Mystics & Masters: The Serpent Is Not Satan (part 2 of 6)

  • Опубліковано 11 чер 2017
  • The original meaning of scripture is lost when the Aramaic is translated incorrectly. The Hebrew mind did not correlate the serpent with Satan. God created temptation! Eve was meant to eat the apple. Find out more as Amy Torres and Dr. Rocco Errico converse about what the original writers of the Old Testament really meant. Explore Dr. Errico's work at


  • @tolduso42
    @tolduso42 3 роки тому +5

    Rev. 20:2 He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil, or Satan, and bound him for a thousand years.

  • @karlknebel5530
    @karlknebel5530 3 місяці тому

    Wow, this talk is so exciting! Thank you for sharing it!

    • @amytorresacim
      @amytorresacim  3 місяці тому

      So glad you found it exciting, Karl.

    • @karlknebel5530
      @karlknebel5530 3 місяці тому

      You know Amy, I live in Germany and Rocco was often here, too. We became friends and I still learn from Rocco. He helps me through my roman-catholic cloak, I once got dressed with and find my natural body of spirituality. And I found the nature of being a human, experienced the power of everlasting giving birth, giving life. There is no limitation, no stopping but a bonding throughout the univers that I experienced as love.

  • @AVPA5678
    @AVPA5678 Рік тому

    A few years back upon my awakening, as I was constantly in nature...this exact topic and thought was downloaded into my mind. That the serpent ignited the consciousness of Eve, thus humanity will continue to expand in consciousness...and NOT by dogma. Those who can't even begin to question are stuck in the "set". Since when can we NOT question or contemplate? I'm thankful there are people in this video who have put forth the time & studies far beyond the naysayers in the comments. The modern day church has turned God/Jesus into a narcissist.

    • @amytorresacim
      @amytorresacim  3 місяці тому

      Appreciate your appreciation and insight.

  • @Thutmosis7
    @Thutmosis7 4 роки тому

    The only literate people that was around that time was the ancient egyptians/Nile valley people. Nobody else was writting books. The bible came out of the gnostic teaching. There was no institutions in the other part of the world other than egypt.

  • @Itiswhatitispartna
    @Itiswhatitispartna 4 роки тому +1

    I am christian and he is right. Read the literal scripture again and you will see that the serpent is just that a serpent. Not satan. Thats why the physical serpent animal was forced to wiggle without legs. Also why would the bible mention that an animals was more cunning then others.... to show you the serpent was capable of understanding and communicating. Read the scripture as it states, dont assume and tie in ideas that are not being said.

  • @williamkeeler5417
    @williamkeeler5417 7 років тому +2

    When the Aramaic is translated incorrectly? Umm... The book of Genesis, including chapter 3, was written in HEBREW, not Aramaic.

    • @amytorres3539
      @amytorres3539 7 років тому +2

      I appreciate your comment. What I understand Dr. Errico to be saying is that the book of Genesis was written in Hebrew, Jesus spoke in Aramaic, as did all people of that time. So the spoken Aramaic was translated into Hebrew ... and the misinterpretations began.

    • @williamkeeler5417
      @williamkeeler5417 7 років тому +3

      Thank you for your reply, Amy. The book of Genesis was written in Hebrew in 1500 b.c. by Moses. The Aramaic language wasn't developed for another 600 years, which was in 900 b.c.
      By the time Jesus was living in the flesh (0 a.d. - 33 a.d.), the book of Genesis had already been translated from Hebrew to Greek and was call the Pentateuch.
      Your statement, "The original meaning of scripture is lost when the Aramaic is translated incorrectly" is patently false.

    • @amytorres3539
      @amytorres3539 7 років тому +5

      Here is Dr Errico's response: In regards to Aramaic. Abraham spoke Aramaic and not Hebrew. Genesis tell us that Abraham was Aramean and that he was from Ur of Chaldee which was in southern ancient Iraq or Mesopotamia. There exist also another possibility that he was came from a city in northern Mesopotamian also called Ur that was farther north of Haran but still in Mesopotamia. It was in Haran that his father and brothers settled before Abraham departed for the land of Canaan See chapters 11 and 12 of Genesis. I was in Canaan that slowly the Semitic dialect called Hebrew began to develop. Even the Hebrew prophet Isaiah called the language of Israel a "Canaanite lip"
      What most people do not know is that the roots of Hebrew is Aramaic and Ugarit. Ugarit was a cuneiform language. Aramaic is a very ancient language. Hebrew developed as a dialect from Semitic tongues basically off shoots of Aramaic. We are talking about 2,000 BC. So the statement that Aramaic did not develop until 900 BC is not correct. Abraham's name is Aramaic and so were all the names of his children. The problem is that most people do not realize that European and American cultures and civilization comes from ancient Mesopotamia (Bet Naharaim - Hebrew or Beth Naharain - Aramaic The land of the rivers).
      I hope this helps you. I have many scholarly books based on research of the Aramaic language.

