Newsboys - Shine

  • Опубліковано 15 вер 2024
  • Shine of Newsboys


  • @pmacktruck64
    @pmacktruck64 15 років тому

    With my own eyes I have seen people healed in the name of Jesus Christ through prayer.

  • @SSBFreak85
    @SSBFreak85 17 років тому +1

    This is, in my opinion, the best song Newsboys ever did. And the video was great as well. It's good to see it here.

  • @clayliz2006
    @clayliz2006 15 років тому +2

    such an amazingly awesome song, even after all these years, it has not gotten old! I remember skating at a roller rink when I was about 10 to this song... maybe it wasn't the Newsboys then though, who knows?! Awesome song though!

  • @FriendlyCougar
    @FriendlyCougar 16 років тому

    I have loved this music since I was a kid. I am definitely an atheist, but this music makes me happy. Mostly just brings back memories. Anyone else feel this way?

  • @sinnersunited
    @sinnersunited 15 років тому

    folks these Guys are gifted and the Gift comes from God and in our apreiciation of the music these Guys put out, we should Give God the Glory , and the thanks ,i worship God alone not these Guys that are merely serving Him , and i pray that they continue to seek the Lords will in their sevice and their lives

  • @moderncowgirl114
    @moderncowgirl114 15 років тому

    i guess it would be pretty hard to feel the love of God if you dont believe in him, but when you do its an amazing experience. and i am loved by my family, friends, and church along with God, so yes, christians can definately feel the love.

  • @yates161
    @yates161 15 років тому

    The Newsboys Shine hits were the songs I first listened When I first enlisted with God and Jesus.

  • @annapalacio3513
    @annapalacio3513 6 років тому +6

    Thank you mom for loving me unconditionally . I love and miss you much. May God bless my parents for loving me as much as they much as they could. I hope my parents forgive me as much as they can. I am not perfect. I have flaws too but thanks to God's Grace I can live my life for Jesus.

  • @fatboy7609
    @fatboy7609 17 років тому +2

    I love these guys their music is so joyeful, and though its silly you still hear their love of God in it.

  • @BabyYoda161
    @BabyYoda161 6 років тому +3

    Classic newboys with John James. Those were the days!

  • @CristianHorseGirl
    @CristianHorseGirl 17 років тому

    Oooo good i really like the Newsboys they rock! It's so good that they spread God's glory by music!

    @JMEWXO 17 років тому +3

    I love this song! The newsboys are great. I hope they don't fall apart like other bands. That would be soooo sad

  • @Progress26
    @Progress26 16 років тому

    We each have our own way of shining I know some people who can evangelize and say "don't you know Jesus loves you?" to a total stranger and have an effect. Pray and ask God how can Jesus shine through me?

  • @phonepro52
    @phonepro52 16 років тому +1

    I remember when this song came out, our youth group programs revolved around this concept all summer. They also play a great show! I never had so much fun!

  • @jesusfreakiam12
    @jesusfreakiam12 15 років тому

    I love the song don't really understand the video but the Newsboys are AWESOME!!!! Praise the Lord that he can change people if you give Him the chance.

  • @Theedoctorr
    @Theedoctorr 15 років тому

    No matter what there is nothing that God can not do. He fcreated the heavens and the earth if you can tell me other wies then God has every thing in his hands and I don't need to worry about any thing Praise be to God all mighty!!!!

  • @carakaleighmorris4508
    @carakaleighmorris4508 6 років тому +1

    Oh the newsboys and their music videos. They made my childhood awesome though

  • @joshd.godfroy4761
    @joshd.godfroy4761 4 роки тому

    Let your light shine before men that they may see your good deeds and glorify thy Father which is in Heaven.
    Matthew 5:16.
    They means the world!
    We are overcomes of our testimony.
    This song speaks to us Christian's to witness not just speaking the Word but fulfilling what we were called to do! SHINE!

  • @Paosiles
    @Paosiles 16 років тому

    Cool and different music, that is what we got to produce and listen at. Great job!!! and for all musicians who praise the lord, lets do something different for HIM!!!

