CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE FIRST AVENGER (2011) is SO UNDERRATED | First time watching | MCU reaction

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @SchulzEricT
    @SchulzEricT Рік тому +81

    Cap going through that stretch where he was used to sell war bonds was important for him. Beyond obviously it being the genesis of the "Captain America" persona, he had to learn to be comfortable talking in front of a crowd. It's actually a really cool touch that helps explain how he grew into the leader he has to become.

    • @CristyReacts
      @CristyReacts  Рік тому +18

      Oh interesting input! I didn't know that.

    • @Caseytify
      @Caseytify Рік тому +14

      ​@@CristyReactshe was selling war bonds, one way the US financed the war effort. It wasn't unusual for a war hero to go on a bond selling tour, as their appearance stimulated sales.
      Fun Fact: his war bond outfit was true to his original comic uniform, including the kite shield.

    • @jamesrichardson3322
      @jamesrichardson3322 Рік тому +1

      ​​@@CristyReacts Idiots who made this film didn't go exactly what was originally in the Captain America Comics. 1. Steve Rogers was older than Bucky Barnes 🙄. Steve Rogers was born July 4, 1918 in Brooklyn, NY and Buck Barnes was born in 1925 in Shelbyville, Indiana

    • @reedcockrell8126
      @reedcockrell8126 8 місяців тому +9

      The name-calling is uncalled for. The MCU writers were telling their own story, not trying to slavishly pay lip service to the comic books.

  • @havok6280
    @havok6280 Рік тому +46

    The experiment that turned Banner into the Hulk was an attempt to recreate the super soldier serum that created Cap

    • @markcainyourfriendinthecar3387
      @markcainyourfriendinthecar3387 Рік тому +3

      Interesting Easter egg in hulk. The chamber that made captain America is seen briefly when general Ross is telling Blonsky about the process.

    • @alexsmith3598
      @alexsmith3598 3 місяці тому

      Isn't it crazy that in the 1940s they made something that the 2000s can't recreate? Even just having the recipe passed down it's probably like "2 pinches of salt" meaning like potassium crystals and it gets misinterpreted as table salt. I just imagine the doctor being revived and saying "how did you fools stray so far?? I read this to you verbatim; word for word, bar for bar!"

    • @elmizzox
      @elmizzox 3 місяці тому

      ​@@alexsmith3598like the moon landing "we lost the tech"

  • @Uatu-the-Watcher
    @Uatu-the-Watcher Рік тому +47

    Steve was an A list celebrity. Everyone in the country knew about Captain America (in-universe).

  • @havok6280
    @havok6280 Рік тому +42

    Red Skull took an imperfect version of the super soldier serum. The red skull is a side effect. The face he peeled off was a mask.

    • @CristyReacts
      @CristyReacts  Рік тому +11

      Ohh that makes sense. I thought it was his actual skin!

    • @Uatu-the-Watcher
      @Uatu-the-Watcher Рік тому +1

      In addition, the serum amplifies what’s inside. Schist is an ugly power-mad Nazi on the inside. I wouldn’t be surprised if that was a component.

    • @SchulzEricT
      @SchulzEricT Рік тому +3

      @@CristyReacts Yeah, in the beginning, when told he was going to burn, he said "I already have"
      Also, this dude is the 2nd person on here I've seen say the serum wasn't ready; I understand that the man wasn't ready.

    • @MrGeoff-iv6re
      @MrGeoff-iv6re Рік тому +2

      @@SchulzEricT the serum wasn’t ready and he was the wrong man.

  • @lazyperfectionist1
    @lazyperfectionist1 Рік тому +5

    10:46 "So many people forget that the first country the Na*is invaded was their own."
    That's true. We have this frustrating tendency (especially in the US) to look back at WWII as a war against Germany, Italy and Japan, when it was in fact a war against fascism and imperialism; a war to _liberate_ Germany, Italy and Japan.

  • @jonreese7066
    @jonreese7066 Рік тому +4

    Captain America doesnt need to be strong or tough. The serum would give anyone that.
    What is important is heart and wisdom.
    Steve didnt need to serve. He was specifically told not to serve but he kept trying to enlist. When Steve told Erskin he didnt want to kill anyone. He just doesnt like bullies.
    Erskin knew he found a good man soomeone WORTHY.

