I grew up with Star Wars so that's practically ingrained in me. But I will always have a soft spot for Drop Dead Fred, for two very, very important reasons.
Yes, I agree. However, I think she paid such a steep price. People should pay more attention to drug addicts, they are usually the gladiators of humanity.
in many ways, she was a non-celebrity thrust into the celebrity world but she never bought it. No wonder she relied on drugs to cope with that shallow world.
@@fortunasp5391 There are two types of A-list celebrities, one is by name recognition, and the other is by box office accomplishments. Ford only became famous after Star Wars and Indiana Jones happened, but everyone in Hollywood knew Carrie. She had name recognition thanks to her parents, and as she got older because of her own talent and outstanding work as a screenwriter. She had wits and humor to boot. As for Ford, it certainly took him a while to get recognition outside his collaborations with Lucas. Carrie was just always there.
@Kevin Prima oh please, get off your high horse, drug addiction is an illness, not a choice. Also, you'd be surprised about the kind of things people can do, even under the influence of drugs and no, it's not all negative.
@@malcolmdrake6137 Are you referring to me? 1. I'm a woman, not a him 2. I love Mark Hamill, 3. Have you seen him? He's incredibly enthusiastic. I could imagine that constant energy becoming annoying to someone like Sir Alec Guinness to the point that he bribed him to give him space. Maybe she was joking, but the sentiment of the joke rings true to me. Anyway, have a good day.
I agree. Mark Hamill was very young in 1977... and very American. Sir Alec was 40 years ahead of Mark in age, 60 years ahead in life experience... and very old world English. So I can quite imagine Sir Alec getting very weary of Mark bouncing off the walls, and finding a way to take the wind out of Mark's sails, so he could smoke his pipe in peace and quiet.
Tim Smith Pity that the “old world English” are all but gone. As another fellow has observed, “London isn’t English anymore”. At less than 45% of the population in their own capital city, I suppose not.
This video helped me to appreciate that not only was Carrie Fisher a movie icon for me as a boy, she was a remarkable, strong, and fiercely intelligent woman who's sense of humor was matched only by her brutal and often self effacing honesty. A very special woman we lost too soon.
John 14:6 Jesus said unto him, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life; no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me. John 3:18 “He that believeth in Him is not condemned; but He that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. Revelation 21 8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers,and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.” 1 Corinthians 6 18 Flee fornication. Every other sin which a man doeth is outside the body, but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body. Matthew 12 45 Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there; and the last state of that man is worse than the first. Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation.” Romans 8:6 21st Century King James Version 6 For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace, Luke 12:20 21st Century King James Version 20 But God said unto him, ‘Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee. Then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided?’ 1 Timothy 5:6 21st Century King James Version 6 But she that liveth in pleasure is dead while she liveth. 1 Corinthians 6 9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the Kingdom of God? Be not deceived: Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor the effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, 10 nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners shall inherit the Kingdom of God. 1 John 2:17 21st Century King James Version 17 And the world passeth away and the lust thereof, but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever. Matthew 22:29 21st Century King James Version 29 Jesus answered and said unto them, “Ye do err, not knowing the Scriptures, nor the power of God. John 8:51 21st Century King James Version 51 Verily, verily I say unto you, if a man keep My saying, he shall never see death.” 2 John 9 21st Century King James Version 9 Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ hath both the Father and the Son. Titus 1:14 21st Century King James Version 14 not giving heed to Jewish fables and commandments of men who turn from the truth. 2 Peter 3:18 21st Century King James Version 18 But grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be glory both now and for ever. Amen. Romans 12:2 21st Century King James Version 2 And be not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Hebrews 9:24 21st Century King James Version 24 For Christ has not entered into the holy places made with hands, which are copies of the true, but into Heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us. Colossians 2:10 21st Century King James Version 10 And ye are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power, Deuteronomy 6:14 21st Century King James Version 14 Ye shall not go after other gods, of the gods of the people who are round about you 2 Corinthians 11:14 21st Century King James Version 14 And no marvel, for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Jeremiah 7 18 The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead their dough to make cakes to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto other gods, that they may provoke Me to anger. 1 Corinthians 10 20 But I say that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils and not to God; and I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils. 1 Timothy 2:5 21st Century King James Version 5 For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, Deuteronomy 8 19 And it shall be, if thou at all forget the Lord thy God and walk after other gods, and serve them and worship them, I testify against you this day that ye shall surely perish. 1 John 5 20 And we know that the Son of God is come and hath given us an understanding, that we may know Him that is true; and we are in Him that is true, even in His Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and Eternal Life. Acts 17 29 “For inasmuch, then, as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold or silver or stone, graven by art and of man’s devising. Proverbs 14 12 There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. 1 John 4 3 And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh, is not of God; and such is the spirit of Antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come, and even now already it is in the world. 2 John 1 9 Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ hath both the Father and the Son. John 8:12 21st Century King James Version 12 Then spoke Jesus again unto them, saying, “I am the Light of the world. He that followeth Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.” Mark 8 35 For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for My sake and the Gospel’s, the same shall save it. John 8 51 Verily, verily I say unto you, if a man keep My saying, he shall never see death.” John 17 3 And this is life eternal: that they might know Thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom Thou hast sent. 1 Timothy 2 5 For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, Acts 4 12 Neither is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved.” James 1 21 Therefore lay apart all filthiness and the superfluity of wickedness, and receive with meekness the engrafted Word, which is able to save your souls. John 11 25 Jesus said unto her, “I am the resurrection and the Life. He that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live; 26 and whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never die. Believest thou this?” John 6 68 Then Simon Peter answered Him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal life, Psalm 119 30 I have chosen the way of truth; Thy judgments have I laid before me. Psalm 119 11 Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against Thee. Romans 12 2 And be not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. 1 Corinthians 2:5 21st Century King James Version 5 that your faith should not stand on the wisdom of man, but on the power of God. 1 Peter 5 8 Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil walketh about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. 1 John 2 16 For all that is in the world - the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life - is not of the Father, but is of the world. 17 And the world passeth away and the lust thereof, but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever. James 1 21 Therefore lay apart all filthiness and the superfluity of wickedness, and receive with meekness the engrafted Word, which is able to save your souls. 1 Corinthians 15 44 It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body. 1 Thessalonians 5 9 For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ John 3 18 “He that believeth in Him is not condemned; but He that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. John 3:36 21st Century King James Version 36 He that believeth in the Son hath everlasting life; and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abideth on him.” Luke 6:5 21st Century King James Version 5 And He said unto them, “The Son of Man is Lord also of the Sabbath.” Matthew 22:29 21st Century King James Version 29 Jesus answered and said unto them, “Ye do err, not knowing the Scriptures, nor the power of God. John 5:29 21st Century King James Version 29 and shall come forth - they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life, and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation. John 8 12 Then spoke Jesus again unto them, saying, “I am the Light of the world. He that followeth Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.” John 8:32 21st Century King James Version 32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” John 6:40 21st Century King James Version 40 And this is the will of Him that sent Me: that every one who seeth the Son and believeth in Him may have everlasting life, and I will raise him up at the Last Day.” Mark 13:13 21st Century King James Version 13 And ye shall be hated by all men for My name’s sake; but he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. Revelation 14:12 21st Century King James Version 12 Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus. John 8 36 If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed. Mark 13 31 Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My words shall not pass away.