  • @Theedoctorr
    @Theedoctorr 15 років тому

    Prayer is the best way to go if your consernd about some one. Go to your church and let eery one know your worryed about this perosn and have a group prayer! God is good and he will give you more then you could ever emagin or ever hope for. I don't remember what verse that was from but it is true and he has givin me more then I have ever thogught of! God bless and take care brother!

  • @matthewschrock9956
    @matthewschrock9956 11 років тому

    In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. -Matthew 5:16

  • @dontletithappen
    @dontletithappen 15 років тому

    Let go and let God - As children bring their broken toys, with tears for us to mend, I brought my broken dreams to God, because He was my friend. But then, instead of leaving Him in peace to work alone, I hung around and tried to help, with ways that were my own. At last I snatched them back and cried, "How can you be so slow?" "My child," He said, "What could I do? You never did let go." Let God take care of the "trolls" (LK) and He will.

  • @ShiddabrikGaming0
    @ShiddabrikGaming0 16 років тому

    It's not freaky. It's actually good. I have a feeling of protection and happiness because God is next to me.

  • @vadennotbaden
    @vadennotbaden 15 років тому

    I know he does, but I am very thankful for the positive individuals such as yourself on here...

  • @luckystar007
    @luckystar007 18 років тому

    Seriously? Me too! I remember hearing Shine for the first time in a car June 10, 2005. Now, 1 1/2 years later I am a total fanatic (I think it's evident because I remember the day I first heard one of their songs)

  • @snowqueenkat
    @snowqueenkat 17 років тому +1

    Ahhhh. I miss this song! I remember watching this video on TBN years ago. This was the song that got me hooked on them. :) Thanks for posting the video so I could see it again!!

  • @TheCgt671
    @TheCgt671 11 років тому +13

    I remember back to when this had less than 25,000 views. When I first started to listen to the Newsboys. I miss the old Newsboys.

    • @AndLynGie
      @AndLynGie 10 років тому +3

      Me too. Are you following Peter Furler's solo career? 'Cause his lyrics are what I miss most.

  • @gaoutlaw
    @gaoutlaw 10 років тому +6

    First Newsboys song I ever heard! To me, it’ll always be their signature song.

  • @b1untman712
    @b1untman712 15 років тому

    "Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against one of your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the LORD." Leviticus 19:18

  • @debrazgalaxy
    @debrazgalaxy 15 років тому +1

    Thank YOU for posting this song~
    My sons introduced it to me looong before I listened to Christian music (c:

  • @Theedoctorr
    @Theedoctorr 15 років тому

    Know what Loyd every time you tell us that there is no God the more and more I bleave that there is and how Good he has been to me and many other people :) No one hates you. FYI :)

  • @whiteboygeniusgailey7561
    @whiteboygeniusgailey7561 9 років тому +16

    Ahhhh....CCM's golden age imo!

    • @bizzwoofer
      @bizzwoofer 8 років тому +2

      True. It was really a force at that time, indeed.

    • @BabyYoda161
      @BabyYoda161 6 років тому


  • @Godschild23
    @Godschild23 15 років тому

    GOD BLESS this guys are the best. GOD BLESS ALWAYS. Lots of luv from Costa Rica.

  • @vadennotbaden
    @vadennotbaden 15 років тому

    Kudos to you jonn for keeping it positive...after all, the God we represent is love!!!

  • @JasonStrope
    @JasonStrope 15 років тому

    "I was just wondering if people just listen to this music just because we are christains."
    I'm sure there are a few people who listen for that reason, but most listeners do not listen for that reason alone.
    There are thousands of amazingly brilliant "Christian bands" and artists. Millions upon millions of people who are not Christians have many favorite bands and songs that can be classified as "Christian music".

  • @perezmarcone
    @perezmarcone 15 років тому

    Father, my creator, I love you for all my success

  • @Duncanisacooldude
    @Duncanisacooldude 16 років тому

    i had this song going thru my head when i was little because i heard hundreads of time for about 3 years so i no it word for word

  • @cdngal75
    @cdngal75 15 років тому

    Wow, this reminds me of college. When it came out I played it ad nauseum!!

  • @perezmarcone
    @perezmarcone 15 років тому

    Father I thank you for all my riches, health, and succes!

