The sad thing is that Murad breaks his promise to Geverhan that he will do whatever it takes to make her happy which he makes after he executes Torpal Pasha. There is a scene where Farya was about to tell Murad why she thought Silahatar wasn’t worthy of one of his sisters but unfortunately Atike walks in at the wrong moment. Murad might actually have listened to her about this since she is best friends with Atike.
Geverhan was such a noble princess
Yes, she just needed someone worthy of her rather tham Silahatar or Torpal Pasha
Good girl Gerhavhan.
Gevherhan should've said something to the Sultan, that way if he found out the hard way he wouldn't have favoured Atike more
Murad was so biased towards stuff and people nothing would have happened
@Leo her death was the prove he was like 🤔why did she do that 🙃🙃
The sad thing is that Murad breaks his promise to Geverhan that he will do whatever it takes to make her happy which he makes after he executes Torpal Pasha. There is a scene where Farya was about to tell Murad why she thought Silahatar wasn’t worthy of one of his sisters but unfortunately Atike walks in at the wrong moment. Murad might actually have listened to her about this since she is best friends with Atike.
Does anyone in this show has a mistress, who doesn't have romantic feelings towards them?
Все шпионят друг за другом,даже эта страшненькая принцесса ,тоже интриганка.
Hey you know what this show really needed?
Pointless and cringe 😬 over the top love triangles
Brilliant 🤩
@Leo yep 🤪😀