Cause she was a wee 5-2" and knew she could get away with it. Honestly she could insult my heritage to my very face and I'd be impossible to take it seriously, only because we "KNOW" her and her lack of real vindictiveness and it would be funny. AS FUCK
It just hit me that for years and years, all I ever heard people mutter anecdotally about Carrie was that she was "having trouble with drugs". Nothing could be further from the truth: she was having trouble with her mental health, and self-medicating. It's a profound statement on our cultural aversion to discussing mental health that that was always the line.
IF you want to go that route, that can be said for every single person that consumes alcohol, or any drug including one of the worst- SUGAR. Its well known she was a cokehead. Call it whatever you want. Her biggest problem was her parents, she was doomed from the start.
@spartanx169x 169of300 my point was merely that we should be more willing to identify, admit to, and discuss mental health problems, as they are usually the root issue in secondary behavioural issues. Pleased you mentioned sugar though, I'm currently getting very frustrated with how unable people are to identify it as a drug despite its effects and its addictiveness.
When amy winehouse died, the front page headline on the Boston herald was "they tried to make her go to rehab, but she said 'no, no, no' ". Things are a little better now, at least.
Well... there's a way you could take "losing your virginity *three times* " - but it's just filthy, and I'm not gonna go there. But Carrie gets it, and she's laughing her ass off right about now....
We've been robbed of them 3 having a reunion in the new movies. Absolute horseshit! It's an insult to the fans. I refuse to accept the last 3 "movies" happened.
Here I am telling myself, what are you doing? Tears rolling down both my cheeks. I never knew here and yet I felt like I had known her my entire life. ❤️
To honest that and a couple more things had the water works on. She was the best. I've loved her for about 33 years. Will love her 33 more if I make it that long.
She was one of the most naturally funny people out there. Honest, irreverent, self-effacing, sharp, unapologetic. And just brilliant. Plus full of heart. RIP.
still not over her passing, her books and interviews helped so much growing up she truly changed my life, I'll forever be thankful to this utter legend
Pat Aherne yeah ok. why?? Did he show respect for his family,including his daughter, when he did what he did? Just because someone has a child doesn’t mean they are a parent. Respect is earned not just given. If he wanted to stray he should have gotten a divorce and did it after or kept it in his pants. When you cheat on your spouse you not only hurt and disrespect them, you hurt and disrespect your children with them. The trust was gone and that needs to be earned back. People make mistakes but that’s not an excuse.
Pat Aherne I mean... it kind of was her business. It greatly impacted her life. She even said that she didn’t hate Elizabeth Taylor (saying that people seemed to think she should hate Liz more than she actually did). And pray tell, what kind of moral obligation did she have to respect her shitty dad?
Pat Aherne You are way over the line and don't know what you are talking about when it comes to Eddie and Carrie. This is a guy who did cocaine with his daughter so lose the moral high ground. And just a side note here.. Eddie became very sick in his final days. Guess who was by his side, hiring nurses, overseeing his care and footing the bill for it? It would be wrong to confuse Carrie the writer and entertainer with the Carrie who behind the scenes had a forgiving heart and worked at building a relationship with her father. And in the end it was Carrie taking care of Eddie although sadly, as a child, he had never taken care of her.
Think of how she broke the mold for fictional "princesses". It took Disney decades to figure out that girls want to see a princess with agency, strength, and independence, fully capable of taking charge of their own rescue. How important was that for girls to see!
And yet they completely butchered the one female character that was supposed to be the culmination of that by literally making her a vessel for a male character 🙃
Carrie was an old soul, you can clearly see that even while watching that footage of her singing at 13. What a remarkable woman, gone far too soon. SHE DESERVED A HAPPY ENDING, DAMMIT!!!
funny, that clip and her singing voice made me think of Jessica Harper in phantom of the paradise, where one of her song is called old souls. Beautiful song too. But no direct relation to Carrie Fisher.
She deserved more than the sequels that’s for sure. Makes the tragedy much worse, even if Disney see sense and redo the trilogy movies Carrie Fisher would not be alive to see her legacy complete. I’m glad I watched this, after seeing ep 7 and 8 a growing dislike built for me. This reminds me who she really was.
I love how in-love-with the Leia character she was. Even the oldest interviews of her plugging Star Wars, she was perfectly delighted at the idea of being cast as Leia (or some other princess) til the end of time.
That ending really got to me. I'm not a big star wars fan nor am I very familiar with Carrie Fisher's work but she seemed to have been an amazing, inspiring woman. Life is beautiful and we should make the most of it while we still can.
“It’s like a Möbius striptease” is one of the cleverest things I’ve ever heard anybody say. And... that montage of the various readings of her holographic recording to obi-wan actually brought tears to my eyes. Honest to goodness tears.
I can recommend her book 'Postcards from the Edge' - full of similar brilliantly acidic comments, and a description of the insanity of chasing a high that I have never seen bettered - and I know that territory.
She was a queen, a legend and an icon. She the reason I sought help for my mental health and remains the biggest reason that I'm still here. I wish she was too so I could tell her how much she impacted my life
I'm also really thankful for her interview on PBS Fresh Air in February 4, 2004. I remember thinking "I have that". Two months later exactly I started having a major manic episode that finally ended in early June when I was admitted to psychiatric hospital after losing 30% of my body weight. Unfortunately, the experience with the law, the courts and forced confinement in a mental ward left me with a case of PTSD that wasn't diagnosed until much later in 2008 when I joined an international study of bipolar using MRI of the brain at UNC hospital. I also learned I have an IQ of 139. My symptoms finally got under control after losing literally everything and somehow landing in Indonesia. I attribute my cure to the year round 12 hours of daytime and 12 hours of nighttime that somehow got my rapid cycling under control and not living in a police state also helped a lot with my PTSD. God bless you and keep you Carrie Fisher. You didn't come in time to save me but at least I had a warning.
When I got clean and started getting help with being bipolar her books and interviews really helped me keep going and keep trying each time I fell down. I hope she knows the millions of people she helped with our struggles
After Carrie died, a little girl dressed as Jyn Erso and went to a con with her Dad and delivered the Death Star plans to every Princess Leia there that they could find. I tear up just thinking of it.
Man this is moving As a kid born in the 70’s who grew up with Star Wars seeing them in the theater & getting the action figures many of which I still have, Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia was one of the first crushes I had growing up along with probably every other boy in my generation. Like many of the greats, they were taken from us too soon. She was actual Hollywood royalty but she was still so humble, self-deprecating & real which made you love her even more.
I love that she embraced what made her a star. That bit of Hamill talking about his bio for a play, you could tell he wasn't completely proud of his space based movies, at least at that time. He clearly thought it made him look less than a stage actor. She knew she played a strong woman, and that the films were absolutely integral to the growth of storytelling by film. She wasn't afraid to love the films. She was genuine. Seems hard to find in Hollywood.
I could listen to Mark Hamill tell stories all day long. Love him every bit as much as the Princess. Always admired the way they both embraced the importance of Star Wars to so many of us fans. They legitimized the entire fandom by doing so and still do. God bless them both.
If you ever have a chance to view one of her one woman show, watch it. No wonder that she saved many movie scripts. She was one of the best. The world was brighter when she was alive. Fortunately, she's on video, too. She was a genius ,truly entertaining and so intelligent. Thanks for putting this video together.
The funniest line I heard from Carrie regarding Liz (paraphrased), is, “when Liz lost her husband, my father rushed to her side- and made his way around to her front.”! One heck of a whit. RIP Princess.
That's what I respected most about Carrie, and even Mark. That they have willfully accepted and embraced the Trilogy that shaped so much of their lives. Unlike Harrison Ford, who pretty much avoided it, to the point where during talk shows and interviews he would have the show deliberately not ask any questions about 'Star Wars' without his approval before hand.