  • @williamdean4775
    @williamdean4775 Рік тому +5

    When Peggy touches Steve's chest when he first comes out the tube... that was improvised. Hayley Atwell had never seen Chris Evans with his shirt off and she couldn't help

  • @Parallaxus
    @Parallaxus Рік тому +13

    I am just now watching this, and I have to pause the movie to say how much I appreciate the Jay and Silent Bob insert scene. That gave me a big hearty laugh.

  • @maximillianosaben
    @maximillianosaben Рік тому +25

    10:12 - Since you mentioned The Hulk, what they gave Emil Blonsky to make him a super soldier (before he became Abomination in the end), is the same serum used to make Steve Rogers into Captain America; at least a version of the serum.

    • @neospock5034
      @neospock5034 Рік тому +5

      Actually it wasn't the same serum in the Incredible Hulk movie, just a crude attempt at replicating Dr Erskine's original serum (the formula was lost when died, because he didn't leave behind any written notes).
      Remember the serum Blonsky received was administered in two stages, injected directly nto the bone marrow. And while it did did make subjects stronger and faster, it had negative side effects. Even low doses increased aggression and impaired judgement. Higher doses caused deformation of the skeleton (as we saw when Blonsky took it a 2nd time). Lots of attempts were made at replicating Erskine's serum since WW2, with varying degress of success. But none worked as well as what Steve got.

    • @maximillianosaben
      @maximillianosaben Рік тому +4

      @@neospock5034 - That's whay I said, " least a version of the serum."

    • @user-EricWatson55
      @user-EricWatson55 Рік тому +1

      The serum makes bad worse and good better.
      Blonski was already a monster before the serum.

  • @firsttimewatchingmovies
    @firsttimewatchingmovies Рік тому +15

    "Oh, he's a little guy. Oh, he's tiny. Is that how little he really is." :) You are really new to Marvel, that's why I like to watch your reactions, authentic ;)

  • @rodneytell5266
    @rodneytell5266 8 місяців тому +3

    Red Skull is Schmidts villain name , u will see him again later in the series

  • @jasontoddman7265
    @jasontoddman7265 Рік тому +5

    22:40 - Red Skull (aka Faceless Schmidt) is one of the oldest comic book villains of all time; along with Captain America himself dating back to early 1941; before the US even entered WWII. He is one of the most iconic comic book super villains ever and is to Cap what Loki is to Thor, the Joker is to Batman, or Lex Luthor to Superman. Cap and red Skull are one of the first and most iconic creations of the legendary comic book artists/writers Jack Kirby and Joe Simon. The very first issue of Captain America in fact showed him punching out Adolph Hitler. Anyone who knows anything about Captain America going into this movie knows who Red Skull is on sight.
    27:30 - The whole revival from the ice bit was established back in 1964 when they started to do new adventures of Captain America in the comic books, and brought him back in a very early issue of the Avengers comic book. Again something I thought *everyone* already knew. Oh well. At least it adds to the enjoyment if you were taken completely by surprise by a plot turn that is actually much older than you are.

  • @Drake844221
    @Drake844221 Рік тому +5

    Cap is definitely my favorite Avenger. Loki may have overtaken him as my favorite Marvel character, but as a start-to-finish hero, Cap is my guy. I just love how much he is someone who stands up for what he believes is right, no matter what opposition he faces. That's the kind of hero that I hope that I would be in his shoes.

  • @annar7139
    @annar7139 Рік тому +12

    Agreed that this movie is SO UNDERRATED I love this one so much. It's def in my top 5 MCU movies

  • @w41duvernay
    @w41duvernay Рік тому +4

    Christy, you sort of hit the nail on the head, when you said "celluar change, like the Hulk?". In the MCU universe, the Captain America creation inspired a LOT of attempts to recreate the Super Soldier program in various forms. The Hulk was an attempt to use gamma rays to do this, that backfired. Even Iron Man's suit was a mechanical version of the Super Soldier program. The ending of this movie always gives me the feels.

  • @JaeMinJung.
    @JaeMinJung. Рік тому +2

    12:39 Fun fact: Peggy touching Steve's abs was not written in the script but actress Hayley Atwell said she impulsively went for it just because

    • @Belhade
      @Belhade 11 місяців тому

      I got the opportunity, why not.

