0:07 Meine Seel erhebt den Herren (Chor) 3:37 Herr, der du stark und mächtig bist (Arie) 9:55 Des Höchsten Güt und Treu (Rezitativ) 11:22 Gewaltige stößt Gott vom Stuhl (Arie) 14:07 Er denket der Barmherzigkeit (Duett & choral) 16:02 Was Gott den Vätern alter Zeiten (Rezitativ) 18:08 Lob und Preis sei Gott (Choral)
Your recording engineers for sound and visuals deserve so much praise and appreciation. These recordings always exceed studio versions. You have true pros at NBS! Thanks
The problem with this project is that, once you watch one performance, you end up getting dragged into watching another and another until you're up into the small hours.
Simply, Bach was a legend born personality. All of his works are so precious for me. Every time i listen to his music, i feel that i am sitting in a church praying God and surrounded by angels. I am so thankful to God for giving a gift to the whole world as Bach. Besides, this choral performance was also superb with excellent soloists. Thanks for uploading.
Despite the joyful nature of the piece, I find it extremely moving... the first few moments of the opening choral section brought tears to my old eyes.
More importantly no carbohydrates or sugar! I say that after switching to a Keto diet this year, I haven't had so much energy and mental clarity since I was a teenager. My appreciation for such performances of Bach is greater. Hopefully the reduction of risk of diseases, from diabetes, cancer, alzheimers, etc. will allow me to continue to enjoy such performances for a long time, whilst sharing my time with people I love, contributing whatever I can.
The proverbial 10,000 hours to master an instrument, multiply that by the number of musicians/vocalists, can any gratitude match that in equal measure! You made my Christmas Season. Ever in your debt NBS!
Ô combien j 'aime ce morceau de musique grandiose , exquis : mon Bach , ces voix sublimes avec toutes leurs diversités , et cette superbe interprétation si talentueuse de tous ces instruments . J 'écouterais cela indéfiniment . Merci et bravo à tous !
Cantata BWV 10 Meine Seel erhebt den Herren English Translation in Interlinear Format Cantata BWV 10 - My soul praises the Lord Event: Chorale Cantata for the Feast of Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Readings: Epistle: Isaiah 11: 1-5; Gospel: Luke 1: 39-56 Text: Luke 1: 46-48 (Mvt. 1); Luke 1: 54 (Mvt. 5); Anon (Mvts. 2-4, 6-7) Chorale Text: Meine Seele erhebet den Herren Biblical quotations in green font, chorales in purple 1 Chorus [S, A, T, B] Tromba, Oboe I/II, Violino I/II, Viola, Continuo Meine Seel erhebt den Herren, My soul praises the Lord, Und mein Geist freuet sich Gottes, meines Heilandes; and my spirit rejoices in God my saviour; Denn er hat seine elende Magd angesehen. for he has looked upon his wretched handmaiden. Siehe, von nun an werden mich selig preisen alle Kindeskind. See, from now all children's children will praise me as blessed. 2 Aria [Soprano] Oboe I/II all' unisono, Violino I/II, Viola, Continuo Herr, der du stark und mächtig bist, Lord, you who are strong and mighty, Gott, dessen Name heilig ist, God, whose name is holy, Wie wunderbar sind deine Werke! how wonderful are your works! Du siehest mich Elenden an, You look upon me in my wretchedness, Du hast an mir so viel getan, you have done so much for me Daß ich nicht alles zähl und merke. that I cannot count and realise all. 3 Recitative [Tenor] Continuo Des Höchsten Güt und Treu The goodness and faithfulness