@@deanladue3151 Everyone has a different personality. For all of his presence, Harrison is very much an introvert, the opposite of Mark and Carrie...but they fit together like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle.
@@rikk319 the movie made Ford a star, but i think that he didn't want his career to be judged on the trilogy alone. I thought that it was ironic in a sense that 'Star Wars' was supposed to launch the careers of Hamill and Fisher, but instead it was Ford who became a superstar when 'Raiders Of The Lost Ark' came out four years later.
This is one of the best tributes I've ever seen for Carrie Fisher. She was definitely one of a kind. I especially love how at the very end, I was in tears, then the last few seconds there's one last laugh.
If there was one thing that killed the "new trilogy" for me was the fact the makers never got Luke, Leia and Han back together for any scene. THAT is what the true fans were waiting for and they took that away from us.
The whole point of TFA was that Luke was living out the rest of his life as a hermit and no one could find him. Then Han stupidly walks up to his son he hasn't seen in don't know how many decades. God I hated TFA and TLJ was even worse. TROS was almost palatable IMO. Remember ROTJ when Lando barely escaped the death star before it exploded, and he let out a scream of joy and Nein Numb was laughing. Those are the kind of moments the sequel trilogy was missing.
I got the chance to write her a fan letter when I was a kid. She mailed me an autograph photo which I still have. I hope my hero worshipping letter in my clumsy child's handwriting brought a smile to her face. And now I have to stop reading the comments because they keep making me cry. I just have no words to express my sorrow because they wouldn't measure up to what a person she was.
I wrote her a letter too and did get a picture in return. When I met her years later I mentioned it and she asked what year. When I said 93/94 she said her mom took care of it then
It's 100 percent true. Perhaps the truest thing anybody in Hollywood has ever said about the "genre." It's complete BS and the death of current entertainment in America as we know it.
@@Station9.75 And while you're recording your cat, it might turn to your phone to see what you're doing there. In that moment, it's not really real anymore, because even the cat behaves differently because the camera is there.
This was so beautifully crafted and edited together. Truly the finale was so touching and left off on the perfect note. Seeing how Carrie Fisher truly held to her own identity, even with her powerful mother, and left a legacy for her daughter to be connected to but not drown by. Thank you for weaving these pieces together into this presentation.
@@Uncommon_Senze I could not play Greensleeves on the flutophone in 4th grade without crying. There is power in this world that we are all subject to, and artists hold those reins.
Fun fact: She was latter a script doctor for many television shows, and that started on The Star Wars Movies. She streamlined and improved dialogue, and along with Georges Wife had a significant impact on the First Movie at least.
I think Carrie was the most unapologetically honest and candid person we've seen in this type of platform. It takes a strong person to admit to, not only excessive drug use, but mental health issues, and to persist in such a potentially oppressive environment. Its truly a wonderous thing to behold. Such a beautiful writer, speaker, woman and overall human. Rest well, Your Worshipfulness.
It sounded like he couldn't say her name at that moment. He paused and called her the other member of the trio. That moment when your deep emotions are rising up and you're a split second from cracking. It's so hard being human, love is so tough.
the way i see it, harrison kinda treats his acting work as a job you know. he never phoned his work, but cause it is like 9-18 for him he never excited about it, it's just a way to earn money. that's why on interviews he comes off so apathetic.
@@danzansandeev6033 I agree, I think this is really the first time I've seen him show a strong genuine emotion. you just couldn't help but love this woman...
The older I get the more I appreciate who this woman was. An absolute legend and incredible woman. To have the feminine sensuality, the vulnerability, the fierceness, intelligence, and to be an actual funny woman.
I really didn't know how special she was as a person. Such great editing and everything else that makes a biography excellent. Thanks for letting me know who she truly was, I know that I certainly underestimated and undervalued her. Beautiful video!
"Turns out I have a terrible memory. Which should relax a lot of people in this room." Same. Age eases forgiveness through forgetfulness and Somethin somethin. This is a great video
I know all StarWars films by heart, because I watched all the films as the father of two grown-up sons and lived through the whole StarWars universe ... Thanks for this wonderful compilation from a wonderful person. I think I fell a little in love with this incredibly humorous person and singer. Rest in peace ... with you be the force! Love from Germany❤
There are certain people that have stared down the barrel of hard truth and have peeled the curtain back on reality to see the world how it really is. Carrie was one of those people. No bullshit. No use for a filter. We need more people like her.
"What you see is what you get." is the quote that comes to mind when thinking of the Late, Beautiful Carrie Fisher.Brutally honest mixed perfectly with wit and charm. As an actress, I believe she was Grossly and Unfairly Underrated for having such an Independent Spirit. RIP Princess.
I named my daughter Carrie, after Carrie Fisher. She was just a massive bright light in my growing up as a teenager, & absolutely one of the most beautiful women on the planet. What a pity she had trouble with drinking and drugs, a very bright light went out the day that she died. RIP Carrie
Seeing Debbie getting emotional over Carrie's singing voice just shows you how much she loved her kids. When Carrie passed away, Debbie died from a broken heart the following day.
Debbie's love of Carrie was...complicated. Debbie was manipulative, controlling, domineering, and as Carrie said grooming her into her "next act". Sure it was love, but also very damaging, and very flawed.
@@aslmad1 She's bipolar? I didn't know that. Nevertheless, she still talks about her weaknesses openly and doesn't let any of them affect her life, that requires some mad strength.
Good piece, nice editing. Carrie Fisher always seemed like a very genuine person who never took herself too seriously. She is one of the reasons I break out into laughter when some assert there are no strong female role models, and men don't like strong independent women. Generations of males have been tripping over themselves, enamored with her from first sight, and generations of females have tried to emulate her.
Don't ask women to be like her... Most of them are not close to be anything comparable. Nowadays women are in permanent trouble with her identity and completely manipulated by mass media, where they are just showed of as bad male clones because they want that to destroy our societies.
@@jasondashney Well both Star Wars and Alien are more 80s movies than 70s movies in a sense, they basically kicked off "80s action extravaganza" movies at the end of the 70s. Most of the kids who grew up on those Carrie and Sigourney grew up in the 80s pop culture.
Agreed. Tons of tough independent and very sexy women for decades. Thing is, the weaker softer woman is something some women want to be. Why shoehorn anyone? Why try to make all women tough and rough? Respect women, all women. Respect them for who they are and don't try to change them.
When I found out she passed, I was stunned. I felt that when they re-started the franchise that we would get to see some of Carries finest work ever. I haven't seen any 'Star Wars' movies since. RIP Carrie, now a princess among the stars.
@@Thumperoo lol nope its like being rectal suppository enema to a Hutt then getting kicked in the nut sack repeatedly by the angry Wookie who also has to be hi on PCP
To whomever edited this and added Debbie Reynold's rendition of "Green Sleeves" (A home in the meadow) -- it put a lump in my throat and I had to push back the waterworks. Wonderful job!
I continue to replay Carrie Fishers interviews. She is beautiful,funny ,witty,strong, honest etc... One of a kind.. Her tribute to George Lucas blew me away. The applause demonstrated how much the audience appreciated. I wish I had met or seen her live show. Once in a lifetime Human being.
"Because I'm loyal, because I'm alert, because I'm fierce..." Because you're missed!!! The world needs Carrie Fisher!! It's not the same without her in it... it's a sadder place without Carrie among us.
Which Carrie is your favorite? Mine is 90’s writer glasses-pushed-up-on-forehead-Nora-Ephron Carrie.
