Changing Your Relationship With Failure

  • Опубліковано 7 вер 2024


  • @eggman6605
    @eggman6605 3 роки тому +200

    Sometimes I think "I've wasted so much time learning random skills I was interested in instead of focusing on just drawing."
    But lately as I get older, read more books and listen to wiser, more experienced people I realise that everything is connected in some way. All those weird bits and bobs are what make you who you are. We tend to look at our past and judge things to be good or bad. In reality, it's all just another stroke on the canvas that forms the mural of our existence. There is no Ctrl+Z. We just have to work with the painting we've got.

    • @danielchequer5842
      @danielchequer5842 3 роки тому +17

      In one of his last interviews the brazilian architect oscar niemeyer (when he has more than 100 yrs old) got asked what tips he could give to architecture students and he said: "Study things outside the field of architecture, that you have an interest, even if it doesn't have to do with architecture at all. You will incorporate these things into your work and that will make it come out unique in your own way."
      Now sharing a personal story: in my first architecture year I told my mother I wanted a camera to study some photography and she replied "you don't know what you want! You don't know if you want to be a photographer, an architect or a musician! Make up your mind!"
      And I said: "Well, I might not know what I want to be, but I do know this: I will never be a good architect by only studying architecture. I will never be a good photographer by only studying photography and I will never be a good musician by only studying music."
      She said "yeah, you're right" and I got a camera that christmas ;)

    • @Chronorust
      @Chronorust 3 роки тому

      :,) Love this

  • @stalinir4678
    @stalinir4678 3 роки тому +76

    Ah, a cup of coffee, an empty canvas, rain outside + this video = Perfection .

  • @nasserfirelordarts6574
    @nasserfirelordarts6574 3 роки тому +113

    Adam isn't the hero we deserve, but the hero we need... thank you for being a beacon in the dark Adam!

  • @piashatiel5842
    @piashatiel5842 3 роки тому +68

    Depression has been a hard blow to me. But it taught me own thing:
    It showed me what it's like to wake up and not feel excited about doing anything. And I don't want that. I want to live a life doing what I want to do. Not ending up in a job that I spent 40 hours doing every week, that I don't really like and that I'm too exhausted after to do anything I enjoy.
    Another thing that happened because I was depressed and didn't know what else to do anymore: I started learning Japanese. I was like "Well, I can either be depressed and stay like this, or I can be depressed and know some Japanese."
    Low and behold, it's a whole year later and I'm still going. I didn't believe I had it in me to keep at something for so long and still want to do it, but I did it. And that gave me a lot of hope that I can do other things as well that I don't believe myself to be capable of yet :)

    • @MisterMister5893
      @MisterMister5893 2 роки тому

      Thank you for sharing. Speaking from someone who shares that experience, I think a lot of us who suffer in silence and not realize it's going on with other people as well but the difference is, they are fighting to change that, and so can I (we).

  • @RoseDragoness
    @RoseDragoness 3 роки тому +12

    ughh... that one company with the thief makes me so angry. I can't imagine how a workplace can devolve to be that bad, can they really go home and provide their family while they all work together to take people works so blatantly then fire the victim? :( Also this artwork is so amazing.

  • @TimZoet
    @TimZoet 3 роки тому +5

    I heard someone once say: "A professional does the work and let's succes come or not come. He doesn't take succes or failure personal" and those words stuck with me

  • @user-cx4pz7gr9s
    @user-cx4pz7gr9s 3 роки тому +78

    Lately I’ve been struggling to draw. The process of sitting down and starting a painting or polishing a painting is almost impossible. I don’t know what to do anymore. Drawing is something I really love, creating beautiful paintings are something I desire the most, but I can’t. I have managed to form a habit of warming up before I draw, but when it comes to actually creating an image I want. Nothing, nothing comes up; It will come to a point I just drop my pen and stop. To anyone reading this, it would greatly help if you can give me advice, I am at my wits end.

    • @hiendarinenkoray
      @hiendarinenkoray 3 роки тому +5

      oh this is tough... been there :( I hope you'll get out of this eventually, you might just need more time or rest. don't push yourself too hard

    • @chaoswolf7976
      @chaoswolf7976 3 роки тому +2

      I know that feeling all to well. Give yourself time to regenerate your creative energy. The more you push yourself in this situation, the more you will fail.
      What COULD help: look for new inspiration. This could be anything from your personal sourroundings up to artbooks or magazines.
      But whats important: focus on regeneration und dont force yourself.
      I whish you good luck and that your energy comes back one day :)

    • @nottoday7801
      @nottoday7801 3 роки тому +4

      What do you usually draw? Characters? Portraits? Sceneries/landscape?