  • @JaeMinJung.
    @JaeMinJung. Рік тому +1

    19:10 Fun fact: Not many caught on this easter egg since it is very unpopular but the man sitting beside Stan Lee is Reb Brown who played Captain America in the 1979 TV movie. Interestingly enough as you are from Colombia that 1979 movie was released theatrically at Colombia in 1981

  • @drb6771
    @drb6771 Рік тому +3

    Chris Evans also plays Johnny Storm in the Fantastic Four movie, another Marvel hero group.

  • @mattx449
    @mattx449 Рік тому +28

    You should check out the Rocketeer. It’s the same director, Joe Johnston, and it’s also set during WWII. It’s probably why he was chosen to direct this film 👍

    • @CristyReacts
      @CristyReacts  Рік тому +5

      I'll look into it!

    • @Caseytify
      @Caseytify Рік тому +6

      Actually, it _was_ the reason he was selected. 😏

    • @tokubenanimations6506
      @tokubenanimations6506 Рік тому +3

      I love that movie

    • @testfire3000
      @testfire3000 Рік тому +3

      The Rocketeer is such a fun movie! I love it.

    • @w41duvernay
      @w41duvernay Рік тому +1

      Yes Johnston was great doing period pieces, Like Indiana Jones.

  • @jaredschuster3010
    @jaredschuster3010 Рік тому +6

    His name was mentioned briefly by the Nazi officer. "The Red Skull has been endulged long enough"

  • @folcotook3049
    @folcotook3049 Рік тому +2

    Schmidt's villain name is Red Skull (name was dropped by one of the Nazi officers he killed).
    The flying wing airplane at the end was actually based on a real design from WWII Germany, the Horten H.XVIII (

  • @JDMunoz-ct9xn
    @JDMunoz-ct9xn 11 місяців тому +2

    Schmidt's supervillain name is "Piece of Schmidt".

  • @user-EricWatson55
    @user-EricWatson55 3 місяці тому +1

    Steve was given a penicillin shot.
    The Red Skull wasn't, so bacteria infected him. That's why his skin can be torn off.

  • @DaPenceman
    @DaPenceman Рік тому +5

    To quote General Patton
    "No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his" country.

    • @kenpatton8761
      @kenpatton8761 10 місяців тому +1

      That quote sounds familiar……Cheers

  • @Cerridwen7777
    @Cerridwen7777 Рік тому +13

    Looking forward to watching you experience this franchise. What Marvel did is going to blow your mind.

    • @CristyReacts
      @CristyReacts  Рік тому +6

      I am already mind blown, and I hear it only gets better!🤩

  • @Valandar2
    @Valandar2 21 день тому

    Schmidt's face didn't fall off, it was a mask. He had that red skull-like head ever since he took the serum. And his villain name? The Red Skull.

  • @Jymm
    @Jymm Рік тому +16

    24:14 When the Red Skull picks up the tesseract it creates a wormhole and sends him elsewhere in space.
    A special elsewhere.
    So I think those who get hit by the beam from the power weapons get sent elsewhere too.
    Also it looks a lot like where Loki went when he fell from the Rainbow Bridge in Thor.

    • @testfire3000
      @testfire3000 Рік тому +2

      That is an interesting take on it. I just figured these people got evaporated.

    • @kenpatton8761
      @kenpatton8761 10 місяців тому +1

      If you noticed, the Red Skull became the ghostly overseer/guide guarding the “Soul Stone”. Cheers

  • @gonzalochavarry
    @gonzalochavarry Рік тому +1

    Tessetact is the base of Stark Industries technology.

  • @lazyperfectionist1
    @lazyperfectionist1 Рік тому +1

    2:38 Tony Stark: "Wait a minute. I thought I had that in my _laboratory._ How did it get _there?"_

  • @havok6280
    @havok6280 Рік тому +16

    If you want to see more Peggy, the TV show Agent Carter tells her story after the war.

