CITY OF HEROES Homecoming - Bio/Kinetic Tank Build

  • Опубліковано 18 вер 2024
  • Just going over a Bio Armor/Kinetic Melee build and cussing.
    **I'm going to revisit this in the near future because afterwards I realized that I still hadn't unlocked most incarnate slots on this version of Miss U. HOW EMBARASSING


  • @draco9306
    @draco9306 9 днів тому +1

    was watching Moist talk about how this is his favorite game and it gave me and flashbacks of me and my dad playing it together when i was a kid. im happy to see it alive

  • @creeps3289
    @creeps3289 7 днів тому +1

    COH is stil the best Superhero/Villain game ever made props for the Homecoming team for keeping it alive recently joined its super fun to play.

  • @faolon9343
    @faolon9343 5 днів тому

    I've always viewed Willpower as a Scrapper set, myself. Not something I'd trust on Tanks. It's a much better set when everything around you is dying faster than they can hurt you.
    Invuln is the set you want if you want a more passive Tank set. The biggest hole in Invuln is Psi damage, but there are sets and single IOs out there that can fill that hole. Especially on a tank. IIRC, building for Non-lethal/smash resist while not giving up my usual favored sets, I managed to get something like 50% Psi Resist on Invuln. And that's with capping every other resist. You get Smashing/Lethal resist by default as an Invuln Tank, so you don't need to build for it. A few set bonuses to push the energies and elements up to 90. As much Psi Resist as I could get. So 90% resist to everything but Psi, 50% resist to Psi, and something like 40%+ defenses to melee/ranged/aoe.
    This is, of course, not counting any Incarnate stuff. Which, for that build, would be purely for damage.

  • @naiasonod
    @naiasonod 6 днів тому

    Everything on Bio is good. With recharge high enough, you can swap between keeping Ablative Carapace and Parasitic Aura going and just about never die.
    Also, you can't stack the +Recharge buff off the Force Feedback proc. You really only need that on an AoE that you typically hit a lot of enemies with regularly, like how it goes on Footstomp in Super Strength and so on.
    With two fat shields and one big heal, the only relative weakness Bio Armor has is in getting your S/L resistance tricked out properly and making sure that your defenses are high. My Bio/TW tank has 48% Melee, 45.46% S/L, 57.65% F/C, 49% En/Neg and 40.2% Psionic defense. Toxix defense is only at 26%, but her Toxis res is 77%, so whoop de doo.
    Combine that with stance dancing to maximize your -benefits from DNA Siphon, Ablative Carapace and Parasitic Aura and Bio is something you can kinda set and forget in general content, but you can really amp up by getting active with it.
    It is an excellent set on Tank in particular. It's good on Brute, but it's just harder to get top-shield Res/Def numbers on the brutes.
    On a scrapper/stalker, it's still pretty great, but maybe not as great as certain other sets for Scraps/Stalkers are.

    • @wednesdaywoeplays
      @wednesdaywoeplays  6 днів тому

      yeah I’ve gained some experience with it, putting the different modes on some mouse buttons helped a lot. I also had decent results on a scrapper though I have to be more careful

  • @indecisivelyonfire4920
    @indecisivelyonfire4920 Місяць тому +2

    You want Invul, if you don't want to see your health bar move. The only time my tank's hp drops is when I'm up against something that does Tox damage, and even then all I need to do is hit Dull Pain and the extra regen from the +hp stops that.

