Bartók: Négy szlovák népdal - Four Slovak Folk Songs - Bartók Maraton,Miskolc

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024
  • #miskolc #concerts #hungary #choir #music #art #bartok #bartók #ildikobarta
    Béla Viktor János Bartók (/ˈbeɪlə ˈbɑːrtɒk/; Hungarian: [ˈbɒrtoːk ˈbeːlɒ]; 25 March 1881 - 26 September 1945) was a Hungarian composer, pianist and ethnomusicologist. He is considered one of the most important composers of the 20th century; he and Franz Liszt are regarded as Hungary's greatest composers. Through his collection and analytical study of folk music, he was one of the founders of comparative musicology, which later became known as ethnomusicology.
    Bartók was born in the Banatian town of Nagyszentmiklós in the Kingdom of Hungary (present-day Sânnicolau Mare, Romania) on 25 March 1881. On his father's side, the Bartók family was a Hungarian lower noble family, originating from Borsodszirák, Borsod.[3] His paternal grandmother was a Catholic of Bunjevci origin, but considered herself Hungarian.[4] Bartók's father (1855-1888) was also named Béla. Bartók's mother, Paula (née Voit) (1857-1939), also spoke Hungarian fluently.[6] A native of Turócszentmárton (present-day Martin, Slovakia), she also had German, Hungarian and Slovak or Polish ancestry.
    Béla displayed notable musical talent very early in life: according to his mother, he could distinguish between different dance rhythms that she played on the piano before he learned to speak in complete sentences.By the age of four he was able to play 40 pieces on the piano, and his mother began formally teaching him the next year.
    In 1888, when he was seven, his father, the director of an agricultural school, died suddenly. His mother then took Béla and his sister, Erzsébet, to live in Nagyszőlős (present-day Vynohradiv, Ukraine) and then in Pressburg (Pozsony, present-day Bratislava, Slovakia). Béla gave his first public recital aged 11 in Nagyszőlős, to positive critical reception.[9][page needed] Among the pieces he played was his own first composition, written two years previously: a short piece called "The Course of the Danube".[10] Shortly thereafter, László Erkel accepted him as a pupil.From 1907, he also began to be influenced by the French composer Claude Debussy, whose compositions Kodály had brought back from Paris. Bartók's large-scale orchestral works were still in the style of Johannes Brahms and Richard Strauss, but he wrote a number of small piano pieces which showed his growing interest in folk music. The first piece to show clear signs of this new interest is the String Quartet No. 1 in A minor (1908), which contains folk-like elements.[17] He began teaching as a piano professor at the Liszt Academy of Music in Budapest. This position freed him from touring Europe as a pianist and enabled him to work in Hungary. Among his notable students were Fritz Reiner, Sir Georg Solti, György Sándor, Ernő Balogh, Gisela Selden-Goth, and Lili Kraus. After Bartók moved to the United States, he taught Jack Beeson and Violet Archer.Bartók and Kodály set about incorporating elements of such Magyar peasant music into their compositions. They both frequently quoted folk song melodies verbatim and wrote pieces derived entirely from authentic songs. An example is his two volumes entitled For Children for solo piano, containing 80 folk tunes to which he wrote accompaniment. Bartók's style in his art music compositions was a synthesis of folk music, classicism, and modernism. His melodic and harmonic sense was influenced by the folk music of Hungary, Romania, and other nations. He was especially fond of the asymmetrical dance rhythms and pungent harmonies found in Bulgarian music. Most of his early compositions offer a blend of nationalist and late Romanticism elements.
    A Négy szlovák népdal (eredeti címe Négy tót népdal vegyeskarra zongorakísérettel) Bartók Béla 1916-ban írt műve (Sz 70, BB 78, W 47). Lichtenberg Emil kórusa számára készült, az ősbemutató 1917. január 5-én volt.
    Előadja a Miskolci Bartók Béla Zeneművészeti Szakgimnázium Vegyeskara, vezényel Barta Ildikó.
    Performed by the Choir of the Bartók Béla Conservatory,Miskolc, conductor: Ildikó Barta


  • @Tracks777
    @Tracks777 7 років тому

    I enjoyed your video :) Keep it up!