    • @piashatiel5842
      @piashatiel5842 3 роки тому +5

      I wish I could offer you advice, as I am going through this myself. But I can tell you, you're not alone. I hope this may be of some comfort. ^^;

    • @AdamDuffArt
      @AdamDuffArt  3 роки тому +39

      It sounds to me like you could benefit from taking a course online (just the cheaper and quicker alternative) - you need to brush up on your fundamentals - when you hit “roadblocks” like this it’s because there’s an ingredient missing from your “recipe” so-to-speak

  • @Tezemya
    @Tezemya 3 роки тому +35

    I must say that you're one of my comfort youtube channels. I struggle a lot finding motivation to do art (not only drawing) because I feel like it's pointless because it's not the best, because there are people that can do everything I know better than me. Finishing a piece it's always so difficult because it feels like it could always be better and why spend more thime on this piece if its not going to look good in the end... but when I listen to your videos I feels like "but why not, why not finish this thing that brings me joy and makes me feel better even if its not perfect. It just doesn't need to be perfect"

    • @blake7008
      @blake7008 3 роки тому +5

      I struggle with this a lot as well. Whenever I feel that way I try to remind myself of this quote that has always stuck with me.
      "If you hear a voice within you say you cannot paint, then by all means paint and that voice will be silenced." -Vincent Van Gogh

    • @AdamDuffArt
      @AdamDuffArt  3 роки тому +6

      Well that’s the highest compliment, thank you :) mine is VaatiVidya- I basically only listen to him while I paint

  • @humanity_restored8761
    @humanity_restored8761 3 роки тому +20

    This hits home for me. For almost a decade, I've tried to get into the games industry as a character artist but only recently have been able to join a well known company in a role I didn't expect to thrive in. I'm now a UI artist and getting paid way more than I would have as a character artist. I had to adapt to make that shift but it ultimately did wonders for my career. I also got to move from a little backwater town in MN to CA. I really do feel like I've hit the big leagues.

  • @chaoswolf7976
    @chaoswolf7976 3 роки тому +25

    Really important life lesson in this video. Had to learn this myself the hard way. If something stinks and no one gives a shit about your oppinion of it...dont try to fight it. Its a waste of energy. Sad truth of reallity. If you cant or dont want to just deal with it for whatever reason: move on. Search for something else and let the ship sink, as much as it pisses you of, you wont change it, if no one cares. Life is to short for that.

  • @DRYeisleysCreations
    @DRYeisleysCreations 3 роки тому +6

    Bruce Timm is one of my favorite artists in terms of his carrier journey. He never went to a prestigious art college, his art training was pretty much on the job. His goal was to get into comics, but the only art jobs available to him was animation. He worked his way up from an in-betweener on Thundarr the Barbarian and GI Joe to being creative lead on the DC Animated Universe.

  • @dragonrider0079
    @dragonrider0079 3 роки тому +10

    Made my first 3d piece after having almost a year long break, a break from straight up uncertainty and loss of self and a mix of emotions, I had been making 3D art all year before COVID and all of it was a technical mess, I never knew how to finish anything I made and it hit me, so this was really helpful and I am very glad to be able to listen to you. You somehow have the most relatable videos whenever I am feeling some way, I don't watch every single one of them I can't lie but for the ones I have they have always lifted me up or helped me realize something that I was struggling with, so thank you.

  • @ericmonaghan1231
    @ericmonaghan1231 3 роки тому +2

    great advice and something the wonderful Olan Rogers (of Gary Space and Balloon Shop fame) has said. Essentially to put the blinders down! Olan wanted to be a live action director but just never got there. But he had wonderful talents and a lot of success and potential in other areas--like comedy, acting, writing, and work ethic--which he embraced. And everyone lived happily ever after.
    Adam, i appreciate how you're very honest about not being at the top of the 2D world when you were younger, which limited your career opportunities and made you feel like shit. It's been said before, but i think it's helpful for a lot of people to know that you can work on your art while working a non-art job and have a lot less pressure on yourself.
    think part of the stress comes from "coming out" as an "artist" instead of identifying as a creative person. what's worse is that non-artists judge people who claim to be artists but haven't found outrageous success yet. So fuck those people. And fuck the stress that comes with it.

  • @sethtone8634
    @sethtone8634 3 роки тому +12

    ive learned alot of these lessons and took them all to heart. Basically in my 30s im rock bottom.That being said thank you for sharing your helping alot of people.Every one struggling should rewatch this 10 times over and hopefully your young enough to overcome.

    • @AdamDuffArt
      @AdamDuffArt  3 роки тому

      As should I in 10 years :) cause I know my screw ups are far from over

  • @ritalex22
    @ritalex22 3 роки тому +5

    this video had such an amazing timing (like always!!)
    I just started job hunting, and after sending 30+ emails and finally getting an opportunity I got let go of before I even got to finish my animation test :/ I felt horrible, for a moment there I really took it personally. But you just gotta keep your head high and remember these "failures" and rejections don't reflect on how good of a person or artist you are, and keep going!

  • @violaberry413
    @violaberry413 3 роки тому +2

    I've come to terms that I might never draw professionaly, and that's ok. It was a hard pill to swallow, but ultimately I think it was the right choice. Drawing for fun in my own time is better than working on something that might leave you burned out.

    • @jacebeleren1703
      @jacebeleren1703 3 роки тому +2

      I'm in exactly the same boat as you. I'd thought of taking up drawing in order to get good, become a pro, etc etc but then i realized i'd rather put that same energy into programming, since it gives me much more joy to actually work on, compared to drawing. I kept drawing as a hobby that i'll indulge in whenever the urge strikes (not often, but it does happen).

