Adam, I've been listening to your art talks for awhile now. Almost every single one of them hits hard. I cried while listening to the second half of this. I've lived for a long time in toxic family environments. I've removed myself from that entirely, but it still hurts to this day. I also realised I am still being toxic to myself, and hearing you talk, I understand where it was originating from. I've to make peace with myself that this happened and I have a choice to live well in the present and future, not to let the bad things happened define me. I love hearing you talk about these topics. It helped me a lot. Thank you so much!
While Adam isn't a mental health professional, I can recommend two channels to help with unlearning trauma mentality from toxic family systems: 'Therapy in a Nutshell' & 'Patrick Teahan LICSW'. It's not a complete replacement for actual therapy (and they do often have sponsorships with 'Better Help'), but these channels are super-informative to dealing with complex trauma based believes.
I can relate to having a toxic family situation. I had recently finally quit my job with the family that I've been in for almost 8 years then jumped into another fire with the next employer's wife being literally crazy (snapping at nothing to us all). Getting out of all this I realize that now that I've been hired with a company that treats their employees well that I have such deep traumas. Not only have I realized that, I also wasted so much of my life to get my career going. I learned social skills, sure, but my new job required me to start from the bottom again and make my way into marketing from retail sales. Being 30, I feel like so much time was wasted at the end of the day. So, yes, despite Adam lacking a degree in psych, he does lighten the load to hear what he says. Love yourself. We are awesome and don't let toxic people make us believe otherwise (I'm still telling myself this today). Good luck!
I struggle with the whole topic of perfectionism, comparing myself to others and negative thoughts too. I tought about this for a while now and think that the ego plays a big role. I recently rewatched the classic Naruto series and in my opinion the conflict between Sasuke and Naruto and their development from the start of the show is a good picture for 2 different ways to approach growth in art. Its about being arrogant and proud vs humble. At the beginning Sasukes mindset is like „I am an Uchiha! I am so talented! I am better than others.“ and he looks down on Naruto for being such an unskilled looser. Sasuke pulls all his selfworth from his achievments and with a father (like he had in the show too) who was emotionally unavailable and didn't see me when I was young I can relate to this alot! I also formed this picture of me in my head of being so talented and gifted as an artist because I was comparing myself to my family and surroundings who couldn't draw well. All of this worked until i grew older and I encountered more people that were better than me or became better than me. Suddenly this perfect picture of myself got challenged and because I attached all my selfworth to it, it didn't just feel unpleasent to see others succeed no it felt threatening. That's what happens in the show too when Naruto starts to become better and better, Sauske just can't take it anymore. He becomes bitter and dwells in this negative thoughts of „I am not good enough! I am too weak! How can this looser be better than me!?“. He starts his first fight at the hospital against Naruto because of that but gets humbled and his ego destroyed as he realizes that Naruto surpassed him (Chidori vs Rasengan). This fight happens for me and maybe other artist too when I see those artists on deviantart or artstation that are way better than me. It triggers the whole „I am not good enough, I will never make it“-mentality and just leads to frustration an the feeling of wanting to give up. Naruto on the other hand has a different approach to it. He starts with no skill and compares himself to others too and looks up to Sasuke who was better than him at the start but! (and here comes the key difference) Naruto is humble. He knows that other people are better and accepts this fact but he doesen't stop there. He takes this as a motivation and just keeps going and trys to improve every day. He doesen't look down on others and is proud and brags because of his „talent“, he just physically practises again and again and gets better as a result. We have to get to this point where we can simply appreciate better artists and their work as Adam mentioned in his video. To everyone who made it through this wall of text. Congrats :)! I hope there is another anime loving artist that can relate and maybe got something helpful out of this comment ^^'. Take care.
When I start over-thinking and self-doubting, I watch a Guillermo del Toro interview and he reminds me of the excitement of creation and bringing the things in our minds into reality, instead of the toxic things that plague me. Thank you for yet another thoughtful and inspiring video, Adam.
@@nikkimclay7139 Hi Nikki! Honestly, pretty much any Guillermo interview will do it :) His character and passion shines in all of them I've seen so far.
I needed this today. I suffer from a panic disorder and uni is causing me tons of stress, making me overthink everything and have more panic attacks. I'm 22, studying communication design and just two days ago my professor 'criticised' me in front of everyone during a presentation in an insanely hurtful way, cut me off, didn't let me talk or finish. It brought me down, demotivated me and I'm trying to pull myself up and not let it get to me, but I can't stop thinking about it. Thank you, you talking about your own experiences calmed me down a little. I'm off to make a plan and work on another project I still have to finish :)
That professor either doesn't know better or seriously got off humiliating someone in a vulnerable state. Been there. Not with panic disorder, but similar stuff. I'm truly sorry that happened to you. That's not what a responsible teacher is supposed to do. But you will nail that project. You can turn that hurt into pity for the one downing you, and be free to continue your way. That perspective worked for me, and I hope it could work for you. ^^
I had the same thing happen to me exactly two days ago, I hope you know people like this do not dictate our lives and worth. All the best on your new project! :)
I think one of the best things I accidentally learned through social media was the value of engaging with other artists. I have had my fair share of struggles, and though I have a general confidence in myself as an artist I have had many depressive periods where I would begin to wonder if my confidence was some form of delusion. Thankfully, though I have a small account in terms of followers, I have been able to find a wonderful little community of artists from all walks of life, and it’s always shocking to hear about their struggles and their doubts, and even more shocking is that sometimes an artist I look up to and consider ‘superior’ will tell me they wished they could draw like me! My point isn’t to bolster my ego, but that I think all artists who strive to be authentic are susceptible to feelings of inadequacy-in a way, one of the first things many artists realize is that we can’t fully trust our eyes as our brain is conditioned to break what we see down into icons or symbols, and that often we have to try and look at subjects in a more abstract manner in order to get closer to the ‘truth’. It’s super important to find a healthy (important) community or group of people who can give you constructive feedback and challenge your perspective. I used to worry that I might be burdening someone else if I reached out for advice, but I’ve come to realize that it’s rarely a one way street-after all, whenever an artist asks for my advice (which is an amazing honor in itself) I find that in trying to help or explain a concept, that I improve as well. I will note that I also had to learn to not dump everything on one person, and I have been lucky that I found people who would put up with me until I chilled out a bit. Striving for authenticity and being an artist are both incredibly difficult things, and we’re going to slip and fall, have our moments of doubt as well as moments of victory. I’ve only recently started to adopt a more sympathetic attitude towards myself (therapy helps), but I think it’s important that we try to give ourselves the same compassion that we would to another. I used to believe that my highly abusive inner critic was what allowed me to improve, and maybe for a time there was some truth to that, but it no longer serves any purpose but to bring me down. Great video as always, love the way these talks make me reflect upon my own experiences.
Social media has ruined the world. This is NOT real human interaction. This is lonely, everyone separated by digital barriers, in a universe of text and avatars. this is a lonely hell, this is why the world sucks.
Most people probably get in their own head from comparing their work to others. But, I'm one of those who gets down from comparing myself to myself. It really sucks seeing very little or no progress (or even going backwards). Plus, also being incredibly lost trying to study/learn art and not being the "artist" Adam and others seem to talk to. Guess it's just things like that which lead me to wanting to give up. I'm sure there will be an art talk that will hit home one day. But, I'm happy to know that Adam is helping so many people who will create (or continue creating) great art.
hey caleb! there's no such thing as "the artist". There's you, art and what you want to say with it! Art can take a lot of time, and gets frustrating sometimes with how slow progress can be. But everything takes time. Be patient, and try to leave your own self expectations away from your artwork. Be realistic in that regard too, like, if you can only invest a tiny amount of time in practising during a month it's natural for things to slow down in terms of progress! :)
Thanks for doing what you do, Adam. I haven't been able to create art in a while and the space I'm in is terrible when it comes to creativity. It wasn't until last month or so where I went to an event to create art that I was able to be free from the space - akin to being able to breath. Work has consumed my life because it's the only thing that can drag me out the rut, but reconnecting back to art and listening to your talk is reconnecting me with my desire to create art - in fact, starting to work again has cut me off from all the things I used to do when I had so much free time. Thank you for being supportive. It means a lot when it sometimes feels like I'm trapped and unable to pursue the very thing I'm passionate about.