Carrie at 7:43...good lord🥰😍
Same here. The whip-smart, too-old-now-to-give-a-shit Carrie was my favorite Carrie
I grew up with Star Wars so that's practically ingrained in me.
But I will always have a soft spot for Drop Dead Fred, for two very, very important reasons.
@@letsrevieweverything144 in every way.
One of the most brutally honest and painfully open celebrity ever. You cannot help but love her.
Yes, I agree. However, I think she paid such a steep price. People should pay more attention to drug addicts, they are usually the gladiators of humanity.
in many ways, she was a non-celebrity thrust into the celebrity world but she never bought it. No wonder she relied on drugs to cope with that shallow world.
Wasn’t really an A-grade celebrity like harrison ford tho
@@fortunasp5391 There are two types of A-list celebrities, one is by name recognition, and the other is by box office accomplishments. Ford only became famous after Star Wars and Indiana Jones happened, but everyone in Hollywood knew Carrie. She had name recognition thanks to her parents, and as she got older because of her own talent and outstanding work as a screenwriter. She had wits and humor to boot. As for Ford, it certainly took him a while to get recognition outside his collaborations with Lucas. Carrie was just always there.
@Kevin Prima oh please, get off your high horse, drug addiction is an illness, not a choice. Also, you'd be surprised about the kind of things people can do, even under the influence of drugs and no, it's not all negative.
The fact that Sir Alec Guinness paid Mark Hamill to leave him alone delights me to no end
@@malcolmdrake6137 Are you referring to me? 1. I'm a woman, not a him 2. I love Mark Hamill, 3. Have you seen him? He's incredibly enthusiastic. I could imagine that constant energy becoming annoying to someone like Sir Alec Guinness to the point that he bribed him to give him space. Maybe she was joking, but the sentiment of the joke rings true to me.
Anyway, have a good day.
@@macattack423 I'm pretty sure your a man
I agree.
Mark Hamill was very young in 1977... and very American. Sir Alec was 40 years ahead of Mark in age, 60 years ahead in life experience... and very old world English.
So I can quite imagine Sir Alec getting very weary of Mark bouncing off the walls, and finding a way to take the wind out of Mark's sails, so he could smoke his pipe in peace and quiet.
Tim Smith Pity that the “old world English” are all but gone. As another fellow has observed, “London isn’t English anymore”. At less than 45% of the population in their own capital city, I suppose not.
I love that whenever Mark Hamill tells a story about Carrie he has to get a hearty laugh out of the way first. It happens every time.
He loved her like a sister... it is just like they were..
Aww... he really woved her
They were like siblings
she is so boldly herself and refreshing. miss her terribly
I do too! I had just rediscovered her and then she was gone 😪
"one time Alec Guinness gave mark hamill £10 to go away."
That's the most astoundingly obi-wan thing I've ever heard
Also seeing ford with that thousand yard stare where he talks about Carrie is the most heartbreaking thing on the planet
Obi-Wan giving every Skywalker credits just to get peace and quiet for five goddamn minutes
It's a more expensive version of the Jedi Mind trick. Unfortunately, Luke was too stubborn for the free version to work.
Infamous gamer He’d been toking a rather potent strain prior to the interview.
Harrison always looks like he's taking a dump that got to big
“I love you, I’ve always loved you. I love you more every time I see you” Craig Ferguson, the master of summation!
Rhianne Jones
Turd Ferguson
"...I couldn't have put it better myself". Yeah, her father already did.
And Carrie, the ultimate muse to inspire a master such as he.
I miss Jeff too!
Yeah, what an honest response.
Interviewer: "Do you still miss drugs?"
Carrie: "God yes, you have any?"
I love this woman. She was beyond fascinating.
Holy crap, I lost it at that part. XD
"Oh yeah, you have any?"**
NO! Well, yeah. SO!
You know.. Its not spoken about much but I really laughed at her turn in when Harry met Sally.. I really liked her in that
katy k 💯
This video helped me to appreciate that not only was Carrie Fisher a movie icon for me as a boy, she was a remarkable, strong, and fiercely intelligent woman who's sense of humor was matched only by her brutal and often self effacing honesty. A very special woman we lost too soon.
me too
John 14:6 Jesus said unto him, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life; no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me.
John 3:18 “He that believeth in Him is not condemned; but He that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
Revelation 21
8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers,and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.”
1 Corinthians 6
18 Flee fornication. Every other sin which a man doeth is outside the body, but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.
Matthew 12
45 Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there; and the last state of that man is worse than the first. Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation.”
Romans 8:6
21st Century King James Version
6 For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace,
Luke 12:20
21st Century King James Version
20 But God said unto him, ‘Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee. Then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided?’
1 Timothy 5:6
21st Century King James Version
6 But she that liveth in pleasure is dead while she liveth.
1 Corinthians 6
9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the Kingdom of God? Be not deceived: Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor the effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
10 nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners shall inherit the Kingdom of God.
1 John 2:17
21st Century King James Version
17 And the world passeth away and the lust thereof, but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.
Matthew 22:29
21st Century King James Version
29 Jesus answered and said unto them, “Ye do err, not knowing the Scriptures, nor the power of God.
John 8:51
21st Century King James Version
51 Verily, verily I say unto you, if a man keep My saying, he shall never see death.”
2 John 9
21st Century King James Version
9 Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ hath both the Father and the Son.
Titus 1:14
21st Century King James Version
14 not giving heed to Jewish fables and commandments of men who turn from the truth.
2 Peter 3:18
21st Century King James Version
18 But grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be glory both now and for ever. Amen.
Romans 12:2
21st Century King James Version
2 And be not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
Hebrews 9:24
21st Century King James Version
24 For Christ has not entered into the holy places made with hands, which are copies of the true, but into Heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us.
Colossians 2:10
21st Century King James Version
10 And ye are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power,
Deuteronomy 6:14
21st Century King James Version
14 Ye shall not go after other gods, of the gods of the people who are round about you
2 Corinthians 11:14
21st Century King James Version
14 And no marvel, for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
Jeremiah 7
18 The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead their dough to make cakes to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto other gods, that they may provoke Me to anger.
1 Corinthians 10
20 But I say that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils and not to God; and I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils.
1 Timothy 2:5
21st Century King James Version
5 For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus,
Deuteronomy 8
19 And it shall be, if thou at all forget the Lord thy God and walk after other gods, and serve them and worship them, I testify against you this day that ye shall surely perish.
1 John 5
20 And we know that the Son of God is come and hath given us an understanding, that we may know Him that is true; and we are in Him that is true, even in His Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and Eternal Life.
Acts 17
29 “For inasmuch, then, as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold or silver or stone, graven by art and of man’s devising.
Proverbs 14
12 There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.
1 John 4
3 And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh, is not of God; and such is the spirit of Antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come, and even now already it is in the world.
2 John 1
9 Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ hath both the Father and the Son.
John 8:12
21st Century King James Version
12 Then spoke Jesus again unto them, saying, “I am the Light of the world. He that followeth Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.”
Mark 8
35 For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for My sake and the Gospel’s, the same shall save it.
John 8
51 Verily, verily I say unto you, if a man keep My saying, he shall never see death.”
John 17
3 And this is life eternal: that they might know Thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom Thou hast sent.
1 Timothy 2
5 For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus,
Acts 4
12 Neither is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved.”
James 1
21 Therefore lay apart all filthiness and the superfluity of wickedness, and receive with meekness the engrafted Word, which is able to save your souls.
John 11
25 Jesus said unto her, “I am the resurrection and the Life. He that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live;
26 and whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never die. Believest thou this?”
