That last dude was in the wrong totally and crazy, but seriously what the hell was wrong with those media people and those questions it's very very possible they push him over the edge with them.
I wonder if the network that aired “ocurrió así” was sued by her family. As you both said, this wouldn’t have happened without the show & network inserting themselves & instigating.
I highly doubt they were brought to court it was most likly settled outside of court for a undisclosed amount sadly. I really wished that woman would go to prison.
@@jonathancunningham8739 At the very least, I hope that anchor was fired. You are interviewing a disturbed man who just lost his daughter and you choose to ask EXTREMELY provacative questions, questions that frankly I would've smacked the s*** outta her for asking?! Then she harasses a grieving mother AT HER DAUGHTER'S GRAVE?!! F*** the "Just doing her job" excuses too, there's ZERO excuse for that and it is disgraceful that such a despicable MONSTER was allowed to appear on camera in any capacity.
One big problem with To Catch A Predator is it used honeypot tactics, which are illegal in most states and countries. It can also get a case thrown out of court because of lack of evidence that the person would have offended had they not been lured into it by vigilantes trying to catch them. It's the same reason why undercover cops trying to sell someone drugs can't be used as evidence in court; you've incentivised them on something that lacked prior motivation to fully commit to.
@starrgaming3422 when they're my relative, or my student, or I'm a cop, or I'm a social worker, or I'm a friend of their parents and I run into the family in public 🤨 Or, and here's the big one, when you want to confirm someone ISN'T a child on an NSFW website by verifying ID While I agree that actual predators need to be jail, there is likely a handful of people who haven't offended yet who don't want to give in to their urges but there's no therapy or support to help cope with that. And in that regard, it's similar to handing a beer to someone with addiction or just out of rehab; it's not solely on the fault of the perpetrator in the case of honeypotting but also the external influence of those they doing the trap.
I'm convinced that the guy at the end would have killed her even if she did leave. Like that man is crazy and if he knee she was there I 100 percent believe he would have chased her down and shot her or ran her off the road
32:56 different countries so prob different rules on that stuff prob . And even if it’s the same rules , they can still always just fake it which is fucked yo
Charlottesville, I think is one of the darkest tv moments I can remember. My mom is obsessed with news networks, and we were watching live when the car crashed into the crowd. I remember screaming. I'd add Jan 6, but I don't want to get into arguments because I believe it really happened.
Can someone tell me how the predator was able to pull out a gun, in front of a whole-@ss SWAT team without getting shot? All you have to say is, "I'm not going to hurt anyone."???
Sadly they’re not reacting to the whole video they completely skip chapter skip chapter 1 look at the video line when they pause to talk about the Xuxia incident when they resume it’s way ahead and says chapter 2 still a good reaction but you’re not showing the whole thing
That last dude was in the wrong totally and crazy, but seriously what the hell was wrong with those media people and those questions it's very very possible they push him over the edge with them.
Or if Xuxa got back in the space ship, the door closed and THEN the fire would've started... that would've been terrible to say the least.
Not even gonna imagine.
Would've been too late and for the better to jump in as it was already on fire, as you can see the smoke.
Just saw the documentary on globo play tho.
I remember Xuxa show when i was little only because it came on after Bozo the clown
When did u use to watch this??
I wonder if the network that aired “ocurrió así” was sued by her family. As you both said, this wouldn’t have happened without the show & network inserting themselves & instigating.
I highly doubt they were brought to court it was most likly settled outside of court for a undisclosed amount sadly. I really wished that woman would go to prison.
@@jonathancunningham8739 At the very least, I hope that anchor was fired. You are interviewing a disturbed man who just lost his daughter and you choose to ask EXTREMELY provacative questions, questions that frankly I would've smacked the s*** outta her for asking?! Then she harasses a grieving mother AT HER DAUGHTER'S GRAVE?!!
F*** the "Just doing her job" excuses too, there's ZERO excuse for that and it is disgraceful that such a despicable MONSTER was allowed to appear on camera in any capacity.
One big problem with To Catch A Predator is it used honeypot tactics, which are illegal in most states and countries.
It can also get a case thrown out of court because of lack of evidence that the person would have offended had they not been lured into it by vigilantes trying to catch them.
It's the same reason why undercover cops trying to sell someone drugs can't be used as evidence in court; you've incentivised them on something that lacked prior motivation to fully commit to.
Doesnt stop the them from using honeypot tactics though. Remember when cops and eff bi honeypotted each other?
Honestly if your that tempted you deserved to be in jail. When is it ever ok to talk to sumbody u think is a child? Never
@starrgaming3422 when they're my relative, or my student, or I'm a cop, or I'm a social worker, or I'm a friend of their parents and I run into the family in public 🤨
Or, and here's the big one, when you want to confirm someone ISN'T a child on an NSFW website by verifying ID
While I agree that actual predators need to be jail, there is likely a handful of people who haven't offended yet who don't want to give in to their urges but there's no therapy or support to help cope with that.
And in that regard, it's similar to handing a beer to someone with addiction or just out of rehab; it's not solely on the fault of the perpetrator in the case of honeypotting but also the external influence of those they doing the trap.
@@sosamma090 fbi
@@safebox36Do you ask your relatives where their right hands are?
I'm convinced that the guy at the end would have killed her even if she did leave. Like that man is crazy and if he knee she was there I 100 percent believe he would have chased her down and shot her or ran her off the road
32:56 different countries so prob different rules on that stuff prob . And even if it’s the same rules , they can still always just fake it which is fucked yo
*fucked up
Charlottesville, I think is one of the darkest tv moments I can remember. My mom is obsessed with news networks, and we were watching live when the car crashed into the crowd. I remember screaming. I'd add Jan 6, but I don't want to get into arguments because I believe it really happened.
That channel gets dark I’m surprised you guys watch it. It’s still good though
I like your reaction you take it seriously and add your opinion but respectfully.
24:09 how ironic
Can someone tell me how the predator was able to pull out a gun, in front of a whole-@ss SWAT team without getting shot? All you have to say is, "I'm not going to hurt anyone."???
Probably already had it when they came in.
He was a district attorney that's y
You two gotta react to more Nick Crowley. His videos are amazing.
do you think the guy who throw the ball to the dad blames himself for the death
Nick Crowley is the best in these and especially Nexpo! Please continue with this!!! 🔥
Where is part 1?? I can’t find it or am I going blind
6 days ago
I think you need a checkup because I can find part one pretty easily
Sadly they’re not reacting to the whole video they completely skip chapter skip chapter 1 look at the video line when they pause to talk about the Xuxia incident when they resume it’s way ahead and says chapter 2 still a good reaction but you’re not showing the whole thing
I think they cut the stuff that's too graphic, so they skipped the Buried story
This are so disturbing...... :/