of the most high God Wird alle Morgen neu is new every morning Und währet immer für und für and lasts always for ever and ever Bei denen, die allhier for those who here Auf seine Hilfe schaun look to his help Und ihm in wahrer Furcht vertraun. and trust him in sincere fear. Hingegen übt er auch Gewalt On the other hand he also uses force Mit seinem Arm with his own arm An denen, welche weder kalt on those who are neither cold Noch warm nor warm Im Glauben und im Lieben sein; in faith and in loving; Die nacket, bloß und blind, those people, naked, bare and blind, Die voller Stolz und Hoffart sind, those who are full of pride and arrogance, Will seine Hand wie Spreu zerstreun. his hand scatters like chaff. 4 Aria [Bass] Continuo Gewaltige stößt Gott vom Stuhl God thrusts the mighty from the seat Hinunter in den Schwefelpfuhl; down into the sulphurous pool; Die Niedern pflegt Gott zu erhöhen, God is accustomed to raise the lowly Daß sie wie Stern am Himmel stehen. so that they become like stars in heaven/in the sky Die Reichen läßt Gott bloß und leer, God leaves the rich bare and empty, Die Hungrigen füllt er mit Gaben, he fills the hungry with gifts Daß sie auf seinem Gnadenmeer so that on his sea of grace they Stets Reichtum und die Fülle haben. always have riches and abundance. 5 Duetto (e Choral) [Alto, Tenor] Tromba e Oboe I/II all' unisono, Continuo Er denket der Barmherzigkeit He remembers his mercy Und hilft seinem Diener Israel auf. and raises up his servant Israel. 6 Recitative [Tenor] Violino I/II, Viola, Continuo Was Gott den Vätern alter Zeiten What God to the fathers of old Geredet und verheißen hat, has spoken and promised Erfüllt er auch im Werk und in der Tat. he also accomplishes in act and deed. Was Gott dem Abraham, What God to Abraham, Als er zu ihm in seine Hütten kam, when he came to him in his huts, Versprochen und geschworen, promised and swore. Ist, da die Zeit erfüllet war, geschehen. has happened, since the time was fulfilled. Sein Same mußte sich so sehr His seed had to spread out so ver y much Wie Sand am Meer like the sand in the sea Und Stern am Firmament ausbreiten, andlike the stars in the sky, Der Heiland ward geboren, the saviour was born, Das ewge Wort ließ sich im Fleische sehen, the eternal Word allowed himself to be seen in the flesh Das menschliche Geschlecht von Tod und allem Bösen to free the human race from death and all evil Und von des Satans Sklaverei and from Satan's slavery Aus lauter Liebe zu erlösen; out of pure love; Drum bleibt's darbei, and so it remains Daß Gottes Wort voll Gnad und Wahrheit sei. that God's word is full of grace and truth. 7 Chorale [S, A, T, B] Violino I e Oboe I/II e Tromba col Soprano, Violino II coll'Alto, Viola col Tenore, Continuo Lob und Preis sei Gott dem Vater und dem Sohn Glory and praise be to God the Father and to the Son Und dem Heilgen Geiste, and to the Holy Spirit Wie es war im Anfang, jetzt und immerdar as it was in the beginning, now and forever Und von Ewigkeit zu Ewigkeit. Amen and from eternity to eternity. Amen.
Wunderschöne Aufführung dieser kompakten doch perfekt komponierten Kirchenkantate mit gut harmonisierten Stimmen des ausgezeichneten Chors und herrlichen Stimmen vierer genialen Solisten sowie gut vereinigten und perfekt entsprechenden Tönen aller Originalinstrumente. Der intelligente und erfahrene Dirigent leitet das ausgezeichnete Barockensemble im lebhaften doch gut betrachteten Tempo und mit angenehmer Dynamik. Wundervoll vom Anfang bis zum Ende!