  • @pmacktruck64
    @pmacktruck64 15 років тому

    " My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble mind " - Albert Einstein -

  • @lilmistalzy
    @lilmistalzy 16 років тому

    because if you haven't noticed, that's the difference between us and God. We are mere sheep while he is our everloving perfect shepherd. I pray for you, man.

  • @stevencross6189
    @stevencross6189 8 років тому +5

    I'm not a Christian. I was raised Christian and no longer belong to any organized religion but I still enjoy their music and a lot of Christian music and even the lyrics I just sort of insert my own meaning of the word "God" and I completely agree with all their messages and it is damn sure catchy. Take me to your leader is still awesome too!

    • @bravos2785
      @bravos2785 8 років тому

      how come you are not a Christian anymore?

    • @stevencross6189
      @stevencross6189 8 років тому +4

      I don't believe in any denominational religion and though there are ideas in the bible (primarily the New Testament) that I agree with, I don't agree with many ideas of the Old Testament. I think that many of the tenets in any religion are often antiquated and may have served a purpose or been suitable a couple thousand years ago but are not relevant to being a good person in this day and age. I also find a lot of inconsistencies with Christianity. For instance how it says early in the bible that "an eye for eye" is the proper way and then later states that one should "turn the other cheek" when obviously the two ideas are completely opposing. Also the many books of the Bible were written by different people over long periods of time who had no idea that what they were writing would be compiled into what we now call "The BIble" and these texts have been translated over and over and revised to the point that whatever was originally written could only slightly resemble what we read in the King James version of the Bible. That being said I believe that humans aren't capable of fully understanding their own existence nor it's origins and that even when I believed in God I was left with the question of "where did God come from?" so It didn't provide the kind of comfort I see that it brings others. In a lot of ways to me it's just another method of classification like race that often divides people but I still know many Christians who are good people. If you are Christian and believe that all Muslims or Buddhists are evil then I don't think you understand what Christ was talking about and are missing the point of what "God" should truly represent which is the underlying connection between all living things. just my thoughts.

    • @MrSoulauctioneer
      @MrSoulauctioneer 8 років тому

      +steven cross because love is obsolete.

    • @3nails3days1way
      @3nails3days1way 7 років тому

      As to the translation issue, we have very ancient texts of both testaments and they agree with the various translations we have today. I can read the Greek and have friends that are totally proficient in both Greek and Hebrew.
      As to the supposed inconsistencies, eye for eye is the law of justice in court; turn the other cheek is how those who love God are to act.
      As to Muslims or Buddhists or any others: God says He alone is God, and Jesus is the only way to heaven. To reject this is be be in rebellion to God. So no matter how "good" any of these people are, they have disobeyed.
      Read 1John. Only those who love Jesus are God's children.

    • @ittybittychittychat1555
      @ittybittychittychat1555 7 років тому

      I feel the same way.

  • @1nsaneFire
    @1nsaneFire 15 років тому

    I believe in God because of faith, the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

  • @ThePlagueGameing
    @ThePlagueGameing 8 років тому +5

    this WAS their signature song!!

  • @perezmarcone
    @perezmarcone 15 років тому

    "Only a fool says in his heart there is no God" (Psalm 14:1).

  • @JazzXMeister
    @JazzXMeister 16 років тому

    xDD i remember dancing to this song when i was only 4 at daycare with the older teens at camp one time xDD it's my fave song by newsboys ever!!!!!

  • @jfreakett337
    @jfreakett337 16 років тому

    i love the newsboys and i love this sond!!!
    it's funny yet it tells Christians what we should do.:) Shine and show those who don't know know see what they're missing:).

  • @Aenelinu
    @Aenelinu 10 років тому +9

    Shine, make 'em wonder what you've got
    Make 'em wish that they were not
    On the outside looking bored
    Shine, let it shine before all men
    Let him see good works and then
    Let him glorify the Lord
    How true this is. We need to light up the world fellow Christians!

  • @corporaleliaz
    @corporaleliaz 11 років тому

    Christians aren't boring... I thought it was wild, but he is Australian a:)nd they have fun!!' I have traveled and seen much.
    It was still a blessing, whatever they do.............