  • @MadcapMatt
    @MadcapMatt Рік тому +7

    Now that you know how cool agent Peggy Carter is you should eventually check out the TV show she got. It's two seasons and all the episodes are pretty good to great. Not enough people watch them because they're not technically part of the MCU

    • @MrGeoff-iv6re
      @MrGeoff-iv6re Рік тому +1

      All the abc/Netflix series will always be canon to me. Plus the same Jarvis is in the movies and the show.

  • @dansdiscourse4957
    @dansdiscourse4957 Рік тому +15

    Oh, one Easter egg i really appreciated and that is often passed over was the man in the tube. When we're first seeing the Expo, there's what looks like a man in a red suit inside a big glass tube, and above him it says 'Phineas T Horton's Synthetic Man'. That was the original android Human Torch, who was on a WWII superteam wirh Cap, called The Invaders.

    • @CristyReacts
      @CristyReacts  Рік тому +3

      Nice! This is the kind of thing that goes completely over my head because I'm not familiar with the comics. Thanks for the tidbit!

    • @dansdiscourse4957
      @dansdiscourse4957 Рік тому +3

      @@CristyReacts You're very welcome

    • @passionsquietrage
      @passionsquietrage 8 місяців тому +1

      It was probably a subtle nod to the fact that Evans also played Johnny Storm/Human Torch in the 2005 Fantastic Four movie and its 2007 sequel.

  • @nathanburr
    @nathanburr Рік тому +1

    The most convincing use of CGI since Jurassic Park.
    My favorite Cristy quote: “That’s cute. I hope they develop some sort of romance…and they kiss.”
    Movies are meant for hopeless romantics.

  • @rodneytell5266
    @rodneytell5266 8 місяців тому +2

    And Red Skull lost his skin because he injected the formula before it was perfected

  • @lazyperfectionist1
    @lazyperfectionist1 Рік тому

    23:55 "But vy do you vant der targets to be painted on dem in _Eenglish?_ Ve are _Jurman."_
    "Do not qveschun my _gen-yus!"_

  • @alexspindler1
    @alexspindler1 11 місяців тому

    Captain America is my favorite MCU character and it's going to be fun watching you see his journey and him interacting with the other characters.
    With mentioning that Peggy in Agent Carter is a really fun TV series. It's more low key than the big MCU TV series but really nails her character.

  • @lazyperfectionist1
    @lazyperfectionist1 Рік тому

    8:51 Mulan: "I _approve."_

  • @Daividox
    @Daividox Рік тому +2

    I just started watching your channel and have been looking forward to this. Caps movies are the best in my opinion that aren't an Avengers movie.

    • @CristyReacts
      @CristyReacts  Рік тому +2

      Waaiiiittt i LOVED the second cap movie. Watch that reaction when you have a chance, it was incredible.

    • @Daividox
      @Daividox Рік тому

      @@CristyReacts I'm actually starting right now. Just finished the 2nd Thor movie, which, again, in my opinion, is one of the worst MCU movies.

  • @SeedFactoryProject
    @SeedFactoryProject 22 дні тому

    @5:28 - This is the same site that the Stark Expo is held at in Iron Man 2, with the same world globe.
    @10:20 - "Genetic alterations like the Hulk?" - Actually General Ross was trying to reproduce the serum that Dr. Erskine used here.
    @14:20 - The Hydra is a multi-headed monster, that if you cut off one head, two more will grow to replace it. Hercules killed it.

  • @BogeyTheBear
    @BogeyTheBear 5 місяців тому

    9:42 You're supposed to run a short distance and lie flat on the ground with your feet towards the grenade. Lying down minimizes the chance of getting hit by fragments, and doing it feet-first means any fragment that does hit you will have to cut through the soles of your boots before it hurts you-- in the feet.

  • @ignaciogalvan1732
    @ignaciogalvan1732 Рік тому

    I love your reactions. I am Latino and I thought I heard some Spanish expressions by way of Cuba when you said, "oui!.que'eso!' which stands for oh my! Whats that! Or Borique😊❤

  • @michaelcarlson1208
    @michaelcarlson1208 Рік тому +2

    love that opening about hearing us lol. Great reaction, love the blue color for lamp. Can't wait for Avengers reaction, keep up the work Cristy!

  • @rashadwalker8218
    @rashadwalker8218 Рік тому +4

    The expo that steve and bucky was at is the same one from iron man 2

    • @CristyReacts
      @CristyReacts  Рік тому +1

      That makes sense. Love to see all the parallels between Tony and his dad.

