CERN and the LHC (Large Hadron Collider)

  • Опубліковано 30 жов 2007
  • This video talks about the collimators used in the tunnel of the Large Hadron Collider or LHC. The LHC is the biggest supercollider in the world and is also be largest machine in the world. Engineers at CERN chose National Instruments products to control the collimators.


  • @joerules22
    @joerules22 15 років тому

    I cant wait till the LHC starts running again. Its very exciting!

  • @AZURA888
    @AZURA888 16 років тому

    A short trip of a proton, but a gigantic jump for the humanity!! ;).

  • @igenther99
    @igenther99 13 років тому

    I think this thing is gonna turn to be a friggin time machine

  • @mmysticus
    @mmysticus 16 років тому

    These people simply don't know what to do with their money.
    Finding cure for Tunnel vision is more important, it can make people with partial vision see, actually! This is such lavishness!

  • @seventhflatfive
    @seventhflatfive 16 років тому

    Indeed, quite sad it has to be delayed that long. Well, the good thing is that it's only a matter of time until the first results starts showing.

  • @ueks69
    @ueks69 16 років тому

    retroreflector, a mirror-like instrument that reflects light & other radiation back to the source, is used as a sensor to detect the presence of hazardous gases in oil development, chemical plants, waste storage sites & locations where gases could be released into the environment.
    These are but a few of the spinoffs you can research the history off, at NASA website, where the quotes come from.
    The LHC willask big questions and give us amazing answers, for the benefit of us all.

  • @Quandary121
    @Quandary121 16 років тому

    A speck of polonium in molten rock can be compared to an Alka-Seltzer dropped into a glass of water. The beginning of effervescence is equated to the moment that polonium atoms began to emit radiactive particles. In molten rock the traces of those radioactive particles would disappear as quickly as the Alka-Seltzer bubbles in water. But if the water were instantly frozen, the bubbles would be preserved.

  • @chuqyv12
    @chuqyv12 16 років тому

    Spot on S197V6TT

  • @seventhflatfive
    @seventhflatfive 16 років тому

    We're gonna need crowbars for all those headcrabs.

  • @rothkoaintdead
    @rothkoaintdead 13 років тому

    @TeamFortressKilla i sympathise completely. USA is such a big, important contributor to science and industry, but we have no clear idea of their quantities until we convert their units. it sucks but at least it keeps our brains excercised!

  • @ueks69
    @ueks69 16 років тому

    Advanced Insulation barriers, used on every plane, train, ships and cars today.
    Water purification technology used to help in areas where water is scarse and poluted.
    Vacuum metallizing techniques , used on food to help it from decay.
    Cooling suits, used by peopleworking with hazardous materials, and people with health problems.(continued)

  • @fistchat
    @fistchat 13 років тому

    The LHC is amazing. I’m betting they won’t find the higgs boson and will have to build another machine and start all over again.

  • @Destro7000
    @Destro7000 16 років тому

    XD yeah, before we learn magical, magical things!

  • @higreentj
    @higreentj 16 років тому

    I think of space like a net curtain. A ten dimensional space and one time dimension. I do not think that time travel is possible,because of the knowledge paradox,yet a sort of time travel would be possible in a multiverse,which I do believe exists. Let us hope that CERN can show us the true nature of reality.

  • @schuey999
    @schuey999 16 років тому

    And what's wrong with that? - The Geico Cavemen

  • @PlatonicWanderer
    @PlatonicWanderer 16 років тому

    Repair is the least problem. They'll need to cool off the LHC, and then comes the winter maintenance, so it'll probably restart in the spring of 2009 which is such a bummer...

  • @3ichard103
    @3ichard103 16 років тому

    without them you wouldn't be able to write this message...