  • @Jotham6967
    @Jotham6967 3 роки тому +2

    This really hits hard for me. As a kid, i was attracted to art and attended art classes when i was a kid but didnt thought too much as it was always just "side thing" for me. Then 15 years passed and i was in the engineering course and thats when i was exposed to CAD modelling, designing machine and stuff using 3D models was so interesting to me as it is as close to what i had as a child when i was drawing or rather producing art. Then slowly, i learned Blender for modelling and Substance painter for texturing by myself, the end product that i get after finishing a piece is just so satisfying.
    But, it is really difficult trying to juggle between my masters degree and fulfilling my hobby, and self learning is especially hard when no one around you can teach or help.
    The constant Tug'O'War between loving what you do and what is practical is so exhausting, also trying to constantly convince myself to keep up with self learning in parallel to study and jobs, believing that it might come in handy in the future just as Adam said.

  • @coffeencream1552
    @coffeencream1552 2 роки тому

    he's like the bob ross of all my insecurities, this really helps while I paint. It makes the mistakes more manageable and forgiving and I can focus on the art more.

  • @TheTsugnawmi2010
    @TheTsugnawmi2010 2 роки тому

    I'm not an artist, which proves that these videos have universally-applicable wisdom.

  • @emaginenations
    @emaginenations 3 роки тому +39

    Not through with the entire talk yet but my eyes literally almost fell out when I saw the character and throne made a skull before you changed the throne (around 12:46). Was that intended??

    • @AdamDuffArt
      @AdamDuffArt  3 роки тому +9

      Yes absolutely! You can never have enough skulls (in her headdress, the top and side of the throne, the armrests)

    • @emaginenations
      @emaginenations 3 роки тому +3

      @@AdamDuffArt Why did you decide to change it?
      Like the way her upper body was the hole of the nose and all that ... absolutly stunning.

  • @ChrisDMReloaded
    @ChrisDMReloaded 2 роки тому

    i started drawing when i was in highschool and my friends loved my drawings even though they were not that good but i quit because people never stopped telling me that i was going to die of starvation if i continued with my art passion . people told me that i had to go to college or study something like plumbing, electricity , etc. After many years , i opened up my mind and realized that we all have problems and make mistakes in our lives no matter if you are a college student or a freelancer. you can fail at college and also as a freelancer but that's part of life , nobody is perfect . if we were perfect we would never fail . i find very absurd when people say that you have to be the best and do everything without failing since we aren't perfect . Understanding that made me try art again and this time is for real .

  • @theCreativeSav
    @theCreativeSav 3 роки тому +4

    Adam, you're amazing man. I don't consider myself an artist though. I'm a 3D motion designer and I come here from time to time to clear my mind. Thank you for all you do❤️😌

  • @besknighter
    @besknighter 3 роки тому +2

    In your comment section I've written long and thoughtful comments as I have written some emotional single phrases ones. The only thing I can say about this video is:
    I needed this. Thank you. I love you.

    • @AdamDuffArt
      @AdamDuffArt  3 роки тому +3

      Message received my friend :)

  • @ArtByHazel
    @ArtByHazel 2 роки тому

    A change of perspective is truly life-changing.
    Reframing my relationship with failure and we’re enjoying the journey better than performing, always achieving, feelings of inadequacy that we’re good enough. Now.

  • @dankslurpee
    @dankslurpee 3 роки тому

    This ain't only art advice, this is some straight up life advice too. Thanks for all you do friend.

  • @zacharyhorvath3615
    @zacharyhorvath3615 3 роки тому

    When this video dropped I watched 4 minutes of it, and decided I would save it to watch later because I was so exhausted and frustrated that I couldn’t even properly hear past the words on a superficial basis.
    Today, I’m well rested, a little less frustrated, and more eager to strategize on how to figure out what I want to do with my art, what my strengths and weaknesses are, what speaks to me etc…So I’m glad that I at least had the self awareness to wait on this video, because I really got a lot out of it… in fact it’s odd because I’ve felt in the last few days that I’ve been hearing a similar message through multiple different mediums, some having nothing to do with art, but I think I’ll take that as some kind of message the universe is sending me to ‘wake up’ !
    On a side note, it’s funny because my trajectory towards a career and a dream in certain areas of art has changed on many occasions, and there was a period of years where I was a ‘secret artist’, and did it for my own satisfaction and only a few people knew I ever would draw at all! But ultimately, I had been apprenticing to be a tattoo artist before Covid hit, and closed down the shop. I’ve been trying to get into other places, but so far no luck-though I will say that I am grateful that I had the time during lock down to branch out my interests, and become open to learning new things. It’s difficult when you struggle so long to get an opportunity and then to have it seemingly end abruptly, but I never wanted to give up drawing…that would be insane!

  • @Pustekuchenstueck
    @Pustekuchenstueck 3 роки тому

    When I was in my last years of school I was convinced I would become an actress. I took classes and I went to auditions and dedicated all my time to it. And in the end I didn't get into any schools or got cast for anything. So I searched for a different path and found 3D modelling. I learned that and then applied for an internship at multiple studios. One studio invited me to an interview not necessarily because of my portfolio, but because the art director wanted to meet that person who spend years of their life dedicated to theatre, just to suddenly switch paths.
    I went to that interview and in the end, they hired me. I was offered a junior position, and since then I've been working at this studio for two and a half years now as a character artist and I could not be happier. And all of that because my CV mentioned my failed theatre time.