  • @davidbsu210
    @davidbsu210 16 років тому

    one of my all time favorite songs of the newsboys. thanks for uploading.

  • @at2at
    @at2at 15 років тому

    i listened to this so much as a kid.
    it's great

  • @pmacktruck64
    @pmacktruck64 15 років тому

    Jesus love's you , even if you don't believe in Him.When you were younger you did God knows , and so do you.

  • @perezmarcone
    @perezmarcone 15 років тому +1

    I love GOD, my Father.
    the one that provides all to me.

  • @TheJonathancata
    @TheJonathancata 10 років тому +7

    Bring Back the Old NEWSBOYS!!!!!

  • @pmacktruck64
    @pmacktruck64 15 років тому

    It's a relationship and in this relationship there's peace and joy .

  • @refractorhead
    @refractorhead 15 років тому

    i said the same thing. i thought this life was it. Now i have a relationship with the one who created the universe, you & me. He is more real than you & me.

  • @Theedoctorr
    @Theedoctorr 15 років тому

    So negitive man. Be at peace for God's good and his love is never ending!

  • @NathanRyanAllen
    @NathanRyanAllen 11 років тому +1

    This song was so HUGE when it first came out

  • @newsgirl132
    @newsgirl132 17 років тому

    Hey I see them every year @ SWC too! I love the nb!!

  • @selec21
    @selec21 15 років тому

    Satan, the god of this evil world, has blinded the minds of those who don't believe, so they are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News that is shining upon them. They don't understand the message we preach about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God.

  • @schroederlimz523
    @schroederlimz523 11 років тому

    You know I used to basically "reject god" I was and am a Christian but that's all I was if you get it. And songs like this remind me of why I follow god more than I ever have.

  • @pmacktruck64
    @pmacktruck64 15 років тому

    Vadennotbaden , Great story , Thanks for sharing it .

  • @oldbuddytripper
    @oldbuddytripper 16 років тому

    great song don't forget The Lord and Larry Norman made all this possible for us.

  • @Andrewz167
    @Andrewz167 15 років тому

    I saw these guys 2 nights ago at Alive Fest and they were AMAZING! I'll tell you guys that I am quite the metal head and like my music heavy, but these guys know how to rock for Jesus!
    Btw, I'm glad Loyd is gone...but we should still pray for him though. Even someone like him can become a Christian because through the Lord anything is possible!

  • @purplegirl147
    @purplegirl147 17 років тому

    last year at my church camp this was our theme song.. i love this song

  • @wmel-ut6oo
    @wmel-ut6oo 9 років тому +8

    What did I just watch? Lol o.0 I do remember this song from when I was little, but this is my 1st time seeing the vid.

    • @tanner3285
      @tanner3285 6 років тому

      madeincali93 Great question. I'm a Christian but.... what the heck is this?

    • @auntmagpie242
      @auntmagpie242 3 роки тому

      Art. XD

  • @sorryimtakein
    @sorryimtakein 15 років тому

    The newsboys r a very good group they have a good beat and they saport the 1 and only god!!!!!!!!

  • @TracerAdvanced
    @TracerAdvanced 16 років тому

    This song ROCKED at YC! Newsboys- keep shining :D

  • @donaldcalderon6623
    @donaldcalderon6623 6 років тому

    The original news boys, wish they were back

  • @KentheDeer
    @KentheDeer 17 років тому

    Best Newsboys song EVER!

  • @tyrelKB
    @tyrelKB 16 років тому

    "I would rather believe in God and Be proven wrong when I die than to Disbelieve and find out I was wrong"

  • @Sam-ml8xj
    @Sam-ml8xj 9 років тому +1

    love the song... I have no idea what happened during the video but I must say I found it interesting. much better than the whole depressing topic that so many songs these days seem to follow (e.g. man loses his job and thinks about suicide but is saved at the last minute when he sees/hears something from the Bible). overall.... would watch again

  • @o0dakaros0o
    @o0dakaros0o 16 років тому

    This is when the newsboys were not so good. I miss them!!

  • @Sann241
    @Sann241 16 років тому

    Shine, make em wonder what you got! yeah! great song!