We should thank none others than Mary herself, and the evangelist Luke who, I'd like to think, interviewed Mary and persuaded her to tell this important part of what she had "treasured in her heart" about the origins of Jesus's birth thru her good offices. 😀 In other words she was not given vulgarly to blab intimate things to whomever. If she did consent to 'spill the beans' to Luke, I'm sure it helped that he in all things was the "Doubting Thomas," the clinical physician who would have abhored sensationalizing his medical interventions with patients who put their trust in him. So. No theologian and/or philologist I know of can explain conclusively where and how Luke, ever the believing but also the rigorous and messured clinician, got his informaton on this youthful prayer of Mary's. Maybe she had already written it down or had someone perform the service? No matter. It's the content that really matters in 2022. And what content! For one example, first have a good look at the titles of these neatly brief arias. Then take the prophecy that God the Father will [in his own due time]---His generous wheels of historical justice are slow---unseat the psychopath-unethical-cruel political leader. The libretto Bach uses is more playful, in a dark humor kind of way. Namely, said type of leader will be "knocked off his chair." I like to imagine the Dutch and/or German speaking performers getting a devilish little kick at this reformulation of the original wording of the scripture. Gospel to the people!! Like the fully protest-ant (and scrappy boy) Bach was! Alas the matter is anything but playful. Keywords "Ukraine," or "30 Years War" if you prefer. And "nuclear winter." There is much more, and the more incisive the better, to be said of this short but jam-packed prayer of Mary's. Just want to thank the Dutch NBS. For they represent a bullheadedly, freedom-loving and hospitable people if ever there waa one. A Christian people. if some individual does not confess it, or does not even know it, but behaves like Mary or Jesus: Amen! At long last we can look more to what they do than to what they say. Btw, that was just one more teaching by the most radical of them all (in my opinion). Marx's highly professional, painfully detailed analysis of the ravages of money to me is kids' stuff by comparison. "The love of money is the root of all evil" is NOT Kinderkram. Look at evil then follow the money, and "don't cry baby don't cry." (Paul Simon) Yes. This cantata breathes joy, despite the seemingly infinite sadness of the political and psychological pathologies at hand. It's why I stick with the beliefs of so many stubborn, salt of the earth ancestors. Here out in the "Wild West" they too had their share of oppressions, destructive stupidities, loss/grief, ETC. But they also treasured one reason after the other to believe that the darkside doesn't go as far as The Light. And yes they worked hard, played harder all within the basic rules of the God they worshiped. Thank Bach for the same, and for music 110% adequate to the tssk of bolstering proper "belief." Nobody has ever performed that service of encouragemrnt so doggedly but intelligently as he. And I'm.not the only one to think so.
Θαυμάσιο!! Ότι καλύτερο για την ημέρα των Χριστουγέννων. Καλά Χριστούγεννα σε όλους. Wonderful!! All the best for Christmas day. Merry Christmas to all.
i had hoped that you would publish the christmas oratorio bwv 248 right before christmas, I guess i'll have to wait till next. Still a great performance of this great cantata👌
@@bach ah ok, I thought you performed it in December 2020 already. Nevertheless, keep up the good work, I'm looking forward to Thursday every week to see what you guys are doing🙌
Wenn man bedenkt, wie wenige Menschen damals diese Aufführung überhaupt erfahren durften? In der damaligen Zeit war es üblich "Altes" zu entsorgen und in Vergessenheit zu geraten. . Erstaunlich, dass sich bis heute so vieles erhalten hat von Bach und wir es heute wieder hören können. Dank auch Mendelson Bartholdi, der diese Kompositionen Jahre später wieder entdeckt hat. Aber wer weiß, wie vieles vernichtet wurde ?
We definitely aim to provide for the english translations of the lyrics of all released works. It is time consuming though... so have patience and more and more translations will come.
Sensationelle Aufführung! Nur in der Arie Nr. 4 ist die Continuostimme etwas langweilig, die Akkorde bleiben in der eingestrichenen Oktave. Da könnte man mehr machen.
Unfortunately not. We had already planned the recording of the Christmas Oratorio last December (2020), but had to cancel it due to the lockdown. We really hope that we will be able to record this work in December next year.
All of Bach’s music represents The Divine. Would it be possible to have an English translation of the text? Would be great if we could correlate the words with the scriptural Text? This is just a thought.
Recently we started adding subtitles to our recordings bit by bit. It is a time consuming activity and our available time (and money) is limited. Therefore, we give priority to making new recordings. We plan to gradually increase the number of performances with subtitles. We have published English translations for all vocal works on our website (www.bachvereniging.nl/en/allofbach, select a work and go to the tab 'Texts'). In this way it is already possible to read the English translation of each vocal work published on All of Bach.
Thank you for your lovely words. Please find the English translation of the cantata text on our AllofBach-website. www.bachvereniging.nl/en/bwv/bwv-10 It contains a tab with 'Texts'. Thank you for your suggestion of correlating of the words with the scriptual Text. We will think about it!
