible says saints are people sainctified by genuinely accepting salvation. Only Jesus can do this. Only Jesus/God can truly know if we are saved in our heart of hearts.
His church was established by followers, he did predict the split of churches. Which started with the Roman Catholic Church. Rome had lost most of it's imperialist grip and was panicking for a new form of control. This was at the same time Christianity was blossoming after Christ. But they didn't want to commit to throwing away their polytheism and pantheon gods, thus representing god falsely as Jupiter, angels as valkyries, cherubs/cherubim to chunky baby angels, and Jesus to Saturn. Even though this rejects earlier sculptures of Christ, and against descriptions in the Bible.
Not surprising they didn't bother with the evidence for Jesus' birth during the holy days (dictated by God Himself) of Sukkot, in stead the Catholics twisted Saturnalia into "Christmas", around the time they had been fervently attacking Christians/Saints.
It wouldn't be the last for using "holidays" to cover up abuse of the Bible and of the faith. I'll skip over celebrating Ishtar, and worship of saints AKA false idols, the prayer that isn't how Jesus tells us to pray...Lent is typically in violation of how Jesus tells us to fast.
With All Saints Day came a pre-cursor of All Hallows Eve which was utilized to cover up Reformation Day/Martin Luther Day. Since he made significant headway in combating the greedy abuse of the Catholic Church. He pushed forth the previous notion that the general public should have access to the Word of God, as Jesus wanted, and for missionaries to help communities learn to read to be closer to God, spread His messages, through this method.
Which the Catholic Church of course did not like, they managed to stifle his message. Brainwashed masses were of great help as usual, (hello crusades to modern public education).
Martin Luther still helped clarify some important Biblical messages, thus came the Lutheran Church which ironically in itself is ironic, I personally can't get behind a church that names itself after another saint, celebrates Paeganism/ materialism through consumerist "holidays" etc.
BUT my family does appreciate Luther and saints as such, and casually observe Reformation Day for sake of education in lieu of Halloween. There are several days of historical importance to discuss, but nothing close to the importance of the holy days themselves that God asks us to partake in! ❤ 🎉 Not the ritual animal sacrifices that once were, before Jesus of course. But there is nothing Biblical that says to stop reverence of those times.
Even Jesus celebrated Hannukah and the symbolism of the servant candle is intensely Christian. 🕯️ Along with the historical value, even though it is not a holy day(s) in the strictest Biblical sense (occuring during the inter-testimental period and not dictated by God to celebrate/observe). 🕊️💙🙏 I hope this helps you! Thank you for reading.
@@ari3lz3ppthere’s no such thing as protestant churches and evangelical churches they are all protestant CULTS. Look up who was pope in 150AD,and you will see Jesus founded the holy Catholic Church which is his mystical body on earth!
@@ari3lz3ppit was a catholic church but early after Jesus died the apostles didn't give the name catholic and there was no name and they name it after catholic mean universal. Just because I change my name from Anita to Alexandra that doesn't mean am a different person even if I do multiple surgeries to look different from the outside. Soul remains the same till death
Which has been corrupted for well over 1000 years.
This has been one of the best convert videos I've seen in a long time! I will be sharing this out to a number of people!
What an excellent and comprehensive interview!! Facts!
Fantastic video fantastic interview thank you
Would love to see a part 2 to this interview. Protestant Dilemma is a great read.
Thank you for this!
Glad it was helpful!
Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us. God bless you.
excellent! thank you Im Catholic and its exhausting when my christian friends say things like Catholics added books, took books away ect you know the drill it breaks my heart
"Faith... that acts by charity"!!!
Thanks very much for this.
Thank you so much! I converted almost 4 years ago. You added some good thoughts to the same process I went through when I entered the Church. I still haven't read the Church fathers, but my husband did, and thankfully, we entered the Church together. Even better my 19 son entered too and is very devout. Unfortunately, my older children, who had left home already, are still protestant because they love their Church community. Still praying
St. Ignatius an apostle of St. John (107 A.D.) (Letter to the Smyrnaeans 8:2):
“Where there is Jesus Christ there is the CATHOLIC church.”
(110 A.D.) (Letter to the Philadelphians Chapter III. Avoid Schismatics 3:2, 3:3, 4:1, 4): “Repent and return into the UNITY of the CHURCH, follows a SCHISM… he shall not inherit the Kingdom of God.”
Opening my eyes got led away by tv phoney evangelical preachers who confuse me now came back home and see clearly that I was fooled and the Eucharist pulled me back in ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Brilliant conversation - many thanks.
The early Catholic church was also divided about many things, as attested in the Pauline epistles to the Corinthians. Some Christians (Catholic, presumably) in Corinth were divisively claiming that they followed Peter, and Paul scolded them for it, saying it didn't matter whether one followed Peter or Apollos or Christ, that all the Apostles belonged to all believers, and the believers should get along as one body.
A ver y very good conversation
I am impressed
I follow Josh on FB and Twitter, he is fantastic. Thank you!
Excellent exposition. History rectifies contemporary errors.
I hope he does teaching videos because I don’t have to much time to read but working so many hours i can listen.
Thank you.
Brilliant talk!!! Marcus Grodi wrote Pillar & Bulwatk about protestant preachers get together once a yr and what they is a brilliant book and is like hearing this talk.
❤I cannot justify attending protestant or evangelical churches. I study many versions of the Bible, as old as I can and understanding who was responsible for the translations. I am even studying Hebrew and my husband Greek. I plan to study the ancient dialect to read the oldest surviving Torah first hand.
Before the Catholic Church was the church of the saints. The Bible says saints are people sainctified by genuinely accepting salvation. Only Jesus can do this. Only Jesus/God can truly know if we are saved in our heart of hearts.