  • @sissoory
    @sissoory 3 роки тому +2

    clicking on the play button fully knowing I'll cry because I have a terrible relation with failure

  • @OhimesamaTobyuura
    @OhimesamaTobyuura 3 роки тому +31

    I was drawing something and look at the tittle of this, really, I always feel that you talk about some topics in the moments I need it :( Thank you so much for doing videos (sorry if my english is kinda bad, I'm not native ;c)

  • @RickTrajan
    @RickTrajan 3 роки тому +4

    You've given me a new perspective, thank you.

  • @ccvinks
    @ccvinks 3 роки тому +2

    Fantastic video. I now have to explain to my 9 year old what “m*rder your babies” means. It’s cool.
    But really, I’ve felt this so much in my art journey. Maybe sometimes I do just that, too much. That I detach myself from something I really should have dug in further on. Ya know? Like it could be beautiful, but I self-sabotage.. thanks for teaching.

  • @Animabug
    @Animabug 3 роки тому +1

    Wow, I didn’t realise your story was my story. I also had a ‘Disney egg basket’ and the studios started shutting as I was in my final year of animation school. … kick in the teeth! I just couldn’t get 3D to work for me, so bumbled around hopelessly for years. But I love your analogies! It IS like a street fight. You gotta give up on that ‘gunslinger’ illusion lol! And also, I like how you didn’t cause a conflict in the toxic environment, but did leave when you could. I think so many ppl wrongly think ‘ if I can’t ‘take’ this environment, then I must be no good, so stay, and by the time they realise their mistake, they’ve absorbed so much stress and anxiety that it takes a while to get straight again. Thanks so much sharing, as always ❤️

  • @vuankhanhbeo
    @vuankhanhbeo 3 роки тому +4

    Failure happens more and more to me lately since I started job hunting. Although I know it's unavoidable, the feeling it gives is terrible. Hope that I could build a good relationship with it too

  • @mageschweitzer7109
    @mageschweitzer7109 3 роки тому +2

    Thank you, Adam, as always.
    I was dreaming about getting into the game industry as an artist for the last couple of years, and I went to art university to gain skills, but when I actually started to work and study in this field... I don't know, if it's ubiquitous phenomenon, or just something specific for my country, but I saw that the whole art industry, from state art-schools, colleges and universities, to some studios and separate professional artists, is full of hustle culture and hazing. Your works are talked shit and torn apart literally, you are talked shit and torn apart figuraly, and if you still have some free time to breathe, that is the sign of you not working enough. Being inhumanly tired and burned out is a cause for pride. After two years of studying, my health, mental and physical, suffered badly, as well as my relations, and also I just couldn't draw anymore, at least if that wasn't the task. So, I guess, what was my dream once, turned up to not worth my well-being. My parents payed a lot for my psychotherapist, hoping that she will help me to "deal with the stress", but now I think that this is as pointless as trying to cure gastritis while still eating only fast food: the only way to deal with it is to stop putting this shit into yourself. I will take the documents from the university next week and, I guess, in the nearest years won't deal with the toxic industry that wears you out until you are incapable of working to then simply replace you, because there are hundreds of candidates to your place.
    It feels like a victory and a complete defeat at the same time, because I may get better after leaving, but I also feel really guilty for "giving up", like if everybody are going to point with a finger at me and say that I'm just a weak one that childishly wanted everything to be easy, even my family members, they will definitely be disappointed.
    So, I guess, "it's a toxic environment, get out, and keep your mouth shut about it" is something I actually need to hear, because at some minutes I doubt leaving and think that it's just something wrong with me if I can't stick to this rabid workload and conditions, or that in this corrupted system I may change something, or that I will not be like others, won't burn out after several years of constant overworking and get replaced with a fresh cannon fodder. And the only right choice is to just calmly and silently go away from where you are being slowly and methodically minced.
    Sorry for a massive text)
    Your videos often make me want to speak out. Thank you again, Adam, the things you say actually make a difference and help a lot, and somehow they always appear right in the time I need to hear them.

  • @jacebeleren1703
    @jacebeleren1703 3 роки тому

    While i'm no artist myself , i can totally get behind most of your videos, when working on programming (i'll soon have an IT degree) , since i view making apps & websites as an artistic pursuit first and foremost. There's something very Zen about sitting down with a blank terminal and writing code, exactly the same feeling i'd get when i tried drawing.
    The interesting thing with programming is that the tools themselves (programming languages and the software used to write & interpret them) are pretty simple to use and don't require that much of a general practice on their use, compared to a manual tool like a paintbrush or a stylus, so i find it very interesting to see how that has practically impacted my creative process as a result.
    In 6 months, i went from knowing almost nothing about Android, to having a full-functional mobile app that includes about 200-300 pages of a rulebook inside , alongside managing data, saving, loading, etc (it's a character builder app for a pen-and-paper RPG, named The Legend Of The Five Rings).
    And i gotta say, i'm really loving the creative process of it, the more i engage with it.
    Thanks again for a wonderful video and for inspiring me to work, Adam!

