It is extremely rare for a woman to share knowledge that is so hard to find and with such vulnerability! Therefore your content is gold like no other, Thank you!
as a girl, my god is this TRUE. you have an incredible knack for saying the underlying nature of the situation in the most wonderfully succint way. Thank you for putting this kowledge out there and enlightening the other sex.
Hi Eliya! Thank you for commenting. I appreciate hearing girl's perspective so much cause I know I don't speak for all women yet at the same time I know I am not alone and I suspect there are a lot more of us out there that feel this way but aren't ok speaking about it because of all the intense shame and repression and mixed messages we get about embracing our sexuality. So it is so incredible to hear from you and to hear that you agree. These guys need to hear ur perspective too so thank you for commenting
@@timruth8767 I don't date women who don't embrace their sexuality and their desire. I set up a trustworthy, non judgemental and safe environement when we get to know each other, and if they don't admit their desires at some point, to me they are girls, not women. It's a sign of maturity and generally comes with emotional sharpness and intelligence.
What most simps, feminist fe/males, white-knights, betas, and conservative guys fail to realize: bad boys provide excitement, novelty, unpredictability, and fun (fear, roller-coaster drama) to a new level. In other words, stability and commitment (no longer) won't cut it for today's 🦄. Why is that? Before she was your girlfriend, wife, or lover, she already had been "run through," so many guys. And each time she slept with someone (both wo/men), she lost a part of her psyche, well-being, or mind/soul/spirit. In other words, she is no longer able to have emotional attachment in a healthy or committed way. Cardi B. Artist and role model for the most privilege 🦄 on the entire planet: '''My music is always going to make a woman feel like a bad bitch. When you make a woman feel like she’s the baddest bitch in the room, to me, that’s female empowerment.''' Feminist's Ideology from Sheryl Sandberg, chief operating officer of Facebook: '''My advice to women is date all of them: the bad boys, the cool boys, the commitment-phobic boys, the crazy boys. But do not marry them. The things that make the bad boys sexy do not make them good husbands. When it comes time to settle down, find someone who wants an equal partner. Someone who thinks women should be smart, opinionated, and ambitious. Someone who values fairness and expects or, even better, wants to do his share in the home. These men exist and trust me, over time, nothing is sexier.''' Isaiah 3:12 *Childish* leaders oppress my people, and *women* rule over them. O my people, your leaders mislead you; they send you down the wrong road. Proverbs 31:3 Don't give your strength (attention, resources, mental point origin) to women, nor your ways to that which destroys kings. Ezekiel 23:20 There, she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses. *Sex and Culture* by Joseph Daniel Unwin *The Rational Male Series* by Rollo Tomassi *The Manipulated Man* by Esther Vilar *The Myth of Male Power* by Warren Farrell *The Feminist Lie: It Was Never About Equality* by Bob Lewis *Anatomy of Female Power* by Chinweizu Ibekwe *Men on Strike* by Helen Smith *Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars: An Introductory Programing Manual* by Anonymous Any thoughts, suggestions, and constructive criticisms are always welcoming 🕊💚🙏🏼
This level of honesty and transparency could get you in trouble, and I hate that. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'm really rooting on your channel and it's content succeeding. If you get too big, I can see the mainstream resisting and trying to knock you off your square... and it won't be because you're wrong or evil or "bad", but simply because your level of honesty threatens to wholly destroy the status quo. I find it so ironic that you're the one doing this too because your temperament seems to shy and almost introverted. But here you are, boldly saying things that even the most extroverted would be afraid to lol. Cheers to you!
I really wish I could feel that vortex just once so to know it, unfortunately I will die without ever knowing. I don't believe either gay men or trans women on hormones can experience it either. This is strictly hidden away in the female persona.
@@mynonleatherlife - I wished there was more detail as to exactly how the vortex feels physically, specially like that bit about the face feeling drawn down, etc... As a man I can never understand this vortex unless explained to me this way. There was a helplessness I saw that caused an erection in me once when I saw Lions catch and in seconds dismember a Zebra extremely violently, the animal was still squealing while being eaten. I sank into a feeling of horrifying abyss watching the cruelty but that cruelty gave me an erection at the same time, the cruelty of the givers side, not the receiver's side. Would a woman be turned on (if there is ever one) watching that taking it from the receiver's side?
@@mynonleatherlife Haha yeh WonderWoman in her non-leather ultra tight and SkimpyCat Outfit! Meoooow! Keep up the good work, and priceless nuggets. From An Enlightened Alpha in the Making In The UK!
I think that when women use the phrase "he makes me feel safe", she's not only talking about being physically safe, but feeling emotionally safe to be and express who she really is without judgement. And that includes bedroom stuff. I could be wrong.
My God. I wish I heard this 15 years ago. My teens would have been so much smoother sailing. This is seriously the best advice I've ever heard on this subject, and I've spent 20 years researching. I've easily put in my 10,000 hours into the subject, and you managed to too everything I've ever read or heard from anyone anywhere.
Wtf?! Wow. What is the next best stuff u have learned or any tips u could give from the 10,000 hours of research, I’m so curious. U must have a lot of perspective I am sure
@@mynonleatherlife gee, that's hard lol. It's difficult because it's not 10,000 hours along a continuous path. A lot of it is back and forth and all over. If you charted the road I traveled it wouldn't look like a highway, but more like a network of roads, like a map of a city. My goal wasn't to sleep with the most women, but to be loved and appreciated for who I actually am. I tried a lotmof things I knew wouldn't work because they didn't go far enough. I have a raw masculine attractiveness, the girls that are inti are super into me, I know this but I always had a sense of shame for tapping into this. So most of my research was phsychology based, trying to have the utmost empathy so that I could responsibly use my sexuality. Most people giving advice speak is such vague and imprecise language. "Be authentic, be dependable, be empathic" etc, which isn't very helpful. Your advice is razor sharp, gets to the core of understanding. It's what I already know deep down and have known since I was 12 and started trying to expand my understanding. There's so many contradictions but you capture the underlying dynamic that reconciles the dissonant ideas. Just being able to voice the dichotomy if feminism and women's sexual desires is HUGE, because no one really talks about it. Some red pill PUA types do but it's not from a place of understanding and being, it's from a place of observation and putting together circumstantial evidence. You embody the knowledge, hits so much stronger. Thank you for that, and for reading through this long ass post 🤣
@@mynonleatherlife I was thinking about your question and I realized I didn't really answer it. I gave a roundabout answer, really cuz most advice for men is roundabout and confusing. Honestly, the best advice I ever heard was something you said. "Don't even pay attention to whether or not woman is giving you signals she likes you. Talk to women because you like them". That's easily the most profound statement that can be said about game. That's the entire thing in a sentence. Some schools teach being the selector, the proactive force in the environment that a woman has to respond and react to. There's practical advice on maintaining emotional momentum and taking action as soon as you feel it, to avoid getting stuck in your head in "spectator mode". Some theories talk about focusing on what you really like about a woman as you approach, and the things that turn you on about her, and using that emotion in your communication. Others teach about being high integrity and not compromising on your values and morals, not even for her. What you said encompasses all of that. It's like hearing blind people describe a physical object they are touching detail by detail, and trying to guess what they are talking about, as opposed to your advice that just says what it is in a word. "It's a car" vs "it's cold, metal, chest height" etc. I've read Mode One, Iceberg Slim, The Game, RSD material since 2006, David Dieda "The way of the superior man", "the art of seduction" by Robert Greene, and thousands of articles and videos and books I will never remember again. Your simple advice, in all your videos but that one peice in particular, is phenomenal and above all the rest.
1st Take: "My advice to women is date all of them: the bad boys, the cool boys, the commitment-phobic boys, the crazy boys. But do not marry them. The things that make the bad boys sexy do not make them good husbands. When it comes time to settle down, find someone who wants an equal partner. Someone who thinks women should be smart, opinionated and ambitious. Someone who values fairness and expects or, even better, wants to do his share in the home. These men exist and, trust me, over time, nothing is sexier." Yours sincerely, Sheryl Sandberg, chief operating officer of Facebook 2nd Take: “My music is always going to make a woman feel like a bad bitch. When you make a woman feel like she’s the baddest bitch in the room, to me, that’s female empowerment.” Decently yours, Cardi B. My Humble Take: What most simps, feminist fe/males, white-knights, betas and conservative guys fail to realize: bad boys provide excitement, novelty, unpredictability and fun (fear, roller-coaster drama) to a new level. In other words, stability and commitment (no longer) won't cut it for today's 🦄. Why is that? Before she was your girlfriend, wife or lover, she already had been "run through" so many guys. And each time she slept with someone (both wo/men), she lost a part of her psyche, well-being or mind/soul/spirit. In other words, she is no longer able to have emotional attachment in a healthy or committed way. *The Rational Male Series* by Rollo Tomassi *The Manipulated Man* by Esther Vilar *Anatomy of Female Power* by Chinweizu Ibekwe *Men on Strike* by Helen Smith PhD *Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars: An Introductory Programing Manual* by Anonymous
You basically have to sell your soul (give up being a good person, caring, loving, etc.) to get what you want with women. I spent my whole late teens/early 20s being an absolute uncaring prick towards women, pulling them into this “vortex”. I pulled some extremely hot girls but always felt empty and meaningless doing it. Now I live my life from more of a point of love and get laid WAY less often but I can at least look at myself in the mirror when I wake up now. Momentary pleasure is not the point of our lives.
@@mynonleatherlife Haha, absolutely! I’m very much sexually alive but I’ve learned to control and channel the raw carnal energy and focus it into personal success/interests vs expending it all on the next sexual pursuit. I love what you’re doing with your channel by the way. There are a lot of guys out there (especially in our PC BS world) that struggle to bring their desires to the surface because society has shamed them their whole lives for that. There is little quality information out there on the female psyche and how men can game the mental aspect, but you are serving it on a silver platter to many guys with your well explained knowledge. Great work!
Take away their power. The one thing they have that you don't and remove pu$$y from the equation and focus your intent on actually getting to know them if you feel like you want to share your company with the opposite sex. You will find that allot of these women that you are wanting to bang you don't even like at all. Change your perspective and be content with celibacy until you find someone you can actually connect with on a mental/spiritual level. Wanting to smash because she makes your d!ck hard isn't enough, lest you devalue yourself so. I was in your position not long ago and I'm here to tell you that you do not have to sell your soul to get a woman that doesn't deserve it in the first place unless choose to sell yourself short. If anyone can get it, it is worthless. I can tell you from experience they will be dropping their panties at your feet and you will always have pick of the litter and I've always done decent with attractive women, just not the quality of woman I always wanted. They are not the ones changing, you are. Stop looking at their ass and start delving into their mind and express yourselves. They will give you plenty to look at, trust. I'm not saying repress your sexuality either. Flirt away and chemistry do it's thing, but that doesn't mean you have to stick your d!ck in her either.
@@Harpazo24 man what you said is so right. I work at a group home with 20 women coworkers and 2 other male coworkers. One guy is a dope, but the other is fucking half the women in the house. He's young, 23, and not bogged down by the bullshit I had to deal with at 23. Boyfriends and husbands trying to beat me up, women claiming I got them pregnant when I didn't, etc. I avoid it all, but it still makes me jealous cuz I know I could be doing the same. I just can't allow myself to, I literally have ptsd from it all.
@@MonstersSeeMeToo Remember, the vision you have now is priceless, regardless of what was given up to achieve that clarity. Trauma be damned, if the pickings are wide and wet. Pray for your coworker
There is so much unintentional pain caused between the sexes. Raw openness like this will help to mitigate and prevent more hurt. Thanks for disclosing the female inner experience!