Omg….Adam Duff - I just came across you for the first time. You just spelled out my life. You just said out loud what I already know about myself. All of it. Have you been watching through my window? Thank you for saying it all out loud. Even regarding momentum. I woke up today with one thought: Nothing is going to change for my good unless I stop doubting myself and DO something. Then I sat down and stumbled upon your video. Marry me? LOL. And - I absolutely LOVE your painting style!
O my, what a savage polish Grandma 😂 I can confirm it's classic for many eastern european families to constantly bring the kids down. I'm glad you found your supportive people and was able to pursue what you love!
I've been listening to your videos for over a year now. I love your art talks. Your voice is so soothing to listen to in the background while working. Many times im just so demotivated to work long hours. But your videos let me get through the times I'm just too tired to work.
"how fast i grow/ how successful i am has never been a result of how much self-hate i have or how much i've compared myself to other people. My greatest self-growth has always comes from my most authentic self" i needed to hear that for so long
Wow I'm early! I'm a big believer of that "action builds momentum" idea! A sure-fire way for me to get anything done is to write a to-do list and the next thing you know, I've ticked off most of the items on this list.
I usually listen to your talks while I'm at work. And I gotta say, that is been really helping me deal with my issues in drawing and quelling the doubt for atleast a moment to get me motivated to try again. Although I haven't listen to this one yet, I will soon when I have free time. But I can share my experience with overthinking to the point where it's detrimental. When I want to communicate with a community, I over think it "They don't care, they don't even know who you are." Or drawing related ones "Why do you keep trying? You already know you'll be disappointed in the result." To put it lightly it's been tough, but I am feeling better at the moment reaching out and drawing again. I don't think you'll read this, but you know, I'll make an effort. Thank you. It really helps with the calming vibes and helped me think things through to get out of a bad head space.
Hey Adam. I can't calculate the odds of you reading this, but we are kindred spirits. Your videos always come at the right time and the right place and when they are most needed. I'd like to thank you for being one of the few people who had a fundemental influence on me in a very positive way as I grow and go through my journey. Your words resonate in an unbelievable way. Stay true.
"The way you treat yourself may be the manifestation of how you've been treated by others" This hit so hard for me.. I have often felt like my art wasn't worth it & I'm not good enough, no matter what I do. It actually started at High School when I had some pretty shitty friends who always devalued my feelings & my art. Now at the age of 20, my college friends often say supportive & encouraging things about my art, saying that it's Ethereal & Dream-like. I wondered why they appreciated it, but now I realise that it's because I'm being myself. I put a part of my soul into each of my artworks, and it shows. So, to hell with my former High school friends & their egotistical attitude. Hearing your talk makes me feel like I can move on from that, even if it's by a little. Thank you, Adam
Dear Mr. Duff, I just heard your thoughtful message on the whole Heard/ Depp recap. I want to thank you for your beautiful message. As im listening to you I found myself rethinking my painful life. I can say so much of it but l have to protect myself. I will keep looking for your wise messages. God bless you always! Thank you from the bottom of my heart !
I struggle so much with comparing my work to others and feeling like there is no way I will be that good. It gets so bad that I actually walk away from doing projects because of it. This and all your videos have really helped me to fight through those thoughts and feelings. Thank you!
I don't know how you keep doing it Adam. I'll be listening to these while drawing then SOMETHING will hit me right in the bullseye and I'll be reduced to an emotional mess. Please, never ever stop what you're doing. Ever.
Thank you Adam, I just signed up for a social drawing day at my local art space to get out of my house & out of my head. I’m unemployed, pregnant and far from family. Things aren’t easy right now and I need to do something about it rather than dwell in self pity. Another struggle is that I have used art as a coping mechanism for so long, that I fear I can’t create from a place of positivity. Maybe connection with other creatives can help me with this, I hope so. I want to create from a place of joy and my authentic self, and social situations are difficult for me so hopefully this class will be the challenge I need in one way or another. Again, thank you. Your art talks have helped me a ton over many years ❤️
Your last words are interesting, that art is a way to seperate your ego .... I've always been told the opposite, that what I'm doing is self-centered, unrealistic and that I have an ego. I don't know why art is interpretted that way by those that don't participate in art but in fact it's always been because I want to contribute more than just being another robot spinning their wheels for a company that would likely not treat me any better for it. So I thank you for that last little gem, truly.
You have no idea what your videos mean to me, I cried so much during this video please keep making this, you make a huge impact on people and you are needed, thank you for everything
this was a hard video to listen to and accept. I was gonna avoid it but everyday it kept showing up in the end it felt like a sign I should watch it and I'm glad I did thank you.
i am so thankful that i can come back to this video whenever i need, thank you for putting this out here and helping all of us. you don't know me, but you're my biggest inspiration and you have a real good impact on my life with all your videos, your art and everything you do and its highly apreciated
I have only yesterday been made aware of this channel when my 19 year old son shared a post, now I'm being listening as I landscape our creative garden. So greatful for this thank you
You're such a sweetheart, dude. Definitely a beacon of positivity and love in some weird times in all of our lives. Thank you for all the kind words and I hope everything in your life kicks ass
I want to really thank you Adam. I am in a rough patch of life in the moment and listening your take on creativity and I'd say life itself is one of the few things that can calm me. Keep doing what you are doing. You are helping a lot of people. Thank you for that.
Thank you Adam! When i was in my teens and early twenties (im 31 now) i used to compare myself so much to other artist that i gave up drawing. Only when i went back to college in Dawson in Montreal for night classes that I slowly regained my love for drawing and now i work as a graphic designer for a website company (making logos and illustrations) and i am super happy. I also started writing and illustrating my own comics and hopefully publish a illustrated children’s book and become an author/illustrator. All this to say, and im quoting one of my favorite movies “Why do we fall? So that we can learn to pick ourselves up.” As long as i live and breathe, i will pursue my art career and keep moving forward. Ps. Is Alain the one that stole your artwork too? If he is Eff that guy big time! Much love, Reggie I’m from Dorval btw :)
I discivered your channel relaively recently and have listened to a lot of your art talks, theyve helped me a lot. i'm relatively young, had a not very great time growing up, but i've gotten out of that enviroment and since figured out a lot of things (on my own), a lot of the same things you talk about in your videos. Despite already "knowing" them, it means a lot to hear someone else with much more life experience having arrived at the same or very similar conclusions. thank you for sharing, i wish you all the best
I always enjoy these talks, I'm maybe slightly off topic but irregardless, your videos still jog my mind in a positive manner. Ive been trying to ramp up my drawing activity and make it into a daily habit and extending the time I spend. I love the process (and yearn to get better and improve) but somedays are just so incredibly difficult to get going. It's 100% methodic for me too, as it lets me shut my brain off and stop all the nasty thoughts of hopelessness and doubt and bordem of "life" that I have. It's been a rough past 6 years ever since I learned about nihilism. I teeter back into existential crises often and the world looms over me, I often think "what's the point and why do I keep going." This is where wanting to become an artist and to really develop my skills has been key. It's been a goal and something I want to achieve and I really want to stick with it and make it apart of who I am. Bring the worlds in my mind to life.