  • @crazyimaginations1244
    @crazyimaginations1244 2 місяці тому

    Whenever I went through failure when I was younger I would usually just give up and not care to try to achieve it, especially if it took me multiple trys but as I got older just like you I found out that some battles aren't worth fighting and it doesn't make sense to try to put in time and energy into something that you see is not going ur way and it's best to just take a step back and see if there is another path to go down because then you will see you will end getting to the same spot you would've been after the first route only this time it took you a fraction of the time and it was less mentally stressful

  • @KarolD666
    @KarolD666 3 роки тому +3

    Personaly accepting failure was the biggest change in my design/art carieer, and changing my mindset that failure is growth helped me moving foreward. Now I do not look on my bad designs as trash but a learning curve that brings me closer to a goal that I have setup for my self. Failure is a good thing :)

  • @MariJadeWrites
    @MariJadeWrites 3 роки тому +5

    Thank you for the talk :)

  • @PersonaRisus
    @PersonaRisus 3 роки тому +2

    You know, your videos have helped me several times when I thought of giving up on my art journey. I'm really really glad I found your channel. So thank you, from the bottom of my heart

  • @laras8911
    @laras8911 3 роки тому +5

    Mistakes are the dirt you grow on.

  • @LitleLuci
    @LitleLuci 3 роки тому +1

    this is so important. I recently put in my notice at a toxic studio but it was my first art job and i felt like if i left it id never find another. Noticing toxicity and realizing you cant fix it and moving on is vital.

  • @genreartwithjb5095
    @genreartwithjb5095 3 роки тому +1

    If your good at Boxing or MMA then that will serve you well in the street. You are correct that planning is a bad thing in a fight. The move sets and perioperception(awareness of ones body through sensation) must be conditioned through muscle memory.

    • @AdamDuffArt
      @AdamDuffArt  3 роки тому +1

      It would definitely be to your advantage - but steer rules arent the same - no refs

    • @genreartwithjb5095
      @genreartwithjb5095 3 роки тому

      @@AdamDuffArt Adam I don’t know if you’ve trained or not but if not you should find a gym and try it. I come out of Kempo Jiu Jitsu, which similar to the system that John Hackleman and Chuck Liddel use. We cross train in STX Kickboxing as well which comes out of Dan Inosanto’s version of Jeet Kune Do. You would probably enjoy training money and time permitting. :)

  • @Tsakarus
    @Tsakarus 3 роки тому

    This is crazy that I went through the same exact thing, you and I had the same goals and I graduated in 2010 and it was such an awkward time to graduate when 2d and 3d took a major shift. The college I wanted to go to had a disney internship but then removed soon after Disney did Princess and the Frog+Dreamworks around the same time. So I kinda lost all faith in being in the animation industry. So then I looked at game design but had no idea 3d program knowledge was a requirement and unfortunately I didn't have the resources back then or know all the different kinds of jobs there were cause I assume it was either character design OR having to know math and those were my two options.
    I was lost and then I became a tattoo artist for almost 4 years but I didn't feel like I fit in the industry and I didn't really like it...and it's been a few years now since I left it, my machine is collecting dust. And it's taken me so long to accept that I just really enjoy doing digital commission work for people over that but also that I need to relook into 3d and ALSO feel forced lol. Now there's a lot of resources out there 10 years later. I do a webcomic for fun and holy moly I've been forcing myself to TRY even just a little so I can save myself time, I want to learn these other skills so I can work on my comic and get content out faster and not have to rely on other people. I hope in the future I can be competent on other programs so I can do the things I enjoy and also have more to give.

  • @oceanwater3546
    @oceanwater3546 3 роки тому +5

    It's amazing how much we learn from you adam :)

  • @flxblues4521
    @flxblues4521 3 роки тому

    Thank you Adam, for these series of videos. Life has been so suffocating at this point, not just my art but as in my personal struggle of trying to better myself as a self-taught artist, dealing with every rejections and failures along the way, juggling with work and school at the same time while living alone, alongside with waves of the past that start to haunt me despite every attempt on 'working on them'. Your story on being mistreated and gaslighted by even people you trusted and then only to be disappointed in the end, what exact situation I am in now. Even typing this right now I think its taking every cell of courage in my body that I have left to share because I don't normally comment. So thank you.

  • @potatomanboooi3105
    @potatomanboooi3105 3 роки тому

    my quote of the day through my experience with discord is why follow the rules of people with a power trip,it may be your most favorite server but why bother if you are limited to what you say

  • @jeefberky9101
    @jeefberky9101 3 роки тому +3

    It always baffled me how the majority of artists seem to consider their work as trash, and in such an unconstructive way. I always thought it was beautiful that they were making something at all, and while that may not mean it isn't poorly done, it is something to be appreciated as the beginning of what is essentially the basis of human society, the ability to take a concept from imagination and find a way to turn it into reality.