I disagree. The deliberate ambiguity thrown up by women is there to weed out guys who can’t, or don’t understand that they should take it upon themselves to act this way. If a guy is instructed explicitly, or worse… given consent, to subtly disrespect his woman in a playful way that subjugates her boundaries for his personal enjoyment, then it sucks all the tension and excitement out of the situation.
@@Jovian_Nightssure but men are being brainwashed from childhood to act the way they do. I genuinely don’t know what women and media thought the end result would be? It would be one thing if women were JUST ambiguous and left us to our own devices to figure things out. Fair enough. But no, they ACTIVELY turn us into men they’re not attracted to and then complain about the result.
The Merovingian talked about this Phenomenon in the Matrix Reloaded Movie when Neo and Morpheus went to visit him at the French Restaurant however he didn’t call it a Vortex he referred to it as something called “Causality” he said Us Humans no matter how hard we try to fight or deny our Primal Desires sooner or later We will give in to them “beyond our poised appearance we are completely out of control”
01:18 🌪 The "vortex" concept: Women have a subconscious pull towards core primal fantasies, creating a metaphorical vortex that draws them into a more primal state of mind. 04:36 💬 Examples of vortex triggers: Seemingly ordinary situations, like being playfully called names or witnessing certain activities, can evoke the pull of the vortex. 05:46 🌈 Primal fantasies: The vortex taps into deep-seated desires such as domination, ownership, control, aggression, safety, and protection. 07:42 🛑 Camouflaging and testing: Women often camouflage or test men to assess whether they want to embrace the pull of the vortex or resist it with all their might. 09:28 ⚠ Caution with the vortex: The vortex is a dangerous place, and women need to be with someone trustworthy before letting themselves be drawn into it. It's not a straightforward process and requires caution.
This is my favorite channel! Some other channels seems like they're really edited and like someone paid thousands of dollars for the perfect lighting and backdrop. But I this channel has a more relaxed, raw, and real vibe that makes it so captivating. Don't change a thing! If I was a decision-maker at Netflix or Legion M, I would totally give you a show and keep everything exactly how it is.
@@frankiegunnz8066 The whole point of this information is so that both men and women can benefit from it equally and this toxic feminist, MGTOW, PC, culture can go away.
This is a revelation . As a young man I instinctfully acted on these secret fantasies. In today's social climate , I sort of unlearned it. It's not always wise to follow the herd.
Yea, the current climate makes men's instinctual masculinity very dangerous... to men. If they arent constantly aware of it and act on it, even in a completely natural way, they could get metoo-ed
The vortex is a great metaphor for the intense and sometimes dark side of sexuality. About the safety part… So much of women’s daily lives involves self protection, don’t walk at night alone, don’t linger in hidden doorways or alleys, be careful of what you wear, how you sit, how you stand and walk and say things and even how you check the bottom of your shoes. Did you smile too long or gaze or flip your hair out of your eyes that calls too much attention. Did he bump into me or did he do that on purpose? All of this quiets down as soon as a protective man steps in. If there’s chemistry between them, it can be both a huge relief and electric at the same time.
Women love dangerous men but only for mating A lot of women will put themselves in dangerous situations to get these mens genes Protective men or beta men are used by women for long term dating beta men are the kind of men who says "women and children first" These men have good resources cause they abide by societal rules While the alpha doesn't give a shit about anyone(which makes him an attractive mate)
As I guy I can tell you I understand all of this. I would present it in another way. The key in males is in the " ball load" if you are empty you dont have that energy, will , interest , call it how you want. If you have " the ball energy" you are having this energy and it leads you.
@@mynonleatherlife Yes, please. There is a big something ... can a group of girls who have been NOTHING but NEEDLESSLY angry and snotty for as long as you've known them ...and ... ....suddenly.... ....they see you with a pretty girl who they can tell genuinely adores you and whom you genuinely adore in return and... ...pathetically... ....they are utterly blind to every other man in our circle but one... ....YOU! Because they saw the love between you and that girl.... Now they are fawning and displaying openly sexual desire for ... ...YOU. They find every excuse to want to talk with you despite you not giving them any reason to ....and call you ...and put on demure voices and stare at your eyes when you are in a conversation with OTHER people and on and on... ...m supposing this be the vortex...? ...but WHY were they do viciously contemptuous towards your neutral and non-flirty friendliness up until they saw... ....HER? All this has happened to me and I have my explanation for it which carries validity because I was THERE. On the other hand you were absent. But YOU are also a WOMAN. And a brutally HONEST woman at that. What is YOUR take on this real life story?
@@mynonleatherlife It takes strong character to create such honest content. I consider myself an intellectual individual. I respect your sincerity and intelligence. Most in society would see this as a weakness or flaw because they're afraid, but I would disagree. I don't think you realize the power that you have, its a gift and it doesn't corrupt you. That is a good thing! Top grade content, keep it up. More people need to hear this, it may remove the fears that society has of feeling vulnerable, its not a weakness.
Too kind for sure. You’re missing the point. If you “FEEL” like you have to pay to know then start living in your power more. Woman is here to serve man with unconditional love IF he is a man who is on his purpose. A man should protect and accomplish his purpose at all costs. If the women is helping with accomplishing the purpose then she receives the benefits of the man. It’s simple. But if you’re not living for YOUR OWN chosen purpose you will never understand.
@@mynonleatherlife I’m saying, if your information, which is 100% accurate and worthy of profiting you, is something that has not been experienced then it won’t truly resonate. A man truly learns this from BEING A MAN. Not because he read it or heard it. It comes from living in your purpose. And, as you stated,a woman’s deep desire or inner purpose is to benefit a man.
@@raynerjones7990 well I agree with the first part of what you said but I don’t think a woman’s inner purpose is to benefit a man at all. I think she may have a desire to unite and sometimes some may feel a deeper calling at heightened moments of passion to please or serve the man she loves in a very intense way but that is kinda like a flash of a forgotten memory from a very deep place. I really couldn’t say in any way that I think a woman’s purpose is to benefit a man... could u elaborate on why u think that? I know my purpose does not involve benefitting my man, but I do have a desire to be perfect for him and make him happy with me. But it is not an overriding feeling of purpose.
7:08 "Many women have fantasies about safety, which include this idea of being owned, controlled, slavery..." that's really interesting. These videos are good and very eye opening
Yeah, I wish she would have expanded on that. In what way would feeling “safe” have anything to do with slavery? It’s generally considered to be its opposite... we’re safe when we have total self-ownership and are in complete control of our actions (ie, a woman is “safe” with a man when she doesn’t feel pressured to do anything against her will).
@@FreedomFox1 Not to be political, but the way self ownership was viewed as in the Enlightenment era was viewed either as total freedom or as slavery to the self. Let's focus on total freedom. The same philosophers responsible for that also said that with freedom came responsibility and consequences. You are free to be as you wish to be, without interference either from others, or from the government. But, you must suffer the consequences of your free choices. Like karma. A lot of the way people view safety is like the way a kid feels when their parents are with them. One perspective is that the world is too big and scary for a kid to be able to exercise any authority over themselves in it, so their parents do it for them. The child gives up their freedom in exchange for the promise of security. Of course, in some sense, when you give your parents your freedom, you also give them the right to control you, but that's the price you paid to have the safety of your parents' protection. And that's really the way a lot of kink culture works. A lot of women like being tied up and controlled not because it's degrading and painful, but because their partner is expressing their power over them, a power which makes them feel protected.
Google "sub space." Then look into your local BD%M scene and go to a few meetings. It took me a year or so to "get it." But it makes complete sense from a certain perspective. It really surprised me, at how VERY common it is.
@@FreedomFox1 Assigning the outcome to another's will means that the sense of responsibility is hugely reduced - conquering fears and exploring dangerous landscapes is about having the experiences which the fears anticipate - for example people who have been shot aren't so scared of guns. It is no longer an unknown.
You have a place in the world of expressive art. You understand concepts that elude most of us. Your ability to expressive them is uncanny also. I’m happy to have across your channel. You’re amazing. Keep up the good work. I’ve asked you before. I still would love to have the opportunity to interview you one day in the near future. Your content is invaluable. 💪🏾
This makes a lot of sense, men and women have their own vortexes, for men I think some of it is a "hero complex" for the vulnerable. What fantastic content!
Wow makes a lot of sense can u elaborate on the hero complex for men... is it like whenever they see someone vulnerable they get sucked in to their own vortex feeling the need to help and be a hero. As an ex stripper I think that makes a lot of sense as I often observed not just the want but the need men seemed to have to give and gift money to seemingly vulnerable women
@@mynonleatherlife exactly that, us men like a strong woman, be we also have a desire to feel needed, to protect, to be that "armour" to protect the more vulnerable. Atleast that is how I see it; it's often why we will be more likely to help a stranded woman with her motor that has a flat tyre, than a man - because we assume the man would have the strength to undo the lugs. A poor example perhaps? As a club bouncer, I see a lot of "white knighting" and though the term now describes weak men buttering up to get laid, I think it used to mean more of a positive thing. Either that or i'm antiquated! ;) Thanks for replying btw, must get busy!
This is INCREDIBLE wisdom! The world NEEDS this. Too long we have been pray to our primal instincts without understanding them. Bringing this into the light of consciousness will help so many people!! Incredible insight on the MeToo movement! So much respect for saying what is true even when it is offensive!!!
This is great. Love the attempt to create a visualization of the concept of the Vortex, the possible slide toward the "please dominate and own me (some)" mindset. Fascinating.
This channel is so underrated. This video covers a topic that is beyond just human sexuality and is tapping into truth and reality that exists in the descendant human psyche that has lain dormant and existed for thousands of years. Brilliant analysis and description of human process that happens in the mating dance. Truly a quality video! No one is talking about this concept but her? Really? The world is so myopic. BRAVO!!!
Hey Victoria, Here a native French guy from Switzerland 🇨🇭 . I have watched all you videos and I learnt so many things about women, their psychology, and how I should interact with them. It is incredibly helpful and accurate. Probably one of the best channel on these topics. So thank you, or merci in French!!!!!!
Good points. If guys were honest with themselves they would admit they want to own their women as if they were their property. Ownership is very primal and dominant.
As a man I can recollect a similar feeling but it wasn't related to sexuality. Once when me and some friends were doing some relaxed sparring, my friend was hitting me a bit hard and I wasn't retaliating with as much power and it started to frustrate me. So I just started punching him really hard and turned up the aggression more than I ever have. It could only be described as a primal urge to crush my opposition and I let it suck me in like a vortex. As men we need more of this feeling to live with vitality, we've become so domesticated.
Great video ! Let me see if I can wrap different words around it so I can make sense of it. So the vortex is a place where women secretly WANT to be. In this secret place they feel femenine, vulnerable, and protected. The keyholder of this vortex is a man they deem worthy. So not all men can open this vortex for her. Once it's open, her uninhibited sexual arousal is opened. So their is an aspect of submission to a dominant man and being "taken". This is an inherently vulnerable place for her as she can be hurt. So she naturally applies very strict protective "filters" or "tests" on men so she is ABOSOLUTELY sure she is making the right decision to 'let go'
Helpful as always and know men appreciate being told very frankly what the dead level truth is about what women think and want. Once we know what their drives are men can understand and relate to it - the key is when we are informed. Sadly we feel many times women in our lives will give us the polite acceptable answer, or an answer not to offend or hurt our feelings - so we never know if this is the real reason or just something we are being told to placate - leaves us confused or in a position to take the wrong action. It's so helpful to clear the air and know exactly what the real deal is, and as you know we guys are mostly logical. Know we can take the raw truth with you and know that makes us feel closer you - that we are really a team and in the trenches with you. Know we are very emotional and passionate in our own way too and desire to be closer.