I don't know why I stoped a year ago, listening at your podcast. Maybe because I discovered your channel at a moment where I wasn't in my best me, and today I feel way better. And on your side you are still good, so I do have months of videos to watch and listen! Take care Adam!
I am now about a month and a half out of a toxic/abusive realationship. Your videos actually helped me finally end the chaos that had been the last 6 years of my life, and now they are helping me through the aftermath. You're videos have a lot of meaning to me, and I know it does for many others. Keep it up!
You really are speaking to my soul. I always thought (or maybe I've been told) that my perfectionism, overthinking etc, were marely flaws of my character and I struggled with self-hate a lot. But it makes so much sense to look at it from the artist's perspective. The chances that you have someone in your life that will understand you from that very perspective, without any judgement, without opinion, is rare so this video feels like a completion to something I've always been missing. I feel like I have learned something new about myself with that I can take another step towards maybe feeling a little bit more proud of myself...
I have always had this....issue with myself. I started drawing at age 4 and now at age 51, I still think others will see "issues" in all of my art that I do. Now, I am getting better with this...slowly. I am starting to realize that they don't see my art; they don't nitpick at my art. Plus my art doesn't have to be 100% perfect. Because it will never be. But it is still there after all of these years. This is probably the big reason, among other things, why I chose to have regular day jobs instead of trying to pursue my talent. This year, 2023, I am finally going forward with pursuing my talent; its not easy, but what really is? Thank you Adam.
Thanks Adam for everything you talked in videos you posted. I got a lot to say about my life as an artist. Pain hurt suffer. But just save those for now, I just want to say thank you. Your words are just exactly what I thought and talked to myself. You shold know that you spread the big gigantic support for the artist in the world. Send huge appreciation from south east ansian country.
Another great talk. I think I have something to mention to this one. I'll be brief. I don't look at art sharing social media. I was falling into one of the mindsets you mentioned, but with the insufferable idea that I had to prove something to... anybody I guess. I am pretty sure what spurred me to stop using SocMed, was a talk of yours from a couple years ago. Yet, I needed to take it a step further to get away from the toxic mindset I had. So, I deleted all of my accounts on those places, abandoned all the other artists I had associated with over the years; then after, I had no audience, and as a result, nobody to prove anything to. I don't miss it, and in the process of destroying all of my accounts and relationships, I killed that ego that needed to prove something. I didn't care anymore, and there was nothing to go back to to reignite any need to prove my worth. In doing that, I set myself free to make exactly the kind of art that I always wanted to make, and not what I thought would impress people. I just ferment in my own lunacy, now, and I've never been happier with myself and my ability.
Thanks again bro, you are the first person to explain why I'm so hard on myself. It makes perfect sense that I didn't realize. I just got used to being called every name in the book and being beat for 9 years as a child by an alcoholic step father. I'm 49 years old and now I understand why my life was fucked and I held myself back from succeeding in life. He constantly took everything I was good at away from me to punish me for his enjoyment. So every time I got close to being promoted or being raised to the next level I would get scared because something good was going to happen for me but I dreaded what punishment came with it. And it usually came with judgement from other employees, so I would just quit so I didn't make other think, that I was thinking I was better than them. And the thing was I never put myself above anybody else, especially since I was constantly reminded I was nothing but a piece of shit that will never amount to anything. I never looked at it from the perspective you described so thank you for waking me up. I wish I could of met you 20 years ago, my life would of been different, but starting today I'm changing my future for the better. Much love and positive vibes.
We live in a youth oriented society over looking the craftsmanship of years of producing over and over again. We should change this because artists with a lot of living life have so much more richer stories to tell.
This video made me think a lot... I know, I know... overthinking! But it is weird, since I decided to only do visual art for myself, I have had no problem creating, or playing around with colors, forms, shapes, and ideas. Yet, the feeling stuck through overthinking hit a chord. I am also working on my dissertation and due to many life issues, including working full time, it is hard to write consistently. I use a different brainspace, but it is still very much a creative process. The idea of sitting down, of planning, of doing is helping me right now. So, basically, thank you for this video, thank you a million times over. Seeing your painting take life in the background is also a huge bonus.
Always feels great to listen to a new video of yours Adam (man of the earth - translation). Personally, for me, art is essentially about EXPLORATION. Love from Serbia
Something I've noticed is your timing is always perfect,there are times you actually talk about the exact situation I'm going through.Thank you ! Love you man!
"in case you're listening Ellay, this one's dedicated to you... Ellay was piece of shit!" the laugh that escaped from my belly was very much needed in this moment. 😆💖
I must say that I have found the artist community to be overwhelming positive. It's incredible that when two great artists get together for a colab, the entire time they are complimenting each other and supporting each other. I have found a few "beginner" artists like me on Instagram and even though their art isn't perfect, their progress from one piece of art to the next motivates me to keep doing art. I have been listening to your videos while painting because your inspiration helps me keep going even when the art isn't going as well as I expected. Thank you. :)
"community"? what community? Are you talking about the internet? This is all nothing but a bunch of text and graphic avatars, there is no community here, there is nobody. This is not real human interaction. Every one of us, isolated, separated by the digital barriers. It is all so lonely, why are we doing this to ourselves? I hate the 21st century!!!!!
All i can say that since i lost the fear about being good enough or comparing me to others, i started to create my best and true work. When i took Control over my thinking and started to do what i wanted, everthing shifted to another level. I hope everybody can find the space where they can be totaly free with thier art. Love that you adam push erveryone that watches your videos to that goal. Always be that great inspiration in art and the mindset of being an artist. Love the Paperboi
Much thanks for your videos- Struggling to survive art for the diploma so I can do art as a hobby and not work, your videos is one of the only ones, but mostly the only one that calms me when I draw and be kinder to myself and my art. Thank you for your helpful and soothing videos :') Just moments ago It helped to pause my overthinking more than in the art aspect and calm myself down to let it pass. The last part hits close to home. Still learning and adjusting to the fact that I can make mistakes and most of the times I will always have a chance to fix them, after years of not being given that chance to. It's still scary but I suppose I'll have to get use to a better situation. Thanks again for your videos, they are always wonderful.
I really needed to hear some of these things today. Thank you, Adam. The bit about self-loathing not leading to growth was a really big kick in the pants.
I have anxiety so I'm usually an expect on overthinking everything i do. This is the talk i needed and never knew where to look for. Scars from years and years of hurt are so easy to keep close to my chest and I've tried to minimize them to the point of thinking i was being too sensitive or petty. It came to where I only felt alive online because in real life pain was harder to deal. For all of that, this talk felt like a warm hug. It felt like getting a gentle push into feeling more confident, in trusting myself an my art a bit more. Into not letting pain drag me down into thinking i have to be what others think of me and... Maybe i could have some kindness for myself too, and that I'm allowed to be my authentic self. As always, thank you so much for your wise words Adam.
Coming across this video today is exactly what my soul needed right now. I’ve been feeling stuck for a while now, scared to take a leap of faith to a new career path into something I love, and generally doubting myself. So many words hit home, they brought up so many emotions to release, and I’ll be re-watching this video again and again when I need that gentle reminder. Thank you 💜
It's always been my experience that when people criticize you in such a way as to try to inflict damage, it's usually because they are lacking and feel threatened. Tearing people down, just because, has never made sense to me. I've seen people be way more productive when you tell them they are doing a great job, even if there is room for improvement.