Lutero - vide seu Comentário ao Magnificat (1518) e seu Hino "Sie ist mir lieb, die werte Magd" (1536) - e a Ortopraxia luterana viveram sua intensidade espiritual com Bach, representados nessa magnífica Cantata. Depois, post 1750, com a morte do grande Thomaskantor, irrompem a ortodoxia e s heterodoxia, verso e reverso da mesma moeda. Mas, como diz o clássico adágio, "scripta manent, verba volant", a Escritura está ai para que, por ela, orientes o teu caminho (Jo 14, 6).
honestly I like the version of ton koopman better- trumpet plays a very important roll in bach, this case it is the main theme : Tonus peregrinus well, in ton koopman's version the trumpet pierces through the orchestra and choir. I use this expression: the trumpet in bach is like the ridge of a mountain, it holds everything as it makes it's path, like a leader. in this version I barely hear it.
Despite the joyful nature of the piece, I find it extremely moving... the first few moments of the opening choral section brought tears to my old eyes.
0:07 Meine Seel erhebt den Herren (Chor)
3:37 Herr, der du stark und mächtig bist (Arie)
9:55 Des Höchsten Güt und Treu (Rezitativ)
11:22 Gewaltige stößt Gott vom Stuhl (Arie)
14:07 Er denket der Barmherzigkeit (Duett & choral)
16:02 Was Gott den Vätern alter Zeiten (Rezitativ)
18:08 Lob und Preis sei Gott (Choral)
When will you guys do BWV 46: Schauet Doch und Sehet?
Thanks from south Korea
Your recording engineers for sound and visuals deserve so much praise and appreciation. These recordings always exceed studio versions. You have true pros at NBS! Thanks
Long have I felt those people should come out and take a bow. The recorded sound is always spectacular.
Hilversum is THE place to be; check out The Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision etc etc etc.
The problem with this project is that, once you watch one performance, you end up getting dragged into watching another and another until you're up into the small hours.
... and you can listen to each piece again and again as there is so much to appreciate bar by bar!
Masterpieces have no time limit to be appreciated.
There are no problems!! Savour the experience, and thank God for the technology that can be put to such beneficial use!
Up into the small hours lost in the wonder and beauty of the music so excellently performed and presented
For Christmas the best!
Netherlands Bach Society continues to amaze me with the superb quality of every single performance. Absolutely beautiful!
Simply, Bach was a legend born personality. All of his works are so precious for me. Every time i listen to his music, i feel that i am sitting in a church praying God and surrounded by angels. I am so thankful to God for giving a gift to the whole world as Bach. Besides, this choral performance was also superb with excellent soloists. Thanks for uploading.
Listening to this in the early morning before the sun is up. What a beautiful way to ease into the day. Thank you for this beautiful video. 💚
You should listen to "Watchet auf" for such times
Yes to Morning Bach! I'm a few days short of 80 & I've been doing it since I was 20!
Despite the joyful nature of the piece, I find it extremely moving... the first few moments of the opening choral section brought tears to my old eyes.
Joy can be moving as much as despair
Well said.
Oh my this is beautiful! Just love it and am now playing it for the third time! It's delicious and has zero calories!
More importantly no carbohydrates or sugar! I say that after switching to a Keto diet this year, I haven't had so much energy and mental clarity since I was a teenager. My appreciation for such performances of Bach is greater. Hopefully the reduction of risk of diseases, from diabetes, cancer, alzheimers, etc. will allow me to continue to enjoy such performances for a long time, whilst sharing my time with people I love, contributing whatever I can.
Such cohesion and joy! It translates the spirit of Bachs message.
I don't think I have heard anything more beautiful than this! Amazing performance Netherlands Bach Society!
Try bwv; 119, 3, 54 and many more
@@Reino_X Thank you
@@porit1023 another good one is BWV 42
@@Reino_X also BWV 34, 191 , 50 , 4 , 15....(listen to all his Cantatas ,for sure you might discover many more than those stated here)
Bach reminds me that by the time I’ve eaten my cereal breakfast in the morning, he finished a cantata movement
The proverbial 10,000 hours to master an instrument, multiply that by the number of musicians/vocalists, can any gratitude match that in equal measure! You made my Christmas Season. Ever in your debt NBS!
Merci, quel merveille !! 19 minutes de pur bonheur. C'est magnifique.
So beautiful ... Great conductor and great performers!
The bass aria with the basson and the cello is fantastic.
Amazing. Amazing as always. Excellent sound production. Thank you.