  • @SaunaFinland
    @SaunaFinland 14 років тому

    Well, people asked this all the time with "scientific projects" like LHC.
    These are some benefits we gained from these projects:
    internet, computer, TV, cd, plasma, led, blue ray, gps, potato chips bags, polaroid sunglasses, cure for cancer by radiation, wireless stuff, and ofcourse further the knowledge of physics, which helps us create other fun stuff.

  • @Nijugarami
    @Nijugarami 16 років тому

    When this blows up we will find out whats "Big Bang" :P

  • @citrele
    @citrele 15 років тому


  • @Quandary121
    @Quandary121 16 років тому

    The occurrence of these polonium halos, then, distinctly implies that our earth was formed in a very short time, in complete harmony with the biblical record of creation

  • @blink182blink182love
    @blink182blink182love 15 років тому

    i bet the big bang happened when switz pressed a button lol

  • @ardorslein
    @ardorslein 15 років тому

    They did it and it broke....I was wondering since they are causing fusion to happen if it will be applied to days power systems or will they just ignore it....

  • @Quandary121
    @Quandary121 16 років тому

    The following simple analogy will show how these polonium microspheres - or halos - contradict the evolutionary belief that granites formed as hot magma slowly cooled over millions of years. To the contrary, this analogy demonstrates how these halos provide unambiguous evidence of both an almost instantaneous creation of granites and the young age of the earth.

  • @ueks69
    @ueks69 16 років тому

    The direct spinoffs, from the Apollo program, has helped humanity advance on so many levels.
    without it, we would proberly not have Kidney dialysis machines , sophisticated MRI and CAT scannign equipment, used today in advanced medicine.
    Programs for advanced cardiovascular training, used in Rehabs all over he world, i use them on my own patients.
    The cook/chill concept for hospital food.
    Freeze dried food, helping countless of millions of hunger victims all over the world(continued)

  • @Quandary121
    @Quandary121 16 років тому

    Likewise polonium halos could have formed only if the rapidly effervescing specks of polonium had been instantly encased in solid rock An exceedingly large number of polonium halos are embedded in granites around the world. Just as frozen Alka-Seltzer bubbles would be clear evidence of the quick-freezing of the water, so are these many polonium halos undeniable evidence that a sea of primordial matter quickly "froze" into solid granite.

  • @seventhflatfive
    @seventhflatfive 16 років тому

    What's a practicule?

  • @jjld90
    @jjld90 14 років тому

    so it's already 2010, what have they found?

  • @sirnicholson
    @sirnicholson 15 років тому

    so yes it is possible in the future just like i said.thank you

  • @Hugostar82
    @Hugostar82 15 років тому

    do they know when they are going to turn it on? i cant wait either

  • @PneumaNoose
    @PneumaNoose 16 років тому

    comments like this make my minute. thanks.

  • @LastDemain
    @LastDemain 13 років тому

    On day I will work there, mark my words.

  • @HiAdrian
    @HiAdrian 16 років тому

    That's all, no other use. It always brings a small advancement in technology though.
    It runs for maybe a decade though, so don't think this is some detonation device that causes a single event only to get shut off again.

  • @Zer0360
    @Zer0360 16 років тому

    Yea, we also thought titanic was the un-sinkable ship.

  • @grant11102
    @grant11102 15 років тому

    the main hadron collision thats will proov higgs boson has been set back till 2010 onwards but miny collisions should take place in may onwards but they dont think they will be able to keep to that time lol

  • @subpoprec
    @subpoprec 14 років тому

    lol, you can still learn metrics. I'm from the US and I'm starting to get the hang of it from chem classes and bio classes.

  • @wotchadave
    @wotchadave 16 років тому

    You should research more into this, most of the things that could go wrong have themselves been proven wrong. The mini black holes should evaporate pretty much instantly. The only thing I'd be worried about is time paradoxes, but with particles so small, and energies used so low (Compared to Earth and the Universe), nothing could go wrong.

  • @lifeofLeeG
    @lifeofLeeG 16 років тому

    Well it looks like we're all fkd, later peeps, have a good one!!!