  • @scottwild4200
    @scottwild4200 Місяць тому +2

    I have a WarMace/Bio Brute that I love! (A Scrapper, too!)
    Hard Carapce: 4 Unbreakable Guards
    Inexhaustible: 2 Performance Shifters (PS), 2 Preventive Meds (PMs)
    Environmental Modification: Kismet: ToHit Unique, LotG: Global Recharge, Shield Wall: + Res proc
    Ablative Carapace: 2 PMs
    Evolving Armor: Steadfast: Res/Def Unique, Gladiator's Armor Def All Unique
    DNA Siphon: Superior Avalanche (I use it to help mitigate damage with the Chance for Knockdown proc. Baddies can't attack you as much if they're KD.)
    Genetic Contamination: Obliteration set (Or you can skip one for the Fury of the Gladiator: Chance for -Res.
    Parasitic Aura: Boosted Heal IO, PS: End Proc.
    My Advice with slotting Physical Perfection (PP):
    Slot PP with the Regen Tissue proc, the Numina's proc, and a Perf. Shifter proc.
    The reason some people put the procs in Physical Perfection is because slotting PP for healing doesn't do you much good. Out of the 2 passive regen boosting powers you have -- Health and Inexhaustible -- PP gives you the least, and since slotting the procs in a power doesn't actually enhance that power, it makes sense to slot them in the power that will be gimped the least.
    This same concept applies to Regen and WP. With Health, Fast Healing, Integration, High Pain Tolerance, and RttC, it makes sense to get as much of the regen as you can from them sans gimping them with a Unique proc. Unless you're skipping PP.

  • @solarisis
    @solarisis Місяць тому +1

    Bio armor is a great set, you can go defensive for the alpha strike then switch to offensive to quickly finish the rest of the mob.

    • @wednesdaywoeplays
      @wednesdaywoeplays  Місяць тому

      yeah I think I need to set up key binds for the modes because I def don’t use them enough

  • @Duncan55Watson
    @Duncan55Watson Місяць тому +2

    Regen was nerfed in Issue 4, pre ED and pre target caps. It was pretty amazing in Issue 3. It has never really recovered.

  • @3dagalathor
    @3dagalathor Місяць тому +1

    I love Bio Armor!! I have used it on several builds and found it completely reliable, hell downright impressive. I am not at all sold on Kinetic Melee, ive tried on two or three builds and i just didn't vibe with it.

    • @wednesdaywoeplays
      @wednesdaywoeplays  Місяць тому

      yeah i get that. i've heard KM is actually good on stalkers, so I may try that.

  • @kennethkoty8819
    @kennethkoty8819 Місяць тому +2

    Invul Martial arts is as close as you'll get to your health bar not moving. IMO

  • @michaelmcdonald2204
    @michaelmcdonald2204 Місяць тому

    Carnies are easy for a WP tank, Brute or Scrap. You just have to eliminate the Dark Ring Mistresses and Dark Servants summoned from Master Illusionist. Once those threats are taken care of the mob is nothing to a WP toon. It's been a minute since I've messed with Malta on my WP/Stone tank. Maybe in a week or 2 I'll test them out again. Sappers are the main ones to target and take out 1st but that's all I remember. I really wish the made siphon power in KM like Claws Follow Up instead.
    LOL, "More assholes. Didn't know this was an asshole party !"

  • @HavartiCamembert
    @HavartiCamembert 18 днів тому

    I run a bio/staff tank as my main, and his health bar hardly ever moves even before I improved his IOs. You want to use your DNA Siphon even if you don't need the heals because it's an extra AOE that nerfs regen (and it also works well as a backup taunt).

  • @darkcurrent2083
    @darkcurrent2083 Місяць тому +2

    Hey, Wednesday! Love the vid.
    I say yes to "thought diarrhea".
    I agree with your sentiments on the revamped Council and have expressed my dislike the last couple months as I finished my 50-50 Showcase and started my 20/20 Rewind series. Too many galaxies and too many rezzes / transformations.
    In regards to Bio armor. I ran a couple builds awhile back that you can take a look at if you're interested. I slot the armors for damage proccing to get more utility, so you'll see me use them proactively.
    Bio/Sav Tank (part 1):
    Staff/Bio Brute (full-length):

  • @Avindeha
    @Avindeha Місяць тому

    I tanked deathsurge SOLO until my ulti dropped with willpower......until then, he couldn't kill me.......then I immediately proceeded to can you mess willpower up?

    • @Avindeha
      @Avindeha Місяць тому

      It's one of the best defensive sets in the game ENTIRELY