One of the most beautiful and glorious of all Bach's Cantatas.
Perfect ensemble, what a performance, what a joy. Thank you.
A music made from heaven, so exhilirating! It's like a great Christmas gift to us :)
Absolutely beautiful !!!!! What a wonderful xmas gift !
Ô combien j 'aime ce morceau de musique grandiose , exquis : mon Bach , ces voix sublimes avec toutes leurs diversités , et cette superbe interprétation si talentueuse de tous ces instruments . J 'écouterais cela indéfiniment . Merci et bravo à tous !
Et ce "Ricain" 😉ajoute:
Wunderbar anzuhören,die Lust ist groß,ich danke für Spiel und Gesang.
Soul refreshed therapy for Christmas 🎄. Thank you!
Der Eröffnungssatz gefällt ob seiner großartigen Dynamik. Danke für die schöne Musik.
Superb throughout. Griet de Geyter didn't just perform the aria, she gave a great gift. I think the duet was recycled as a Schubler chorale.
As a happy atheist, I enjoy these vocal performances delivered in a language I don't understand.
Danke für diese wunderbare Interpretation
Wow, a full performance. Such talent, poise and artistry! Thank You for sharing. There are some unusual instruments. Excellent
Another Masterpiece by Herr Bach. Just never get tire of listening to and seeing these videos Great Work NBS/ Keep them coming
Thank you NBS for an absolutely wonderful performance 🌟
Great Work NBS! Keep them coming!
La più bella musica..... Il miglior canale che la diffonde...... Toglietemi tutto ma lasciatemi Bach......
Wonderful Bach, as always, & great performance
Lovely and incredible talent portraying Bach’s work. 👏🙏🏻🤗🍀
le dernier récitatif devient très émouvant quand il se mue en arioso. Quelle merveille que la musique de J. S. Bach!
Hermosa musica.
Amo a la sociedad Bach.
Marcus Creed is a phenomenal musician!
Cantata BWV 10
Meine Seel erhebt den Herren
English Translation in Interlinear Format
Cantata BWV 10 - My soul praises the Lord
Event: Chorale Cantata for the Feast of Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Readings: Epistle: Isaiah 11: 1-5; Gospel: Luke 1: 39-56
Text: Luke 1: 46-48 (Mvt. 1); Luke 1: 54 (Mvt. 5); Anon (Mvts. 2-4, 6-7)
Chorale Text: Meine Seele erhebet den Herren
Biblical quotations in green font, chorales in purple
Chorus [S, A, T, B]
Tromba, Oboe I/II, Violino I/II, Viola, Continuo
Meine Seel erhebt den Herren,
My soul praises the Lord,
Und mein Geist freuet sich Gottes, meines Heilandes;
and my spirit rejoices in God my saviour;
Denn er hat seine elende Magd angesehen.
for he has looked upon his wretched handmaiden.
Siehe, von nun an werden mich selig preisen alle Kindeskind.
See, from now all children's children will praise me as blessed.
Aria [Soprano]
Oboe I/II all' unisono, Violino I/II, Viola, Continuo
Herr, der du stark und mächtig bist,
Lord, you who are strong and mighty,
Gott, dessen Name heilig ist,
God, whose name is holy,
Wie wunderbar sind deine Werke!
how wonderful are your works!
Du siehest mich Elenden an,
You look upon me in my wretchedness,
Du hast an mir so viel getan,
you have done so much for me
Daß ich nicht alles zähl und merke.
that I cannot count and realise all.
Recitative [Tenor]
Des Höchsten Güt und Treu
The goodness and faithfulness of the most high God
Wird alle Morgen neu
is new every morning
Und währet immer für und für
and lasts always for ever and ever
Bei denen, die allhier
for those who here
Auf seine Hilfe schaun
look to his help
Und ihm in wahrer Furcht vertraun.
and trust him in sincere fear.
Hingegen übt er auch Gewalt
On the other hand he also uses force
Mit seinem Arm
with his own arm
An denen, welche weder kalt
on those who are neither cold
Noch warm
nor warm
Im Glauben und im Lieben sein;
in faith and in loving;
Die nacket, bloß und blind,
those people, naked, bare and blind,
Die voller Stolz und Hoffart sind,
those who are full of pride and arrogance,
Will seine Hand wie Spreu zerstreun.
his hand scatters like chaff.