  • @StefThomasOne
    @StefThomasOne 16 років тому

    yes you're right,people believe to what Media and Ignorant people say & do not ask explenations to those who really know the answers.I hate those people who say that we shouldn't do this experiment because we don't need to know how it all started,cause on their opinion it means to renegade God & religion,& they also say that it is not our business...I'm religious but I study Chemistry too and I know the importance of research...without Science & research we wouldn't be here

  • @boxa888
    @boxa888 16 років тому

    the only difference between teslas and these scientist is that he slowly brought huge energy together not instant destruction of energy in this system, that could make a totally different senario.

  • @seventhflatfive
    @seventhflatfive 16 років тому

    Ah, I see your enlightened highness looks down on us simpletons. If you're not here to answer my questions then don't try like a madman to provide answers.
    Although my nickname is actually an album by a band called Lethal, I do take your comment as a compliment. Thank you.
    Let me ask you though, do you use your heightened spiritual consciousness when modding turbos on Mustangs, or is it not needed there?

  • @betterthansexo0
    @betterthansexo0 16 років тому

    doesnt this happen tomorrow?

  • @seventhflatfive
    @seventhflatfive 16 років тому

    One more thing.
    I prefer using the scientific method here. Since there is no way to observe, experiment or test the hypothesis of existing (sentient or not) extraterrestrial lifeforms, I'll keep my beliefs to myself. I could discuss these matters out of pure enjoyment for the sake of the conversation, but I wouldn't go as far as to provide my thoughts as startling facts. And no, I certainly wouldn't call a "heretic" insane in this case.

  • @HiAdrian
    @HiAdrian 13 років тому

    TeamFortressKilla's comment is somewhat tragic, in that it shows, that there are far bigger issues than the general public's adoption the metric system.

  • @seventhflatfive
    @seventhflatfive 16 років тому

    So, to conclude. There is no need to draw a parallel between rational thinking and the lack of a free mind. Because I assure you, was it not for certain individuals that went above instinctive thinking and weren't afraid of fire, you wouldn't be sitting here expressing your thoughts like a free man.

  • @madzndean
    @madzndean 16 років тому

    This could cause so serious problems

  • @despikyxd
    @despikyxd 12 років тому

    if you have problems to virualize what a METER and a GRAMM is ... lets do follow math
    1 Meter = 3,2808399 ft -> 1 kiloMeter = 1 Meter x 1000
    1 kiloGramm is a block of water at its "highest" destiny of 1kg/dm³ of the size of 1/10 m each side
    in other words
    1 kiloGramm is the weight water have at highest destiny in a block of 0,32ft side-length
    hope this helps ...

  • @iambored5
    @iambored5 16 років тому

    with them i wont be able to tomroow (maybe) :D

  • @StefThomasOne
    @StefThomasOne 16 років тому

    so we still have one month hope :-) I think everything will be all right, it's just panic for something that people can't understand, but nothing will happen,scientists know what they do (hopefully)...

  • @BradE17
    @BradE17 15 років тому

    If the world ends in 2012 i'm totally blaming it on these guys.

  • @1killzone1
    @1killzone1 16 років тому

    the test starts at 8:30 europe time. the test will take 9 hours

  • @Capcanister
    @Capcanister 16 років тому

    Haha i got the same though :D BTW ain't the test going to be today?

  • @MarkCliffeIsGay
    @MarkCliffeIsGay 15 років тому

    ya well, it probably won't go until early 2010 or late 2009

  • @Thoko21333
    @Thoko21333 16 років тому

    Ich wünsche euch viel Glück und hoffe das es sehr gute Informationen gibt. Bisher habt ihr ja echt sehr lobenswerte Arbeit geleistet, egal welche Kritiker es gibt. Einfach Klasse !
    It will be great...can't wait until the collision and the informations ! Don't listen to all the idiots who diffuse fear and's often should the world go under ??? And a good...omg who believes on shit like that ????