Love you content and I know that this is the most real content out there. U know why? While others use some set, mikes, and some random AI generated clips in between,,, your content is pure talk, no nonsense, to the point and honest. No cap. Just keep it natural like this pls coz that's what makes u sooo amazing, unique and genuine.
This video proves men and women are so similar in terms of sexuality which makes me really happy. Just women have feminism and societal pressure to act in certain way which acts as a firewall before entering the primal area. Thank you so much Victoria ❤️
you summed up the video much better than I said it myself. That is exactly what I think as well. feminism and societal pressure are pushing them in different directions. Feminism is pushing them to deny they have any submissive desires or attraction to the objectifying behaviors of men. It's telling them be loved for your intelligence and ambition not your sexuality. It's very exhausting and annoying after a while constantly feeling pressure to deny your sexuality. Society is incredibly sex negative when it comes to women as well. It's hard to even go into all the f- ed up ways society sends women extremely bizarre medieval era messaging about purity and basically having to pretend you are not interested in sex. After I became a stripper I saw it much much more clearly but many women are still in it's reign of terror and can't see it as I once couldn't see it. Idk if guys have any idea how f-ed up women are when it comes to sex and how much it takes for them to say f it to all the conditioning, friends and family and become truly sex positive. It requires breaking a lot of taboos for women. They have a very powerful movement of sex negativity working against them and many who would lose a lot from women having the rights back to their own sexuality imo.
@@mynonleatherlife I hope things get better in the future and I think this channel is the first step that will make women realise their sexual and mental independence and break society taboo. Once again thank you.
Thank you for being so honest and self aware. Self awareness seems to be rare in females of our society these days. It's a shame, because we can't grow as a whole without both males and females being aware and seeking knowledge.
there are things many women are not aware about from the male point of view and just as many things that men are totally oblivious to from the female point of view. The only thing i do not like about your comment is the implication that lacking self awareness is a female problem because trust me men are lacking it in spades as well. That being said it's important for everyone i definitely agree with you there
@@mynonleatherlife It is important for everyone, and maybe I have created a bubble with a lot of men that I think are wise which I follow on social media, and disregard a lot of the male idiots I see......but I also, just watched your interview with Stirling and he pointed out the same thing about you, and implied my same way of thinking. You are rare, there are women out there like you, but I dont find them. Thank you for putting out this stuff. I do appreciate you.
@@thezach222 yes I didn't actually agree with stirling completely there and regretted that part of the interview a lot because I chose to just go with the flow and see the grain of truth in what he was saying and not really nit pick what he was saying as he was the guest but tbh i don't fully agree with that part
@@mynonleatherlife I understand, it wouldn't have been good for the interview to stop and analyze everything....but I think we may have to agree to disagree. In my life, women like you are a rarity. Everyone has their shortcomings, men and women...of course. However, I don't think you have to turn the fact that you are special into a negative. I really enjoy your thoughts. Please keep making videos.
Ive never heard this allegory for female sexuality/desire/attraction before but it is interesting to note the parallel with the myriad underworld themes we see from classic literature.
One book i recommend is 3 percent man by corey wayne. If i could sum it up in 2 words: Life changing. Literrally everything he talks about in his book, about masculine energy, female attraction etc. is reinforced by your videos. I recommend all guys to read his book. Keep up the good work, and thank you for your honesty!
Two women having a conversation about a guy one of them had just started dating. First woman said she felt something pulling her towards her new date. The second woman asked the first woman one question : "Is he winning?"
This is very profound, and true on a deep, fractal level. Our internal struggle against the vortex is an age old story, it's essentially what the Bible is about. The vortex is a very relatable metaphor for addicts and others who have demons to fight.
Wow very cool. What do u mean it’s true on a fractal level. Also how do u see the Bible being about that... like Adam and Eve I could see that for sure!! Also makes total sense addicts would think of this too...thanks for ur insights, would love to hear more
@@mynonleatherlife I'm no expert but my simple understanding of the Bible is its basically the story of mankind's struggle with sin, ie the vortex (I'm not religious, please don't take that the wrong way 😅). It's funny you mention Adam and Eve because that kind of ties it all together with the fractal thing. The Adam and Eve story is essentially the same story; about the temptations of the flesh and so on. It's the same pattern branching out from itself, occuring on different levels. If you are familiar with how the golden ratio/Fibonacci sequence occurs in nature, that is a great comparison.
These are some complex thoughts, and I'm not much of a poet so it took me a long time to figure out how to put them into words. It's not the best explanation but I hope it makes sense!
I am in the early stages of what I believe is the most incredible relationship in my life so far I can’t believe it’s taken me this long to hunger for something so greatly thank you for making things so clear and honest. I am beyond excited by my new life, this knowledge is priceless.
I agree with a lot of the comments. Your simple but powerful explanations with this spirit of sincerity to help men be better men and to better understand women so we can care and nurture there femininity without causing any harm in fact supporting and reveling in their feminine nature so they can express it freely without fear of being exploited or taken for granted . You know it’s pretty crazy. In the back of my mind I am hearing the words . The truth can set you free. I am realizing your simple caring action to be helpful to the masculine to guide us and teach us is bringing better men to wonderful women . You are creating a space for us to love each other like we were meant to. It’s pretty powerful what you are doing here.Thank you and continued blessings Victoria.
Men experience the vortex as well. You just have to learn how to feel it. When you learn how to, metaphorically, take the woman's hand and lead her into the vortex with you, that's powerful.
Huh, men experience the vortex? how, when? Please explain. There is no vortex for men, there is the brightening of a dimmed light in seconds, since men have no off when it comes to sex, never. So where the heck is the vortex?.
@@lamrof The vortex has nothing to do with how fast or slow you get turned on. The vortex is a metaphor for the animal mind taking over and it almost feels like you are no longer in control of your own body. You just instinctually escalate into sex
@@treyjenkins5672 - I take it as a spiral that starts wide and slow and end up narrow and fast, so this is a warm up that ends up in heat. This is the reason I disagree. Men when turned on are on in seconds, like a light switch or is digital.
@@treyjenkins5672 - If she wanted to explain the takeover of the instinct then she could as well say a light switch, but she didn't she chose a metaphor of a vortex. To me that signifies a long decent that starts slow and flattering but gradually ends up in a furious inferno. Anyway we agree to disagree and close this right here. Adios.
I've known some players in my day. These guys were never anything to look at and from what I could tell had no personalities. They all had one thing in common. They treated women like garbage. The women would line up for these guys. They would be at it every night of the week, sometimes with multiple women at the same time. But then I thought about it. Do I really want to be that guy? If I have to lower myself to get this woman, is she worth it? Do I really want a woman who requires me to treat her like garbage? Another big turn-on for women is to tell them that you love them. Doesn't matter if you mean it. They want to hear it. It's like a subway token. You give them a token and they take you on a ride. I have been on dates with women I just met and I could see it all over their faces that they were just waiting for me to say those magic words. But again, do I want to be that guy? How am I going to say I love this woman I just met? Like right out of the gate, she wants me to tell her I love her. But I don't. Not yet. I barely know her. I literally know nothing about her and she's practically begging me to say I love her. I know women are wired differently, but to me it really didn't matter what was going through her mind. I could say I loved her and get whatever I wanted, but then I'd be "that guy". I found it so repulsive that she wanted me to reduce myself to being a liar before going a step further. I rarely saw these women again. I have my principles and if you can't accept that, then I don't want you. I'm not that guy. I'm not the alley cat guy with a different woman every night, sometimes 3 at once, talking all smooth and promising each of them how much he loves them. And then as soon as he's had his way with them, GET OUT! I'm just not that guy. I have to be able to look at myself in the mirror. I felt that if I explained this problem to them they could accept it for what it was. It was an integrity thing, and no woman is worth me violating that. It took a long time to find one who could handle that level of honesty and I ended up marrying her. So yeah it is possible, but it ain't easy. It takes work and sticking to your guns. You can't let some woman change you into a poodle on a leash. If you do, then you really are the poodle.
I really respect your point of you. I’ve heard that thing “of treating women like garbage” as well. Maybe that’s the extreme of power, aggressiveness, domination, control, ownership, safety, protection. But I don’t think all women respond well when they being treated like trash. Now, the “I love you” thing I’ve never heard that before. Thank you for sharing.
this is perhaps one of the best video on the is important for men to understand this information so that they can be successful with their relationships with woman..
As a male dominant I can tell you there is a similar pull for me. One night I was sitting in a car talking with my girlfriend. We started talking about her becoming my slave and having to depend on me for food and water and access to a toilet. My whole body felt heavy like I had molten lead running through my veins. Time slowed down and I thought my eye sight became much sharper. It was a pretty memorable feeling. We ultimately decided that full on slavery was just to much trouble for both of us. To this day when I go past the spot where we had the discussion I feel the weight.
Thank you for your honesty and videos. I havent seen many yet, but they are super refreshing and give some hope after seeing so much content of women bashing men, yet offer no insight to understand thought processes and reason for these feelings. Thank you
Thank you for explaining the Vortex and I did get sucked into it, for awhile! When I finally realize what was happening and how I was treated by my ex , I left him and I am freer than I ever have been before! I will not be pulled into the Vortex- Nacissist relationship with anyone no more! Thank you for sharing 🙋♀️💜
This is why the "bad boys" attract so many. They mimic real leadership and young women fall for it. As a real man, you need to delivery it all. Caring love AND that you are capable of domination, real and authentic. She needs to know that you are able to be a warrior, able to kill to protect and lead her. You can fake it some times with dirty talk and such things, but long she needs to feel that you are a man with spine and balls. Ever watched "Blue Samurai"? There is a scene, where some women giggle about a Samurai being so hot, they said, "He is just as ruthless/reckless on the battlefield as he is in bed".
I have personally experienced everything you’re saying as very very very true but recognizing this is a lot of pressure! I’m pretty chill, I wish the dynamic was a little more happy-go-lucky. Feeling that kind of energy can be intense from the man’s side as well in my opinion.
Thank you so much! I was thinking maybe I could start a Patreon or something where I could just be extremely raw and share more details. But I’m trying to get to 1000 subscribers so I can monetize it... I’m nearing the goal now. Thanks a lot for your encouragement and support. How did u find the channel?
I needed this channel 35 years ago. Still extremely useful to understand better my wife (who talks very little about how she feels, but hints with her behaviour). Subscribed.
Once again you've produced excellent and real content. It's stuff we men often wonder but aren't sure about. You confirm a lot of doubts and thoughts. Your channel is awesome because of how unapologetically real and honest you are. I'm subscribed. Thank you for being so real. We don't see that often. We live in a world of games now. Your man is lucky to have you. I mean that very respectfully. Big hello from the Bronx New York.
Thanks Workout, I appreciate that a lot and the feedback about what u like is very helpful to. Thank u for subscribing. Is there any topic u have wondered about that might be helpful to get a female perspective on?
I fell into that vortex one day, completely caught unawares by a MARRIED lecturer who was teaching plant botany. He very smoothly took a flower from my hand in the middle of class, touching my hand in the process and said something beautiful about the flower while looking into my eyes. That was 2 and a half years ago and I am still somewhat in that vortex. It feels like I'll be stuck in this twilight zone forever! I confronted him about it, to which he claimed his innocence on the matter, although we stayed in touch as 'friends' and occasionally he spontaneously freaks me out with a text insinuating he is passing by my house. It feels very predatory and I freak out and virtually throw cold water on him with my response ... Although I did fantasise about him, thinking that was harmless ... WRONG!!! He described himself as a phantom lover one day and a couple of days later, I was laying on the couch watching a very non-sexual movie, but then I felt his phantom/astral self gently spreading my legs and I got very aroused. I then looked at my phone and he had just texted me to say he'd just driven past my house & asked if I was alone! That's when I learned remote seduction is a very real thing. Since then, I have ghosted this phantom lover, lol, but now have nobody to fantasise about ... But that's okay because I am wiser now and have learned that fantasy is NOT harmless ... It is a form of thought manifestation and should be treated as such. This experience has actually triggered repressed memories of childhood abuse. If you know the Stockholm Syndrome, it reminds me of that. It all gets very deep and complex this stuff. I am also going through a spiritual awakening throughout all of this and it has actually really helped me to learn how to ground myself and have stronger personal boundaries.