  • @murilo4053
    @murilo4053 3 роки тому +3

    This channel is so human,which we dont see much nowadays

  • @Sam-hp8cp
    @Sam-hp8cp 3 роки тому +5

    I haven't watched the video yet, but if I have learned anything in the last 2 years of doing art, it is how to process and learn from failure. In the past I would have likely shut down entirely or quit new endeavors. Its an essential life skill

  • @genreartwithjb5095
    @genreartwithjb5095 3 роки тому +5

    I would say a more apt analogy would be instead of you running away in that instance what actually happened to you was that you tried to engage and ended up with the tube in your treachea :) it’s a shame that corporate “North America “ operates like that but it is an unfortunate reality. That’s why I prefer contract work. Tethering yourself to one company is not prudent bc the company isn’t tethering themselves to you for darn sure

  • @Ish12
    @Ish12 3 роки тому +5

    Gosh I just love watching your video's when I draw, its so inspiring and and enjoyable to just hear you talk.

  • @Gebsequanimity9300
    @Gebsequanimity9300 2 роки тому

    You dont know how much you have helped me. you are a heavenly gift on this earth. Thank you Adam.

  • @MiningPriya
    @MiningPriya 3 роки тому +2

    This video reminds me of something i lernt from a friend. He told me, view yourself as a glass bowl. Every mistake you make, every person insulting you or trying to drag you down is breaking off a piece of glass. Every crack needs to be glued back, stronger than before. Until you, the glass bowl, turn into a beautiful chalice. With memories of important lessons.
    Thank you for reminding me of this midset.

  • @marionmetathink3234
    @marionmetathink3234 3 роки тому +4

    I'm Autistic, in France and find it extremely stressful to look for places to work, I have issues applying instructions and there isn't many places where I feel I'll get the understanding for me to thrive. So hum... I ounce had a spot in my dream career (tattooing) but the boss was all over the place and I couldn't play the long game so I'd get experienced enough to find a better place to work at... I just practice illustration in my own time, I wish I had more opportunities to fail so I'd progress more.

    • @-S.L.
      @-S.L. 2 роки тому

      Hi! Idk if this would help you at all or if it's a good suggestion but off the top of my head I'm wondering if online services like Fiverr might be good for getting opportunities free lance without too much stress?

  • @Light-wz6tq
    @Light-wz6tq 3 роки тому +1

    I'm not even an artist, I'm trying to become a programmer, but I still find your videos very calming and reassuring, thank you.

  • @TheOneRioji
    @TheOneRioji 3 роки тому

    I think the expression is "Kill your Darlings," which means if you're really attached to an idea, but it's not working, you need to have the ability and discipline to let it go.

  • @listentotheechoes7677
    @listentotheechoes7677 2 роки тому

    Every single time, these videos are like a lighthouse in the dark and open. May not get me to whr i need to go but, gives me courage to start the boat again.
    Man u are awesomee

  • @barrington5438
    @barrington5438 3 роки тому

    It’s crazy that you had to go with someone ripping off your work that was at your job. You had to see that person all day. Idk how I would react in the moment. But I’ll head your advice for sure. It is better to secure another job if you don’t like something about the one you’re in.

  • @pedrocompas8931
    @pedrocompas8931 2 роки тому

    Today, I'm feeling a looser. And I'm sure this will help me

  • @fernandaz3227
    @fernandaz3227 3 роки тому +2

    Hi Adam, just wanted to say thank you. Sometimes I forget that my pass mistakes and adapting to what comes is what has lead me to where I am. Right now a lot is changing in my life and I am overwhelmed. This was a great reminder and just what I needed to hear. Thanks!!

  • @jonathanliddell4220
    @jonathanliddell4220 3 роки тому +2

    Once again this comes with perfect timing. Many thanks Adam. Some great insight tucked away in this.

  • @kozmo5342
    @kozmo5342 3 роки тому

    this piece of art is breath taking, i aspire to be as good as you one day and thanks for opening my eyes, mistakes make who we are today.

  • @aizefyre2572
    @aizefyre2572 3 роки тому +1

    Thank you Adam for teaching us all about art, life and street-fights.

  • @dmcupitty
    @dmcupitty 3 роки тому

    I've felt disconnected with my artistic self for a while and you always bring me back Adam, thank you for your wonderfull work

  • @relaxinkarma41
    @relaxinkarma41 3 роки тому +1

    Thanks a lot Adam for the pep talk. I was really feeling low today after having a meltdown at my artwork, having trouble producing anything to show progress in my skills, going from one failed attempt after another. I'll take your words to heart and keep pushing on, to scrutinize my work harder to see what I can learn from these "failed attempts". Thanks again for the many timely videos you've uploaded thus far, they've certainly helped me up till now.

  • @AnimeFreakatyoutube
    @AnimeFreakatyoutube 3 роки тому

    This is why you are my favorite youtube artist...thank you for sharing yourself, Adam.

  • @clayformations1638
    @clayformations1638 3 роки тому +1

    Oh How much I needed this! Thank you. 😌

  • @ToxicatedSins
    @ToxicatedSins 3 роки тому +2

    1 dislike probably came from that studio guy who took over artworks :) jokes aside it is always a pleasure and inspiration to listen to your talks. They always makes me stop and think about things especialy when I have lots of things in common from your stories. I wish you luck and fuel for your future videos.