  • @reedcockrell8126
    @reedcockrell8126 8 місяців тому

    The levitating car would eventually be a staple in Agents of Shield.

  • @sebastianvillavicencio836
    @sebastianvillavicencio836 11 місяців тому

    vi decenas de veces las 3 películas del Capitán América , es mi héroe favorito de Marvel

  • @Caseytify
    @Caseytify Рік тому

    Before I forget, Tonsberg, Norway, is also where Odin fought the Frost Giants in Thor. We'll see this town again. 😏

  • @user-EricWatson55
    @user-EricWatson55 Рік тому

    Peggy Carter was also rushing forward to jump on the grenade.

  • @johnking2740
    @johnking2740 Рік тому +7

    Strange to think that it took Mel Gibson to encourage Robert Downey Jr to be Tony Stark (changed his life around) but they all wanted Chris Evans to be Captain America/Steve Rodgers (who initially turned it down because it was a comic book hero and seemed like a stagnant role).
    Both actors were perfect for their roles, no-one else could play them and no-one can replace them.

    • @passionsquietrage
      @passionsquietrage 8 місяців тому

      You'd think Evans wouldn't have felt that way since he'd already played a comic book hero, and a Marvel one at that.

  • @gameplayti2909
    @gameplayti2909 4 місяці тому +1

    "Quéjeso?" 😂.

  • @jonathanroberts8981
    @jonathanroberts8981 Рік тому

    I got the disc of this just to see the feature on how they made him look small (effects and a body double … plus effects).

  • @lazyperfectionist1
    @lazyperfectionist1 Рік тому

    Captain America: "I'm the first Avenger."
    Thor: "Am I a _joke_ to you?"

  • @firsttimewatchingmovies
    @firsttimewatchingmovies Рік тому +2

    Excellent lighting, Cristy. Great reaction!!!

  • @SkullAngel002
    @SkullAngel002 Рік тому +1

    15:13 - "What a waste of strength" - This promotions scene is referencing Captain America's original comicbook premise. He was created by Marvel during World War II as an anti-Nazi and Pro-American propaganda icon to boost morale and military recruitment.
    Of course you have to react to the hilarious Captain America - How It Should Have Ended -

  • @ryannelson1297
    @ryannelson1297 13 днів тому +1

    It is a bit more of a commitment, but it would be really fun to see you react to the Agent Carter and Agents of Shield TV shows. Agent Carter season 1 is incredible, though season 2 dips in quality a bit. Each season is relatively self-contained, so season 2 doesn't impact the quality of season 1. Agents of Shield starts out a bit mid, but the flaws iron themselves out as you get deeper into the show to the degree that the early parts of the show become better retroactively.

  • @ninjetti9898
    @ninjetti9898 Рік тому +1

    Loving this journey and your reactions, keep up the great work

  • @dansdiscourse4957
    @dansdiscourse4957 Рік тому +4

    Somewhere in the movie one of the Nazis says Schmidt's villain name, the Red Skull

    • @CristyReacts
      @CristyReacts  Рік тому +2

      It's not Faceless Schmidt?!

    • @dansdiscourse4957
      @dansdiscourse4957 Рік тому +1

      Oh, fun fact. His full name is Johannes Schmidt. The English version of that would be John Smith

    • @markcarpenter6020
      @markcarpenter6020 9 місяців тому

      ​@@dansdiscourse4957and in the comics he was actually a serial killer when H personally recruited him.

  • @neospock5034
    @neospock5034 Рік тому +1

    An interesting MCU tidbit- Howard Stark is played by 3 different actors in the MCU movies and shows. Young Howard (WW2 era) is played by Dominic Cooper in this movie and the Agent Carter TV series. But for Howard's appearances as an older man in later decades, Marvel Studios went with Gerald Sanders and John Slattery.