Oohhh that’s why she told me NO after I told her about my feelings toward her even tho I feel that magnetic pull...she doesn’t want to show me who she is? Cause she thinks I won’t handle it? Or because her pride and ego doesn’t let her submit?
There could be so many reasons why she felt that magnetic pull but didn't surrender to it. 1. She could be scared of her sexuality 2. she could be embarrassed or worried that you would judge her for it or not be able to handle it 3. it could definitely be a pride and ego thing for sure--I know that's a big one for me 4.she could think it's not worth it cause for whatever reason she doesn't think you have longterm relationship potential. There could be sooo many other reasons. I'd be so curious I'd ask her directly what she was thinking. What is your best guess of what it is and what was the situation exactly
MyNonLeatherLife I am very curious and always thinking about it because we were very flirtatious in the beginning but I can tell her brother would get bothered by it so I tried to keep it cool and not be soo flirtatious because me and her brother are best friends but now all I get is attitude from her and has alway been awkward with me but every time we look at each other or sit next to each other I can feel that really strong pull. I think it could be 1 and 3? Maybe 2 but I never judge, I want her to be as free as she desires too
Btw I did ask her about our feelings and she said she didn’t feel the same but I can see she was bs me cause I could feel that pull and told me She has to act distant with me. She avoided me, barely any eye contact or not even a simple hey when I would go over and gives me attitude all the time.
@@TonyMontana-ft4en maybe she is kind of embarrassed that u pulled away and stopped flirting with her as much so she got kind of offended by that as If you had rejected her... so out of pride she has to act cold to you... but deep down she still feels the same pull and wants u to regain interest
As a man I didn't notice this until I was 53 yrs . I completely let my sexual energy be know to this woman who's quit and everyone thinks so innocent . She opened up like 5 alarm fire like she was waiting for someone to come see her as an sexual object .
I really appreciate this explanation of it, there needs to be more information out there like this to get rid of all the confusion, lies, and misinformation.
I really like your videos. I love the concept of the pull of the vortex. You are uniquely skilled at communicating the subconscious primal level! Thank you! Keep these type of videos going!
Thanks Craig I really appreciate that... I will try to think of some other ones about the subconscious primal level. I could do a lot but idk if UA-cam will even let me talk about some of these things. 😬😬
Agreed, its amazing to hear a woman's thoughts and feelings. All we see on youtube is a women's perspective for women, but it doesn't analyze the male's perspective on such a biological and fundamental level.
I'm back here 6 months later. Victoria will write books and even create short films in the future if she keeps up at this rate. It's a blessing to have her in this space. Much love!!
Love your videos! So good for men who need to know why they feel unsuccessful in the game of love, but just are unaware of their actual attractive qualities. ❤🎉😊
I am glad you enjoyed it...what did u think was valuable about it? Not fishing for compliments I am just curious cause idk I just assumed men probably knew this
@@mynonleatherlife the way you re word things which gives a completely different prospective that makes a complicated subject more digestible so it can be applied in real life. Literally men have no idea about 80% of this if not more. This is a HUGE market that you can enlighten people from the view point of a honest female. A dying breed. I watch redpill channels like AMS and kevin samuels which is basically what this channel is. Waking up people to the reality of female nature with acceptance and turning all these beta's into men
The number on thing that gets women is the feeling of safety and power. If she feels safe with you and feels like you are powerful she will want you. Women are attracted to power and power takes many forms.
Yessss I fell in the vortex just thinking about it 😆 Would you agree that there is some shame associated with it as well in terms of avoidance of the feeling?
I respect your outlook on life and women, this void you speak of makes sense to me completely. I feel like you’d be a great person to have deep conversations with.
It’s like every video I watch I forgot what you said at the end. It’s very informative while I was watching. Hope I learned something overall that can be applied to the future.
All you men who want guidance in what she’s talking about, you can listen to a book called “the way of the superior man.” It’s an audio book on UA-cam. Story time. I used to be a very feminine man, did the very things she’s talking about that turns a woman off. I would chase woman, and only be worried about that. I began to see this as a problem when I saw another man who did the complete opposite of me and won every girl over, it was frustrating to me to see this. This is when I read the book. I’ve listened to it over 6 times and now I act completely different. I have yelled at 2 woman in the last month because of their toxicity, and they are more turned on than ever. I have older and younger woman at work chasing me over the more attractive male because I have learned to utilize my primitive instincts from this book. Get to work men... “the way of the superior man.”
@@mynonleatherlife it’s interesting that you hated it. I’ve talked to many women about it and they hate it as well! None the less women respect me much more from the principles I follow from it, same with the men I teach as well.
I feel this so much in my life. Women that are obviously attracted to me being kind of affraid or cautious to go there with me. What do you think creates that comfort? Im newly single and attractive just want people to feel open towards me because my intentions are actually good but I'm not gonna sit there and explain that.
You mentioned the construction workers and was curious as to what stoked those feelings or rather that call to the void. Was it the nature of their work? Their appearance? Fascinated tbh.
@@Morgue12free only problem with that topic is even if I knew how to do it, it seems to imply she should submit even if she doesn't want to which is unethical. she may be resisting for incredibly important reasons.
@@mynonleatherlife You're totally right, that's true. But let's say she has no important reasons behind her resistance, simply her not wanting to get drawn too far into the vortex, hence no ethical violations. How could a well meaning gentleman address such resistance without coming as weak or unmanly?
@@mynonleatherlife Use hypnosis. There used to a cartoon strip in the Sunday newspaper called "Mandrake the Magician". His lady friend's name was Narda. To put people under his spell, he would "gesture hypnotically", Oh look, here is one:
Just watched several videos, as an autistic guy this is probably the first time I’ve felt some semblance of understanding of female sexuality. Very well explained
Thanks, that’s an amazing compliment. Is there anything else u don’t understand about female sexuality or have wondered about I could elaborate on in a video for u?
I guess since I was about 16 until now (I’m 23) I’ve always felt like I had to suppress my masculinity when I’m around girls to avoid being overly masculine, but my innate inability to notice social cues, body language and emotional cues competently has always made it hard for me to know whether I’m dialling it in too much or not enough. This video, and many others you’ve made, has been helpful at breaking down which traits are naturally attractive without changing my behaviour, but it would also be good to know the difference between “hard to get” and rejection, behaviour that suggests that an opportunity has been missed and recovering a woman’s image of your masculinity. Thanks for the reply
For context: Being afraid of scaring potential friends/relationships has led me to unconsciously reserve myself overall, after watching I realise there may be someone that I’ve been in contact with for a few months and might have wanted me to make a move. I’m wondering if her image of me is permanently damaged due to my previous reservations or if I can recover it and make myself a potential
Makes me wonder about the seductive power of music. It seems that it's part of this vortex where women get sucked into it. Initially it feels safe, because the men playing the music are heard over the radio or some audio device. Then there's a live show where girls can watch the bands from a distance, but the feeling of being pulled into the vortex makes them want to be closer to the musicians. This could explain why there are groupies. The women with the biggest libidos seem to be the ones that get closest to the action and they become less inhibited the deeper they go into it. I remember going to a hotel nightclub where players of an NFL team would hang out and it never failed that these beautiful, hotly dressed women would show up to meet these players.
The only honest women I found in my entire life. Not even my mother and sisters are honest to this extent. They all gave me wrong ideas throughout my life.
There’s been a lot of media out here spreading hate or confusion between people, especially between the two that should be reproducing the future of our species. So, it’s refreshing to see something that just creates a better understanding between people. I have a better understanding of how to move forward with this.
It is extremely rare for a woman to share knowledge that is so hard to find and with such vulnerability! Therefore your content is gold like no other, Thank you!
thank you very much for that kind and supportive comment
Bro retain yo seed that attraction comes with it
@@YntTwon speakin real fax big dawg, I jus relapsed yesterday, but I’m on my grind💪🏾
i wonder if some women would be mad that shes sharing their secrets xD
You’re gullible af🙄
as a girl, my god is this TRUE. you have an incredible knack for saying the underlying nature of the situation in the most wonderfully succint way. Thank you for putting this kowledge out there and enlightening the other sex.
Hi Eliya! Thank you for commenting. I appreciate hearing girl's perspective so much cause I know I don't speak for all women yet at the same time I know I am not alone and I suspect there are a lot more of us out there that feel this way but aren't ok speaking about it because of all the intense shame and repression and mixed messages we get about embracing our sexuality. So it is so incredible to hear from you and to hear that you agree. These guys need to hear ur perspective too so thank you for commenting
@@mynonleatherlife 👍👍
@@timruth8767 I don't date women who don't embrace their sexuality and their desire. I set up a trustworthy, non judgemental and safe environement when we get to know each other, and if they don't admit their desires at some point, to me they are girls, not women. It's a sign of maturity and generally comes with emotional sharpness and intelligence.
What most simps, feminist fe/males, white-knights, betas, and conservative guys fail to realize: bad boys provide excitement, novelty, unpredictability, and fun (fear, roller-coaster drama) to a new level. In other words, stability and commitment (no longer) won't cut it for today's 🦄. Why is that? Before she was your girlfriend, wife, or lover, she already had been "run through," so many guys. And each time she slept with someone (both wo/men), she lost a part of her psyche, well-being, or mind/soul/spirit. In other words, she is no longer able to have emotional attachment in a healthy or committed way.
Cardi B. Artist and role model for the most privilege 🦄 on the entire planet:
'''My music is always going to make a woman feel like a bad bitch. When you make a woman feel like she’s the baddest bitch in the room, to me, that’s female empowerment.'''
Feminist's Ideology from Sheryl Sandberg, chief operating officer of Facebook:
'''My advice to women is date all of them: the bad boys, the cool boys, the commitment-phobic boys, the crazy boys. But do not marry them. The things that make the bad boys sexy do not make them good husbands. When it comes time to settle down, find someone who wants an equal partner. Someone who thinks women should be smart, opinionated, and ambitious. Someone who values fairness and expects or, even better, wants to do his share in the home. These men exist and trust me, over time, nothing is sexier.'''
Isaiah 3:12
*Childish* leaders oppress my people, and *women* rule over them. O my people, your leaders mislead you; they send you down the wrong road.
Proverbs 31:3
Don't give your strength (attention, resources, mental point origin) to women, nor your ways to that which destroys kings.
Ezekiel 23:20
There, she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses.
*Sex and Culture* by Joseph Daniel Unwin
*The Rational Male Series* by Rollo Tomassi
*The Manipulated Man* by Esther Vilar
*The Myth of Male Power* by Warren Farrell
*The Feminist Lie: It Was Never About Equality* by Bob Lewis
*Anatomy of Female Power* by Chinweizu Ibekwe
*Men on Strike* by Helen Smith
*Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars: An Introductory Programing Manual* by Anonymous
Any thoughts, suggestions, and constructive criticisms are always welcoming 🕊💚🙏🏼
5:57 Things that pull toward the vortex: domination, ownership, control, aggression, safety, protection.
This level of honesty and transparency could get you in trouble, and I hate that. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'm really rooting on your channel and it's content succeeding. If you get too big, I can see the mainstream resisting and trying to knock you off your square... and it won't be because you're wrong or evil or "bad", but simply because your level of honesty threatens to wholly destroy the status quo. I find it so ironic that you're the one doing this too because your temperament seems to shy and almost introverted. But here you are, boldly saying things that even the most extroverted would be afraid to lol.