His church was established by followers, he did predict the split of churches. Which started with the Roman Catholic Church. Rome had lost most of it's imperialist grip and was panicking for a new form of control. This was at the same time Christianity was blossoming after Christ. But they didn't want to commit to throwing away their polytheism and pantheon gods, thus representing god falsely as Jupiter, angels as valkyries, cherubs/cherubim to chunky baby angels, and Jesus to Saturn. Even though this rejects earlier sculptures of Christ, and against descriptions in the Bible.
Not surprising they didn't bother with the evidence for Jesus' birth during the holy days (dictated by God Himself) of Sukkot, in stead the Catholics twisted Saturnalia into "Christmas", around the time they had been fervently attacking Christians/Saints.
It wouldn't be the last for using "holidays" to cover up abuse of the Bible and of the faith. I'll skip over celebrating Ishtar, and worship of saints AKA false idols, the prayer that isn't how Jesus tells us to pray...Lent is typically in violation of how Jesus tells us to fast.
With All Saints Day came a pre-cursor of All Hallows Eve which was utilized to cover up Reformation Day/Martin Luther Day. Since he made significant headway in combating the greedy abuse of the Catholic Church. He pushed forth the previous notion that the general public should have access to the Word of God, as Jesus wanted, and for missionaries to help communities learn to read to be closer to God, spread His messages, through this method.
Which the Catholic Church of course did not like, they managed to stifle his message. Brainwashed masses were of great help as usual, (hello crusades to modern public education).
Martin Luther still helped clarify some important Biblical messages, thus came the Lutheran Church which ironically in itself is ironic, I personally can't get behind a church that names itself after another saint, celebrates Paeganism/ materialism through consumerist "holidays" etc.
BUT my family does appreciate Luther and saints as such, and casually observe Reformation Day for sake of education in lieu of Halloween. There are several days of historical importance to discuss, but nothing close to the importance of the holy days themselves that God asks us to partake in! ❤ 🎉 Not the ritual animal sacrifices that once were, before Jesus of course. But there is nothing Biblical that says to stop reverence of those times.
Even Jesus celebrated Hannukah and the symbolism of the servant candle is intensely Christian. 🕯️ Along with the historical value, even though it is not a holy day(s) in the strictest Biblical sense (occuring during the inter-testimental period and not dictated by God to celebrate/observe). 🕊️💙🙏 I hope this helps you! Thank you for reading.
Thank you, Keith. Please bring Joshua back soon!
Amazing interview!
So happy Charles is talking about scripture. This should be done every week or for at forty days during lent.
It was very inspiring many thanks ! God bless you both and our lady keep you
I love to hear converts and reverts, as I pray for my entire family, many whom have left the Church. I wish they would delve into the Church Faters with open minds. Thank you for your show and your amazing guests.
Good show!
In my short look into which between Catholic, Protestant, or Orthodox before I came back to the Catholic fate. Protestants = too divided I wouldn't know where to start, Orthodox divided by Culture, The Catholic Church seem more put together. After my own experience in confession, reading the bible and learning about the Early Church fathers I am 100% certain I led into the True Church. Glory be to God in the highest. Btw I was looking at this from an agnostic view point looking at each.
Such a great presentation!.....
Was away from the true Church for 25yrs , in Potestant world, thinking I was on the right path. I was wrong.
.The authority of the Church and the Holy Spirit drewme home 15yrs ago....So happy to be home.... Interested to see how the Holy will guide his Church through this confusing times...We know He will...God is faithful.
Amazing! Thanks guys
Separate the germ from the "chaff"... the tare (darnel plant) was a weed, which looked like wheat. 👍 the farmer in me had to correct this!
I listened to this twice today and look forward to listening again tomorrow. So rich! I can really identify with the journey!!
"to be deep in History is to cease to be protestant"
_St. John Henry Newman_
Why do you guys think that this means anything to a Protestant?
I don't
@@elroy.. Then why present the quote? Was this just to preach to the choir then?
Because that is a good think
To learn of the vile activities of the church over the last 100 years is to cease to be catholic.
Incredible interview. I am very glad this popped up on my feed today.
Thanks for watching!
These are the types of people and discussions that will unify the church as Jesus prayed for. Great work to all. Love it and praise God always. Bless our Protestant friends that they come home before it’s to late.
When Jesus talked about unity he was talking about unity between Jew’s and Catholic’s. There’s ONLY ONE CHURCH NOT churches! Protestant’s belong to 40,000+ man made CULTS. To be Christian one must belong to the holy Catholic Church which is Jesus’s mystical body on earth!
Thanks be to God for those solid Protestants who are brave and open enough to be fair, curious, and open hearted to the Catholic Faith. Welcome home…and for those same Protestants reading this, prayers to you along your journey
The veneration and adoration of Mary is as old as the church itself. The earliest record of Mary’s veneration probably comes from the Third Ecumenical Council at Ephesus in A.D. 431. There church fathers affirmed Mary as the Theotokos, or God-bearer. The title stuck, and today we refer to her as the “Mother of God.”
This designation of Mary as the mother of God is really at the root of Roman Catholic veneration. Mary is the link between our broken humanity and the boundless divinity present in the triune God. Mary is redeemed, as she is human, but she is also considered to have a special and unique relationship with God, as she shares DNA with Christ. Mother Teresa once remarked, “She gave Jesus his body, and his body is what saved us.”
Love this.
So insightful.
I really like Joshua and He seems like a very, super Intelligent young man so maybe, you should bring him back again to your Podcast and do another interview.
I also am very happy that He converted to only and true Catholic and Apostolic Religion and Church , for God needs more warriors like Him , and I am very thankful to God for Him and for You for You !!
I've heard Joshua on other podcasts. Great guest!! Thank you Keith 🙏🙏