  • @vadennotbaden
    @vadennotbaden 15 років тому

    You are quite worthy of respect, woodenbricks. I will keep you and loydkalimba in my prayers, but you, my friend, are a real man. A real man doesn't have to come on here and use slurs and insults so kudos to you!

  • @vadennotbaden
    @vadennotbaden 15 років тому

    have a nice day/evening wherever you are loydkalimba! We still love you and God still loves you irregardless of what you say!

  • @dbjboys
    @dbjboys 15 років тому

    the viewer = *those who developed this video
    PS Thank God for this band and your music. I was too quick to cast judgement, make division, and also lost sight of what was important, which is our common belief and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. It is only if that becomes imposed on, we should seek exploit. Let us all remember to love Him and one another.

  • @Theedoctorr
    @Theedoctorr 15 років тому

    I think we should be praying for Loyd. Becaues he does not know the power that God has over every thing.

  • @Everincon
    @Everincon 15 років тому

    I agree, alot of what is played on 'christian radio' is 'shiny happy people'/ 'Easy listening' music which is boring, but if you look past the mainstream christian music you will find alot of good music

  • @cpillarie
    @cpillarie 17 років тому

    i like the bakeround music, and the words. it all goes together well. i realy like the new song on 101 qfl

  • @WokeandProud
    @WokeandProud 17 років тому

    alright lets shine we are the light of the world time to overcome the darkness.

  • @vadennotbaden
    @vadennotbaden 15 років тому

    Agreed...people can be civil when they are discussing whether there is a God or not.

  • @wo4091
    @wo4091 15 років тому

    Oh yes there is a God. My prayer is that you find out before you have to stand before him in judgement

  • @emsy394
    @emsy394 17 років тому

    I see Them Every Year At Spirit West Coast... They Rock!!

  • @JiLoa13
    @JiLoa13 12 років тому

    Agree :D want to see how wonderful it must've been or just see the glory of God watch "Louie Giglio - Indescribable" What an amazing Father we have.

  • @xeroker1985
    @xeroker1985 15 років тому

    Thanks for adding the video, this song got me into the Christian rock scene. ! well done 5 stars

  • @Theedoctorr
    @Theedoctorr 15 років тому

    Sorry to hear that. Christ has ways of turning hearts around. and thank you I will keep praying :)

  • @hereigns56
    @hereigns56 15 років тому

    I'm listening to this song everyday now :)

  • @hoopnerd732
    @hoopnerd732 15 років тому

    ahhhh! I love this song!

  • @yourclimax
    @yourclimax 16 років тому

    I dont care for chirstan music but i can listen to the news boys anyday

  • @MyGinigini
    @MyGinigini 11 років тому

    All this time I thot DC TALK sang this but it was newsboys....gee they sound so it

  • @revgin
    @revgin 15 років тому

    i love you guys and i love God....AND I LOVE JESUS

  • @dontletithappen
    @dontletithappen 15 років тому

    In love: Whoever corrects a mocker invites insult. Whoever rebukes a wicked person incurs abuse. Do not rebuke a mocker or they will hate you. Rebuke a wise person and they will love you.
    Proverbs 9:7-8

  • @baronmotorsports
    @baronmotorsports 15 років тому

    Song is one of their best ever!

  • @vadennotbaden
    @vadennotbaden 15 років тому

    That's definitely admirable, waldzoo...I will be praying for you as well, waldzoo!

  • @yates161
    @yates161 15 років тому

    Jesus was a real person the contraversy is when people say if he is the messiah or not.

  • @tredond
    @tredond 16 років тому

    i saw them at concert last thursday too bluemonkey in oregon they kick ass so does article one and rushing fools

  • @vadennotbaden
    @vadennotbaden 15 років тому

    Sounds like there are a lot of good things happening over there! I will be in prayer for this ministry!

  • @vadennotbaden
    @vadennotbaden 15 років тому

    yes, you are and I am praying for you because "hurting people hurt people."

  • @michelle2chat
    @michelle2chat 16 років тому

    I got to see them too! Whooooooyaaaaaaaaa it ROCKED! Bummer that Phil Joel left, but I was glad to see them when he was still there. ;) You got to hug Peter? Oh you brat...thats so cool :)