John 6
68 Then Simon Peter answered Him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal life,
Psalm 119
30 I have chosen the way of truth; Thy judgments have I laid before me.
Psalm 119
11 Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against Thee.
Romans 12
2 And be not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
1 Corinthians 2:5
21st Century King James Version
5 that your faith should not stand on the wisdom of man, but on the power of God.
1 Peter 5
8 Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil walketh about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.
1 John 2
16 For all that is in the world - the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life - is not of the Father, but is of the world.
17 And the world passeth away and the lust thereof, but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.
James 1
21 Therefore lay apart all filthiness and the superfluity of wickedness, and receive with meekness the engrafted Word, which is able to save your souls.
1 Corinthians 15
44 It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body.
1 Thessalonians 5
9 For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ
John 3
18 “He that believeth in Him is not condemned; but He that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
John 3:36
21st Century King James Version
36 He that believeth in the Son hath everlasting life; and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abideth on him.”
Luke 6:5
21st Century King James Version
5 And He said unto them, “The Son of Man is Lord also of the Sabbath.”
Matthew 22:29
21st Century King James Version
29 Jesus answered and said unto them, “Ye do err, not knowing the Scriptures, nor the power of God.
John 5:29
21st Century King James Version
29 and shall come forth - they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life, and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation.
John 8
12 Then spoke Jesus again unto them, saying, “I am the Light of the world. He that followeth Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.”
John 8:32
21st Century King James Version
32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
John 6:40
21st Century King James Version
40 And this is the will of Him that sent Me: that every one who seeth the Son and believeth in Him may have everlasting life, and I will raise him up at the Last Day.”
Mark 13:13
21st Century King James Version
13 And ye shall be hated by all men for My name’s sake; but he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.
Revelation 14:12
21st Century King James Version
12 Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.
John 8
36 If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.
Mark 13
31 Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My words shall not pass away.
We all wanted to be Han Solo, but we know we need Princess Leia.
May the wings of liberty never lose a feather. Love your handle!
I totally concur, and BTW what a wonderful profile name - Big Trouble in Little China is my fav movie!
Anybody else flip out when 13-year-old Carrie opened her mouth and that rich tenor voice came out? Amazing.
Carrie was born with the voice of a 40-year-old woman.
It shouldn't have been that unexpected. Her speaking voice is pretty low.
I'll take 13-year old Carrie over ANY female singer out there now.
I think my exact response was 'well I'll be damned'
Carrie Fisher and Robin Williams, the only two stars that when died it hit me like it were a family member
For me...Carrie, Debbie. Natalie Wood.
Hope the day never comes when harrison ford uhm............. you know
Add Bowie to that list.
@@JuhoNelimarkka or mark...
@@JuhoNelimarkka Harrison cant die in a million years!! or Clint Eastwood! or Jack Nicolson.... The list can be made long, with all the movie-hero:s!
Her wit was constantly set to “no prisoners”.
And yet I think it worked so well for her because everyone knew that she always said it with love.
Cause she was a wee 5-2" and knew she could get away with it. Honestly she could insult my heritage to my very face and I'd be impossible to take it seriously, only because we "KNOW" her and her lack of real vindictiveness and it would be funny. AS FUCK
It just hit me that for years and years, all I ever heard people mutter anecdotally about Carrie was that she was "having trouble with drugs". Nothing could be further from the truth: she was having trouble with her mental health, and self-medicating. It's a profound statement on our cultural aversion to discussing mental health that that was always the line.
Very good point.
IF you want to go that route, that can be said for every single person that consumes alcohol, or any drug including one of the worst- SUGAR. Its well known she was a cokehead. Call it whatever you want. Her biggest problem was her parents, she was doomed from the start.
@spartanx169x 169of300 my point was merely that we should be more willing to identify, admit to, and discuss mental health problems, as they are usually the root issue in secondary behavioural issues. Pleased you mentioned sugar though, I'm currently getting very frustrated with how unable people are to identify it as a drug despite its effects and its addictiveness.
When amy winehouse died, the front page headline on the Boston herald was "they tried to make her go to rehab, but she said 'no, no, no' ". Things are a little better now, at least.
Omg the pride that Debbie has of Carrie's singing is one of the most heartfelt and genuine things in the world.
And extremely ironically, she’s singing a Simon & Garfunkel number
@Natasha Tomlinson I beg to differ
It was so tragic that Debbie also died. Clearly she was heartbroken to lose her.
Natasha Tomlinson exactly she has that deep not very becoming voice...much unlike her mother
@Natasha Tomlinson agreed
"Well if you don't lose [your virginity] in a way you like, I think you should keep losing it until it works." Carrie Fisher
The only person who could just say something like that on TV and get away with it lol
The best !
Well... there's a way you could take "losing your virginity *three times* " - but it's just filthy, and I'm not gonna go there.
But Carrie gets it, and she's laughing her ass off right about now....
Hahhahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhaha GREATEST LINE EVER, thank you Carrie Fisher :'))))
Carrie Fisher: I'm a slut
feminists: you go girl! 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻
I burst into tears when Harrison mentioned not having Carrie with him and Mark as a "part of their trio".
We've been robbed of them 3 having a reunion in the new movies. Absolute horseshit! It's an insult to the fans. I refuse to accept the last 3 "movies" happened.
Here I am telling myself, what are you doing? Tears rolling down both my cheeks. I never knew here and yet I felt like I had known her my entire life. ❤️
@@Langley_Ackerman19 the first one was pretty good though, and they are all older now they can't do the movies forever.
@@Langley_Ackerman19 if it’s an insult then clearly it wasn’t effective because I’m a fan and I did not feel insulted
On exercising, "What music makes this worthwhile?"
When she "quoted" Nietzsche with the lyrics of Silent Night in German, I. DIEDDDDD.
BitterFlower116 “Well, maybe it wasn’t heilige, but it was definitely stille...”
Ja wohl, kleines Blümchen…
I didn’t get that joke
Here I was not understanding the rest of the lyrics wondering why Nietzsche began a statement with “silent night”
Well maybe not all are sleeping but definitely silent night... I think it was a roasting innuendo about furtive sexual advances.
Anybody else kind of tear up when she was saying the "help me Obi-Wan" monologue
God, yes
Tear up? Nah
Ugly crying? Yes
To honest that and a couple more things had the water works on. She was the best. I've loved her for about 33 years. Will love her 33 more if I make it that long.
Uh...yeh, thanks for noticing.
Thank God. I thought it was only me.
"Eddie consoled Elizabeth with his pen1s": I have been laughing at that line for half an hour.
Well you can easily be entertained. I'm not so sure that running a talent agency is the right job your you.
@@Osmone_Everony bruh
She was one of the most naturally funny people out there. Honest, irreverent, self-effacing, sharp, unapologetic. And just brilliant. Plus full of heart. RIP.
still not over her passing, her books and interviews helped so much growing up she truly changed my life, I'll forever be thankful to this utter legend
habbogigi me too. But sometimes, I got over her passing.
Me either. She is my 1st hero. My first fandom. And a legend I wish I got to meet. 💔
Rose Hill me too.
Carrie Fisher is a legend who will never die.
Couldn't agree with this anymore. I go back and re-read her books or interviews just to help me get through the struggles.
The *Force* was truly with her.
She was the Force 💖
"The force is female"
Yes it is, and her name is Leia "Organa" Skywalker
0 Spy Orange man bad!
@@stoked-6996 I mean you first part of you sentence is not wrong the light side of the force is indeed a woman
Her sum up of her father’s infidelity was perfect *chef’s kiss*. I miss her soooo much. She was so amazing in many ways. Just the Epitome of cool.