    • @CristyReacts
      @CristyReacts  Рік тому

      yeah yeah, I remember john slattery being howard first

  • @heriksalvadorianreacts6646
    @heriksalvadorianreacts6646 9 місяців тому

    my favorite character from the mcu😊

  • @rickwoodham4570
    @rickwoodham4570 Рік тому +1

    Cristy you're the first reactor I've seen that noticed Steve running barefoot thru the streets of NYC

    • @CristyReacts
      @CristyReacts  Рік тому +2

      Only because I, too, have ran barefoot in the streets of New York😷😷😷

  • @angelossaniotis9398
    @angelossaniotis9398 Рік тому +5

    Hi Cristy, loved the reaction and can’t wait for the avengers reaction. first Captain America movie is really underrated movie and storyline and it does get better imo. Regarding the red skull, yes the serum wasn’t ready but he was eager for power so he used it on himself which led to side effects. I think his skin got burnt by the serum but it gave him other abilities like super strength.

    • @CristyReacts
      @CristyReacts  Рік тому

      Thank you!! Yes, definitely underrated. Happy to hear other people agree!

  • @retromaven2159
    @retromaven2159 Рік тому +2

    Hey Cristy! Cap and Red Skull had many epic battles in the comics, none more so when the Skull found the Tessaract (called the Cosmic Cube in the comics) and was about to will Cap out of existence when....Hey, I can do dramatic cliff hangers, too!! Yes, the Cap-Agent Carter romance is worth keeping in the back of your mind! 😉 Love the blue lighting!!

    • @CristyReacts
      @CristyReacts  Рік тому

      When what?? what happens?! haha these cliff hangers are gonna be the death of me. But I appreciate no spoilers:) Thanks for sticking around!

  • @3dbadboy1
    @3dbadboy1 Рік тому

    With the other iteration of Howard Stark, they subtly tried to make him look like Walt Disney.

  • @DaveTingwaldd
    @DaveTingwaldd Рік тому +1

    They used CGI to make Chris Evans smaller

  • @daviddidder3781
    @daviddidder3781 Рік тому +1

    So many great movies in this catalog, but Cap III is the BEST one of them all!!!!!!!

  • @ChrisReise
    @ChrisReise Рік тому +1

    Faceless Schmidt = Red Skull

  • @xgamervic
    @xgamervic Рік тому

    Now you can go and see the Agent Carter series ,its good ,and you see good characters ...

  • @Stephen-to7jx
    @Stephen-to7jx Рік тому

    There is an actual post-credit scene which is not an Avengers commercial.

  • @bobbelleci9995
    @bobbelleci9995 Рік тому

    Wait, wait... What was the middle part? Oh, uh Steve Rogers starts out like this small dude and... Then, he's like this super soldier?! Yeah, take that with you!🎉

  • @Hardrock1a
    @Hardrock1a Рік тому

    If you’re into “secret passages” and such, if you’re ever in Milwaukee, Wisconsin there’s a bar/restaurant called “The Safe House. Really a cool place!

    • @CristyReacts
      @CristyReacts  Рік тому

      Oh interestiiinngggg! thanks for the tip, definitely will keep it in my back pocket if I ever make my way to Milwaukee :) thank you!

  • @CNTconnoisseur
    @CNTconnoisseur Рік тому

    Nice Jay and Bob reference. Your references are out of control. Everyone knows that.

  • @J.Castle
    @J.Castle 11 місяців тому +3

    No. U have about 7 seconds to run away from a grenade. U don't jump on it. U will b blown up and ur body bones turns into shrapnel.
    Run jump and covet.

    • @markcarpenter6020
      @markcarpenter6020 9 місяців тому

      Or if it's next to you kick or throw it away.(you don't have time to run.)

    • @J.Castle
      @J.Castle 6 місяців тому +1

      ​@@markcarpenter6020i cant remember the range. 30 or 50 ft. Get cover.

    • @markcarpenter6020
      @markcarpenter6020 6 місяців тому

      @@J.Castle the average hand grenade is less than that for effective range. Though you can be hit by shrapnel beyond effective range it's unlikely. they are fairly short range explosives. Claymores. They will tear a unit a new one.