  • @HiAdrian
    @HiAdrian 16 років тому

    also: they're.

  • @PlatonicWanderer
    @PlatonicWanderer 15 років тому

    Really? But I have read that the first high-energy collisions were supposed to take place in October. On wikipedia. Though by now, it's edited due to a helium accident.

  • @sirnicholson
    @sirnicholson 15 років тому

    shrink it mount a mother ship on top and move it into outerspace.think about it.

  • @georged31
    @georged31 16 років тому

    i'm actually dead...

  • @tanenying
    @tanenying 16 років тому

    yeah, sure you did

  • @sirnicholson
    @sirnicholson 15 років тому

    and no we cant consider such a thing.or did you mean yes it is possible in the future

  • @5kylord
    @5kylord 16 років тому

    matcheck: well spoken. Religion has been the biggest oppressor of scientific advancement throughout history. At least nowadays the makers of the Hadron Collider don't have to worry about being burned at the stake for being a witch or worlock by some twisted closed minded religious zealot who would rather have us all living in the dark ages. To each their own has always been my motto. If you must believe in a God that's great just don't get in the way of progress while doing it. ~ Jay M.

  • @lauris47
    @lauris47 13 років тому

    its bad that people know this just from movie or book

  • @CrAnSwIcK
    @CrAnSwIcK 15 років тому

    rofl...thumbs up

  • @johntico1985
    @johntico1985 16 років тому

    lol, u guys are nerds!
    thats a compliment by the way :D
    we need our nerds :)

  • @sirnicholson
    @sirnicholson 15 років тому

    if i say todo something i dont mean do it yesturday or ten minutes ago if it is a second later then it is in the future.i think your starting to understand.hang in there

  • @mrduckfatty
    @mrduckfatty 12 років тому

    physics rox !!!!!!!

  • @AlexPo1234
    @AlexPo1234 16 років тому

    нам всем хана)) осталось 4 дня))

  • @bgaede
    @bgaede 16 років тому

    2. What is this magical stuff called the strong nuclear force. Please DRAW this sucker for me so we're all on the same wavelength. I want to SEE a mockup of this physical paste.
    3. Wave? How do you accelerate a verb?

  • @Mendel73
    @Mendel73 14 років тому

    it won't harm anyone.....

  • @crazyphilx86
    @crazyphilx86 16 років тому

    tutti e due italiani!grande!! migliorare un po' la pronuncia inglese non guasterebbe

  • @PlatonicWanderer
    @PlatonicWanderer 16 років тому

    Nazalost, zbog incidenta s helijumom, izgleda da ce kolizije biti odlozene za prolece 2009.

  • @2LegHumanist
    @2LegHumanist 16 років тому

    Don't worry. You won't feel a thing =)

  • @surfininalaska
    @surfininalaska 16 років тому

    i really dont see why we need to know what the universe is made of.............

  • @tapelegs
    @tapelegs 13 років тому

    @TeamFortressKilla I think the problems with the american education system run far deeper than our system of weights and measures.

  • @edyersh
    @edyersh 16 років тому

    The people of Europe don't give a crap about "What's the origin of the mass of particles", "Why a particle is more heavy than another one". Hey Europe, spend money on cool stuff like a space elevator or a moon shuttle, or an orbiting space hotel.

  • @01synergist
    @01synergist 16 років тому

    Aus der Quantenphysik wissen wir
    - oft ist weniger bedeutend mehr !
    Ich glaube diesen Reim merk ich mir
    lies auch Du das Buch vom "Faktor vier"
    26.04.08 francois

  • @mutationx06
    @mutationx06 15 років тому

    we are not all going to die, but Geneva will experience serious..."complications"... and unfortunately these souls have made their bed... Geneva rests between mountains in a valley which is not a stable as they think and as a consequence the machine will produce exactly what they are asking for... Great spirit see and knows all.

