Opening Sacred Space with Jon Rasmussen

  • Опубліковано 28 лис 2012
  • The Shaman calls on all of the physical and non-physical forces of nature in all directions and the Earth and Heavens - and his team of healers, earth keepers, wisdom keepers, and visionaries to create a safe and sacred space for his client during a shaman session. He has developed and cultivated these relationships throughout his life and training. This is a quintessential and timeless heart-felt practice that forms the basis of prayer, ceremony, and ritual that is passed down from teacher to student and modified by the student to match their own color of medicine, heart, and soul.
    Video filmed and produced by Mike DeGregorio of .
    "A brilliant and gifted healer, and a man of deep and prescient insight."
    Alberto Villoldo PhD author of Shaman, Healer, Sage
    Jon is a graduate of the Four Winds Society and has over 30 years of study and practice in the shamanic healing arts - author of the book Dreaming Your World Into Being, and CDs Shamanic Journeys to Empower Your Life, and Meditations for the Modern Lifestyle.
    For more information and to schedule a session email
    Modern shamans are being trained by The Four Winds Society and their Healing the Light Body School "The Harvard of Shamanism", in conjunction with initiation by the powerful Q'ero shamans of the Peru and Amazon Rainforest shamans. Dr. Alberto Villoldo bridged the modern worlds and ancient worlds in accordance with the prophecies of the Q'ero and others for the world to be turned right side up again (The Return of the Feminine) around this pivotal time surrounding the year 2012. Jon is one of many students from all over the world and all walks of life including medicine people from indigenous nations of every continent and islands, that have received and practice the wisdom and techniques returned by the Q'ero from the 15th Century back to the beginnings of life.