  • @LuminairPrime
    @LuminairPrime Рік тому +1

    The shit you say makes me LAUGH OUT LOUD!!! Don't worry, you will still be attractive to us in 70 years. Here's to 10 million subscribers! 🎉🥂

  • @allengray5748
    @allengray5748 Рік тому

    HAAAA Oh Ya Loved 💕 " Get in loser. We're going shopping" 😂 Peace 🕊️☮️

  • @SammyxSweetheart.02
    @SammyxSweetheart.02 11 місяців тому +1

    (Jan 2024)
    4:11 5:26 12:26 14:51

  • @Caseytify
    @Caseytify Рік тому +3

    ... And that's why Tony started out being so antagonistic to Steve. As we've seen already, Tony has daddy issues; "My father never even told me he liked me," yet (as we'll find out) Howard did nothing but sing Steve's praises to his son.

  • @12chapin
    @12chapin Рік тому +1

    Hello 👋. Mr Anderson😄. Tony’s dad is awesome. Played by a different actor than the one from Iron Man 2. Marvel you sneaky, put a trailer for your next movie in the current movie😮.

  • @McMahonHater
    @McMahonHater Рік тому +3

    He doesn't like Bullies. Btw, they used CGI to put his face on another guys body.

  • @Martman5150
    @Martman5150 9 місяців тому

    I love your laugh and yes, he would have saved everyone because grenades explode upward in a cone.

  • @cpac97
    @cpac97 Рік тому +1

    watch the end credits.. sometimes more than 1 . they are there for a reason..

  • @user-EricWatson55
    @user-EricWatson55 11 місяців тому

    The Red Skull.

  • @chrislecount4801
    @chrislecount4801 2 місяці тому

    He’s not dead. You’ll see him again later.

  • @ookook1331
    @ookook1331 Рік тому

    Villain name - Red Skull

  • @passionsquietrage
    @passionsquietrage 8 місяців тому

    They actually made Chris Evans shorter and skinnier by digitally putting his head on another actor's body.

  • @KevinCavanaugh-dm8fw
    @KevinCavanaugh-dm8fw Рік тому +2

    Don’t be so hard on yourself. You are far from stupid movie. You are one of the most intelligent and genuine all the chaos reactors that I’ve seen.

  • @allengray5748
    @allengray5748 Рік тому +2

    NICE JOB AGAIN! Originally Chris was already a Marvel character namely TORCH on the FANTASTIC 4 so when this came out I was bummed about no more TORCH and held a grudge on Cap but this movie is undeniable. GREAT WATCH!! On to the next. Peace 🕊️☮️♾️😎

  • @RoyCyberPunk
    @RoyCyberPunk 3 місяці тому

    His name is Red Skull.

  • @kenmercer8112
    @kenmercer8112 Рік тому

    pretty good.

  • @danielbriceno8978
    @danielbriceno8978 11 місяців тому +1

    Hi Cristy! ... where are you from? your spanish is so good, you looks like argentinian girl ... I love your reactions ... saludos desde Chile

    • @CristyReacts
      @CristyReacts  11 місяців тому

      Hola Daniel! Soy de Colombia:)

    • @danielbriceno8978
      @danielbriceno8978 11 місяців тому

      @@CristyReacts ah es por eso, saludos y sigue así, me encantan tus videos

  • @markadams9473
    @markadams9473 Рік тому +1

    Whoever told you that the last after credit scene is just a trailer for The Avengers movie, lied to you.

    • @CristyReacts
      @CristyReacts  Рік тому +1

      Avengers reaction coming tomorrow!

    • @videoinformer
      @videoinformer Рік тому +1

      @@CristyReacts It wouldn't have been a spoiler for you to watch the end credit scene. It's a very short portion of the scene in the first few minutes of the "The Avengers" where Nick Fury comes to the gym where Steve is punching bag and tells Steve he has a mission for him.

  • @neilgriffiths6427
    @neilgriffiths6427 Рік тому

    Who did you hear that from/ Always watch the end credit, you are missing important things...

    • @every-ist6222
      @every-ist6222 Рік тому +6

      The end credits scene here was literally just a scene from The Avengers followed by a teaser trailer. If she wanted to go into The Avengers fresh, it makes sense to skip it.

  • @mz3912
    @mz3912 Рік тому

    andale 😍

  • @DaveHof
    @DaveHof Рік тому +4

    Hi Cristy - just caught up on your MCU reactions and I look forward to taking the rest of the journey with you. Two suggestions - first, you will need more than approx. 30 minutes for most of these films, Either kick it up to 45-50 minutes so you're sharing more of the good stuff with us, or do each film in two parts. Second - the volume on the movie audio is a bit low. Turn it up a bit more. Best of luck with your channel, and on to The Avengers!