Aria [Bass]
Gewaltige stößt Gott vom Stuhl
God thrusts the mighty from the seat
Hinunter in den Schwefelpfuhl;
down into the sulphurous pool;
Die Niedern pflegt Gott zu erhöhen,
God is accustomed to raise the lowly
Daß sie wie Stern am Himmel stehen.
so that they become like stars in heaven/in the sky
Die Reichen läßt Gott bloß und leer,
God leaves the rich bare and empty,
Die Hungrigen füllt er mit Gaben,
he fills the hungry with gifts
Daß sie auf seinem Gnadenmeer
so that on his sea of grace they
Stets Reichtum und die Fülle haben.
always have riches and abundance.
Duetto (e Choral) [Alto, Tenor]
Tromba e Oboe I/II all' unisono, Continuo
Er denket der Barmherzigkeit
He remembers his mercy
Und hilft seinem Diener Israel auf.
and raises up his servant Israel.
Recitative [Tenor]
Violino I/II, Viola, Continuo
Was Gott den Vätern alter Zeiten
What God to the fathers of old
Geredet und verheißen hat,
has spoken and promised
Erfüllt er auch im Werk und in der Tat.
he also accomplishes in act and deed.
Was Gott dem Abraham,
What God to Abraham,
Als er zu ihm in seine Hütten kam,
when he came to him in his huts,
Versprochen und geschworen,
promised and swore.
Ist, da die Zeit erfüllet war, geschehen.
has happened, since the time was fulfilled.
Sein Same mußte sich so sehr
His seed had to spread out so ver y much
Wie Sand am Meer
like the sand in the sea
Und Stern am Firmament ausbreiten,
andlike the stars in the sky,
Der Heiland ward geboren,
the saviour was born,
Das ewge Wort ließ sich im Fleische sehen,
the eternal Word allowed himself to be seen in the flesh
Das menschliche Geschlecht von Tod und allem Bösen
to free the human race from death and all evil
Und von des Satans Sklaverei
and from Satan's slavery
Aus lauter Liebe zu erlösen;
out of pure love;
Drum bleibt's darbei,
and so it remains
Daß Gottes Wort voll Gnad und Wahrheit sei.
that God's word is full of grace and truth.
Chorale [S, A, T, B]
Violino I e Oboe I/II e Tromba col Soprano, Violino II coll'Alto, Viola col Tenore, Continuo
Lob und Preis sei Gott dem Vater und dem Sohn
Glory and praise be to God the Father and to the Son
Und dem Heilgen Geiste,
and to the Holy Spirit
Wie es war im Anfang, jetzt und immerdar
as it was in the beginning, now and forever
Und von Ewigkeit zu Ewigkeit. Amen
and from eternity to eternity. Amen.
Merci 👍🏻
I so appreciate you posting these texts as it makes all the difference. Thank you!
@@TheTmackey My pleasure!
A pleasure to listen to.
Thank you Griet!
This is the real beauty of Christmas. Thank you always for bringing wonderful performance. I always enjoy your videos.
Всегда слушаю с большим удовольствием
Meine Seel erhebt den Herren! Excelente
Bach estaria orgullós de vosaltres. El Geni segueix viu. Gràcies per oferir aquesta meravellosa versió. Bon Nadal. 🌟🌟🌹🌹🌺🌺
Awesome 👍 music 🎵🎶🎵🎶🎵🎶🎵🎶
Even in this day and age
Wunderschöne Aufführung dieser kompakten doch perfekt komponierten Kirchenkantate mit gut harmonisierten Stimmen des ausgezeichneten Chors und herrlichen Stimmen vierer genialen Solisten sowie gut vereinigten und perfekt entsprechenden Tönen aller Originalinstrumente. Der intelligente und erfahrene Dirigent leitet das ausgezeichnete Barockensemble im lebhaften doch gut betrachteten Tempo und mit angenehmer Dynamik. Wundervoll vom Anfang bis zum Ende!
So beautiful and cheerful, even playful. Love it!
