The shutter sound plays after the photo had been fully taken/exposed. I think the actual shutter delay is a bit less than 1 second. There is a blinking red indicator on the shutter button to indicate low battery, but it happens a bit too late and is hard to notice/see.
This is a fine camera to give to a kid. It takes decent enough pictures, it can take a few good drops and the battery lasts forever. But it is not much more than a toy. I own a camp snap and I find it fun, but I would never suggest replacing any real camera with it
Great video man! You're not an overly hyper youtuber with tons of jumpcuts, but that's because you're just doing your own thing. Stoked to see what other videos you put out
I'm glad to know about such devices, but that shutter delay is a deal-breaker for me. Shutter delay is what kept me away from digital cameras until very recently. I still prefer the instant action of my film rangefinder, TLRs, and SLRs.
I timed the delay between the button press and shutter sound in your video and it was a little less than a second. Still long enough to be annoying but not 2-3 seconds like you said.
@@michaelbell75 they’re definitely not great and you can’t do much editing in Lightroom. But you can use the gradient mask in photoshop and curves to get some nice-er edits
I found this video extremely hard to watch - monotone voice with no cuts to move the story along. and I would have loved to see example images on the screen throughout the video, not just thrown at the end. Good Luck with you channel. If you like the Camp Snap you should checkout the Flashback, thats what i have and as the company is new and small they are working through kinks, but its a pretty cool little camera
Right on my dude. Sorry you didn’t like my video. I’m not a professional UA-camr, I just had a free afternoon to make a little video. I hope you find what you’re looking for. Cheers ✌🏼
The shutter sound plays after the photo had been fully taken/exposed. I think the actual shutter delay is a bit less than 1 second. There is a blinking red indicator on the shutter button to indicate low battery, but it happens a bit too late and is hard to notice/see.
This is a fine camera to give to a kid. It takes decent enough pictures, it can take a few good drops and the battery lasts forever.
But it is not much more than a toy. I own a camp snap and I find it fun, but I would never suggest replacing any real camera with it
Going up to $75 end of April 2024
Great video man! You're not an overly hyper youtuber with tons of jumpcuts, but that's because you're just doing your own thing. Stoked to see what other videos you put out
I'm glad to know about such devices, but that shutter delay is a deal-breaker for me. Shutter delay is what kept me away from digital cameras until very recently. I still prefer the instant action of my film rangefinder, TLRs, and SLRs.
Yeah it’s pretty bad compared to most cameras but it just depends on the application. It’s still a fun little camera
I timed the delay between the button press and shutter sound in your video and it was a little less than a second. Still long enough to be annoying but not 2-3 seconds like you said.
Solid content. Keep it up my guy!
Knees hurt :D Feel u bro. Nice video thank you
good choice selling the Ricoh and getting the Sony.
Show more photo results next time ;)
I plan on doing an extended use follow up video. I think I’ve only had it for about 6-7 weeks now
As if you've compared this kinder egg toy to a Ricoh gr 😂
Any battery replacement? Would love this long teem but if i cant replace the battery then its garbage
It’s rechargeable by usb c
This isnt even a disposable camera killer 😃 The photos I have seen from this camera are awful.
@@michaelbell75 they’re definitely not great and you can’t do much editing in Lightroom. But you can use the gradient mask in photoshop and curves to get some nice-er edits
@@petevphotography thanks but I already have several apps on my iPhone that give way more genuine looks
I found this video extremely hard to watch - monotone voice with no cuts to move the story along. and I would have loved to see example images on the screen throughout the video, not just thrown at the end. Good Luck with you channel. If you like the Camp Snap you should checkout the Flashback, thats what i have and as the company is new and small they are working through kinks, but its a pretty cool little camera
Right on my dude. Sorry you didn’t like my video. I’m not a professional UA-camr, I just had a free afternoon to make a little video. I hope you find what you’re looking for. Cheers ✌🏼
god forbid somebody turn on a camera and talk about something, and put it on the internet.
There were cuts and photos in middle of the video. Maybe he should put Subway Surfers on the corner for you. 😆