Brilliant, and so very encouraging. Thank you for proving a safe space to talk about how toxic over thinking is. 😢 this really validated a lot of things for me that I am trying to work on. Subbed
This is so beautiful. Thanks for the words of wisdom once again. The part of being able to look at someone's incredible art work and not put yourself down and feel blissed that you can be inspired by such a incredible talent it's true freedom of mind. I can say that at 33 I can finally feel like that, feels like being able to breath after being underwater for a long time.
I needed to hear this. About halfway through i got out a piece i had put to the side and started doing the base painting, and then cleaned my watercolor palettes. I’ve needed to hear something like this for a long time. Thank you.
These art talks always feel like a true lesson of wisdom to me and I’m assuming also to just about everyone that watches them. It is truly one of the highest compliments I can give to say that every video you create never fails to teach me something life changing and has me gain new perspective, especially considering doing just that is also my own personal goal as an artist. I deeply admire you and the guidance you so beautifully give to many artists like me. You teach me to be not only a better artist, but a better person. Thank you so much for all you do. You never fail to inspire me.
It all fits together because to be genuine you need to know yourself :) It's my present fight. Sharing and participating is hard because to occupy space in other people's minds scare the shit out of me. At the same time if I don't do it I die. Every day. I am sure a lot of artists can relate! There's so much twisted conditioning once we start really digging it never ceases to surprise how knotted and out of shape our minds are. It's fuckin stupid sometimes the things that I believe, or that I think are important while completely missing the hidden pieces that just want to finally come out. They're kinda tied in those knots. So what I do is gently untie the knots. One by one. Start small. And grow. It hurts but it's worth it! Nothing is more than that.
I have a few questions 1. What is the minimum age limit for your art classes? 2. How much does it cost to take them? 3. Is there a required level of skill you have to get to before starting the classes? 4. Can you still do traditional art during the classes or are they digital only classes? In a few years I want to start an online art class with a professional to begin to really enhance my artistic abilities. I take in person classes at a nearby studio and I've already learned a lot but it's all traditional art. Thank you for posting all these art talks. They've helped me a lot these past few days just listening to them. If anyone else has answers to these questions I'd love if you answered! There's a good chance Adam may not read this with just about a hundred comments to peek through.
I love your art talks, such great audios to put on the background when I want to feel relaxed yet focused on an art project. Thank you for your vulnerability and guidance for all of us newer creatives. The part about trauma resonated with me, how sometimes those scars don't go away as easily as we'd think. That gave me some reassurance that it's normal to still be ruminating on some things. Please keep this up Adam!
Thank you, this comes exactly at the right time for me and it really, really helped to hear this - I wished my art profs ever had told me something similar.
This was one of the most calming and productive hours I've had for almost a week, there's just something about this talk that just made me so inspired. Thank you so much
Thank you for the boost. I will stop overthinking my level design assignment. I tend to do create great work when not overthinking it all. For some reason it comes when I get my greatest ideas. It's like self-inflicted insult when you know you're actually good at something. And denying the opportunity for failure cannot lead to mastery. Merely stagnation. Now I want to play Sekiro when I'm done.
This was almost poetic and I listened to every second of your story. You’re and amazing storyteller. Thank you for sharing. Thank God I have never experienced anything like this; but it’s a reminder to all be kind to the people that surround you. A positive environment will help all to grow; a toxic one, kills any inspiration, creativity, and joy…… Thank you again for another amazing video 🥰
13:10 I don't know why it took me this long to realise this, the point of criticism and self-evaluation is to improve and have a realistic view of your own work, I know this is the career that I want to be in so I'm not going to give up. Thinking I should quit due to whatever reason is the most counter-productive thing I could possibly think. If I were to give criticism to *ANYONE ELSE* I would never fucking tell them to quit because that would be counter-productive to their progress and the most toxic thing you can say to a fellow artist, it should be no different when I am being self-critical.
Your talks always helps me, it just touches the deepest part of my soul.. the part that I need to take care of Thank you from the bottom of my heart You will always be great artist for us !!
I haven't seen myself as an artist for most of my life, but I can very much identify with the "getting bored" part, as well as going down rabbit holes and ending up pitying those I tried to work with. I think it's called being a highly sensitive person, and it's something you are not something you can change. One way or another. And there are ways out those rabbit holes, you can go through them and end up with much more interesting thoughts than the rest of the world tries to entertain itself in. When we live in a world that needs new ideals, new dreams and new things to live for that may not be such a bad idea? It's a heck of a travel and not for the weak of heart, I can agree to that. But still, I feel our world needs someone to go through those rabbit holes to renew itself. And if you happen to be deep down there, don't despair at least. Because there is a way out.
Much love Adam, it was very vindicating hearing some of this after I have been changing my approach and outlook on all artistic pursuits this past year. I started going into a bubble and trying very hard to avoid any direct comparison when I'm working on anything and being able to disconnect that part of the mind from the creation process. Thus far its been much healthier feeling and frees me to only compare to myself and pursue getting better without the heavier demotivation. To hear you do similar things was kind of great, thanks
Well dude Adam i appreciate your acknowledging and disclaiming how people may respond to your vids. But also authentically i can say most of the time the content in videos comes across more as personal psychology and life stuff then art related. Genuinely it is what i appreciate about your channel. I would never put you in that position of needing to disclaim intent. I love your vids man. I love your art, and the way you relate your career and personal life. So much invaluable practical advice and interesting takes. Thanks man. Stay up. -xhef ohm. Also ide love to learn some techniques. Maybe when i come up financially i will check out the art school stuff. Dug this one man. Thanks again. “Art is the greatest tool to discover who you are” - Adam Duff
Adam, I've been listening to your art talks for awhile now. Almost every single one of them hits hard. I cried while listening to the second half of this. I've lived for a long time in toxic family environments. I've removed myself from that entirely, but it still hurts to this day. I also realised I am still being toxic to myself, and hearing you talk, I understand where it was originating from. I've to make peace with myself that this happened and I have a choice to live well in the present and future, not to let the bad things happened define me. I love hearing you talk about these topics. It helped me a lot. Thank you so much!
While Adam isn't a mental health professional, I can recommend two channels to help with unlearning trauma mentality from toxic family systems: 'Therapy in a Nutshell' & 'Patrick Teahan LICSW'. It's not a complete replacement for actual therapy (and they do often have sponsorships with 'Better Help'), but these channels are super-informative to dealing with complex trauma based believes.
I can relate to having a toxic family situation. I had recently finally quit my job with the family that I've been in for almost 8 years then jumped into another fire with the next employer's wife being literally crazy (snapping at nothing to us all). Getting out of all this I realize that now that I've been hired with a company that treats their employees well that I have such deep traumas. Not only have I realized that, I also wasted so much of my life to get my career going. I learned social skills, sure, but my new job required me to start from the bottom again and make my way into marketing from retail sales. Being 30, I feel like so much time was wasted at the end of the day. So, yes, despite Adam lacking a degree in psych, he does lighten the load to hear what he says. Love yourself. We are awesome and don't let toxic people make us believe otherwise (I'm still telling myself this today). Good luck!
I struggle with the whole topic of perfectionism, comparing myself to others and negative thoughts too. I tought about this for a while now and think that the ego plays a big role.
I recently rewatched the classic Naruto series and in my opinion the conflict between Sasuke and Naruto and their development from the start of the show is a good picture for 2 different ways to approach growth in art. Its about being arrogant and proud vs humble.
At the beginning Sasukes mindset is like „I am an Uchiha! I am so talented! I am better than others.“ and he looks down on Naruto for being such an unskilled looser. Sasuke pulls all his selfworth from his achievments and with a father (like he had in the show too) who was emotionally unavailable and didn't see me when I was young I can relate to this alot! I also formed this picture of me in my head of being so talented and gifted as an artist because I was comparing myself to my family and surroundings who couldn't draw well.