Pat Aherne yeah ok. why?? Did he show respect for his family,including his daughter, when he did what he did? Just because someone has a child doesn’t mean they are a parent. Respect is earned not just given. If he wanted to stray he should have gotten a divorce and did it after or kept it in his pants. When you cheat on your spouse you not only hurt and disrespect them, you hurt and disrespect your children with them. The trust was gone and that needs to be earned back. People make mistakes but that’s not an excuse.
Pat Aherne I mean... it kind of was her business. It greatly impacted her life. She even said that she didn’t hate Elizabeth Taylor (saying that people seemed to think she should hate Liz more than she actually did).
And pray tell, what kind of moral obligation did she have to respect her shitty dad?
It must be tough on you. Did you guys hang out a lot?
Pat Aherne You are way over the line and don't know what you are talking about when it comes to Eddie and Carrie. This is a guy who did cocaine with his daughter so lose the moral high ground. And just a side note here.. Eddie became very sick in his final days. Guess who was by his side, hiring nurses, overseeing his care and footing the bill for it? It would be wrong to confuse Carrie the writer and entertainer with the Carrie who behind the scenes had a forgiving heart and worked at building a relationship with her father. And in the end it was Carrie taking care of Eddie although sadly, as a child, he had never taken care of her.
You guys seem to have known her so well. This is some profound moving stuff.
The diction,the voice. The way she holds herself.
Her childhood must have been a nightmare of endless grooming for stardom.
Her voice and inflection changed so much as she grew older.
"Someone get this walking carpet out of my way"
Loved her from that moment.
Mark Williams I’m glad to know that was someone else's moment too!
No reward is worth this- Han Solo
@@Quigon-93 And no risk is too great... for her. Probably also by Han Solo.
I’ll bet she ad libbed that line
Not going to lie.. teared up when she whispered "you're my only hope".
Yep fuckin' SAME
I cried right when she started the speech.
I heard "you're my only hope" coming before it got here, and I cried early.
Think of how she broke the mold for fictional "princesses". It took Disney decades to figure out that girls want to see a princess with agency, strength, and independence, fully capable of taking charge of their own rescue. How important was that for girls to see!
Cinderella did!
@@shegoesla_lala yeah, but only in the 2000's they got to do Cinderella justice
M & M no? Cinderella was awfully abused her entire life and was still sassy and a dreamer
And yet they completely butchered the one female character that was supposed to be the culmination of that by literally making her a vessel for a male character 🙃
BitterFlower116 uhh, no?
I’ll never stop missing Carrie. She was simply wonderful. An unquestionable legend. A spectacular, beautifully flawed person. We miss you Carrie. 😢❤
Our Princess, our General, our star, our friend.
Forever Carrie.
Hear, hear. Forever Carrie.
Carrie was an old soul, you can clearly see that even while watching that footage of her singing at 13.
What a remarkable woman, gone far too soon.
funny, that clip and her singing voice made me think of Jessica Harper in phantom of the paradise, where one of her song is called old souls. Beautiful song too. But no direct relation to Carrie Fisher.
Saying someone is an old soul is basically saying
"Jesus you've lost your serotonin levels at age 12"
@@libertyprime619 And she did.
She deserved more than the sequels that’s for sure.
Makes the tragedy much worse, even if Disney see sense and redo the trilogy movies Carrie Fisher would not be alive to see her legacy complete.
I’m glad I watched this, after seeing ep 7 and 8 a growing dislike built for me. This reminds me who she really was.
I love how in-love-with the Leia character she was. Even the oldest interviews of her plugging Star Wars, she was perfectly delighted at the idea of being cast as Leia (or some other princess) til the end of time.
That ending really got to me. I'm not a big star wars fan nor am I very familiar with Carrie Fisher's work but she seemed to have been an amazing, inspiring woman. Life is beautiful and we should make the most of it while we still can.
“I have much nicer furniture.” I felt that.
She was much ahead of her time
My favorite stand-up comedian wasn't a stand-up comedian. Her name was Carrie Fisher, and she was a savage.
Rest in peace, General.
To me she's royalty
Not a pretentious bone in her body
The only princess to rescue herself. You have now become more powerful than i can possibly imagine.
"Aren't you a little short to be a stormtrooper?"
"You came here in that? Your braver than i thought"
“Someone has to save our skins. Into the garbage chute, fly boy.”
“To me she’s royalty...”
I wonder if Max Von Sydow got to interact with any of them during production?
And will always be
@@WilliamHaywardPainter I wonder if he is interacting with Carrie, Peter M, Peter C, Alec, and Kenny right now...
“It’s like a Möbius striptease” is one of the cleverest things I’ve ever heard anybody say.
And... that montage of the various readings of her holographic recording to obi-wan actually brought tears to my eyes. Honest to goodness tears.
I can recommend her book 'Postcards from the Edge' - full of similar brilliantly acidic comments, and a description of the insanity of chasing a high that I have never seen bettered - and I know that territory.
Me too
.she's so good...she can deliver those iconic lines in a way only Carrie could..no woman in star wars compares to Carrie.
there's one (or maybe a couple) of videos of billie doing the monologue too bc Carrie taught it to her, watching it always makes me emotional
She was a queen, a legend and an icon. She the reason I sought help for my mental health and remains the biggest reason that I'm still here. I wish she was too so I could tell her how much she impacted my life
You can... Just think about her and tell her x
I'm also really thankful for her interview on PBS Fresh Air in February 4, 2004. I remember thinking "I have that".
Two months later exactly I started having a major manic episode that finally ended in early June when I was admitted to psychiatric hospital after losing 30% of my body weight. Unfortunately, the experience with the law, the courts and forced confinement in a mental ward left me with a case of PTSD that wasn't diagnosed until much later in 2008 when I joined an international study of bipolar using MRI of the brain at UNC hospital. I also learned I have an IQ of 139. My symptoms finally got under control after losing literally everything and somehow landing in Indonesia. I attribute my cure to the year round 12 hours of daytime and 12 hours of nighttime that somehow got my rapid cycling under control and not living in a police state also helped a lot with my PTSD. God bless you and keep you Carrie Fisher. You didn't come in time to save me but at least I had a warning.
When I got clean and started getting help with being bipolar her books and interviews really helped me keep going and keep trying each time I fell down. I hope she knows the millions of people she helped with our struggles
I was very lucky to have met her in the late 80's. She was so wonderful and nice. There will never be anyone like her. She is truly missed,
Why am i falling in love with a dead woman that could have been my grandmother?!
RIP Carrie Fisher.
Because the world is in very short supply of brutal honesty, accountability and self reflection. She was all of that.
solarfly You said it all. R.I.P may the force be with you
Coz shes fuckin hilarious!
She’s amazingly lovable.
Only princess I'll ever have
Word. My first love, fuck money!
Hell yes.
Only princess worth having👍
@@mateoemilioalfaroalcega7498 You had To Ruin It Fucktard, Is This What you do all day Ruin People's day. FUCK YOU
After Carrie died, a little girl dressed as Jyn Erso and went to a con with her Dad and delivered the Death Star plans to every Princess Leia there that they could find. I tear up just thinking of it.
Omg im crying
Oh my 😭😭❤
And they put the last one on Carries memorial 🥺
@@Anna-pq5bq Please tell me that's true....
And then he banged every one dressed as Slave Leia he could find.
Man this is moving As a kid born in the 70’s who grew up with Star Wars seeing them in the theater & getting the action figures many of which I still have, Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia was one of the first crushes I had growing up along with probably every other boy in my generation. Like many of the greats, they were taken from us too soon. She was actual Hollywood royalty but she was still so humble, self-deprecating & real which made you love her even more.