  • @halsper2553
    @halsper2553 3 роки тому

    Adam thank you so much for sharing your story with me today or you know, I decided to watch it today but the fact of the matter is you told me something that really connected with me. I’ve been struggling with this job where I’ve been taken advantage of and debating on what my next move should be whether to make a complaint or attempt to move on and your analogy hit the nail right on the head,helping me. As a young artist and a person at the age of 20 I find it funny that random people on the Internet, I’ve never gotten the chance to meet have given me such great advice compared to the teachers and mentors I actually know and you’re one of them thank you so much.

  • @marklorenzo5169
    @marklorenzo5169 3 роки тому +1

    ive found this channel recently, your words are so beautiful and inspiring, please, dont stop

  • @MD-sn9gh
    @MD-sn9gh Рік тому

    Lately I have been thinking, if i could have a super power of my choice, it would be "Permanent Emotional Detachment." If I can't make art, if i hate my art so much that i cant look at it, then I would at least like to distance myself emotionally and never touch it again.
    That's not possible, of course. (I guess i am glad that it isnt.)
    Instead, the super power i have is, Inability to Quit, Ever. I keep giving up, saying, "Its been YEARS since i started drawing on my own. Its not going anywhere. I dont know how to do this. I dont know whom to go to. I know what i want, just not how to do it. I am not disciplined enough. I get discouraged way too easily" etc etc.
    It never ends.
    I keep coming back anyway. Same with writing. Reading my own writing, I feel like I would rather burn it. Yet I took English as my major for college anyway because I want to get better at writing and get comfortable with it. (I have stories i want to illustrate and write; i jist font have the skills right now. And not in the near future, anyway).
    I love, LOVe, manga. Anime had been the spark, manga is the fire. I cannot help but love all the different styles of all the mangakas and their art of story telling through just black and white. I analyze Mangas and different styles day and night. Save them up when I find something unique as "reference for later". I see objects and immediately, automatically, my mind breaks it down into shapes that i can draw
    And I try. I try a lot. But I can't help getting discouraged, stopping, giving up temporarily, only to come back later and start over again. Right now is the longest I have stuck with it. I gave up again yesterday, and found your art talks. I cried to sleep because they hit so hard.
    Anyway, just did several (poorly drawn) hand sketches(digital) while listening to your talks.
    They help.
    I can't quit, ever, and I am aware of that. If nothing, art and writing are the two things I can never truly give up on or have them taken away. I am too emotionally entwined with creation. And other forms of art too(quilling is a tiring, but one of favoruite hobbies since its somwthing i am "naturally" good at). I want to learn crochet too, starting next month. And oil painting. And work more on portraits. And acrylics. And it goes on.
    Whether I will ever be "good enough" for myself, or not, I can't stop doing it. And I find a strange relief in that.
    Anyway, this is too long.
    Thank you for your videos, they help a lot.

  • @simonebernacchia5724
    @simonebernacchia5724 2 роки тому

    Had something similar happen in my old web developer job, they did not exactly steal my job but they did not gave me the recognition i was hoping for, and after that my enthusiasm faded slightly

  • @nueiart1077
    @nueiart1077 3 роки тому +1

    Thank you for sharing your failures Adam!

  •  3 роки тому +1

    When you said you got fired my jaw just hit the floor! what a toxic company! I hope they broke

  • @RaphaelAvant
    @RaphaelAvant 3 роки тому +1

    Awesome painting! I liked seeing most f your process being done in black and white. There is so much different values. You added a lovely gold at the end.

  • @oliviacally7654
    @oliviacally7654 3 роки тому +2

    The piece you’re working on in this is beautiful!

  • @polarnaut4060
    @polarnaut4060 3 роки тому +1

    Adam, thank you so much for every video you do. I have a lot of trouble making myself stop and just draw, but whenever I watch your videos in the background I can do so much progress in anything I want, it really feels like the best way to focus is to have you dropping all this wisdom to me while I try my hardest to draw something to myself. Again thank you for all of this.

  • @amadeusakreveusmusic3356
    @amadeusakreveusmusic3356 3 роки тому +1

    I assume that's Emily who got her visa? Congrats!!!

  • @velvet_nova
    @velvet_nova 3 роки тому

    I like to say thank you Adam! I enjoy listening to your videos while I'm at a job I don't enjoy as much. My dream is to have my own art business and start doing comissions but I don't have the confidence to start however your videos inspire me and gives the confidence to hopefully one day my dream will come true. Also my mind was blown by the art piece in this video! it's so beautiful ❤️ have a blessed day ^^

  • @SanderAgelink
    @SanderAgelink 3 роки тому +1

    Great talk! Another talk about failure that I can 100% recommend it's Adam Savage's DEFCON 17 talk on UA-cam. It has taught me a lot

  • @pk-vk3oc
    @pk-vk3oc 3 роки тому

    We love you and your talks Adam. Thanks for sharing your wisdom. We’re all the better for it. ❤️

  • @j.adanherrera1800
    @j.adanherrera1800 3 роки тому +1

    Thank you for sharing your life experience in this way Adam, it helps like you have no idea to those of us struggling to find our own pathways when it comes to creating our art, and all the aspirations and or expectations we have, to achieve our goals.
    You form community by telling with genuine sincerity what you been through, how you felt at the time and how you dealt with it, which becomes the best advice you can give to someone, so thank you again for doing these videos.
    The hopes and dreams continue but the desire and hard work that drive those dreams must also stay in place!. Hugs!