All of this worked until i grew older and I encountered more people that were better than me or became better than me. Suddenly this perfect picture of myself got challenged and because I attached all my selfworth to it, it didn't just feel unpleasent to see others succeed no it felt threatening. That's what happens in the show too when Naruto starts to become better and better, Sauske just can't take it anymore.
He becomes bitter and dwells in this negative thoughts of „I am not good enough! I am too weak! How can this looser be better than me!?“. He starts his first fight at the hospital against Naruto because of that but gets humbled and his ego destroyed as he realizes that Naruto surpassed him (Chidori vs Rasengan). This fight happens for me and maybe other artist too when I see those artists on deviantart or artstation that are way better than me. It triggers the whole „I am not good enough, I will never make it“-mentality and just leads to frustration an the feeling of wanting to give up.
Naruto on the other hand has a different approach to it. He starts with no skill and compares himself to others too and looks up to Sasuke who was better than him at the start but! (and here comes the key difference) Naruto is humble. He knows that other people are better and accepts this fact but he doesen't stop there. He takes this as a motivation and just keeps going and trys to improve every day. He doesen't look down on others and is proud and brags because of his „talent“, he just physically practises again and again and gets better as a result. We have to get to this point where we can simply appreciate better artists and their work as Adam mentioned in his video.
To everyone who made it through this wall of text. Congrats :)!
I hope there is another anime loving artist that can relate and maybe got something helpful out of this comment ^^'.
Take care.
Very nice connection. Thank you 😊
im actually rewatching it now, a Naruto always has great life lessons, this one inspires me ALOT
also the fight between naruto and Neji is another great example of what you explained
I'm rewatching Shippuden, so this makes a ton of sense to me. Thank you for sharing it, and best of luck on your journey 👊
I relate to this on a personal level, and I also struggle with perfectionism ( you compared it to Sasuke, and I couldn't relate more tbh )
When I start over-thinking and self-doubting, I watch a Guillermo del Toro interview and he reminds me of the excitement of creation and bringing the things in our minds into reality, instead of the toxic things that plague me. Thank you for yet another thoughtful and inspiring video, Adam.
where is this interview? can you remember what it is called so I can look it up? Thank you in advance :)
@@nikkimclay7139 Hi Nikki! Honestly, pretty much any Guillermo interview will do it :) His character and passion shines in all of them I've seen so far.
I needed this today. I suffer from a panic disorder and uni is causing me tons of stress, making me overthink everything and have more panic attacks. I'm 22, studying communication design and just two days ago my professor 'criticised' me in front of everyone during a presentation in an insanely hurtful way, cut me off, didn't let me talk or finish. It brought me down, demotivated me and I'm trying to pull myself up and not let it get to me, but I can't stop thinking about it.
Thank you, you talking about your own experiences calmed me down a little. I'm off to make a plan and work on another project I still have to finish :)
That professor either doesn't know better or seriously got off humiliating someone in a vulnerable state.
Been there. Not with panic disorder, but similar stuff.
I'm truly sorry that happened to you. That's not what a responsible teacher is supposed to do.
But you will nail that project. You can turn that hurt into pity for the one downing you, and be free to continue your way.
That perspective worked for me, and I hope it could work for you. ^^
If you ever need someone to listen I’m more than willing to be an ear. I suffer from an anxiety disorder so I understand overthinking all too well.
I had the same thing happen to me exactly two days ago, I hope you know people like this do not dictate our lives and worth. All the best on your new project! :)
"Action of any kind creates a momentum."
This spoke to me very deeply. Thank you for this beautiful reminder, Adam. 💙
I think one of the best things I accidentally learned through social media was the value of engaging with other artists. I have had my fair share of struggles, and though I have a general confidence in myself as an artist I have had many depressive periods where I would begin to wonder if my confidence was some form of delusion. Thankfully, though I have a small account in terms of followers, I have been able to find a wonderful little community of artists from all walks of life, and it’s always shocking to hear about their struggles and their doubts, and even more shocking is that sometimes an artist I look up to and consider ‘superior’ will tell me they wished they could draw like me!
My point isn’t to bolster my ego, but that I think all artists who strive to be authentic are susceptible to feelings of inadequacy-in a way, one of the first things many artists realize is that we can’t fully trust our eyes as our brain is conditioned to break what we see down into icons or symbols, and that often we have to try and look at subjects in a more abstract manner in order to get closer to the ‘truth’. It’s super important to find a healthy (important) community or group of people who can give you constructive feedback and challenge your perspective. I used to worry that I might be burdening someone else if I reached out for advice, but I’ve come to realize that it’s rarely a one way street-after all, whenever an artist asks for my advice (which is an amazing honor in itself) I find that in trying to help or explain a concept, that I improve as well.
I will note that I also had to learn to not dump everything on one person, and I have been lucky that I found people who would put up with me until I chilled out a bit.
Striving for authenticity and being an artist are both incredibly difficult things, and we’re going to slip and fall, have our moments of doubt as well as moments of victory. I’ve only recently started to adopt a more sympathetic attitude towards myself (therapy helps), but I think it’s important that we try to give ourselves the same compassion that we would to another. I used to believe that my highly abusive inner critic was what allowed me to improve, and maybe for a time there was some truth to that, but it no longer serves any purpose but to bring me down.
Great video as always, love the way these talks make me reflect upon my own experiences.
Thank you for sharing, I can relate, as many others do too I’m sure. How did you find your community of artists?
Social media has ruined the world. This is NOT real human interaction. This is lonely, everyone separated by digital barriers, in a universe of text and avatars. this is a lonely hell, this is why the world sucks.
Most people probably get in their own head from comparing their work to others. But, I'm one of those who gets down from comparing myself to myself. It really sucks seeing very little or no progress (or even going backwards). Plus, also being incredibly lost trying to study/learn art and not being the "artist" Adam and others seem to talk to. Guess it's just things like that which lead me to wanting to give up. I'm sure there will be an art talk that will hit home one day. But, I'm happy to know that Adam is helping so many people who will create (or continue creating) great art.
hey caleb! there's no such thing as "the artist". There's you, art and what you want to say with it! Art can take a lot of time, and gets frustrating sometimes with how slow progress can be. But everything takes time. Be patient, and try to leave your own self expectations away from your artwork. Be realistic in that regard too, like, if you can only invest a tiny amount of time in practising during a month it's natural for things to slow down in terms of progress! :)
Like Adam and others say: do it first for yourself and only then to others! Enjoy it, enjoy the process, the rest will come in time.
Thanks for doing what you do, Adam. I haven't been able to create art in a while and the space I'm in is terrible when it comes to creativity. It wasn't until last month or so where I went to an event to create art that I was able to be free from the space - akin to being able to breath.
Work has consumed my life because it's the only thing that can drag me out the rut, but reconnecting back to art and listening to your talk is reconnecting me with my desire to create art - in fact, starting to work again has cut me off from all the things I used to do when I had so much free time. Thank you for being supportive. It means a lot when it sometimes feels like I'm trapped and unable to pursue the very thing I'm passionate about.
Being a professional overthinker is sometimes a bless other times it's the worst curse.
Omg….Adam Duff - I just came across you for the first time. You just spelled out my life. You just said out loud what I already know about myself. All of it. Have you been watching through my window? Thank you for saying it all out loud. Even regarding momentum. I woke up today with one thought: Nothing is going to change for my good unless I stop doubting myself and DO something. Then I sat down and stumbled upon your video. Marry me? LOL. And - I absolutely LOVE your painting style!