    • @CristyReacts
      @CristyReacts  Рік тому +3

      Hi Dave! Thanks so much for following along and I love the tips! Totally hear you about the volume -- it's something I'm correcting on the new videos that are upcoming. About the length, I think I will definitely do two-parters for some of the longer movies, but I think you can expect most of the videos in this series to be in the 30-35 minute range. It's just a comfortable length for me, I've found! Maybe that will change the more I do this :)
      Again, thanks for following along! I'm putting up my Avengers reaction on Friday, and it's a good one

  • @ignaciogalvan1732
    @ignaciogalvan1732 Рік тому

    Oh.Columbiana! Ola Hermana! I just read your bio. I am from corpus Christi Tejas (Texas) enjoying your reactions!

    • @CristyReacts
      @CristyReacts  Рік тому

      Ooooh hola!! I live in Austin right now!!

  • @buffmaloney
    @buffmaloney Рік тому

    I don't understand going into The Avengers blind, but it was your decision. The rest of us that saw this in the theater saw the preview at the end.

    • @MrGeoff-iv6re
      @MrGeoff-iv6re Рік тому

      That one and the post credit scene after Spider-Man: No Way Home are the only ones that can be safely skipped. They’re just trailers for upcoming movies anyway. It makes perfect sense why reactors would want to skip them. Plus, she’s not going into The Avengers blind, she has seen the entirety of phase one leading up to it lol.

  • @KrazyKat007
    @KrazyKat007 Рік тому +5

    So the whole storyline of Captain America being frozen and found decades later is straight out of the original Marvel Comics.
    The character Captain America was created in 1941 for World War 2 that was engulfing the world.
    Interestingly enough the character and comic book debuted before America even got formally involved in WW2.
    The cover of the very first Captain America comic book that introduced the character to the world immediately became an iconic image and one of the most classic comic book covers of all time.
    An image of Captain America knocking out Adolf Hitler.
    The image was paid homage to in this movie.
    Anyway, when WW2 ended, the character didn’t seem to have a place or roll anymore and fell by the wayside.
    Decades later Stan Lee wanted to bring the character back and integrate him into the Marvel universe.
    The idea that Captain America had been frozen since the 40s and just found was thought up and thus utilized to explain the disappearance and reemergence of the classic character.

    • @CristyReacts
      @CristyReacts  Рік тому +2

      SUPER interesting. And I can see how his initial use in the 1940s was portrayed with him playing a "character" in this movie. Thanks for the info!

  • @Beawbeawgaming
    @Beawbeawgaming 11 місяців тому

    The part where Peggy Carter touched Steve's chest was unscripted, the actress just wanted too lol

  • @Scott_Burton
    @Scott_Burton Рік тому

    There should be a... HULK sized hint, about "Captain America: The First Avenger" vs "The Avengers" as far as watch order. If their release order wasn't enough. Captain America 2011, The Avengers 2012...
    The villain, "Red Skull" [I know, such a creative name] received the same or similar serum as did Captain America. But remember the serum amplifies what is in the person. On one side we have the weak, but willing to fight if needed or die to save others, vs. the soldier who wishes only victory. Which one made the better man?
    24:10-24:16 at least you grasped why there was effectively a zero G environment. I've seen people gripe about things not making sense in that scene all because they overlooked the plane is in a deep dive. Honestly anyone who has been in a plane that does a ":moderate descent: should understand. In a deep dive, you can actually be pushed toward the ceiling, in opposition to gravity, because the plane is descending faster than gravity's pull/
    The movie did begin with finding at least his shield buried in ice...

  • @JeremyBarretta-yv8ep
    @JeremyBarretta-yv8ep 10 місяців тому

    Short guys are more decorated facts

  • @chrislecount4801
    @chrislecount4801 2 місяці тому

    He’s not dead…

  • @Uatu-the-Watcher
    @Uatu-the-Watcher Рік тому +1

    Schmidt = Red Skull

    • @CristyReacts
      @CristyReacts  Рік тому +2

      I have to admit, I like my name a little better. Faceless Schmidt!