1010music nanobox | tangerine -- multisampling a VST

  • Опубліковано 11 лют 2024
  • Multisampling is a technique in a sampler or sample playback synth that is composed of multiple actual samples, which are assigned to different portions of the note span. This technique is often used to improve the realism of samples of conventional instruments, many of which have timbral properties which are different between higher and lower notes.
    As a general guideline, you might start with sampling every third or fourth note across the instrument's range and include multiple velocity layers for each sampled note. From there, you can adjust based on the considerations above. For example, you might sample more densely in a range where the instrument's timbre changes more noticeably and less densely where the changes are subtler. Listening tests during the production process are crucial to ensure that the multisample meets your standards for realism and expressivity.
    Where the tangerine Looks for Note and Velocity Information
    When the tangerine loads a multi-sample file set, it looks for each file’s Root Note so it can map the file to a MIDI Note, and if multiple files have the same Root Note, the tangerine looks for velocity information so it can map each file to a range of MIDI Note velocities and respond dynamically to the way a performer plays each note.
    The tangerine looks in the following places in the following order until it finds what it needs:
    1. SMPL tags of the WAV files
    2. INST tags of the WAV files
    3. The file names for the WAVs
    When parsing the file names, it looks for the following format:
    [Text name] + [ - or _ ] + [note number] + [ - or _ ] + [Vel1] + [ - or _ ] + [Vel2]
    If tangerine doesn’t find the root note information in those three places, it will map the files in ascending, alphabetical order, starting at C2 (MIDI Note 36).