Adam is like a dad to Me, Giving me some of the best Advices on some physical stuff and that.
O my, what a savage polish Grandma 😂 I can confirm it's classic for many eastern european families to constantly bring the kids down. I'm glad you found your supportive people and was able to pursue what you love!
I've been listening to your videos for over a year now. I love your art talks. Your voice is so soothing to listen to in the background while working. Many times im just so demotivated to work long hours. But your videos let me get through the times I'm just too tired to work.
"how fast i grow/ how successful i am has never been a result of how much self-hate i have or how much i've compared myself to other people. My greatest self-growth has always comes from my most authentic self"
i needed to hear that for so long
Wow I'm early! I'm a big believer of that "action builds momentum" idea! A sure-fire way for me to get anything done is to write a to-do list and the next thing you know, I've ticked off most of the items on this list.
I'll keep getting amazed of how relatable ALL your videos are ... It's really comforting . Thank you , Adam :)
with regards to what your grand mother said. hurt people, say hurtful things, you are amazing Adam, such an inspiration!
I usually listen to your talks while I'm at work. And I gotta say, that is been really helping me deal with my issues in drawing and quelling the doubt for atleast a moment to get me motivated to try again.
Although I haven't listen to this one yet, I will soon when I have free time.
But I can share my experience with overthinking to the point where it's detrimental. When I want to communicate with a community, I over think it "They don't care, they don't even know who you are." Or drawing related ones "Why do you keep trying? You already know you'll be disappointed in the result."
To put it lightly it's been tough, but I am feeling better at the moment reaching out and drawing again.
I don't think you'll read this, but you know, I'll make an effort. Thank you. It really helps with the calming vibes and helped me think things through to get out of a bad head space.
You’re right, I’ll never read this…
Oops! ;)
ah heck, no worries.
Hope you're having a wonderful Morning/ Afternoon/ Evening. Really enjoy your videos and talks.
Hey Adam. I can't calculate the odds of you reading this, but we are kindred spirits. Your videos always come at the right time and the right place and when they are most needed. I'd like to thank you for being one of the few people who had a fundemental influence on me in a very positive way as I grow and go through my journey.
Your words resonate in an unbelievable way.
Stay true.
"The way you treat yourself may be the manifestation of how you've been treated by others"
This hit so hard for me.. I have often felt like my art wasn't worth it & I'm not good enough, no matter what I do. It actually started at High School when I had some pretty shitty friends who always devalued my feelings & my art. Now at the age of 20, my college friends often say supportive & encouraging things about my art, saying that it's Ethereal & Dream-like. I wondered why they appreciated it, but now I realise that it's because I'm being myself. I put a part of my soul into each of my artworks, and it shows. So, to hell with my former High school friends & their egotistical attitude. Hearing your talk makes me feel like I can move on from that, even if it's by a little. Thank you, Adam
Dear Mr. Duff, I just heard your thoughtful message on the whole Heard/ Depp recap. I want to thank you for your beautiful message. As im listening to you I found myself rethinking my painful life. I can say so much of it but l have to protect myself. I will keep looking for your wise messages. God bless you always! Thank you from the bottom of my heart !
I struggle so much with comparing my work to others and feeling like there is no way I will be that good. It gets so bad that I actually walk away from doing projects because of it. This and all your videos have really helped me to fight through those thoughts and feelings. Thank you!
This channel has to be amongst my top 10 UA-cam channels. I love your sharing Adam.
You are such a pure human being - please please never change
I don't know how you keep doing it Adam. I'll be listening to these while drawing then SOMETHING will hit me right in the bullseye and I'll be reduced to an emotional mess. Please, never ever stop what you're doing. Ever.
Thank you Adam, I just signed up for a social drawing day at my local art space to get out of my house & out of my head.
I’m unemployed, pregnant and far from family. Things aren’t easy right now and I need to do something about it rather than dwell in self pity.
Another struggle is that I have used art as a coping mechanism for so long, that I fear I can’t create from a place of positivity. Maybe connection with other creatives can help me with this, I hope so. I want to create from a place of joy and my authentic self, and social situations are difficult for me so hopefully this class will be the challenge I need in one way or another.
Again, thank you. Your art talks have helped me a ton over many years ❤️
Your last words are interesting, that art is a way to seperate your ego .... I've always been told the opposite, that what I'm doing is self-centered, unrealistic and that I have an ego. I don't know why art is interpretted that way by those that don't participate in art but in fact it's always been because I want to contribute more than just being another robot spinning their wheels for a company that would likely not treat me any better for it. So I thank you for that last little gem, truly.
You have no idea what your videos mean to me, I cried so much during this video please keep making this, you make a huge impact on people and you are needed, thank you for everything
Very rarely do I actually watch your art process, I just love to listen to your thoughts
this was a hard video to listen to and accept. I was gonna avoid it but everyday it kept showing up in the end it felt like a sign I should watch it and I'm glad I did thank you.
i am so thankful that i can come back to this video whenever i need, thank you for putting this out here and helping all of us. you don't know me, but you're my biggest inspiration and you have a real good impact on my life with all your videos, your art and everything you do and its highly apreciated
I have only yesterday been made aware of this channel when my 19 year old son shared a post, now I'm being listening as I landscape our creative garden.
So greatful for this thank you
You're such a sweetheart, dude. Definitely a beacon of positivity and love in some weird times in all of our lives. Thank you for all the kind words and I hope everything in your life kicks ass
Thank you! From the bottom of my heart.
I needed this.
I want to really thank you Adam.
I am in a rough patch of life in the moment and listening your take on creativity and I'd say life itself is one of the few things that can calm me.
Keep doing what you are doing.
You are helping a lot of people. Thank you for that.
Thank you Adam! When i was in my teens and early twenties (im 31 now) i used to compare myself so much to other artist that i gave up drawing. Only when i went back to college in Dawson in Montreal for night classes that I slowly regained my love for drawing and now i work as a graphic designer for a website company (making logos and illustrations) and i am super happy. I also started writing and illustrating my own comics and hopefully publish a illustrated children’s book and become an author/illustrator.
All this to say, and im quoting one of my favorite movies “Why do we fall? So that we can learn to pick ourselves up.”
As long as i live and breathe, i will pursue my art career and keep moving forward.
Ps. Is Alain the one that stole your artwork too? If he is Eff that guy big time!
Much love, Reggie
I’m from Dorval btw :)
No more words needed to be said than; Thank you Adam!
I discivered your channel relaively recently and have listened to a lot of your art talks, theyve helped me a lot. i'm relatively young, had a not very great time growing up, but i've gotten out of that enviroment and since figured out a lot of things (on my own), a lot of the same things you talk about in your videos. Despite already "knowing" them, it means a lot to hear someone else with much more life experience having arrived at the same or very similar conclusions. thank you for sharing, i wish you all the best
A beautiful talk and didnt expect the sudden giggle when you say: these are my witnesses 😅
This felt liberating, thank you.
I always enjoy these talks, I'm maybe slightly off topic but irregardless, your videos still jog my mind in a positive manner. Ive been trying to ramp up my drawing activity and make it into a daily habit and extending the time I spend. I love the process (and yearn to get better and improve) but somedays are just so incredibly difficult to get going. It's 100% methodic for me too, as it lets me shut my brain off and stop all the nasty thoughts of hopelessness and doubt and bordem of "life" that I have. It's been a rough past 6 years ever since I learned about nihilism. I teeter back into existential crises often and the world looms over me, I often think "what's the point and why do I keep going." This is where wanting to become an artist and to really develop my skills has been key. It's been a goal and something I want to achieve and I really want to stick with it and make it apart of who I am. Bring the worlds in my mind to life.