I love that she embraced what made her a star. That bit of Hamill talking about his bio for a play, you could tell he wasn't completely proud of his space based movies, at least at that time. He clearly thought it made him look less than a stage actor. She knew she played a strong woman, and that the films were absolutely integral to the growth of storytelling by film. She wasn't afraid to love the films. She was genuine. Seems hard to find in Hollywood.
Not going to lie, this video got me ugly crying over the loss of Carrie.
Me too
same, i was crying for 5 good minutes after mark's interview at 20:45
@@Joy-nz9qv this
Oh, I think we need a group hug.
I could listen to Mark Hamill tell stories all day long. Love him every bit as much as the Princess. Always admired the way they both embraced the importance of Star Wars to so many of us fans. They legitimized the entire fandom by doing so and still do. God bless them both.
Her trolling Harrison Ford with hints about them sleeping together was masterful.
"I was 19 and you.... 64." LOL.
They slept together for months, while making that first Star Wars movie. Harrison was married.
It wasn't hard to read his lips when she said that. :-D He obviously wasn't feeling very comfortable that moment. 24:26
@@jonathanrex what do you think he said? Looked like, " ::: shaking head ::: Man...." 🤣
@@kaizen5023 I think it was "amazing"
If you ever have a chance to view one of her one woman show, watch it. No wonder that she saved many movie scripts. She was one of the best. The world was brighter when she was alive. Fortunately, she's on video, too. She was a genius ,truly entertaining and so intelligent. Thanks for putting this video together.
This made me tear up repeatedly.
There are few celebrities that I ever wanted to meet, but Carrie Fischer was so fricking brilliant....
The funniest line I heard from Carrie regarding Liz (paraphrased), is, “when Liz lost her husband, my father rushed to her side- and made his way around to her front.”! One heck of a whit. RIP Princess.
"oh yeah you have any"
"I'm princess leia, your luke skywalker...get used to it and get over yourself"
...god I love her.
That's what I respected most about Carrie, and even Mark. That they have willfully accepted and embraced the Trilogy that shaped so much of their lives. Unlike Harrison Ford, who pretty much avoided it, to the point where during talk shows and interviews he would have the show deliberately not ask any questions about 'Star Wars' without his approval before hand.
@@deanladue3151 Everyone has a different personality. For all of his presence, Harrison is very much an introvert, the opposite of Mark and Carrie...but they fit together like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle.
@@rikk319 the movie made Ford a star, but i think that he didn't want his career to be judged on the trilogy alone. I thought that it was ironic in a sense that 'Star Wars' was supposed to launch the careers of Hamill and Fisher, but instead it was Ford who became a superstar when 'Raiders Of The Lost Ark' came out four years later.
This is one of the best tributes I've ever seen for Carrie Fisher. She was definitely one of a kind. I especially love how at the very end, I was in tears, then the last few seconds there's one last laugh.
If there was one thing that killed the "new trilogy" for me was the fact the makers never got Luke, Leia and Han back together for any scene. THAT is what the true fans were
waiting for and they took that away from us.
Seriously? Where do you cast the future, unborn children of the main characters in those movies?
For me, the new trilogy was killed by a ridiculous script a disjointed story that made no sense.
I believe they would have shared a scene together, had Carrie lived. :(
The whole point of TFA was that Luke was living out the rest of his life as a hermit and no one could find him. Then Han stupidly walks up to his son he hasn't seen in don't know how many decades. God I hated TFA and TLJ was even worse. TROS was almost palatable IMO. Remember ROTJ when Lando barely escaped the death star before it exploded, and he let out a scream of joy and Nein Numb was laughing. Those are the kind of moments the sequel trilogy was missing.
from the way it ended there was definitely time for them to meet, they just never did which was a shame
I got the chance to write her a fan letter when I was a kid. She mailed me an autograph photo which I still have. I hope my hero worshipping letter in my clumsy child's handwriting brought a smile to her face. And now I have to stop reading the comments because they keep making me cry. I just have no words to express my sorrow because they wouldn't measure up to what a person she was.
I feel you
I wrote her a letter too and did get a picture in return. When I met her years later I mentioned it and she asked what year. When I said 93/94 she said her mom took care of it then
She roasted that female interviewer asking abt her weight, hahahaha. GOT EM.
An absolute icon. She looked so young and innocent in Star Wars but was still sassy and she was even sassier IRL! RIP Carrie
She was young, but she was never naive. She made Shampoo at around the same time, and that role was anything but innocent.
"If my life wasn't funny it would just be true, and that is unacceptable." - Carrie Fisher
Where did she say this?
@@gabyr.883 in her autobiography "wishful drinking"
Love what she says about "reality TV". "If you can film it, its not real."
It's 100 percent true. Perhaps the truest thing anybody in Hollywood has ever said about the "genre." It's complete BS and the death of current entertainment in America as we know it.
It’s not though is it? I can pull out my phone and record my cat.
@@Station9.75 And while you're recording your cat, it might turn to your phone to see what you're doing there. In that moment, it's not really real anymore, because even the cat behaves differently because the camera is there.
@@beatz04 So true, my cat does the same. Unless you are quick she'll deliberately ignore it and turn away.
This was so beautifully crafted and edited together. Truly the finale was so touching and left off on the perfect note. Seeing how Carrie Fisher truly held to her own identity, even with her powerful mother, and left a legacy for her daughter to be connected to but not drown by. Thank you for weaving these pieces together into this presentation.
Perfect comment. That's what I was thinking:
What a beautiful Hommage.
The final piece of music is her mother singing, from an old western movie. The melody is an English folksong Greensleeves. Superb video!
@@Uncommon_Senze Debbie Reynolds - "A Home in the Meadow" 🙂
She had no filter, and it was great!
@@Uncommon_Senze I could not play Greensleeves on the flutophone in 4th grade without crying. There is power in this world that we are all subject to, and artists hold those reins.
This vid is so perfectly cut together. I've watched it multiple times and I'm in tears every time it gets to the end. Miss you Carrie!
Fun fact: She was latter a script doctor for many television shows, and that started on The Star Wars Movies. She streamlined and improved dialogue, and along with Georges Wife had a significant impact on the First Movie at least.
"You ask your mother." - Carrie Fisher
I miss her so much.
I think Carrie was the most unapologetically honest and candid person we've seen in this type of platform. It takes a strong person to admit to, not only excessive drug use, but mental health issues, and to persist in such a potentially oppressive environment. Its truly a wonderous thing to behold. Such a beautiful writer, speaker, woman and overall human. Rest well, Your Worshipfulness.
This was so wonderful. Thank you.❤️🌹
She may have started off a princess, but she ended up the queen. What an amazing personality and what a wonderful homage. Thank you so much.
She ended up a General!
@@nysunflower9439 my dear I did not mean it literally oh, I know she ends up in general. But she was a queen in my eyes.
21:46 is sad. Harrison Ford usually comes off as a curmudgeon and apathetic, but you can really see how much that hurt him.
It sounded like he couldn't say her name at that moment. He paused and called her the other member of the trio. That moment when your deep emotions are rising up and you're a split second from cracking. It's so hard being human, love is so tough.
the way i see it, harrison kinda treats his acting work as a job you know. he never phoned his work, but cause it is like 9-18 for him he never excited about it, it's just a way to earn money. that's why on interviews he comes off so apathetic.
@@danzansandeev6033 I agree, I think this is really the first time I've seen him show a strong genuine emotion. you just couldn't help but love this woman...
@tim conway And you're an asshole, but we all have our crosses to bear.