Cheers to you!
you are awesome Austin, your words make me feel like I'm in a marvel movie.
I really wish I could feel that vortex just once so to know it, unfortunately I will die without ever knowing. I don't believe either gay men or trans women on hormones can experience it either. This is strictly hidden away in the female persona.
@@mynonleatherlife - I wished there was more detail as to exactly how the vortex feels physically, specially like that bit about the face feeling drawn down, etc... As a man I can never understand this vortex unless explained to me this way. There was a helplessness I saw that caused an erection in me once when I saw Lions catch and in seconds dismember a Zebra extremely violently, the animal was still squealing while being eaten. I sank into a feeling of horrifying abyss watching the cruelty but that cruelty gave me an erection at the same time, the cruelty of the givers side, not the receiver's side. Would a woman be turned on (if there is ever one) watching that taking it from the receiver's side?
@@mynonleatherlife Haha yeh WonderWoman in her non-leather ultra tight and SkimpyCat Outfit! Meoooow! Keep up the good work, and priceless nuggets. From An Enlightened Alpha in the Making In The UK!
@@mynonleatherlife Even better, you're bringing your superpower for good alive in real life.
Regret? I regret this channel not being available to me when I was 16. Now I am 66!
No regrets. Only moving forward
I think that when women use the phrase "he makes me feel safe", she's not only talking about being physically safe, but feeling emotionally safe to be and express who she really is without judgement. And that includes bedroom stuff. I could be wrong.
I agree that can be part of it too
Beauty and the Beast
safe to allow herself succumb to the force of the dark side.
My God. I wish I heard this 15 years ago. My teens would have been so much smoother sailing. This is seriously the best advice I've ever heard on this subject, and I've spent 20 years researching. I've easily put in my 10,000 hours into the subject, and you managed to too everything I've ever read or heard from anyone anywhere.
Wtf?! Wow. What is the next best stuff u have learned or any tips u could give from the 10,000 hours of research, I’m so curious. U must have a lot of perspective I am sure
@@mynonleatherlife gee, that's hard lol. It's difficult because it's not 10,000 hours along a continuous path. A lot of it is back and forth and all over. If you charted the road I traveled it wouldn't look like a highway, but more like a network of roads, like a map of a city. My goal wasn't to sleep with the most women, but to be loved and appreciated for who I actually am. I tried a lotmof things I knew wouldn't work because they didn't go far enough. I have a raw masculine attractiveness, the girls that are inti are super into me, I know this but I always had a sense of shame for tapping into this. So most of my research was phsychology based, trying to have the utmost empathy so that I could responsibly use my sexuality. Most people giving advice speak is such vague and imprecise language. "Be authentic, be dependable, be empathic" etc, which isn't very helpful. Your advice is razor sharp, gets to the core of understanding. It's what I already know deep down and have known since I was 12 and started trying to expand my understanding. There's so many contradictions but you capture the underlying dynamic that reconciles the dissonant ideas. Just being able to voice the dichotomy if feminism and women's sexual desires is HUGE, because no one really talks about it. Some red pill PUA types do but it's not from a place of understanding and being, it's from a place of observation and putting together circumstantial evidence. You embody the knowledge, hits so much stronger. Thank you for that, and for reading through this long ass post 🤣
@@mynonleatherlife I was thinking about your question and I realized I didn't really answer it. I gave a roundabout answer, really cuz most advice for men is roundabout and confusing. Honestly, the best advice I ever heard was something you said. "Don't even pay attention to whether or not woman is giving you signals she likes you. Talk to women because you like them". That's easily the most profound statement that can be said about game. That's the entire thing in a sentence. Some schools teach being the selector, the proactive force in the environment that a woman has to respond and react to. There's practical advice on maintaining emotional momentum and taking action as soon as you feel it, to avoid getting stuck in your head in "spectator mode". Some theories talk about focusing on what you really like about a woman as you approach, and the things that turn you on about her, and using that emotion in your communication. Others teach about being high integrity and not compromising on your values and morals, not even for her. What you said encompasses all of that.
It's like hearing blind people describe a physical object they are touching detail by detail, and trying to guess what they are talking about, as opposed to your advice that just says what it is in a word. "It's a car" vs "it's cold, metal, chest height" etc. I've read Mode One, Iceberg Slim, The Game, RSD material since 2006, David Dieda "The way of the superior man", "the art of seduction" by Robert Greene, and thousands of articles and videos and books I will never remember again. Your simple advice, in all your videos but that one peice in particular, is phenomenal and above all the rest.
1st Take:
"My advice to women is date all of them: the bad boys, the cool boys, the commitment-phobic boys, the crazy boys. But do not marry them. The things that make the bad boys sexy do not make them good husbands. When it comes time to settle down, find someone who wants an equal partner. Someone who thinks women should be smart, opinionated and ambitious. Someone who values fairness and expects or, even better, wants to do his share in the home. These men exist and, trust me, over time, nothing is sexier."
Yours sincerely,
Sheryl Sandberg, chief operating officer of Facebook
2nd Take:
“My music is always going to make a woman feel like a bad bitch. When you make a woman feel like she’s the baddest bitch in the room, to me, that’s female empowerment.”
Decently yours,
Cardi B.
My Humble Take:
What most simps, feminist fe/males, white-knights, betas and conservative guys fail to realize: bad boys provide excitement, novelty, unpredictability and fun (fear, roller-coaster drama) to a new level. In other words, stability and commitment (no longer) won't cut it for today's 🦄. Why is that? Before she was your girlfriend, wife or lover, she already had been "run through" so many guys. And each time she slept with someone (both wo/men), she lost a part of her psyche, well-being or mind/soul/spirit. In other words, she is no longer able to have emotional attachment in a healthy or committed way.
*The Rational Male Series* by Rollo Tomassi
*The Manipulated Man* by Esther Vilar
*Anatomy of Female Power* by Chinweizu Ibekwe
*Men on Strike* by Helen Smith PhD
*Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars: An Introductory Programing Manual* by Anonymous
@@MonstersSeeMeToo If you want the best advice on dating game on women look up a guy named Rom Wills.
You basically have to sell your soul (give up being a good person, caring, loving, etc.) to get what you want with women. I spent my whole late teens/early 20s being an absolute uncaring prick towards women, pulling them into this “vortex”. I pulled some extremely hot girls but always felt empty and meaningless doing it. Now I live my life from more of a point of love and get laid WAY less often but I can at least look at myself in the mirror when I wake up now. Momentary pleasure is not the point of our lives.
That's really cool Ross. I like your attitude tbh. But what if she is into some darker fantasies in the u do it?
@@mynonleatherlife Haha, absolutely! I’m very much sexually alive but I’ve learned to control and channel the raw carnal energy and focus it into personal success/interests vs expending it all on the next sexual pursuit.
I love what you’re doing with your channel by the way. There are a lot of guys out there (especially in our PC BS world) that struggle to bring their desires to the surface because society has shamed them their whole lives for that. There is little quality information out there on the female psyche and how men can game the mental aspect, but you are serving it on a silver platter to many guys with your well explained knowledge. Great work!
Take away their power. The one thing they have that you don't and remove pu$$y from the equation and focus your intent on actually getting to know them if you feel like you want to share your company with the opposite sex. You will find that allot of these women that you are wanting to bang you don't even like at all. Change your perspective and be content with celibacy until you find someone you can actually connect with on a mental/spiritual level. Wanting to smash because she makes your d!ck hard isn't enough, lest you devalue yourself so. I was in your position not long ago and I'm here to tell you that you do not have to sell your soul to get a woman that doesn't deserve it in the first place unless choose to sell yourself short. If anyone can get it, it is worthless. I can tell you from experience they will be dropping their panties at your feet and you will always have pick of the litter and I've always done decent with attractive women, just not the quality of woman I always wanted. They are not the ones changing, you are. Stop looking at their ass and start delving into their mind and express yourselves. They will give you plenty to look at, trust. I'm not saying repress your sexuality either. Flirt away and chemistry do it's thing, but that doesn't mean you have to stick your d!ck in her either.
@@Harpazo24 man what you said is so right. I work at a group home with 20 women coworkers and 2 other male coworkers. One guy is a dope, but the other is fucking half the women in the house. He's young, 23, and not bogged down by the bullshit I had to deal with at 23. Boyfriends and husbands trying to beat me up, women claiming I got them pregnant when I didn't, etc. I avoid it all, but it still makes me jealous cuz I know I could be doing the same. I just can't allow myself to, I literally have ptsd from it all.
@@MonstersSeeMeToo Remember, the vision you have now is priceless, regardless of what was given up to achieve that clarity. Trauma be damned, if the pickings are wide and wet. Pray for your coworker
There is so much unintentional pain caused between the sexes. Raw openness like this will help to mitigate and prevent more hurt. Thanks for disclosing the female inner experience!
i agree Jesse it's getting crazy
@@mynonleatherlifehow about now? Wilder n wilder
I disagree. The deliberate ambiguity thrown up by women is there to weed out guys who can’t, or don’t understand that they should take it upon themselves to act this way. If a guy is instructed explicitly, or worse… given consent, to subtly disrespect his woman in a playful way that subjugates her boundaries for his personal enjoyment, then it sucks all the tension and excitement out of the situation.
@@Jovian_Nightssure but men are being brainwashed from childhood to act the way they do. I genuinely don’t know what women and media thought the end result would be? It would be one thing if women were JUST ambiguous and left us to our own devices to figure things out. Fair enough. But no, they ACTIVELY turn us into men they’re not attracted to and then complain about the result.
The Merovingian talked about this Phenomenon in the Matrix Reloaded Movie when Neo and Morpheus went to visit him at the French Restaurant however he didn’t call it a Vortex he referred to it as something called “Causality” he said Us Humans no matter how hard we try to fight or deny our Primal Desires sooner or later We will give in to them “beyond our poised appearance we are completely out of control”
01:18 🌪 The "vortex" concept: Women have a subconscious pull towards core primal fantasies, creating a metaphorical vortex that draws them into a more primal state of mind.
04:36 💬 Examples of vortex triggers: Seemingly ordinary situations, like being playfully called names or witnessing certain activities, can evoke the pull of the vortex.
05:46 🌈 Primal fantasies: The vortex taps into deep-seated desires such as domination, ownership, control, aggression, safety, and protection.
07:42 🛑 Camouflaging and testing: Women often camouflage or test men to assess whether they want to embrace the pull of the vortex or resist it with all their might.
09:28 ⚠ Caution with the vortex: The vortex is a dangerous place, and women need to be with someone trustworthy before letting themselves be drawn into it. It's not a straightforward process and requires caution.
This is my favorite channel! Some other channels seems like they're really edited and like someone paid thousands of dollars for the perfect lighting and backdrop. But I this channel has a more relaxed, raw, and real vibe that makes it so captivating. Don't change a thing! If I was a decision-maker at Netflix or Legion M, I would totally give you a show and keep everything exactly how it is.
I appreciate that a lot Daniel thank you very kind of you
The men of the world will give you an honorary doctorate for your valuable contribution to their happiness.
wow thank you Joaquin
Damn this channel is so underrated. Guys NEED to know this information.
thanks jay
hopefully it causes more empathy towards women and is not abused by manipulative men
@@martymarl4602 How about more leadership than empathy, so we can move this crazy world back to being more "normal"?
@@frankiegunnz8066 The whole point of this information is so that both men and women can benefit from it equally and this toxic feminist, MGTOW, PC, culture can go away.
This is a revelation . As a young man I instinctfully acted on these secret fantasies. In today's social climate , I sort of unlearned it. It's not always wise to follow the herd.