We should thank none others than Mary herself, and the evangelist Luke who, I'd like to think, interviewed Mary and persuaded her to tell this important part of what she had "treasured in her heart" about the origins of Jesus's birth thru her good offices. 😀 In other words she was not given vulgarly to blab intimate things to whomever. If she did consent to 'spill the beans' to Luke, I'm sure it helped that he in all things was the "Doubting Thomas," the clinical physician who would have abhored sensationalizing his medical interventions with patients who put their trust in him.
So. No theologian and/or philologist I know of can explain conclusively where and how Luke, ever the believing but also the rigorous and messured clinician, got his informaton on this youthful prayer of Mary's. Maybe she had already written it down or had someone perform the service?
No matter. It's the content that really matters in 2022. And what content! For one example, first have a good look at the titles of these neatly brief arias. Then take the prophecy that God the Father will [in his own due time]---His generous wheels of historical justice are slow---unseat the psychopath-unethical-cruel political leader. The libretto Bach uses is more playful, in a dark humor kind of way. Namely, said type of leader will be "knocked off his chair." I like to imagine the Dutch and/or German speaking performers getting a devilish little kick at this reformulation of the original wording of the scripture. Gospel to the people!! Like the fully protest-ant (and scrappy boy) Bach was! Alas the matter is anything but playful. Keywords "Ukraine," or "30 Years War" if you prefer.
And "nuclear winter."
There is much more, and the more incisive the better, to be said of this short but jam-packed prayer of Mary's. Just want to thank the Dutch NBS. For they represent a bullheadedly, freedom-loving and hospitable people if ever there waa one. A Christian people. if some individual does not confess it, or does not even know it, but behaves like Mary or Jesus: Amen! At long last we can look more to what they do than to what they say. Btw, that was just one more teaching by the most radical of them all (in my opinion). Marx's highly professional, painfully detailed analysis of the ravages of money to me is kids' stuff by comparison. "The love of money is the root of all evil" is NOT Kinderkram. Look at evil then follow the money, and "don't cry baby don't cry." (Paul Simon)
Yes. This cantata breathes joy, despite the seemingly infinite sadness of the political and psychological pathologies at hand. It's why I stick with the beliefs of so many stubborn, salt of the earth ancestors. Here out in the "Wild West" they too had their share of oppressions, destructive stupidities, loss/grief, ETC. But they also treasured one reason after the other to believe that the darkside doesn't go as far as The Light. And yes they worked hard, played harder all within the basic rules of the God they worshiped.
Thank Bach for the same, and for music 110% adequate to the tssk of bolstering proper "belief." Nobody has ever performed that service of encouragemrnt so doggedly but intelligently as he. And I'm.not the only one to think so.
Quel Aria magnifique, tout un accompagnement! J'adore, je pleure d'émotion!😘
Stupenda esecuzione , la cantata è ..., lasciamo perdere le parole sono finite per magnificare le cantate di Bach.
J'adore le violoniste japonais ! Quel talent !
Θαυμάσιο!! Ότι καλύτερο για την ημέρα των Χριστουγέννων. Καλά Χριστούγεννα σε όλους. Wonderful!! All the best for Christmas day. Merry Christmas to all.
Wonderful! Love the soprano aria!
Merry Christmas and Happy New year!!!!!
Eagle-eared listeners may recognize the theme of the first Chor as it was quoted in the first movement of Mozart’s Requiem!
It is the ancient psalm chant known as the 'Tonus Peregrinus'.
Guy Cutting, wonderful "Was Gott den Vätern alter Zeiten". Very touching
trop de vibrato : pas très baroque ! Belle voix cependant
No me canso de escuchar esto es bellisimo .
Thank you, NBS! Merry Christmas to all. From South Africa.
Excellent comme d'habitude
I love the arched eyebrow on the organ player. It means he's serious
Alles sehr schön, danke für Aufnahme
Another heavenly Baroque..
Herr Bach received the music cheats from above .
Hoffnung, Freude,Kraft
All l have to say is, thanks. For the video. From D.R.
i had hoped that you would publish the christmas oratorio bwv 248 right before christmas, I guess i'll have to wait till next.
Still a great performance of this great cantata👌
Same 😄
We hope to record the Christmas Oratorio in December 2022!
@@bach ah ok, I thought you performed it in December 2020 already.