I don't know why I stoped a year ago, listening at your podcast. Maybe because I discovered your channel at a moment where I wasn't in my best me, and today I feel way better.
And on your side you are still good, so I do have months of videos to watch and listen!
Take care Adam!
I am now about a month and a half out of a toxic/abusive realationship. Your videos actually helped me finally end the chaos that had been the last 6 years of my life, and now they are helping me through the aftermath. You're videos have a lot of meaning to me, and I know it does for many others. Keep it up!
Well I’m very happy to hear that
You really are speaking to my soul. I always thought (or maybe I've been told) that my perfectionism, overthinking etc, were marely flaws of my character and I struggled with self-hate a lot. But it makes so much sense to look at it from the artist's perspective. The chances that you have someone in your life that will understand you from that very perspective, without any judgement, without opinion, is rare so this video feels like a completion to something I've always been missing. I feel like I have learned something new about myself with that I can take another step towards maybe feeling a little bit more proud of myself...
Thank you so much for beeing the wonderful person you are and for your touching words ❤
I have always had this....issue with myself. I started drawing at age 4 and now at age 51, I still think others will see "issues" in all of my art that I do.
Now, I am getting better with this...slowly. I am starting to realize that they don't see my art; they don't nitpick at my art. Plus my art doesn't have to be 100% perfect. Because it will never be. But it is still there after all of these years. This is probably the big reason, among other things, why I chose to have regular day jobs instead of trying to pursue my talent.
This year, 2023, I am finally going forward with pursuing my talent; its not easy, but what really is?
Thank you Adam.
This was just the thing I needed to hear this weekend. Thanks for creating awesome paintings and sharing great insights.
Thanks Adam for everything you talked in videos you posted. I got a lot to say about my life as an artist. Pain hurt suffer. But just save those for now, I just want to say thank you. Your words are just exactly what I thought and talked to myself.
You shold know that you spread the big gigantic support for the artist in the world. Send huge appreciation from south east ansian country.
Another great talk. I think I have something to mention to this one. I'll be brief.
I don't look at art sharing social media. I was falling into one of the mindsets you mentioned, but with the insufferable idea that I had to prove something to... anybody I guess.
I am pretty sure what spurred me to stop using SocMed, was a talk of yours from a couple years ago. Yet, I needed to take it a step further to get away from the toxic mindset I had. So, I deleted all of my accounts on those places, abandoned all the other artists I had associated with over the years; then after, I had no audience, and as a result, nobody to prove anything to. I don't miss it, and in the process of destroying all of my accounts and relationships, I killed that ego that needed to prove something. I didn't care anymore, and there was nothing to go back to to reignite any need to prove my worth. In doing that, I set myself free to make exactly the kind of art that I always wanted to make, and not what I thought would impress people.
I just ferment in my own lunacy, now, and I've never been happier with myself and my ability.
Thanks again bro, you are the first person to explain why I'm so hard on myself. It makes perfect sense that I didn't realize. I just got used to being called every name in the book and being beat for 9 years as a child by an alcoholic step father. I'm 49 years old and now I understand why my life was fucked and I held myself back from succeeding in life. He constantly took everything I was good at away from me to punish me for his enjoyment. So every time I got close to being promoted or being raised to the next level I would get scared because something good was going to happen for me but I dreaded what punishment came with it. And it usually came with judgement from other employees, so I would just quit so I didn't make other think, that I was thinking I was better than them. And the thing was I never put myself above anybody else, especially since I was constantly reminded I was nothing but a piece of shit that will never amount to anything. I never looked at it from the perspective you described so thank you for waking me up. I wish I could of met you 20 years ago, my life would of been different, but starting today I'm changing my future for the better. Much love and positive vibes.
We live in a youth oriented society over looking the craftsmanship of years of producing over and over again. We should change this because artists with a lot of living life have so much more richer stories to tell.
This video made me think a lot... I know, I know... overthinking! But it is weird, since I decided to only do visual art for myself, I have had no problem creating, or playing around with colors, forms, shapes, and ideas. Yet, the feeling stuck through overthinking hit a chord. I am also working on my dissertation and due to many life issues, including working full time, it is hard to write consistently. I use a different brainspace, but it is still very much a creative process. The idea of sitting down, of planning, of doing is helping me right now. So, basically, thank you for this video, thank you a million times over. Seeing your painting take life in the background is also a huge bonus.
Your videos are like a hug over the internet. Thanks 🤗
Always feels great to listen to a new video of yours Adam (man of the earth - translation).
Personally, for me, art is essentially about EXPLORATION.
Love from Serbia
I heard this at the right time. I just got an appt for mental health. Thank you.
Something I've noticed is your timing is always perfect,there are times you actually talk about the exact situation I'm going through.Thank you ! Love you man!
"in case you're listening Ellay, this one's dedicated to you... Ellay was piece of shit!" the laugh that escaped from my belly was very much needed in this moment. 😆💖
I must say that I have found the artist community to be overwhelming positive. It's incredible that when two great artists get together for a colab, the entire time they are complimenting each other and supporting each other. I have found a few "beginner" artists like me on Instagram and even though their art isn't perfect, their progress from one piece of art to the next motivates me to keep doing art. I have been listening to your videos while painting because your inspiration helps me keep going even when the art isn't going as well as I expected. Thank you. :)
"community"? what community? Are you talking about the internet? This is all nothing but a bunch of text and graphic avatars, there is no community here, there is nobody. This is not real human interaction. Every one of us, isolated, separated by the digital barriers. It is all so lonely, why are we doing this to ourselves? I hate the 21st century!!!!!
All i can say that since i lost the fear about being good enough or comparing me to others, i started to create my best and true work. When i took Control over my thinking and started to do what i wanted, everthing shifted to another level. I hope everybody can find the space where they can be totaly free with thier art. Love that you adam push erveryone that watches your videos to that goal. Always be that great inspiration in art and the mindset of being an artist. Love the Paperboi
Much thanks for your videos- Struggling to survive art for the diploma so I can do art as a hobby and not work, your videos is one of the only ones, but mostly the only one that calms me when I draw and be kinder to myself and my art. Thank you for your helpful and soothing videos :') Just moments ago It helped to pause my overthinking more than in the art aspect and calm myself down to let it pass.
The last part hits close to home. Still learning and adjusting to the fact that I can make mistakes and most of the times I will always have a chance to fix them, after years of not being given that chance to. It's still scary but I suppose I'll have to get use to a better situation.
Thanks again for your videos, they are always wonderful.
Thanks for being genuine and honest. This talk was very poignant and surprisingly insightful.
I really needed to hear some of these things today. Thank you, Adam. The bit about self-loathing not leading to growth was a really big kick in the pants.
I have anxiety so I'm usually an expect on overthinking everything i do. This is the talk i needed and never knew where to look for. Scars from years and years of hurt are so easy to keep close to my chest and I've tried to minimize them to the point of thinking i was being too sensitive or petty. It came to where I only felt alive online because in real life pain was harder to deal.
For all of that, this talk felt like a warm hug. It felt like getting a gentle push into feeling more confident, in trusting myself an my art a bit more. Into not letting pain drag me down into thinking i have to be what others think of me and... Maybe i could have some kindness for myself too, and that I'm allowed to be my authentic self.
As always, thank you so much for your wise words Adam.
Dude, your existence on this dimension is such a blessing. I feel such respect and inspiration through your videos. I feel great. Thank you Adam !