  • @sandracockrum17
    @sandracockrum17 4 роки тому +3

    These two are deceived by Satan aka: the serpent, son of perdition, the accuser, deceiver and a liar from the beginning. Repent and cry out to Jesus for your salvation. He is coming quickly. Amen

    • @Codenamelumiere
      @Codenamelumiere 4 роки тому +2

      Wrong. You are the one who literally has no idea what you are going on about. You are cherry picking random verses and combining them together to create a story that you read into the text. The serpent is not an angel named 'Satan' and the serpent most definitely did NOT lie to the woman. The verse about being a liar from the beginning (John 8:44) has absolutely nothing at all to do with Genesis 3:4. You have taken it completely out of context and are trying to use it to support your fable of an evil angel named Satan. The son of perdition is also NOT an angel. Jesus already came back and fulfilled all prophecies just as he said he would. It was called 66-70 AD and the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple. He told them point blank to their faces that some of them would see all the things he spoke of before THEY died. And he told THEM (not us here today, but THEM back then "I come quickly") 2000+ years later is NOT quickly. He obviously wasn't talking to us today when he said those things. Think! Don't just repeat crap. Look into full preterism and learn the truth. Stop believing lies and being mislead by all the doomsayers. It is all just fear mongering.
      For info on 'Satan' see James R Brayshaw channel :
      For info on why the serpent did NOT lie :
      For info on Full Preterism :
      God Bless.

    • @sandracockrum17
      @sandracockrum17 4 роки тому

      @@Codenamelumiere I will check those links to find out what it is that you think I'm missing and get back to you. Thank you. And God bless you too.

    • @sandracockrum17
      @sandracockrum17 4 роки тому

      @@Codenamelumiere ok, I watched the video links. I can understand the idea of preterism and why it seems to make sense (to you). So, I have some questions but first I need to know if you believe the Bible to be the Word of God? Because I cannot get into conversation with anyone who would re write the Bible. You seem sincere in your preterism belief and if you're interested in a Bible based "spar" so to speak, I'd like to find out why you claim that Jesus fulfilled ALL of scriptures prophesies for starters and who exactly do you think it was that became full of pride and started a rebellion against God in heaven? To include 1/3 of the angels?

    • @Codenamelumiere
      @Codenamelumiere 4 роки тому

      ​@@sandracockrum17 Yes, I am a believer. I am not trying to re-write the bible or anything like that. I was just trying to share with you the things I did because it seemed like it might benefit you. I am not really trying to spar per say. I am happy to answer any of your questions. We have a bible study hangout every Monday, Wednesday and Friday and we record them and I post them on my channel. You are welcome to join our Discord chat and ask us/me anything. You can choose to agree or disagree, we won't bash you or anything. We are all trying to understand the bible in its proper way and none of us have it all worked out. Discord is a program made for gamers to chat, but we use it for bible study. I'll post you a link here and you can join it if you like ;) But as for your question - That part is a misconception. Can you show me where in the scriptures it says that an angel rebelled against God and took 1/3 of the angels? The way I am seeing and reading that - it says "His tail swept a third of the *stars* from the sky, tossing them to the earth. And the dragon stood before the woman as she was about to give birth, ready to devour her child as soon as He was born." This is metaphoric language. The 1/3 of the 'stars' that were tossed to the Earth are God's people. The 'woman' is Israel about to give birth to Christ and Herod was trying to kill him when he was born. So Herod and those against Christ are 'the dragon'. The whole thing about this being Satan the angel is accidentally read into this text because of words like 'stars' , 'dragon' and 'angel'. We would have to go into it more in depth and I am happy to do that, but it would be a lot easier if we actually spoke rather than type. It is up to you, but if you are willing to listen, I am willing to share ;) Hope to see you in the discord :
      Link only lasts 24 hours.

    • @sandracockrum17
      @sandracockrum17 4 роки тому

      @@YourMomfailedu Right, adversary... And adversary means enemy and enemies deceive. So, who is YHWH? Which I was taught means in picture Hebrew behold the nail, behold the hand ? You do not agree YHWH is the Creator which according to scripture is/was THE SON we call Jesus?

  • @abelchavez8056
    @abelchavez8056 6 років тому +1

    YHWH is the Serpent , He is the True Son of El ...Jesus is the Son of Men , the original Good and Evil prototype human being