Nevertheless, keep up the good work, I'm looking forward to Thursday every week to see what you guys are doing🙌
@@bach 🤞🏼 thankyou for this beautiful recording anyway!
@@bach the sinfonia to that one is incredible
Demasido hermoso ❤
I like the intro it's magnificent the 2nd part not so much but most definitely feel Bachs music in the first
Excellent ...
Wenn man bedenkt, wie wenige Menschen damals diese Aufführung überhaupt erfahren durften?
In der damaligen Zeit war es üblich "Altes" zu entsorgen und in Vergessenheit zu geraten. . Erstaunlich, dass sich bis heute so vieles erhalten hat von Bach und wir es heute wieder hören können. Dank auch Mendelson Bartholdi, der diese Kompositionen Jahre später wieder entdeckt hat.
Aber wer weiß, wie vieles vernichtet wurde ?
July second was the traditional feast of the the Visitation, not the Annunciation. The Annunciation is celebrated on March 25th.
WELL PLAYED THE NEDDIES!! Griet de Geyter.... WOW!! In fact the Neds are soloists or as good as here.
I meant to say ALL the Neds.
😅 Griet De Geyter is Belgian, but close enough
Un placer!!
Bach was the Secretariat of music.
Absolutelly love this project, but i still miss the captions... english and spanish, if could be possible, please 🙏
We definitely aim to provide for the english translations of the lyrics of all released works. It is time consuming though... so have patience and more and more translations will come.
Sensationelle Aufführung! Nur in der Arie Nr. 4 ist die Continuostimme etwas langweilig, die Akkorde bleiben in der eingestrichenen Oktave. Da könnte man mehr machen.
Please add the subtitles with the lyrics
Are we going to see the Christmas Oratorio soon? :)
Unfortunately not. We had already planned the recording of the Christmas Oratorio last December (2020), but had to cancel it due to the lockdown. We really hope that we will be able to record this work in December next year.
@@bach Thank you anyway for this beautiful piece
Anyone catch the similarity between the opening chorale melody here and the Mozart Requiem's opening movement at "Te decet hymnus, Deus, in Sion." =)
Great But is that US House of Representatives member Paul Gosar (R-AZ) on the double base?
Hello, are you on Spotify ?
All of Bach’s music represents The Divine. Would it be possible to have an English translation of the text? Would be great if we could correlate the words with the scriptural Text? This is just a thought.
Recently we started adding subtitles to our recordings bit by bit. It is a time consuming activity and our available time (and money) is limited. Therefore, we give priority to making new recordings. We plan to gradually increase the number of performances with subtitles.
We have published English translations for all vocal works on our website (www.bachvereniging.nl/en/allofbach, select a work and go to the tab 'Texts'). In this way it is already possible to read the English translation of each vocal work published on All of Bach.
Thank you for your lovely words. Please find the English translation of the cantata text on our AllofBach-website. www.bachvereniging.nl/en/bwv/bwv-10 It contains a tab with 'Texts'. Thank you for your suggestion of correlating of the words with the scriptual Text. We will think about it!
Même le soprano chante bien !!
Just a dozen choristers - it works because they are all professionals.
Lutero - vide seu Comentário ao Magnificat (1518) e seu Hino "Sie ist mir lieb, die werte Magd" (1536) - e a Ortopraxia luterana viveram sua intensidade espiritual com Bach, representados nessa magnífica Cantata. Depois, post 1750, com a morte do grande Thomaskantor, irrompem a ortodoxia e s heterodoxia, verso e reverso da mesma moeda. Mas, como diz o clássico adágio, "scripta manent, verba volant", a Escritura está ai para que, por ela, orientes o teu caminho (Jo 14, 6).
honestly I like the version of ton koopman better- trumpet plays a very important roll in bach, this case it is the main theme : Tonus peregrinus
well, in ton koopman's version the trumpet pierces through the orchestra and choir. I use this expression: the trumpet in bach is like the ridge of a mountain, it holds everything as it makes it's path, like a leader.
in this version I barely hear it.
Could have been called "Ein Deutsches Magnificat"
Te decet hymnus ...
Despite the joyful nature of the piece, I find it extremely moving... the first few moments of the opening choral section brought tears to my old eyes.