Coming across this video today is exactly what my soul needed right now. I’ve been feeling stuck for a while now, scared to take a leap of faith to a new career path into something I love, and generally doubting myself. So many words hit home, they brought up so many emotions to release, and I’ll be re-watching this video again and again when I need that gentle reminder. Thank you 💜
It's always been my experience that when people criticize you in such a way as to try to inflict damage, it's usually because they are lacking and feel threatened.
Tearing people down, just because, has never made sense to me. I've seen people be way more productive when you tell them they are doing a great job, even if there is room for improvement.
Wow. The timing on this one is fantastic. Really needed this.
Thank you for this, I really needed this, and it could have not come at a better time in my life
Brilliant, and so very encouraging. Thank you for proving a safe space to talk about how toxic over thinking is. 😢 this really validated a lot of things for me that I am trying to work on. Subbed
This is so beautiful. Thanks for the words of wisdom once again. The part of being able to look at someone's incredible art work and not put yourself down and feel blissed that you can be inspired by such a incredible talent it's true freedom of mind. I can say that at 33 I can finally feel like that, feels like being able to breath after being underwater for a long time.
I needed to hear this. About halfway through i got out a piece i had put to the side and started doing the base painting, and then cleaned my watercolor palettes. I’ve needed to hear something like this for a long time. Thank you.
You know something, thank you for this, as an artist I can relate to everything you said. And it felt, like solidarity.
Words can't explain how much I needed this. I really really needed this. Thank you.
Your words are like gold to me. Thanks for sharing these valuable thoughts and lessons
These art talks always feel like a true lesson of wisdom to me and I’m assuming also to just about everyone that watches them. It is truly one of the highest compliments I can give to say that every video you create never fails to teach me something life changing and has me gain new perspective, especially considering doing just that is also my own personal goal as an artist. I deeply admire you and the guidance you so beautifully give to many artists like me. You teach me to be not only a better artist, but a better person. Thank you so much for all you do. You never fail to inspire me.
Wow! What a rollercoaster of emotions. You earned yourself a heart touched sub.!
Thanks for this video Adam! Needed to hear this today❤️
Always hits home. And always re-ignites something within whenever I listen to you. Thank you.
I love you adam thanks for always being there for me
It all fits together because to be genuine you need to know yourself :)
It's my present fight. Sharing and participating is hard because to occupy space in other people's minds scare the shit out of me. At the same time if I don't do it I die. Every day. I am sure a lot of artists can relate! There's so much twisted conditioning once we start really digging it never ceases to surprise how knotted and out of shape our minds are. It's fuckin stupid sometimes the things that I believe, or that I think are important while completely missing the hidden pieces that just want to finally come out. They're kinda tied in those knots. So what I do is gently untie the knots. One by one. Start small. And grow. It hurts but it's worth it! Nothing is more than that.
Well, I can absolutely relate haha :) Sometimes I wish to be stranded in the depths of nature with paper, ink and aquarelle just to griiind
I always listen to your talks but this one really touched me and I actually started crying I think I just really needed to hear it, so thank you
I have a few questions
1. What is the minimum age limit for your art classes?
2. How much does it cost to take them?
3. Is there a required level of skill you have to get to before starting the classes?
4. Can you still do traditional art during the classes or are they digital only classes?
In a few years I want to start an online art class with a professional to begin to really enhance my artistic abilities. I take in person classes at a nearby studio and I've already learned a lot but it's all traditional art.
Thank you for posting all these art talks. They've helped me a lot these past few days just listening to them.
If anyone else has answers to these questions I'd love if you answered! There's a good chance Adam may not read this with just about a hundred comments to peek through.
I'm very glad that I descoverd your channel. Very helpful advice you give that can cheer me up as an artist. Wish you all the best. Thank you
i love you so much, Adam! you always hit the nail on the head with what i’m struggling at the moment… thank you for what you’re doing!!💜
I love your art talks, such great audios to put on the background when I want to feel relaxed yet focused on an art project. Thank you for your vulnerability and guidance for all of us newer creatives. The part about trauma resonated with me, how sometimes those scars don't go away as easily as we'd think. That gave me some reassurance that it's normal to still be ruminating on some things. Please keep this up Adam!
Thank you Adam, so insightful, I have learnt a lot from hearing talk and it will allow me to tell myself to keep working! Love your art too!
Thank you, this comes exactly at the right time for me and it really, really helped to hear this - I wished my art profs ever had told me something similar.
This was one of the most calming and productive hours I've had for almost a week, there's just something about this talk that just made me so inspired. Thank you so much
Thank you for the boost. I will stop overthinking my level design assignment.
I tend to do create great work when not overthinking it all.
For some reason it comes when I get my greatest ideas.
It's like self-inflicted insult when you know you're actually good at something.
And denying the opportunity for failure cannot lead to mastery. Merely stagnation.
Now I want to play Sekiro when I'm done.
This was almost poetic and I listened to every second of your story. You’re and amazing storyteller. Thank you for sharing. Thank God I have never experienced anything like this; but it’s a reminder to all be kind to the people that surround you. A positive environment will help all to grow; a toxic one, kills any inspiration, creativity, and joy……
Thank you again for another amazing video 🥰
pinterest ginger ale,adam duff or 'the scariest night of my life' or epic music world and I am gone! You are so right -its the best state
17:19 wow that's all I needed to hear ❤
Sending that love back, Adam. We could not have asked for a better mentor. 💗
13:10 I don't know why it took me this long to realise this, the point of criticism and self-evaluation is to improve and have a realistic view of your own work, I know this is the career that I want to be in so I'm not going to give up. Thinking I should quit due to whatever reason is the most counter-productive thing I could possibly think. If I were to give criticism to *ANYONE ELSE* I would never fucking tell them to quit because that would be counter-productive to their progress and the most toxic thing you can say to a fellow artist, it should be no different when I am being self-critical.
Thank you for this video Adam 🙏
Your talks always helps me, it just touches the deepest part of my soul.. the part that I need to take care of
Thank you from the bottom of my heart
You will always be great artist for us !!
I haven't seen myself as an artist for most of my life, but I can very much identify with the "getting bored" part, as well as going down rabbit holes and ending up pitying those I tried to work with. I think it's called being a highly sensitive person, and it's something you are not something you can change. One way or another.
And there are ways out those rabbit holes, you can go through them and end up with much more interesting thoughts than the rest of the world tries to entertain itself in. When we live in a world that needs new ideals, new dreams and new things to live for that may not be such a bad idea?
It's a heck of a travel and not for the weak of heart, I can agree to that. But still, I feel our world needs someone to go through those rabbit holes to renew itself. And if you happen to be deep down there, don't despair at least. Because there is a way out.
Much love Adam, it was very vindicating hearing some of this after I have been changing my approach and outlook on all artistic pursuits this past year. I started going into a bubble and trying very hard to avoid any direct comparison when I'm working on anything and being able to disconnect that part of the mind from the creation process. Thus far its been much healthier feeling and frees me to only compare to myself and pursue getting better without the heavier demotivation. To hear you do similar things was kind of great, thanks
Well dude Adam i appreciate your acknowledging and disclaiming how people may respond to your vids. But also authentically i can say most of the time the content in videos comes across more as personal psychology and life stuff then art related. Genuinely it is what i appreciate about your channel. I would never put you in that position of needing to disclaim intent. I love your vids man. I love your art, and the way you relate your career and personal life. So much invaluable practical advice and interesting takes. Thanks man. Stay up. -xhef ohm. Also ide love to learn some techniques. Maybe when i come up financially i will check out the art school stuff. Dug this one man. Thanks again. “Art is the greatest tool to discover who you are” - Adam Duff
Absolutely - anyone can learn to draw but it’s often the emotional and personal issues that have the most impact on our growth and success