  • @jaredsfa2004
    @jaredsfa2004 16 років тому

    Once they turn it on, and find out what will happen...will this have any other use to us??? I mean, 5 to 10 billion dollars to either work, or not work...and then what?

  • @seventhflatfive
    @seventhflatfive 16 років тому

    I've also got to admit my first comment towards you was quite offensive. Apologies.

  • @citrele
    @citrele 15 років тому

    this questins I thing should be just the phylosophy question..Mayby..I dont want to risk a expiry of humanity/world.... It just one theory, but so spuculated that it is serious... Most poeple arent thinking about the menace of that because they dont have enough informations about that. It is not discuse like for example Wall Street todays...But I think it is so seriously that it should by conculted and listen public opinion...:p

  • @Nightsparrow626
    @Nightsparrow626 13 років тому

    @TeamFortressKilla No kidding. x3

  • @Stickfighte80
    @Stickfighte80 14 років тому

    @TeamFortressKilla 1 Kilometer is 1000 meters ;)

  • @cn560
    @cn560 16 років тому

    Well it was good while it lasted....

  • @ermuhambetcalmenov8104
    @ermuhambetcalmenov8104 3 роки тому

    Let's build another in Kazakhstan

  • @Quandary121
    @Quandary121 16 років тому

    And yes i do believe in God and thank him for my life even if you don't believe and do not OK

  • @Hilu8D
    @Hilu8D 16 років тому

    I'm scared.

  • @starview1
    @starview1 15 років тому

    This Super collider was originally to be built in Texas, but politics got in the mix and that was the end of that deal in the USA. So the EU decided to build the monster money pit and...well it is what it is when ever it is to be or do what it is if IS is what is wanted lol

  • @enkrypt3d
    @enkrypt3d 15 років тому

    a bomb? yea ohkay.

  • @theoneandonly690
    @theoneandonly690 16 років тому

    and how will it create the next generation weapon?
    what...theyr going to drop at 27Km pipe on someone?

  • @StrallyMan
    @StrallyMan 13 років тому

    LOL !

  • @Aphobis
    @Aphobis 16 років тому

    humans are gods

  • @deljugo
    @deljugo 16 років тому

    jaja tranquilo solo estaba jugando

  • @pcdsgh
    @pcdsgh 16 років тому

    bikersrule07, your age is said to be 37. you may not gain anything from this, but we would be precisely nowhere if everybody cared only about himself. they want this world a better place, and I'm sure many other people do, even some of those that are against this. nobody believed galileo, yet his findings are very important today. it's the same thing with CERN.
    And it's CERN that invented the Internet, which you apparently use.

  • @americaisawesome
    @americaisawesome 16 років тому

    you knows whats gonna happen a big crash and nothing else

  • @YouSeeMe69
    @YouSeeMe69 14 років тому

    17x2? why not just say 34 and no it wouldnt

  • @Mattd166
    @Mattd166 16 років тому

    isnt this how atom bombs work? Dont atoms collide and release extreme amounts of energy?

  • @Quandary121
    @Quandary121 16 років тому

    The Academy has vehemently opposed creation science, even claiming that the evidence for creation has been scientifically invalidated. We have repeatedly challenged the Academy to publicly explain where the polonium-halo evidence for creation has ever been scientifically invalidated. For over 15 years, they have refused to even try, for they know that their statement is insupportable when it comes to the polonium-halo evidence.

  • @tipexs
    @tipexs 16 років тому

    lets see 2001: A Space Odyssey
    human cant be so powerful as God is
    and never will be
    remember that

  • @JoshCAvionixz
    @JoshCAvionixz 16 років тому

    Well how did we get here?
    I believe in God, I don't really care if you don't, but no one can say that the Big Bang brought us here, the universe yes, but not us!

  • @samuelgeorgeturner
    @samuelgeorgeturner 16 років тому

    Lets play God shall we?