Same here. It was a painful process of unlearning my instincts.
Yea, the current climate makes men's instinctual masculinity very dangerous... to men. If they arent constantly aware of it and act on it, even in a completely natural way, they could get metoo-ed
The vortex is a great metaphor for the intense and sometimes dark side of sexuality. About the safety part… So much of women’s daily lives involves self protection, don’t walk at night alone, don’t linger in hidden doorways or alleys, be careful of what you wear, how you sit, how you stand and walk and say things and even how you check the bottom of your shoes. Did you smile too long or gaze or flip your hair out of your eyes that calls too much attention. Did he bump into me or did he do that on purpose? All of this quiets down as soon as a protective man steps in. If there’s chemistry between them, it can be both a huge relief and electric at the same time.
Well put
Women love dangerous men but only for mating A lot of women will put themselves in dangerous situations to get these mens genes
Protective men or beta men are used by women for long term dating beta men are the kind of men who says "women and children first" These men have good resources cause they abide by societal rules
While the alpha doesn't give a shit about anyone(which makes him an attractive mate)
Victoria's at it once again gentlemen. Dropping those pearls on us.
Haha thanks richard
Not just dropping pearls, but making panties drop. Lolol
As I guy I can tell you I understand all of this. I would present it in another way. The key in males is in the " ball load" if you are empty you dont have that energy, will , interest , call it how you want. If you have " the ball energy" you are having this energy and it leads you.
I cant believe she replied to almost every scribble here. Thanks and thanks for sharing.Just started watching content. Very unique info.
Hehe I try but I have missed a lot... any thing u would be interested to see a female perspective on?
Yes, please.
There is a big something ... can a group of girls who have been NOTHING but NEEDLESSLY angry and snotty for as long as you've known them ...and ...
....they see you with a pretty girl who they can tell genuinely adores you and whom you genuinely adore in return and...
....they are utterly blind to every other man in our circle but one...
Because they saw the love between you and that girl....
Now they are fawning and displaying openly sexual desire for ...
They find every excuse to want to talk with you despite you not giving them any reason to ....and call you ...and put on demure voices and stare at your eyes when you are in a conversation with OTHER people and on and on...
...m supposing this be the vortex...?
...but WHY were they do viciously contemptuous towards your neutral and non-flirty friendliness up until they saw...
All this has happened to me and I have my explanation for it which carries validity because I was THERE.
On the other hand you were absent.
But YOU are also a WOMAN.
And a brutally HONEST woman at that.
What is YOUR take on this real life story?
And PS, thank you beforehand for any eventual answer..
A lot of respect for the type of content you're creating.
thank u Ode, what type would u say it is
@@mynonleatherlife It takes strong character to create such honest content. I consider myself an intellectual individual. I respect your sincerity and intelligence. Most in society would see this as a weakness or flaw because they're afraid, but I would disagree. I don't think you realize the power that you have, its a gift and it doesn't corrupt you. That is a good thing! Top grade content, keep it up. More people need to hear this, it may remove the fears that society has of feeling vulnerable, its not a weakness.
This information is so good I feel I have to pay you.
You are too kind!!
Too kind for sure. You’re missing the point. If you “FEEL” like you have to pay to know then start living in your power more. Woman is here to serve man with unconditional love IF he is a man who is on his purpose. A man should protect and accomplish his purpose at all costs. If the women is helping with accomplishing the purpose then she receives the benefits of the man. It’s simple. But if you’re not living for YOUR OWN chosen purpose you will never understand.
@@raynerjones7990 I have to disagree there Rayner his comment was one of the best and most special I have ever received
@@mynonleatherlife I’m saying, if your information, which is 100% accurate and worthy of profiting you, is something that has not been experienced then it won’t truly resonate. A man truly learns this from BEING A MAN. Not because he read it or heard it. It comes from living in your purpose. And, as you stated,a woman’s deep desire or inner purpose is to benefit a man.
@@raynerjones7990 well I agree with the first part of what you said but I don’t think a woman’s inner purpose is to benefit a man at all. I think she may have a desire to unite and sometimes some may feel a deeper calling at heightened moments of passion to please or serve the man she loves in a very intense way but that is kinda like a flash of a forgotten memory from a very deep place. I really couldn’t say in any way that I think a woman’s purpose is to benefit a man... could u elaborate on why u think that? I know my purpose does not involve benefitting my man, but I do have a desire to be perfect for him and make him happy with me. But it is not an overriding feeling of purpose.
7:08 "Many women have fantasies about safety, which include this idea of being owned, controlled, slavery..." that's really interesting. These videos are good and very eye opening
Yeah, I wish she would have expanded on that. In what way would feeling “safe” have anything to do with slavery? It’s generally considered to be its opposite... we’re safe when we have total self-ownership and are in complete control of our actions (ie, a woman is “safe” with a man when she doesn’t feel pressured to do anything against her will).
@@FreedomFox1 Not to be political, but the way self ownership was viewed as in the Enlightenment era was viewed either as total freedom or as slavery to the self. Let's focus on total freedom. The same philosophers responsible for that also said that with freedom came responsibility and consequences. You are free to be as you wish to be, without interference either from others, or from the government. But, you must suffer the consequences of your free choices. Like karma. A lot of the way people view safety is like the way a kid feels when their parents are with them. One perspective is that the world is too big and scary for a kid to be able to exercise any authority over themselves in it, so their parents do it for them. The child gives up their freedom in exchange for the promise of security. Of course, in some sense, when you give your parents your freedom, you also give them the right to control you, but that's the price you paid to have the safety of your parents' protection. And that's really the way a lot of kink culture works. A lot of women like being tied up and controlled not because it's degrading and painful, but because their partner is expressing their power over them, a power which makes them feel protected.
Google "sub space." Then look into your local BD%M scene and go to a few meetings. It took me a year or so to "get it." But it makes complete sense from a certain perspective. It really surprised me, at how VERY common it is.
@@FreedomFox1 Assigning the outcome to another's will means that the sense of responsibility is hugely reduced - conquering fears and exploring dangerous landscapes is about having the experiences which the fears anticipate - for example people who have been shot aren't so scared of guns. It is no longer an unknown.
You have a place in the world of expressive art. You understand concepts that elude most of us. Your ability to expressive them is uncanny also. I’m happy to have across your channel. You’re amazing. Keep up the good work. I’ve asked you before. I still would love to have the opportunity to interview you one day in the near future. Your content is invaluable. 💪🏾
thank you so much Man's SuperPower
Man's SuperPower...Nope! She's already been booked! 😍
🤣. Ok, fine. The information will still be out there. So, the work is being done.
As an artist I officially support this message.
This makes a lot of sense, men and women have their own vortexes, for men I think some of it is a "hero complex" for the vulnerable. What fantastic content!
Wow makes a lot of sense can u elaborate on the hero complex for men... is it like whenever they see someone vulnerable they get sucked in to their own vortex feeling the need to help and be a hero. As an ex stripper I think that makes a lot of sense as I often observed not just the want but the need men seemed to have to give and gift money to seemingly vulnerable women
@@mynonleatherlife exactly that, us men like a strong woman, be we also have a desire to feel needed, to protect, to be that "armour" to protect the more vulnerable. Atleast that is how I see it; it's often why we will be more likely to help a stranded woman with her motor that has a flat tyre, than a man - because we assume the man would have the strength to undo the lugs. A poor example perhaps? As a club bouncer, I see a lot of "white knighting" and though the term now describes weak men buttering up to get laid, I think it used to mean more of a positive thing. Either that or i'm antiquated! ;) Thanks for replying btw, must get busy!
Men don't have vortexes, we have morning wood and young men have it all day long.
Nah id say men and women use the same vortex , but men are the giver..women the receiver. @@mynonleatherlife
This is INCREDIBLE wisdom! The world NEEDS this. Too long we have been pray to our primal instincts without understanding them. Bringing this into the light of consciousness will help so many people!! Incredible insight on the MeToo movement! So much respect for saying what is true even when it is offensive!!!
Thanks Ezra
Thank you once more for your brave honesty, Victoria
Thank you again so much Peter!!!!!🙏I greatly appreciate your super thankses🫶
This is great.
Love the attempt to create a visualization of the concept of the Vortex, the possible slide toward the "please dominate and own me (some)" mindset. Fascinating.
Thanks Joseph
these videos are radically original, and so helpful. I've never heard these kinds of insights from anyone else, man or woman
This channel is so underrated. This video covers a topic that is beyond just human sexuality and is tapping into truth and reality that exists in the descendant human psyche that has lain dormant and existed for thousands of years. Brilliant analysis and description of human process that happens in the mating dance. Truly a quality video! No one is talking about this concept but her? Really? The world is so myopic. BRAVO!!!
You are very kind, thank you
Hey Victoria,
Here a native French guy from Switzerland 🇨🇭 . I have watched all you videos and I learnt so many things about women, their psychology, and how I should interact with them. It is incredibly helpful and accurate. Probably one of the best channel on these topics. So thank you, or merci in French!!!!!!
thank you so much for the kind words julius!!
Man, this is so weird that there are billions of women out there and you are the only one telling the truth and being honest.
Has anyone ever found more channels/videos as good as this one to share? I've got tons
Good points. If guys were honest with themselves they would admit they want to own their women as if they were their property. Ownership is very primal and dominant.
As a man I can recollect a similar feeling but it wasn't related to sexuality. Once when me and some friends were doing some relaxed sparring, my friend was hitting me a bit hard and I wasn't retaliating with as much power and it started to frustrate me. So I just started punching him really hard and turned up the aggression more than I ever have. It could only be described as a primal urge to crush my opposition and I let it suck me in like a vortex. As men we need more of this feeling to live with vitality, we've become so domesticated.
Great video ! Let me see if I can wrap different words around it so I can make sense of it. So the vortex is a place where women secretly WANT to be. In this secret place they feel femenine, vulnerable, and protected. The keyholder of this vortex is a man they deem worthy. So not all men can open this vortex for her. Once it's open, her uninhibited sexual arousal is opened. So their is an aspect of submission to a dominant man and being "taken". This is an inherently vulnerable place for her as she can be hurt. So she naturally applies very strict protective "filters" or "tests" on men so she is ABOSOLUTELY sure she is making the right decision to 'let go'
Nor a bad analogy
Nicely put in words without experiencing the force. We men shall live and die without ever knowing it.
Sounds legit to me.. Good analysis
I've just been chuckling all through this just because this girl seems completely oblivious to how endearing she is. ♡
Helpful as always and know men appreciate being told very frankly what the dead level truth is about what women think and want. Once we know what their drives are men can understand and relate to it - the key is when we are informed. Sadly we feel many times women in our lives will give us the polite acceptable answer, or an answer not to offend or hurt our feelings - so we never know if this is the real reason or just something we are being told to placate - leaves us confused or in a position to take the wrong action. It's so helpful to clear the air and know exactly what the real deal is, and as you know we guys are mostly logical. Know we can take the raw truth with you and know that makes us feel closer you - that we are really a team and in the trenches with you. Know we are very emotional and passionate in our own way too and desire to be closer.
Love you content and I know that this is the most real content out there. U know why? While others use some set, mikes, and some random AI generated clips in between,,, your content is pure talk, no nonsense, to the point and honest. No cap. Just keep it natural like this pls coz that's what makes u sooo amazing, unique and genuine.
This video proves men and women are so similar in terms of sexuality which makes me really happy.
Just women have feminism and societal pressure to act in certain way which acts as a firewall before entering the primal area.