@tim conway you're an ass clown
Mark couldn't have summed up her character working so well any better, "effortless feminism, not hitting you over the head with it". Great vid.
The irony of reading that comment and it hitting you over the head with the anti-feminist tone that it's written with. Fuck me, mate. fuck me...
Also a commentary of the new garage that was put out.
The older I get the more I appreciate who this woman was. An absolute legend and incredible woman. To have the feminine sensuality, the vulnerability, the fierceness, intelligence, and to be an actual funny woman.
"actual funny woman"?
This comment just reeks incel
@@calebmullan4593 most women are not
I'm at a loss for words to convey the gut wrenching loss of such a powerful woman. She had it all. She was it all. The one, the only Carrie Fisher.
Any time I learn more about Carrie Fisher I love her more, she'll always be my princess.
What a fireball of a woman. I love her even more after seeing this video, thanks to those who made it.
I really didn't know how special she was as a person. Such great editing and everything else that makes a biography excellent. Thanks for letting me know who she truly was, I know that I certainly underestimated and undervalued her. Beautiful video!
All those years....all those decades and she could recit the obi one lines verbatim... Amazing!!
Umm, actually, cant we all?
"If you can film it, it's not real."
Amazing quote.😁
I love how Carrie Fisher was in interviews and how she just didn’t care she is missed greatly
Great video and tribute to Carrie. Rest in peace.
"Turns out I have a terrible memory. Which should relax a lot of people in this room."
Same. Age eases forgiveness through forgetfulness and
Somethin somethin.
This is a great video
"Do you still miss drugs?"
"Oh, yeah. You have any?"
coneil72 lol pothead
Its sad cause that's what killed her in the end
@@Roxas77 I thought she died of a heart attack?
@@CarbonDioxide. the heart attack came from too many drugs in her body
@@Roxas77 Oh ok.
When Harrison said “but I feel her presence” I nearly cried
I know all StarWars films by heart, because I watched all the films as the father of two grown-up sons and lived through the whole StarWars universe ... Thanks for this wonderful compilation from a wonderful person. I think I fell a little in love with this incredibly humorous person and singer. Rest in peace ... with you be the force! Love from Germany❤
There are certain people that have stared down the barrel of hard truth and have peeled the curtain back on reality to see the world how it really is. Carrie was one of those people. No bullshit. No use for a filter. We need more people like her.
"What you see is what you get." is the quote that comes to mind when thinking of the Late, Beautiful Carrie Fisher.Brutally honest mixed perfectly with wit and charm. As an actress, I believe she was Grossly and Unfairly Underrated for having such an Independent Spirit. RIP Princess.
I named my daughter Carrie, after Carrie Fisher. She was just a massive bright light in my growing up as a teenager, & absolutely one of the most beautiful women on the planet. What a pity she had trouble with drinking and drugs, a very bright light went out the day that she died. RIP Carrie
‘If I didn’t sleep with you… who was that guy?’ And then a shady snippet of Harrison you added at the end. Chef’s kiss…
Seeing Debbie getting emotional over Carrie's singing voice just shows you how much she loved her kids. When Carrie passed away, Debbie died from a broken heart the following day.
Debbie's love of Carrie was...complicated. Debbie was manipulative, controlling, domineering, and as Carrie said grooming her into her "next act". Sure it was love, but also very damaging, and very flawed.
@@jaydouglas8845 - Yeah…. Debbie didn’t want to be upstaged.
To me it looked like she was so deeply jealous it made her cry. Explains their entire relationship.
Funny, intelligent, beautiful, whip-smart and utterly without any self-imposed limits. She was a cool bean.
What you mean "bean"? She was the whole goddam vine!
@@toascranill5464 What do you mean "vine"? She was the whole goddam farm!
The fact she is so confortable with her weaknesses, as well as using them as a form of strenght, is really inspiring.
It is she really comfortable? As a fellow person with bipolar I may look confident on the outside but dying inside
@@aslmad1 She's bipolar? I didn't know that. Nevertheless, she still talks about her weaknesses openly and doesn't let any of them affect her life, that requires some mad strength.
Loved listening to this woman!! Her and her Mother were two of my favorite celebrities!!
Now this is a strong female role model.
@@SmithCommaBenjamin we're all drug addicts bud.
@SmithCommaBenjamin she had a struggle, like we all do. your view is short sighted.
@@movement2contact wtf are you talking about lmao
@@katebutler4296 She had opinions. Woman having any kind of opinions of her own is manly, apparently.
@@MicroGiantSESSwordofVictory Yeah like the most fascinating thing about Billie Holliday was the heroin.
Suddenly a single Like button feels overwhelmingly insufficient.
I don’t think I’ll ever know why it was this comment that made me break down crying, but thank you
Tdtvv C
That's the most emotion I've ever seen Harrison show
Good piece, nice editing. Carrie Fisher always seemed like a very genuine person who never took herself too seriously. She is one of the reasons I break out into laughter when some assert there are no strong female role models, and men don't like strong independent women. Generations of males have been tripping over themselves, enamored with her from first sight, and generations of females have tried to emulate her.
Don't ask women to be like her... Most of them are not close to be anything comparable. Nowadays women are in permanent trouble with her identity and completely manipulated by mass media, where they are just showed of as bad male clones because they want that to destroy our societies.
Apparently Carrie Fisher and Sigourney Weaver weren't a thing in the 1970's.
@@jasondashney Well both Star Wars and Alien are more 80s movies than 70s movies in a sense, they basically kicked off "80s action extravaganza" movies at the end of the 70s. Most of the kids who grew up on those Carrie and Sigourney grew up in the 80s pop culture.
And Sarah Connor.
Agreed. Tons of tough independent and very sexy women for decades. Thing is, the weaker softer woman is something some women want to be. Why shoehorn anyone? Why try to make all women tough and rough? Respect women, all women. Respect them for who they are and don't try to change them.
“We don’t have the other member our trio, but I feel her presence” I watched 25 minutes of this without even noticing.
When I found out she passed, I was stunned. I felt that when they re-started the franchise that we would get to see some of Carries finest work ever. I haven't seen any 'Star Wars' movies since. RIP Carrie, now a princess among the stars.
you didn't miss anything, as - sadly - watching the Disney SW trilogy is like being kicked repeatedly in the nutsack by an angry wookie
@@Thumperoo lol nope its like being rectal suppository enema to a Hutt then getting kicked in the nut sack repeatedly by the angry Wookie who also has to be hi on PCP
@@Thumperoo yep, it's a joke. But i'm not laughing. 👎👎
@Dean Ladue atleast you admit to having no sense of humor
God, she is such a legend. She was the only one who could make Harrison Ford laugh
To whomever edited this and added Debbie Reynold's rendition of "Green Sleeves" (A home in the meadow) -- it put a lump in my throat and I had to push back the waterworks. Wonderful job!
Havent watched a 25 minute UA-cam video from start to finish in ages, thanks for this. Beautoful tribute to a beautiful person.
I'm with you on this one....I had my first celebrity crush when I was 15 and saw princess Leia for the first time in 1977 🤗
I continue to replay Carrie Fishers interviews. She is beautiful,funny ,witty,strong, honest etc... One of a kind..
Her tribute to George Lucas blew me away. The applause demonstrated how much the audience appreciated.
I wish I had met or seen her live show. Once in a lifetime Human being.
"Because I'm loyal, because I'm alert, because I'm fierce..."
Because you're missed!!!
The world needs Carrie Fisher!!
It's not the same without her in it...
it's a sadder place without Carrie among us.
Beautiful, Touchy! No more words!!!