Robert Reich | JCCSF

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024
  • Robert B. Reich has been one of America's leading political thinkers since he served as Bill Clinton's Secretary of Labor, for which Time magazine named him one of the most effective cabinet secretaries of the twentieth century. A compelling voice for social change, Reich is the author of fifteen books including the best-sellers Aftershock, Saving Capitalism and The Work of Nations. In his latest book, The Common Good, he argues that societies undergo both virtuous and vicious cycles, and that the vicious cycle the U.S. is now undergoing can and must be reversed.
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  • @barriewright2857
    @barriewright2857 5 років тому +9

    Brilliant, wake up the PEOPLE so they can see it. Pleas can some one go to flint Michigan the people there need help ! .

    • @cliffdariff74
      @cliffdariff74 3 роки тому

      What is stopping you from doing something??

    • @barriewright2857
      @barriewright2857 3 роки тому

      @@cliffdariff74 Live in the UK to poor to get a flight plus thiers covid and i am not a US citizen ! .

  • @sa-iw4dr
    @sa-iw4dr 4 роки тому +3

    We need to call the Army Corp's of Engineers to help Flint Michigan and put in new lead free pipes.
    Trump could of done this but he's building the great wall and then giving big tax cuts to corporations and the wealthy
    who can afford to pay taxes. We need Bernie Sanders for President.

  • @sa-iw4dr
    @sa-iw4dr 4 роки тому +4

    Robert makes sense we have to learn life isn't a "one sentence" problem fix. We need intelligent talk about problems not Trumps
    Limited "catchphrases". I think Robert would work good in a Bernie Sanders Presidency!

  • @diannaskare7829
    @diannaskare7829 4 роки тому +2

    Pelosi has to go, she has been holding Progressive Bills for Affordable Housing, with Trade Training to help Homeless and Low-Income have Homes, For the Lowered Pharma Prices Bill they were bought off and only allowed a few and not the REAL expensive life - saving kinds (possibly Insulin), The Clean Water Bill for water treatment PLANTS that would help places Like Flint...
    because SHE is the Progressive , because 30 yrs ago she voted YES on 2 Pro-Choice ~ Stopping Short of Same - Sex Couples Adoption Rights!! I couldn't find ANYTHING other than that on her!

    • @sa-iw4dr
      @sa-iw4dr 4 роки тому

      Dianna, why are you buying into BS, she isn't horrible. Don't buy into propaganda. I think your thinking of Trump.

    • @diannaskare7829
      @diannaskare7829 4 роки тому

      @@sa-iw4dr I am sorry to say this but I was angry at the Cannabis Bill being denied while our attention was on other things, like the presidency and the Impeachment>
      I Researched Pelosi and her Votes>very VERY disappointed! There has been 300+ Bills written and handed to her fully signed and she refuses to Pass anything that we really NEED> those of us that are Homeless, Low-Income, suffering from Illness or Disease>
      All I can suggest is look her up on **Open Secrets* >ALL VOTES, ALL "DONATIONS" (I call them "Bribes" after years of watching them vote for the "donation" Not US) Not going to IGNORE the Facts anymore>THEY that Take money from the Corporations WORK FOR THE CORPORATIONS >
      We NEED a Party that Works FOR the Middle & Working-Class of this Country!
      Bernie Sanders the only one to pass Bills, Legislation, Amendments (2nd MOST in DC History) To help save Pensions, Unions, He got the Free Clinics across this Country attached to Obama's that saves thousands of lives of Homeless and Low-Income that can NOT afford any of the OBAMACARE that Biden filled with Insurances >
      Take care and I hope this helps you understand why I said that, and that we have the option NOW to RESEARCH our CIVIL SERVANTS >

    • @sa-iw4dr
      @sa-iw4dr 4 роки тому +1

      @@diannaskare7829 Dianna, if you listen to her interview of why she tore up Trump's Speech that was powerful you need to go back and research again sometimes they have a bill right behind it that is more fair. Don't buy the propaganda. Not just that sometimes they have to give something to get back for the republicans to vote for their bill. That's why we should demand real news Media for the people instead of bought buy the 1% to tell us what they want us to hear. Be careful.

  • @allanjohnson2925
    @allanjohnson2925 5 років тому +7

    Incredible presentation

    • @vincentfalsitta5332
      @vincentfalsitta5332 5 років тому +1

      all good information. and the TRUETH about the most wealthiest 1 percent.

    • @cliffdariff74
      @cliffdariff74 3 роки тому

      Good story teller, that’s about it....fawning over Pelosi?? lmao

  • @ewinarta957
    @ewinarta957 3 роки тому

    Mr. Reich, as an immigrant from a third world country who have a privilege to be a citizen of the greatest nation in history, I only believe hard work and perseverance leads to success as an individual and as a country, not welfare or whatever "common good" non sense you mentioned. Less government control made people will be more responsible. Americans are capable and smart enough to take care of themselves. You are right about one thing though about the abuse of power and money. It has changed the democratic party becomes a radical "communist" party which is toxic for America. Can you fix it?