Thank you so much Victoria ❤️
you summed up the video much better than I said it myself. That is exactly what I think as well. feminism and societal pressure are pushing them in different directions. Feminism is pushing them to deny they have any submissive desires or attraction to the objectifying behaviors of men. It's telling them be loved for your intelligence and ambition not your sexuality. It's very exhausting and annoying after a while constantly feeling pressure to deny your sexuality. Society is incredibly sex negative when it comes to women as well. It's hard to even go into all the f- ed up ways society sends women extremely bizarre medieval era messaging about purity and basically having to pretend you are not interested in sex. After I became a stripper I saw it much much more clearly but many women are still in it's reign of terror and can't see it as I once couldn't see it. Idk if guys have any idea how f-ed up women are when it comes to sex and how much it takes for them to say f it to all the conditioning, friends and family and become truly sex positive. It requires breaking a lot of taboos for women. They have a very powerful movement of sex negativity working against them and many who would lose a lot from women having the rights back to their own sexuality imo.
@@mynonleatherlife I hope things get better in the future and I think this channel is the first step that will make women realise their sexual and mental independence and break society taboo. Once again thank you.
Thank you for being so honest and self aware. Self awareness seems to be rare in females of our society these days. It's a shame, because we can't grow as a whole without both males and females being aware and seeking knowledge.
there are things many women are not aware about from the male point of view and just as many things that men are totally oblivious to from the female point of view. The only thing i do not like about your comment is the implication that lacking self awareness is a female problem because trust me men are lacking it in spades as well. That being said it's important for everyone i definitely agree with you there
@@mynonleatherlife It is important for everyone, and maybe I have created a bubble with a lot of men that I think are wise which I follow on social media, and disregard a lot of the male idiots I see......but I also, just watched your interview with Stirling and he pointed out the same thing about you, and implied my same way of thinking. You are rare, there are women out there like you, but I dont find them. Thank you for putting out this stuff. I do appreciate you.
@@thezach222 yes I didn't actually agree with stirling completely there and regretted that part of the interview a lot because I chose to just go with the flow and see the grain of truth in what he was saying and not really nit pick what he was saying as he was the guest but tbh i don't fully agree with that part
@@mynonleatherlife I understand, it wouldn't have been good for the interview to stop and analyze everything....but I think we may have to agree to disagree. In my life, women like you are a rarity. Everyone has their shortcomings, men and women...of course. However, I don't think you have to turn the fact that you are special into a negative. I really enjoy your thoughts. Please keep making videos.
This is a rather unique channel you have. Nice!
Thank you William William
Ive never heard this allegory for female sexuality/desire/attraction before but it is interesting to note the parallel with the myriad underworld themes we see from classic literature.
One book i recommend is 3 percent man by corey wayne. If i could sum it up in 2 words: Life changing. Literrally everything he talks about in his book, about masculine energy, female attraction etc. is reinforced by your videos. I recommend all guys to read his book. Keep up the good work, and thank you for your honesty!
Oh wow...I should read it...thanks Ted. I learn a lot from books written for guys and even apply the insights to myself tbh
Two women having a conversation about a guy one of them had just started dating. First woman said she felt something pulling her towards her new date. The second woman asked the first woman one question : "Is he winning?"
This is so amazingly spot on like I've never seen before
the pull is so dangerous
Are you conscious when it happens?
Finally a woman that doesn’t talk In riddles. Thank you for guidance through the twilight zone
I don't know why but your knowledge on the sexual vortex has compelled me into a seeker of your wisdom and subbing unto your channel. 😁👍🏿
WOW thank you. Welcome to the mysteriesssss
Supa 5th...'a seeker of your wisdom and subbing 'unto' your channel'. That's deep man!!! Are you trying to pull her into your vortex? 🤨
This is very profound, and true on a deep, fractal level. Our internal struggle against the vortex is an age old story, it's essentially what the Bible is about. The vortex is a very relatable metaphor for addicts and others who have demons to fight.
Wow very cool. What do u mean it’s true on a fractal level. Also how do u see the Bible being about that... like Adam and Eve I could see that for sure!! Also makes total sense addicts would think of this too...thanks for ur insights, would love to hear more
@@mynonleatherlife I'm no expert but my simple understanding of the Bible is its basically the story of mankind's struggle with sin, ie the vortex (I'm not religious, please don't take that the wrong way 😅). It's funny you mention Adam and Eve because that kind of ties it all together with the fractal thing. The Adam and Eve story is essentially the same story; about the temptations of the flesh and so on. It's the same pattern branching out from itself, occuring on different levels. If you are familiar with how the golden ratio/Fibonacci sequence occurs in nature, that is a great comparison.
These are some complex thoughts, and I'm not much of a poet so it took me a long time to figure out how to put them into words. It's not the best explanation but I hope it makes sense!
Fractal: applying on all levels
Fractal: applying on all levels
I am in the early stages of what I believe is the most incredible relationship in my life so far I can’t believe it’s taken me this long to hunger for something so greatly thank you for making things so clear and honest. I am beyond excited by my new life, this knowledge is priceless.
I’m a 46 year old male. Not a 9 year old girl .
I agree with a lot of the comments. Your simple but powerful explanations with this spirit of sincerity to help men be better men and to better understand women so we can care and nurture there femininity without causing any harm in fact supporting and reveling in their feminine nature so they can express it freely without fear of being exploited or taken for granted . You know it’s pretty crazy. In the back of my mind I am hearing the words . The truth can set you free. I am realizing your simple caring action to be helpful to the masculine to guide us and teach us is bringing better men to wonderful women . You are creating a space for us to love each other like we were meant to. It’s pretty powerful what you are doing here.Thank you and continued blessings Victoria.
I am touched and can't tell u how much I appreciate your words rayv1963.
Men experience the vortex as well. You just have to learn how to feel it. When you learn how to, metaphorically, take the woman's hand and lead her into the vortex with you, that's powerful.
Huh, men experience the vortex? how, when? Please explain. There is no vortex for men, there is the brightening of a dimmed light in seconds, since men have no off when it comes to sex, never. So where the heck is the vortex?.
@@lamrof The vortex has nothing to do with how fast or slow you get turned on. The vortex is a metaphor for the animal mind taking over and it almost feels like you are no longer in control of your own body. You just instinctually escalate into sex
@@treyjenkins5672 - I take it as a spiral that starts wide and slow and end up narrow and fast, so this is a warm up that ends up in heat. This is the reason I disagree. Men when turned on are on in seconds, like a light switch or is digital.
@@lamrof You’re taking it wrong. You have misinterpreted her explanation.
@@treyjenkins5672 - If she wanted to explain the takeover of the instinct then she could as well say a light switch, but she didn't she chose a metaphor of a vortex. To me that signifies a long decent that starts slow and flattering but gradually ends up in a furious inferno. Anyway we agree to disagree and close this right here. Adios.
I've known some players in my day. These guys were never anything to look at and from what I could tell had no personalities. They all had one thing in common.
They treated women like garbage.
The women would line up for these guys. They would be at it every night of the week, sometimes with multiple women at the same time.
But then I thought about it. Do I really want to be that guy? If I have to lower myself to get this woman, is she worth it?
Do I really want a woman who requires me to treat her like garbage?
Another big turn-on for women is to tell them that you love them. Doesn't matter if you mean it. They want to hear it. It's like a subway token. You give them a token and they take you on a ride. I have been on dates with women I just met and I could see it all over their faces that they were just waiting for me to say those magic words.
But again, do I want to be that guy? How am I going to say I love this woman I just met? Like right out of the gate, she wants me to tell her I love her. But I don't. Not yet. I barely know her. I literally know nothing about her and she's practically begging me to say I love her.
I know women are wired differently, but to me it really didn't matter what was going through her mind. I could say I loved her and get whatever I wanted, but then I'd be "that guy".
I found it so repulsive that she wanted me to reduce myself to being a liar before going a step further.
I rarely saw these women again. I have my principles and if you can't accept that, then I don't want you. I'm not that guy. I'm not the alley cat guy with a different woman every night, sometimes 3 at once, talking all smooth and promising each of them how much he loves them. And then as soon as he's had his way with them, GET OUT! I'm just not that guy.
I have to be able to look at myself in the mirror.
I felt that if I explained this problem to them they could accept it for what it was. It was an integrity thing, and no woman is worth me violating that.
It took a long time to find one who could handle that level of honesty and I ended up marrying her.
So yeah it is possible, but it ain't easy. It takes work and sticking to your guns. You can't let some woman change you into a poodle on a leash. If you do, then you really are the poodle.
I really respect your point of you. I’ve heard that thing “of treating women like garbage” as well. Maybe that’s the extreme of power, aggressiveness, domination, control, ownership, safety, protection. But I don’t think all women respond well when they being treated like trash. Now, the “I love you” thing I’ve never heard that before. Thank you for sharing.
Hahahaha one of my favorite activities is keeping strong eye contact with random women and see the awkwardness on their face as they look away.
Ha ha I do the same thing 😆. By doing this behaviour one can gather important information about someone.
this is perhaps one of the best video on the is important for men to understand this information so that they can be successful with their relationships with woman..
As a male dominant I can tell you there is a similar pull for me. One night I was sitting in a car talking with my girlfriend. We started talking about her becoming my slave and having to depend on me for food and water and access to a toilet. My whole body felt heavy like I had molten lead running through my veins. Time slowed down and I thought my eye sight became much sharper. It was a pretty memorable feeling. We ultimately decided that full on slavery was just to much trouble for both of us. To this day when I go past the spot where we had the discussion I feel the weight.
Your souls met in the dungeon of the vortex. As Paris Hilton once said, that's hot!-
@@mynonleatherlife Yes it is a very hot memory but like a lot of extreme fantasies not very practical :)
A kink, wow. If it's not just a kink, get help.
Thank you for your honesty and videos. I havent seen many yet, but they are super refreshing and give some hope after seeing so much content of women bashing men, yet offer no insight to understand thought processes and reason for these feelings. Thank you
protect this woman at all cost
Victoria please write a book. Your mind is absolutely golden !
Thank you for explaining the Vortex and I did get sucked into it, for awhile! When I finally realize what was happening and how I was treated by my ex , I left him and I am freer than I ever have been before! I will not be pulled into the Vortex- Nacissist relationship with anyone no more!
Thank you for sharing 🙋♀️💜
Looking at your face, I don't think you'll ever be pulled into any relationship anymore
@@EV-EV-EVdude! Haha
Domination, ownership, control, aggression safety and protection.
As an asexual (complete lack of sexual attraction to anyone) this is just absolutely fascinating. I never got the memo about the vortex, apparently
yea the vortex is basically a word I'm using for the physical bodily feeling of sexual attraction
@@mynonleatherlife it definitely helps me understand what most other women are going through though, so your video was really helpful. Thank you
This is why the "bad boys" attract so many. They mimic real leadership and young women fall for it. As a real man, you need to delivery it all. Caring love AND that you are capable of domination, real and authentic. She needs to know that you are able to be a warrior, able to kill to protect and lead her. You can fake it some times with dirty talk and such things, but long she needs to feel that you are a man with spine and balls.
Ever watched "Blue Samurai"?
There is a scene, where some women giggle about a Samurai being so hot, they said, "He is just as ruthless/reckless on the battlefield as he is in bed".
One of the most enlightening channels I’ve stumbled into.
Thanks a lot Wolfgang
You cracked it and dared to expose this truth! Thank you ♥
I phrased it in a fun way but the fact that women have a sex drive is not some secret conspiracy
I have personally experienced everything you’re saying as very very very true but recognizing this is a lot of pressure! I’m pretty chill, I wish the dynamic was a little more happy-go-lucky. Feeling that kind of energy can be intense from the man’s side as well in my opinion.
You’re an exceptional woman who can speak with perspective from both sexes with altruism and courage. Respect.
This information is golden. You really should monetize your channel. Thank you for what you do.