  • @Fantasy2012dz
    @Fantasy2012dz 3 роки тому

    i feel really comfortable with this style ( the one that look like dark art like yours ) since i started becoming an artist, but i often look for another art style like League of Legends ( clean , bright ,appealing ...) ...and sometimes comparing to my art style. dont really what s wrong with me...duh

  • @ziqqix
    @ziqqix 3 роки тому +1

    Another great video Adam (this is Zi btw, haven't commented on your videos in a while but this one really hit home)! I feel similarly with the expression "you just know it's not if you can become it, it's when, and it's only a matter of time." A lot of times our self belief will project us to those goals even through the biggest failures. For the longest time I was focused on doing concept work before finding the world of posters and realizing that was really my niche, not concept. As soon as I let go of the notion that I'm "going to become a concept artist" I started getting work for posters for clients I dreamed of working for as a concept artist, only I'm working for them as a poster artist. It's really funny how the universe puts all of it in place for us - I think a lot of the times, we need to stop struggling, trust the process, and let go to kind of "unlock" our real potential if that makes sense!

    • @ziqqix
      @ziqqix 3 роки тому

      Also, it's really fascinating to learn you used to want to be a Disney artist. Your work is so unique and beautiful and definitely not the standard "Disney style" - but I think that it's a reflection of you as a person which is a lot better than trying to emulate something you're not.

  • @Riley_MDS
    @Riley_MDS 3 роки тому

    I'm 3 hours late, but at least I can listen while I'm drawing, really tho, your channel is the only comfort I can have when drawing other than music, you help me out in a struggle with many videos I've watched from yours...
    I can learn more from you which is why I'm not giving up on art...

  • @Nannanp
    @Nannanp 3 роки тому

    Having someome take credit for your hard work is so infuriating, and you're left with the feeling that you need justice (i've experienced this at my work), but its also a very harsh reality that you need to learn and accpet in order to protect yourself. Some people will just do anything to look better in front of their boss or coworkers. I found that, at my work i need keep some things to myself, like certain things in my private life, and even some of the projects/ tasks that i've been working on - if people ask me about it, I just politely answer vaguely about it, and they woldn't be able to use it to their own benefit or even against me. It sucks, but its the reality, and you just need to stick it out until you can find a better place to work.

  • @anat.heistart650
    @anat.heistart650 3 роки тому +1

    I went back to school at 30 for accountancy ... ouch man

  • @AirShipGreaseMonkey
    @AirShipGreaseMonkey 3 роки тому

    Thank you as always Adam. I look forward to listening to this numerous times the find new advice that I may have missed.

  • @japhetfuentes3513
    @japhetfuentes3513 3 роки тому +1

    Here it is... This is what i have been waiting for....

  • @xexexz6372
    @xexexz6372 2 роки тому

    thank you for sharing your thoughts and honestly i wish that HR person can get royally screwed over

  • @alikhatami6610
    @alikhatami6610 3 роки тому

    thank you vrey much . I really needed to hear this

  • @AtomPon
    @AtomPon 3 роки тому +1

    Thank you Adam for this wonderful video, you are one of my biggest inspirations in art!

  • @HolligaMan
    @HolligaMan 3 роки тому +3

    Just went trough a nasty internship, it was really important for me. Though i acted in a similar way as you described, this video assured me i made the right choices. Thanks.

  • @CyberneticPhoenix
    @CyberneticPhoenix 3 роки тому +3

    I haven't watched the video yet, but Adam! Did you see the Elden Ring trailer?

  • @MasumiSeike
    @MasumiSeike 3 роки тому

    4:30 .... I feel attacked xD I'm working on a Map for my D&D game and it's like
    "Yay I finished this area!"
    *zooms out and sees that still 95% of the map don't have houses or streets*

  • @arabidopsisThaliana402
    @arabidopsisThaliana402 3 роки тому +2

    thank you for such an inspirational video!! and i love your paintings

  • @dexterbacchus8009
    @dexterbacchus8009 3 роки тому

    Hey Adam what FONT did you use in the Beginning of this video Thanks, as usual AWESOM video the Constant Teacher, thanks for sharing…

  • @demoniac4821
    @demoniac4821 3 роки тому +2

    I just gonna say I LOVE your dark themed art. How you come up with them?

    • @AdamDuffArt
      @AdamDuffArt  3 роки тому +1

      Can’t say for sure - I’ve always had a Iove for the dark aesthetic - and it’s never failed to inspire me as time goes on

    • @demoniac4821
      @demoniac4821 3 роки тому

      @@AdamDuffArt Thank you for your answer.

  • @genreartwithjb5095
    @genreartwithjb5095 3 роки тому

    Well - running away in a street fight is actually the best thing you can do. You don’t know what the other guys skill set is. Better to run away and have the use of your legs then try and be a hero and end up hitting your head on the pavement and the next thing you know you wake up with a tube in your trachea.

  • @eliaswyss4775
    @eliaswyss4775 3 роки тому

    Hey man i honestly love your videos and they have helped me so much. Thats why im also interested in taking part in your online private art mentorship but i wanted to ask you if there is any specific level or skills you have to know / or be at to be better prepared or even take part in the courses.