  • @leealexander3507
    @leealexander3507 3 роки тому

    One of the things the super wealthy talked about during the 2019 World Economic Forum was whether to make the United States a fascist state or a social democracy. They couldn't come to an agreement and decided to let the people decide but they never specified which people or what constituted making that decision. I have to wonder because the donors told the Democrats they would put their support behind Trump if they nominated Bernie Sanders who was the only social democrat on the ticket. However, we did barely manage to vote the fascist out and Biden is using a few of Bernie's ideas in a smaller way. It was a lot better than I expected given Biden's record. I still don't know which direction we will go and how long it will take the plutocracy to decide because we all know the final choice is theirs, not ours.

  • @theacmemovement9677
    @theacmemovement9677 4 роки тому +1

    Nancy? you lost me...

    • @sa-iw4dr
      @sa-iw4dr 4 роки тому

      John, remain closed minded, you have been told propaganda and this guy is teaching you how to pay attention.
      I could pretty much guarantee most people don't know the issues and systems how they work.
      Robert is a class act he has many books and a youtube sight also excellent teacher. Be a better learner!

    • @theacmemovement9677
      @theacmemovement9677 4 роки тому

      @@sa-iw4dr you have no idea who I am. One comment and you judged me. The same way I did Robert. Because of his choice to include her in in the conversation.
      I like his stuff I have watched every one of his videos.
      His support of Warren dose him no justice. His support of bernie is only token and believe him to be that of a corporate Democrat.
      At least my analogy is spot on to the subject I am referring to. Yours is that of something closer to what we might find while waisting time looking for Russian collusion.

    • @theacmemovement9677
      @theacmemovement9677 4 роки тому

      I could go onto say, I never took a poke at anyone. I simply stopped watching when I herd everyone cheer for an obviously corrupt politician quite possibly a snobb.
      The Republicans were the only party referred to as snobby the Republican party not the democrats.. Don't believe me educate yourself. it was in Webster's dictionary at one point.
      I could go on to say if it was not for the snobbrey of the corporate democrats they might be more progressive.
      Their would also be fewer Trump supporters and more progresives and it is obvious.
      All those guys that the corporate democrats looked down on from their desk while keeping themselves tidy.
      Are the car mechanics, carpenters, line cooks, factory workers ECT. That are breacking there backs trying to do the right thing for the world. All while a bunch of people that have never gotten their hands dirty in their lives try and tell them how to vote to their faces. Then call them worthless hillbillies to their friends with wrinkled up noses behind their backs.
      That's not a black, white, gay, strait thing. That's a capitalist corporate bought and paid for snobby thing.
      For you to tell me I need an education tells me eough about you to know I am not the victim of propaganda you are.
      I wonder how many freinds the two chicks that were on common good last week have that are. Garbage collectors, factory workers, truckers, or carpenters. I would not doubt like many of the corporate democrats thhey have never even known the true pain of breaking their backs to support all of our oppressors. They say they are for the good of us all but they know nothing of what we all go through. It is ignorant and shameful I am embarrassed for them.

    • @sa-iw4dr
      @sa-iw4dr 4 роки тому

      @@theacmemovement9677 First off I'm not a fan of Webster's I like "Funk and Wagnalls" dictionary much better than Webster's is a joke. No you haven't watched all is videos, you wouldn't talk that way? Your a BS'er.
      He didn't mention Nancy in any other videos now did he? Do you listen to Richard Wolf and perhaps Chris Hedges?
      You can't lose somebody over one tiny teeny thing, you are petty! You seem angry too!
      It's unfortunate but this county been going down hill like Bernie Says for the last 40-45 years because we keep buying into propaganda and are complacent. You can't tell me that you weren't tricked at one time or another because we all have been. If it isn't clear to you that Trump needs to go than you just want a oligarchy.
      What is your point where to you go from here? Did you finally just now figure out that the system is rigged?
      If you are pale faced male chances are life has been privaged for you in many unnoticed ways!
      The lower working classes of underprivage such as divorced women, single women with children, women of color, men of color, the helpless, older, the list goes on have been putting up with unequal shit for the last 40-45 years; have you noticed that? Ok, what else, say who your hero's are because none will be perfect guaranteed.
      And if you have now Hero than you have no respect for anyone but yourself.

    • @sa-iw4dr
      @sa-iw4dr 4 роки тому

      @@theacmemovement9677 John, then you haven't seen Robert Reich's recent interview with Bernie on his (Roberts UA-cam Channel!

  • @stephen_pfrimmer
    @stephen_pfrimmer 2 роки тому

    'class worrier"

  • @jenns2074
    @jenns2074 3 роки тому

    Am not sick, but with UMR as my insurance, and now I'm 12 thousand dollars in debt in just one year. They pay nothing but bring in over 5 billion a year UHG