Thank you so much! I was thinking maybe I could start a Patreon or something where I could just be extremely raw and share more details. But I’m trying to get to 1000 subscribers so I can monetize it... I’m nearing the goal now. Thanks a lot for your encouragement and support. How did u find the channel?
Hey did you get my reply? I’ve never commented on a channel before. 😂
@@strength2 which reply? Did u get my comment?
Lessons are sold not told. You speaking facts
@@7hinkable what does this mean lol, I’m so curious. I like the sound of it tho
I needed this channel 35 years ago. Still extremely useful to understand better my wife (who talks very little about how she feels, but hints with her behaviour). Subscribed.
Thanks for subscribing Vade. What kind of hints with her behavior might she give
Once again you've produced excellent and real content. It's stuff we men often wonder but aren't sure about. You confirm a lot of doubts and thoughts. Your channel is awesome because of how unapologetically real and honest you are. I'm subscribed. Thank you for being so real. We don't see that often. We live in a world of games now. Your man is lucky to have you. I mean that very respectfully. Big hello from the Bronx New York.
Thanks Workout, I appreciate that a lot and the feedback about what u like is very helpful to. Thank u for subscribing. Is there any topic u have wondered about that might be helpful to get a female perspective on?
I fell into that vortex one day, completely caught unawares by a MARRIED lecturer who was teaching plant botany. He very smoothly took a flower from my hand in the middle of class, touching my hand in the process and said something beautiful about the flower while looking into my eyes. That was 2 and a half years ago and I am still somewhat in that vortex. It feels like I'll be stuck in this twilight zone forever! I confronted him about it, to which he claimed his innocence on the matter, although we stayed in touch as 'friends' and occasionally he spontaneously freaks me out with a text insinuating he is passing by my house. It feels very predatory and I freak out and virtually throw cold water on him with my response ... Although I did fantasise about him, thinking that was harmless ... WRONG!!! He described himself as a phantom lover one day and a couple of days later, I was laying on the couch watching a very non-sexual movie, but then I felt his phantom/astral self gently spreading my legs and I got very aroused. I then looked at my phone and he had just texted me to say he'd just driven past my house & asked if I was alone! That's when I learned remote seduction is a very real thing. Since then, I have ghosted this phantom lover, lol, but now have nobody to fantasise about ... But that's okay because I am wiser now and have learned that fantasy is NOT harmless ... It is a form of thought manifestation and should be treated as such.
This experience has actually triggered repressed memories of childhood abuse. If you know the Stockholm Syndrome, it reminds me of that. It all gets very deep and complex this stuff. I am also going through a spiritual awakening throughout all of this and it has actually really helped me to learn how to ground myself and have stronger personal boundaries.
Oohhh that’s why she told me NO after I told her about my feelings toward her even tho I feel that magnetic pull...she doesn’t want to show me who she is? Cause she thinks I won’t handle it? Or because her pride and ego doesn’t let her submit?
There could be so many reasons why she felt that magnetic pull but didn't surrender to it. 1. She could be scared of her sexuality 2. she could be embarrassed or worried that you would judge her for it or not be able to handle it 3. it could definitely be a pride and ego thing for sure--I know that's a big one for me 4.she could think it's not worth it cause for whatever reason she doesn't think you have longterm relationship potential. There could be sooo many other reasons. I'd be so curious I'd ask her directly what she was thinking. What is your best guess of what it is and what was the situation exactly
MyNonLeatherLife I am very curious and always thinking about it because we were very flirtatious in the beginning but I can tell her brother would get bothered by it so I tried to keep it cool and not be soo flirtatious because me and her brother are best friends but now all I get is attitude from her and has alway been awkward with me but every time we look at each other or sit next to each other I can feel that really strong pull. I think it could be 1 and 3? Maybe 2 but I never judge, I want her to be as free as she desires too
Btw I did ask her about our feelings and she said she didn’t feel the same but I can see she was bs me cause I could feel that pull and told me She has to act distant with me. She avoided me, barely any eye contact or not even a simple hey when I would go over and gives me attitude all the time.
@@TonyMontana-ft4en sorry! I didn’t see all your responses yet so I deleted my replies
@@TonyMontana-ft4en maybe she is kind of embarrassed that u pulled away and stopped flirting with her as much so she got kind of offended by that as If you had rejected her... so out of pride she has to act cold to you... but deep down she still feels the same pull and wants u to regain interest
this is one of the best videos i"ve ever watched on UA-cam . You are amazing ,thank you!
As a man I didn't notice this until I was 53 yrs . I completely let my sexual energy be know to this woman who's quit and everyone thinks so innocent . She opened up like 5 alarm fire like she was waiting for someone to come see her as an sexual object .
I really appreciate this explanation of it, there needs to be more information out there like this to get rid of all the confusion, lies, and misinformation.
I really like your videos. I love the concept of the pull of the vortex. You are uniquely skilled at communicating the subconscious primal level! Thank you! Keep these type of videos going!
Thanks Craig I really appreciate that... I will try to think of some other ones about the subconscious primal level. I could do a lot but idk if UA-cam will even let me talk about some of these things. 😬😬
This is gods gift to humanity
One of the best videos on the tube.
Incredible information here, never heard a woman's feelings explained like this.
Thanks Jimmy
Agreed, its amazing to hear a woman's thoughts and feelings. All we see on youtube is a women's perspective for women, but it doesn't analyze the male's perspective on such a biological and fundamental level.
I'm back here 6 months later. Victoria will write books and even create short films in the future if she keeps up at this rate. It's a blessing to have her in this space. Much love!!
wow thank u so much for that amazing message of support!!
Pleasure is mine. Thanks much!!
Your helping a lot of men out here 🔥
Love your videos! So good for men who need to know why they feel unsuccessful in the game of love, but just are unaware of their actual attractive qualities. ❤🎉😊
this channel makes me cringe about all the moments i let woman convince me to not manifest my raw masculinity, thank you a lot
6:16 Holy crap! I didn't know about the meaning of 'feeling' safe.
i cant thank you enough idk where i could of found anything like this. this is real value
I am glad you enjoyed it...what did u think was valuable about it? Not fishing for compliments I am just curious cause idk I just assumed men probably knew this
@@mynonleatherlife the way you re word things which gives a completely different prospective that makes a complicated subject more digestible so it can be applied in real life. Literally men have no idea about 80% of this if not more. This is a HUGE market that you can enlighten people from the view point of a honest female. A dying breed. I watch redpill channels like AMS and kevin samuels which is basically what this channel is. Waking up people to the reality of female nature with acceptance and turning all these beta's into men
The number on thing that gets women is the feeling of safety and power. If she feels safe with you and feels like you are powerful she will want you. Women are attracted to power and power takes many forms.
Yessss I fell in the vortex just thinking about it 😆
Would you agree that there is some shame associated with it as well in terms of avoidance of the feeling?
absolutely...shame is a big part of this whole scenario
I respect your outlook on life and women, this void you speak of makes sense to me completely. I feel like you’d be a great person to have deep conversations with.
You’ve helped humanity with this video!
wow Uncle Shaun thanks i am so glad u liked it
It’s like every video I watch I forgot what you said at the end. It’s very informative while I was watching. Hope I learned something overall that can be applied to the future.
All you men who want guidance in what she’s talking about, you can listen to a book called “the way of the superior man.”
It’s an audio book on UA-cam.
Story time.
I used to be a very feminine man, did the very things she’s talking about that turns a woman off. I would chase woman, and only be worried about that.
I began to see this as a problem when I saw another man who did the complete opposite of me and won every girl over, it was frustrating to me to see this.
This is when I read the book. I’ve listened to it over 6 times and now I act completely different. I have yelled at 2 woman in the last month because of their toxicity, and they are more turned on than ever.
I have older and younger woman at work chasing me over the more attractive male because I have learned to utilize my primitive instincts from this book.
Get to work men... “the way of the superior man.”
oh wow I love that it helped u so much. I hated it with a passion tho!! But ur advice must be good if it helped u so much
@@mynonleatherlife it’s interesting that you hated it. I’ve talked to many women about it and they hate it as well!
None the less women respect me much more from the principles I follow from it, same with the men I teach as well.
Your awesome we need more women like you in our society you show us men that there is still hope for this society
I feel this so much in my life. Women that are obviously attracted to me being kind of affraid or cautious to go there with me. What do you think creates that comfort? Im newly single and attractive just want people to feel open towards me because my intentions are actually good but I'm not gonna sit there and explain that.
i like that
You mentioned the construction workers and was curious as to what stoked those feelings or rather that call to the void. Was it the nature of their work? Their appearance? Fascinated tbh.
The Force is strong with this one
Mudd Bludd...Seriously strong! I like this girl. I am being drawn to 'her' vortex!!! And her soothing voice!
@@trkrla5113 Men can't have the vortex. We have the light switch.
You are a very honest, courageous and attractive woman. I don't know you, but you seem introverted and a woman of integrity.
I'm Subscribed :)
Thanks a lot for the supportive and kind comment and thank u for subscribing. Any vid topic u would be interested in from a female perspective
@@mynonleatherlife Good. Topic Idea: "How to deal with a resistant woman & get her to submit"
@@Morgue12free only problem with that topic is even if I knew how to do it, it seems to imply she should submit even if she doesn't want to which is unethical. she may be resisting for incredibly important reasons.
@@mynonleatherlife You're totally right, that's true. But let's say she has no important reasons behind her resistance, simply her not wanting to get drawn too far into the vortex, hence no ethical violations.
How could a well meaning gentleman address such resistance without coming as weak or unmanly?
@@mynonleatherlife Use hypnosis. There used to a cartoon strip in the Sunday newspaper called "Mandrake the Magician". His lady friend's name was Narda. To put people under his spell, he would "gesture hypnotically", Oh look, here is one:
Men live in the Vortex and feel pull of married/dad/work life but try hard to avoid it.
Just watched several videos, as an autistic guy this is probably the first time I’ve felt some semblance of understanding of female sexuality. Very well explained
Thanks, that’s an amazing compliment. Is there anything else u don’t understand about female sexuality or have wondered about I could elaborate on in a video for u?
I guess since I was about 16 until now (I’m 23) I’ve always felt like I had to suppress my masculinity when I’m around girls to avoid being overly masculine, but my innate inability to notice social cues, body language and emotional cues competently has always made it hard for me to know whether I’m dialling it in too much or not enough. This video, and many others you’ve made, has been helpful at breaking down which traits are naturally attractive without changing my behaviour, but it would also be good to know the difference between “hard to get” and rejection, behaviour that suggests that an opportunity has been missed and recovering a woman’s image of your masculinity. Thanks for the reply
For context: Being afraid of scaring potential friends/relationships has led me to unconsciously reserve myself overall, after watching I realise there may be someone that I’ve been in contact with for a few months and might have wanted me to make a move. I’m wondering if her image of me is permanently damaged due to my previous reservations or if I can recover it and make myself a potential
Is this the real "Victoria's Secret" video then?
Makes me wonder about the seductive power of music. It seems that it's part of this vortex where women get sucked into it. Initially it feels safe, because the men playing the music are heard over the radio or some audio device. Then there's a live show where girls can watch the bands from a distance, but the feeling of being pulled into the vortex makes them want to be closer to the musicians. This could explain why there are groupies.
The women with the biggest libidos seem to be the ones that get closest to the action and they become less inhibited the deeper they go into it. I remember going to a hotel nightclub where players of an NFL team would hang out and it never failed that these beautiful, hotly dressed women would show up to meet these players.
The only honest women I found in my entire life. Not even my mother and sisters are honest to this extent. They all gave me wrong ideas throughout my life.
There’s been a lot of media out here spreading hate or confusion between people, especially between the two that should be reproducing the future of our species. So, it’s refreshing to see something that just creates a better understanding between people. I have a better understanding of how to move forward with this.